Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Jul 1864, p. 4

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Illl VVLIIVI HULK FI|\|h `II thou) with K mnzwk, aide-. .~\ I n1.\ HI` HM fnlln` ' 'll nu `I. Th" I-t.`m|IIvI;I, ulllll Hunt` HUSH: `H-L` :1 ]>ur.~'<: (':>||`l;Iillill}_;` mum: i32,4.)l)<) 1 Llm m1Ir.--_uf' his 1-!` I`1`|<,A;'l`i_Il:lUIrll lm'v.~'.1f'I1I, um! hml t'or;;nt,Io:I1 all lm-s, ,lm\'in`-4 zuzcuinulnu,-cl :1 l)| U.[I('l'(,)'. \VlH,'II H1: \\';lrr~|)l`n]<.L`. is (MUM to cnli.~'r,, but fa-t-ling` |(',4_).|'l:L'l] his .s`4:I`\'it'(-rs (0 H151). ,l zuvtgal Qi1:|`|'tv1'11|u.~sh_~r to :1 lwi. .. ..iml.o ,... cl... ... '..u n \\Vlu w-nu`! lnliwl \ Mn 11" Lu.` !'IH\ : iL'lne .unw.~---.1 lulu` HI'_\`l alhnl Ihv n . ...n.(, .. H I`n:xl. 1i<`|l thw ,4 u [ri11v'ipu "cl Cull ` 1 gunllwm In, A " ` 1!! par tmuzy DOM WI!`ggl,l}l_U,______ ~ ,, ~_- _W;a_-wt in gimful, aummervcalm, - \Ytii'5 tho odgm-` adon air ~- pofelouu W > "Hi hug the can-giing prow ' `_ `Dewy n1oming~`ghrIes shine, V ` _ " Lting clmlicus of pearl ' *1'immeg1 with fragrant wine. jF1ll blown rbssa, passion pale,` V I Whnghg} in my drooping hair, L ` Ttium my chouk with light caress, L:IA'xa.lo\ ing ngers lingering there. !Vnapl silence vs the ,5yx)1~l1 _ `Ntv:~.aln tl|u1i'i:'<:_u3s\vn1'ln. that fall. Pasiotxfnxll,` from .Nighl`s `sweet lips- liuiding her in auugic thmll. ") IlU.' n_qul:1I' lfllllrlili !Im- HI .\_ e H` `f-m.. '- m~. lnrg _-` nu` |v\uu`,u ra-mils` zllul [urn .nIn:u.'h. \Vl1<`I 41,... u} 4 Iuuul . . uunn nilh n Al ...` m1lIL-In.'u'l.i:l], :1n -l'ura- it, <-ln:m_rin uicl. H... ....!.l. 1, an Ill!` tH`II' Huun Ilimvl l|l-Illl||"| l |\)'>i<'i I HO" HUI H!-u Hw v!mm|.anzl new an uflipltn I V X ALI. haul `, 'i M.`J:n:a:l.Q:LLhLg..aM&. 4. an 4 having Uw pm; in. .u xh lI|" IlI`r`|ll"` `I, >:Li|l'I1| 1>lI_\'- din}.-uhy lmx iin Hu- x nlrllhll :1)! M1` ` l-`L ivulty in In-1 Illl LN, um] ,I A u.n; mum HI 4`.0l1t.~ S vhniwu v -TIM: rI11IlI|'I I<'Min A-.1 y .\ `|||x|l| nth Willi ' I 1 . Ul u\- ' \\'nI. 1 ` !I|l'n= In .. .J u nu. if lllk` I" ll! T1- I HM` uumu luv) Inn: 0:111 11 '. .1:Tr.Iz\I. .Vll>1lll?II.\,\II l'I.l-I A {CHEAPER THAN EVER! :1 `I wildl- 1 i gem coumnv mm M n Iihvus` uh-tn M yzlihl` |-Mmisgv at` new `rm ,x~sxrnwvm`. ~am~- with mum ns ra..;..K.m..;, An Had! :4 I? M Erma. wakfvnl mo um am am ma. 9% 3. ol null Tn, !"M!n.n um iI.`\lll`n\`~i I'|mum.u\mI|r 1. nII Iu. !D.ll. (BARTON.Photogrnphnr, E \" Mn : ....a...u..I ,....a........... an lin- i I'lH*vi'\ `l`l'xF pins: en. ,...` g... 1.4;`... ...I .k.h,.l.| |4. H...` ..I._` ...n ` MI?` ' ~"F*8*`*'**~`".I?n!72tq.-arse, % V "`%.?'17I!h 99 !l9y.*_ygnntr1i; moon`, - A is? Wgijt-il3g;n_3_gg__:' -- To `Uvll, l'2sq.. 'l`mm.\'1`n. \. IL n1v.\1:w:-r, :1 .\Iv.\1u.~zH-1'.\:Mfpht-\v:<; Thus. (/'. Km-I`:-1`, l`Iaq.. (I. 16.; l{i(',:- In-\\'i.~4. Ii.-7511.; John .