lINABD'B LINIMENI II the Llulnunt noted for at my store only on we icon (or ula. plqplo IIIO It. BARLIN FULTON 8| 0. B. ` L-iu n1'-n-in _ June9.Z5 Au.4.1a July 7.21 sq-t.1.15.a9. I94: rum A-n;__m. n . |Vi}RYT.0"W RATESI `l'lGl'I@%7ClDAVI , I 1 33 iibhrsionsi L-6-'3-r---n '.."....,.. "'a.g..c.'..'".;a.-"....*, Vguyl all o-_-um assoc-oowunnfoc. J. W. ,scorrr,..,,,,,,_ ~ mu m uumum. imuugnum mg. ' :uu:rmsa'r .p. `w. ir..nowl. `- IENSED Autrnnwm .IJ`Il. I`.I L-iaE1'-n-ii LZI ld.`_ I uvllbropburn & 00. At the re- ,` gaunlnunond A: Uo.. locks cull- qaoi Ecpburn ma gouacsoa .9145. the nlnlniag 05 being doducto.1~lcr do- luau: munluturc. The dateudanl ,_dl:u`IIIIdtlnma|nyonr to Hun- npd. ml they then branch: um -V(:`:;'>','t :,.'Y%< )`.t1`1`-' Q4; 40 I __ __ ___,__.___._..__._L... `A nXA1iiNw1}:R`_JOB" uigotiij -. V` , um: mndotnu on-ulonlnd. I-`I5 ` a'a.'i`.'.'.%":'.a`x-:xEa`."..z".`%'`."..`;" "."""_ 5" _.:.j_:j4- wuss c. In A R D: I . - TORONTO. Scot't% s'l nooxsronia - _ l'L`l45 Inmnnceuompu;y,[4.u,. coils}. luimam u-....)..' ._ ' Inna-mun` cl ` ` sun. Icon. lli,-an ml . `*4 -**"-""'-`-"`-'----"' 5 . THOMAS nocsu`. - %>ZIblq1- GI `but their dun (or 3175 In: no: hou- gau nlnnnond 110.. Locke ml]- lopburn &Co. (or two wagons at $1. whihhuthontutnoduaund ududnxolbuunmmondaz Co. at oznn; mum dalivareaungoodn uvllbropburn :. THOMAS Ranans Inn`:-mung: >r q tynnnd quot umoe.._w:il: `yre_qq_p_gloe._ jun your union LS1 a pg z.-{rd I YOUF7 READING NEEDS ' " owu`-'$u Adam-, no 30! 214. users. , An Al") .m:unmcu noun"- muotrqmwnuung, nun- LL Ellv ~ .l!UIH'Da*n9 Inch. Tho detandnnt II the ' pants or n wnuuu-gear which he nth Ihouhaut Ontarlq. Eh undo an lawman: with Hunnond IOU. of Ollm ulna; than tho town right (or [Inn]: dbl: `pull! for 0280, Ind tannin an qpuon on an County _ ht one month. Aftotwu-d Locke cunt lb Pletoa Ind obhlnd In urdat (mm Q Co. wnltans at JOHN IE,-"ceases - IIISURANCB Alf A'rLA Innca uomnmni, I.InnI ARE WELL Suppuma A1` -9.311.` I_.In-n_:. -":1'h Inc an-baud at the Gonanl` Iain: vhlah oponad baton Judge , gu Zundny. Juno 9. walla n g IOJtlIlOl'l. and rcpidluad I In`: amount. Amt hearing seven! I tuna and uznmonu. the jury! Itlalaoponad u I I. . - .. ...... ......un- u u. we nyncmmn `""'`1- " V" 3" Put an Wednesday evening the Barn: 7' d "d` " Cnncnnh Into madam exhibition 0 "'""'l `hm " byuu nllronden. coming out um W` mugs: and of: team!!! to 2. 11 'm' ` wuwhac moat paaplo would call I I *9 " "cinch" {at my Warden. Ilouiol 211: i` .'.`. ..`.'. i'..7.'...!'.,.'.':3 1'3`:-;"**.'='e".*.