Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Jan 1937, p. 5

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Mr. an Mrs. J. G. Lillicmp vis- ited nt 5. Wilson's. Miss Margaret Andrew was in '1'!)- rtmlu for a few d:Iy5:, Chas. Burton of 'l`0r(mt0 S{)'.`l`. A Iew days at his hom-=. W. Ron uf Toronto spent Sunday at the home of Wm. Te:-1'y. Miss Jean Grecnlmv of Tnromn Nice Firm ILETITUCE BIG ORANGE SPECIAL FISH Service is :1 feature of The Examiner Job Printing De- partment. Unusual service is given and jobs comp!et- ed promptly. Phone 222 and our representative will call Receipt Books Sale Bills Statements Shipping Bills Shipping Tag: Social Stationery Tickets Visiting Cards Wedding Stationery BARRIE K. Pear Pair lb. 7. lbs. 19c S, A. 'l'ippIm.{. 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. `D. Smnrt nntli Miss Juy Smart \'i:4i1c-cl l'ri<'ml.\' in} Barrie, on Friday. Mr: Wm. I.ill\' ul' Bu-l-tun it: vi.-=- D01. D02. D02. Page Eleven . Eh. 16 15 17:: Box 25c Head SC lb. lb. lb. .5. lb. E). 14a 5:. 16:: b. We lb. 9: 25c 10: 27c . 2'5: 15:. Barrlo, 1v`rmn_V. Mrs`. Wm. l.i|l_v itlng hm` tlnmzhlvr. Mrs. W. T. Bak- vr. fur :1 ft-w \-.'(`(-ks. Jnlm ('m>p(')' of Rt*ll.'\\'iI|(` in via- Him! his sun. R, A. C'nnnm'. zmrl F22 33c 25c 17c mm. -0!` special Sl1umm1'.< is` Hu- now runnimt :11, |Vl.'H'll` (H \ (If Mr. mu Now Yt`.'n".~ /[Pu R Thursday. January '7, 1937 I A WUKIHI rt\Ll<--Duo: :11 Jun nu-nu 1 IN; The two Holstein Fricsiam cows. Dcwdrop Faync Iohzmna and Dewdrop 61 ]oh.mna Changeling adjudged the best progeny of one dam. at this grout ` 63 show . At the right. Dcwdrop Fuync Iolmnnu. n\\';\rdcd Reserve Grand ` ` Nu (Ilmmpionship honors of the show. Royal \Vintcr Fair. Tm-unto. 1930. and Owned and cxlxibm-J by Douglas Hart. Woodstock, Out. 1c.\c\'1 and Mrs. W. E. I`hnmp::rm the huliduy with Midland Is: Ahk;/;M;AMMMMA~vM~vmAMAh~\MMA, 5. Vi1son'.<:. `ct .-w n Sp'.'l`.' A Toronlo L` Greenlaw Toronto :` sister, Mrs. M. Bell. Be;n'(l: wns with `Unto for the weekend. :1 l'm'I`_V of 'l'm'rmLu Eek with her pzn':ui.4. loll of l'nr is vis- l(`l`. Mrs. Walter I-Imul- Sl with er has l`(3`.llrn("(l vucznlnonimz at he: Two 117 I1` '1-\:\nnru-Inn Reception Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hrwilt On ]\/[nndny e\'('nin4 nlmut nnc= hundn-rl frierirls f.{E1lll(`l"`d in the Q-`- tinge Hull and tvmlererl :: 1'g't l`l"` to Mr. and ll/Irs. Frotl l`l(`\\'lH HI-'1 Lillian Keith). A w:ij.:nn clecm'n`._c-(l- in blue and white and lxiclvn \\"I1l\ gifts was drawn in by l|lll:- Du-k Keith and lvlisses Helen and (ix'2I<'t* Keith and I')m`cL-n Di'kio :n. Ill opening and rt.-mlin,-.[ the gnarl \\'I:%h- CS of the mam) Trim-n(l.<. Aflir thy yming couple hml` Ihunlcrwl Ilu-1.`. friends for their kinrlm - n-fro-".