\l<-Iinnnld S". (Pun; (J4-,px';_r~_ ',hit'& 00.; Admu (`mnl:. l'3.=zq.: Hun. J. I . (Jxunr,-run, Duncan lssnta l_h1chn|m.n, .\I. P. l`.: Adam Ilrown, l`IHq.; Rich. Ju.~mn. l`I.x'q..` [lL\Hl.'l`uN. Rm'. '1`. I.._ l):u-i:1~um, 1). IL. S1` (.11-zmaur. l~`nr fu`rHu,-r int'nr|m1linn pl:-a mull on or 1l(llll`(.`:4-`i, (.`ll(,'l1):~`iIl;.{ll`H(*I`HI,l|lll]). Hu-umlr-rsignctl. ` .I.\.\HC>'. H. DAY. I'rincip'.|]. I "'!,39 Svrnl l'n1`t:npi-.~4 ufour Monthly" (`nul- 1x1u|HI:\tinI1H. .`{'I'. ' 145' '- isBYAif`,"'`&iiX3i cois ml.u\.' mr l I`l`.lz\' vrln - . 2 nu-nlnu-`:4 ox n 1sn. r.lu:nuon which will 1-xmlulu Hwm tn mnturul once l_I[H)ll`(.`1(l.`4 of llHL'- Fuhu-e4.~: and .lmImr. ~ 1: L` I.` I.` n I.` M n I.` as ()l"1=nuc--b.l 1 HS. lll,'.\"I`lu'R fur the inl'urL nu-ir |vI'zl(,`1i(" in 1. In-ulnu-n1nI' King Street,Torbonto O. W., First dour }L_'ust of `IVc,~:lc_r/an Book Room. `H. H ,EaLnlvli.-{hen} In L`,OlITI('C0l} with 'r'sn-tr:-A-rm mm-n |n1rnI\~n-r . "A.-. v y----_---- w -vv- vvasvb ` ()0.-\'l`l".l) in 1.-iglvltomn of the lu1'g(.-at Glitiea J <:l'LlIu;a`/L/Into-94211111(Jmmdu. - I Q I` ' l:'nd(-r tlj/4; lnnlmgcnu-rut, of Mr. J,\.\[[<)S 1-}. I).\ Y, 1*u.\4:'I'I<,u\1. .'u`t(-ou.\"r.n:'r, I`ur_m(.~rly of I.muI0lI, Euglxuul. and 1211;-`ly Sm,-1`cLux'y at the Ijmml of Water C()n]Il1iS;&i0llCl H, `llunlilton, (I. W. 1) 1: H!!! N`: , Thu lmrpusux in mtttlrlislnillg UliH' Illstimtinm iH4Jl'Iu1'I1isl1 Ynung M:-n mu] I.m.lic.~x with Hu- Fih-ilili<-J4 of liI|. I'I whi<;h 1-mlluh-Hu~n1 -nuerm. omao nlmn nlllu ..t' ......, II.II|I'H .!Ii 3 1 Crockery,Bdots,Shoe}s.,&c. I; I Hf. \\ H.l, ~13! I. `AT REDUCED PRICES!; Tu hula` Ilmln lm" ` 'THE SPRING Goonsz? To Hm I-.al;u u AI'|l 7`lV`l x\ U! \ .\1 Icmf1I.:\;\'m7.1-: t (`47\`l-I[\H HI" Enmr Goops, CLOTHING, E "'I.'m'Iu'I.' /ax. //.I/.>m`v `1/:/J. 1\ A 1-4 - an nmtunou ` Sinhvnm '?-1.33? mu! Tn!`uin.n um ,. .r!-Mung}! mm P = m mmurr Knm % land: fdbunoo man In` __ M__ *1*a`n::%1sxA}~;.:nLl .A}~:'1')': COUNTY _01` SIM(50E `ADvQcAfrE,L-_b`m1>2r, JULY '22;'%`186L Izllnl ur l.Vll`4IhV4\l lU.\ Commercial-V Golfges, I` uixzlutoon the lm-mm amin '.11;;;\-f`;u.m-aw, 1; 1-; .. Ii.` M( .\I1|HlI`.l`,( l\'m-I`..r l.`._m I I) I SIC .-\ MC 011` T1 1 1'} Throat, %Lug;s_ and _ Heart. .1: llI\l'I/ ' rrrlupl/'-A ,@M%m% ' ' R ` mc\w~` ?"T`~'.W`.`.""////7 / Ems. IIIWNTEEE m|.(r4>|.)1, 3,`8.:`l.". `W':.'!'8"l!!;l`? _" i M r ahd'lhIhlp;'u1n. *3 Fi S5} muiy bod: wB*g1ld_o,_ r.....is In .I'n.un.rnl,. -nmmn HOURS-- rm unmn ur ; 'l'II[{`(_);\'|`, LU-N(}h` VW//2% ////,~?Vlt(/61/V ,( ;~c\mu..DF fN1znNA{\f / /x/naaaa/I/9/ `-r.<, hul: 1'l`l1)lH<' Inw- vl inhnluliun` ulxiully luv-un luv null .-\n1I-ri hr an m-.-.. l`1`,uI um ll :1|mI'nll H-nrly |m1`l1`a1_w-v1l_\' .` u //:1 (/mm. \\lu-u |l|', `rune 7m M /.~/c/ww/v,"/ I'l.'Ir`l`.` lIl ..\.x- . l:xy-.\t ran v-From OVA. M. to 4 P. r. r _r._n In :\ U Ia ht . V, l'I.~4q., nl'.\fuI1'ulI. Mu1'm_V J F, 01' .\It')I:l.