Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 May 1908, p. 1

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3:410!` Quality; V .5 l llubertsofs J ........, ,-... ., unvu nuu -uu gn-u; -unu- ttaplnnxu. - . Lnybnd .can'lurn In an photu with 1 Kndnk. n he: with. modern man: ueov aorleutaaworkofplclure-mama no ....._..._......_ . _. ....__ _. - 4 p.m_. till 4 mm. Fri- dly, cbmmancing Sept. 17th. `mums cochmna In In nunn or the cm : 15lDoze_n:I J.Fran|[acksoni Be . a Kodaker This Spring. TI1ejRig'1.__ .Tim[ .'lTo Paint :- -1..........._.. .. L- J3;l:lg i`0N ` \&wA_RRl3N SI -00 In $35.00. ' mxi or jponrnmks .` `. .~_~u\g. . ` ` M v . ,..'. .""`....}'5.::";':`..r'!....,.f'_". :*.',-.2:-....": ;:s.==:.-: - ...1;"r'-Gt. -Pu. = "u'w_"n.nx-mu' $1 QXIIIO O l ' I ilwlnonvouanuottho lut'0aob'llIleBoI PrIao..WohIvoavaI - Ibinnlnthelinoolre` 3% ! QUALITY tilt moneycnu buy. ' and n powarflll can ' Oonplau Iconic pirouluction, conning: PH -u,uo"a so~ss':oux. v . pnce BnbI&5n'I'Dru; m.'. : 45' gm `atraea . An lxqulnlh In-In! ma nigmu ram Tania I F T_E LITTLE Tl_lP_Ell ` .A|'JomIeope1-nlslch '- \ ""' w:`n"5x.'.`h".{x='q"."` -_, t Auncoamuy of Eon:-Flvo Paul: I ._eIna1u_; wqmn Im.aau- '- E dkanb bPIa A H6055 i i _1'l'Iu_I`!-sda_vr_,v__fn_av , 2,8 1 ' ` ..manmnu nuu....... n E .` b i : """""`|ld1-||1'l \1|IlIqrvo"!onl`e E TIII: I I1'.PI I! Tllllllli-In 9 - , ; - E GRAND OPERA HOUSE: _ Saturday, llay'23 `c The north-wont qlmar of Lot Number Nlnallu ` !.hs1.'Val!tII Uoncuulan of Chi Tolvmlhl al lnnln B1. 50 ICIC. Eu I Inna hmue Ind nnegn "1 -7.?`.;:`.,'r'x`.."i. ,`,?x",:."" "" ` '"" E`: .. 15-Ll , DONALnnnszn Tendr; for Church. `lender: for the whale or in pan`. For when non or a an Prashyurhn Ch an-_hu.scrand be raoervodig Wu. .1. Gown. Pn1n1wiv:lP. 0., up In Kl) , 1%, be nan It Enminnr olce B;rrla. on um: um: vpoclllutlnnn snd - wnen warm and,,Tire,H` |>tl:;:u;Iu`ln:l`:"'L`;.z.|1.`|:g`vox1` `mam I 5 The 0lynipi:i s Ie Cieam` 12:10: : on co-mum wnmnlanzodtodrwh-an f,'E.`u`` :.`.`,"'.:..u"""."'n......a. ". .1'.'i".'."..;m."" `_ niumni may mun I: autumn Birth. ' um xzyzuu, or no as Vlclorh c.. Toronto. The` I at and I: u v%`.'.-.oE >'w'A'. ,s.?.:',". "9"' 'f3.`1 r . S -- . II. .n-.-4. |. Nurthhautm. 22, con. 1!, Inhl; Nanhhul 1 Idl. Col. 6, Vuprn. Fvr term: uni pa-rcicnlsn. ' ' `E? w, Arfv.-r n-..... nu... s mu-vweu I.'nnMl.ln.n Tonro! < The Flnpuu Comedy Charley*s Aunt with Link .-1....` .........u... _- ..... ..........u- way-1 Inn nu-rruy 0: ' vu.-mappxsaauaur um nan Fleizgoetihurin-nun: ponddra-?:od:o;Ir7)wAEl ,BOVEB,Dhrk:t. mc,0rl1Ih.DnL to: u -~- N Karrie Music Store A. F. GARRETT, Prop. PHONE 259. . 9.0. BOX m n b Ihwninuuluvnlklmmunwenfwwu p F0"8'ALi'.-A ;olld brv.-1: -amLd.w.-bed boom |_IId_v:ug mac. A bvpin. nwiy so: :5. nu. 1. bdczcuhnnd mu: Jun nan. App!` ace '-..(Dunlvv 8?.) {or nrnlcunn. I I A `5.::;"a."c".t-:.`:.i sE.`::`; 3:.` ,nawS hs r.:Io. 4. Aygllzon. 305 mm um. Faun-,2nnIhu|-` It Cratl I Earle. _. uwana works !`?'I3.:'e1',;a3-- ,-y3ARR|e -.un.u-ua ynrcnuo n'uunn,(noc Ann dnldlnodarn nlncorun mound hone. M far-1, Box 3, Enuhwr. ll-'23 w~::r,2;-.;...,..... M.-gr; * .` Aaommopenujasu C ' 9`:'.`:`L`:..`.i'5v.;'.5.".:7'y '5{.`,'-."a"3. 5L`1`" wsmumnann ' . ncoapuu F0!!!