-= "'9 M M or we j in`: 'Hnrlngton um killed at ybc. baeomlux entangle! In a cable Q9 tlld Tnthnwny mine. ' prkclpnl and Interest niao-nntlng 8129.50. The vote. will take place on '- July 6. ' , ` E > bnbltantu. The money will be' nu}}1 2 by debenturu aprend over I term of _ ten years. the Illllllll mymoncs all purchuo and install an ncacylene gas 1 plnnt for the purpose otllgbtiuz the I streets and supplying light to the In- t hibltanta. be rnlnn . Hllladule itepavan will vote on I ' by-law to nine the sum or Il.000- ta: ncacylene mu I second and got to tho puts on I two` , bus hit by Cnmaton. Lannox fanned. I On run nus made In the fth inning: 1 by Gamble. The Catholic: warn ne- by Gamble. 1 tired in the sixth without genius: : a bus. nivldg the Bunkers the victor med an victory I ' by 8 to 3. ` 1 , rnnd-mndrrhoma1nnr*Kju on a y and Scott was walked. Morten knocked that grounds: to cantto gold. and Scott trotted home. Mm-nu nnle ' second "two runs won mud: uid some nice : p hitting yru done. King wu ultod I ma this third `on I nice two-bane: ' ,; (labile. cab-la gg tll 1'nt_hnyvoy Ilfnnrlud nun; am . hitting n I two-bauer I 99 right new by Cumming Scott: ` `Lb: battalion Iron: Allndll ' puma Flesh; 3. c. C.--Bond u A. Pu. ` * due Iocuud nine run: before, they ' were nally rotlrod. Thu ball might ' utho butting at the Crescent: wu I I ' nlmoltuwollluvo been glue um` I ' conunud for law: proved a mvnav 0 nlluuln ll. Druunu 1. 79 For ulna lnnlun u the Agricultunl Battle ` nude In 0! with mug 9!: It wouldpnll I Haul ol tho runmwbro nude in the the gun, and iucldonully the (an ac- cungd In the thin! Ihdl. lhtongh the chnrmbloueu oi Pltclm Band. ma ' many errors on the part of `Holden; ' mixed nu. - my wlld ' uucws. Aun- E dale (M1 on pnymonts of ` rrl:clpIl nmonntlng to 129.50. BASEBAi.f. And members of tlio Societies ol Mary : Church. Banjo. (eel can I ' could not any "Goodbye" will u qua. `- . 1 To Rev. Father Flnn!g|n_ I ` . ' Ru. and Dent,Fnthu:-'1`he Of.`|'5 ` socletlea or 8:. M '1 thav z in-fumes no load by'S. 3. Blade ..Ia"2 ' jparae 0!, mild war presented by Mrs. * `D. Enwall on bohpll otllho. congrega- r an. ' `O '1: r}uu'.w:LI.:b, rn. rm'n:aAn- ioulillnl 0981, Inn`: lluraia Pn- unlol Minn and Fun: `of all On Thursday evening. June mu. 1: ' large rgpyeseprntlon flow 81', Mary : | Chnrclf,_ met In the Oaghollc Ymznn D. Men`: Club Roonufto bld lnrew_all to ,' Rev. Fr. Finuegnnqn the eve qt his ` dapnrtura lo; Dlxle. _'1'ha tallowlug `mjdraaa and n bv Mrs. Aucl our] . ` ,_ ,,.r In reference to teachers wishing to mm, ..m,.,,,1, gum, u....,....,1,m,u "5" "' ""`' '"' `"5 "'`"2?.`.`:;'$r u'3 .`.3'.e'u'a'.`. .`.5.-`E E353 0` Nldl I Bklld. Scotland. Ind amulles uhauId n;vl/:r.% ugxlgnligxceuxa: IJ`IeD rHcr1p- II B l. dlll I Wde" fan w-mun ran? tglhn isnyrni run can put? D ~ nmno-P-nIns-rh-t Mm 0. Mc- .'.`.':.. ..e.`:.'..':..a`.'.`:":.``.`L'-`.'..'