~zlt-1'-(1 .\'pht-\v.~4; ` . 1.; (J4-m';_r~ .\!ivhi4' & ()0 A `,,._ '1 l<`_I`}_R H .' C I ..I'\{..n2.x 3951611 drim hf shining stars Sift-'.iIcir` 3'.'lo1'y Llmvn Nu: sky-7 M Am! mm` the mdiunco, than` the dark >1"1L`.(:l. we (>I\\\`a\d~`tin-mnily. V, J . 5 ix` :&,)t.\1.<:n1,.\1. vn...F`vi.n nf H. s\' ,)I.\ In 4 I|,.u ll u1u!"Iim of lI|(- 1 (;UIl[ml'1l rxrlu`-ai 1-.~Iol'l|w vlu-2-`I. :11 ` -...I.,,I I'L) \1l Al`I'| um! I. MIIITUV d (AL; '1'-(`V - ljulniv "()un1r,-ron_. T1 wmntny ` `&4111AaA1<'1'. wl cu-.m'4-to HIM!- 1- puHic, jhul usaivt-l_v to Hm 11111 that tho-i1' .I.'..: In u-hinl. l!()llSf I 1H1` amnl n the lung m;;htlw. .IrImt'.s' I /I l lIN'Il' \\'lIit:h \;:|lI-ml unga. V, "'Vulk'mg of the \`nni.+lwl yuan-$3,- `Yburuof scirrmv, }'cni1;_of px\in-_- Like 1| h:\lI'for;,;<)tun glroaxn, Non` our livvx-2 unite again. |'()lll- 1;.1y. ,&(: Count; of-Sin`1(:oc,'l( SATUTL ~ T0 wit: 5 W _SlX'l`l`IE.\' JULY, A. 1)., 186-1. will be sold ,\\m|Lm ui |nIK`|1-I-i""u nmm. in ' Willizun (:0 John \\'ilnm [)1-IR-ml:u\t. John 4 l'luinIi1!'s', JUhY,A.1)., 1:-Hi-I. will 00 Sum by Public Auction, uttlueslncri".-4 Oicc. in the Cmnt House, in tho town of Harris.-, at 12 o'clock noun, the IIdcwmtrntinm-I IA-ll`I3 and '[`a:`11c- mums, 0l'.HJ(' 'xn!-1'us4t ml the [H~,1't~n(14.-nt therein, `lH`)(14:l` xv. \v1'it`in t,|g_(,- ['nllnwin;,r SuiL~4:-'- ' In the Qf14'5n'x B1571/J/L,_ ` Ann Stmv, ]{l;si||li[I', UH Wivllimn Pl'0ll(]f(J0t, I):-fe-Indurnt, untlarr n, writ of | uuli!iom' Iirpouus and 1'1". Fa. 1(n.s'i ' ' r u , :1 ,. . ... 1n..... ...... .`.. . u. AU-nIuvu7 . V in HM Common I l;tt.', . John Sprout, Plaintiff, 2:34 Willizun I rmu1fuu,l, `Dz-['1-mluni, un :1 writ of Vcnrlimzi 1;'.rpont1.~z and F1 . Mt. l.`r.s'itIw'. 1 .. 1.` y I`utri(:k F [),-l':emlm1t. ll um] Ff. Fit. All um. mum: -U u `III. A...,..... 'l`1u:IIou.Jr>hu I{u.~:e, Huinli`, 1:3. \ Prolulfout. Del}-mlzlnt. In I/ufUmI.rl of Cmuumn. 1'l:us. Maury I$m\'_y:-r |)2llnp'll,'(3I`, l l:\inliII', v'.<:.V I rmu1f:m[, he-Vauxululnt In [law //W7`! rf l,'nmnmn. Pl/-us, Jl\Ill(.`.`-I ,l.iilci11 !nhiu.~4rnl. and Jill!!! dt-mm, l luih1ill'.~s, rs \\'iIIimn l`rmuH 1'1-lulunl . 9 (up u u .n In H. John .prual. l"l:1`mli', rs. Williun IH:l'<:IlIJ:1l1l. lnllm UUllIl[`P/ L :-Hr! nf Um l'm'h'(l Yuri.` Imvl I :-nl. Th!` [Sunk of .\[4IlHI'I!IIl, l luinLitT, I rmuIx' I).-vft,-mlant. , In I/u: QIlvuL'.' I}r1u.'I1. I ..|,in |h.|.In,.u. -uni All tlmtlro:1xuin};0n~= v~ ,, ... Thu. ()ntu1'iu ii l m1ul1\ml, l):1'.~nd: 1' n n I nuunmu, |II.n I Nu: Qmam I ntrit-,k Iv`ny, l lnir_1ti , ` l)31'-,x1dunt. r n n 4.111 .\I:u'y ,\lc;\lich:\v `.it)'s. rs \V1lIi:unl will UM-, Rl, Arr gm, HM __. hztifmz gdfxrftrtimznta. ~.,.,.,\,vv..v..,.,\,v.,.,\, > ,..~.,vr 1 Jmxu-a I .