Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Oct 1865, p. 2

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ijnbz-flax}, `(J_)1b.f = 3, J% 4911;. n1g(;1;n' frlxlns, l/\(`Il)lHl. bU I'I`:5[IUIl(l.tILu: .uuu.u.m. .w.uw-n, '.l'hi9. zl;1y (Satvixiflay) the excite-im:nt in the metropolis.. wn vex:-y gl'C:l_L , .T he number of arrests is now :w\:crtrtirve to be uhout twenty-five. All the approaches tn the hem! office, wlir,-re it was expected the prismzcrs would be brought up, were crmvdcrl fi-om an early hour by aclelise niziss of the very lowest class of society here, friends of the arrested or sym-V pnthi7.or_s in tho inmcnieht. A force of n10um,u: piica inziintuinecl order, and lwpt the tlmrrn1glif'zu'e cmnpzirutively (-Ieztr. Otil6l`(`.()nH1;liJh:S on foot emlcavnred with some 5iu(:L:c~`:4 to keep the crowds moving, but tiltty could not be got to disperse. A inI'g?nl1II1hm` of the more decently (rhul were c\'i there from curiositv, hut ' the suh.~'strat11n1 evinced the .~+ti'0Ixg++s.t s_vm~ pathy with the prisoners. The niovenient itsmlf, h()W(:\ [3l', found a great many, de- I10l1Ii,t:rr;a. Shortiy ai'tcrt.i1l'e<}0'<:i0cic, the g<)\ (l`llIIlC!|{ [)l'iHOIl vans, which hzui been occupying .mthcr .1 prmnimgnt position at the entc-,r:\m'e tn Excii:1i1g<`, Court, were li.~xg)r}_5(2rl of their (_`c)I]L(:lIt.~'--`--i\iI()llt twenty- tin: ym1n;;;, men for the mnst part re-spew- tuhly :lm.~i.~4en i, nnrl six.-v_:r:1l with an unmi.-<- tnknhk-. Y|I|hf:C cut and swigger in th;-ir :1 J enr:m i [in tho hmi.~u- nt .i:xnu-.s . teirram. iD0ir'\h- zlppenrzumw. ` _ I In the hmisc at J:Ln1t:s s terrace, Dolph-. iu'.s burn, in whit,-11 the prisoncers Cm1n and Cary were zn'rc.'te:l, the police found several pistols and two l;21yu1)<.-L.~a, on one of which were emx,rrzu'e(l th letters U.S. In ]>osxs of tl`u~,1g1'i.s'0m:r Luhy, whri was urre.~sto onSnt.urzl:1y, some docunnents ixxxpliczttixvg .1 number of perarins, are sitzmctl to have be-en {ouml by the poliw-. In the (r'u;-rile of Saturday ni;_1;lL the follmvin;_: pmdzuxxzltimx zuppt-,u1`erl, in re27Ui'iY1'E`73"tt) one J:um:9 Sluplwlls, who is st:nt,<.-:1 to have In-(en an :u-,t.ive mrrespomling member of the Fvnizm Asamimionz By I/II: Lord I/z'eutvm:nt-Gmzcrul and (:'cucrulUr'ovcrnor of Ireluml. u. FRIENDLY coixtnum` or me L'NI'FED.` sfr/rrns ' Govmtcumoxr. .- (1)3/blin `C'nrresp(_nulencc London. Times.) I`hiq;zl:ur {Sat.nrIl:w\ (I |"" '9`|'W W"9'V`.' SE! V` l|""!I'I V IP09 l than \V[m-x/` uf Lubcw, Mghw, Uonrgn Me VmMun "union [wing `hllwi rvnyu Nam Y--cl: tn kimtpnrt and |.u).w_ Ml in, Who" upgwaihn Nm(|mH. L. 1., wiih what u "'hw:l . mypsel realm" This (`:pptmum1_v writing pnvpilimu. the Captain am! 3 mun? man nnum-.1! [`e#.r Jnhlxnmg, wk. mu mnmlg I mmwv nlw Int gixm In-av; nrwv. and who In vmumlml m an north at Rguxuavlunn, Vs, Rhhtmvuod in My 3 MM KAI-M `nth. Jumping has the new, it um um mm, mirmem when mmg .1:-hnwn mu 1;. .95 mmc-thing "J3 vrh`-ta." and M m mwtggg In. no ouniad parlor that mrfma an Mufti J A_...A.. l._a Ii- __.__ |- n _ kg war miov tin at many Int. 11. um PR0CLA.\IA7I.'ION BY THE LORD LI EU -I` F N-Al5L'13r-.-- ~~~~~ I` IUHIHUII Ill UNI! UK IIHI \-SUHUIHIH l1r`|N' L4) urlhm lmmonul InLuru:sln, nml u.~p<~mu||y his own, by voting tn ndimu tho-. Hamzixla Home from local tnxuliun. Whom nur mmmlnpnrury vnrnpnwn lhu Hmudn H..u~w U) R t-(Jun) Grim, MI in Burriu (svhivll, by the way. in muvh m-mlml). ha rel:-lm far out nf hm wily, humlnm umnuu-V hum um gmwrnlly vluuulrugwl in ull ('nlHl trim: an a lmblix-, Mmulit; but why mm Iurgn hmel lhnuhl has apuvinlly fumrwl In tho dutrinwm of n mlml-er nf rmmvr mum in nut wry vlmu In ma. Um rtnntvtnpnrnry Ihllltl rmul llw (Ho/Ir nf Hm nlluu oluy, on thin aul-jm-t, and (hm, pnrlanpu, In. will lmw clctumr Isle-no nut to tho dnulinrlinu wlurh Ilmuld prupmly mun! In-lwnvn pulolu-ma-I prlvauu right. Wlum our 1-nntvm mmry nulls! Um bun. Mr. M4'l"|mrmm'u n,~4n)a`1wt m lhiulruaum n-ala'lul;la," lm mmply nvls Imwlmlgnn hunslanirca tan u-mint tluuruug |rnilFmm|;yx-rmll Hm wcaalu. Hut mllmo n-qnxzl. ha; uuly. pt-rlmpu, fulluwp um lump hag: of the Age. llwqm ale 3 .