Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 May 1908, p. 2

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ggzm '......""-"*i:.:'7.:"&'.';."..........."' "' "n'.':. are Nlllh kind-Q loll In tho um. Al I-rgtlvltl-IO Iuplnoetw Iwp uwlnuyu my `no cog-nuno-hguau.n.ca_ap.-.1--ling otnlllll H. UIQDVIIICH ` synopsis of Canadian lemu- , Wut. V `W-.:.`.","' r:';...":.m'.'..:t."..'.:,:'::...""'.'.*, i'h"l"|:hheI-nvidA:?"| aka u % :7`:-1*" .2.-:3...-r: .-.-..:-'.......-=-:'.-:.--........'=-- ul raul Allarnneu c In In munrulcnt (5) A hau:ueuhrIutaudInIo`umx'uhu . biiibivl ' . , . I Illjll-ill. IAI.`.Ilt`_i con;-:`u'nouhnmunn.taap.-.1:-I hub ..g- wul nu xvpulpln , . . - V wtmuaoav 1: dnuilllu uppolutod ta 1 Hvpocl the not Icklnoon Brian xo 1 yotlgighl sunlnd vlsedtbcil Itroaliuudloudtnatcbawmh M3-7!"lsiI?-..l`Ii in-_`ai|:` "-. 3 W. . '13- J t, ` IC`?"C+l unuxha-mat-clunuacnu. I i3ta0.; 1- Jnnhxh, _` luql. Icon. llnbntllt _..,_.,"._.."_*.':11..1.-."..:`.:.:`.':.-.;" `r/I-_IoMAs_ soar-zsi .ln-lnn-'-i(, . ATLAS . `Insurance company, H-I Bunhnl.l1lIuIh: 1......-`- ..-*':=.:.`*'%-"%=-`?*+ .|m's*s-c . nuns Sc` o t f : `nooksronn _ - L. onus `lIfl.~F.O not us, munn .,_.__..j__...._._-..__...-_ `Jon :3" ac , vouiu /i T READING N E E` as nauagq. _ ' _ TIIOHAI Ibclll . Inna-nnnooA.l-Inn. H nmngau. Bnigtilfdvaltca ARE WELL Supnmn .51- ~MopudbyCo.n_ty(_Iungil 1... .4_.,..;. -. . ` V ~ 1: I " `I!".!`.-`_ *`-'* .*.%'-';.1"'7"},*_',"-"' ;'f*.`!I' ' " hugs-4 %?..........% .......~ * aagrf: . . , nu mun III gnunnm % - r::'::-'.=...~.,.c,.% "W 3-= , c 00 ll uilon Hui :_,`Jnnnnnblm. " L` v I In nfanaea co ouarequ-col the I dnwtuion {mm the Iownntln at but - ucnmavary. Colmlyol Yorl. outing I lhkdouncy ta pay $300 `towards `the amulmctiouot nbdgoovor (icon! I much of Ila Bound shot In new 1 ol II,0wgr!nfI! in upon Nag lo! . Hold! ind Billie! Coummoa of 1900. I may ndilpd (Int can unions: be paid - upon needy: all eatled antenna! . at the layman lot the county ol - Yeti lolhoocct tlntwoona upon: I by tho `fawnnhly of Eintullllmbnry . o_a and brldn. I . balm` ug Ihlrl mam Gonncmox Gonllunbgl that I chum should` he llllottdc Io that the-ruhta of the Dodltruptd be protected In In much It till canpuiy could not In absoxbod Irytlla, Ball `lelnvhono co. or am` I Ipprotohea to Mounla Bridge 'upon- I ed that It It nweunry to bus poms: '2 9 naatmnk daloon nmaanamxl uh` t I la! tcndm. "\ I` Annual cmmmu wlmpoct as. 1 I Iyprototneutoaounlo BxIagc1naon- 1 _ sdtluucltnooeunrytaluvo uiarmm 1 ` ll1BtIlOd.IIItD mun we never. the " vnluntan n'ho_n1-Ions mnnleipalmu. but qnch I-gen could nohrnlnnte I1: I11: ` own qmn1clpamy'o_r in my ldjalnlng. H "I un auto" wnclndod In. Q0 nu wuuum M IHUHSDAY nqullution qt Auewnant. .