~um, l'luim I "1-ELLJl_-'~\.2\ sHirf's _ Q Unq qyaa` H1 {VOL [CIA EH11 `Jlll `Jth . ru. uvmuvvv . In (hf`(`-'1/10113 Ilcnrh. lhmk, I l:\intil1`,. `um lh.I'mnhmI. ulcr "WW nu yuomwml mu mmmlhm of hlhwod Ivhzef VH8 mrh uuwu-In Imhlngyly Mn gmuu MW idltvmiranl numm, and NV hm; In! W! ill Mania nl lm `I'M1mm lmkllrx Auyhim, than has under! N4 dsga. Nu or! M: mm mun `mm! Hunt! no Inmate at the I-mmamx rm Maury. um aungmn than at me Ihniw NU`! wall may he main! Mu imam mum-I villi! gr all Fruity, Vguvumla M` Mn yum In. in t-Mn mm M in mam :1! m. nnlh-wot LUII. In u} (luurl of l,'ummo'n Iflcas. n,... v..I... D... I-1..:.nm` mu: \ 7:1 []`l,C QM not lI'h.`n.H nv.~..m_v . [:5 (hr ([1/rr2: s Fay, l l:1inlill'_,r -. uv:-in ni` Jxlu 09 g Qt) M` H .. V; In` 1" 1 I. if`? SATURDAY, tho _SlX'l`l'Il'I.\"l'lI dn. of I h.. unlll I... In. .I:,. 2: lferzch. 1', rs \\'illi:un I roudfunt. ' , of VwLrIi!irLi ]','.v`.[/u7t4l.` ` : llnzvlz. 5 .'ii1lIIl]'l`0ll(])H R. W EIQHTH. havl (3 Fl HM!` .2411: an or by Pu ylic L o'clock` "I`c:`11c- h...o Hun-nhu =- In ml in. M 1 mm-.1 Hun-3 `|I( J)`: ` \ %()M N [ML I/HHS! `H INSURANCE (ZOMPA Lnrgo 31x4. .... ....s :1 R0 M P '1` 171* cm; W VzsL'1I%13% `L`i'I}s3`ii}lL1TY, ;Ac(:1n1nxlut.od Funds i . | A M Hand . lnmnun 1... |. . -.n.a_.; I W DAVHM I is % ij_3iD`J; .*3_'.. H :l.\5`l!?.\.\(`l`A (`()_\|l 0\.\\. CAPITAL - - 2,000,000. Annual Fire%Revenua,.300,000.] --------- ..:...u..'. . MARTIN Moonm, A .'*TAI)I)LIa`, U.\I:NI'}> >I TIl['I\`K .\L\I(EIl, l (ippuxitnr .\Iu>`.~:I's.' )I(:(,'nx}k<'_\j X; ,I{4>-.~' >'l(m:. l)U.\'Ll)I .,H`"l'l{l`II`l'l' ILUCIZH-I. 7 VH.\I\'l(I-`I71. for Hm wry` ']i|:(-ml [i[IH'Ml{lL't,` :lw.~`t<:\w-ul on him hilhc-rm_. In-gs tn ucqlmilll I: [< M frix-nuls .'1I|l`l|wpI1Hitt ;;cum'ul!y. that h(.' still :~'llp1-Hi nll nr.'iI-.'4-.< in l.i~ 1in.- =....1...... BILLIAR p;T2iii.Esz A " III I" V |u'.~l_\ ~'1I1-'~vri vv-I` h:l< n;:uh- :u'~ _ In-n!.~ v II}: win` 1-? thu- Jiuxvl T?l|'l|' .\l;uvn[':nH- s cur, uuxg--In Ind-\ taiw aw & mu lmgn . 3...: 11...! ECARRIAGE MAKERS & TINEEMITHS FINDINGS! FIE%PR.EMum8HEWVVED, unm. 2n 1' I'{L`il,`I'2'5 llulul. Ih:'h:m;.\'('r:.<:--l)1'. 1` R_Y('l:..OY1. ` of 14:1..cma.,n; 'I'.\J. Ro1wI'l.~:uI Mush-rtf tlu.~,.\.'m`n1nl Fclmni; I Ilunntrtmnpuunic l'h_ys Dr. 1 dz-n, Hm`. Juhn I.:1n',5lr_V. Rev. \ 'f'-rs. I).D.. Mr. John lmvi~'. HE Jusvph Hng4'l'.`1, }'I.~4q., Hum-r. I`nr(mtu. .Ium-,1}. IMH. , 1i1'uc-In ;Jcniiuire'"fWi7TE?T[? bomply I .` with,1h.-rm1\1(-91% of M5 frio-nth in and` around limriv, tn c.\`ic.'nd to Nu.-m lm u.dvax1tng4_-s of his l)untal E.~4t:x|:liHlu1x1(:1nt. ' h.. .n \WlVt\rIrv1rhr1I\ . r '11 . . w . u. unq umnuu umaxlrlxwlllllrllt. Du. 'Il.TRO'I"I`FIR, who will be at Fmscs Hotel, Dunlap Sm--r_, on the `First Tuea.day_ & Wednesday ofeach Month, Fully prvpm-c-I, ph:ll~:~2i(nr1n]l_\'. In wait upon_ and t<:(:)III1r1t)|nt; .-Huh 115114-.-"in,-uuruid. ,u , I ,u _. .1 I`l.\/hllllllllllllitlh FIIUII {P1 ".,' ;Q|l\l`(7iIll(`IlR In 1.4- St Oiulw. at Frus r'.>~s Ilulul. Izu'm..... 1.