-FI1rnPnnnI '1 Harry I1, Wolfenden FIACHINIST. ,, mm mm: clue: comedian _ , Etienne (ii;-ardot` Tendr; `and... my Lhn .u..n.. .. 1.. ..... o.. .._. Farm For sale, om:-wan: nun-en at up u-....u... Farms for Sale. .I..Ivv..oa-s n... .. ._._._.., 'bv Issuing v--'=- Wu "H-3 |"W- -u-sin--n_... -1119 sis -mu, of Vermil1ion.'A|bertI celabntad the cl or {B aecond year I n illmstnted number gievota5I.::_:ha_n tggrezggne, Vgn-i_ lg- ;i;l&zh:udcnhw-:li-'hnnd:I ":::'u'i-:`o'nr. %0Iympi`a.TCandy r Phone 303 _- BARRIE- v Bloinuls A.l.IlIl'l9lYn III] "IUD, It fI1K'I. . . -~A zanernl meeting at the Bqrria Bslarm Association will be held in tho 1- gqdgtiop Bqozgs (aye: lgnkmIn a cue! or urea: Btlin. . ' ' 1 F wanp lwnnfa xsnnt noceasltle:.W1ri`ow sud Elaggxxt claglgng 5 in Wall Pnpar at Dougall Bros. 1 I -a W. Pnlk undecided to an a `. well-earned not uni retire lroxn bush 1 : non for 1 law yen-1 See bills.` -Iha Ynunv R...|..... u...-. 1.... ' -11.1 usage m " 'idgxn"cl 5 in Lherlfsrkpatxnck "Bxi newest; :od.:y f ('l'ban_day). n '-5 cent packnxasl of. garden 3.: I dw`er_seodnto1-Brant: each It A. . 1 '.l'uck'u_spre. `V - \;uura_uuy;. '- a acacia ICA. vvvvvvvvvv90vOOOOOOOOOOOOO 4 --Raporta_ of the nndxvaanxjn Counca focalyad too late (or insertion in this V gnounn TOWN g ; IOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. 4 BAIRIE, 0NT., THURSDAY, MAY 2I_ I903." .- man oha onarehtlon will S I the man gallery. and will conduct 9 H dosing. Goncmllor F. S. Spmcovol ' ' `forum. _I met! chrillhn hymnn.wi!.\ !~5|n.t_hn lira. Indln ocmnlnnoll V grant lateral: lnnllclpntud. Jim: I! I wlllmmamborthnhnhlulnml km: 1 ; din: of in Inn 3 hr; .' ,t .J'~. ..SL..J`olIn.unIInl I occasion. d nu, cumnuuucnng aepr. um. Mmlamo man famous I'5lanur'Gnn:In and pm. 2. Wnlhr, Landau. England and Madam Dlvlvur ul Bull. I7-6!}! ,-_ __ _ -- ...- ,......... we wish to announce that th's`Grent Winniimz-Up 8115 now In progress at J. G. Irwinfsla not :1 anle an: A apeuinl dny _or_ a week. ` but: one that my copeipuy _lI.v py- day _ngti[ the 3 commons for dIlliIIg_E|I0lll hhva . attructad twice the number. It is . thought tlutthe Wom'u Anxlli c at the Ron] Victorln Ecspitnl wi ~ clout about890hn;n the hull. M -_,- _.- .......... nun gut up on x 3 week : notice. the attendance was 3 hit, by; the axcuptiuually favorable , conditions for dIlliIIg_E|I0lll have 8 p _tw_iqg gg mmgbor. is , -uuucnca III man 36. Min Annie Cboesman left on Thurs- dny to spend I couple of months in Toronto and ather plncu. Ir. nnd `Mn mmi 9.....- 1-- a mu: nus: Emott, Bayald st. . gbaanupandlngntaw I Miss Jassio Morrison at Toronto his dI'C HI COWU. Miss Hunt nfvllllnfnn -.. u._ .. .. . Ills Smith ol Toronto is a , with Miss Elliott, Bayald Jassia Ilnrrhnn .1 7.... noun upanauxg 1 low Hm-at olvullsuzn was Lbs guest 1 C 5 Mr; S. Granvulo Caldwell this :41: Vpsnsomi. ` ` V `JIII Jotllnn. 'i R. '3. Willings. an -Elluliilh Inin: 5 grant, who Ina been nut two you-a. 1 and up In escaped convict from Topunbu ` Asylum. is In jun autumn his `trial 5 bolare Judze`Ard h for rutaning ' Ihxnnzh I mm -burn nwn the ` `l_:ni!dlnnz_aiz his lcrmanemnlnnr. '1`. ` W, , .. _...,..u,uv '3 Be nus?! audit? Service .8011 E be slnnad as soon as pomible. _ George Rbdgurs. Cant. . 