`l'l:o tpoctll commteo lgpolntod to sauce. I hem: union .9! aqunmlng cunuumanc l.Iu tjqgnm noon- mouddd Chit u vllujllon be undo by the Man: Vol u Iowmlslm. uch 1-canto be unduj, qath to nltmo at mg: Iron 5 to 9 .|Ill` cant}-of Giza lmq szcozdiu to the net. - . n..:-.4u.. a..-A-_ ..___. ._ , ` . I \. . councillor Guam moved In amena- nn that lu,u.- H. J. Fletcher. . Bo and mum Quinlan bo Ippolntad u hluuotn W aquullu the usua- muc. some advent opinion no on pressed on the nnendmont. Gounculor Vllcnmnott` In npuklnj In sllppo of tho upon me that . the committee and land in uonaldnnhla daommmoo [and considerable I ' uaublnogot lnlfonnulonu to the but man of oquullsgtlon, nnd bid 1 land comtponilonca (tom tvnuty 1 oountiequjo that methodu. Oonw qmny. me: (win; mo mo whole ` mm: thly hm! Inlyod It the conclm um that tho only (came method an to Ip|:aInI_ nlancou. The autumn alautwo or man uhuttm man be . slag!` two vnqutbro be 4 5 Ippglntpd In the Cqunty not has `shun 1 ' auryva yum nnlun. such than is ex- ' Ignluh. tended by by-luv. It in now `Hun ' ahuo alumna want our the ommty. ' lhorefxo the `County Carmen must ' noeuully nppolnt valuucu um year. lmnlu nommlmo menu; it would u buqtlu (gun; * be or none dlicnlly to nuke the Ip- I polntmunt of mu vllnqtora. ' thaw ' docldad that the but and cheapest mathodnu to .4 -;\.lIlIllll' at we nus. cainclar an-an unima- moqt Fletcher. 11. phat gain In Inner`: j ' nupncton Il._I'I[l|`\`|l . lupoctlog. wuhud Imtb; :4 Jn_n;uunn`._ ` ` '. and mute the gunnindil. u the `committee mint direct. Xe upholding his Imdidmon In {aid the: lrytbevhnndvleed lqlhetapoqlthoi would have we may nleeme. and too mmv opirlom in mhng valu- Ilone. He rmly believed Ilui by lnvv In; two gmenl nation a need: better sqnelfutim eould be ,.eocund. "Auome qimsiou 61 um," said It. Slnipeoe, "why not lead the lime nlml_e~' em! lnve e much" better equnliz_elon'." _ nu _...u.u. u._' ._.a. 1, I...` .. Hun oneuseuor tor town: and VII; 0 , Inn mil one lot the (awnldns. no G . thwulbfln moat cum (how could an Incl mil lot the (awnlnl. Ha I- my go . 0101 two villages and I township in 1 . 1` div. ` , ' 4 .qu:;|:q:mmgn.',. _' '_ '> : .,` Aladnnnhnnhu at oclurnm` ; `Ilonyu: when hon In launch: 4 lnekou In-nnc:on&_u.._r-man bl: u [councillor emu rescued the axcoy : clan to u I-moment of liolnawood 1 Iran by tho rqpmenmtvo of same. The galls/mm man also into con- udmugn , um conlmvocd `ha 3 tloamm popumlpu mulng from-1 ` to 1600 It tlnm,'. `no -that cdmpuin V Oouluuvood with Barrio wouldn't be I `County In By-Lnw 801. together with will ha ndinlmdto tna mm Iaonuo. Under By-Ln} 705 debentures at the Town of Colllnnwoad Imontlng to 326,000 will be guaranteed `by the I connty. \_ C The Hehonenten at the Town or Pan 5 tan; previously gnu-Intced by the 3 ndlnmnnoa to tho? Hnnldol Reruns ; C 1 lncxauod nte or Intex-on were gunma- tud by the County. - . Wm. 