Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Jan 1937, p. 3

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One cent `a word, cash, each Inser- tlo `(minimum chayge, 25c), five in- Iert on_s for this pr;ce_ of four. 25c extra 1t_ not paid Within five days` of jute of issugz; also 10c extra when re- lies are du'et_:ted to The Examiner. tore or business advertising (in- cluding agents) in this column. two` cents per word. cash with order; (minimum 50 cents per issue. 70! cents if charged). Classified advts. accepted up to NOON THURSDAY. A Phone 405 : BARRIE _' `C-`()-NIZPANY MSTQCK BROKERS IN MEMORIAM E. H. BEEADEN & Chiropractors \' of the late Wm. J in 1hrml< their f1-in H\"< fur |{iI1l:lHl`<\' u mxmmum c` 1mdr~r_ Bm'n." ` ' houdnugs free. their ng of the Share- '|-in Hniun (`Om '1i~.0 m`\\' . '.l`I1YI\'10LATEI < n(`\\' <:1l\'.r\ dc- \,r1u.; A. V-u. vv L1.n4\4nxIA1\.I vv l\LV 1 uu. Highest prices paid. Apply to Dom- i FOR ~;ALE ,G0 ~11. w] '1. 1} mm" Ame W"Cl{C`.S- 56 B~Vm'iI1.{ mzunchinu, SILIQIEL (xv1::1i1l1(:. 2%] St" Bm'rie~ 1p 5 lI':1(`LnI'; also (-ornl)inmi,n svpnr `. i _ . 3('x5(). (.-rnmulo`.(.- wnh |)f`il.\'. ()u`I N0. 7. Ir{nis1'il. Wz;l'{e1' AIl`.'1n, li...<.-. {\PD1.\'T:1'nC` BiL`..L`>'. ('0M' froy R.M.D. 11: i 1 `. Who headed the pm] 1 Im Sunnidalo '1`m\'n: lmn. n..,,.. um [k.. \V- \\'c1I. CIl.`\l\`I,I 1nI`I:1 ' 'l'(`.`HH.`H|. I. ll. J_\ll'I', \|L'(.'" cm. H. R. Cnmpkin: h`(`(l:lH' `':1lI;1(.-0; sc('1'cla1',\, . Allan T. ..`II V Hl`l ]) nllnliu Inn! . U. wunams Hwu 'l`hompson), of Toronto. In Council Again I}`K1llI\'Ll |J`Y \Jl Illlll l\| his \\'0vk. \\'i1h W". C. G4 pru,-: (-nndu(`1inL `nlinns. Tllnsc installed em. .1, 1i. '1'_\'lvr; vice- IA 1') f`n..Iyi. 4. [.l<)B()I.\'-~A1 the Hn.<])il:xI. 13:11'1'io. in T\'Ty' `and T\` THE BARIHE EXAMINER. IIARRIE, 0N I`.. CAN/J3 I GOOD SI-IETLAND PONY \\'nn1.c-rl.` Must be young and nC('1IStrnn(~rl In` children. Buught suh_ir:('l In \'ol('1'-` inury in.~:p(2('1inn; also wzmt (-ull zmd cart to suit pony, Apply Bnx' V", Bzu'1'i(- Exmnim-r. Ip` I .\ \\'l `clod ..H h `olive au1hm`iti0.s` are cun- 10 : for a man who: sutng hum-`y stool traps uuvhir-hinn` Pnini rliqlriri nf WARRIED _EoRN nu nu: _\cu V0. \\'h .'v1 he 1'. xiv in 1932 he V Spicher. DIED * \'\ll.\,ll|) EIHU: Ir yours 19%| tried In` ` `7 kn -. n An ' C011n(~iI]m`.