Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Apr 1937, p. 2

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mrea man. Important as the 101m f(`(ll.l1I`(` may be, it is secondary. The primary object of the Plan is "t.(> provide employment and the help in this direction is just as valuable ii` improvement. is uritlertaken without asking any bank 2L<'- coimnodation. Every bit 01` work that can be [.`,`1V(`.11 about the home to men 01` any trade 01' even to hzmdymen in odd jobs--is 21 (-.0nti'i- bution to the i'ec1u(-.ti(m of unemp10_vmvnt Give 9. man :1 job" is the big thing. Every dol- lar put in (tirciilutioii in this way hvnei'i1.:; not only the men who are given einmoyiiiviit but the Whole coimmmity il1(HI`(`('H_V. A good l()(`11l (`()U1H1iI.L(`(` has been 1'0i`ni<=(i and. with the (`()-(')p(`X'1lHOI1 oi" the (-it.i'/.vns. it is hoped that this will be the bu.~;i(-st season the building; Ll'Ld<`S haw (`1)jU_V(`d 1101'!` in suxiio yem-5.. nu. uuu un. \.uu.x.: ;. u\.......... SUBSCRIPTION i%A'l`ES ywhere in Canada, $2.00 a year; in United States. ou a year. payable in advance. Single copies, 5 cents. subscribers wishing to discontinue paper :11. expira- n... of period paid for are expected to notify this or- u: aetore date of expiry. I I II_ I-11 \I\l\I|_ |_l\l uvlll 1|_.l\ Established 1864 \ weekly newspaper devoted to the interests of the awn of Barrie and the surrounding country, issued v the Post Office Square, Barrie, every Thursday, by A MacLaren (editor) and W. C. Walls (manager), -xers and publishers. The Barrie Examiner is a nber of The Canadian Weekly Newspapers Asso- mm and of Class A Weeklies. nvvnnnnvnmvnxv 1-. A unru- THE BARR! E EXAMINER !:I..L..I.1:..I. AA 1 110A THURSDAY,--APRIL 22, 1937 - EDITORIAL `E The l`(`.\`ig'll1lll()l1 oi` lion. A. W. Roebuck from L. the post of At.Lorney-Genern1 is no loss to the l'Governinent. It is f_."t`l1(`l`d1l).' believed that he was the main in.~'tig:1tor oi` the repudiation nieasures and his attitude towawds the courts; ;li;is been gr:-utly resentecl by iminy people. `Even zunong the Liberal members of the Leg-l islature. it is said. the Attorney-Generul lizis jnot been popiilur. Hon. David Croll. the other` ;C;1binet ineniber who resigned owing to dif-` lerences of opinion over the Oshawa strike `situation. has done a pretty satisfactory job in zidininistering the Department. of Welfare and Municipal Affziirs, the least desirable of ;the portfolios and second. probably. only to - that of the Premier in the burden of its duties - and responsibilities. . ,_,,';. I also charges that his plan was thwarted by[ the double-crossing" of Hugh Thompson, C. I.O. organizer. Such reprehensible tactics are quite in accord with the record of the C.I.O. since it first began to stir up labor troubles on this continent. It. would appear that the st1'ikm's have been duped by the C.I.(). ui'e,'unize1`.