You can :11 ays he sure of Roval Ymst. livcrv cake comes Hcaied in an air-tight wrapper - isecurc against conmininatiun, its Tull lcavcning power assured. And I Royal is the only dry yeast that has this special protection. '7 ....- ,A- 0 :`,_.,1'.,, I BARRIE 0 Keep your Outhouse sani- tary . . . odorless this easy way once :1 week sprinkle half a tin of (llletl`s Pure Flake Lye over contents of closet. It cleans mroughly lIII:l"llII nlnu n-nun 1\1uo1 \.l\l\1Lln nu -.n..u||.1 IIIIIIIIIJHIIIJ . . . quickly destroys con- tents. nu - Keeps outside closets clean and sanitary- "Yos-I use It regularly . . . It drive: away odors fast" "Cleaning oufhousos [ls nosy with GILl.ETT S LYE FOR 21 brand new thrill in Tl'l )l'IflIl(j, take the wheel of an Oldsmobile. Notice how nimbly you glide through city traffic how smoothly you sweep along the open highway. You'll find that Oldsmobile delivers more power- and more miles to the gallon ` You'll be quick to appreciate the extra com- tnrt nt (3lrlcmr.k;ln'.- l ..... .;,\.... :... nu; \/Auanuuuut: lJ(_'llV!;'l3 JIIUIU and gallon You'll fort of Oldsmobile's luxurious in- teriors and Knee-Action Ride the extra safety of its Super-Hydraulic Brakes and Unisteel Turret Top Body by Fisher. Best of all, Olds- mobile is priced just a little above the lowest. Come for a convincing trial drive today in a 95 h.p. Six or a 110 h.p. Eight. Jnhnni V\....... .. BA|_(E wnpg ROYA_l Muthv nlu... i.. IHHH PHONE 128 'l`hur.sdn_v, Aprll 8. I933`! t hlllvlll .`1'HlV HUW, m't h::v- thv hmnmt-r `: uu'll hut _`/lrlll` Tim,- Though pnla(`(`S are tnwm-lmz. `Where .~'lalvl_v .\`1l`(`t'lS go down. The light uf Home is rhlning still In gray nld LOll(IUll-1n\\'l1. A tender muthor, and :1 wifv. Swevl. grzu-iuu.< and .\'\`l't'n(`. Qhanrlc u-uh:-(I in lwinsr ki!\(`HiIh'S~' .`5\v('(`l. gl':u'Iuu.< mm s Stands rnbt-(1 in living 1 Tim? wvll hccmnv.-: n By God .-: [,:nnd grrzlvt`. of York" r4,\.\..... 0.. 01..-. H.-EH.-Is (H )'UI'l\ Comes to tho British Thrmu-. And in (`unndizm 111-2111:; and hume-s. `We crown hm` fox" our own. Dominion-widv, one prny(`1` s\\'cop.- up, Wllh our unilvd hr(`:1th - God :~'a\'o you. keep you. hioss ynn. Beloved [1`.l1mbelh! ~-Gt.-rtrmlr Bowen Wu-hslrr In the Ottawa. .var1n Journal. 1.188!` "llIU(` SIHIIIH}; lllll'Hl' . Grown near to us as brouth. Your chnrm lms L-upturod Cmmda. Beloved Elmnlwth. Oh, low mm span .1 mminonl, And bridge tho lumblcd son. And llnk fur mcxnhvrs vuch to vuch In Brimln's fumily. We are Cnnndlnns born and bx-rd, But. we arc` British, tou_ And our unmcnsurvd love: goes nut. Elizabeth to you. (F1`ox11 the Rural Wmnvn of Canadm A daughter ml the hills und ;!,lcn.