< nu Mmwdzn`. rst dL'pu1_\ - yu-I\c|\?n uni} I Mrs. J. l\1ncK(.'nli<- of (_)1'illiz1 spent :1 cuuplu ml` du_\'s last week with `her sister. ]\'11'.<. Thus. Reid. ' I\ Ii.~ s I\Iill`jt)l`i(_` Reid and John (`o\\':1n smut New Yuzu-`.< Dav in OUR 0\VN (TIIOCOLATES IN 1 Oc Packages Almonds. Filberts, Brazils, Ginger. Dates, Creams, Czlrumols TENDERS for (i L-nrrls `,{l'(`l`ll mnplv or beech ht)(l_\ \\'m)(l um! i (-0111 H-(I:n'. to ho mm. in 12-im-h stinks. I)i|(`(l and BRYSON S Barrie Wins Tankard 5 Group, But Loses In I Districf By 3 Points!` Phone 39 NEXT A. & P. STORE CITY DAIRY BRICKS 20c-lIull` 10c ;l\l'HUl'Hl| U) ..L"`\) In Ill? `Bax'rie`s two rinks got 2 CREAM PUFF SUNDAES ARE DELIGIITFUL 15 IV]. I'll minted 1 LUNCH AT to be out. In 12-mun sllrlis. pm-(1 zn n1CZ|Slll":(`l in s<.-hm)! ;.:rn11ncl of S` No. 15, Essa. l`cmlL-rs (rlnsorl .In 16. 1937_ J. I-lillinrtl .lmni(`.s'nn. S(`("_\` Treasurer. 'l`|mrntm1 R 1}`. 2. I DISTRICT STROUD I\1in!: .\.<.mciuti :1 week 01' prznyur 1h mg. (}m\'on)mrs1. Kind l)irlh(l;1_v on . [hm-c-|n'i(|;:v_ has been \'iIn\'\('n:II1\:n| \\'n Clerk and Sr>l- l|)[)HiIl'.L`Ll Ll King's the new Wm`- Nurilwrn I.i;:h1| mnnrn ml!` HI` 11151 :.:.1nu:.l . a bye in men llfl (li(l.`1` GENERAL I-IO[,TSl<".\\'0HI{. 1)F.SIRF.D ` bv cxpe1'icm.'v(l g:ir]_ Apply Box C"',. Tzlxznnmor ufI`ic(e_ lb __ . _.....,. .. ......,..-. . . . vz cele- .l:mu- dllllll lhi: ILLOCAL NEWS jk -Hair cut 25 cents at 5 Clnppcrtrm St. Siitfh ` -Dr. Walter H. Woodrow. Orillin.1 `will not be in Barrie, Sat1u`d:1y.| January 9. Uni -All fur punt: 1-ln:n~in.n` :11 1n'ir`z`;. diiHllill'y 3. -All fur cunts L-Ioaring :11 pricu: it will pay you to BUY NOW. Sim- mons S: CU.. The Coat Sturc. IL: /\l| D'(l.l'l`H:'. --Millinery on sale at less cost. 200 hats. all new stock. at \ derful savings. Simmons & Cu.. Coat Store. IYn\\nl.Onunn .-1. l..6n..( ~01` special Interest In 1`l1ri!'l_\' Shoppers is the Nu I3ir`.l1d:1_\` Sale" now running at Walker S1m'o.< l.Lrl.. Barrie. ll) ,1\:TiHnn.-qr 1\I`\ nnln nl Inna (Ix-nu IUUIII. |.'. -~Cl1ilc1rcn s coats. sizes 1`. to H _\'czm<. on szllv. .Iznm;u`_v Clo: `znwu. Simmons & (`.o., The Coat Stun`. H Alt]. Wm. Ga1`11m'. vh:IiI'm:m nl` thr- Murkct Cmnmittev. inl'urm.< The Ex- nminer that he still l1;1.< in his pus- : :1 number nf tho pri7.v.< wm at the ChI`iS1lnlSn]11l`k()l. whim-h hm`: not yet been pi<'kr,~(l up. llv .