Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Jan 1937, p. 4

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A, S!1*ingr~r of Toronto spent the wcekrnd in town. 'l\II'in. 'M|'\y.`~Hn nv\nlr;v\ 1-nhn-nn;-1 On 3 O$OTOO OOi O BUY VALUE! A \TJI'?rJ CF (Has k rJOB CM /1..- _ DAIRY FEEDS = POULTRY FEEDS PIG STARTER and CONCENTRATES HEIIC. 12ou.me. CHAIR. MOVE ABOUT` A'suLv, I30 YOUR KITCHEN WOQK SITTINC7 `DOWN. INSIST ON MASTER FEEDS The SARJEANT Co. Ltd. .. . -`run:-1 WHEN BUYING FEED / `TURN .n6 KNOB sferramw Posr DOES -rm:- zc:<. `BELLE EWART SHQRTENINQ :_u\u1 1. n\na.4n4 A-\/-4u;.-..w ,..... ko Be bred and owned by exhibitor. I. V` (.Il1arl0ttctown. P.li.I. CAN IT B1;;_DoNE? ,, ASK ()UR l.( )( I/\I. 1)}?/\l .l 2R FIRST PRIZE I'IOLSTl"`,lN IUNIOR HERD, ' 1 ur.I..... 1,\....... 1 O O$O O O! O O By RAY GROSS COMPRESSED A\Q CONTROL. TURNS F'QOk\T WHEELS IN STAHTLY. -FOI-2 @ET`\ n~(; OUT OF` ..-( ur'n/..\/ nu A/-I-C` JEIAS`/ TUQNING ,`3`?. iT _ W E3 `-3- KRLIA SALMGN PRUNES -r`Ui-<. L75! I|I`\I/ l/\JI LII TI(7HT W /\FL PLACES. Thursday . January 7, 1937 _.j._._...._._.... uhuun uunu, HI`. IVV.xItcr Ioncs, M.P.P F. Bnyaidc nr Nature's Best AUST PEACHES 2591??" QUAKEK CORN F LAKES Nature's L C'H HI`? I QUAKER 333D`. The Week in cookseawn CE Ii` `I \ K\I`\\ \'VUL`K~llU H1 lU\\'ll. Miss Myrtle `Rankin returned to Toronto this week. \\7y.. T .lIIIvI4I\|'\1|I\ nnnnl {kn uvnAT- I 1\-ndur j l RUM? SHORT fRIB` n A4A\AIA ;.--.4... Bagon M28 \\'l.\I'l`l (Z.\l (3ll'l` PEAMEALED IV I.` I |`4l\ Salmon smu< WI-Iitefis l..-\l{(i Ii Sl'l.l". --vamp`:-[H ll\l\flI .`ll4l' SWEET ORANGES . . JUICY GRAPE!-`RUIT l.:\I\llI'. \VlI1I. HEAD LETTUCE IUTUHLO UIIS VVCCK. Wm. Imwrence spent the week- end at his home here. Mrs. R. J. M:1uAfee and Miss Mur- iol spent 1\/Iondny in l'nmmu. ,.r 1`\:. run..- A ....h.. uI.. (`-001) .\7!'lZl'I :~uwv--rat-I1 1 *-Ts I .fI'c<:iiv<: fur ]':munr_v 7th_ 8th and 9th. JD Bull 0|" '1'!`- u- \\'o0k'.`nr' .1 TH! ..n.! spcnt I `, Mrs. Plump and I\Ina1}' DOMESTIC l`:1li Tins v u. u.;.;\. Al u.`.I.\.\..V nu/\,.\4\. A sovonrl nomination was held Monday evening. Jan. 4, in lhe Town Hall. to select Ihrc-C \`ill:1;,r:- tru~=`.(~<-.<. l`hm'(` were nine or ten nnmln:1li)n.~: and all withdrew with 1hr-. ('.\:L'L`[)liun :of the following. who will be l1'u:~'- ltr.-as for 1937, A. H. Kidd. L. C. ~.\/1,. IL! I hnnnnll ROAST lb. .~. .,,,-... Miss Agnes Flynm of Dixiv the hnlidny with her molhox`, J. Flynn. T\Ynvrnnn f'l-n~I.v nf 'I`.n-nnin 1\/Innday was a busy day in the Essa and Innisfil corners of (.