Bus Leaves Highway Crashes Into Culvert Ten Persons Injured Barrie Lodge of Perfection Holds Spring Meeting; Grand Commander Here W. H. Wnrdrnpc-, llzuni|lum_ {- 4-re-igu (lrzmd Cmmnznnla-r ml /\m"u~nt nml Am-vph-(l S:-nnish I wns mm` of Hw 1li.*:lingui: inn-u Iurn n||I nl Huh unrinxl Inm- \\ IlS NIH` U1 IIIl' IIITIIII ilmzk: [)I`l`Sl`ll| ul Hm s; of Barrio I.m|;:(~ n whivh win: In-lzl in 'l`vmplv In-rv nll (luy :11.-u nn 'l'm-. l:u_\' ul " DijI`I`1L` Duauiuaz 1:111:11: \.-luv. an-In . 20b_stating that the executive of that s uth-i Club had passed a motion upprr~vin,; y 2-Lime idea uf the 'I`r,:wri -Council In` .- play` gram permission to a boat builder e byito erect a building on Muicasteri; r. I -ssion' Wharf to be used for the manufa::-1 20b ture of boats of various kinds "pru- }i3oatbu%ilding Industry Appears in Prospect Here vL u|aII\.\. x.-zuuuu-.s.\. ... .. .. Ltion and report. I In connectinn with the matter. `Ralph Weaymnuth. serretary nf Barric Business Men's Club. wrou- 1-1\11'nr( vi-...0 `kn n-.u.m:viun nf {hm ()1 III!` lll.`ullll}.'.III:x|u'u Vlh uni spring mm-ling: 0 nf I'l`l`fl`('HIlll. nu: l|u- w1n:;..m.- H'I'I` [Vlnn and 'I`m-::l:u_\' :1l'|:-rnmm mu! _ nun- NM` :1 Kiln`, .I Iv;.< C 0 1' 0 n :1 tin n Commjittec Laudt-,(| by Town F1l'lh(3f['S For S*u(:(3(-ss A(~,hio,ved Barrie's Beer Shore Up $543 Last Year Imspmu mun` l.l'('llllnL'lll w1'rL:. J. L. Bnx1,m'. zmnrl an. 307 Gimp; ' . hnlmc Avc-nun. 'l`m'nntn; hruist-(H If '"r"'\ ""k'd' ml` 'dm' gm kmw mm "rum _ [lusk uf` wnrk may hr-t-`nrnu :\`0ml`- Hm_rv Kumwv god 55 DNM_|\xr]1::l. Ilyl uh :ul\'(-mun-(._ In-xg (u.o}. am gprmmgd Ion k":_c ' ' `I/\. ].(`l(`h|ll(`l`. 'l`m'un1n, lnlrl n`H'xn~ Lem Kay. mu." of E 0 Rm ` In-1-,-z n1 H:|I'|~|(. Kl\`VlHI.\` Club and I ` , . _ . `|h('il` lm|ic~.~: :11 :1 l..'uli(':~" NILIIII din: mm` B`.'"'.' Hrupd `mm IN ! 'md`n(-r in lhv Anwrimun Huh-I M(m-'. chest hljlll'l(?S. ` ' Mrs. William J. Slam-V H1 l.\`'ll)(~Hh i""~" """"i""5' `M M mm if 1" 1'|"` Street. 'I`nl'(m1n; In'ui.~:od right thigh 1 I(ITFN"`;'1:i":'E:(?:l. `; Gunrxzv Murvpznr dvlver of H101` . ` ` ' V` ' " ' ,' it up until the (luvs of lhmr rt-- bus, 58 Bnlfnur Avenue, '[`uruntn: mg . ` , ,. < lncermmn ahnvc IL, gym l:`1r(:(1`$::`.(l1l would h(- htllm rm I11 C. Hcwsnn Knight, 68 S1. Imnnnrrl ' ' . Rev. Mr. I.'i('hlit<-r. who pr('I'n(-(-(I /\V0.. Toronto; bl`UlRL`d right. knee. ' . ` 'T`rnffiv ffiz-nr Yvnn Sn:-nrnl` nk "9 Cn"nyn,hls_ V Jvnm ; .,.....:\ Coronation Tree Planting The above pictures were taken by The Examiner photographer at !hi:i Rock Garden. Elizabeth St.. on thr- mnrning of Cnrrmavinn Dav, Thrw .