- men .:~: were 2::-r\'ml and n ('nUP"-` "` hours rl;mrin,L: W211: ~n.'v,n_\'<'rl. Sunday School `Free and (`um---"l Nt.-nrly two lmmln-(l 4-llrlnrlwl th" United Sun(ln_\' Schuul mil r1;zin_- Ind-nl Wnrlnn--.rln\'<\'L'n1nt:. nn A WORTHY PAIR--BEST AT THE ROYAL "V ` - ' --'.4!.... -......- l'\`.-....l....- I3-u... `.~1>11nn1 nnrl at the home ()1 Wm. Te`-~ry. Miss is visiting her Miss [nu friends in 'I`m-unto the woekv.-ml.` Miss Velma n1 spC'n1. Izxsl. week Miss Ada Boll itim.-,` her mother, (`In I Soya Beans and Corn Prove Fine For Silage I On The Maples" farm. near Komptvillc. Ont.. owner] and oper- nturl by Dr. Frank '1`. Shun. C.B.E., and his: nephew, A. A. 1[rrImt`s. :1 small m`(`z1nfnC\\'l}'-hrnkvn Iuml `\\'.'us sown with S()_\`.'l hums. in the jsprimz mi` 193: ). The stuff ;:x'ux'\' like 2 I. '.. hnnn Cull: -nnrl unlln I'\I'n- U] Hlilh missed. l\.~ C l\k.'|ll mu 3 im..', the Hun` nnrl .-\I.[..-\ ND .~\l.l-`.---.\! E.-\ FORD Southbound .\v.... .x.-, ..x .\\:m, BRENTWOOD H.-\.\llLTO.\' l.lNf Southbound :1 \' 0 14(`;x\'e rrxv Alkmdulc nz .. ..` _g -jq n nu H 5.45 2.10 6.00 \v .111. ._ Northbound Arrive W. All :`.n'.x`.L --- III RH spent IIXSL \.VC(.`K ` PH. is :~:pr4nrliny. 55 Elizahctli St. Phnm`. 293 1936 Ford 1Xuu1ng Couch 1936 l l_vm0uth I)(-Luxe Sedan 1935 (yovrolot Alaster Sedan udltrunk. 1935 Phnnouth Couch 1935 PonthurSodan 1934 lgwntnnlh l)oIAlxc l.'()1l(`h 1934 Plymmlth l)0l.uxe Sedan 1934 Oldsnmhilo l)ol.ux0 Sedan 1933 l lymouth l)vl.uxe Sedan 1933 l)(- 8010 I):-Luxo .51-(Inn 193,`! (`lwvrnlc-t l)(-l.uxc (`uzwh 1932 l lymu0lh l)<*l.ux('. Svdzm 191%.?! Buick 8 l)-Lnxo '.`Nl:m 193] I)nr:1nHiS-d:u1 1930 M:irq1u*lt(- Sptwinl ..L. n S4-dun 1!)1}0"llu(lson .`s'od:1n 191-H) ();Ik|:md Smlnn 1972.`) Wllippvl. Four Svdzln 19721) ('hr_\'slm` '75 S4-Inn 19338 (`llryslvr (3 (`mu-h um: ..I.`..... HAROLD HILL (`.nry.~;l(`r and Plymmxth INC/\I.l.l{ THE BARR? EXAMINER, BARBIE, 0N"l`., CANADA BAXTEE . Hlwh Canadian Farmers Look to Future on. Miss Mary Slrulh to Rnhlin zuflcr ht-. home. Mr nnll Mr`: V F`. l`hnmn<:1m With the turn of the year, C`: ndinn rm-mers lnok forxvnrd what. 193}. holds in store for !h In \N'cst1-H1 C:m:1d:1 alter thv h : ml` (u`,\' \vculhm- and mm quonl. slmrt vmps. fznnwrs n um-II lnnk nlwnd with hnpos for i pru\'(')n~`.`n1. In ()n1:n'm, (on. drought of 1936 in many of n_::ri(-llltllrznl :|l'c.'1s of the prnvi` fnlhm'.< the hnpc of muro hum 1'11] h.'n`\'(-.\`l.< for 1937. While it Iruv that \\'x`nll*.cr has n p,rI'ul flur~n('~.- on thv :15.;I'ir'1xHm`:\l prod II...` ..I' ..' . I....... E Fine Mount t. Louis Man For Having Liquor Stiil H ('Hn'II'['l' u'lg5llH.\l HHH. ll \'\.I.\ u: in ovi was thv 11* ml a mid by R,C.M.I`. (.`n11st:11)I(- RuI)insnn and Cnnslubh: Ch:z.<. zim; on I):-(1. 