`no]-:.<- town. It is some years since so much activity has been shown over the municipal elections, Judging by the vote polled. a Il1`_L{Cl` number than _u.\fual. the electors exercised their fx'anchi.=e. 17:: ...... rn... I Much In(.ercs't in Elections ` I lf.'(.`!x` 101' 121.11, A. 1-1. man. u. 1. Monkman and H. .1. Donnell. Brother Dies Mrs. Fx':mk (}e:u'_v. Crmkstmvn. hO)`(?.'I\'(.`('] by the . (loath hm` hrn'..ho 1!`) nl Ix By the vice: Vilhzge l`rusl(`cs E (`(`1.l'(] EDENVALE lHL' .\llUHL'll VVCSIQV Wi` "richer! in On nu '1-xi .1. Flynn. Norman Clark of '1`-wtmto visit- or! with Mr. and Mrs`. Lorne Johb rival` the wcokvml. Mrs. Ch.`-I. VV:i1s: mid Miss Jozm Waisrm spent Now Y<\:u"s with Mr.: and Mrs. I-lzn'r_v Vvzitscm, Sudhury. ~--Of special int(`I'0. To Thrifty Sh()[)p01`S is the N0 `Bir`.hdn_v Sale" now running at Wulkvr St,m'e.\` Lid. Barrie. Ib 'l\ll'u 1\v`\t] '.\II'.u- \l7uHnu- Dull ml" 'T`:'. , Pkgs. For lbs. 2f0r15c 4 for 19 1302. 25c .25 -.15 ".33 -293 .-ll.\"llu (I_L, )wen Sound. ntonrlont or .`....nnn;. f`.\ ,\l The Y.P.U. met Monday night with the new officers present. Mrs. Stanley took charge of the meetinz. I -()t' snecial interest to Thriflv Stanley took charge 01 me meeung. -or special to 'nn-iny Shcppers is: the "No Bi1*1.hda_\' Sale" n0\\`..n1nnin;, at Walker Stores Ltd.. Barrie. lb \v_ n._._._.. n:..I. rmI..:.. e .... .... l3Zll'l'|L'. Mr. and `Mrs. Wnl rontn visitor] m'<`r with Mr. Hull's ym Mrs. (100. Bull. Mn. .....1 1\.1'...` r.n.I nu tlugua l\llll\ 1 A: nu-anuu It now appears that we will not have 21 rink in Angus this year. Af- ter ~'C\'E`1`il] attempts in make ice. Iwhich resulted in a failure. the boys have given it up for a bad job. G. Bush Again Schnol Trustee Gm-don Bush has been elected by :n:<~inn'mtinn as schnol trustee for lhis section for mmtimr term of three y0zn'.~:. Mr. Bush has been `wt-ci'olar_\'trcasiirrr of this section . for !<('\'l.`i`lli )'(`:n*s and his \\'m'I< as .<:uvh has often re:-ei\'vd much p1':n:~`() for his efficiency. Village Trustees Returned By Acclamation Nomination meeting for the Po- live Village of Angus was held in the Orange Hall on Monday even- in_'.{. Doc. 28. The i'niin\ving werv nnminnlod. Thmnns M(`Cann. John T3i. \V:iH0r M('Mz1(-Icon. A. Mid- ri|(`I)l`m>k and Fred L:n`.in1L-1`. 