~'huw: Donald F. MacLaren, prc-1 sident of the Barrie Hm'ticullui':al, Society. Mr. Thus. Sihbald and Dr.i A. '1`. Little, standing beside the`. elm tree which Dr. Little had just! lplanted: 42 Mr. Sibbald. 93-year- lold veteran of the Fenian Raid, planting the Royal oak seedling. ' }Re(iu(:0 From A [ Per C(?I`\l.,`_ 7 |(rc:li0n'. I :r)0per of Camp Bnrdcm /\pprCciofed,' Other". Thcmked BANK RATE CUT V'VL'l1(H l' ll|`]nl| \Illl'llL. , In -nnmmxrm with Simcoe Hall. } Ald. Buchzman thought that the rout `should be flI((fd. as 11 was leaking Zbudly. causing considerable dam- Inge. This was referred to commit- `! tee. `T1n-v. vn nnrm ainhf. 11120.99) Turn vn page eight. please) 1 4 `/1 to 4 `/2. Tux CO|~ . Drop Jumcrnn pointed 1 ~11 whether this 1 Id be allowed by ` un sprmnuu mu KHUC. I Kay. Otln Rnw-; Burr" righl I'.1,{ nntl` i NT:-u \A/illiznn ,1 Qlzn-1-v H1 Iunhl-HM` FAN H J Buchan- .~-_-w- Wiles that ye '..:w_-n a salary of mi hght. water and r and I-irlnlf: fuel. for k(-r I! Simcoe Hall. the Welfare Cum- .11..-..o:.n to8 ,'V(2l If DKIUCA time after- VIKES. 5'. V143 J. Wnllen - porn uhrxr-It L.'.l. -1 -V placed 4 in nnw 1 :id(.-d mull! UK` ' the l\VL'.. AUFUIILU. K)l'UlHL'l1 Ylglll Kll{`.lY. I Traffic Officer Ivnn Spunmlm Brndl'm'd. whn invcslixzntod Hm mu? cidenl. slulud mm the tl1iI'ty-]ms-f scngur bus was prom-orlinpz north in ' chnrxze or n m-w driver. wlwn ii. met :1 tr:n1spnrl t.rnvnllinL{ in tluxf opposite (lir('(`ti(m. An cxpcrinncorl drlvur. Harry Grnndisnn. was siH,in.; > in the scat ht.-hind MvGr(:gm' at the ` l time. If '1"... pl.-inn. Inna:-u1|III\n\.luv In.-I nnnlp:-I The driver nppurcnt.l_v lost control I when the steering wheel started my "shimmy". and nnglcd off thv shnul- ' dcr M` the highwn_v intu the lhre<-- fnnl, ditch. Continuing in :1 north- urly (l'l ECH(\I1 fur a distuncv nf about fifty _vm`d:~'.. thv hus cruslurd into the end of u (-nm`.x'otc- vulvcrt nnd utter ripping it znpurl. l)(\lln(`.(`d nnothcr hvmxty {out before (:umin;,'} to rest. l T\l.. f`l .... .. `In-;\`r1\I\ ' TI-IE BARRIE E; XAMINER A i'('n1arkahh~ feature in vmnwv tinn with tho avvidunt was that. al-5 thmipzh tho hus was badly damagzi-d. partiuularl_\' in tho undcr-purti(m.;. not :1 glass in the windows wnsi hrukcn. Tho hus did not turn nvor` (-ninplotuly, or (`VON over on its` sidv. as the (trim intn the ditch was` nut great (`nnuuh tn mako it do this.i Aided by Mntm`ist.< `. insidv the hits. confusion t`c'i;:i\~` (-d. as thv ])iI.\':x`l`lU1l?l`S xvvrv tnssvd; about by thv impact. 'l`.hv injurvdi \ver0 ruslwd to Rnyal Victoria Hos-" pital. H:\l`t`il`_ hy passimc, mntnri.~ t '1` iv ()ft`i~ur Siwncvr .\`tat(' |)lHl|. I)iIl'l'll', U) }Iu.\nu|;.. uuruu-.n.. v '1`rnffiv ()f[i<'ur Spomrvr stun- ` that no ulmrgzvs had been laid ax}.