'r-`nor. norm. mounted the Wuan-gngtconncil with n baanmnl bnnqnehtlnrlunrnnca or which dingo!- Iod much of the dry hot air that |uI_ulli' polVldOI_ `tho Donnell Ohmnbar when nunv man with mlnv mind: an nu. 9 pe:udou_ tha,Oouncll ivhon man_ nanny mind; 3?} co- ggmu ` ' \ I, 4! Edizutlun. " `.r$q;mum_a Ipptolchtu |!n.Vnn ' . may our Nottunuu Bin: 5 mu. 7 mums can emu: :25.` um yavIm.hm wuhaa out. . : _ 1`M,uoegg:nt'd!O.'l!. Luann. ans: E 1 In alumni tin and bring: our the mm mu: boIdun`ho_ Tavnuhlp : ,1 ray in luiunh. M131 qua. " _ mlugeauidohd :`i'comuunIutlon poni.-Vccilthy. Boy: & nvchtlon ta Iccanthy award dmah 06 bhijldlll Boil In Bmmldalo. u cammlmo Adylrod that claw mum be its aim: qonnty Engine: Jam: and of Sqnnldlloloho punn Mach .Mjt_iux:! -. u r_equlred- by uctqat lawn . 1 `ml '. ` fun Goingwood is 15393911 :5 may as any other town Inthe Dominion. Counclllat Htown two In {Ivor 0! Mr. lmpnon nation. It In IIIVO 21 mm {long the nlumng. we Inn 27 dlcxont minds. 1! cu luvepne gan- eul union! for `(aqua and vnkgu And me (or turn!` munloipalltios. mo no- r en] mind: would chmmtlu the I mum Roam. an Insane man. now .u'ueiJ.{i."13Jn`u:1c,ha rescinded, J; I E cunliod 1!! WI 11031 W|.h6 | 1I1'0d In!-I our to thq June Session for lnr- 4 , (9 she Provignclnl Hgapttal forylnuno I that consideration. - - I 't wIll_he romovod 1 to the Provincial Hospital for Inuno 1 Inn! on who In ntproaone Ilrthnt '_ lnlmntlon and wlid la olailbld for a 1 would I whole eqqaiizailon and would expedite 1 1' mutton oonaidonbly. I! we laid tin I 21 man nah one [would be pulling for .1 5 im own municipality. 1 9 .IAr. Gm-an lllrl--in In-mi}! amrmm-A 1 lrlnlnoe. A. ya. urdnoy, the comm mono}-1: cut.` will uceivu 175 iucuau on bl`: mount may of Man. - Ntriotlon ` will be taken by the ' county-in reliance to the nppllcntlon r of T.W.W. Evans` for I215 dunlgea 5 done tar. Fever`: engine which 5l.'.W.W. Evans ' : 5 tall chronnh the Holland mm . - Hol1I_nd_ mm` ls.-Iago. V mum Radon, _ wlllhrromovod _lIlI llllllclllllllyn . lat. Gm-don and-`be won! zmnpott I Mr. Simpson's motion and withdraw I till Imoudinant. ( uawviivl nun uuun . Councillor Garden la `willing to line vJl- I (III ' Canllclar curl: macaw! neop- cum Illl Imauumunr. '1 1 Mr. ilmpa_on'a amendment than cm-tied without a dissenting voice. l I ! W Boner: Underwood, Simeon : uhnra for work done rm ' Narrows ' Brian, 08.50; Colporlo ot croemorator protecting (mi bridges during winter. 034:8; A-report or (Ian Roads and Bridgaa > Oommittoe u tn tharaport of the nu npecinl committee to Vnn Vlnci Hridgo `$1: which they rooomrnemiod `(int n lnaw bridge be built provldad that -tlui f1mhh - ' mug` ,[nod midi. Mhgooiullhnn !;;i.;uTu,.":;.*;:.a"g:a `..s";.-.:.:u_Tc`E.