'i`hv first thrm` nnmod were an thv l'm::rd for last, _\'i~:n` and as tho Int- ,I'i<-o, inst _vo:n"s boarrl wc-1`:~ givvn Inn nm-lninzulinn im* two (iCCiil1C'(i in sinnrl i'(-1` ofy |.luhn \NI||SUll nnrl I.l)ll 'l'1'1Inx. |'urm(`r has rloc-idt` rlr`finIl.l`1y 1 in play 1111.: year and the latter i |l}'1'1 u|1riC'('i(1vd. mg hcxr wow mm p|n('(` No Angus Rink This Soason T1 nnuv nnnnnu-c Han! uvn u-I11 n /**?` l I M UNT PLEASANT l5 ;_n\ ksn ....\; (`elobru Tho 'l`m\'ns1 nnnir-innl HID: U. u:n:'.<. DCYI L00 Bunting, who \ of David Jmmt-H. Anglican W..-\ I 'I`hu1`sdn_\'. Du`. 31. H wclin of C`hrist (`ln l1..IrI :1! T\/`I1-u F Jnnn ANGUS ICC. (Hid Black. )\- u'iH1 YUilI'I\' \'\'HH (.'0lvm:m. Um` Yul.-. D-...l-.` TOWNSHIP of Ir1NiL% NEW BARGAINS in 1936 FORD V8 CARS - plus posi- tive protection. ALL MAKES All Models czlrry 50-50 30-DAY WARRANTY 1936 Ford V8 DcLuxc Tu- dor. eq11ippec1 with Radio. Ford Heater, D01`:-nstm`. 1936 Ford V8 Dvhuxo Tu- dor. very low mile.'1v;0. less I tyhnn 3000. 1936 Ford V8 Stzmdurd 'l`ndm'. with Trunk. Radio and Ford Hoator and Do- V 1'roste1`. low mileag2;v. 1936 Ford V8 Stnmlznrd 'l`udm~. oqui1)})od with Ford Ilvalm`. I)nl'ms1m'. lNNl.\`l"ll. l~:1.|:(-" To {hr l-Z!o('tuI's 4 v ,,-u, . . Thanks 2'0 theA_f!ccl'ors of Innisfii To the Electors of the Township of Essa Y-.\-~.'>~ ,.. - -~ THE BARRIF. EXAMINER. BARRIE, 0N'l`., CANADA : of Innisfil: "l`()!{.`%: TIM CONNIE] .1. l-()ll'lHilll. l')i|I'l'I(`. Jnhn Pnrk:< nf Almzzznrivx`. -M:m,. is visiting his . Mr H. T. Run- kin. who hm; boon _u(.-rinne;ly ill dur- ing: thr- lust wovk. l\/rm Ii` Ihnihlu: nnrl xznn Alzm TI`- The distribution of the increases and (tot-rez\.~:0s in the official estimat- es of li\'o. on Canailinn farms in 1936, as cmnpurod with 1935. is iinterestinu. The number of l10r. ii\(.`t'0Z1St`I`t in Qtwtwt-. Manitoba. and IBritish Cutumhin but was ('0unt(-'.r- 1)zi1:mc<,~d by siigiit (tot-1'o:\s9s in the Maritime Pmvince.< and larger de- ('l`L`:1SL`S in S.'\sk'.itvh(>\\'z1n and Al- berta. m.'1kin;;' :1 tutu] decrease for (.`:m:id:i mt" 12.797. The total miinhcr ml` vnttio for Czmndzi (t0ci`0ztsu-Lt by f1.l)0(l. nithmuzh im-x'v;1.~`os \\ (`1`E` re- '_4i. in Quohvt-. Ontario. Sus- k:itr~ho\\':m and British ('ntuml)i:i. iSh(,'l`|). l'1l`S]1il(` il\l`i`l'2t.\'L".\' wuistt-1'4-(1 in Nnvn Svntizi. /\Ibm't;i nnd British `.(`nlumhi:i. . n tntnl riu('i*oz1.~t- for C`:mzuiu of 29,000. I Q Iimzs i11Cl`L`(1.\`(`,t t in 2111 the ])t`()\ iHt.'-I` I . (`.<. making :1 tntzil iH(`t`(`HSl` fur Cam- zidzi over 1935 (if 589.4I)0. Hens nml '(~|ii(:kc-ns il\('l`CZ`t.\`(`(t by 2 654.100. hut Hm not invi'cn. in nit poultry in i (`zmmtn is t`.utim:itott :11 `2.:`)29.4tit)_ iw~ |(':1lt.-'(` 1tll`kl`_\ .`< (|(`l'til1('r] by ?