..",.iaEf`%z'a'3?.- u Pbao'uppllcn!ian`loz position on Pub 0-III!-`W M \nmurv- and is when lnmrur-Hy. a llc Schoahtn be accepted attha m- gf5%``f?.`;t :L:::":;3`i}l.E1E : i N M -"Y 0' 3375 .1101` Im. d3llH:3mn1g: -'3-d'm-ae In` olodo. 0.. by 1-`. J. unrv n, -r..m......p..u. :.... cacmnmence Sept. 1. " lulu. ur u.zov. an: {Ant yur. 1 Motions. I _ ( Milna-P|Illng--That the request of Min" E. Booth tot lane of abucnee to vlalt Engllnd be granted. and secta- tuy write the Mlnlntor of Education I! per instructions sent out in lrculgx . study the syuam method:-I w?xne4io:tc1rr:o4evy1rt4.1J51.Z'* , The con! levy for the mnlncennncs ' ` of tho animals is auincreuo of n` K , mill. or 81,250. [nut Motions. ' I 01.800; 4. Hey. 91,150; A. s. `" "` '"' "" " "5 Mm `M00: D_ A_ uuxnl `Moo; oltha Seared Henry. M. B.A.. M," H? `mm; mm mm.` `gm; Catholic Young Men: lab. at so. Ind `am ,0, hcmuu _ The dabnmnlclety and the sodnllty of the Braised deb: for the 13. c_. 1. n. uoo ..a. M `7'"` ""- - cm} 91 1g.1'14a_>5o__ 1-he vmhbfo m_ Fuchs: Finnegan replied in avuy mine of mg 3, c_ L` i, .700 mm up . touching naennet. thanking the poop]: . oz tulug gm `L399; Goummantilox their kindneusfoblm. - ' _ Grant. 81.250: Cqunty Grunt, 31,250; Aer refreshment: wens served new. County Grlnt. for extu nluintenancg, 6111 Donna wexn 1-endured nmoqg sham oo?xne4io:tc1rr:o4evy1r.4_1;5.,Zbeinz4- Awny-powrsrrmx e, '- total levy mu m.I..o.......- hr 1'. O'Manrn. , and am. In no Conml ma hm: V , Sclmola will be nllcad in position at tho clash! the term. . , ` _ The lduugamenc comnmeu will I luvs" pomsrco all In ucsnclol oc- curring at the and of the turn. and cola-apt resignation. Ibo pummor axtmiuonu in can vnvimu 9..-.u- Ibo Finnnco Conmmao recom- nmndod the payment of account: in- nning 8348.08. The following mom. I bin been ncaivod by the tnunn.-r. Government Grant, 8.0.1.. |l,569.0l: County, _bn!nncc innlnunnlcq. 8864.- oa: tuition loan. 3. 0.` x. 3123.: Do- f plrtmantnl Enminnlon (sol, 0121., 5 Tina Committee on Pronastv ' Ind ti supply prcsauted u report. Icklo. Dy- I nut I: San wltl awarded no contractj "` {of coal at 15.70 a can for and sad tj 94.75: can to: salt The nooeaary 3` supplies for em: lmnmat axuninuionn 4! will be purchased. No action us. I1 {S I meetlu it Iloocntnf lucauou `rnaaynuulngvatto uunon-and adoption aldinualanhco_tapndl- tuotoauy on Publication}: ma qlolhuliu 01 Burn. Tboauoilon ycn.-Dr.s-nu. s. n smuua1 Ibo Finuco comn.:umao mgpdod unualzra uuinmnr the L-my and the chi . a nun FULTON. Puuanlmy. 