Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Aug 1864, p. 2

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a Grant to ontvr th4~ lm:k-lmu- uf ltix-linimul At length General (lrtllll.llIt3:l)0qlll1OI|l'(l tic from, after six \\ qul uf ll11l('tl\`lty4 and th; Ilillellte, during which tiinu e:1'cli S|lUt'CCll- nu ing WlE`.gl'nlll--lblg`\\'li.ll llL`\\'S-.--llL`l`:llk-lc'tl rm __.L9;tlHo the world that wmulrnus strutc-git` hi; nmnnuvres were on foot, and about spot-l- un ily to burst `with. dirii. mist:-uctioii on the dii - doomed city.. Wll; the bubble has hllrli all Phmrsbwgliu hm been attacked; and the re Fedgmlj rVeprrl:tell--`u-l1 is the news `lll`1|l, A ~ ennui ovbr the wires n da' ago. At mt? m: = past four onvthc morning (if the 30th \xlt.,` gi 3 grand attack,_umler the coxmnand at us 'Gens.. Grant and ,l\lemlo, was Iuzula on cu Puterslnirglig which was coii1_iiioix(:nd by 3.. the ex1'>losi(mof zi_mi_nu d ug umlcrtho; Vwnll.-. ,1, of the city. fllho elfcfjmZl(il7\ppt`:ll`riy n to have been tcn'ilic, for not only did it on destroy a huge portion ut" the rlt-l'ur1c(:s, but in also buried in whole rebel rcginiunt under of the of wlmni \\'em (lltg out W alive, Innm-dm(.(_-/ly alter the (~x[lu.~4mir an 31, ns's:1ult was iiiasif hy the FL`tl(`,r.'llL~l, who 5.`, succemlml in C.-wry` lg 5(lM3 lirst and sccoml M rebel lilies, butin utehiptiiig to carry the: 1,, third they were wpiilst-t.l with ll-`:irl'ul ln.~l.~I. Tlio 1l(l\':lm. \-Il mlumu, (,`Olll[)0.~'(`, princi- ymlly ofu nv.-gro rcgiiiiciit, were, in ct)n.~s\-- qucnce of M 1-ram lire buttery,` cut nil" f rom all. retreat. Twice the l)l'Ul(0ll` l`4}_L{lllH`,lIl endczivnrcd to join the main body, but were -'5\\`upt down with grarut. slziiiglitcrr. Tlmy than full back to the rt.-bt-ls llrst llrw, . wh:-re: the-,y in-nr clmrgucl by llw rub:-l.~` with lll_I-pt'tu0slty, and are siippnsr-I tn lm all either czxpturcd or sl:iiii,-~aiiiii;;.-at thum was Gem-ml Bartlett, and many ullluurs. The Fealc-r:il.~I a:knnivl<-,(lg_;I-. 1| signal loll-nt, aml the lusw of 5.000 inch. They were at first rt-fuseul p\`I`llllSHlUll tn bury their dead, but were, R\Ili.~'.<`4[ll(`,lltly :dl->wul tn do Mr, undnr xi ag of trucu. This failure if < su iv} '1 In St] so vlmriuimtrzitt-~i A-lozmly th-i grunt lillh-ulty of capturing that city. On all .~ it lms BllCCG219l\'t'ly l)L(:Il 4'l`~I*51llll`tl, and ran far it has prnvml iiri[>r*_r__riuil_l<-. hi this last atlm.-la, not only has Grunt luul all the tiinu ll<-, (l(?(`)I)(5 rs-q1ii.~itu, for m:ituring_{ his plan, btit has lwon ni by mi ll)|lll|'H~l`, :Irm_v, znhl (:\'o:r)' :|[)lll1l||t`t` of mud:-rn wzirlim-; \vliil tlw tlniifr-sl0r;Lti:._ l1;m1[n_-real by thu 1' ll6(:lm-la-, lf2tHlllH`ll\'4l for tlw want if nu!- };lh'rd, aml with fUt`ti\'8 ;.(1'uutly inf<:i'ini' in > l'l\llHlu,'h, hnvu lnrvli ztblu tn calm: witli.'_ tlwin. l I \\Yl . ! 3 ' I 5 .k`I`0H.|)fTt,`n` ::uL1-In1n1urL-.1 llllI'II `MN. I pur.