<:. The people on strike were promised l inzm(-iul suppo1'L from (1.10. 1]Gfldq1lU.l'L(,`l S and also were given to uncierstancl Lhul. a sympathy strike would be callod in Gonvml M()L0r:~'. plants in the United States if .~;u(:h u .\'L(`}) was 11`:-vssury to enforce the 1mi0n':s (lmiimxds in Oshawa. But. 1.11030 promi.~:n.-; ])l'()V('(l only itllo wnnlrz. .1. .1. .1. .1. livsclziy :1l't,(-i'1innii )Hl(` I'('HliH, 01' 1.110 c0ni'(`1`- `(`l`1(2l` with <-mnpuny nl'i'i<-izils was not known. Wh:lL(.`V(`l' Lhv m1t,m1no, it. will not al- Lm` Lhv opinion oi` the n1iLj()l'il._V which bnliovos Llmi. 1.11:` W()l`KI`l .\` of this Dnminiim should not havv their 1111301` 1))li('.iv.\' (ii('L:L1.(`.(1 by outside il`iI.(`1'(`SLS. As A. R. M()Sli(`l`, Pi'v.\'i(iv11L 01` Lhn /\H-C:ln1l(li1lll (7()l1}_`;i'(`.\`..\' 01' I.:1hor says, Can- a(li:1n W()l'k'l`1'.'~i urn ZLH (rzipublo Hi` i1u;;'()i,iut.i1i,I," {L{. ,`I'(`(`n1(`nl..\`. with 1,l'u-ir ~n1p1<)yoi'.s' and dii'vcl,- img; l,hoi1'nwn labor unions as are Lhv pmpiv 01' uny nthvr ominl.i'y." I At, tho Limo this pzxgv wvni, in p1'vss (Wot! I Now that thr- hm-ko_v so:1.x'()n is over, the t,0wnspo01)lo mm _u;vt down to bllsilless again. The strike rould li-.i\'e been settled on Sat- ` urday last. had the 01.04 orgztiiizers lived up to an agreement entered into by them for 21 eonfereiice in the Preiiiier`s office. It was dis- I tlnctly agreed that the strikers` represeiitu-5 tion was to consist or employees and their; lawyer. But. instead of complying with this` condition. Organizer Thompson had the gall to attend at the Parliament Buildings and the strikers lawyer had the nerve to enter Prem- ier Hepburn`s private vault to telephone Hom- er Martin, C.IO. organizer at Detroit` When` the Premier discovered the double-crossing` treachery" of the (`.10. organizers he immed- lately terminated the conference, as he was fully justified in doing. to sl- ~.l- -.p i Alt,hou;4h tho .~+l.rikv lmclorx put. on 21 bravo fnmt. Llw mvn :1p1mrmH.ly huvv bm-n far from .saLisI`i(`d. Sowing,` Llw prmni.s`(-.<. lnzulo to them by the (`.I.(). 1ml'ull'ilJv(l, they took stops to- Wards (=ndim;' tho sl,1'ik(`. /\ clvput-.1l,i()n 1'np1`e- s;vnLixw,' uvvr 1'il'1,-on humlrvd mnployevs wuitml upun Prmnia-r llvpbnrn on Tues- (lay and .x`1,2'1t.v Lhul, Hwy wanted to go buck to work. 'I`hvy :lI`(` 1`v1)m't(`d as :;:Lyim_',' Lhul. Hw wvrv (li.x'g'11st.v(I with tho .;iLu:1Li0n and l`(`2lliZl`(l Lhvy had lwvn fooled and h0()(lWillk('(l by A1nm`ir-.:`1,n :1g`il.:11.()1's." In ().s'h:Lw:t u, (~m1I`-rmu-v with (H-m-1'11] Mnt.m'.~; 01'-` I 1'i(:i:zl.u w:1.~:.` by Lhv sl.rikvr.s' and was ur- `l`:ll`Ip_'l`(l In l)v ha-Id 4-:u`l_y yv.k;l,m'd:1y :Ll'Lm'n0(m. -1- -l- -1- L Speaking" of the Home I1m)mvr~n1(mt Plan. l.h- S1.:1ynm* Sun w:m1..x~ Lo know if -.1 wife cmlld misv tho price n1` having 1101' huir shinp;lod" in!` if 11 1-nnntuhln r-Hir/nn r-nnlrl unnunvn n ]:\-\v\ In nun-u. \un\ [11 A\.