-am ' l St the drivm`, and it is llndt'I'.\'lnu(l 5 that lhv Gm_\' Cunvh l'.inv.~' hnvv vx~ ' pended (`V(.`l`_\' uffort in mm` for mu 1 injured pm`.\`mL~`. 7 Barrie Bond dives Another Popular Concert; Over 700 Attend; Community Songs Over `.1.0l)0 pvuplo have attended the tlwuo indum` cm\vm`ls gin-n ls} Hzuwio (`ilr/.un.<' Band In thv lust thruv mnulhs in thv Roxy '1`lu-ulrv. which has lwvn kindly supplier! |_\v John Snsn & Suns. '1`hv last nnv ut the .~`v.'1.\'nn was hvld lust Suu(lu_\ night whvn about 700 pvnplo xvvrv present (ll`.\`p|h` u rainy ni;,:ht. und tho 1:N\rml npimun \vu.< thv n\-vs! I`vvv1\l vmwort was the lwst uf thv lnl. rm... ....,a......-.\ nun: nnitn m~nm';ll In lnl` I'lu`a1uiiom`o was quiiv g.:m\vml In cunuuonts about the st(\nd_\' im- pmvoxnunt tlw hand was mukin;.;. .-\m)luu.w xms lwurt_\' and .<\1smizwd. Thu program was very pupulur m .'Ippvul_ with tlu` svlvmlun "Rusv IvIm`i(*." hL`i1dU\1.`. the list. This \\'z\s Rudolph Frunl`:< nriglmxl zIrrzuu;v~ mam fur thv slngo p`.u_\'. not that nun ! in Olin nunvin n|'ndIIr`linn. Thk` 72nd*Year Inunl un nu` .\\ug.,\ used in thv mnvu` p huInm'm1.~' solvvtimx. Mice." and .*\ HI .......n on... A\"\lI .- nlnv wen` l\\ ll uulrxa ;nu_v..u V`. .... ........ which xvvro very much t`l1]U_\'lY(`1. The band musicians pruvod in be versatile in mi` handling of those pieces. adding vocal parts. imitating : barking dugx. birds. and so on. in` good Showmanship. 'I`lm nmm~nm bv tho band wont good Showmanship. The program by thv through without hitch. Twu stirring military marches. the well-known Colonel Bogey". and Willow Grove". were well received. In keeping with Coronation Week. the band also played Meyurbeer's Cor- qnation March". Land of Hope and Glory and an arrangement of O Canada." by Bandmaster Angelo. Major Gordon Longman was chairman for the program and his nn.-.....n..A.~ k..o..-nan nn`nI\fir\r\c cnrx-. \\ HI .`ll\l\\.` LR|(' \\\-' \u\I\..V\ \AlI(u\.Il~` who took part in tho Coronation . Day celebration at Angus. Mr. . Cl`. C`n;-urge Latimer. aged 98. and Mrs. Isabelle F`itzpatrick. aged 92. They` were brought up as children togeth- Mrs. Fitzpatrick's mother died when her hat): was five days old and Mr. Latimer`s mother took the littln mnth(=rloss air] and raised her. In the other picture is seen Reeve Frank Higgins-m planting the R0}- al oak seedling in the gun site plot. The nhnnwranhs \\'m'a= i ta]-u-in l)\' . bdll. D) Dullulllilhltl :\n5<:|U. comments between selections serv- ed not only to rest the musicians. hut also to explain the different`? Indum` (`()l\l`l?l`lS ).'1\'-n u; lw.m\.<' ulhs : I uf n `n mu. 1. vuinv nisvht zuul Cllass Hrnkvn Hll (\ 0lhvr.