\ nu. :u.hnan HPETH THE. ! .*|l<..Il IV `ml: h:Hv.. Mm` 121: I IHHM` `mm: IN Tm`. FZNH '1 Mt \\V|Il`v' _.__,.._.,_._Z_...__..._. ` Tlili FENIANS. wt llw pa L. .....l ~ Nlnlnrlo with It Slmtll ... .... . .... ',...-. .,. .. IN! -on-ll Hf Iwlsunl. I -nlonml. has munxlyl vnu-' Mnung Hun `mum E um amvvn can u lunnlv H-m-e 0-mum addctnnm of the pun: h; but -.-.I..m:..1 szma Hwn gm nu ma than hnx 0* UNI rnvtiaqsat gm` plmktg Oh! v HQPHI Mdg pw-~vm~-Iwi. all hlHng and ulmwtcd ll 159 Ian, cu mam kwwlf M mm. It on non um ha gem: mum diutnn nut that and! `Min i>`l[v; um! Imam sh: rosahnl kt BODN RUG CH " W -wk n -imp-nu Maw WM Mt mun`! 5` nmd!ololvav~orMub0r.Iua#v1v0nvINHN` In `W ~ Wosadtt: in rain; 939 Kks `M5 ; -munn-vi wosmmnnum-mama! . _ ` ham!-a aarvaihrutnlalflid and hot do-Hmgguo, frag GUMH ll ` 5 tho Oihniba .4 nm hit. vmk inns mu V he_iva in the jaws of oneofithos vora- cious man-eater slizu'ks. Struggling with ` all his strength, -IOlm.`I0l_1`4 mimaged to break v 'amLLeaQll_(lJ6J,5L!If,Ilce aguin;- but the A shark was soon after him,and continued to bite him in various parts ,0f-the body, when the young man l)lll1')1lgl)i._l1im of the` sailor trick of putting his fingers in tho .~ilmrk :i eyes, which he did, and to his no small gratication soon saw the frenzied nionster lling from lnirn`. J6li'iis)n now swam to the vessel-, and being taken abo:\.rri,v was found 10. have been feiirilly com about the a'bdorrien---its lower. section en- .tirly oll'--hot.h thiglis andslioulders being` terribly lacer:ited,? There being no wind to get. zmywliere, the crew took him iuithe ` yiiwl rind rowed him eigllt.` rniles, to che ' village of. Cx`reenport, where his vrounds. were sewed up and dressed hy$ Drs. Ken- dall, Bryant and Skinner,-. and the young man made as comfortable under the cir- cuiiist.-uice_s_ as possible. He was growing Wl)l'! hourly, and there was not, muclr-` chance of his recovery. - - -.--------c------- We have pleasure in presenting to on agricultural fi:ien the following para- graph, lrorn an English `hewsp:1per--a,l_iow- ing that other lIlzII'l(e[$ will be opened to- us in the event of the Reciprocity Treaty being abrogated. by also observe that an English company is. being f0l`lIl.eIl, with a capital of 800,000 sterling, for the luil of a eet of nwift steztniships, to sail regularly from South- ainptonl tothis _continent,' Afor purposes of carrying passengers, provisions, caitle &c, One-lmlf of the above capital was im- IllL`(ll:lt4:ly sul).~scribed-Lonclon C . W. Ad- vertiser. " The London Morning Post" says: A9 weicannot olatain H. sufcic-n.tqiian tity of national fund from Eur0pe;_1n coun- tries, as South American suiniried beef (loos not suit the Englirali palate, and as Australia, liowever able and willing under the circuiiistuiisius, is too far distant to supply our pre:s<',nt wants, we might pro- cure froin Britisli Aincriua nn abuntlance of the fnml we so urgently require. llitlmrto the C:Hl{l liuve sent their 0\'Cl'}ll|l.`<) ofnniinnls almost. exclusively to the rn:1i'l<:t.~i of the United Stzxtes, into znlinittml fro: untler the pruvisinris of the lloen.-ipr_wcity 'l`rc-:tt_v. The total annual value at pro\'i.aimi.~z of all tinim ex- ]>I)l'l.(` l'mm the l i'o\'im'e to the United SL:ll.l`N, lh('lLl4llll;{ horned cattle, slieep, swinc, (l:llf_V' [vl'()IlllL 3, `lluur zunl grain of \':u`inn.~s l{lll(l.