Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Jan 1937, p. 2

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Mug, 1-). C, '1`vnn:-nl left on Suml:|y for :1 mnnth'.~; visit in V:uu-uuvcr. Mrs. T. Hnbh-y spa-nl Nu-w \"l`:Il".*`. with In-1' si::lm's, (hr Mis::o.< lu_\'.~'. in '[`m'm1ln. l\n.-.- I nnhinn lo`.n1n1u \\':|\' .'| P N R lJUl.'ll|I.\ l'lll'I]]}{ Mvnu (H)k|(`1,\` HlI.\`iII("~1S (`,zmI.~4 (in-1-limz (.`:u' /\1 Ilnmv Camls S1m'u Snlu 13j||_< Mvmorizll (.`:mI.< (Thur:-h R<'pnr|;; Rom-piinn C:n' (immmwl l.uhu~l.< 1`u.x`1(-r.<. all six:-_-; Butter VVr:1pp:-rr; /\1u-liun Snlv Bills: /\(llHi!~'.\`i()ll 'l`ir-kn-1:; Sucivly St:I(innm'_\' Un,u unnnml I.u|u~|:; ]):nn('v l rugr:unnn=:; Wvrklim: lnvilu1im\: Finzm('i:Il Slzllt-um-I11-2 Counter (",lu~(:k 1:ml;_< I-3_vl.'1w.< and (,'un.stilu1i:m.~' F.V1*2RY'l`l-{INC IN l RlN'l`lN('} .. -.....--1 -1-r n..._._ _, 'l`hc IS/\l{l{ ll`) l`IX:\M I NICK H'Hlll),' II sleeplv nlln`\m- lllillli (7().\llS 'l'Hl'I '.\.... _ . (Hy H. ('1. l`m'<-hn: CELEBRATING THE NEW YEAR WITH S\X/EEPING REDUCTIONS ON OUR ENTIRE COLLECTION OF QUALITY MERCHANDISE Now is the time to purchase what you have been waiting for in COATS, DRESSES, and MILLINERY. Our entire stock is to go at sacrifice prices for quick clearance. J` lllI|'l1l| \.5lI'(|.\' Vi!~`i|iHL"(I:1r(|.~4 Shnw | l'in1in;{ .'~`.l1ippim,I']';.,;_\- Windnw (Ian-ls 1)ll(.`l(Il'.`~' Fun-1m: 1Im:un1Inml ):m(`v Vvrltlimz `inzlnvizll nunler '|\|Iu vnnl ('|Il\\HIn l'|lI.l' .`('Kl'1.\' ()r(lvr Bl:mk.< Hrvzul 'I'i<'|(M,~`. 1.:lllH(ll'_Vl.i.\ l,q l*`l1Iu-ml (_';||'(Ig .'~`.hinninu 'V:|uu 1' Hull: L'.'lI`(l.< ,l .1-gal F`urm.x: M(`1ll 'Fi(-kvls Munm BI:mk.< I.v11I'l` Hv:Irl:: 1.0;.-,z1l Blanks [)p~i ll\ '|'i..I,.... 1'I'|u~'.IinnIm-s Milk '1`i(-In-ls lu`ili|u! r'.....I.. i\/Irs. M. G. M:Il(-<>\'ish .'m(l Barry M Rt-ginn. S.'n. nrv visi with Mr. and Mrs. A. lt:u,vm.-r, M Q} I ' "U l:|.\l.`\ l HS1(`;nI'rls S15|`Hm-I11: N010 ('1l(l.H' M0111! C`:u'd:< S(.'Ul'4' (`m'I.< l!lunl(N.,1.-_-; 1 |'HL |'Ennxn~s 1\/Iillt 'l`i..l..... ll-\n(ll)IlIS ] :Ivnpl1lvls Bil, llmtls lnv:t:u1i (7:mlng'1Ivs 1 :-ire l.i. l I'i'Ie l.i.~:1.~: |h\u1l`- A- 'I'ngs Bi I Is Bnnks `Bonds ])r:nft S }$:1(l;_{v.< !Iutlt'I's T)ml;4(-rs Cheques l(>ul 5 }lu<'ur(l:~' (' l'('lllill'.\` V'u wlwrs H-'\nzH)il|:< 1 nm.\l.I..n. l1l:llIK.