~'1;m~. that tlwso are 2l\ Zlil&lbl(` tn the win- nnvc -1! him (-C1.`-l\ kU'dL IDIUYC. l|_)| ---Upholstc-ring done. latest ('u\'-I erings. xurniulre ropuirunl and H`- finislwd. Iinoleums lnid. l u1`niIurv for sale. Chas. Kelly. phunu 910,1` lpl Annnnl nmnnlinst P.m`1'in HnrlimIl-` lUl' Skill . \4l.li'.lS. 1\L`[|_\'. pill Annual meeting Burr tuml and 'I`u\vn Impm ciety. 'I`hursda_V. Jun. 8 u`L-luck. in the I\'Iz1_:;is` vnnnx LIGHT IIOUSEWORK W/\N l`I?`.D by day or hour. Apply 51 (`l2lm`1o|`mn. St... Bzn'ri(>. 1;: 1 . dill]. ll. ill 0 is (`xtCI1(I(,-(1 In all !vro. in hczlril Mixs Slnndcn um I --~Ja11uLu'y Clm wintvr cn:11.~'. Wm f`l\uI.lu-nn`.- inn. ilSil;,"l. l'\`I||l i1i('.slhis_\'n-1 r1(-foatvcl in I mitico mm .' yt-.x'l~r<!:1_\'. ll! Y`).-. lIIL' ll)Ul' .\l'iIl>. Judgnwnt \\':z m`dz|_v in lhv v M('[_) S1,. thvft 01' :1 (-n:u1 ` f\o\|-l:\.< 1\,1'iH..u- 'Al|eged Turkey Theft 9 Case Adjourned cu \r`/och '. I (`ms \_ (IL 3 Midland, ......_. 1, Tie Hl)I'li(`lll wwomont Sn 14. I937. :1 `.~`1r;1to`.< emu` `I. : H; _` :1`:-ll[r.iI.`:I>:`i| EVE..NNG CLEMEESES 1 RE-0PE?~j:NNG mr VOCATEONAL {`}&H;ge is Dismissed ,1 Of` Seiing To A Minor Rolled POT ROAST BEEF BEEF HEARTS . . . . . . . . . L011`-I ROAST PORK . . . . . SAUSAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . ROAST BEEF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 11c lb. . . . . . . 8c lb. . . . . . 18c lb. . . . 2 lbs. 250 . . . llc-15c lb. 55ALMON (by Piece) . . . . . . . . . . 14c1b. Fresh Chickens, F33}: and `Vegetables Je %RENNAN E`..`.'..'.XC3!1'.3G In-aux---n.n'x.\ .u\ uun :\,;rn|- uu\\IIuI\\ u. All-.'.7II]'.'I. lv'[,()lI.`\"l'.S" '1'I'Il,Ix'(:'N:'\l`II 1)lu'l.lVl-.'l{Y A.S'.\'()(`I/\'I`I()N 74 [Blake St. l:\RRll'J l'hun(: 3`/3 11 Dunlop St. PRINCE OF WALES SCHOOL Tuesay Evening? .5 an . 5 I.)L`.I.u':~ ]I()U.` E-an MT-lav` FLGRIST * Jan. Feb. Mar A PR/\CT l`I(`AI. NURSE. h trninud. wzmls pm.-:il|mL . \|)|)l.\' Hm. A", ]5`.x:nmm\r n1'l`i(-(1 1-Ill: Mar. Mar. XE.-`s`:'i'.1's' 52.55 5-4352 4. April 16-30 9.75 24.38 43.75 Larger Amounts of the Same Rah .... ..~.--...... I v*"' Prepayrne.-wt Receipts must be pres e ht'e'd* tax bill on or before June 29th, 1937,-\,, .- 1.5 th ( )`\-IN`? ( '. av: . -.4 .r../ 5:. 15 3] 9.` 5 Hi? 35-15 9.33 Hi! 16-30 9.90 54.6.3 24.59 24.75 49.253 49.33 49.50 9536 98.75 99.00 TO APPLY ON SECOND iNSTALMENT Amounts $10.00 $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 :1. 