\ \ll |x(LvIIAf., II\ A IIILII -1l|lIl[-;ll`\l '01` i` :1 1`oput.:1blv citizen muld 500111 :1 10am to lp;oL ])1:1stm'<~(l." Bowmanvillv is the first, town in ()nLario 1.0 have the dial system of telephones installed and the Statosnmn, with the customary en- terprise of its publisher, Gm. W. Janms, last week issued :1 special s(`('t.i0n to m:11'k the event. Development. of the t,o1oph0nn in the town vvus intm'vst,ingly sot, l`m'tMh. With the 1'o:;i;;n:1l,iu1) of Arthur W. Roobuckl from Lhv ()m.n.1'in llyd m (fmmnission. Lhv G0v- (:1'nn1m1t, hm; `.1 gums] uppm'1,1mit,_v 1.0 1m-(`L the popular dum:m(l rm` :1 1'0prost-x11,u1,ivo ul` the m11ni('ipa1ilit~s un the H.E.P.(`_ Appointment of. a st.r011g;; oxwntivo 01' independent, mind with! smno oxp(~`1'iom'(* us :1 municipal (-ommissionor; would ::L1`0x1g.;tl1t=x1 thv ;;'nvvrnim:' body of I,his| p,x'(.11M pmvim-iul util1I.__v. , ` Prof. Erlv H'.lV(`1()('.}{ 01' Vi(-t,01`iz1 College. .~:p(~uklx1g at am (.)..ll:1\N'.L sl.1'ikv lll(`(`Lll1g`. made l.h0 c()nl,(*1npLiblv lll.\`lllll:ll.l()ll Llmt, Prenlior lH(.-pburxl (Lll(l ol.lw1' m<--mb(~r.s' of his Cubinc:`tE lwvrv inl'lu-m`:-(l in Hl(`ll` :lLtIit'lld() t.ow:11'd 1.110 strikv by bx-im: >:!,u(-.l<-lml(lv1`.~: in Gmwml Mo- l,01'x.'I'l1(`1'(`Vvu:: nut 21 t.ilt,l<~ of (-*vi(l<>nco t.ow:11`--l runl. such an inslnu:11.iun and M1`. I-Iepburnl has l`.l1(`(]1ll\ ()(':|.H_V (ll-nit-ll l,l1:lt,:my of Llw(3:1l)-E lm-I. hold -.m_\' ml rm:-.:.-t.u<-1<. yet, t.l1m'e has beonl nu WlHl(ll".l\\'2L1 m` :u)uln;,ry l rum H2l.\ ('l()(`l{. A! mzm who would ln-1.',1Illl._v of this sort of l.l1inp; l.\`l1(I I'll 2-r-<'111~.:*.1ll ml u |n'nl'<=.k;}<()1":: t-hull`. Evidently Pl'(,`.\1lU(`llI, R()0.\'(-Volt is 111. last 1`e-! zilizing` that. his policy of lavish national .x`pencling lms re-:u-lu-`cl :1 Sl.Ll[.(` whore curtail- ment, inust be imulv. for he has issued an or- der that "all <->:pox1dil.u1`os which are not ubso-I lut.ol_v iwcvs:;;ii'_v all this Limo" should be elim-I in:il.o(i or xlvi`m'r`v(l, with :m estiimiu-cl deficit: of $2,U52,(S54.()0 iur UH` i`isc'.1l year of 193'? and; . tho situation m;L(l<- still worso by the 1`u(~L that. '!`t`Vllll(`S :m- likely Lu drop $300.000.000 Log '$:'>00.()0().00(), tlw 11i';:-nl need of roLren(:l1n1ent.. (".111 ru'.ulil_\' bu .\`(`(`ll. Anwording to the Chris-' ;ti'.11\S('ie11('v l\/imiitor. Boston. this is the first: iioticvublv inuvvnivnt mw:u`d v<'on0my zit` VVi1ShilL9.`l0ll since` 1933. ' Toronto has been (".1:1lll1.`.` envious eyes at mid-i10rt.liern (Jiimi-io`.< stellar aittraction. the Dionne quiiituplet..