\' . . l'1('lu-is Iu....|... nor Classifieds 28 Elizabeth St. . " `It 3 New Lowell Short Courses Attract Good Attendance Stewzlrt L, Page, Agricultural re. presontulive for North Simcne. re- `pnrl,-ed today ihnt Hm atlendmmc-e at who New Lowell Short Collrsos in ! Home I5)('m1mni(`s and Ag;-imnlture E \I':|\` .-In|wn\`in\:|ln|v l\\'(*n1\` uh-lc null i llllllllf I'1l`lH|l1Il1H' illlkl l'lg']`|(`|l|ll|I't' ` \\':1s zlppmxilnutely L\\'0ntygix'l.< and I l\\'vnt_\'-Oight boys. with mom ex- i]Il`('1(`(l befurv the end of the week. Tho Courses commenced Mnndnv` and will continue until Janu;n'_v 29. Thu Short ("nlII`.*:t`.<. which are [)0 in}; hvld umh-r tho m::nngemL~nl nr Hm Nnrth Simone Dnpmtrnvnt nf /\L'.l`i1'llHlll`(` in N10 l`nwn.~`hih Hal}. ]I.'l\ (` as tlmir in. and in. cl... full:-uvi .-~ n.|:.`, Miss Olivo 1-`(-nwit-k. I`u1'onln. \V1l.~' 11 Now Yt-:u".< ht-lirluy gmnx-I of M1 and 1\/Ir:-:. A. N` (.`r:nppr-r, 223 Eliza bth St. Mn-u H Vvnlluvin :m(| NH.-:34 /\l)ll." lH|\\'(`|l. \ ZIlIlH\'ll|('. In l`ll{l!`L'l` HI` |"_e}_(m(] (11'0.s`.s`in_u"; I)(mu|(l Bell. B211- rifx in (`h.'u'go nf l`(`orlin.L{ and man- :u:(`vnonl ml` liw*s1 and S\ew.'u'l l.. I":1_4v_ Barrio. In ohnnuv nf :I'nrm n1:Inn_2:m1wnt and mz11'k(`liII*.. L`..n.`I-`I In .. unrl V UTOPIA relurum |\.'< `The UNl'I'l'Il) ('HlII{(.'H nf ('/\N/\H;\ \ / ` / \ Collier Sf. Unitocl Church` lu'l'.'\ . I-.'l.'f\ l`.'S'l` In`. I. ).\'(.'_ If./\., HI).; 1! I WAiLImt'3`at1}"cIoss of I \CoHi'erq `United Church`; `J A |:'1 I. I-\`: .1 UV 5 ";")l.'IOIIOOIIIOIIDIOIOOII OOOOIIODIIIOIOIOOI OOIOIIIOIIOOOOODQ Attention 2 REAL MONEY - nuws DRY G00DS } nmn ml- Mrs. H. Wnllwin :m Wullwin. of [`m-mxlo Y(-zu"s mu-::ls or Dr. :1` Turnbull. Urn W U A F'rr-Iu- MEN S DRESS 'SI_~_R:[:`| MEN S f`L`l*':`:'[~:`.'V(_`,-lE-L'-"I4-I`l;I'fi`D-I-Hif and DRAWERS . . . . . . . . . . . 69c garment MEN S WORK SH!RTS . . . . . . . 79c vilr nun: Nb ROOM FOR FAKES MEN S HE:AVY`ALL W661; F H WORK SOCKS . . . . . . . . . . . 23 pair SEE OUR STOCK OF BABY'S WEAR at Less `Than Wholesale Cost 58 Elizabeth St. Mi M "s.TAr\JbTEN Men s HemK3i)66L"kSd n}iiiii~iX*r1oNs im-lmlimr '....I`2nl.I'._- 'I`......|...I|'.. `you CAN SAVE .\vm r" -l,S1.~;l~..~ I _ .' f: ' * , Fm N(S l'IVl'IHYU()I)Y SINGS g REV. w_ 1.`. 