`, w. W. c, ADAMS, DENTISTRY. , MM Vols: Mt: XI3BfERY`EST BLISH`L'I`i1;I'rl;; Q7-..` `!n~5 .FI6 Ig'Iow`n`~th pt; lfqvlkb; ~11 a"hanh`he vollaw; mm: mc _ H..,..` . ;\\NVllJ:\j., H(*li>% m> 1:omx; WESTMAN'S CELEBRATED BELLOWS. JAMES EDWARDS, Agent, B:1,1`rie. \'l` |'I{H`lI\' \l)'l' `I'D HI} IIQI \l.L|Il) Tilh .'`H3lZ U!` VH)\'l'lHI\l.Y PROV!` HI} Hl(`.H SI`/\N()|N(} 0| "HI! (BUMP/\NY: sun: \~Im~c| \x... , m \M\ x 1 9 hm llmhuwc In I 9f;,[{in{/ Slrcct Eusl, I . l'() _ BLACKSMITHS, urn \mr1':nH . .X:u'<:h I7. `m- 1-; ....\. .1 luglslauuu \m3ro~ . . ..L x... .| Em the ro:.u.~-n~c1 ush of d:.wn Arclws u'vr the muunt:\in's rim, Hoxm-wnnl ilrim our hniry lmnt I`hr0ugh the mrmfm-,3 $hmlo\v5 dim. LIFE BONUSES. l399l;'tra(l 1355 W _1aso. A /Ii mm ` aw-aw. nu JAIFJI numnm. Agni. huh. 1 H (`gawk Panama! livmrlhg Incl Raving: 301-Rig. Tannin Two Hundred and Fifty Tons ...,.. lI_3'c-grrn. Supt-ri`m-ndvrxt Ro1mx'l.~;u1I. M. .\.. 114-2111 L] F':|v10r; Dr. "J. .'\(]. xIIl.. iciun; Aik:~n.~'. Dr, Ug- :t1'_V.Hc\'. \\'rl|in;,rfnn JL-1'- Barrister-nt-I..'1\\': ` nth-r . (:1 u. nu, um unu. r> .`4(',`l|, by culling at thy.- 'l'H( Wiliam McMaster, Jr. in ms n-mum-at at 8!: Impact I FIFTY TONS S11'ih'11g l1o111cwn1'd 111 the 111ur11, Hr \v'1|h1n', 111111 I with him For tl1<` glnry in n11rH\'(`:9 111511111 up 1}. llmnkfu-l 11.111111. TEN TONS mm m nunv In l_u.Ilil4I1\). Jlzlrrmv.-!. x\':o J; IV. 0:. 1m1`n1I1'.'u:tux'r-rlufua gguml muh~ri:\ls and \ l'uun}l as :44.-rvi;-:|l;Ju as In-1' '\ - U-I.zu\`: ' W , HORSE-SHOE V` V ' `_____`_;,;.E_`_TI:;1f M'1I!14XI4)fl)i$<\)tl in whiuh hi~`l:| >n1':M?:|'}'o':|l`4 p:1\-`t have 114 H,-mlo,-cl with unqllnliliwl Mai -m-~.~', NIH l1i:~'p'.1rIi(-nlul` nth-mitm. am! In` Mum.-|':< in it ho him no .~:1po'rin1' in tho ru1n1t1'}`. I}. } .\H urelv-1`.-' 1-rnxnplly ur.h_'I1tl--tl tn rmr`: E 'gum`unI-ml In gi\.4- .~u:i.~I3u'Iiun. i 'l`Hl\; ' '\l\(l.'l7` lv1npl'I;I.1II|1_) nun] H \r::1rr_Vin,;.n thy-, r4- l1'.~*,'~i mm mzulv In I ' dvnlallllli nlmn it \\':x'z;rru1e. ("16-i_',rh.< I`\Ll)\\f.~' (M the in lung} tn in (` nm.`ng|I'.'u:tux-ml at u fnnml nu HA-I`\.`i:1-1|]. j B:u'1'iL-. Fuhruzn . 4'1". .~"l'.\Y.\ l-III, '.\'px'il. Jum- vr.n\ m u mil DR. I N`~`!, Ijmumqnt t:uu,ma, .....nI.. ... ...l..| 4... r\H'l ,, A scuihrg :unn along the liznsi, An aunhur Iigrhl. that`.-i like 1: crown, - Vx\n_4Ln'cr tluj. x.-i7nh!l~tin(cd lulu: . A ilmul of sunshine S\\'CC}bl,!lll down; |!l>T!NUl`l`- H'.V| FUR H ulmu 11. ms 1 m;;v.<. liI1{z;;ic.<'. { H. ("16-i_',rh.4. (`um-r: [run and Wuml I ~' nw~:t apprrm-:1 paru,-1'11 uhvl .uuc- i (':u1nl:\). Hz1l'i`m\'.~!. Kira sh , urt- v_:Iurwl urn-x w1,ll In}; .4 -44-r\.' nlulu. n-1 In-mn.1'..u-u ` - ATTENTION ! ? N INEWARW. 9"`!|4'-3&0`. Itnurk :6 L-ul- u Iunu|..`orIUI:ll\IU >.3.`..Th=1' >I'=I!1 of 1xi:~xhu:-in:-.<.~:. ulmrs fur _\":H'4 pm-`t Imvoln-1-I1 :nt~ lnqlmliliml .~ui'w--~.~'. -in-_< um} In` lI:|Ytm'u`hiI:1:|~1l' . L I I 1 I "ANll5 infhn Wm-Id HORSE-SHOEINGEF - Thu 1...