~uin;_{ -(I hnllnu-In-1 meme Borne rosvumce nor rent wand Orlia, -at ono-o'clock, p. m. `-"--- "anon _)'!T--'10I0llW:-_:4 ;.... `LAD, arm ' ' .. ...\..5.,b,'r.u. n_nm' `to cotuuawoon. ` _ xfnwnrmul. , , ,, `,,__~1n 2n_ L ;'g_ The War News. IHUIHUIVHI Dtllllc v I `t Aftr nine `years ozqleribnco in tho _Eot'co, :l_I aayithut. the men who 'at`1nd-in tho V way--who give the greatest niuount. of trouble to tho otllcors, nod nunoyunco to tho men, are tho 1It(l.9lct"IllcCi)tllliCS and others, who lmvo young men in Cll(.`i`|'\t`lll1)i()y.' 'l`ho nmjorlty of tho volniitt-ions nro dopondant on this class, mun y of whom bolng itppn-.ut.'tcon, must oboy tho` orders of their omployoni, tihd, unless such omployorsl nro diaposod to allow their young men to attend drill, they cannot do so. liorou tho volnntt-.o'ris plncod hotwoun two tires: the Militin Act mukingit tlnahlo to "in-gloat. or re- tiinso to nttond drill nt. tho timo and place ap- pointed," _and tho consequence is, thut, not \rlsl:ing to got. into trouble with tho innstcr, tho nmn lonvos tlJo'coinp'nny. 1 rotor hero to tho` dny drill, (the only drills that turn of any prnc- tical n2\u).' llxttcztsos nro not wnntlng to Show that intiinitmtion lniei ht-on lliicti to dolor young nu-n frtnn rtttunding (f\'t'llill],{ xnustcra. , Uno of my mt-,n(nn` t\[)[)|'ttlliiCt`) l'Ut1ll('Hi(7(i mo to nllow him to remain away frmn drill fora tow months, 1 until his tinny-\\'_ilh his inu.-:tor oxpircd, as ho did not wish him to belong to tho Volunteers; and no lntor than last week another placed his resignation in my lunuls for the name canso. And yet tln-so men call thexnsolvos ltlnglishmon, and tullt loudly about what should ho dono to give us It good militin. They point to England unoxninple to sliow tho portcction $'olnnlt.-or can be hrougltt to, and sonwtilnos hint with a snoor that tho fault lies with our otlicoro;' but thoy torgt-t` that ovvry \vork-`shop, store and factory in London `is closed one afternoon in t-ooh \S`(,`tlli, to allow tho worlunen to go to drill thopnrk.-4. That is tho .~4ocrotot'tl1o otllcit-ncy tho llnglisli volnntoo .,,_l,.oL,in_jl,Atl1o:a19_ p:1`trio!.~5-n'ho sonuelinn-3 are soon with huts oil` standing up in our town hall, singing Gotl Salvo tho Q\'t>(`,I1," (lytacannso it costs nothing and looks \voll)-it` national honor, t'ru<~ttoIn and nnlvpondonco can he mnintainc.-d without HOIIHJ sucritico? Can u incrchnnt trndo for wealth without sonnr ts`tl(.`l'iilt'1`, or can he ]ll`t:B('l`\'0 that \\ t`3itlI when obtained without sumo provision for its satiety? 1 think not; and it in the same with nations. Engluml in grout and gloritnni, tree and happy, rich and pon`ert"nl; but she mcriti-_:v:l much to ohtain that gl`t`t\i|ll_`,SH and pro- 's~:t-rrt: her lilu-rtics, at n time when i'iltl'U]lt,` t5t`(ttt(Iilt`|,l undz-r tho yoko of I"miicc--wlwn national lmundni ivs \\'oro ol:litcrntm,`, l.`in;;.-' lit.'~ throncd, and tgmat cities tgivon over to pluntlt-r. Stu: pour:-d out ln-r hlood and tn-a.~'urc like watur on tho ilt'lti~ oi` .