`5 g_fru>wn in the country, is ${l,tt:'):i,lt(). '1 he :1\ui'ur_ru per pound of ln1t::llx-r's ment in the IllZll'l\L`l'.S of Queliec, lllnntrml, ()tt:lwn, Kingston, T(>l`nIllt) and ll2Hi`.ilI.in, in lllil, \v:i:s--l)ccl', frrtm Cu to ltlv pa.-r lb`, mutton, l'rum 5;: to Sc per lb; .,..,1 .....-L 9'.-....i l'..- m up Imr ll. Au the Anm-I'i<:unsV.. We, whirl: live stock l';1i5t_`Ll. iu.l.he..l r0\'luL'(1 VUID `III LII" `!`I\'HI"7| -.gisI.'mvu (fuuuvil Mgo of our no:i,_g!2b'- Jul `mm! It, un-I u McI hernun,~ who in known Homw, hm Vm4"F95H Iilllu I M4! N! ievlhnggpgg WGQIFNR ummn4m uh W in madam mam, t!` mot! As it up an teen!!! hmnhnbhmn Luhunununn #3: EM. mm in Iifwh Af-Ggud Time Coinlililgl | `KWNIKQ III Qvilf .121` 7 upon Hm han mu. m nu at Hm dun! MM:-mu] ahn umruuinn hm -ml u m `on aluuumjk gm] Ha Nu`-u olvmzoudc-cl nwnml Hus Alanna -cu! U! W BID VH5! " "-unfit! WM: whieais I upturn mm: a &`'.g'$u.% m1e% xai1ii1tcr,\ -;>N;m.u.h IlIJl ll" IIMFQIIIN lM'45||M` [ll 01 1"` ing amximu tn Imp nu gmul Lumu wnh; bayou ma} since: at uhnut. `nus-muuln M I! did than uf Hr. ' M Wu al.. a... l....... mltht ru xmdkl nut, but vm-k, win--In ` mnnm.`Tm:r:snu, 0c'ronEn 5. 1.305, ___.__,._______.-_______.._...-_ ._._ __- , - ._.-.-.--.- -4 ...\ Theouuty Vote,W Dunkin Bill. zm 0!>`porlLuI1it.y oftcntixng the uilh-i~,m-y or iucfhciemzy of the Dunkin Bill in doing away witlrtlm drinking usages of the-. ago. How they wnll eufurce its provisions ru- mailm m be seen. cu.-- . . n :- , Cl. , .Ul'l R` -wk 1- Norma, Tuesdays, Thursday: and Saturdays. 10.85 mm. `I`h\prn_tonr & Slmnty,Bay, V sunny: .1; Fridays, ' - 10.35 m. Mizgsaing, Fridays, ,. 10.35 a.m. r..'1o'mn`."1nn5,-. - A. HAN M. RM; al`lIlVIll`%`.y1':I'o."l;()!i"()Njr!'. _ mmmmntb. ...".~:e{~. . .1.;7.1o, 4.: : `(x~ . ,` ` 6A20sP.l '-hkh Nomnrsnx RMLWAX. . _ ,----vh, u ` _ _ AA...__._._ am:-1` , ,4! am unnnm 1'0 co!.u;v,o M`. 1-...-and] av-TIN! 1 ., s -pu-xtIur1 : Umnuvil 9 Admnro n . L....._ .._ 1 an-.m`nn us nf lm. AI MN E, EM; unuu mm. .. ._ - t~4l5P`il* comm/uniontlon appeared lutelyln a column or the Ea?oirilvier,trom tl_io`pon`of"one' of the `op- . ponenta of Dunitin'a Bill," beoringrtlio 9.ppel- ` e lution of Scriitntor."' which signied o\sca:chr I `or ungiinminei-; buthfterjo perusal of it I~cnmo' ` to the oiioluslon the}. he would `do well if he jw'o\i_ld retrgcohlli own fo9tate'ps.V land onncql his . inoguons nborrntionp.` He says: I am among `those who believe that the world would be. vastly beneilttegi -by the entire` removal of ,in toxlouting drinks, and would gledly vote for a lixw having that object, Ilois all right so for; but he denies that heiheliovee it when he has the audacity to cull one-of the hoseiopping stones to that end f it inockery, u delusion, and B snn.'re. ~CM l'_Bll0i|_ expressions ho . compos "mantis! Surely i.ie\,lI)ll8i0 lohoringnrider tho hallncinn_t_iona oi` _ a mind influenced by the demon `Intemperance, or 13130` he would strive to load those who are in danger of stumbling - over the nwfiil procipleo into `the yawning` abyss of dostrimliong` -in the path oi` rcctitude, instead of trying to blln<}i`old'thnm by his erro- neous viowg. `Is he -not aware that tho Pro- hibltory Liquor Low" questionhns been ngitu- ting the public mind for mnny yours, and that onopetition nfter another found its way into the House oi` Piirlioment? njnd that it has been frequunily with due'deliherntion, but to no nvnil? And such will over he the ease, till our Conndinn l :u'liumont will ilonrish with` it mnjority oi` dnnntlene tenipernxioe udvocntos. But, when 0. step has, been udopted which; _ ilonbtlesa, ii 8c};upulom4ly end judiciously (01. . lowed, woiild lend to the desired `result, it is called nothing lorssthnn o mockery, u delu- ' eion, and a snare. I.