15.Doze_n`I ` U 3 Boys. Cloth Caps gl 9 Ddrillnr -nn pen I t 3 I numu un. no AUKVIIKII In nuue Hull. 1: I :wuuam Cum bnlI"8r._ and non. ' r.wzu:.n.,mxv In mum on 1'mn- 5 7 any uvonlnu It-om idlund. Th will -non-I 3951-:_ln-JIl!"!o3 in. 4 F nlnne. ' Councillor Gontl: asked it there was any revision .in c a old bargain when y the County E Simcoe Inn to be rapradanted by an engineer. `and being nnawmd in the naantlve said. ,"I don't think we can not one of ply- ing this ant, but It in n xemarkahle thing it imooaja going inta York to Insist in building thai_r b1:i_dga.A It in .. ...-_.1... _L- ,- 5 a a 7 I making. Ind they svantunlly built: ` steel swing bridge. The County at York are now auklng Simone for one- th Isthq cmtna 1'32; as they had expats. The only thing of impoxtauce on the opening day was the hannug of n denutation compoagd of Joun Smith and Wm. Hil.l,'reeve and deputy-move. respectively. of the Township of East Gwlllimbuty. York County. The mutar which brouyat them before the Council dltas luck two years. In 1906 the t; _ Council ul _ Siuacoe u... a... ` mo Rb C 6.00am. f` " 'Ga:IPnany.' am `Rage: lax. _owa pat. __ _. _. .,.......... .. .._. ... unu-` uummet sxhnpn Tnnsiy afternoon. 5 W. B. Sanders. who win unable lobe ` present in J-nnnry owlnzto illness. I: occu led his seat as npre,-usnzaeive for r . m- I oooodooooooooooooooooooooo courmcouNc1L -.um. x. Oowan. Cu 9:. Cum. "E" mpnny, with East. >x. . I 2.` uamnany; am: `Rest. ` 3 dnnqau` bnva been added. and the wdtk i is handsomely mounted. ` All of the principal: us ca :;ble- vnclma. and ' the _c_ho_rus_ _`weYl up bi_ng again qi I g3,:_a_n3_-_n_-1_c.pxng on earth unt vrm -an unicm ! Thu runmnklnu in Ihnout cntinly monopolind by William Blnininll. ulln an-the verntllrnn mun Haul. {Gibb-Ixdwuln Igll. .' _. _ a cxeaiupau-to ammxua-.-cm. an xoallant. cnlunhlz work.` wllnhgln ho I-lmou-x -game throughout. of whom witneslod `the name: ow- ' aver._ilVdid noct the pllylng. On Iwaunt at the lnea hour II: which the ma started only {can lnnlnp mu] be played. and the ruull: was a tin of 7 all. Sib. Rowe and Harry culton was the bunny for the Eat linden and Rowe pinched n study only latting two Soluodnilu I In. May 22-s.c.c.--;c Bunkers. , v_ve_a. _v_- 2-:-a a---scac.c. Icy zstq, colulnglol. ' A monster cdahrltbn will be given 9 next Homily inthe Agricultural Paxk. ' under the auspices: of tho Bnsaball ", Club, when the following proyam of sports will be given-.- . 3 goo yard: nee. . --v-vvvvvvvvvv I y lst, nonmr calabnthn ` 27-(1Y.M.C.-r- t B.C.C. ' 29--AIlnndale-|t East End. an 1-Bankm-nt C.Y.ll.C. ' 2-B.C. C. -3! Allandnla 5-Eut End--I Bunkers 8 -Bunkera-at East End ' 10-Alhndnln-ut B.C'.C. 19-0. Y. M; C-nt Bunkers 15-.--Else End--at C. Y. ML`. 53- Y. M.C. -1: Aundue BASEBALL as-`Ed; lmun `HI v... ...... _. ....._ ......x~;... --- pun. ':3nuoo Doou Eur: or Band Ho-nan, to call and loci of good suits. ;"3'I holding (ashram, t era ; no sagging or wnnklmg' ' up the front, the ships shy: rm until the can is worn out. It/is, well wonh your while look over oil stock GEO. v1cK_ERs I IIO ' Ever Popu lar . Blue given to holding! usnggingor W season : nmuai idea V 'of- lanndnidz. a Coma `hnve -special netentian, I ""....cm"' ""xmw""L7z'" "iu`'z":7$3.`y"' . J3 mceasu:-rare?`-cone In ndIeeourm- Kodak; aqld Kodak supplies`. nag ruuu nuutoo will

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