1-..x..,..... I Dill . illlu nuns. and d:.mglm-r .1 Y1-m".: wvokmul Dndd, AuI'm'u. Mr. and Mrs, .1 this n1m'nin;: for ; their suns, Ilm-1'; D A f`|nu..IunrY I,I.()YI) 'l'IH ....,l I` .,-- u nnvuv! vv\/\J:.: \4\J|vl1JJl1Vl"|.ll.\Jl im-lmling Hl1lllfi(`|l]'>~', 'l`urnhn||`.s' and .l:u-grr :\'l` (iI:l*)z\ l`l.\' l:l`1l)l'(`l'1l) l l{l(`l-IS --J vv\J1\l\ LJllAn\nL; . . . . . /\ BIG li" ( H\I\`I\/IFN'l' IN I)/\R,K I`WI'II`II) ,.lANU/\|{Y IU. 15) I|()l.Y (`()MI\/IHN . I. O: . . . . .. I\l..<.- '\yl.....|. . _..-_..~4-a man an.` - 'l`m)k-`s lion`. $2.00 `V1-IIIH.` ` . . ` With (,?ulI:11`.~: Al.t,21c}1od or IT)ot,:u~,11v(1 O O!.'...`lO O Y/I"!-'()Ifl) l'I...;.~...unvl ST. AN DREW'S Presbyterian Church I\'l'.'V. J. S. .'x`!I()I('I"l', M./\.. I).I). !\Ix..i.-I.. murml 'CtImunr! llurdu, Mu ()rqunE.-:1, unrl ( COLLIER 3%`, REGULAR BAl5TlST CHURCH '1`ul`nl)ull. ! Mrs. W. H. A. Fm-In-h nml (lmu.:h-i tel`, 126 Cnllit-I` $1.. \\'l'Hl In Nvw:Irk.`i N..l.. on Nvw Yu:n".\* l)ny. ll'(l\'(`Hil1;-' r `M 12 I Fuil Gospel Tabernacle 7. : ('Hl.I.H'lH .\"l`I{l'Il".'l' SUNDAY. JANIIAHV yl.~-'IllII |'\`-v I`Hl('.\' :\l"l`I I"! V |\ l`|ll`I (Ill l{('lI I .IH1.I'I`"ilf)UI. Ii F .M. HM. HIINI)/\\ .`s'('l|()()L /\Nl) Hll .l.l". ('l./`.53 , . `JD./\`r'. .I;'\NUAI(Y 10. IHCV. J. H. (}r`.lH1IG \ .t Baptist` Church K. H. I4/1'I"l`Y, Miui.s-r,-r MI.S'.`' N. KAINII,` ..- l..... I .....l I1.-..n..i.-I II /\..\|. llllll I 1'.1V1. Till". MlNIS'l'lCR Phone 169 \/H Ivl': ul ()rg/uni.-4!. . (ma, l".'I`.C.1 mi rmuswr lVll'. I Hl".l(Vl('I*} 2|`)! .lfa"I'l(,' $1.19 In, 15:37 I: (`A.I.L" salt.- Unuermn. nuzn nu. Miss E'. Rilikl`>'. (`,-.vn`n 011-` 103:`. is spondinxz :| \ucul1m1 in Nvw` York City. She 10! ! Barrio via C.N.R on Now Yvu1".\` 1)u_\`. 1\n:...~ 1m-..~\- Qmich |~.;1< rv`.u"n(-xi HlL`ll' run1_y, |.\u R. A.. Cl(`\'(-1:Ind. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bobby. nl Kitvlu-nvr. for New Y(`zn".< of Mr. ; Undcrhill. Hi;-,'n S1. iL'|' 1'-`Ian n.~:ik.-< ( UH IVVVV ll`ul .\ 1 Miss 1\/I:u`_v S1 hnnu! uftvr .x'1u-nd `guys with hvr_ Jibsnn. in Hnmx` .I\/Ir. :uul `.\ II'.<. Munln-nl spent 1 day wxth 1ln~1r p: 1 u n..rr (`nllim \V\Il\` Uh lllllll` list Church. Brn(H'm'(I til. Miss Norma llnll, ul` ( )H:l\\'n_ is Hu- -gm-.~:1 of Miss |.wm:1 .H`~.`:u;r:un, Rl).\':-`. SL, this \v(-ok. n.- nnrl Mm Nnrmzm RnL'vl'H nlhl BARGAINEARES Return 6.