~' 1 ..... uull` `l\'l`||U||. l HIV! A Hunting S4 vrs played by thv on. usiciuns (Mn hnnruill ml" the umlcI'-p(n`u(n1.;. wns 1-: nvor its p xvas h In make this. vy .13. rc'i;;x\-- 4un;1ur:< tnssvd i R I :mpzu't. injurvd 11 . \ n. .1 \r...o.. .. Hum. i|.\ \'l?l_\ pup u` T! < u lngv n In nl`l\dll("il Four Remain in Hospital; None Thought Ser- 1 iously Hurt SOUTH OF STROUD .JuI_V. nun `udumiun. " 1`hruv I ...oi.. C.- ruun. |uL' `er Blmd p. Scene". ' band > zwokx MAY BE}? }AN ADVENTURE"; 1SPEAKER SAYS; i;K|WANlQUEENS N|GHT{ ,U_y HI. W. n. nniwm. unu |||nIII\\ buhulf nf lhv }.{2lHl(`l`lllL`, by T McC`.1miL:. }\'.(,',., M.P. Mnrv Ihzm hundr(.~rl nnmnrlxrd lhn bnnqur-l.. ' sitlcnt A. A. Smith was (-hnirn l'.`n6.u-Onhun:-nl ml` :1 nn!\'i1`nI `I W .1: `Leisure Should Be Enjoyed`. 1 Throughout Life, Not ; 1 Saved For End 7 | t'nnr'm'rwu. ; 3 {his talk with zm enjnynhlc vovnl`; `solo. zm [ri:~'.h air, was intrmlum-d1_ 1 by Dr. W. A. [.4-wis. and thanked in| tbuhulf ;.::tlh<-rlnu, T). I".j lM('C`.1mi;:_ }\'.(,',. mu-1 l....l :. 'u. ..r: n.,. lavxnnlu-I I`:-n. ' ;.s'1(lcn1 I\. A` hmlm was (-nnnmun I Ent.m'tuimm-m uf :1 mu:.~:i-nl n:nl.-; [LIFO was prnviclud and this fnrmodi In delightful portion of the pmxxrnrn. 2 Mia: T.ni< Rvnn rrmdcrerl an (!n-, acngmnu pnrnnn m nu: p:up.mnn. `r Miss Lois Ryan (tn- ljuyublo vocal solo. and later on in: Hhc evening. played :1 piano solo. ! vvhn (`nllinr Rn-m-I United Church lthc evening. played an piano smn. i The Collier Street United Churchg lh&ll(` q1mrt.t~t.to. (' of Alfrorl 1 Sh(?[)h(`.l`d. Victnr Knox, William` l.umlmx't and Mnrtun Knox. prnvirl-j. |ud sovurul liiulillulits. sin;.:ing us 21' 1qum`l(\tt(:. M(`SSl`S. William l.:1ml)m`tl land Vi('t<>r and Murtrm Knox. as :1 `trio, and lvlurtnn Knox :1.-< :1 Shin- ;.-o- Driver Lofsg Eontrol ofll Northbound Bus After i Passing Transport 5 Happy Coincidence In Johnston Family I ISL the \v'1nnm` in his class of the H`- uunl York Cuunly Musiv I"c. rondurud an (lulipzhlful violin solo. Pnst President W. .1. Craig: "l)rnu;1ht (lmvn thv hm1s("` with an Mnstor Vernon Suadun. who \\'ns' imprumpm . "I Wzmt a Girl." in` fnlsuttu \'ni('v. us dmnundvd by snngluadcr E. A Ryan. lIlstm'_v R1-.pt-:1L~: Itself Qut-on Vi(-tnrin vnnw tn tlw British lhmnv in 1837, and was ('rn\m'md on Juno 28, 1838. Hm urt-::l urm1rl.\'nn, (`;(~m-g-- VI, was (`l`0Wll(`(l nn May 12. 0 11'1"] i them:-.<. F`..l I inn um: William .Ir>hn.~;l<`>n. fntht-r of E. H. JuhlI.\'lulI, H:u'rit~_ and (H-0, G. .Inhn: MilI(`SillL;. was lmrn in Kingxhm rm Jun!" 28, l8.'i_ Ihv (lay Quvt-n Vi:-~ nu-6:. uruc 1-rrnulu-(I Inn] :1 (.5, IIIJIL Ill!