\'pnin, l*'r:mco and (lor- nmny~-~L'|'usln'1l thr invault-r',~; powor on tho sou, (truth him into t'.\'llt.`, l'('Hil)rt'ti ]t(`tl(!t` to tho \\'url and r:um-, tnrth trotn that long war with llt`l` lllt`l`iit'>t :1't,'t`l,ll`(`, her torritoriv.~; 1,-nlargvd, nnd tin-A/x'r.'t pom-r in the world. lint \\.'liut (lid llw militia of l",n;;lninJ do at that limo wlwn ovttry rt-gular Itttitiilfl` nus nn'n_\~- lid tln-3' hung lvat'k`.' No; for oxt,-ry nmn troln l.an to .. ... Active 3 `To 1119 Editor 0f the Emngincr, . ' ` \ Bumus, 2u& `August, 1894.7, ,:{_`DnA*ILSm',_--KnoviiIg l.hogrent. intorat the Press of this Province takes in tho Mimi, 'and_ especially il the \_vo)fa_n-0 of the Volunteer Force, ` I wish to cull yourpstuntlon lb mmutior which `in no small disgxgoo tends to keep that force in an inoieienl slate`: -- ~ ~ ~ ~ - ,1 It I` I. AI 11 A .13., A n_'._ -2... .._, Me Rnunnn 0:. ~ '-'l_`l1e - vol . ` V ylianib ab innngwwdm U` ' lmmmmodntr ion V` . .. I... ; p(`i|(!l` n-. wvL11'<-, `WC! \\'urlL \\.'lmt l`Iw,;lumJ (hut ulIliu1' :\\vu_\'~----H41 r Mu undq-r unu.~4; "1ll1l\lI`l .~) with r them have |Jt.'l'll lmmvn tn u.u'gu- p L`<)llll)`.|11i(':i and In-;;i|u~x1t.~\ :\l, 7|-|'I .-.. . .. .1. `M Movement; ; ;A1g ~_ .QoIiNTY}, 0 F AS; 0913} "ADv0cvrx:',~ ,. FRID-AY,z AUGUST L5,-i18'64. :jI : K , H K frlundlylgximc 0l::r-ickel.".\v;vj2`: played tween the Bradford und' Ilollnnd Lnndini; cllxlg-, on tho Ilrxlmibrd ground, on Monday, August ' Int, which resulted in favor of the fonmer in one `1nnings,Vna will bewsccn by the following score: .,n01.L}xNn LANDING. ' ` Iv`HlHT I'\ Nl\`Q, ,-.- .. D1-:smum'n'1c Fun: IN Lo.\'nux.--Our London 4,-xchnnges inform us ofunothc-1' disastrous nnd vxtullsivc lire in that of lnt llnfomnmxtu cjty, which occurred last Suntlny murning, and result- ml in the total domulilion oftlm lmml.~<,01n<>.~4t row oH>ui]1ings in the place. known a.~1lhc(}ryslr1\1 Block. aml (:ux1t:1i11ir1ghix1e stoma. By thx. ll:\;,rmtiun pmpurty to the mmmut of B01110 $50,. _ 00!) \\".\s totally dvstoroycd. I I-I.\L\x(vIP.\'1`m.\' DAY.---I.1\9lM()llll:\yh(`iHg the Isl .\ugu:4t, and the :u1I1i\':r.~am`yuf the ulmlllinn ; ..ru1..-...-. ..n...n..:1uI. .1.....I..:.\.m n.......|..r,.,| i n um z o1's1:x\'4-I`_y in the Brit xh dun1lnim1s4, tlnmmlorml pm.-oplcs of x~x.v\'(-ml towns and (L:ilivs in \\'c:~'tv1'n (`muulu (-4-lvlnulul the net,-ztuiuu in u In-cmuing munnt-r. The p1'ucm-slirugs in ll1(: places \v-Imus lu.-nrcl frnm \i'(-rt-11-(:u1`m1.s', ml:-rly, and iI1t(-r&-51311;; ixllvllt,-vtxuzllly. . _____` nun.-uu_y \u |.ll\' uunnllnul 5` ("m'xT\` or l l`/H:Izlmunrmx.--Rumur has it Hunt the Hon. Sidn:-y Smith inlvmls 0"`(.`l'ill;;` hixnswlflo lill the soul nmdc \':wm1t in I`:u-lin- mvnl l_v'tl1u l'l'(`,('nl (IHIHI of Mr. W. S. (fungvr. . ~- -o~----~-_ I rurtmnn tn I.I\k0 Fxnlmt n 'l`lu-, pnrly will start frmn '1' .\u;:u.