15, in which :1 buil- nppvr lI|bin.;; and :1 l)2:r1'('l \\ ('|`(' `.1 them * Inn}: I-nncn- Inl- Im- Great Atiamm & hcic Tea E0. PHONE 1 86 Cnee COCOA Zlbs. 33c OUR OWN SALMON 2 {ins 23c m_.--.._:...___g..~ .. ._._.:...... ......- M 1'. z spent ll f1'iCnd.~:. Rnhf IONA 21; S Tomatoes 3 tins Some Strike CORN - - 10ctin .___._._........-.-p....--.-..-.._....-._......__......_...... ... ....,.....-.. Country Kist -..:-- IONA PEAS - - 2 tins 21: jj__-_..-.._j.-..-...-............_..-----.-.-......._. Spaghetti 2 Sins 35: :.....-..-o._.__..---_-.--.-_..._..-._...._.......- ............ -.... ..... ... - 356 lb. CATELLI CHARCOAL Zlnags 2_(_: ._-..--..`-_..-----_.-~.-.-------..-.--.-._.-. 5. . ...~... SPECIAL BLEND fricntls. | Rnbt. Ril.(`hi(` of 'I`omntn is vis- iting his dmluhter. Mrs. `J95. E. Benrdsnll. 1\/I've (` Wr:n<`.(`x' 11-H tm \NmInn-:- MOTOR OIL "999 ,.j__._.j....._?...._.-__..-_......-........- ...._ `..,...._ NAVY ToiletTiss11e 3rollsZ3c A. PENN Three Gum gieasans Why THE mama EXAMINER Prinimg gaaguiremenis Do You Need These C Biilheads Business Card: Circulars Coin Envelopes Church Envelopes Counter Check Books Dodgers Envelopes Invitations THE BARRIE EXAMNER " Phone 222 Modernly equipped, Th : Examiner is prc-;:*.ar(-d to fill your printing needs, nu matter what the job may be. Benrdsnll. Mrs. C. I"|`usOx' It-ft on VVmlnv::- day 0 spvnd :1 cnuplv of munlhs zzl Strut nrd. Mic: rllnvc 15.:-nrllnv nf Rm~:-70. Check up on your requirements and fill your want: now. TAKE sTbc YOUWRiPRlNTlNG NOW! BOKAR 29c I 8 O'CLOCK 23c 1 itch Circle 21: FREE ELEVERY I-|b. n I8: homd Rial Your Large Size imp. Gal. SI.rnunr(l. 1 Miss Gladys P.rnrll('y of Bnrric-, spent. :1 few days with hvr Hunt. Mrs.` J. D. Smnr1. ` T\Ifi:r:n\~ . inn nnrl N151:-Iln-In Rrnrnt-s:L 1-"). Tin Th: Examiner prints first- class jobs at economical mice:-. Printing that will .-'> " 7" .1 ` scnc you time and money. V Labels Letterheads Letter Advertisements Milk Tickets Nobheads Order Books Office Forms Programs Pamphlets Post Office Square cans. v. - i3EfGEsT101 THE Here Are a Few :Fb. lb. lb. MEAT SPECIALS J. I). Smnrl. = Mis:s:('s J-.":m and Mnr_|m'Ir` Bru`nt-st of Sunnidnlo sponl, tho wot-In-ml LI: Rnhi, H:n'n1,'s'. I Jan-Ir Rnhinunn nf (`n|1lw:|Qm` BLADE ROASTS SHORT RIBS RUMP ROASTS BRISKET BOIL BEEF BOLOGNA 2 lbs. ENGLISH BRAVVN `I2 -:-z.<:. SHOULDER PORK "Ka"nT(TeZ BUTTS PORK, Trimmed lb. "L BREAK FAST BACON SMOKED HAMS Smoked or Fresh Fici-s KITTERS, large PM CISCOES HESRRINGS OYSTERS 21 TIURKEYS Zia LARGE MEDIUM Crisp Iceberg TOMATOES Jmm, H:n'nu.-.~;. I .I.'u.,-k Rnhinsun nf (`n|tlw.'|t(`r .~'.n(-nt tho wm-kt-ml with his xi.~;l,cr, I\/I1`:\.| S, A. 'I`ipping. . Mr. Mr`:-: nml`:

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