` (lily l4{|l|'l`l| VII` tnrin w:ns (`l`UWlH'(l.1Ill(l zt [.EI`(-HI-Lfl`:lnr|xnn was hnrn In Royal Vit-tnrin llnspitnl. Hm"- I`il`, in Mr. unrl Mrs. \V:n|hm Y..I\....l.... n..,.I L`......I ..n T\/luv I I1._VL:r~ . `mldimn muvh I `lmvk ft ` 'l'ul'1'm`(1 I` I\1\ I'll`. HI lVll'. illlll lVll.\. VVllI|`IIl Jnlmslnn, I :-r~| Strm~l. un May 12, ISIB7, lhr- d:|_v Qm-I-n Viv- tnri::'.x' p;n-at-pzmnnrlsun war. .-.-nun-/I 1 1. ll\'\\' lL`(IlUIl ducud In the prn `.-inn-, .n.n \MiH\ Whvn in Gray (lunch Lino nnr|h-1 bound bus WOIII. (ml of ('unh`nI uni King's Highway ll. hull` n milv; south of Strand. about 10 um. yes- tcrdny, leaving the pavement. and plunging: into :1 thrm--fun! ditch ml! the oust side of the mad und r:rn.~'.h- ` ing into the and nf n <-rm0r(.~tt- 1-ul-` vurt, ton porsnrns wm1- iHjIll't'(l anrl` remover! to Royal Viclnrin I`[n. ` Bnrrlt-. AH:-r Inzu/inn Hulir ininrinx` fh`(:K- uucuu nu nu` pu-;;..-nu. ` .\`il)g'-SIHILI. With E. A. I `l`:1(lm`. H ('mIl1ln'l mix ` \vvro 1'lu.\'lu~d on the >1 nudivlwv ontvrud into f:|\gu1iitt`.~2 with gusto. u I1\lII'!` :\m.:u.~' ` dunv mu 1 ' ` `The loft picture reproduced here- ;\\'ith shows the two oldest citizens {who in \ Y\u\- :\s\lnh!':xHnn :4? Angus. Ml`. 1 At Angus Tree Planting `.31 03K t`(:`Cl1lng In HR.` gun .\ALc' pun, The photographs \\'ere taken by. `Jack Crawford. a member of The `Examiner staff. IK Ill Wu` \IIn_\ nun n u old F.n1.:lish luvv snug`. 'Ihv` 1191` vn_'|nyu(l lhv qunrh~1t4~ so llu-y won` heartily upplzlurivd fur a third mnnbor. l.ln_wlI rrd actor! as :u:mn\pznus1 now fuulurv lm`:1I|_\' was intru- .) 9.. H... I\l`l\lII` II\\ :: mnnvnnni!\' \\'ns '.rai;.r u Con(hlr`1(~r It (`mm is III was I Dvpnr1.m( 1 F01 lnwi /\tl.m'm`}' il.m`::` detail. , pI'(`:u'nI } Ill ` l`(`] 1 Expenditure For Reliefl Getting Dowh to Bottom; Men Placed On Highway Relief expenditure ln Barrio is getting pretty well down to a mini- mum. practically every emplnynble man having been removed from the mll and working for himsolt'. These include -a number recently placed by the Welt :n'e l)ep:u'tmt-nt with the (tm1t1'n('tnr:< in construction work on l(ing's llighwny 2?, south of Allnnrlzllo, at 35 cents per hnur wngzes. ,A.'.... In H... tnnnlrlir I't'\I\l|I`. nl Hnrrlr-. After having their injuri0:~: th`(`.`:.\ - ed. six of tho ton W(`l`!` nhlo In lmnvv } tho hnspilznl 2mr.l rr1`1n'n tn l.h(~ir ` homes. Tu`n|u- In H'ncnHnl 'l)l'll ll'll`]1lll1 E fi(.`<', Tlrlwllll) E 'l`|u- ll('\/V I` `slum-_\' and Hun-_ :m by `land F-illl:I|('(I [.\`(~nl. plum :u itu Lhv lmw. ". `l'IHIllII).', I`lI|"|l).;ll 1B:u'ri(-_ (`)r|lli.': | lr:wlnx's .sulm'nl 1':I|'('|1ilv('.L is F. Ht-ll '1`:-It-plmlw : ifict-, f`n1'nnln. Wil;;1.'