<. and Ald. Percy Qninn_ of that city lilis put 1 oi'w:ird the suggestion! that these nmious rive little girls be trans- ferred to his city to be made the centre of at- traction at C`-as-.1 Loma for eight months of the year. D1`. A. R. Datoe promptly and quite properly spiked the idea. "There is not the slightest chance in the world of their going to live in Toronto for even part of the year." he said. So Toronto city council will have to devise some other means of solving the pro- blem of what to do with the $l.700,000 white elephant they now have on their hands. Cal- lander, where they were born, is entitled to all the distinction and benefit the quints can bring to it. . . . . . . 5 C.I.O. ()o1mm1m.x'1. m ()r1g2;1n" 15 1.110 wnyt Lhv Toronto 'I`ol(";2'ra1n inI.o1`proLs 1,110 init,ia1s.} EDITORIAL N6TEs The money is to be used solely for the pur- pose of rehabilitating. improving" and repair- ing homes and buildinp;s attaclied. It cannot, however, be used for constrm-,ting :1 building on vacant land. To give an exhaustive list 01` what this would cover is almost impossible. It covers every form of improvc-ment, on imp1`oV- | ed real property. It also covers fixtures but. notl removable attachments or appliances. It would include painting, insulation, plastering, flooring. roofing`. new garage, sidewalks, new heating system. weather-stripping, making alterations or additions. This list does not pre- tend to be exhaustive but merely illustrates the kind and class ol` work contemplatecl by ...the plan. 'E`nv~rnnI'u hnun nn rmnm`i.1m'1l.V in Luke 21d~,- I In lhv sp1'in;: uf 1792, (`.uptuin (3('nI';{(` Vnm-nuvvr 4-ntvrvd Juan dc Fm-:1 .`~`.1r:u`l an his m(~mm'.'1bI(,- V()y- l:1;.{v:u1(l .xurv(-y of tho nm'1hwL`:4t VHZISI. Ho ('x|)lur(`(l Puvl Sound and ilhvn I1n'm\d nnrtlnvnrd, tum-him: [Paints Ruhvrl. (`.11-y and Alkinscm. 'R< -1\v(-vn lhv 1:131 twu war`. ihv nar- row mumh of :1 lung inlet, which hv mmn-(I Bnrr:n'd. I.i11h- did Van- :-mvvr tlrvnnm lhnl, :1 (1.-ntury later then` would {)0 f un 1h!) slmrv 4-I this inlvi :1 city, nmm-(I for himst-If, nnd rivslixmd tn ntlznin wurld fuxnv and ;:ro;I1.lw, 'I`h(- rup- luul nll hznzinu rhiuunrl H10 Izuin - \`VlH|lI lillIll' HIIU I., ll'i|(.I|l`.\.\. |Hl' Fill)- Iuin snilvrl on. having mi.s`.s`(*d tho mnuih nf tho I"rn.x"m`. whir-h rivur wn.< 14) play so great, :1 part in tho roggimfs fuiuru. Completing Ihu pxnsszmv bvtwvvn the mainland and V.'m(-nuvor Island. he was to Sp:-nd two more years on the coast, in a nnmiczll survey described as the 111031 extensive evm` undertaken on om` voyage. nu .~ 1 . r~< . Ill` llill|H'(| ]7lI 1 4'n.` I\iu.....ll` nus Whom. ;,Ivnvx':ntinns I first 1I';ms(-outint-ntnl I I l.'.\. IIUII. LiH'| IIUVVC CUHXIUX DU :(`\)lllllt`d out as :1 possibility. nor van Hun. Gurduli l> Erick Willis has been inentiom-d. but one` fancies he will have to win his >'pLl`,'>' in Manitoba first. . A house-leader. of course. can bc, ' chosen without difficulty: and some time might elapse before the party called a national convention for the selection of a new chief. Sir` George Parley has always taken Mr Bennett's place in the House.