~`, Frnnx Rvnlliuh hnrn mud hrnn I l\ U{l1l};l1l{`l' U1 IIlL' [HHS HIM! KIUHS, From Smlllsll burn nnd bl`l,`, , Stepped smiling inlu Britain's heart.` And stole our l1czu'l.~' nwnv. l Dear llltlv smiling Duvl1o.~s.' nI'l\\lYl\ nn.-n` in us` :1: hrmlth ,,- , _, , .\ .--..v... 7 out of 8 Canadian house-I wives tnd.x_\` insist on Royal when they bake \\ uh ;I drv _\'c;1.~t. Thu` know it is rcl1;INc. For fr_v_\'c;1rs Royal has stood fur hH_hCS{ 9uulit_\'. R ... .,.1. o'...- 11..-: ...x...._ ____.._. __-__- --:---- - (1 [ways fu H strvngth Stand-.InI Bnmds Ltd. Fraser Ave. & Liberty St. Toronto 2. Ont. nvnuuu: a. mum. Please send me the free Royal \'v.-an Buke Book. Page Four IN W0 M.AN S' R EALM FBI] QUl~`.l":N l~Il.I7.ABl'l`II .\K'I'l'lll'. kindlim-.~:.~'_ I Quvvn I "'l`hv R059.` The only attendant was Marilyn Raynwr, 3-_\'oax'-old daughter of: Mr. and Mrs. Lornc` Raymor ufi Cro(`n1m'o. whu was the pretty lit- tle flower nirl_ The bride was giv- on in marriage` by her father. Mr.<._ Leslie Walker of Staynor. in Ihoj capacity of pianist. rendered sov- cral selections during the service, nllrinu Han Qirrninu nf lhn rrvtfk. nu xv .-..:uu.u\; u -- \.l nr|bII\r n 'l`h:- wedding wns suit-mum-(I un :s`murdn_\'. April 3, at -1 n'l`|u(`k. in Sluuf{\'iH(`. when the Rvv. Rub:-r1 \'uunuun1tcd in murr|np,u Mixs Amn- H. Gordon. oldest duugzhlpr uf Mr. and Nlru Jnhn M l'2nI'r'Inn N:-ut I nu . Sorulfur rm~:1~: ism}.-1.:` (CHwmnH`Sm InaIsNUng(W smmnm nuvrs .T(\s(`phim` Ann Mill:-r. Croomnrr` bccnmo the bride of John M. \Vn1k-i er, son of Mr. and the late MX`S. Genrgt` Walker of Slzlyncr. Tht" cer('m0n_\' was performed at the hdlcr honnn near Cashto\vn", on Saturday. March 27. 1937. Rev. G. E. Downing. pastor of Crocmnrt` Baptist Church. tied the nuptial knot. 'T`|-xn nnlv -\O.1\I\Ill\v\. ......- 7\~...h.n '\\'HII UIUVVH lltll (IIHI .\ll|'l'.\ tlllll \'uI|' riod zn l) uf ,\`v|lm\' ru.<`.<. Ful- lnwing tho <-(`rt-mnn_\'. :1 wt-ddimj brez1kI'z1. was served tn the bridal pm`t_v. which L-unsistod of the im- mediate relali\'os of the commu- ing parties. ut the home nf 1*. - brldc-. following \\'hi(-h Mr. and Mrs. .- \nders0n left by motor boar- ing confetti and tho gum! \\`l.\'h'.'.\` of relatives and fl`i(`l1dS. l`hoy will x`(`. at 317 Gliddon Av:-._ Oshawa. (fvntrv Vospru Wmm`n':-` lnslnulo hold :1 progr`ss1'vv ou`h1'0 in 7th line hull l"ri(lu_v night. Miss Doris Wm- ;:ru\'x- won tho lud_\".