- by the Nnrtlwrn 1! Fur lh-ll l'I\\':\rl, llu-re to gn `L... .:.H ....I I ..l.. ' W 3 W W -% xi "INK T ight Wul3iuah&iuammm|' l`1u'i>.u', AUGUST 5, 1:104 L -13. J ; '1`ho|-no, bd Take, .. l'llCKel', (Na 0111: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W. Thoma. bd. do. J. Bloia, lnl 'l`l:0rnc. . . . `. . _ _ _ J. Wt.-st, bd (10. ct Strong-. . . . . . ._ II. Lloyd, MI (10. . _ , , _ _ , _ __ J1 Murphy, hd '|`n.k(~,_., . . . . . _ _ , ,. II. Gruxon, hil '1`hm-nu. , . _ _ _ . , , _ _ _ Sunnm-,rvillu, hd Take ct 'l`horn . '1`. Byrnc, bd '1'l1oruo . .. . . ._ . _ _' _ liyos`... . . . . . . . . _ . , _ _ __ . HECONI) xxxxxus. M. Taylor, notout. . . . . . . . . . .. .. 5 1`n('.k(:1', bd 'l`nkc. . . . . ` .. .. 12 11. J. 'l`hornu. bd '1`hor-no` 1 W. 'l`horn1-, In} 'l`hornu . . . . . . . . . . - - 3 J. Bloia, lnl do. ct l)ngguu . . . . .. 3 J. \V(-st, hd Take . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 H. Lloyd, bd Tuko ct Strong . .. ` 3 J. Mlxrphy. lul 'l`h0rnc. .` . . . . . . ; . . . . 0 ll. Croxun, run out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Slunnwrville, hd 'l`hm'nc . . . . . . . . 1 '1`. Byrnq,-, hd Thorno . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Log Eyes . . . . . . . . . _ . . . - . 1 Iiycs . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . ` . . . . . - . . 3 I-`IICHT INNINUH. _ Jl. Thurlm, bd B. 'l`hornc . . . . . . .. J. W. 11. Wilson, bd Cruxon..... Manning, bd 'I`h(mm . . . . . . . . . . . . J. Murphy. bd l'nyl01'ct Ll0yd.. S. 'l`nke. run out . . . . . . . . . . . . . _. W. Strmlg. bd Taylor ct Taylor, . J. S1c\'om hll 'l`h01'nc . . . . . . .. J. l)i0kcr, lnl l`uylm' . . . . . . . . . .. J. Abbott. bdlilui. ct 'l`:\vlor. .. "* {`otuI : . . FIRST INN ,- M. Taylor,- hd Thornu . Pucker, not out .1! .I~ l`hnrnn. Yul 'l`nlm a.;Luggnn,..xmL out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. A. \Vm'burt bd Tuylor ct l.luyl.. Eyes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In-1.: Dyes ` . . . _ . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . .. \\'idez-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . .. |n('|u:r, nu xuymr .. Abbou, lnHilui.~ ct 'l`:\ylur. lLulu1nI1..m)tout .. Tomi. Totnll . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . Tom] in both innings . I3l{:\I)l~`() RD. nllrum I\'\'I\'nu Haj.-l{i:i's" fli um. ` fQ.! 1i`HllbN[nAILVWAY. , \ `iix'1'ih%?ii`.1i:v 1`_o iid`x1-q?- ` \ .-`aowimmauan '_:`1tt--2l'oI\into._.~...-~..`L:4o,. gs, man 2 a H ..;.,;x..a.,o,`.-.... Cm`-l(et.~ \F2r`r1I'mz 1`01.\'1`,. Aug.`3, 7, p. m. ~'I`-h<+atou1nsli`ip St. Dm,-irl, fmm Li\'erpr3nl on the 21st, vin L,umlo1uluu~ry;m llu_-V22ud of July, is siglunllckl on` this pnint. ,"Hur dates are two, days later than 11051: per U)HC(`i|IIl3}li[) Bremen M. New York. vn... nmmnnhin (,'z'h/ of Lnnrlrm, 'frmn New` . `Tine lumltn or I greatly ixnpwvml. - So uljtmrnuls xu.'N.cw The slcmnship (,'z'I_2/ If Lrmrlrm, York,_ n-an-lu.*d l.i\'u1`pm>l on Mu: 21st of July. The U.S. mgutc Niagara bud been 01! the port for several days. GliI'}A 1` BIIITQIN. ` Imrligmxcntnry p1'occe1i|1gs"on the 2011: \vn1`c unimportant. " , ` , ','l`hc Iluultln of the Duke of Newcastle lmd n-v-..n1Iuhm.mmul, SovyI'x\ljmu~nuls\\`u1*0 discnlx-=:~1ing, in a friendly spirit, the [H'(,'H('lH (}n'nuIli'.