Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Mm-1,.nI'm1 mrv] vis.-ilinp at St. Williams, Ont. Eriv Hnrtly hm: rvlurnml frnm Chi- cngn nflhr vi.~:1lin;; rt-lnlivx-5: lll('l'('. um. _.......I an..- 1;` 1! Yhn~1Iu...| earn` 39c yd. 59c yd. 59c yd. 2 for I ' 351' Nnw []|JlJ\|, mlinw I1. ` Gent: ('F.\'TR.-\l. l.\"l'I`IR|..\"l'lCl) 4. will _\`n ml\\'ich`.' l4il., HILL! Inumuun. n- .\u.:. Miss Annie McCullough, of Tr. rontu_ is; 1-c-rnc-wing , n(-qnznimzmno in` town during her lwn v.'r-(~ks'.` v.'u`n-, V i I Hon. Mn. and 1\/rm: (lnrr~n(-9 Slmnsrm It'll lhu smmlwich." Y.l`.U. s`|UL.`ll"|_V .\ foreign- 'n\nI'nI|. Songs And Scenes From x Mikado Well Presented 4 I By Ovcnden Sfudents; u A mm/fFClA '. oemwzv 5151-0515. c 1118 numop s'r. : 1;Xn7uE : 1-noun 531 ' wam mu agre 0.. was The wife bears: the brunt of a wornou1 furnave that givvs; in5ufTn`ivnt hvzn, nm :15; (' sinking, gobs out fre=qu(-nt1y,is smuky, gnssy and dimly. For muthrra and youngstcw; are in the hurnv Illurt` than mcn. A cold drafty 1`|0lli;(', with dry air, lmds to colds and illnc-ss. . . ,. If you I don't put 1 an old fun Hon. ` Mr. and Mrs. C`.lnr`n('c> Slmpsrm' are leaving on Snu1'dn_v for :1 vi.-sitl with remuves in Frzmklln, Now` Jersey. ___.___._______________.__ | nun n }IuL. up n.... .. ...._, f1n`nun`thun to inxtzail 211 Cunu :;1nust t'fT1<`i'I1t furnznrcg at its bx-st and 1nn.t <-<'mmn1ir:u 15' in Tm! Sun!) pays`. fur Tesied and Proven in Hnousanc Your hm-;u`u1g 1I`()ll1)1(`.' nrc uxvr whrn you install :1 Hccla. The fmnuus sh-:1 rihht-(1 furpnt is guurzmtcc-d 20 years ag-.:'u1st burning out no othvr rcpot is guarumwd at all. FUSED JOINTS mrlal wnldr-d to nu-1:21 last as long as the furnace, prcvrnt escaping gas or dust. AUTOMATIC HUMIDIFICATION supplies correctly- lxtxxuiciiul warm air all winu-r long without attrmiuu. These and many other features make Hccla the furnace you must set: Investigate it-now. Gut thc complete, a Al-BERT M.FF 4.1!. have born having trouhir with your furnacv, . up with it any lung:-1`! It costs more to cuddle rnucv than :1 nr w Ht-rla, now! Ht-cla, : must giv: s warm air hruting st nmst m`ommi:';n1. By 2:-2:1, Hrclu suvvs fml iiszvlf. , amazing details on Hecla economy heating without delay. I ihousands of home! since 1854 1: -: I`: mt n pot guarunh c- ._.. . .... .g `__ "' First B'|a:k Igox Pelt; .4 Brought $2,500 Each I! ,|)lll|('.'I '1 ..1 \-... Sound Reasons Page Ten A. E. Smilh s Furtiiture Store Why the People of Barrie and District use gopd judgment in buying their Furniture and House Furnishing Requirements at *r1u';1~b12"E}w:tuT1in: `s`3<:k 129 Dunlop St. : BARRIE : Phone 535 rt-1. it-w turn-c4\I-`I-1 Invuvu-In nn-u-1 raw--u,-. 4-`..