`m~tlmr Mr lmhm. 7,1:m\.....:n. u- 0-.-. T6 the mm q _ Iikbamin 7.81 " .~_bu'. comm/uniuulon ntmenred lat mun. up, u muuu. Further. Mr. Edltoi', I differ with Mr. S3111- tator in several other pointn, but once tw' more may be sutlicient in thetmeantlme, that is thntthe li uortrallic in right and re- spectable heoauso t e -Legislature pronounces it right, and by its recognition and license de- clares it respectable. And as for tho zu1gu1ent- atiun of the revenues by the profits otia tratllc. which is followed by a train so pregnant with evil results, whether smictioiiedar not b the highest dignitaries of the land, I despise the idea. For my part. air, I do not believe that any tratlio which him an evil tendency should he couuu-uanced. though sanctioned by the nobility of the land, for being lucrative in a pecuniary point of view. lint again, Mr. lditor, the` true philanthropist would not scruplo to sustain a greater loss in proportion to his property in order to abolish a tratlic 39 prejudicial to mankind as the liquor, than his prot by the revenue of a county would amount to~ hy-the liquor tratllc ertlm license nystoin; for he knows that the revenues which cemo from an evil source are not blessed; and itis evident that what is not followed by a blessing in t`ollowt-d by a curse. - We amwell aware. Mr. Editor, that there are many of the opinion that l)unl:in's liill, ])lll in our county, they will he greatly in- volved in debt by the increase ot'taxe.-1, &C.; but they do not tnlto the right view of the matter; they do not observe at all, how many are involved already, and totally ruined by the lo')t'1'cqu,-nt use of ardent spirits; neither do they observe how many aniiahle, tall-,ntL-ll and pnui\ialti;;_\o1tt1g men. who might be useful lll society. and shine forth as stains in the intelle- tual tirmzunent, are turned zi.~sitle t'rom ti1t9pl`Ll(.`(>- ful path of virtue and sobriety, to heconie blumetl (lrunkanu-1, wretcherl puupern, and d-.u`ln;.; villains. Such are truly blind to their own la-,.~at. interest; they never think for a mo- ment luliherately (J the rnisreries to which they are lllI'll|llitIlt:4ly illiltlg their" own t)1iH])l`1tlg; neilln-,r do they eonwider that many of them may he wlwttint; deadly weapons to cut. tht~'u' own tliroata, or pointing arrows to pierce their own lit-um, \\`iIt'll they countetuuute and en- emm\;.;u the contiuunmxe lit` a tratlie \\'h.0h is no fatal to the mental out-rgies of man. lint, lwlhru l (.`Ull(:illIl(`, Mr. lavlitor. allow Inc: to my a tow worda concerning a L'lt|:a.` of nimble that are lllllllt'l'ml!-t. mul \t'|It)-ll! nninimm Iv! . m. .....u.`.. an un n. u un-un u u Imth llvliglnml uml 1-uuprim-d nm. N privmvl luv, hruzlvlw-, In n cnunh'_v plume I m-.v(*l'mqwcl.o`d '0 mm mu-In sun nxh hintrhmiu luhml. Thu quutnlimm l'vr~nl plnyn. mull llm M|wm`h1'n null r wvm nu wt-H rumla-rwl M rvnlly, Mr, I .mI.... H.. I; I l...IE I mn'prl.-- (hut p--nrlug Iporm Id of mu I . '.I'|I'VUlal.-I.`/V|QxV,|].)`IllJu ,;_ - 7 :vXailfq{{C,9llEngwopd. . . . .l. . . c. , .... ...,.,\..`.'4`.27, 1'. x. . .1o:35,i.n}. S u " 'lav the B-nrrio 1"ont`()'mco'for P_e_no-. jhngu them, '1`ueaduys,_Thum`day, and Sa,tur- A nltm ` examx+ mm am, M gsmgazmnuxgis, nun ynuuunuvu uy uuuuua. ' i The show of horses was renmrlmbly good ;' in team horses. for /generul purposes, seven pairs ` were entered, nnd `all shown.` Mr. i G.unn'e heavy teem `ofidraught horses took'the first _ E1-ize. They are tl veryztlne looki1ig_p.ulr of ems", but we question whether they urc ns_ serviceable for gonc-ra.\l purposes as some of the other teiuns shown. Mr.