16-31 b. 1-1-1 9.63 L. 15-38 9.65 nr. 1-15 9.63 or. 16-31 9.70 aril 'l1`5 9.73 ..-n- $9..`30 $24.00 $48.00 24.07 24.13 24.19 24.25 24.32 an '\I\ 48.13 48.25 48.38 48.50 48.63 /In II!- $96.00 96.25 96.50 96.75 97.00 97.25 R? F TO AF`PLY ON FHZST !NST/XLMENT Amounts $10.00 $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 . 1-H 9.78 24.44 15-28 9.80 24.50 1-13 9.83 24.57 . 9.85 24.63 ai 48.83 49.00 49.13 49.25 49.38 g.` -.s . 16-3} Cost $9.75 $24.38 $48.75 $97.50 97.75 98.00 98.25 98.50 An; l\l\ A. W. SMITH, Treasurer! Town of Bq_ui`: YOUNG mm` \\'n nl'l'i('o nr xtnrv. cu shm-lhzmd. Phmw ` AAKINC} .................... .. 'I()L1) {~(7II`LN(.`}'} ........ .. IL AN!) VV./\.'l'I.'IR. (,`Ol,( .11. /\I2,ITI{xVll`l'l'1('. xvrvrviv 1u'VIvt- .255:-:. win Int.-M em l'|1r:~ and `l`h|zrs(|;1_v <-xm-.in':,s Hum 7.111.! in 9.110 Special Three Months Course IN 'm.I-: M)I.I.()WlN(} E~'.L'l}.lI'1("I`H: `ii /Cm" n sr(j'b}'"\1v] CIHAP surer. Al` 75 78 80 83 85 88 $24.38 24.63 1.`< >Ui I] 2\h-lul1Ir , .\`lL~;~; (Hwn M (`llrml Halon zu-ls :1\` our .>\;-,4-n1. lln\\'ll10\\'ll. HI lH. I Ilr'X.`l.'\v' .-1\`\'/\I`I/| l`I(lI\I IO$0E:'_T'JQEO_.!l PIMCT Hun nu GIRL WANTED for after 4 and Sat- urdays. Apply Box "E", Barrie Exa- miner. lb BCJLILDERFEL GREEN!rj!QU$E_ Phone 50 or 51 cheques .`-1()NL>. Chit Rcxfes `Do Jwing dis- 10C$Op 1 lU\L In An. N1 Um: as mu`x<--hon by day or \\'o(rk. Barrie. Hrr ml of the zryoble to .0 1'i Vic- A fx`:\<`(|n'(:(l I :11 first but mun nu-.1: Emmsipal `I low ; (2, l~`_y1'c :-:h:mk vpht,-l'(l 35:25 96.75 97.00 97.50 I'()SI'I'l()N \\"-WNTVIV) in zvhilrlrnn nr c`1(il'I'| l'\)blllUN w: to (`hil(ll`(`,ll or part puynwnt while lukim: Appl)` at 591;: I YOUNG 1 cs gum-r: ununlrv. 1 us In Hrs urt Orr. '1 St.Lll`;{('5.\`. ARE YOU T`I.:' nor. <'lm'.`.` V\'h_\' nul Hun mu-in1\` nvr. vu-.. nu csl thv suvin tho r('.\'|mn.~'i` ing. vux. H`: pcrimu-vii pt AH-hm`. 13-47' Thursday, January 7, 1937 WOOD FOR 5 z\m:ly In I , .l fil. '00 FOR I \\'uu(l. rut 11'.` ohm l`hnlI1~ 1 EXPERIENCED HELP WAN I`EDA- Housework and plain cnokingz. small family. Apply 30 William St..: Allandale. 1p 1 I K I 1 1 w ` \\'unu. MJ lul` hlndulr `V0017 FUR llll\\lH`l'. mt`! \ uvnnrl 4--font (Hill Run ` YOUNG l)I'l\`ll:\M l1'|.| unlu xrmurhl .-xlmm NM NM FOR .