- For your selection you will liml several thousand yards of Floor (,'nvcrim{s, 35 Chesterfield Suites, as well as many [led- room, Diningroom and Brvnltlasl, Suik-rs, Chests, Desks, Radios, lilrzrttric and Coal Stoves, Refrigerators, Lamps of every kind, Tea Wagons, End T;\l)l-,5, Studio Couches, Felt and Spring-fillm.l M:1|lrv.<;s- es, Venetian Blinds, etc., etc. l\L4l l\l\JA_4n\A I I \Jl\I.J In-n\A -I`: an l\JII.n- .. ..,.-I NUW IS 'I`lll'l TIMI`) In i11.':1)-H. Hw r-mnpla-H linn nl M:-ml l<-- Hl)X('.`1H|2Ll,Wl'1Ll`1'(H5i])1{lyilII`, '|`|u-:;4- lH'W I.'c-lriu-,1-rnl,- cm; zu`(- all in l,h- In-w H1157 (Ir-.-siy-,n.: zmrl :m- 4-nun:-~|l4~ in all llw pnpulur (~nlm`:;. lt-munsv ml :. .".|)('('i:Il yum-11:15::-_ w- :m- zahlv In nl'I't-r :I nllmlwr 01' HIM-1,I`i' Hum-_u-llv;. :11 :1 :n|:.|;ml:::l (|i:: <-mm! UH lint, |n`it`4-:;. 'l`ht-:;u- ';t.uvr~~. :m- |uInrl=Ir'l.. ml Hu- |':I(lill}', m:n,nHl':utlum-1' ml` I`.'I,lw.:-ll:-_. uml nu nhI;:in;:|al- in vzmricm:-; l"mi.'4lu-:; zmtl (I(*.`;i`.l|.", in i'.m": .mrl 'rm~n marl _ 1i if-`ii ifizr-f't{2'S.i`(;3Ti{*Fs Ema R A N(} :71" 119.8 I. l'Zv-ry :u,rl.`u-l- tn` :;uH.4- in llw :;l,n mom 1:; nmrkml ul, :1. pr'u'r- whit-In I :.l`:n.mlim', v:n.|m- wlu-H (`Ill||):I|Ml :IIHli:;a- ml" H|II:l| (|II:Ili|_y In Iw nl wlwrc-. 2 . Wl(|!'.';|. v:u`lI-Ly In (-hult't- 1-1' um Irum; all t`:t.|`4-llllly1:!-It-vlt-tl lrnm ml (T.'m::(lzI.':: um--mu.-;I. I`urnilun- Vl.I. is lva-r_v pnrr-lm.-w tlt-Iivv-rwl IH pa-rl--1-I. Ifmn um! plum-(I W|H-I`1- yull w::;h il` )1 Immv. yulll gm-.-.u-nl. luunilurr-. 1:_ Hull` turnnvc-r i.-; ill('l`l':|`. W!` ':m only Zl.l,H"HJlll.I' l,l1i:. rlvznlimv, zmtl :14-llimi, nl. mi` r'ml1|)4-|,il,nl', l::.I'y'_v or ::m:n| vi:,il, mr :.l,nrv- zuul l('|. In; "H THEY RE HERE !! CAKES AND "4.``5..T?{'*?.`%`A-A_. vn.uu-nu uuu : ::nH why l,l1i::.';l,un- r-u:;l.mnv1':;lmm l':Ir .'l'v-rm plzm pm}/nu-nI,:. /\ l.ilu~r:nI IIHUV/ZIlI('1'[ mu A up-1. :Lml: -hill: summer--with no coal bills to meet does a And making payments during ,l1i:::;l,m`- i:: mznkix :lmm :l.ll(I In-: ' excess strain on the family burlget. prim mull. I I \v I IV--no S0 1`:1n('H'ull_v tlosignwcl. and so (lvli(`i 1.11211. they gzivo u pm`l.y" foolimz to every meal. yvt ms! nu nmrv Mum m'din:u'_v(Isms:-1'l>:. Spt-vial /\lt.-ntiun (iivvn to lll{'l`ll|);\\' and Wl'II)l)l!\'(.`. ('.-\l{l.S (_)Ix'l)l-`.1118 '1`/XKIGN $`ATURI_)A_`YL SPECIALS Mr;ro than 100511- the radiating ary rcpots. usable heat is fur] and srnt H as clean. hum _}Vr(V`1nr u l,|l1`.'2l,()|"'1|l|ll.` `whi'||n|:1lA'.-.-;i 1 . u IZIV I):- THE HECLA F|REPOT WILL NOT BURN OUT Or telephone or write for book/ct. 'l`lnn'sd:n_v. r\pril 22. 19.1 .-...-:x,,- :- l|u- turn uhlu ...........,... .. .. l`im-zlpplc l`i- l,u_\'-r (`aka-. with (`hm-olutv lvinp:,`. uml:: u--u.. wr- Hw pm m:nml;: mviln ynll In I by -rmm:n'i-- V Iris-ml:: nml EASY TERMS In 1-} 'mm.