- Joseph Johnson's turd" Mr. Kenneth Cnnu-ron s horses me well inutelted teams, `mid were much admired. Thetentirloa in the other elessesot horses were not so numer- ous. Mr. James lliclu1rdson e two-your old, and Mr. John McGowan e one your old, lillieg. were deservedly much admired; euoh took in first prize. In best bred cattle. ltlessre. ltluii-`end Cnvo, I13 usual, had no` eompetitors. They Bll()\V(_.`d some very nice cows and heifers, ulso bull and hoifei calves, which would be hard to -lJt`!\t. Mr. Gunn s ~uhort-horn and Mr. Mnrtin -l0lmS0n'S Gullowny bulls, urc very tine_ uniniuls ~ 01' their olnss--tho former from Mr. `l\lllll`lS,Ht0Cl(i `each tool(` a prize:` `` l'l'li'ore was it 1.56611 damp;-`ii. tion in grade cuttlo, particularly in cows, of which there were nine entries; and It tlner lot. could scarcely be found. l\lr. John Darby took the lot and 2nd prlzce. A large number of sheep was shown, all well, up to the mark. The prin- cipnl exhibitors were Messrs. Leadlay, Cove, W. U. Partridge, Durhy, Sisson.-4 and Johnson. Mr. Todd had it very tine two-sh(.-er rum on the ground, but could not compete for n prize-`on account of not being entered in time. Mr. Allan Gunn wns nlso tlept'iVe(l ofelioxving some that- cluss sheep from tho smue Ct\ll:-.\(:. ' Vefrv few \)l(`!H\V(31`UHl)l)\\ l1. Mr. Gnnn Rhnwml V`W"I`Vl1o nnnunl show of stock, &c., &c., "of t1u>1 Keapra Agricultural Soclqt.y;' was held on Fri- dny lkst, near` the Town Hall. The yveathcr boiiI}';'\nll that could be wihed, the show was well ptlthouizogl by visitors. Ir}... .10.... ..c |m'r...,. ....... .`mm..o.x,..m.. ...\,.,n .v ciuss anoep xrom tno Very few pigs were shown. M1`, Gnnn showed fine speciinnns, hour`x\nd smv, of tho l1'rkshi1'(e breed. Mr. R. Munro niso rsliumell :1. very fine sow of the same b1'eo which look tho `ll'Hl. prize. MOSFWR. Robinsmn & llu1'hy were the only other exhibitors in this Clllfi. The show of ( iry produce was very meagre. [M12 John it 'Gown.n Hll()\V(:(l some specinn-mini` vi-.gol,nl>les \ iieh would not have disgrnced :1 I ruvin('.i:\l hibition. Mr. A. Smith tookvn. llrst'prizt- for lll tl.1;o=c0Tlection of fruit, consisting ofsevornl nice varieties of npploa, pours, and grapes. AH line is lot 0|` carrots, of the Miito Belgian) vzu'iety. as we have ever seen, was exhibited by Mr. John Smmlen. Some very pretty hon- quels ol choico (lowers, flll`I1iHil(!(l by hlesars. Sneatll nnd Smith, \v(u'e much `:l(llI1iI'(`.(l hy the vizsitora. Tnking the exhibition as :1 whole, we believo it to he one of the heat the Society has held. 1 -nv.-nun v in!!- 4 u,Lu.u z.uu.L. Tum IIOrses.--lst. prize, Allan Gunn; 2nd, J03. Jo sun. /lfnrn 1n Wnnl -11! nrirnx Ina Dir-hm-nlunn - znu, mute -arszul. 'l'wu-Year 1 {(1 (Jolt --1at prize, Jz1s.1{iclw.rd- son; 2nd, 'l`l10mus Brt-tr. I` One Year Old (1ull.-latp1'ize, Jno. McGowan; 2nd, W. 11. Pm'tri(lg Aged Bull.-lat prim, Allan Gnnn; - 2nd, Martin Johnson. Best bred Cow.-~Ist prize, E. Cum; 211:1, Cnvo. Raul In-ml 9. `Tour Tlnlfmv ._1uO nviwh F Utuvrsv 1 mar um! nu-I uuiwllf nuvmm Um H); I fths L54!?l!7D!I&MG$*.MI fmlqnk they will Mt Bah than k Mk pmbqisilit sf im u o~z3@?M"'W'K9 wmald ivy? the Bat! mi aim-writing n sec-nml lrm mutlm ad in gv-at met minus mom. '-' D` av-0-aw-- - L lIepa\ bxtureofalls. ;"`..."Y9! ` `I ..p,, m1;;g1a_S$t`hda1ny 6.49 `...m 4.58 p.m. _l0.05 mm. aos. .101 Mare az Fnul.--Int prize, Jns. Rlclmrdson; 2nd, Luke -arsull. 'r....._ mm. 4 1,: mn no ML... Tau m,.I.....,L SUH. .....a......-... at-\..Q+......N..u..~.... Efwgsmmmmmp unvo. Best brad 2 Year 1Icifer.--l.=4L prize, N. Cave; Zml, N. Cave. F 1303! 1 Your [Icif4:r.--lzst. prize, 1']. Gave; 2nd, : l`n-n (:'1'(14Ic (,'om.--1r:t pain-. John Darby; 2nd, John Uurhy; 15rd, \V. II. l`m'trilgv,. Grrulc 2 Your U/41 l1c{r':'1'.-l.~ prim, W. H. \ l xu'lrilgo; Zutl, G. Stu-nth; iinl, W. H. l ur-, tI'id;;u-. _ ` (.'mrlz-. I )7/m` (Nrl IIm'I'wr.