- " mlnl polnh ' I county Pmp. > . A. W. William: was Ilnluccesdul lupply wxonrbt bard cool it `$6.50 and mo Imlofno1onltt.5o. A. E. Slbbuld (incited lbs tent!!! for. tho nyplypl "n-ocoxln tn the County lull; n.,Powell lot tyne; ` Brynn agau for bread. " "u mama; uceonnu Ill be paid: - G. W, Pa! for carpvc owuper, 08:00; .. Ohm Itculro, 36.00: - Alphonso 1 '.l,'Qlc!.`8 duh. $33.00: W. J. John- son, clout tor: court House. 111.90. 1 I I v Indore! lot luppiyinl cal. ..Ho um I c I n;___ ,. .. ., , ..v.-. uwu nun u uvuu uunuo. '11. av. ` V of-Refuge.) `the account xooelvod (rpm the Inn. of liadantaat conveying indlgeiulo to tho Hagan ol lhlnga IVIII not be mid.` `flu accounts of '1`. Benton lat biicx work. and Julm Sboolcnlt lo: psinca in; ma `gape:-banging 1: an Educ at qluu. qnwunllug tojlsolud as mpactlnly were puma. A -1... -4.: -xn L. ;...A -- u... 1-.. mar." - K _V_ v ;_ '_ -ThD_ .- IMO IMRW. !!m2\.1nt,|;is ..t9,.!364~0% s will htpnld. . ' 'Co_ldwnor nndgvlegorln Higher will jibe man I'Ih'G_fo1"I`II`O mprqnqo Ex_am|nn_ugn.`, . _ _ . 1i Ailhdnnnithnnhu nl mm-..p.` 20: J. J. Mitchell: lxday. Bl iulles. U5.D0:JIL Dundlu. B dlya. 29 mu... 011.90: J. T. Blnipoon. 8 dun. I20 mllaa, 327,00; U. 1. Plcotta. 2X nyl, I0 mll. 30.5019; E. Oopalaudq an. 26mlloI, 06.50; D. 0. Barr. a den. ' 18-Inllel. ,Nl.50:v W. 0. Ghltt. 1% . .5 ' bonblde Iovrmirthooxptnnn oi` ' Ant!nwf..lnte t.wboInlbIeusp- - pointed to compile an bluary at slow ` ' 001; - Edna, 09.00: Wm. Wood. 3 dun. o lnllu, mad .2 llvary hm-as him. 011.60: Ed. uncanny. 3 din. '40 miles. I20. :- Jou. bpldwsll. 15117, 28 miles, 35.80: Wm. Mathews. 4 d . 42 mils; I18.`- Mltche Inday. inlles. . .. ....,.....-.., qua y--an _A ueouaot will bu {me on the bum ` lube Educ: at Relays. can of some 1' notta naindizoo. ' wooam on be: mad (or AIM ,_aroc- 7, mm `at I roof-houu :1: the Home at ` Relay. 4 nu! cooking run `will be purelyued lot the House and ynlntlna ` I dam; on the building to the uncut of . C250. ' \ I ? u 5 r ' The work on_ the Edanulrrldge 9 ' belng found gall right. tho payment lo! same In In completed. and the sum or 040 will be paid to the concuqlor. in llan at clnhn for ntna. \ t Thu lnllnnlna nmnnnln fmv mun. n unnuv vuu nu Luuaylvlau. um: um sum The following amounts for colu- mum mm: wlllba puma. 3. MR- diya, 25 mllen,`Ill.50: "A. E. Ecnnlun. adnn. 09.00: Wand. 3 dug. a clzell, 1 day. O8.00:Ju. Mcnennotl. 8 (jgnexil um Maine Houpxgal. 1" lanes. The usual you-ly gun: at 0500 will bo'm`qda to the Burns Boynl vmmu onpltnl.` the nlidlnnd nnl Penctnng Mulne Hupmln Ind clap Colllmwood _ The (Cunnnul an pan 7). ' / ' `aw. ' \ 4 , _ 30:65 1111 Bridges. _ 1 . The botlllon olll. Bmklqbldag nml I twonlv-two other`: asking hf! aunt . tonpnIr.towuJlno'bmvun`sunnlaalo } 1 nd Nottuvaun lmn lot 6 to lot 88 g Nonmuugl `wIl`|`no [16 noted npoh. I 11.... .,........A. _-.. ..