\n crisis. ` The Lrnuluxn TiIIlf,'..`-'1illl).`4llt`X- a loner from its (:o1'i` ut ltichnmnd, dutod June 1}. [Ir dlEH(ll'll)CH Hm battle of SpuLluyl\'nx1in_u3 the blomlic-st ellgugullu-[IL known to chili /.ud [inn-. and c<>1np:u't~s(1c-I1. Grunt to the Russian Gun- crnlv b'u\vzu`rmv. He thinks: tl:c_c!mm:-:4 of Gnult umnll indw,-d. and says his ;:r-numl cul- (>llHlI('S: vsl`1'a1I1gim,r tl1u'conl'ul-mic of his: troops. (,)n llm ,(f -,1` huml, he (ll`(Tlll'(':l thut Gm . has inllic 1', at the cost of 11.-.~':+1)r.u1 l5,0(>() Inun. :1 gm to Hue 'l"mlura.| furbus _i;l' xix - lilnlf thnt numlwr. ; The l~Iust of lilxglalul Bunk has Muypm-(1 pay- ment. _.`1l:4 linhililivs um nlguut J.:(iU0,0U0. The pl`0H} ucls of its (El'(Mi(0l'H are good. - The l4`n-nch (}UV'1'lu)1('I1! has zultlw-.~nu-cl :1 vir- culnr to the vnriuua l')nn>1w'nn pm\'vz'.~<, inviting them l()1Hll`_li(1i})`-ll(`il1 -an inlonmtimml (:m1g_:r+- . to bu In-141 `nuxt :u1mn1l1. for lh<- plnrpqso of '1'(-glllxuilxg [(`I('gl':!|Ih cr)ln1nI1I1i(::1lio`n in llxmpv. 'I'h(-`King 01' Ilw I5('l_L.:i:uxs. u.n'i\`ud z1L.l'.1L1'iiu11_ the 2(Hh of July, and \`i.~4itul tlu-, I`Iu11m-s.~4 lu;';4-nic at St. Ulmul. 1!, ix mlmmnm-:1 that llm(1loit'(:',<>f his ' ' is Ixwn-Iv to nu-,I,,r<>tinl(-`n hash is Fm: t)!` Ah Hwy nvvv mm: pnvim ilblhtidhhaf in room. cum-sis k MM 3'-Mi in Wn!lgm\_ ma-uni yams um 3 1' V! \ iv 9* WM 0 aims: em than VuM!9s for . ,...,.,g. ' _ihm_mwn:1rgumn. hunk. l DH`!!! kt! dilithld hath nhnnnl tinqnuu illtidvvvammm new In um 14 Don?` has awn as mam-mt" ` in and the amateur, ~ mm the handguns yuan the 20th of July, mm \'mu-11 nu-, r.u11m-s.~4 Hm ulujt-cf. st? visit Im*n-ly l\o-,;nli:\l(- `n llI.)fl'i1lgL* lwlwvuu the (Sunni. 01' l"1:uuh.-r.~4 and l`1'iu.-mi Adnn. .\h1rn.l. . 'l`lI(- l a11'is J}m11':'u closed (lull on tht; 20th, at (}()I'. 2."w. ` - It is z\.~x.~'u1'l<-tl HIM the l'Ix11pc1'm'Nnpnlt-rm will go to Bzuh-ll. to have an inturriuw with the King of l ms.~si:1. 1'1`,-\I.Y. lung or 1'ms.~u:1. 1'1`.-\I . Y. (}arib11i 1:-fl lsclxia for (,':\p1'm':\, amhlrvutly in bud hcullll. -` _ . l)V\.'\T \ UK 1n lm(1l1c:lllll. l)I4I.\'.\I.v\I`.I{. The I11\nii.h h1uL'l;:ulu nl'Gcnu:1x1 1 raised on the 21st of July. ;\17.~_"l`Hl.\. ,:mmr G mmodpt n . . 5 laws the Barrie Post~O.lce for Pene- . mm: conuuawoon. _ .`....10 20,}. H. .....`6r50, r,)x: atummmd nrillin. .nt nnn.o'clouk.. m m. ` _ r Almlvn.` or Tun ST. ~ m_v1n. *" .__..... -7- ,V!u1'dr1' in (min. s nppuilltwl (Jh il (?on1~ _ wny over them. Part of our lino ]I(1Ss(,`(l into `out-iipiwl by n balttrry of nrtillvry nnuxning six ii l`U:\v Yonx,` August 2. A Tribune corrcsponrlt-nt gives the following ne:oi_1nt of a rupulse l)cl'ui`c l t-tcwsburg. Within` ' a ft-\_v nilnnlcs nftcr the explosion the two hri- gnd,~.