--\in in.` C.N.H.. 1 1'. and Mrs. Homm` J. Dnlvy and ' * (l:uu,'hl(:rs and Miss Ii]. Kv~n|' 1 Now Y1'1|l":: (lay with frix-n(l.< tayncr. I`. and Mrs. Ht.-rlnaln 'l`nmlin.~'nn`] .Tunlmv S])l`Hl New l"S with Mr. and Ivlrs I .1 A ....m--. ]\ bull. 5:. T~`r<-m-h rl:un.:h- 26 N('\NZ|l`l(. Yuzn".\' 3.N.R. `. Kvvn L \ vnI":: luym.-r. 'l`nmlin.~'nn '3 1. '. Anclrow C:ll`.\`nll loft nm'nln;:1`m'.'1 month's visit \\'illl ` l'l:n'r_v. l.ull and I)!` .. '. l)i('l` and sun )y. of \\'-re` _l.`_llt`.`1l.` Jvw and l\`lr.~:. lln.<.< ':1'lxill. 5:: (`I-.1-n Cul- Nx-\\' ru. nu, , u,.n n... . ~vl<\ I` M P Auspices of R `Continue Until Tho fiI`.~:1 of (-igxhl vs in u nulrilinn x-mm-:1.` tho B.'11'riv l`1':mch ml" Rvd (`x'ns.~: Society, wu ,Hr-rl CI`n:'.\` Rmnnx lust `mt illll`H(llIllL'l' of I\\'(' plan to all:-ml Hw C`: will he l1l`l('l 0:11-11 Wur ing :11 Sl`\'(`l1-ll`I'll`l_V In gvlgfhl \\'vok.x'. " lvliss l\ I.'n';:n1'(-t lVl':'.I `.\ ll}H'l`\`l.\`(Il' M" llw Nuh l-(`uxmlliun lh-rl C`rn.~:s. pr:-. at Hm first <` pluinml the pllI`])(L\'(- ( -']'ln- ('lIl.\'.\`(':1 will hm (-l1:1I'gl- nf l\'1i. F.. `vr of H10 lucul nutritic !l\Ii.<.~ I.)m'0lh\' Sincla "fJrLTcIr',7'1'571'c?.'1'7_' nnllnlllnnncu sunalgm Hamilton London Oshawa Peterboro Toronto Llll Jun. IXII l('.l\ l" Viuluwlt K MID`!-`lUR5*1' 'l'm'nnln. Mrs. l.(`i;.:hlnn l`.mm.~: \v:Is :1 C1` p:1:~`.x"(-ruse-|* In Nmv York (`ily Mundny. Mi- - M:-I7: l.m~ hm: rvhn'Iu-I In lll`l' M: n Hmniltu 1\n.._ 1... . lJiI_\. Smith .-1`-nu I` l|'l'UHHI Agents.--.-` Hzmdbill . Sto\'vns0xy> lo;-kl B9-I:!S3T`i ll\'l|l[; the Ch nuts U \V('ll' and Mn: I`-.m1d(`n (`n .;.... in KY- $3.60 $2.25 $3.75 $2.20 $3.00 `$1..-45 1` ' `i\&:\i .l`.\I1L` 1 n H n-\\ . V \\ `Bx'y'1.:lsuAl ` A W X `ll IHHII" friu-n lVlt)n(l:ly. Mi.-;.~; Mulu I.m~ Inn: rvlunu-< uftt-r .s'p(~mlinp, :1 wo-vk wxlh in Ottawa. |I.....g..-.I Dmmv nl` Hmnilhn `V First New Year's Baby Was a Boy Mrs. Jns. Quinlan nnd dnuuhlt-r. Miss'ICv<~ly11 Quinlan. rolurm-d l`uvx- .l-nr -.I'I.-1' L'luu\IhII {urn unu-Lvu urillx lVll.\.\ |`A\/('|`V'II hfllllll-lll. lL'lll| lll'll llll'.\-[ any :nl'h-1' .~;}wn(lin;:` two wm-ks` with 1111- rm-nu-r`.< Mrs. Jmno.-:| Mi.~:r-um`, :11 Rnihwvll. Ont. Mr. uml Mrs. Colin Tail, of Tm`- -mtn. and Mr. um ! Mrs. VVm. Wit-k- \v.'u'(-,MR1-;;ir1:I. xvnro Sunday p;1u~sts , (1! Mr. .'mrlMr.x'. W. ]\'.W:1|lsuml Mr. nml Mrs. I.rm-.