--.-.u. m.-- . mmh , mid: to and from the-bridge, . advised that no Iciinn `be tnksn in rapid to gauge and me ropoxc is of Road and Bridges Oomh:_ictee It Junuury Souion, 1908. in which tho cmnmletso recom- mended a nut moi bridge with cement Aliutmentu bu built. he was l the for (ar- ` Dunn for ,nnm to North River , Brlaga nu] salary as caretaker. 820.: 1 3 Hobart Culdenvuod, Simeon uhu-a fax 4 nunuw-ups: `vun nun w scum nwn. `lllmu ucwunu were pnsud :-,-Olau. Dunn (or unit: River. Ollac _ olllkdzdo .'P1Ioooul. iAbo11nuaH!l,_ off` sad!-ldneo-Johluvot.-ueonn n-I1 5 - . 4 01_D`PPl.E OI IARRIE NEED I Vlllol. ' - ~ ; "io war. I ,' 1% Cll _ ""o. 1. .l..n.u. ' ' the County lolicI_tar 'eouuo1l_du all the by-lawn nnd hva'ono ood one. um-. Campb objects bu Iuvlmz I` new oniat in Council pillod every time they net tn: stunt and the prudnt In I van onnoltnne time to luvs it done. $04 W maniac. mI|....um.`4-1....-...._.'.__.._ ``!.".E';.,""$`;_ UL v ua nnuuvmnn. oiace--1o Dunlap St. In Bounkn Block ` Town Impact: o!'Plnm):lng : nivaqiitily. rm: npalneomn y. ' n 1 _ `_qlt&ylng go noon! at the basic: ads: which an Gbtolagll tho hMg..~_ ,Ao,,nIuu1t at we muting Invkidh nu though: no-mum ulmlanuvu man an Engineer ac micomyb lullwnnpoxt -no, _chnlIIeluJIld can alums` this . ,' -luruIou~an.l:'r.'1u : .5-..~..*-5.;-':::"--;.....'5 5 z`2-'".I:2w'Z'E+ it on an: m~`:rbnnuua us raidaueugoruar or-1 , ub`o_moc1-:`I(Iz]nanIpGctfI.Bgn`1, Thou _ . -, . ` nrifilliuuliu > ; NEH: G. BEGGB. ARCKITFATE AND! ` , A .l! ` m-. n. a. mu PEYSIGIAI. Wlo. DID. E!lOlll!-l1I.IAI.K1Al'D1`l loaaox,GOwm,&lriwu 24nmrzns.aauu:uaem. -r- -- ----r --- _ Synopsis of cinadlah lot .u.o.v.sa.u:-worm 11.1.1-.1. l.,Glglsbw' -luflon-En. Iv. run an nan. _ oaluuad logulnloll. '* `Ant even` nmnbnnd India of Dan .!..._,... { on-. JJA. o. lvdun IbvlhHl.lI(Ja|L Jug. I WAhw1}l&hm&[ &. nu um with pun : 2.'..`.:a:.'. ,`.&.m. :.'.'..l,.':u`E ?:'x`oAcm:L"u: . "'." _..... __.... ._ _...-- __4-._ _.._ I u G611 .a`.' ..'-n .....`.?.....1" ""'a':.'.".,.,.`" .*~........*"""*"* mam! nu by him In nunnmuenm u......'P. . ..'.`.';.".'.`.'."Y'..E..`.;".'.`` `""." nullculn I gI 01bgl eoruln eondillanabymt ntlur u: I. sou. dnuthtor. broth! t otnn human; bammadr. . - Iiomutudnr 1: rod ne_ anuu undu-ung axhmg 1;` - bk: molrrlmtnfnvou ' (I1 On-lb: 8&.'A'oIvIlo) x A ' r 1 ` " 1 pl!-cpuuun grul musnclklcn-nlln upturn glut-nnglanh: dunno: In anion: .g--... .....-... .. ... .....-._.... ~ ulil) Aoat :1: month` tuidulca won and mama nub-Innnuchnur mm-um. , summarmg mm to in Onnalhll angle : qdhtd. ` `I'M Nah: -mu! Telephone 00. Lea. :3 anneal no garlvlzlegn at meeting , o ctafwlmlnthe rninjqiup `dc Nattnnnn. ad a by- 1Iw,wIl`ptuuItod'whlclg received two dun. - V `

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