`..m!. ..t` 1.:.. ._.,vwvyvvv~ axldmi (0 WW Avnihblp ` unmmu unu. 'l`II()>'. >'Il.'.V:l.\1I'IlI.~II'I'I`T!: an , ' Lu: r1:lmH'}`. --(1 and \vm`k .u\u- u'x'\l"lIl] mL . ..l . _ I uuu..Mw. lalaauauun as ho Tum 41, pg! 1.. 3. Mi ma M0 J RIMVARIIR, g` . the In uunmrhui 6 n.--tn .,.,u...g,.. `TU H23 vs-;.-nan ff Mom than Shun Humlvwl Lavina have : hag ngnetmt by m. `mriqni. ommqu 1. 45. guru ks pgenmh 9! mm .:m,H an or N E Q inlmnnllnn an to Turn: As may I... ..n..n.. numau H_\',` mm unv I-I1n|'vJ_\` In-t: 1I`nl1rv1nint'InI 5.U111yrP he-r du]:-n,-rirux p:\l'li<'l('.`!, was sewn-ly Fol` till this ull-}\m\'<-rful nnmlicimr yfna tf.~=l1N'ml inln the world. IIt)I.I.(,)WAY'S_"lNVAI.1','AIKLIC I H.T..~', h:1\'e\lcc-':mc the h0l'1S(:`h0l(11'('I)')("1y 101 all uz\ti~m`=. Th:-ir rmri he is to pro-\`-nt its .w'll as r,-In -*: Ih(-_v mi. ' Hi radix or mot A Ihu u~nnmlzuiut'. and 1 hv m-mr.m`.-m nu. hm, Kuhn-rlbucl (Tup. S!'.$0.00o, lowuhd on Real huh 3450.000 FIVHQV ID I.vO!V< `mu Imtihuiun Mum law: I N am. -nu ..r us. "std gm km. nramnt pg Syn` may 1`gp:~t~: .!-.u~ml man My mm, {mm mmlmwsa rllmnszlw H1011 mm '3' 31.33 TK:\5l 3 mar u..... L... :1... u.....x...1 I ...... 3..-- ,%Isr!!L-W!lf%.isi iti%$%$0 t10LL0\*M i"' i>1LLS rlun-.' m.~:'1`()RY OF THESE GREAT RE ' 7' )IFITHES' is thi'i`mint"iv'l)nl]ei'fI11`xm5di c:il.i'eV V ivcI:1.tion that the world` humeyqzr known, In I L-.*5t'.\'|7lish(.-$4 thtg ball-important {act thnpt. wherever. I nd in jwhutcvt-r ,~x,!mpL- int(=t'nal dist-use exists, hp disinfecting. .cmrH:ix1;_v,` and }](,'1llil1g]Il`(1'E`l' v tit-. fully s.-qunl to its suhjcction :1nd.cur0;nndt!mt, with the Uinlnwnt, they I "1, ' ....~,V~uuu nmu.. .< Mrs 01' n_I:zu[n (0 _ _ . all Mzmkintll This is not .1 history wrilu-n by onr- man. o1_ c-'\'L-n r1<-rln-.1 frum tlw g,-xpvriq-new-, ofonemuitm.` It (,-m1:xi.s`t.-4 nfu compilation uf lA}SYlm0IIl.'|lS l mn* tlm sick uf <-mxy'c_Q11ntry--:m Iznimpeixclmln re-z:m':l. thu like? nl'\\'l1l(.l) l:u.'~: never been /alddue ml in l'z|vu1' nl':u\_y tlisctjsweryrrzr i_n\'c-nllon s=incL tim-.~ In-`. -'H1-' "` ' ;vgFaE~%?@agg@J:Agg@Mi% Be of'E}Z)]d<} Che.-er! T130 Sin'I:i11{_g may be ~ Smcd I ` ;By the use `Mn, , _ ' HOLLOW.\Y b` OINTMENT. i ms :1! ` humn 3nmL inn.` . lmmm If zu1 w In- ` ml mu. *.nmu|.I \\r\l`lII ./A W_Ei.`LrS1 RING or ';i3"r; FOR ALL L mm m-: Foyxn IN `HVE.H[ST()RY U1" THESE GREAT M ED[E N thi'I`mI`\<`4`t \t741n:1ai'Ti'1l `tun-"dir~n`l 1`-nv 1m-.- m-gnu. " H:w~`: Mijgty }Ir::xI.-pg ` Wt >rI:1-Tried am a` . H The wantwf H`I'Hll;_:` 1;: Ha" and m'cr.' [14-:4 uf the- mm~m'n'-=v .....l m. ....o:. H5 The G1`;-at A1n }_ ..l1 \f....| 5 mm Luau no. in M noun :5 man ....a.... -.1.....v..... u..." m nu um nuuum mm rm/H , 1Szu'm:.~1.L \m"`-rking. Ilmughxful can-, Br:-idvtl in m'Ir1iv-s:~Imll Irv. '1'iH`(.3n(l'.~c .~::*r:xphsx. puru and fair, `.