\'.-\I .1 . l.ru`hnrn< \\ 1'1 )K S.`\Lh b Leghox-n.<. \\'urld_ strain and snocu: FOR SALE 'l\l:m-lwd pair lvzu` CI_\'d.- goldixlgs. 3 and 4. broken and qulet. should dL`\`elup to 3500 lbs.: pair blacks. mare and gelding. 4` years old. broken and. quiel. slmuld L develop to 2900 lbs.; also other hors- es and calls. R. L. I\ lm\'dsle-_\'.` Hawkestone_ lp ;n.uu RR. _-1f1\'1-: s7i`{i(`ii |"{)~|: 5.-\"1.`l-1" m Yn. F |.IulIlII`l" P0iTI(;VS WANTED IQ n u u n . . nrnu II I: Tim l7inn\|:|1I-l CASH PAID for used bicycles, :1 condition. Phone 7951?, '. uu`. .' \\ n_\' thv .\`m'it`1_\ I I'('.\`|1Ull.\`ihi I. out. I`l`$( 1 mmxn ` Snmxly cl. :"I`l(`2\I. NUR: nllrul-..hnl1<(' HELP WANTED nu vnu -mu In In 1-... :.......|... WOOD FUR ` 2.... uni. :nA n In Tum `l`ill H:1\'u r<| lI`H MAR R IP11`! ` n-nl |HIll\`r`\\` WANTED u nun: lo I 1-... r- mmrl nun . <-om cw 5-nu.-h slirks. pxlcrl z <<.-hnnl L'I`HllHd E Wvuld like wur 'nn type and 1441. WANTED - Some chicken ('00 Apply Examiner office ~rm1(~r-` Appi) ` Onl.. SALE- _. I.` . ....n....nv ED` ` J\lA . ml` :in_ mzu-him D I Hlsr camp 2%? two yoam . Apply Le- ) RR. 1. ' ' I SMALL ELECTRIC PLATE with` oven for sale. cheap. Phone 978W. lb I 1 ____.____._ , 1 FOUND ~Im.~ ., Apply William` BARN FOR SALE-30 ft. by 50 Edward Howard, Bm'ri<:. P..R. `Ont, Phone 6071132, WESTINGHOUSE mxmo for : reasonable, 43 Charlotte SL. Burr1o,`, I Om. 1p 3 `FOR SALE--A pair of }ad_\*'s skau and hams. in good (-.m'1i`.ion. Si /.1 ' FUN AL.1L'--A Dan` 01 il(1) S SKEIKS and boots. in good size 4%. Will sell cheap for $1.25. Ap- unlv 209 Elizabeth St. In `FOR SALE--Packard rear axle. `complete with wheels: also 3 IirL-st. i700-20. suitable for from of truvk. |J. M. Strachnn, Erlgzun`. 11> r CARS FOR WRECKING WANTED. Apply Dom-i Bz:yl'ic|(H FOR SALE---2 pairs of L'.C.M. ska es and boots, in gum! cmxdiiim Boys` sizes, 1% and 4, See them ; J. Webb's store. Allnnclalc`. I Wlll SCH cncap | plV_v. 209 St. FOR SALFr--Ci1`cuIalin5_{ pipes, cost $38, for $10: now: oak bod. mil s))1`in: tress: dropheucl sc\\`in,L linoleum: ice box; ml-)1:-.< inn` fnu.-n fill -11 .4.- I -:--------------- FOR SALE OR RI`lN'I' hath l:n'H,*- I111 hnrn FUN h1\1,.r.' UH 1:14.041 hath, l2lI`,L<.- Int. burn : pen. Man's (-lruthm. 51/ | vmxt. suit. nx('h:mL*v 1'u W011 RF.N'l`- (`U house in Alla light. good ('(`H:1 3 s(~. innnodiu`. 