~:t M('I\'ni;,rl1l., in tnwn. Mr. and 1Vlr.<. H. C. 1`uff of Millun. have lukvn up rv.s'i(l<*m'c for .!hv winh,-r in Barrie with thm-ir sun. ]l.l(I_V(`l VV. 'I'llH'm`ti_ nl';.`.`niSl H! CH]- Hivr SI. Llnilorl (`hurt-h. 2:1 192 Dun- } Imp St. 1 I`Iu- nnn'nn'mnr*-nl iu nnnnnnr-nd nl'. 1 mp at. } The vngmxvmonl is nnnnunc-vd of `[Nl)l`Ill:l F.ll('-n Onkloy, (-lrlvsl daugh-I Elm` of Mr. F.rn:~. O.':kl(s_v and the` V` 1:110 Mrs. 0z1klu~_v, Min(`.s'in;:, tn I'l1l'l`_V| Eivhzml I<`r.':li(-k. S('('()nd ynumzvsl` 1.91!!! ml" MI`. and Mrs. Jn.<-ph Fr.'1li(:k, iMim-.vin;:,1h(- InuI`ri:u.:v to l:1k0pl:1(.'0 |m-xi \v<-ck. ` . . ' iNutnhon Classes Start] iAuspices Red Cross| ;Continue Until Feb. 241 ~_ mw Nfm l`!)_;[lI \\'l'|.`K.\'. ` 1VI.'n';:n1'ot M:.C`.rondy. HA.` [>'ll})l'l`\`i>`(Il' Nutrition S(-r\v`i(-1-, hurl Tnmnto, was rpm-smut ('lZl>'-S. Illld.(.`X- `})1:|ilH`ll u!` the Cu1Il'sr. .-nl'l.;-1` he in `('h:ll`,`2`,(` 1\ 1iss How. conven- vr ml m1triti(m committee; iI\Iis.s I_)m'nth_v Sinclair. and Miss `B1-Ih I31`ur_\'. all 1.rr:1dun1o di('l.ili(lhS, 1\\`hu h:1\'v \'nl11n!cvl'1-(I Ihcir .\`vx`\'i('us. Thv \nl1u- of .\\'h<>lo grains and :`.`.i|K in building: up plnysivznl fi1.nes*.~; ;w;:.~ di. at lust nir;hl'.~` (-1: 'l.nm-_ ..I' fnhnm 1-I'|uk`I|\' urn New Year's Festivities i, Marked By Much Gaiefyi New Car License Plates Necessary Before Jan. 18 The first baby born in Bar- rio in the New Your was a son burn in Royal Vic-l.m'ia Hospit- al In Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Swnn, 40 }"vrry Slroot. about 4 p_m., Nt-w Yozn-`s Day. Fri- day. Jan. `I, 1937. Dr. W. C. T.i1llv ufl`i<~i:1lc-(I on the nus- pi(~inu.~4 m-r`:1sin11. . Inquiry lmluy rvvvnlod the fn('1 that the baby W(:i;Z,"h(`(I vi;-,`hl pounds me ounce at birth. and that Mr. and Mrs. Swan have not yet nmnod the infzmt. H0 is :1 healthy _yuum.{- sh-1' and hnth hv and his mo- N11-I` :m- (lUill;.{ wc-ll. 'l"ht- socnnrl baby born in tho. N'\\' Y1-zu` \\ru.\` :1 (l:II1;{l1h`-I` to Mr. zuml Mrs. Muuril (`.h:'nrIo hnis. /\ntvnMilI.<.:xl)n1ll 7 n_m.. Jun. 2. Thv hI(-s. ovvnt also lnnk pI::('4- in Royal Vi(`lm'i| 1YnenH:ll T:uI'|'in in ()H1IW(l. llnwzml Pt-nny ml` llnmillun xpvnl New Y1-zn"s with l*2:n'l Smith. .`H Brndl'm'(l SI. l\lIiuu 1\hn'nm Hull nr (>)H:l\\'i|. dill!