~a D1 11.0 and l.2u'l Cursnn the goI1l.l:-x1`mn's prize. A druw was mind? for tho nutugrnph quill. Joseph Ludluw of [`urunln u-me tho wmm-r. Lunch was 5(`l'\'(`d. -.\ ll. LIIHUUII. l'l(ll'5l (ll|lIKlll_('l' (H ` and Mrs. Jnhn W. Gordon. New l.< 1-11. In Mr. Framk Mlll]1l)C'l`$I\ll ;.vcnnd son of Mr. und Mrs. l"r. .\ I1unb(-rsnn. New Lmvnll. l`h.\ l\.~rln'. pl . um. ..I` |u~ .\llIHllK'l'.\lHl, lVlT\N' I1U\\ I`ll. Tho bride-':; (truss \\'us at hrmvn zhovr trope. trinnned with hrnid au.d -mbrmdmw and two brillmnt (`ln.\`|I.\`. For tmvt-lling slur dmmx-(t u szmd mt. with brnwn trimming. I\ Ix.~'.s' Nlildrod Gm'dm. HS hrul:-.~:- nzlid. was ;.:m\'nod in _v(*llu\v flu\\'- -I'r\rI .-h.`H..n men` |......... ! A wt-ddin1.:nf unusunl imorost In :1 wide circle of fi'i0nd.~< louk plncv in Wesley Church. Alll.- nn Tliursdny. Mm'vh `.`.5, when llnnnnli l.oui.~:(`. cltlcsl d2uu:litor uf Rm-\'u W. J. Cunninglium and the lilll` Mr.-i. Ciiiminglimn. bocznno Hm ln-idv of William Edward Andorsmi of 0.~ wa. The couple were mm-rir-d unat- lv;-ndod by Rov. l). A. Mnvl\'omclwr T`|\n Ix-~inln nun-n Ixninn sunny-In Il'A` ll'Il(l{'H U)` I\l'\'. I). I\. lVlkll`l\l'l'lIL`l|l'l The bride wore lwign Sll(`d(` law with brown hat and shot and mr- l..i...J 4. I.... .1`: ..I" .~ ll.` .\- L`..l lltllll. \\'tI.\ );H\\'lll.'ll Ill .V\'lIl|\'\" llU\\" -rod vhiffun, lrnnmvd with bm\vn.l $110 \\'urv hruwn m`(`o:~`s Mr` :-{m\'zu`d Mnvhmn uttmxdvd thr; grnmn. Mr. and Mrs. l\ llIInl)('l`sulll will reside nour 'I'hm`nlnn. I ca.wn}1:" i72L3i4:i ,\"W6xxT:l;x~s lNSTl'l`U'l`l-I HOLDS I'IU('I| RIC ('Hll(`ll'(.'HS DUNS Dy iVll'S. lLl|SlTlC`l'C. The April nnd annual meeting will be held in the (`Ommuniiy hull un Werlnesdn_v. April H. The mom- bcrs are asked to come prvpnred fur the Penny Ten," to be given at this meeting. The ion hmziossos will be Mrs. Jns. Lnudcr. Mrs. Wil- son Brown, Nirs. Chns. Eli.-:m(`ro_ .\ Be surv tn ask for Royal when You bu)` dry yczxst. Don : nskl Baking fanlurc mth wcak mfcrxor+ yeasts. I -4nr\alllU vv.-. Thu March meeting oi` the Edgm Women's Institute was held In Mrs. Big:-iow's. with an attendance of eight members nnd six visitors. The roll call response was. "My Pet Ecmmm_v." Readings werc'gi\'cn by Mrs. Best nnd Mrs. Brandon and n doxnmistmlion on the milking ni i-hildrcn s buns by Mrs. Eilsmt-re. 'T`hr\ Anrl] nnrl nnnnnl vnnnllnn .-\NDERS()N--(`l1NNINGIIAM M UMIlERSON-GORl)() N \\':\l .K l'IR-!\lII.Ll".R WEDDINGS EDGAR \V.l. IU ('UlllL` pl'l'pl|l'L'(l . :. :. )\V II I and; usps. .`\'ll|{.i|HlIlll.\ l\l.\ B11115 :1 l`nr_L; i\'in_1: 1 ihvx` gum! \\'i.~'hv.\ 'lhv \`U(\pt`I'ZlllUll o1npl0_\'eos suxno : cd my nmthcr fr .1 111! n F`:-:u\:~nic I-;(|\L' ll|\' .