--lHt m'i'm. Ilnhu1't. mm ('IL.j.~1HI.p1'1zc, Lu. (.7 Jhll-loll. W ().r(`n.~lut pl ixn, (J in nu. uunn. 'l'mnYeI1i' ()/rl Slows.--1.;t Zml, Ju|1n.lmrul;H. Ag/ml II1m.-l.Ml prize, JUSP] Iiolwrt Lmulluy. )'mIrlr'ny/ If-'un.--l.*sL prizv, . Marlin Jnhnmn. I.....J. __lm \1.... (irruw I Luidlny; [full ('41 Jnhm.-nu V7 Vegpx-a Agl`IClf|'uI `show; 2: 1 Win` 0/rl llcifm`. '; Znd, G. .H'm-nth; ('rt.j.~1sLprizc, E. `1. mI1ago1ng,;5outn`uau 0.10 mm. on .uu p.ln. u-' ~ u wont ` 10.05 . !hll|forAlla'ndnlo, dolly, 10.05 Mn 3: 4.50 .m. , ,OrIllla ` .. st. hfm-Lh. 'l`nm-xdnvn. - 0.40. In. uuvc. . PR1 ZE LI S .'l'. 1.; .._.._ n.. -~1Ht prim, 3111, ('1. Slwu l'u nu `Pn lest prizn, J. . Darby; 1l l:i|.'1 ~4u\IA`'l . 1.. ' List of succea ful cougmetitors at the County 9! Siucod Agricunuml Suck-l_y's Annual Exhibi- Iibu whjch crime of in Hume on Wedncaduy'li1'sI, the 27IhinsLunt. ' \ 7 _. .._,...., ....w...u, . A Ilcuby Draught Team--4 1L'nlrics.-lat prize Al1nnGuun, Burri; Zml Alcxxmdcr Gnrtlcy, In-I` nisl; 3rd Allan Guuu, Barrie.` n__ In -- Gcunrul ,Purp_usc TelIn--3 l;'ntr Jusbph Johnston, Vespm; 2nd Th Oro`; 3:'d`Joseph 'l`homma,0ro. n --v ` ` ` Juuois 0'1} [loans mu CATTLE--M'e9Br8- Atking, `Copelanii, am} Smith. ` \ J:ily'13tli"l865.= Entire Iio;scn -;4 I:.'ntri`cs.--V-lstnty prize Allan Wall, Ofo; 2nd John Rilcie,`\VusfGwillimbInry ; _ 3rd James; '1`. Ryan, Mcdonte, ' n__'..__ n . . Curriugc Tcam--3 l;nl7'icsL-~l. prize George Caldwell, Ox-o, 2nd Allan Gunn, lmrrie; 3rd Ed- ward Lnlly; Biuric. Murnn um! l;'....I.. n l.`..1..:.. . . - ----- -- muu many, nurric. Mums mutt Fuuls-G IEn[ries.--lst prize William V HickIing.()ro; `znd Alvxunder Gurney; Irnpisl ;_ 35.1 1'ti;fnm{s`"D?(;;,mk" ` V" " I'um-1uur_nI/I rv,.n.. -1 1.-..._.-,. . . - um n In IIUIIJFVIUU PIU3. " -Yearling Colts-3 l~}n'l'rie.s.--lat prize William Hit-k!ing,0m; Znd Willinm Gmlncr, Oro, 3rd not hrougln. foru'm'd. 1 .v,.,:.:/.. n...._.- ,. ..-.. - - - ,.u. unvuull nu nluu. Smlrlle 11m-aes--8 En.h'ics.--'Ist prize John [tit- clnin.-, West Gwillignhury; 2nd Du_cLor Murtun, liurrio; 3rd Doctor .\lur1on, Barrie. ./lgcrt `1Iulls--` ! ]L`m`rics.--lst prize Waller R:1|kca,Oljo; 2 l|m1Gunn,llnrrle. Two-y_cur'-'old1!yll-1 Entry.--Ist prize Mur- lih Johnson, Barrie. I . Ymtrliux; I.lull.s~2 Entr;s.-19t prize Goorcge Caldwell. ir:.0rr') rznd lmwrml l`. mm .. uAu Auullulu u-nu_y,\r|'U. _ - Cl'ma-ytur-old C'ol1t--7 1:.'n`(ries.--lst pri7._o Wi!- Ii um Iliokling. Om; 2nd Thomas Drury,()m; 3rd William Johnston, Flos. .v...... . .. . n n - - - --- .,.....,~. JQILLILCS-`"193 pnze uoorcge Caldwell, j_rf,`()ri) ;'Znd l*ZdwIu~d G. () l}ricn,. Qro. Bull Calvc.v-3 Enlricx.--13L prize Allan Guun, Barrie; 2nd Martin Jolmsun, Barrie. Hm-I Mil;-L f'n...,. t: L`..._,~, - - ' " .........., nun .unu.:u auuuuun, Dtll'|'lB. Best Milch Caws--5 I'.`nlrics.--}st prize George I Caldwell, Oro ; 2nd George Caldwell. Oro; Ilrd John Darby, Vvspra; 4th George Caldwell, Om. L'L`st '1'um-m-m-.nI:I Ilnifm-u_,1 I.`..;. . . .,...... umuj, v --spun; mu ueorge lInId~"VCl|, Um. [ _L'cst '1"wo-year-olrl lIcifcrs-4 15::/riex.-~lsL prize, vVullcr Rail-(es, 0m; and B. W. Ross. Harrie ; 3rd I Wnltcr Raikcs, Om. ' IV . I. n. .. .-.. ........., vnu. Gmrlc Two-yam`-olrl IIcifc'rs-3 Entrin.v.-- lat. prize Geo. Unldwoll, t ro; Zud (}eorgeOuldwc1l, Oro ; 3rd B. W. Ross, Harrie. HM; I/.. -ynuJ _u.m nu ma that 1,-I Mr. l'au.n, lkieh wt 3 R566 Wu tlu nut lumw `I'IQK Q0-**rtmt mt . 9 im marshal M3 `N darfsnw 334??! has had mu! ta mm yap-gt Ind! an awfully no: he mmu ` mama:-, he nuuhl haw mun tlm Inn 5` WIMQIJID $9 dwliy UM mm: M Hum 3% in ms? mkot rwpbgt: The math: .3 I NH`-`r ml} not nlyvliyo agave: Vhvlbqir. `qi|Mutimp,"lnI my buimvc both ` 'iO` it 331*] nd thum. lftutfk Elohim the `main 4'` My aim will hghm nttmnpung tn * Mm mcnvr aunt Wu amlnmmr in Mum muff pom. mtmum -' :2 in mm} I Mr, Walter slirg 7 ` in foam mmmt: A ,u-. j M Grade Yearling IVlc:_f/'crs---A1 I:`ulrics.