` (2. llH' I)l(`Z\K( RI Hnspilnl. I3:u'rit`. ho weekly (`lnssus n :~'pnnsm'orl by Ihv Cunmlizm Society, \':1.x' hold in Hu- last evening with lwt-nty-l'u1n' who 1 to ('n1lI`.\'(.`. A (`lass ` hl'l( l Wud|w.~:(1n_v even- for 4: period of 10 uvnnll \- |H\'.\. IIHILE, |I\ l'|. 111') 20 Duily good outing ;\IiIk supplcxnont and nwut mu` --- L`hL't`.\'(`, fruit pudding, .| A 1`! -1`.\r\u \l\V\ K'l|Hll'I1K. "10 date of P.(`.\'_ n.| :1 nu! 1.xto1"w` - Dc-nlul he-ulth. uthur suurcvs of |I\'\;]lv ml ,.1.\ 4.... Minvrals and vita- v_:z::s. ricv puddxng IUII AVk'\\ I.().O.F. nun |x..l.-} Ts ` nun--.. - u. v-.... I F`0rmor Barrie man, whose :|p-| 'pninln1(-nt. tn the pnsition of man- aging director of ihn Montreal 'l`rmnwuy:< (`,mm).'my \\/as 1'(-vonlly; :mn0un('_-(I. ` Photo;/ramzrv by ('nurt-sy M: thv Munlruul Srrnulnrdl this \vv(,~k. Dr. mid Mrs. Nnrmzm Rn;:m's son 'I`h0m:I.-: spa-nl Nvw Y-:u"s with friunm: in 'l`m`mln. Douglas Judd of 'l`urnnfu : Hu- r-|...:..|...p.-..- nu...-lnuul u-iih hixl Inti- .,n.. nuunun. I\II||n lly nu nun... rv;{1`(>1, In lvnrn that IIH-ir d:m).:l11t-I`. I\'ulh1vun Annit`. .'1;:v pn <.('(i away on 'l`lmrsd:n_\' ow DH`. 3). 1936. lntvrmont W115` ..o mI.. Ln... n/I.....l.... Inn A I |l(`('. J]. IHJU. |llll`lHl('lll \\'nl.\ I :1! Markham. Ivlumlzny. Jun. 4. 1* `Icon, .'1lIhuu,uh not well fur Ihv ..,.. .\.. oI-..~.... .-n-..-.~ .n-.in1-.inm ll.'l'lI, illllll)l|}.',ll IIUI two or l|n'<-v _vo:u's clu.-::1"l`t1l mnnm-1' :11 all who know hm`. I|L'. ll\|Il}L lll'(lI l}llH(l:'Xl\, l\l|` Qnmwio dim] in 1913. In 191$) mzwris- J. F. Nvwlrm. |i\`in3.' :11 I zxncthnn for :1 short. Hmo and in hmisfil TUwn. `.\'hl`l'l` l`m'mer1 fur :1 _\ ('."n`. In 1920 Mr. Mrs. Nvwttm look up 1'r`. T Mrs_ Nowinn 1)nssos:. n finv .<<-nnlily and had {I witlv (-in-1` friends. Shl` \\'n.<: (~spo('i;xlI_\' fun flowers nnd lwr _Eu1`r1m1. AL-liv (`omvr St. Unilr-d (`hurt-h. R111` ..a' I... In A.-.. K/\ l'llI.l".l-IN /\N\'ll RICICVI-I T<`ri(-nrl.< and :1(`f[ll'lIn1lllL'(`.\` of and 1Vlr.\'. I~`,I'I1v.~ Rm-\'v, 5] (Im.<\`-I S1,. '1`m'nn1u. I'm'n1<-rly of l .:n'ri-. \- n1 Y.'..4lmln...\ .`\..-xi.` -11:11!` T Thn MRS. J. I . NIHVTON ` death nr-L-urrod in Tr ml Hnspifsxl on Stxmluy 2'7 ..I` 7\'fu.. '1 L` )\V:\-ovlnn OBITUARY MlLLER S STORE -WIDE JANUARY Across from Telephone Office I!'l(`ll(l Ill Jnnuuu. Chri.