(i_Z .l)l); ` r . 1 'H\ ')l\ v , -n vnn . ...I J. ;............. :('1`u:1sL*>; fburln. mnki ,(.`:m:dn 1 `of l`n ' 1.000. nlthm 1 .Sh:,-I-p. ux`; n Sm ` ,. .,,,_ , Livestack Numbers On Canadian Farms WYEVALE 7. :m:1d:1 \\'ere 01)(`('. On1.m`i0.Sns- ed (01:11 20.000. r! provinc- mm. `ul in.-run on (`an- [axe Knnon : wzm. is \'i. Sa\\'_ve1`. 'I`hu.<. Stop Miss K. In_ur: fur 'I`m`nnh). \ thv xvintor mw IVh1 and M1` rohlrm-:1 fmm are livin_:;' in nvxt to the .< 1\ Ii.<.x` (;er1x'L: ninrl nn fur n I ll. ' \\L`lt' IL`- Sus- ish lSL`.\` 't'.\ `I. -gnu mu (`.11-u Mr. and Mrs, M. Holt moved to Toronto this week, 1\Iiss Lu:-.\ Jm-k spent the we`.*k- em! with hm-1' parents, `Vino. Roivo is home .'l_L`IliH :-ltcr hr. :".*:`..~Lm'.-: \\`m`k on the l:1k(`.~`. Mrs. Chas. 1\IiIh'r nf 'I'm'untn' spent the \\'.-c~1 with Mrs. I. E. Gro.~'L-. 1 Mia: Wlnv*Ol\r>n `RImvlnnm~l`- nf She1-| urosc. Miss Florence Blackmore 1 burne is visiting her parent few days. Miss S:1\\'\'m'. d:muht(`1` 1c-w nuys. Sz1\\'_\'er. d2lll_L{hI(`1` of the late Rnbort Su\v_\'or of S:1. \'i. NH, and Mr.~`. T. A. Sz1\\'vcr. Page Ten are n\'m_:,- m l(. .1. mt` `next .<:'lmnl_ Gertrurlu Sheldun \'.':::-' npv1'- mod un fur :n_)pvndi('i1is in the `I'M- rmlto General Hnspitnl. We art` ;.:l:1d In hem` she is goitim; alum! nimvlv \'.1H'l S Illl\l.\\' Stephens and fn.mil_\' and. Inumm 10!`! Sunday nig-ht unit). where they wil! spa-ml Hm` munlhs, BIGGEST BARGAIN IN BARRIE 7-'--"--'-"- THE BARRIE EXAMINER $2.00 per year by subscription, delivered weekly to your home. r mumns. Mrs. Rwy V1-nun their ` in R J LEFROY BCCIHISC` an Overwhelming" inziimity of HUIHCR in P:u'rie and District just Czm`t get almigq Wi1h<>u1 The Hzmic Ex- zlminer, this papc1'1':u1ks11ig11:is Il1'L`2l1 H(Jll>'~'.'i1(v1\i i\'ccc.\'- sity.Mm`etha11th:1t, atthc10w1'21tc<"t' five cents 21 single copy, The Barrie Examiner is 21 bargain. invested in a copy of The Barrie Examiner will do all of these: Keep in touch with the happenings of Simcce County . . . bring you the messages and pocketbook news" of Barrie : stores and business in- stitutions, with opportunities of saving money . . . tell you about your church, your school, your lodge, your club, your neighbors and friends, yourself . . . give you a share in a home enterprise de- voted to the good of your community . . . make you part Of that Community. (No other bargains like it). W vBAiRRIE 1| Ol0E=J.:iOZO O$O OO I,1I,'ll. I1` . and T\ nd Mrs '.. ...:4\.

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