` Hon. C. H. Cahan could fill the post with great dignity and competence. It IS too much to expect that the Cabinet will be able to deal with` many domestic affairs before the delegation sails. The Imperial Con rorence which follows the Corona-f tion will inevitably deal with mat- ters of profound concern. Empire? defences will most certainly be up! for long and anxious discussion.` Canada has been assured that be-l ggxqmnzz as:-ors H n-;_1J;&o_ EA T0 i:g ~'"m..Lu1A. - `J-1 --- `I'll! BARBIE EXAMINER, BAERIE. 0N'l`., CANADA 71351 5 \ `~-~ 5. . '2 -\ ' By - _:: THE OTTAWA SPOTLIGHT A Weekly Review of National Affairs 'I3\7 `X771 EWDTI \ `KI`f`f`,T YI1C`Vl"f\\Y WILL GIVE MEN JOBS Enquiries 1'eg;ar(ling the working` of the Home Improvement Plan, launched by the Federal Goernment l'or the purpose of stim- ulating employmmit, are becoming more um- erous. That there is abundant scope for mu tivity along the lines u(lv0cz1t.e(l is apparent to anyone. For several years. with money so tight, improvements haw born oi` mmosxity largely postponed, oven normal repair work having to be passecl up. Now, with improvod conditions, the Home Iim)mvmnt-iit (-:'mip:1iig;ii has app(~.alr=d to many, both from tho st:m(l-| point 01` imprnvt-cl homo mivironment and also because oi` tho much nm-(loci work it will give to the various tl`2l(l(`..`l (:onno(-to(l with building and equipping oi liousos and oi tho stimulation it lT`l(`2l.llS to bllSill(`S.H(`. ~: .~aupplying` materials. nu... ...1-..i,. in.-. ,.r ':nr.n,.:nn I-nnlnvnnlninnll Granville St., Vancouver `\.\,ns_y ;w.,vu.vv ux anuununnum 4111;. BY WILFRII) EG GLESTON : Inlor. Cnn:1(l:l':~' I railway ro:n-h- l a v ) unullilig an :nn- 91' L:<)(I. \\ l'lCl`U 15 the differc-nco bc-twvon the lh(-ulu- giuifs "prod:-siiiiutiinu". mid the phil- :)s0p}wr'.~` ". of the {itt0sl'."' 1 have learned by experience to be sparing uf pious wr-rds. The cr)l0x`ed preachc-r said he could talk more religion in five minutes than he could livv in :4 week. . ditto. --N'on Nomulos I I I I In that .~ .s'h`n(-k. only ` osvnpim: n I hnrtly pimnm (rd. and in` |\..i|Ain.v u . Villll'l1ll\'l'l'. April. I886. :1 2,000 pt-nplu, (I-`rum Kiwanis Wm-Icly Bullvlin) Who's Who in Kiwanis LIFE INSURANCE Now we feel free to buy I other things we need . . . . ...the plan. F`a1'me1's have an op1)m'l,11nil,y :1d~ vantage 01' the plzm to improve their bui1(l'1ng;'.s' and even ft-.nces. Loans will be 1mu:l(- Ln (`1`(`(`.l, :1 second house on the fzmn, 11 xwoclod. for :1} hired man. 1'-.........o.-.n0 m. H. lnnri fnntnrn nmv ho '11 19' family. It's so simple. We just set aside part of our income and immediately acquired a Life Insurance estate. It would have taken years to build up such an estate in any other way. It s mighty comforting, -` too, to know that the savings we put into Life Insurance each year are building up a cash reserve for emergency, and for our own old age." If you want to know how Life Insurance will enable YOU to enjoy better living today . . . with greater peace of mind about tomorrow . . . consult your Life Insurance man now. OW that we have provided for our future, we feel free to spend more money on our home and C.l.O. Leaders, Organizers Found To Be Communists I GUARDIAN OF CANADIAN 'l`ln|rsd:cy, April 22. 