\ l'LIi.\l,\T\l`.V\ I` .4; _W0_1~L1I\'nr\\`n rmol '.H}v0n to tluevig.-L . : x;mHv>in:x tvrmrvet mt lw ',;-m in;_r lorlinn ox 1'4-l_r fro {rn|u;1ninr-tn) .rl5(-L - xx`-.1: z:.u~.n..h- L`..H +5 bf Health to I Y . !'ulIl|;uIIy n-(I lhix` I A I um; am RIIW um um III an if Mrrnmlly mm , mm a. A-mm Man. 3:39 mmzau-us I` i? that mm am __ ' `g ;-u 1 mud in an ru- I mu wuunnu M I wmlwl her w umlng um um- (IN nmnr nunn lIW"V `I"l"V5|l"l.\ rr muul. fume [nvl 1-war tn hnw ~I|g,1-_gu '1: 1|uorin~.tm-u-nu 1'I.min ui` In-w u. .`<`us:l:i4m.:Ib1c (.`lun'ches. \ rLlllI- nu `, him um I nun u ml HM _. ` m ulu 4 (all?-2' vllllbh-ll Hum Qml lnndu of the` I klw mchiug s ..ol... I! IN I03 I19? ll ml} 04 gram! hn nah In um Wu! ~\n III! WI :4 V )|l`Il\ I` :~huh Hw mnuck. I . cu u--n NIH I nu, I ')IHll I, us. In nH``)' } I |' IV] :1. umb- n Ul\ II\I at llw an Inn .-hirlr mm} 70! ll!` mumy. Vywlmln M zlfwaggig `it the mh)u;:i M m. ;mn.~ aurauavs ..`s;. T..,3`2`{f.;J {2 #15:! N at `M 1%: all warm, in than: he mum. my mm: mm. v VlI]|\'). l>:IM_\` 1 nun .\ Iulivia VIEW . WHMVH-cl u in lam uwln s - funny! in Um I mhum .. In I... up nun. vialuul 4 re Hlost, g suphiro skies, _\',~lul sun armJis(-.7 hu-In ` : plum Alrnn l`.'hn'I1 S1'mzLI"u. ! w cuts:-nil * iHMu| " ` mlnxittm u u um: ;:_x-;uL :u\nlin,q ` nrrn|.u.I/Oh `I\I|I"|IV I1|iIII_{ 1 ..I' a \\'lu I'M", `<>uM \x- 1K!" , whvl iuflv w I T, '1 III! l\\1|'l.` ulmut .~i.\'ly, 'uII~M<~1`:lM4` \\ Il|I|l"l I 51110) knw Ill ' nnunn ml" llml, "VIM" | ~' mm 4 Innuv \ * Mn! M I a.h.. |I`Hu'(` '4 l inh- All my after thu imo, thus u ,, ,\[I||| uv nnl'\' In I I - hull`; mi uuur. uwu HI! um: `nu !!!IUI!H`7 NV UNI MW! in its I"m./V 'Hm mvmvv mu: nu nr-l.n;;h muuttrl on-r q; I I, and fnmul ti agnm .-{x wily ~m.m- alnmnnnt Auhmugh U. fgm_y WM high); rM,sswInM-. MM Hymn M1! Mpnhk hf gzlvsmviug himhv Ma fumm wgvggilg` gmd aha mtwh amu-had I. Mum Itl VM HON; gs-0 We` Mm it !*siv_it Hf Hw ` K" (mil 591 trunk mtjg $13 A titan. user; mi -umuds h 1 am llf. and having my ntim i go ; lumps, in 9 lllllll IV` l`I\K"I IIIN [VI ixlt:-Iwel, the Inn-Hnral c [in ;_?nll, which the g_5< I Ullitvtl L.'1t<'.~'. 7 3-lU J |Vl|V|I"_"Hly l1im:un>n Much M1: the ml>lu~ ._.A ._.A| Pun. Hum I '!.'vz1tlr.klw mchiug: Cuidu lh` 0'11` the '_\',~! To puu1'l_V~;;ulv:tl l z'r ..,.m... V. ...\. ~-[ 1305! :n Tmn.v(:ri1i`. -~-- -v-vi? j In urn 1nn\_. rum, nlmn pI'<'.\'.~'.1lI |l1ir1u.~:,_ l'n11m| that he \\'m` the Ilzunllnrrl of tlu-. hulls:-, in whivln l....... ....l.I. I 1.. 41.. A` grot totumulmcctliedenun of l 1'ofussu1' Miller,` whi`cl1tookplncencixrEdinburgh, a`l'.<-run llln as ol about llmm weeks. `The luwuscd gentleman, who was ln the pl-ime-ol' llll: was L-lo.-clml 1'1-o- l'cssuru{a`urgex'y in `tho Uiil"vo1-ally ufcliulmrgll in 18:12, and 4-njqyml the highest l`l.']llllI|ll0ll us I\ practical surgeon us well us a lunclmr. l upu- lurly he \vx\,~1 still holler kuuwn from lniulconm-c- t.on\vil'lI pllllmllluupic lnovunu-nls, l`.