1 TWO YOUNG |dn.\', l)(\1\\'o(-n `Am')I_\' }\I`x'hi(` 1 %\VOUl.D THF. I mi\~ml:r- l:url\"< I 'C()I\ H7ORTABl.E ROOM ` `Annlv !T}~`. T~`.1i'/nhr~1h S1, WANTED --- Gnnd fa! fowl, nlsu goose and duck t`c::Lhcrs. Ilighcstl market prices paid, Phone 384 01'- write 1-1. Lt.-vit, Box 542, 13.-mic. 52-3, { WIN` Iiglft. :\'i1X`XUUS pound. FOR SALE OR TO LET [Can mu. .m.. n In 1-... c.-.m1m. ?00Ms AND 30mm 1:. unu x-nur n In Tum Ev-Innhu-9: FARMS FOR SA] F .c.... unn mm H In T... E. \\'I'I'H `us! Offin` (run nan ~.\ll\\`(`l.l.l..-'\N>`|`Z()l'.\' ";\L7'17(i}w:(:i"LiisT" FOR SALE . . . . In to In T... 2'... `. PIGS 1.08 ? on Mt 1\'1int%s1n-,` and Pmrn T\/Ir-Nzulslu Y\/|in(* 'wAN'rED~13cIgmn nr (`.]_vrlo mu.` 1 I rising 3 years. Mnro pr(~f(.~rrcd ..r{ what have _ynu'. 'J`(.-l<`ph Slmllcli 23r21. Jas. S. I..C0n;n'r1. Crz1igvulv.} Ont. lp mat at Shnniy n Blny, Sh.'ml_\' Hm Bt);'\Rh ivv. /\m)i`v n \JlIll|l `or quic- Crxlrlwmt 1 t`\D- : ID 1 l(.'I\'. r 11)} FARM FOR. P.ENT-~~C'!'.v loam. fall! |p]0ughing (lune. 16 nmes of Ijvb. 223 [acres full whom. 1:") acres so:-dud` - 1 ,down. .<:1)1`n1_4 creek and good \\'ell.= `. \])p1_\' Blvx D", Brrrric Ix'.nnin-1 Em`. lb 'FJll'I\}L1Il llhldlhl lI\l.Vl'; \./\lAVIl .'1.1nJ ;\ f The annual meeting of the share-i `holders :2!` the Stmuc! Telephone; (`.mm>.'n1y Limited. will be held ini `the Community Hall, Stroud. my ;VVedm-sriu_v. Jan. 20. at 2 p.m.. fur; `the purpose of election of directors iand nther businC:=.<. , R. A. SUTHERLAND, President. I `1-2|) Lennox .Bl;xv:. Secr|'C1zn`_\'. S'l`P.0UD I'ELEI H0.\'F. COMI A.V.Y; nl rr1.,~ r\\\| ...n.u:n ..l` l"\r\ .h.n.. o r______________. I CARDS OF THANKS \:___.. and nmmn s1\'1m)n1 h_\' ( rcavcment. v\n., v 1 1 TENDERS WILL BE R'ICC'EIVF.D hf.` ; nnrlr-srsiLvncr1 for frmr ('n1'(ls Al-l'|.u ` VVALK FIR I\1:1r_\' W I'nlIIl'H'Y` $%%19.VRfE%*:VARi SM [0??f!31A.1:DS` ANNUAL MEETING t\'f"lI`INDF.N -- mt" 'I`|'\nnw'ae King Block 1 Vb nanaaunan For Arrears of Taxes ` - " \ -"\.Z'tH. 1 \\'_1. 1 no I Ehbn` v\nH'1\' (hi FARMS FOR RENT liiau unn can: It In Thn Fltlrnlnkl-i G. R. Er E. A BURNS T1<.'NL)h;Kb' w1I.1, Bl`; HI'.L'l<.1vI:.I) mgr, undersigned for four cm-(ls hardwood. two-thirds muplv; ulsuj 100 rails, dolivt -rec! tn S.S. 17, by February 15. H. I`), Ih|gh(.*.<. C`.mi:.:~1 vale, Ont. lp! u

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