\l`lIl\' \l'l_\ l|lll' K`Il'lH`H perfume. Othm` frivm!.< vulurorl In my \\vonk11os.~'(`x by ;.:i\`in_u' mo :1 pmr inf lnucolvis. cups and sum-m'.<. |;zlm'vs. iniliallvd lmmikc~r<'hivl'.~'. u silvm` frnmv fur Mrs. l3I;u-k'.< pir- turc. :1 curved trinkut hm: nhy tho 1"lI`\'t\I`\ `I 1~'n'\u\.l l\\1u\\`ln Iuunl-.~ A 11:.-\LLY dclicinus l\rc'.1d de- mands an albsolutcly pure ycast-onc that's full strength and run`. Orhcrxvisc. you run the risk of spoilcd dough -- heavy gray tn-\mrc. :1 sourish taste andl smell. wl('(Ill I` l (Hutu ed the bad bu my courtomxs z I".l\'n l\\:\ mun: I "FzI|lm;; I Mnriun I1 !v,...\ n/I... !Miss Agnes Macphail Tells of He. Birthday. I` l'ill|C(`.`i l I ((`le'm<'nriJ, "GI`1Ill(l[):I'.\ Miss Jum- ios" (I":'uri WUH, "l"1'nli( _;,'un-I Snlllv; I _Tn\vnn\- I-"um lK IHl' 4'\}.',ullI NUFII Hr:uH'nn1 Nlis.~: Hlll'l\.'Il`:l ` G" (Rm'!hmw'J `i!|I\\L" ll 'l`u-nu numl. mx Nnt'lu1'm-" I*`ull-rlml. I (ll.\'l' l1|llHH'l'). l\'H.\.` Playl`nl Ihmdn Joan I4i\'in;:::l4m; (Slrvrxfxlmml). Mus.-: -`Vnlw mu.-H.-" rn Rofcroncv \\'(lS mnrlo in last \vock'.~'. i::. In llw vvry sucm-ssful recital given by tho pupils of Tvliss Mnydoo Mr`/\u1(`y, A.'I`.C`.M.. nt hm` homo nn 'I`m-. March 30, Thv copy was l`(`(`<`i\'('d Inn law for tho inso1'linn of tho list of mumbtws given. Those were :12: fnllmvsz 131101 "IWI':~:nn nl` Hun Qhnnlu. [;,lV('ll. lIll'.\'t' \V('I'(` 1l.`s' l(Hl0\VSI I Duct Dn~:nn1 of tho Shepherd- ess" (I,nhi1:Ic1/J. Misses Jenn Il_vslnp nnd M. NlvAuloy; "In Mny" (Martin). Miss Jnym` Irwin; "Sn- tone" (I Mi.<.~4 Mnrjnriu Cook; "A Bum-h uf Dnisios" (Mur- tin). Miss Hula-n Rm-vo; 1.itll- wam n...,. /1 .1.......s M:.._. u....... [33 -Numbers WeT|(| Given [By Miss McAu|ey s Pupils Each. cake ofR0_yal is prnlovlvd by an air-light wra) or 1. I P d;'l1\ 1\`\1f l`I"t`Lli \iC-! I_l.' llnIlll|l". \'.\[II('.`.\l'|l ms in p:u1. Duv tn nm of Ilw l'Elil\\'il_\' no of all llwso rv.'I('h- r fresh and beautiful. nis Pnulint. often cn!l- uy of the HmI. but and ro. friend. 10 \`or_\' fino F`ron('h or In as` l'lH3\` NH!` C.'|IH`l`l`\' I "M imx .,l-..-.. 1 u.uurL'. H II 15 \\'&l\L`I`_\'. 1! has 1>v.`('x1 cunlud hm quickly. A1\\'u,\'.< Cnnl` :mex`inguus sluwly. Tu sum up the I Iimportant points: two tablespoons, `sugar per egg white; beat until stiff;J ` |l\I_I\'llI l|l'll IHI lIll' wvr(~ road by the m-r ilmmssnblu In bulls \\'m'v not moan ... \l.. 4 . 1` . L lll`I.\ HI|\'\ Ill.IH_\` .\'lll1l|ilI' H dx-no by 1-\`or.\` p;u'li.'um-n1 Hf p1`(`('od<-n1. Small (`hildrcn Learn hy A p.. . ('1, (`(llll'l' `H llll` |'Al|.