0? -:v a nun: or I ` V f` Beware of Ointments for ,, Catarrh that Contain -z lrculgx Mel'II"V- days or. .old ware out for Orlllln. ` um} uhowsd cpnal lorm. -voxlln bud` the heat 6! the play. In the nut half, but Barrie were much 'tha`anper1ax jn . the saun'nq. `0:iulu.'n_|19n:e was faster I than tha local. but on the othbr hand ` out deance wu acmhner. ' ' Tris} nnnnl`Bn"rrie-Qrillln sqrnp 'toak_' | nlucrz Jn the hut qnngter but nothing I nations tsznlted. 02 thrthroo noun In that time made many friends all I of whom deeply regret his removal. - ; 1'-`athur Finpsgun Ina curate in St. May : pariah for clues years and duh 5 In all C _ '1 'c'i.:;.::" n'.;:"'w`::`:.`i,..:'.:.....':::.'? :' F` sold I: Dru mm Price 75 per bank. Tnka l'l .n|nl|} Pllla tar Colllnlon V in which we huva such` oondnnco. V And it tho Insurance of our unworthy ] ' prayers will he of comlon. in you. - know that you will nave: be (anot- ' can by the congregation of St. Mnry's , ' Church. who will ask God : speck! = blessing {or your` success. basin: and Iupplneb` in your new Gold 0! lnbor. ad and inamed membnnaf ' ' That is why Eyomal in lo instantly helpful tor guy dlntrnau of thn breath- ing oxgnus. colda. cmup. bronchitis. 5 uthunn or dreaded pleumonil, they ` an the germ nu that Byome! kills ' I g `_ Ipplgce xunnntnd outt 81.00. tpo uni fill?" Complete toad (t some by D.. `L'":3u:.n.':'a1k to him about}; , , , , . kills :1] catarrhal piiinon. g i Thlla undue: flan nix; you at; ibrenIh- I ` up nun: apful. zgoaaon tawny [ thrauah the II: passage-I, bronchial 4 7 tubes and lung: churned with gum: I destroying poms: ant. cannot be :9- . clued. it aoolhos ma hula the wound- - _, ad membnna. whv Emmi i. m in.m.n. V L. UKIIEIKE. years dur- pmncw. A. E. 3. Ctonivlcka. 13.0.; 101` [I1 : Angus Mnclzurchy for data. : IIIEITIIE IIELP FOR Glfllll _ .._-. .-.. vu--u lcloponn lunjllyunl Dun. ` ` n, n. :a-oI.oiu in mm; ` auni ucnc` uuomnn, conulno V -.-.- .-an-gvw .,d_ ` am-nan-B :-. an. Non nu Throat. V Patrick Kenna. Bri.I'lamEglI:l`a{:1"hnvl:rGIvd"du`:a'Gwnkm:ml' "- D-;P""`~ Enl x.`. =`5`.4':'n.5"x`-'`.:;'.:%a.~,":.B".$:.:`.' 3 bah lthabe n nlunI'Kavre-u!a' :- 3," ., .`," EAL : sman` us an ru. D. ) Powall. I! o! the League " r\:`i:.m.u... A... unma scored 4 times lnhe ne ; quarter. 3 in the second. Two for ouch . tem "were talad In the third qdartar. ' and Barrie got one in the lust. C. Clmerou of Baivenon refereed. ` ' II an position of I cmpusoi. and under ` If; clmumslancu the company was ( lllhlo-lo: the loss incurred. A vudlct In [all In given for the t phlnl." Cronwlcka. K.O., E pll. Mncuurchy home. Mnr:ln:`lnt home. Whlfilflgd; ` outside home, Hell: inside bomb, 1 Mlrlhl. ` ____....,_._.._._._.__.