~; 01' tho Int and 2nd divisions, Col. Mur- t.4ll1|ll0l tho Hth N.Y. heavy artillery c0nnnanrl- ing, in the lead, followtwlghy the 1st under cqmnmnd gt` B|'ig.~Gun. lmrtlutt, of llln.s:\clni- sous, juimuul over the bruustwurks forming our nu;in_'lino and mlv:_u|cctl,uL.:t ,clw.rging,pncu. They worn `lumlly in niolinn when tlmy.,r(:ccived n. volley froln the unolny, who, ulthougli sur- p|'iS(Nl by tlm'(`xpl0.-aim], were evidently, pr1-,- 7 p:}x'(-,(l agnixist inn attack, owing to the noi.-im in- ex-iluhly nnulu by the cpn(`.untr:\tion of" troops. nnd the nmv(:ni(:nts4 0f,trn'ins1, nrtillery. .116. for hours, clm-so to their front. The t-.x]1lnsinn. although it hurl tlL`HlI'0_V(E(I the rebel halter)`, haul not nll'vclctl the uhuttin ,nnl other obstruc- timm in its front, and thc nttnclgilxg column ex- 1)cri-,m:e41 cunsidomlylu trouble in \\'01`kin;,; thvir the fort, nnd part to 'tli i`i`g2lft '(TF"i'l'.i`IWu'i`1""<`T`? *` luin like (3lltl`L`ll(:lI!ll(',l|L'5 cunlit-Ming lho right of the lnulk-1' with thcelinc at" l>i'<-n.~t\mrl<.~x lwyoml it. Thu um-rior of` the QMyl<)lc(l\v11'lc \\'an :_t 4.-unliiswl` Iilziss ul"t-Mtln, lnuhen gum. camp ('qlll[l:Ig(`.`l, auul hnnmn l)0(ll('H. It haul lmi-n l'lll((.l lieltl ]:iv,_ccA-4, nml purt nt'thc`1$tl1nI1tl 22nd S (3. n-xr'n1i'1-nt.~'.. ()\'L-1' 200 men had m)nt'lt1) l'Ul(d Held ]:|v,_ccA-4, mm part 01 um nsln mm zznu (3. rcglxm-I1t.~'.. gmw up \\'ith1hv\v(u'k, and were buried in the ruins. About 20, more or less n1uLi`luu:Ll, were dug out In! nnr ll\l|l\ , by our nu-n. . 'l`h<-. rillu pits and (sum-nL'1nm`,nls to the right nl'1hc wnrk \\'er: occupivd by 2 hundn,- of the (~n<-my. 200 of Yyhmn \v<,-re tukm (!l`SImd :41-nt tn the M11`. As soon as nu In-ul vnnrm] Hm `hill 21!!!! 3111 (`.(nllnuc HM! :xu\'uxu:(,- IU\\`1llH.`1 \ but (ht-y fatih-II. un4lo1' the I-`L`\`(`l'i ;\`L ulmut, six o'clock, the col Gum-rul l"vrr-m (:nrmxmn:lin;z, \ tuln: up UH) utluck zurtl lnmlx ('1 I nHmI'I\' ion fur (71-nwt('l`V Hi] Humane-nu. Aug . I` 4 Pmmnn infhrmnaa bu N-wlmi haw UNI Hus rvwdn gm ye-thing Min $50 Irlln 5! Rdh 0.161990! Hum U93 !,3!!!`!l H #411! 39 IN` VNWFVQ P! Q! ` iha huts; nailing 1: ml` than Oohmwn-sflllo mamguhsltmnlwkbac rm; Gm (Snack lo. Maia; no that wm-m part at E ii; `Ssh; making 1 nnmnnudnnnun dun; Elxp % j mm wAn,l!isr.frrcI|1:s. on regular mormng am noon Lune. ` "Tho cnlirefm-co which entered and burned C .unh<-r=1mrg`ia now f)0sitiVt:l_y\r'no_Vvn to huge cur1si:+tm1 oftlm.-1:ompanibn. in tho ag`gn-gnlo munhoring but 208 men. They` occnpled the town hut two hmwa. 0 tznifakilnlz noonha lhx7(7 ho 1 H6" Ifzrst. enwrlnrfi burg. _ ,.k dospntnh just received here states that Gvn. \"\!`1`il1h:1Icrnuc up to the raiders eight miles s, of M(:U(mn(-,lshu1'g, and whipped `them lmmlrzmnely . AclMustv:u:C0x1nls.tl1ey were re- trcating in the direction ofllancock, with Aver- ill in pursuit. Lo\yg1_>_I;_l,1Ap_r_\\"o nm,|_1_a_.> un nrsu emermg~mey gave the poopTrTTre TiF_1i'r7s' `hp xr'1 6"i,-"`1b"'vV r">:'- mt-n nml children. but Iiefom an hour had `ex- pirml the I1'und.