-.E'+xm;;c; 1-lnmw `n(||l('l` ;I'l.llI` milli- your ` not 68 Dunlap St. : Phmw 933 RIVIERA TEA ROOM BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME WITH CURTAINS HOMESPUN DRAPERY Mr. and Mr.-1. Ti`, `H. Hurlburt are! spomling the \V,`('k wi1h rr-lntives in I`m'nnto. Rllinc Mm-v Allnn of Hznnilton is COTTON HOMESPUNC A45` COTTON HOMESPUN ~48 COTTON HOMESPUN ~48 SILK HOMESPUN-~-48 Bright New P`rmc=d C1 Tub-rust Prilxts in smart uttracuve patterns. floral and plaids. PARAMOUNT I l1l\l*|Iv|\/ Km . yd. GLENDALE. t\l- I BOULEVARD TUSCAN NET MCURTAINSV PRINTS RU in 'l`m`0m0. Miss; Mary Allan of Ifarnilton spending a few \vr-r-In: wnh Mr. and Mrs. Ben Br.-ur. l\Ih4u (Inn nnrunv nf "[`m~m1fn was PHONE FRIIIED CURTAINS 1.00 to 3.75 Pair 1.49 to 2.50 Pair luru \..u| :4-.un.x \lI nur M`. green. gold, blue. yd. nu`-nu 29c yd. 22(- T37 1' 'l':2|l'l'|Q'. Mrs. M. (I. the gllostt uf ` lK:|I"n-:u\1 ll'.'I\ Mrs. Ross (`.'arnt~mn of 'T`m-onto was a wvekend guest of Mrs. Frrmk .`;`.m`y. 101 Clznpporton St. Mrs. James: F`. Andnrton of Lama- ing, Mich., is: .<;p-nding thrn.- xvonl-:sr with hot` pammu. Mr. nml Mm. Br-n. Rotu- WIISS Wllan L um:-n, ` . I y mu _|('UlH., I Mica w 'lEH1ll, .`:2llllII; , IIUIII wuunu-.- (;`unm'd Hum , Andamlu. 'l`. R. Ron M` the Bunk 1nnrr~n staff, .`~'.h'zn1.fml. 2:1 we-olu>ml with his |mI'-A|1`:. `Mrs. Julm Raw, (Jwu-In $1 In A Ix/I..r\r;...... K l` M I dth from I ||.l'.\`lI('. .'lI`l' >i|H`II(IIn;.-_ w l. ()nl.. uitr-mlin; `(rial ]`I'(-.<:l.>ylm'i:nI W.M1 Mrs. (`hri.* /\l|u-n pl'v.~:i(ll-I11 of H10 Rvlu-k .,.r I\.\...-in ..- Ih.. nun-ct '4ll}!_l|l|Hl Miss ` nun -. u S. l5I'SS|(' lH)',|'iIll ting :11. UN` humu- W F`. r`.'lI"l'ill! ` ; Willa Brentmu. of I .r:m wot-kend gm-st :11 Hm . and MX'$T. Wm. TrihI>Iv, 26 A sPEclAf\X/'EE EEILINC. or SMART CREPE DRESSES f"nwliu-, whn ht?!` Hist:-r, 1\ . ti-nu Mrs. non bear. Mrs. Geo. Harvey of Toronto was with her .~:istm`, Miss: f)urn1hy IMHI. over Sunday. 1\n.--<. W (Z M(~Knv Rnml Hr-ad, 9 quality Murqu ` red and bluvk. Inmmn, \ .. ches axes` 14 to 20 and Wmm-n`s 36 to (.)NI.Y A I.IMI 1I~`.D QU.-\N'l`I'1`\ . . 79c yd. $1.00 yd. $1.25 yd. $1.50 yd. . _5.E1?.(.3..1.A,!.. all : 40 im $2.913 `wrnala GIRL 1 ._; WINSORATORY 1 cammuruom tsuwmy. Mrs. W. G. M(,-Kay, Bond Hr-ad,l snnnl tho wN_-knncl with In-I` nic-vn, Miss Wi1dn(f`uH)-ri. `n/r.... Dncu 1".-mm-nn nl` T`m-nntn w.':'< IN PRINTS AM/\/\i`.*s F|<)r(`n<.v I`\/\a(:/\rlhur L l'iu".l In P.Y.P,`3. 1 ('1/)HlC`S|` VBARRIE PRESBYTER|ALi SILK SLUB REPP 48" . . . . . . . 89c yd. F,lI.K SLUB REPP 48` . . . . . . $1.25 yd. BR(')(.`.ADE[) SLUB RE'.PP-~48' $1.50 yd. TUSCAN CURTAIN NET Pl.x\lN TUSCAN NET ~36 . . . . 