__ . scaled fp_r Barrie. Alf. Sevlgny ne- | countad for two nngi Ball for the othar. The locus no condant of victory In tho trpxn game with Ox-illla. A mtou.. -_ 2 `NEIL a. smug, A nca11'Ec1vANn p l'!I`\.7'I`l n\`t\r\-vnuxn - ` I, ..._.......... -una-on. nau - ancwm--In. la. main up Talon - Olncl sndrddn-aco-Corncr of Bndror and : w6u'zIblo,t'h BK;.:'(%.uduGon). Burk. Thmn n. A". `r, urn: IA4olChIud|.I1I`,OIIG. - , ones bs::Lrcnldn-:0-John shut. nu corner moan 21.3. I ` 96- - oi-.'.u o._s-uh _' Pnnwug, Inna: on . I c.': :"'.ia..".'-3'-.`.?.5 ."-" 9""""` -:5-'naanu'""' ..m.u.. @001} ' ' oa..=nan.a.nnIqu..n-as lhldu In Iludanta. Lu: August 1 twdhtyoihln lhooy vundarod to the . at I neighbor. Robert Craig. and - notes": the nllluy under n ante and gun killed. The pl. sued for tho ` nhnvottha show. which was enum- aged by one wltncu at 0125. Ann: I'l'Iu.rchy' for the defence not up u_M gnu wu swung antinuc- o&dIy-co4a:-.-em; thutar `tho up halo: the cue wnrnwlo In-go: vb; Jaljor.-the wandering or the " p[1 u. ghidp Into (.`zalg n' {um hence oat: tpanlny. plncod the pl. In an . - -A1 .' Al l&&1&& I`; H14 -avian. v. - Au uuuuvnxuu. ica;-15LDunlopSt.~Ixr Eaunhvwuk Town Inspector of Plumbing _.______ - In. J. Ag-usur nus ' P.&.Idlnhnrovu ll Ir I: 1.: 111 _l_'ll1llIAllI, no." ..........E...\....H V on Our 58.. ram-iuo) umgwun mnanormonam. - r at road nllnvuncua Z"?..'::': a:..'='.*"I-..'=.*."%"'3:.".'.t'."..."--...' crossed In an rnnnnlunnnm (5) A hanauuader Intending lul .....<...... .a.... .. ._-_..,__, august! 17] the coxpunun tn than whbh angina out I van: uh: making I short time than I In; 3 math by an goxkmen engngqd. I .1110 ddoodsnh appeared go uympuhlzo I the btllibll. repudiated I _ A `I hen-in: I I ( ) Inn: :1: mud. mm as and 9'1-?"`" _``L'-";".1,A1I1M,l'_I|;`,i.l|`:e|:.1n.lI. r A AT:manaad . u be and log}: the nquuud Brenden, nm v:c tlIlI;D livri-' Innnlnk In D Mill. |$n&IllF:; : il E dglny (screaln axzen:.,in tha vicinity of his . Joint o1Vna_nl1lp in land will not roqniremnnx. nu uu1 nuiuwuugl I a.;`..N"N;......aZ..._...., .u -um vnu -or (3) If the mm: (or mathar. Inna mm: In an canned I nomanuder has dnncl`:z|>?m firming land cwn l?;h5:,: u gllurf Igfnglglggv let mm In, aim-.3. In an cnheuglur bv mm In ...2'.m.. .'.'.`?.`.'. !.`_`'_'1` I .. -- nu u r . EWIVIT D0 ' nzuu\::mAa:.naj n.;::;;r:u;? h'::$hu whiz;- afsn {nhundlng hmnemndur. x - The hnmexradar 1: requlvnd to pu'r!arm the | hamzetud dates and: one of the lulhwlng nlanu: - -on-anion .wuxmu.worv puctan for 2:: an bomndn In panuin - nu-rm; ` n x wuur "7 anymg 1n him - Ca_nadia:i` Northern , L Ontario Railway I .1... ch... 23...... `K5: $.10: Tomato. lo. ' ortnll .,s.:s . No. B. kI7p.n.l1 , ' I - _..._.. `_..,,, M... `l6.howlatov::-'d"PnV I was n.......u . a-ncu&.Ifuquud'Iu" 'aun~."' "' '""" .Awmo-vpc).n.mniupn`u.on.n I nvanuuttov;-udlvuuooprclllouuunnhnv-1` C-3-`HI'II.K.l$-Wltfuutu lI_V_or%th-Wsfl 4 --tan : ,,...1f_