~:lrn:Is W(`\`k'll with his mu- thcr, Mrs. I-`. A. .Ill(l(L Miss Clam Sh-pin-um-n. nf 'l`un-uh: Nuvmul Foohnnl. syn-nl Hw (`|n'i.~hn:|.< hu|i(l::y:< with hm` parents. Miss (.`ll`ll llnllun ol` '|`m':mln i:< vtho guest M Mr. and Mrs. J. 1). Hal- um, 'l`m'(m1o S1,. this V.'l`l`k. Hm Rm-h:mnn nf 1`m' Allwrt MILLER'S FASHION SHOE |ll|' (`H \'n' III 'inH_\' fund ml" in Aclivv ..I\r. `H. 1. WlL'l- 1 I then . Hwy : nnrl : l5Ill`I`lC 101' S(`Vl'l'ill _\L"ll?\', IIIS Hllll` `Pr w:1s :1 member uf Barrio Town (`mum-il fur mm `.1.-mm ulmut, 25 years ago. The fnmil_v )`(`.'~'iIl(`(l in the Brook :15: :1 summer home. 'I`h(~ (`nnn(li:1n Lug Hunk." n fon- lnro in The 1\ [mm'(~:|l Slzlndnrd. (tnndllvmrl by the oily editor. had the fnllnwimz inlt-ro. slcotvh of T\Il.~ \l7..1l`.- 1.-\..nn\.. hnuso nnw (l(`('U[)i(`(l hv thn 1Vli.\`.`:C.H'; Barrio friends 01' Robert N. Watt and the Watt t'umil_v will be inter- ested to learn of the line ndv:1nve- mcnt :.:i\`en tn It/Ir.`Wnt1 rvcontly. when he was p1` tn thv posi- tion of nmnaging director of Mun- l1'L`i\l 'l`r2'.-mwn.\'.<. one ut` the lmgucst and must. ilmmrtunt companies in the St. Lawrence ma-tmpnli.<. M1`. Watt is :1 son of the lutv `Mr. and Mrs. Frnnvis M. Watt. whn lived in Tiurric for . _\'C'\l'R, His fath- 'I`nun\ n.. nu... ...n.n|.:-1 nl` Yhu-I-in VVIIII He was vcluczm-d >41. inn` Inslilxnlox at \Vv. `F Barrio nnd i`. hmkml wlu Imlod :13 1hmI;:h ho w: for n ('.'1l'(`('l` in 1-rhm-u1ir.:. . .!.. kn rl ..n.,\.. H nlhm` 1il'(` (WU \\' 2154 m :1 i n or! "IInwv` 1" had I |Hl'I'l` l'Ii||).\l'1l 1|} jnnd :11. this timn (I! Irvnl plum of the` ,m~oc1(~d and ymlmz Hn Hw n1(`1l`0pnliS. _\'o.'n`. 1908. In` \\':1.<: sistnnl mnnzngmx an wpnsiiinn until 1913. ` In mm. NH: \\':n1I ......o,... nr H11. 1I1n\\I|'II H1 IIVIKL AMI. \\.II\ \\'.|x [rector of lhv (-nmp:my. i Rapid Rist` . ..v. ,,,._.v,1 ____ _. __ n_. 'l`m'(m1o 51.. {ms V.'(`l`K. Jim l3u('l'mnnn. nf '1`m' 'Bu('hzmnn, of Kinp;. spvm lhv hnli (luy wot,-kenr.l nl llu-ir humu. ...:, r-um ..r l':n'nnln_ was :\ I.`- J\ lI.\. 1 I ` Miss Anni 6%,. 1nd. N1 to Rf/aft Is Make ` M _ naging Director Of Montreal Tramways Co.l` ALL . Barr EAL: I ('l)Ill]lll`|K`( :.< m)lI(`gJ,(* :1 uinod n jn (`nu LML .....`l ould r-ml... sell. Through L , s nns 15 the best ; ~.:..