`4pl:()l1\lly ql'|\ rcllgiumx_clIm':u:l(!1'. {mil us an udvuculc `U1 lutul nbslim-mzo he xnm nlau `with.-ly lmuwu. Ilia work on New llllllllll, nml utlu,-1' \\j1'itim:.~ llll llm cuusm ufluttil nllnalixlr-Iiffla. lmw-, lwvu lalrgvly circulzltotl, um] are 1'1-l`-;1mlo us nlu.~4l ublu cun- 'l|`)lllul0ll.`' lo _l0I11|ml':\I1c<- lite-r:ll,lm-. lly all milks ol'uu:n;v'1ll1 wlmm he cunw in collluut he v.':1:l '\Vm'ml '-stoolmul nntl l)l,'l0\'L`l1. Tu thy l<`n.~<,~ (ilnlrc I, of xvhiulu he was It mulunzl 1-ldvr, tlm loss Hnsluim.-d will In: one 01' no nrxlinur_v kind. yDEl&.'l'll.0:~` Pnxamsacm M mu.` n.--We d(-laphly rlo-V , In!:_1:lxI. Hllu nruiu wuluIu'111Iu.\llfl' [U 21 (|l'l gtnlu. (hm nij_{ht, an l,|u- Innn-1), tln-,:1I'n1)' :n`1'i\'q-I M. n . {mm .in funllu-r|1 Alu- -l>:nn;1_. and :m'ur{lilI}_; tn m':.lv1':s he tank. ])()5s4'.r~`i<>!| U1` tlne inn for j;` howl- qnnrl--r.u. Wh1l: talking with llu; l.~nnl|-rnl he :ii.-wwrwl that In: t'n'|xn-rly|~:u]ut :n `lmlx-I in Nmv Ynrlc, anal, nlmn pI'<-wing his -11- |niriu.~:,_ lV'n11n| i4l<-n(.ivnI ll-m.H...-.1 ..6' I... I..\. .. 1.. .: V. 1 l u A I).1~:x~;on.\`nA,2\"r 'or,:5mx5m:nn.~-A d-sc'end- M1tol'`l1m sbaksggro family has been diwuvercd. Ho reldes at No. 6 GIouH}err_y stret, Wolver- ' hampt0n,'fa nangcd ~(i'uo:gin Shnksptfm, ~nnd is said to Main very illdijftrnt olrcuunnntnlnces. llu M doscondslu the direct h\1o tfrmn Gillu-,rt.' Igl- linm S!n\k`sperc a,brothor. and 1.: said td look `I-uymur`ka.bly like the grant lll'Il_llll'5l. _.,A ` . n .. . `Inn . g A -"s1Nr:L;I..uL F:\'(:'1m:.\`1*.--'l`lm I}u.<(nn (r'1:r-llrytulls the fn>llu\vin;_[ .~lnr_\' :-'l`\VI'|!t,\' yealrs ngo :1 _;?nfinxnnn"nf"thi'vitv'rvxnlrr-r! (0 r.-nm`\'o out \wss~t,, anal .~ fur his llvstiI::1li:m. In New Xurk hue .~t<}p}w at :1 suu(>|1 ('l:1.~;.~4 Imml, 11ml uhilv lllo,'l'4'. Wzls rolrlu-I of >3L .`.)l)<? in gohl. In he mm .~.'1|-1-z>.-mil, a'mm. his 10.5-', h:u1l\;nn1u p|'n[I('l'(,_)'. nut, In-, \\;:l.< x-1-|iII_'_-' p`3tII`i In-, 4_v[1.I'I:.'-I I ,. I A ; . I - .\l r. HI HII ~n:xL<' ' `I Nu mill '4-rIiM" ~.~ .....-neg`, pul` Ming Oak-In l 1 mmIm)gmL nu! nugglu Ma Ma. I ,..... ah. I... 8...; uuuv-1| uu |n'| ml wlu-I|.~l1<.: I 1,. I.l `rm mymm Eu? immm mm. rug in I'U[IlN_`l`I .n,n. I . has for wiol. .. ""lI-Vlu The .< ` HIM. Hm: ulun" `I L ll|\ |'|\ ('HlIlL-Illi n , I A (hv l:u1l|v>rsT In-lnru 1t,, <>I1;;':>lln-r1lxing< with tin > lIi`5 .\.'llI'}H'i:4\: HID I:lIl(Hv)l'1l lu-r\ , 1:1 1:!` Vim! his .. 1' .. ulrillinl II.-.| v tn-, lIlUII1'\ H 'I`i\'('rl llixl 1 , u n u n"II \ nu! . III!` M!` I11`-{U mi, billing: that in Pm Mi: n but nirmu-I M II In: hml gm! nnuihm J .. Tim ....... -, UK". I mwtar fx-It rm Inuvl ho Timon. '1'lmnn.`i hurxth, uf 1| l)]:u'o-~a` HIV in Unix msunn-r \\

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