\I(`I`Il K ||l'I|' lclc." N'\\' (}l.`:sun\\'. h_\' \\'h<-. ( <>Ill` losy 1 \\'ns |n`i\'il(~;.:vrl in um-mi. Hv made an \'<~ry zlblo fluent lddl't`.\.\'. 1).`. MncGzn`r_v socomiod tho spmw~h, :1 {ow bills were l`(`Id and tho llmlsv ud_'|uurnod fur lhv d:n_\`. 'l'hu- hillr. uvnrn I-nnrl luv Han r-In:-I: in -. nv. Ul|L\ \'\'l' m(`x`0l_v `.~l.\..,. Is,` ` Try Salada Orange Pekoe Blend HINTS [ Gl`f|V(?hhlll`.\ l Old Home Wm-k plans for Anuztxst nrv pmgr(~s::in;: favourably. (`nllinmvnnrl Hnriinnlhnrnl Sn- for Home- bodies Jessie Allen Brown ClllLDREN S RADIO CONTEST (Dm-ning of l':|rli:um-nt . , . . . ll .. n .- AT THE ROXY, THEATRE Saturday, April 10th, 10 a.m. 'l'h- wnmvr nl Inn's Snfvly (`I (`l"HH. l3.'u'riu ` \ Free Admission WESTON S SAFETY CLUB AND UNCLE BILL \ Vh*lh:-r ynu szim,-. play or (I.-um and outer this vnnlx-.~.l . , ` In` l'|l' IIUL lHl'(Illl. ll) UL` IICUFU U ' tn h.'I\'o been road. Ono \\'u n\\' m:m_\: . lhim,-:4 u )3` l)<-(`nu uric-n1 D0n, t | gamble with, Weak i Yeast 2| lll`1>ll`l' Till! IIABBIE EXAMINER. IIAIKIIIE, 0NT., CANADA (lil). llll` IHIL`. clerk in n mun- unclvrstuml Tha- nt In hv hc2u`(| but an .~.\..rl f\..n n-.... H11` ('n||l4-A-.l '.'luh |)I'l>lll1'.`l.\l ` will In` "Hnlln (under 15 years) lhuulling for Parents and Children H.'Ill'I! % 75 EL_IZ_ABETI_I ST. IIH |n`inp; l'UI ul\'0uI`uuIy. COIlim.t\vmnd Hm'ti(`uHurznl Sn- cioty has as its pr<'sid('nt for this season. W. V. Fuwnmn. an enthu- I. .- ..:r..Hn ... `.\Il{H, :'\l.lil'll('l' Ill I`l".\l.-\4'\' III`).-\l).\ (D|{II.I.|.\ \\'(lL\l|-L.\".\' l.\'.\"l'I'l'I "l'l. '11! .\uI` .lHlllx* 1l:n_\' :1! OR a new thrill rnnlmrmiy, lmw you c.-My you along open You'll power andmoremileslothr:g1llon You'llbe toapprr.-rzialc: in- teriors and Knr.-(.--Arglxr n Rule the lll' L',lll'.`wl -ll `il_\"' on l|n- HARRIS MOTORS LTD. . (`lmkitw ICIIIIIICIIIII. w.I. gwII.I ESTABLISH ITONSIL CLINIC; THERE'S NO cum wuss you omen A New OLDSMHOBILE \'uu|u lH"H DI HI il ptwlllfall H KIIHW """`:' If h(- rnulri 1mx'r*h:r.- thv nr-4':-xx:-1`_'.': w'('iI~`r"> H"1"I`l'<'f9 1 zt.-qulprm-n1 and can!!! alter: uxvv lhr-> Irallvclcrl` ttuwnshxp :1 bell:-r ml:-. 'l`h,- Rm.-vv~ f |(_.upr,,- _'.(](]r(-_qg(\d 1.,;rr-It than the ;;r.w(-llinu rnight br- -(;1..;- in x'('f(`I`l`l1L'(.` tr)Igivx1(r in the full instt,-nd of the sun: s rhspulvd and other-` mer. Tho lam.-1' has hr-on the custmn? stlxzm-sltrri that Mr.} in "3 051-"??- Il:-cmr, tnkn uvcr and` The Rrrcve felt thnl If Mr. Spc.-ncurl nu |m.s': lr- 1ht-sr~ m:nt-.('uuld rim the wnrk at :15: 1`v::smml;lt'l _ \l'kl>Ul|. \ V. \ . sinslic mt-mlwr