.s'. /\('i' tn ihv wvvkly 1'(`pnI'1. nl /\(.'lin1.: W(~H';u`v Offim-r H. A. Imu- nnx_ tho oxpt-mlitunw nn rt-lit-f l:I~:t Wt"('k lulullml $296.l9_ whilv il \`V2l2~'. $277.01 1110 prvvicms wvvk. l)r'lnil2< nun Fm-l . Clothing Sh:-ltvr ! I~{m1! 1'mnNliv:4 lS(-hrml ` Rorl (Irn.<.s' . III III'\\ IHIIHIIIIL; \\ |II III -I lun- : :-_\' uml h.':.\':-m<-nl l>r:('k : _ lurc-. M) fm-1 lll chnu-n.~;mn.~;. `null .'zl lhv 1':`;n'n|'1hI`)n'u-- }:<:-nl |nl:mI um`! vxl<-ml1n;; hxu-k ml" It , ` In ;CONSUl:TATl0N ; snomcns ; lN INNISFIL TWP. Bell Telephone Contract % Let; Work Commcncedl ?I|.l I'\'I . Tm` hm M. I s` , . ... . Furlhcr activiiy in cnnnz-Minn ' with the lnnisfil Township auditm's` lrcpnri. which alleged : in ithc accounts of the Township over ia period of years. look placc in iBarric _vc. morning. whcn iC'l'(IVVll Aiiurncy F`. G. Evans, K.C.. *cnnl'ci`r(-(i wiih Rccvc I"rani< II. `Bcalty and Di-pniy Rccvc Orvillc Todd. as wcll as with Hcnry J ;W(`lch. F`.C./\.. and H. Mann. of 1h~ firm mi` Wclch. /\ndcrsnn and Cu. thc chai'l(-rcrl accnnniingz firm which Conriuclcri ihv andil. I unric1`.~'l<>ud lhai ihc cnnfcr hi-iii un in.\'ti`uciinn.\`. of tin- *D(`pari.m(*nl of Municipal Affairs. F()i|nwinLf lhv (`nnf(`l`Cn(`('_ (frown iAti.m'ni`_\` FI\'ans . ihai ihn. lprc.~:cnI hurl gnnc iin'mu.:h ihc aud- rcpnrl ruuprhly. but. noi In llc said that ihc anrhinr:< had a;_'r(~cd in pm-.<-nl a . rc- pnrt ml ihc allcgcrl (i(`fFli(`5Iiinn\ ` which should he in ihc hands M the Crown Aitnrncy within a low (i5|) .`i. tn...-n\...~ Ih-,n\ Huzai ihn (`ruwn i i i ?Crown At"tdme-y Confersk With Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Auditors No ACTION YET homes. Four in Hospital The nTh('l` four whn rvnmint-(I in the in.*:titulirm. worn: Miss Mm';zm'- el. In;.{'nm. 48 Lawton Rnu|uv:u'(l. Toronto: chest injuric-s: Injuries not likely st.-rinux. Williana fa`!-um-nlwk, :|LIt`.(l 50 NOW- and Ml&\` Ulencross. ` W. H. Kirby. president of the So- `cicty. was in charge of the pro-. ceedings. which were opened with: prayer by Rev A. P. Stanley. Mr.' Kirby spoke briefly. reforrmg to the Coronation and the work the} Horticultural Society had done for` the village. A Finn mm-imic address was 2i\'-l the vmage. ; A fine paxrintic address gi\'-~ -en by Rev. J. S. Shortt. D.D.. of Barrie. 'T`u-n -n nrwm D50}?! T~YP(1SP`I u \ .umuu, Innu 'I`h- .~:lruvlm'~ ast,i1u4 lhr- r-urn n ]l|I|'D(I!~l`h` on 1 I; Ihrnluzh H)!` I n.-.na.. `...A gt-m-ml vnm.I`m'1 has I in (`. V. 1":-nm-ll.. ur, and (`IIIl.\'ll ll(`|IIII al .. I ..n H) K . V. lH'I|III'|I.. \Ill||| | DI`, (`I|ll.\'Il'll(`|.|IJIl wnrk `ml this w---k nll :n Iww` nl udrlilum tn lhv Il:n'rn~1 {hr Hr-ll '|`u-lvphxnw (`um- (`.'umd:u I.inn1(~xl. Eli`/.:nl7<'-III `L7 . -. will I... nu;-rl. nu. Imxldim; wxll I l hru mu r....o ;.. .l. 1 ('|H'l'l'IIl Illl` lllllh `us l(`l(`phnllt'llI\I': h (-nhlt-. Svvvrn :m(l iVllrl|:In(l mm ullwl In-ml:-r.