--ls1. prize George Cz\1Jwell,Oro; 2nd Tbonms D1'ury,()m ; 3rd l`lmnm9-Drury, Uro. V Vlllulrnr /",.I..,... u l.`.1..:.. . . . ,. ., .... ....: u.u.J,unu. Vllczfvr Culves-8 En! Czxldwcil, Oro; 2nd B. George Caldwell, Oro. w....I/.2. n I.` \,a|Lu!EU uIuI\vL`II, Ul'(). Wur/(`[7141 0.rc/1-4; Eltlrics --13L pl Gunn, Bnmo; `Ind Allmi \\'Mt, Um; (fuldwcll. Um. 7,. 1: n. ~ - - - W5.` IYEVHW-aigwu Irv Ill.-' I-RI!!! In in I 1l1!'7' "Y Wuhan R4g(it!"`R phyinf ma dam! n-mesh nahamwo-unM_y of wethr-"m. frmu Hm N (mm! Qgaigy dun! in khan 4\;)`xl`GT A, Wu 1 ham ram-.ly uixmecmd. It qhm-:e~J the mimakm in Hhkah me duwnswl was hula! ky Ila Intensity. as wall as by a may hm: nhunl `KnhL&..{mnlv-ad} fauna`. \./|\I , mu u. -v . uu:1:I, nnnlu. III,-at Yearling Iloi/crs-4 1'.`utrz'cs.-419! prize Walter Ruikcs, Oro ; the others not brought. for- vvuxd. u.uuvu:n. vnl. II'zuo-yr-urulzl Slvnrs-2 1L`ulrz':xs.--Only Yoke brought before the Judges. 13!, prim J (/'l1.'1ppc1.():(). vM_`,_.__ WNW ,. n . . .-. . .. . .'//,m/E5, wlnilll lhwui.` m ' W'}i 3}." ;U}a.;u K. 35",`. (.9; 3 mg: udo-bfvatrnl 2-rm }'("lII'/l-VIE this ym d. I.`.A ll... COUN`1`Y7S1MC_OE AGRXUUIEURAI. __-~--eno~Iam1r--V-W """"" "9 W 45% x '~'t'."*'--"-~.v"**.-an Ggwwmhusmur mu tm " fl V tint tili W up V :3!!! vftasrtutfsas ism-u, "=2 , `frfvhi `IIttr.I fmirixbtiiaitatrantracto. no man. '_!iV `y,iI:n3!9dtimolf n1~wat~e.vu4 t mundane 0! the (Mam humid. ta you his pu-mum, so u 3 - H twin` wiahh makes in nd! hgulai` ' nouzmnary. ) ` I ute Mme .s,.".... In L nmuiuutkacanrku ' . SM bustier and III ; mg .5`lI:ers~2 lL'n(I`i41s'.-()nl_v one Yul I. 15! prize (ieorgzu Culdwt-H. Um. r'n=t--.'n I'.'n/rim --lsL pri`/,c Jolm Uhn ..1'r:.,....... n.. n.... . ..~. |aL In 'lv(nn:1a I)1nry,()m. w Hm 1- Am l u:s.- ;u.,u nu In-;.n nuvvnlu 7 Ctdtlwrll, Urn; 31:] ` mt: Thomas Drury , A |\lV un.v.o ll luuuu\:a|.--- lldu. '[`. l)`A`u(:v l\l:G1u:\vn.etl1cu lntrotlucr-d and udtlrcsxod the large u;-soruhly its l'ull_o\ ' Mr. Yrcnitltaut, lzulics and gt-utluuu-u: 1 am very happy that tho crigugtuur,-nt of 'a` miller busy week lmppcnml so to fall out as to c-`nublu mu to ho with the sons of St. George to-night. This is un cm of reciprocity and return viaits. Thu S mnish and l"n-uch sovcrci us: we are in- 7 furuwrl, lmvo just. been uxclmnging such visits, umlqvlmt is Icvon more rcruzu'lmhlL- is the recent cxclutugtrol'cu11rtcsics hutwcon the lv`rL-uch mul luglish uuvivu at (Jlierhourg and l'0rtsu1outl). lu the xultlut of niuchiucu and llllSf4ll(`f~l rnftltzutli, tllcycxclmngt- doctrines of good will among men, uud we also, as you are aware, Mr. Pre- sident, ure honored with :\ l:i1'g party ofour fellow-colonists who are ut pl`CH(7Hl. the gm-at of Cmuuln, uutl umny of them at this momuut, I am happy to say, your gut-"xt. "(Cl1oerH.) No one feels more urzulely than I do. sir, the in- convenience and discorufnrta thoy l)l`.VC(l in _ 01`1lo1u.to be \V'll.l us at thix HI.`1lSI)ll. Under all the` circuuistzmct-,5 oftho case, so fur as I can. I beg to uptogizu to them one uud ull for tho iug;o'nvcr1'icuciL-H; hut uo\v,thut they are with us i hope the citizensot'Mout.rt~ul uuiv.~r:4ully will. as the Mayor very properly uhsurvml at the public reception this uiorning, ourlmvour to muke l. mu l'u_cl thut House of common czxusuautl Common Country which is c.~1m!r1ti:tl to ho culti- vated ilwu urc long tolremuin .` of :1 common sow-ruigu. 1 nm proud, ll`, ut the growth ufprui:licul liberty zunoug our ])(?