1937 HOMES. L-47X ' Grozier. presicleiit of the local union all Osh-1. -1- -1- - With very low vxcoptioiis. the,` iio\vspupoi's of Onmrio. (iuily uncl xvoekly. are solidly bo- hind PH-`11llt`l` Hopbiwn in his stand ugaiiisil Ontario labor and iiidiislry b(`ill[. .` Lioiiiiiiiitvdj by "l'0roigii u.giLutoi's_" 1'(`pl`(`.\`l`llIlllg' tho (`.I.0.E The 'I`oronl.o 1`vl0gi';1iii. whivh lias l)(`(`ll bil-: Larly opposvcl to the Pl`l`[llltH` on (`t`l`l`.llll quv.<- tions. is gi\'liig him splvndicl liiickiiig. in Lhism issue. Thv siipporl l.`.`l\'(`ll to the` (`.10. by tho` Toronto Stair is no siii'pi*ise as this p`.lpt`l' liiisl been ("llC0lll".lg`illg' the Reds for _\`t`:l1`5. John` nwa. clearly set out the Star's position when; he said. "Thank God we haw the Ii)ail_v SL211; and the Clarion (organ oi tho Coniniiinistl Party). 5 4- da 51- \l- Mayor Hall of Oshawa. who made 21 Valiant attempt to end the strike and thought his ef- forts were about to be crowned with success. Page Two lIlH.l;Cl'lu.l.S. The whole plan of 1'in:i,m:ing: contmnplatnd improvements is simple. Lozmx Lo 1`in:1n<:v home 1'epair.<:. ilTl])1`(`)V(-`ITIOHLS and (-xL(~nsion.x' are available to any one who has 21 good credit standing and the ability to repay out, of in- come. No setzurlty or onclorsor is required mm the loan can be 1'(`])1i(l on the monthly instal- ment plan over 21 pc-riocl 01' from one to Lliroo. years, with five yours for ropayinont. if the loan exceeds $1,000. IL is possible for exmnplv for the owner 01' a property lm'g'o enough to be converted into four apa1'1.niem.s L0 borrow $1,000 on each of the four apartments and another $1,000 on the building" itself, 21 total of $5,000. fhn rnnnnv in fn ho H.Qf`(] SOIPIV {OF DUY '1`lll-`. ()SIlAW:\ S'l`l{lKl<`. Public npmioxl us onv llvulzs it voiced on the Strevt and in uthm` w-.1_vs is strongly support- lng P1'em'u~1' Hcpburxrx SLLl.ll(l against the CI.` 0. in the` Oshawa strikv. P;u't.y lines are lu1`z`(\-A ly fo1'g'ot.l.oh and S0lll(` of tho .\'1,1`011g(`st. (`ncl0r- satlons have vmnv from stuun('h_ l`l1`v~luhg Co11.s'e1'vut.i\'z~x. Spvukihg in Tor0nt.o_ Tuescl-.1yE night. Wilfricl Hv`1g`l1ix1g`t0n_ (`onsv1'v:1tive lVl.L A. for St. Dz1vi(l's_ is rvpu1`l.(-cl as .\':l)'i11p,: All 1'lght-mindv(l pvoplv ul` Ontmio will (`lld0l'S(` Premier I-lvpbux'n`s stzulcl and line up ug`-411151 5 them if Lht`_\'. by lx1s`lst.ix1g on 1'v(-ogmitlun ml` the C.1.L).. invoke` or l-.umlum- tho illegal m<\th- 1 uds 01' that o1'g-.1x1lz-.rtlo11 in the Ullll-(`Ll St,nt.:-ml uhd ixm`udu<-v the risk of repetition m` ll1usv methods in this Pl-uvim`<\." ' J: 4- slp *

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