*;. '|`h< A Wnllinmx of H1: , A4. .....I .;.......-.| ..f $m.:m 17.90 I/1f`\'7 cge e-igh r. please) lw .' ru-k many s(.-rmu:<. : William Somunmrk, npzncl 50, D mm'kel.; injurnrl ('h(... not Iikoly serious. Nhw Mhn -il|n nun-1| [M Rnv QM :-I-I May 14 ` lwen :1- ._ ( )ril11-n ... .. .~I- $183.80 49. l 5 21.74 40.01) .50 1.UU ns. I 9 (`(HI` '|'h<- Ihv ..r :_THURSDAY, MAY-2-O,T'1*T937 l\mmu.: lhv h:m fln.'I1:< \Vhi('h l :Ir:nlv wnx lhv mw :4hmvn nlmvv. lhn (,`;m;uli:m I.r\;4i0IL Juhn Hull on, nml lhv zuzmls \vm'v H:n'x'_y ('. in khnki nml Jnhn Hnwlhurn I'l'|Il`I' \'('l'_V wm'lh\' Inf ht-inu rvpI`nrlm'wI uxv Hwm nll. 1vl;Ip.;|.\II.Au' nmnu.-_nmu ])lI(`(` |(`lH])UI`2Il`il_V nl` C`.um])lmI H. JPHH, Vvlln fur st-vt~1':nl wm-ks. Jnnrl it-s have hI`(`ll (':n`riz-(1 ( l.r:1tc,- Hick. l\/l..;...- Y :u\lIn\'IlI ur .\lUll. vlllll .\\' |F`ir:~:1 Much: M.'nm:~'l rul (` \|:u~:- In-nnml serious. Mrs`. MiIl`(`il|(?, n;,:(:(l (54. Buy Slrm-1, Midland, frnclurt-d right nnkln; nn1 st-rlnus. l\/lieu Iiln Qlllnr Qhn-rnvnn II`:|HL:' `p.m. L.UnCn lac. ' Crown Hill United Church E `gberry Festival. June 2-}. Wm ',further particulars. ! 1'(nnn Wndy\n Jtmn 3 iber1`_\k Fostxval. June 21. wmcn uul 20b ` ! Keep Wednesday. June 30. fnr !Da1ston United Church garden par-fc ty. Particulaws later 201); Y ` h.m.m en f`.n-n-in `Hull T3}1:1In 1 ; 1Ji H1 \JL'dllIl Lltlll. 1 uL'n,1. `Wednesda,\'. May 26. Prizes. good music. Admission 35c. Refreshments. E 12-yanks tnnl-nzarnnnf 1.1? Y\'\ S31- muslc. Aumlssmn J.')C. nL'Irt3sr1nxL-nL.x. Baseball tournament at I\'_\'. Sat- urday. June 5. $80 in prizes. Dance in evening. Lunch provided on grounds. Watch for bills. 2'31) Coronation Day Parade in Barrie LETS 131.81` Gearin Hall. Pholpsto T\/[av `)R Drivnc slnr IDI lVUl.',I.\l|lII' H) lm:4 lwvn Ill V1 Whl|1\'l' dul- ` on by M:1;.:i.~.- 2Qb!"LJ(}()rgC m a ddlll . u_y n 1 SW3-.lY-)um:. Penplo. Admission awh gm-I15 cents. om-.1 Hear Madrigal Singers. w ill} Urzmgv nun. .VlHll`blH(.',. vvcuuua-I {men's Institute. Admxssinn 25c and E `.l0c. Refreshments also sold. 20b 5 { Cold meal supper and play. Guth-` C grie Umted Church. Monday. May 24.11 `Supper 6 Ln 8. followed by play`g Welcome to the Old Town". bylt Guthrie Young People. Admission}V 40!.` and 20s. 1 cmy evening. May 26. auspices WI)-` 1: D lIL`HL>. Hear Madrig n (1.-.,n nun `Hal st-rmus. ` Miss I.i|n Stillnr. Slurp:-on I-`nll.~:; lncuratml It-fl oyr-; not : 1 'I`}m.-av Who I.(rl'1, I-luspilal I The six whn were nhlv to |n:nw~ lm.-zpltnl nftvr lrvutlnt-nl W(`l'(.`: ] .I I. Rxnnrw nrrnrl HR 307 ("llrmm