(J[)l0. urul l mu proud also that we should lruvvuo muuy gll(`Sl.H to observe and l`lEL'0l'll the gratify- iur fuct. (Ull(`l,'l's.) lit-tn-r, I Buy, without exuj_;g(-x'uliou`, lm|.tn-,1` thut the river rzhuulcl rise your by yuur to suhumrg - hull tho city--hctto1 that thn grout luitlgc itself \vliiclr.npnx1s tho riwr should lw mvupl. away-thxxpn that true tolvrzxtiuu, which _mukcs Montreal :\ happy homo rm av:-ry man who cornea into it, should ovzuu: to cluu'uct(,-rise its population. (Loutl clu:N'.~4.) With tlmsu and pcrlmps in few other `l'L`lll1ll'l(H I should, Mr. l 11-Hicleut. lmvv l.lli\lll{(`ll you all mul taken at tgucg 1_uyA'uo_-tit; but an un- ex Il`Cl(Hl (llll. ' to this C01lllll" at lur 0. and to I .3 )_ Cauuulu HlI`llL`lil`.l|'l .-has hcou xm )n:~'.cd u um um I . I I. hy u I|'V\'HpllpI:1` which n frivuvl has H118 day plum-cl in my lltllltlfl.--( flour, hour.) The pzlpm` to which I refer is the l.<'nulou l'iuu-.' of the 1 1th ul'Ra-nto-utlwr, vunlninimr 1 mnut nvl.~..m-ili..4..~u In wnlcn 1 l`(`IUl` 18 we I.0I1Ilon ll1ll(`.\` 01 nu.-1-mi of Scpu-xnln-r, cuuluining a moat 1-xlimordiiimy I:-tte Halted .\I0nI1'eeal. i\ugu:+t 2t5t.h, and an oilitmiiil m'lici:- fumulvd on the i(`,lt(`l' and rely ing uinmsl. implicitly on tho uccurzuzy and amn- piCI(El\l`HH of the )01`1`t-syun stutuim,-nls. T he cn1'r(2.~p()mimIt, it is wt-ll known, is Dr.(}hm'- ls-:1 Miicimy. u \vo1'Lhy and giflml mun. uguiiist whom, UV(`Il if it were lit to bu said, I Hill)lli(i not on porsunuigrnmuia say one harsh word. I ii.iw:si1lLm1'u H->:pe<.-L and 151-giml for Dr. Muc- lcn.y,bl1t my public duly in this city ziml Lu the Uniun c.uI.~ must be Ili.~:<',|i:\|';.;ml wixhuut (inlay in` nest-rvzltiuii. I hold tin: 1H|||l`I' lwru in mv v~ x 1-nus` smu- umyevtml nqn {Mn M! (n I (you! has kg tempting nu palm 0!` mwhum who-at cm In Mayan hm Mitt` amgslying um (mm (mm the up {H Um stontmnu ths ammphzsl hum! um mm;-1 am! the mun duviul of mm an out a tomb! an than pm-an urn-d upmu. In sh. u in usluvrtrsnutkymt, ion:-my -mu a....au..s.-unsuiixa` A We are indebted to the Lea(1er .~: report for the follmvingpu we-cl: dnliwrwl by the Ilori. T. I). McGee on `\'ed1uesdny, on the occasion of tho rcccpLion`of' the guests from the Lower l mvi,nc-s at Murxtx' ' n,`., m :u., ,,,u :1 .. - . . . H! 1014:1191 "IVS tifalugng.` Judging from the returns" re_ceived up to 2 the hour of going to press this morning, we can come to`no other emleln.-sion than ' that the Durikin Bill has been carried in the County of Simcoe, by :1 very consider- able majority. The` impression that the Bill is really inope|"atit _e, seems to have given rise to a great deal of apathy on the pait. of the electors, many of` whom re- frained from voting altogether. In Bru-rie there were only 9] votes polled. Of tliese I 56 were against the Bill, and 35 for it, which gave the opponents of the bill a majority of 21. In Vesprn 29 votes were "`p'c>lle(l',"" nndmnly '4'" of them were against the bill. In Oro the majority against the bill `was 7. In Orillizt it was 2. nidnle only one man, we were told, yoted against the bill. In Innistil, the most populous: township in the county, ithaving `0\" er 800 'i"0te't`., 251 votes were polled, and the Dunkinites had 1; ninjurity at the c_lese,0f the poll of 39. In N<)t.tn\v:t.~mgn the total number of votes given was 21l-~ 133 for the law and 78 against it, being :1 majority in its favor of 55. A nmnlurr of diottnnt tmvmshipa are still to be heunl from; and it is pussilile they m.".y give 1: majority uguimt the bill; but we im:u_{ine ll: election WM :18 little interesting else. where as it WII-l liem. nml that the temper- ance pt-uplo exerted tllL'll]S+L'l\'ti to M`t`\ll`|i ' opportunity i|miI1(-imn-v 111' Mm Ilnulzin Hill in .l.~.i..u In Sun- I

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