390) PLAIN TUSCAN NET -36 . . . . 59; I"L()RAL I"-`ILLET NET---45' . . . 59c} i:: 111:` 1'v.~:11l1 0|" :1 visit. lwn-1 yr! 1101. at. UM` ox- ])m1.x'v of your nppv-.u'~ :nu-0. Wu .\`p<`(`i:1li'/.t` in tho n1:xkin;.'_ of ;:l:1.~;.x'vx that. bl:-ml righi, in with tho l\:nl1n'v.~;; that. am` so un~ 11nub11`u.s'ivo as 1.0 be all- most u111ml,i('v:1bl<`. 48 wide You will :1pp1`o('i:11.e the ('on1l'm`t. that omnvs from \\'v:n'i11;*,' }:1;1x.\`(`s of H10 1* : ,1. kin: Robt. H.Smith .\'pcri:IIs: k'nr IMPROVED VISION .3 Dunlap St. l'huno 80 llourxz it to l`Z-l.I`.0 tn 6 I-\rnin::< In nppuintnwnt AND ()l"l`().\lI'I'l`l{ INT .30: 5:|5.l SILK DRAPERY um-um \ \Illl V ~ furni.\`h. 1`HI". l RI(`F.S. \` .\l 57.51); SHHN) SHADOW CLOTH Bear. Muss C}ertrudr- Brook and .VIis:s Muriel Brock of I`m'onto are at. their Barrie 1'(-siclre11:(- un St, \/in('4*nt, St. for the summer. , Mr.-c vv 13 (`:mmm-rl nf Tnrnnln i':| 3.00 Hifn(".1l.\` in b1`ig 11L. cheerful (`olurings ft) (`ow-x1ngx. 2111 ('()lm' Inst. 9 DuN1:6f> ST. 1\'H`\ In: ,1\/'iHit* TFliJiQ}'i{i}{ii53$$s No Sex, ' ' Virginia Drew Tells Her Hearers 'F,nlvrlni|1in;!, the n1(`n\h<\r.~`. 01'} IE: Hlll'l`iI` 1\'i\\':mis (`lulu um! lhvir \\'i\'-? .1. law with 1| :l<'li;:hH'ul talk on ;{l`:l})h1)` :11) Iugv, lhv .\`<'io`1u'1- nl' l\.'Il\(l\\'I'ilill)`,.i:Il ' \7i I1.-nu. nu.-nnu-C 1)`I"ll\|\lI_A Pr \\ llll .1 nu-uh nun nun mu ;,---,m-- l\.'m Miss Virginia: 1.)r(-w. vxp(`|'t. gI':|p|m- Ingisl 01' Thu` (Hnhv and Mail. ']`n- i mnto. and :1 nnlivv of Boston. Mnss.. ..o 4|... Iriumniu Ainnnr vnnnlinu 1\./Inn ; IVIISS Vll`);'lnl:I urvw. ('x])l'l'l. y,Iup|uI-l 'lngi:~`l 01' :1! Nu` Kiwanisdim1m mveting Mun `day evening. H-vealed the fuel. that kiln-rv is no .-zox in handwriting. S-l.\`| ;hv1i<`\'<- by many |n`up]v. 1 1 \' cannot tell by :1 p('l'.\'n|1'>'} : h.'mdwri1imz wholhvr the wrhing i.-4! `mm. ul` u mun nr wnm:m. xhv mm SELF WITH BEEHIVE WOOL MICE l|l\'E-- Wool String ........ .. .S` (`rope Scott-h Fingering (BIL-`\.\'.\'\"S OWN tor the summer. Mrs. W. P. Goddard of 'l"0r0nln ia- sprrntling this wm-k at the humv uf I\/Irs. J. H. Rook!-. v-.1, ,,__: mt..- (1-. .. 1\1...d.\n hnun [58 (`:\NAD.-\ KNIT IT YOUR- Wool ..................... .. Crochet Knitting 49c and 69c yd. TRE BARIIYE EiAMINER, BARYHE, CANAIDA __-_.._.------- -- -w---- BLIIEBIIIII nlAMONns lnl. |VII. Illlll |VIl.`\. mg. N11`. and Mrs. ` Mr. and Mrs. J Against lass, Fin-, Thu-I1 INSIIIHSII pi \'.\\'Iu, mu thv audit-m~v p vxpvrt viow 1 Smiih. Vicv-l`r ........ Ylnn Tlv lVlI`.`. I Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nnrhm hnvo' 1(3t't bo visit friends; in Now Orlv.'n11>: Lu., ant] Hmlstrm. 'I`r-xzm. --- W-- 1un../~..11... I. I1, l\Inn\I'. .... ru` rr-,. I