-:..o > 1. H10 (`uI|(`;;- 'I`m'nn1<) and ` 'hvn Iw grad-E uvne [Lu-I inndl |`.l'H IN` }, lil|l'! war: rlcslinod 11:: nllu-I':<. In; .rl hie -u|nHi (lily WI'l7nruu in nu .. .. . - . . I-`rank Cum, of l'm'nntu. V W(,`(:k(!l`l(1 gm~.\'l at lhv humv 4 ( and Mrs. R. l)unbur, Tumnto . M1`. and Mrs. Nuvl Hinns 0 onto, worn NOW Y(!:ll".\` g'uusl.~: and Mrs. Wzu'I'(,-n \Nil;{zn'. l.mx l.0rn<- (Y.'u'rullu-rs. has rm-I homo nflx-r .~'.pvmlim,' lwn wm-k Mr. and Mrs. E. W. l .1'i<-st`, {HI Miss M rinriu I"alIis. ml` l` V - -- r.... hr... V'....--`u 1 Have ynll v\'(-r lain in In- l<~.<.~: Ihmngh l|1t).k`() lm1;1..~:l| I\\'hi<'h px'0<'v(lv thv rln\vn'. S [my (`X|)L`l'i('HL'(' lu.~'1 night. i I was not .x'tIl'l uI'i1u5 pain (`()]1S('iL`H(_'(` \\ ilS 'l.\' (`l(`i|l' 1151 V\1\1x` Ind Y L .4 ..n..l.l nut ..a. L'nns(`wI1L't' wu:~'. :15 |'l('ill' 115:! (`l'_\'2' pool bu! I just could not :~`.t<-ul h;u' intu . ('nful(iim: :u`In.<. l 1:: ifirxt on my right .~:i and lln-n l my l<-ft and thou I lay nu my lun- I puffs-(I my pilluw mu] giw `.1 tiurn. I Iriq-(1 U\'(`]l mmlllixu; Jhr Yet scht,-mo us I wnuld. innm-0| slumber l`UfU.\`L`d to be vvuuvd by :11" craft ur (`lll)l]iIU.{. Al lust I xm.-(-pl. .(lL-feat and lay like :1 \'zmq11i. lw:n'riun', leaving my miml In run `the . sun nf fzmvy. - `. Still it was \\/(`H worth Ihv wry `loss of sloop In he {l\\ (1kC In \vH-:4 llw spoctuclv of H10 (l_\'in_v,ni-.:l1l h ing rvin(`:u'11.'1t(- in all thv un.~pv- `In-zmly of u nu-w (Izzy. n..... ......1n.: .. nu. .l....'...1.o r 1 lnlllll (Ill. JIM` lu~:11'(l:|. \un'd. And In plnnctuutvd W uf bix'(ls. A fl lnlk mudv :1 ('rus:' the bri 1`l\.r. .. |`U`V 1| {Jul Bl III \II `which bv(':nnL- mu 1 I . ;nmt(-(I UHUI the \` rwns radium 1ik(- :1 depth of vnlur nu-I tun are of the F11] C... 1 v\ I1\I|l\\lxl lll'l' NIH] '(hm1u.'h I like :1 1:11`; nu... 1\x\1v.\ |Il\\ u .u.,._.,. M`... .was beyond. :m< Lobstaclo rapidly `up into the \`:|(-:u `flaming url). Tm _ stride. 1 The {1`vshn0.<.s' :2 u`... inn nu-uln rn (ll. Chi] nnu `IlL'\V-UIIIII nu). I jcnvers and strctc `the floor with :1 1. spirit I luukcd to _day. 1 ___,-__ THINGS WE PRINT Read The Exumim M:u`jm'iu l`-ml was :1 gnu-st fur Nvw Y:-:|r'.s' nl hunm of IVII'.~:. l'*`.. luungnmn. ('<|: Q6

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