~1r(-I the town. The inlmbit~ ants found-slnelter with the farmers along the dilfcrent roads lemling from Chambers- bnrg. ' A iI..m.nh|. inn} rno-nit:-RIn-rI>Rh19r*Sl that (1:-n. from tho urmy oftlw l uto1nz\c at 1) u. m., and I n-sidt-nt Lincoln from Washington at 10.- " - _hQj,l;_uu,l;_.'grkvd on tlwstmxrn.-r Baltimore,, . nnd al'lo.r uuinu in the diroctifin of C`iTL7.TH-YiI'y, F0111` }\Io.\'IP01:, July 31.-Gen. Grant arrived V __ The r! ilrond between thkfpoint and Hugue- town is yqwopen, and trains have been leaving regular morning and Lime. "Tho entire force which _UQI,`lA_L{Il` _ going m m r)fC`i1"L*"7H?-YiI'y,` turned ll1(4irv to I\'nrl`nlk, evidently avoid- ing, any in'turrupl.'1o n during their interview. At 3 n'vluck1.m. the I`n-.4111-nt and Gen. Grant vzum.-r 1):uLIInuu:,, `Jzuucs River. inlurmption dnrmg tncxr xntervlcw. 3o'vluckp.1n. 1--,tm'ncd. 'l lu- [`n:si:1~11tsl|o1*tly after 11.-ft.` for \\'ushi11ghm, and the (tmoral wcnt.,up the `I -~- -~--r-t---~- A"rI..\.\'1`A. I 4\., Aug, `.Z.--Con. Simon Camur-l on, one of the V'igi1:1m* (funmliiu-0 of IIu1'ri.~x- lmrg. has a(llrL-m- l rL:si(l-nt, Lincoln a letter. asking: for Lin-,ns1nu\'nI ot'Gm1. Conch and the :\p]g0iI|Ln1vnt. uf (;'4`nvrnl (,':1dw.z\1Iud1v1' lo the 1_usi_liun Q1'_Coxn1nundc- `cf of thin (_1L-p:u*t- .___ , . . I Innnf _um_ I ma.-nt. ` - b Tlw (-xvitu-n14-n.k ulnng the line of the railroad I against (4.-n. Couch is intense. -~ -- It is z1111m.-L 1::-rtain zhzzt the rebel. lgccl no I lnruvnl` vnu-aw-z nur SH. ` 1 vnuuu. llIl|I1'\V'l l||'Nll|Il'I|\1` [U XlH'`l||'l nuvh a mic! zm Ihiec mny in-, .-still it in grwn In be (l4'plul L`(1 that it p:Il'l.`IkIi um um of tlw spirit of wmrluli.-uu. `'u~rt::iul_v, thin wuutnn Iv-drmtimx uf pmlwrly Ch:unhornl:ur_L5 Hwm mus nu nnililnry n \`nnt.~u:u gninc-.1, nur lid the-_y inlli.-l,. injury um Hm'o-nvnu` in urmnn;(nim.t. lhm H. RPPIIIN lrl Hut IIl`. H;(.\`;l|1r ml` Au)! u-... I nIZADQ(`.\Il1`I*IRS An.\n'0rT1n: 1`u'ro.\uc,A11g ].-;\.1i:\;; Hf mice is nmv pnrvuilillg, and :1 }un'ty have gums out to bury the dezul and bring in the wuumlcd. The numlwra l'C1'C])1'CSCnlCd as being quilu 1ux",;'. - I (`wvm m 1 ` auul kn-ll_\' L l|lM`l'I:ll .\'o nun: .1-nnlv ull It IS z1l11m.~'L 1::-mun mzu un: mum. gm. U l longer pro. emu` soil. The I ._\`l\mx'm llnilrond (Tmnpany still: huvv their lrunly .-.uouts:xtlhcl'1'onl. l'hvy 1'4.-~ > pm-L nothing. ~- " ' I ._.____. 3; K!!! 2-. 3 I`.r"< u a-.- nun nwvlr` vuwwnnuw, In 3 It-Hpr in Oh >qwx *!`H!' slcvllmll nkhj mmww M a rnvuimqta M mu !"vfWl~u!gn,3 at } than Bvwnam Dhhkm. in .,.;.musa E; Gt; ; Hum. Haunnmts v'-`~mMn `ma-.7- E Hm nmyaam u (mung. ~~`1`ho fifhdviorll Duudthundatku has nal hat on naclututlupahufiltituih mam, V .'\I.'I'O<)_\`.\. vivwl nl l\\`< ml K:-H\' nu . .._.,.__-t,g,__._. -_.. , The =VL:ite Raid in l exmsylvaniu. . Alllgllst 2.-.\ rt-port \ma' rm i .\`v1\'-(>'<`lm:k last night that A\'(`I`iH not tht- vnumy nlmnt six 1uil(.-3 from I. and dvf:-altul him. .:.n.mx-nhur Hm l'!Iil`(`!'H inU0l1l' _W l`>1g1-1 Omxcm ExcimsIo\'.---Tlmsc who in- :_J.cnd,juini.r1g_,!.!1,QBL01 fl`0m_thia#._. town to Orillia, should not,` Target that the stcameylcavea Fraser's, wharf this morning at 2 7 6`clock;' Eicxirsioxnite ape expc:Fcd' fo` Ii?ixi'g' thelnown rufresh'inerits .:.g , ]f5I12A Q"u%xV;tm}:i 1t2r;V rvulr HID` n"1' 1 31511 In plrmg Luis M but am new; umlvr (3 Alllltlbl, NW; uslimnted at $250,900. &-vwrv BL'n.\'INo 01-" A.\' ELEVATOIKAT Oojmzxsnlrrzbxx. '-The large elevator connectegl with tpe North- ern Rgsilroarl Company's warehouses qt Ogdens. burg, with its contents, was dc-str0j'ed by n-:33 on Thursday afternoon of last wevek. Low I _.x.;._%_,, Sum: 01-` 'I`ow_~: I n0m;mr.--Thosc centmllj ituated-~premisca_occup`icd_.by..ltlc.--Sanford;' \\ ('T(` sold by auction on Monday hlst, to A. C. I`hmnpson; Esq of ~A;;us. for the sum of $4.020. We undfwstand the'hu,-'vv proprietor in about t0,e0n\'crt the premises into thrc-e.or four atoms. _ ` ' . `c.".`, - -- ;\'i:w I US-T U1-`FIL`E.-W(: Kll'C.];1L'5L`1.1 to an- uouncu the dpcning 0i :1 new post-0f.";cc in Min nissiiig. 9th concession 0f'lho l0\\'nship`of Ves- pm. Mr. John Laird is ti1_ The want of an otlico at this point has been much feit, and we are glad it has been established with such an ohliging mann.g4.~1`. ,_ __ ---The :1\\'<.-lling-hmlse of M1`. C1'imt.h_, Tjrnlnl n gn_iln- guy} :1 quarter from `tl1is.t0_\y"n' in g :1 .\'o|'ll1-L-u.t4-rl_)' tlirmrlion, i;;nit4-(1 ytsgu-1-(1i\'_v`;`u ` 19/)11s:-qxu-1101-or a.<;-ark being lpluxvn from the i burning \\'nmIs in the \'iI:iI|ily. and \\;1>ltl;t1]y 1lL`s[1':)y(:d, ` with m0:~ of its contents. T1163 LspnJ`k1ks1l nmungst u Iqmmtity of my \5`I)i(\h lmI.lbcL'n sLo\\'c away in n rum` -mlllitiun rc~ ccnlly Inzxclu to the house. suiting the whole in llaum-H :x1x1w.~:t i11stunt:1nw11.~l_v. and preventing any uttcmpl. at saving Llxnffurniture, let alone the huildillg. , ---~-~ I) l\1.l Mata. Ma. Pa. rm: an-,. D0591. VCR ' hath ::.:'"*` I M as In. ;;:;..". U09. LQMM (Mint 51% in N that pa: :9. ~ to Ruth: . H4. 21:. Lani an ---an -..-....--. W... V Finn: 58. an harm saw me Imam, uma... n in. mam. 4 N Mm hivkvlylqe. 1 `ANb`d0U}~"rY 015 S134 '0%`ADV'0cAT1a. 1.00.-u. no mscnlmwlious. V) YOU WISH 10 IN. (JUREDP L` HI I ll \\. $~prri;xl ilutirtx C DQVIMYQ. DWI!` Llqw Munmu" DIM. Aug! 1|. IBM, .g,. .. HG.-V ~11. xm}L.4m,. arr. Julvph Tm:-a. Marl-nil. J , ....an-- l.._4u.Al inn . lhrrle Harlem. In mu |l'l(I|`K HULL \ [M \m nl 1! ml u;;{i7 Ms, ta onjny that quiet which is md in hL`I` own tmhnppy and ` p]:\r*.`! us in pn.<.~'o.us=iu11 of 2: mm. ..6 0|... nunnn H.umu- nf Hm 2111!: Mb. `saz I Hugs-dug 'NirNN' --I his um 1114;: M12 -mlluvi Fum. Xv I`u!v1l'd no` Mimcm. hum. Englnnd. `his um \lI\'|lla What n f--xv 1:|_\'3 alum` up] uimply 1: Hum mi-l into Mary l t:IIm4_vl\':1ni:I, for the lnnrpmcl uf has nnw :w u nmru 1'rmi for it i8 .:1xi. ril_V -.~xt::|:lia|n-. Tun-nu nn.l...- ll........ I.`

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