Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 May 1864, p. 4

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llz FKUCTOR ` ' , V . ..nwn1giggou hr thjgxavcs; gm,thc hour; ;w:l1e'li wt; dug his ,lxallo`we f we Gbdltyvonges chwlifo he `gladly gave,-W` :x`.';' F1-c,-llolm Felgns to-day! - ' - I Glory,-glory, hnllclujuh, , Glory, glory, hallolujub. ` Glory, glory, hallelujah, ~ , .n-glam reign to~day.l ,_ . mBro_vm 1.-owet1`,-nm} `his'hm'vct`cT" hm` w ";" " nctbllilm who has mania the bondmn free! ml avg`-r rimr shall our noble ruler be; ` Freedom rcigris to-`day! V ' Glory, gldry. lmllelqjah, ' Glbry, kc. - v :mvl \ umu, Hfthu "'II IIIYUJ UIV ""j "'7'! ` ` Mn h~gn| vf inn`-rimununw rumc upcm` lm ......m To-\ WM what: it up?! nia fmnly H lmmvr In! 1.. .n_:. '.u.. AL; l4IIH\ il nun N] that Ilium un A-4H|-.`AHIII|AII vwtuun-' still 'n]1|(`1 1 | |....l, -1i\':- . 1 lllll III` \\ I.-r whivl nuMl'ul '11`! whi H ! hnn hnlv . 11... 4 I Mil [mt,;II0--4: i (.21tt)_ has hm-1 this and thn I) I In nmwlunvunx 1 1. ml izm|}'<~11si\'-- I r'~,rnuu 1\I`lvr` `nlllv `I "I I ---1 him _`.. n:|l:|i- :1]-[vliwl mt nml . `VI III" l[I"lI"_\. \':as]mLu1H'ru1n H) tulxl Hunt 11- Ml. 1\n_ r|mlg_4: to ixullu-v 1'~u'1I'l 1Il math Inf I ' '.- V I. `III ? `IlII fault on hm but Hailing; II lnI'l`l/H` ` / x `v |'-I -urn W lulu UH ' nun 2:.-k~: wluxxx VI` Vi! U7` I was from No. wlxivh hull Ml] Hm unmll new-I . ..Il AV. whvl lI*|'|, ` `|*` lurllh-. iH-tn-:t1- I'|'xxI'!I 1' - an 4` \;|.n-1., -..u_\ .-H. l |'-`II-1,; I il'L;I'll -,;1ll.l1_\', |l\` ' pm! :4 Tha- l`io\jr.\IoI.iL l oLI'rma.---It lie very-singnlnr how rapidly clinnges of views follow changes of` -circunist_g\ne,os. W.-L fort weoks..ngol..tli'cnL w,a,s_ nothing so vllo. in tlio`jn_dgn1unt,of the present Ministerial mriy, nsn change of sides on the 'pm't of pollticiims lmving struts in PM-li mont. Yet. these gontlomon, recently so horr d ut the idon oi` mrty tl(,`SOl`ll0l'l,- so convinced that liliiiistors oi tho` tiny worn nttoinpting to hny up i.ll(!ll'0pp(lll(`lli8, tllltl so i`(-solute inbolievinp; that every nlpurontcl1ungo;ovcn though mode in the direction niion the `whole 'g(`l`lllilllL` to the viowsontortx\incd (illl"iDg!llft?tlIll(' by the ` por- son -making it, niuotj he the runnlt of ll vile `imrgnin, are now hriosting ofu niujo1'it_v which min only he llIlll.~,_l Hind nt nll,.by tho iiienlis of rofngc.-es from the port! now in opposition.-- This view of tho `cum (love not strike thvin as luring quiio F0 Bhoking in-,1 did it similar spec- tuclo n few weeks ngo. 'l`h-lr }>i't>sont moral mrnso Ims grown l('HS_llt.`lilli nnd more rolmst. If tlwy` (`on only got thoin:\j01'iiy tht-y will risk no questions ml to tho lll(`llll$. lVilt`i~lIt`l` they will do so is nnothor mniior. Sonic tour or live nmnos lnwo hot-n llltilliltllletl us those of ])('l'- sons who. by (l()tllI(.`illlg' nu many votes from the (lppoaition, nnd ('ni;rying the-m over to tho .\l1lIisi0rinl sitlv, will l4(`(llll`(! to tho lnttor it innjoriiyoi`:-iglit or ton. But innl{ingnllnllow- one:-s for tho iUll(l(`ll(`_V of men to join the aide .` which fo1'tliv1I1(ninwii1 :it`t`ll]M ioho tho Sil'(l!lp,`(`.`4i, it in still (liivnlt to lwliovo that tlio.~u-._ xvliolinvo, lioard so much mniotnpi oxpi'(~ss=oil foL~tnrn-"cents will be \'v1jv rcmly to expose illt`lll$(_',lV(*."i_ -to tho sxuno sort of c(-mun-o. _ l`lm iiimm-s w,hich we hnvo hcnrd .vpokeI.i pi` om .(jhiotl_v I.o\vor Cunn- rlinn, only om-, l'p1u-r (,`:n1n living .`-`lllti toho likely ~ to vlt-sort his colour:-z. Evon with n ninjority. tlwi`M'o1'o, in tho \\'ll0lt` llous tho- cln'oniciiili(n1lt_v ofnn l'ppo1'(Pnnzuliun majority ngnimct the Govornniunt ]ll`flllllHt`H to hopr0lon[.:- ml. so long l.` tho proscnt Iiliiiistry ('(lllilllllt n in p0\\'(`l' lI0i\\`liilSiXlll(llllg tho iin-on\'o1ii<-m-0, nml pvrlinpu nliim:1l(- <|nn;,r(-r. which nll pvnaonu iI(`l\'I10\\'l(`(lg`i` lo llli|('l't* in that conulition oi` thing.~x. It is of v(`r_y iittlv-n.uv i0H[lt`()lll:lit`. upon it fnt'ur(\, hnwovor. wlmsu:tlott-lolnnont must. he 90 sp4`c Tho (`till('|i:l(`!4 lilltl prm-oi-<|iiu:s--ot' tho in-xt'f--,\\' il:1_v.~x will innlw it plain win-tin-r tho prmliciions of tho `Minisioiiul party, 01` the (`(illll(lt`ll(.'L` of tho oill(`l` Hltli`. hnvo inost found- tho prmlichons ot the `MllllHl( lH|l p:\rL_v, the -mni i ation in truth.-MuuIr:ul llcmltl. " ` Gm. .\I1N1xi'?SI'm'I the dos- patch ul`m1|'Qnu-In-0 cnx'1'~spo1xdv11t of Hm `zml May, it was Htutvll (hall Mr. (hilt zuul ollwm hnd lmuj.:hl up ;:u1 1ni11in;,r1'ip_l|l.< l`rnm' pri\':m- m\'n<-rs uflzuul for u nmninnl prim, In-l`m~ Hm n-CHM. I`4`gIlllllil)IIH. uml wlwn, by law, Hm mvm-r.~: haul nu right to lhvgulul; that `llnia was tlunv In Hm oxh-nL,nt' ;"u.(NH) m-r4-H, and that, to wit Hw I~'pN,'ll1`.llt>I`.~`. llw rm-Vnt. `l`4';'(lIhLHnI|H nf .\h`. (}u|t.:\ I~`in:u1u(~ .\Hni54l<'r. \\'~r<- frnlnrrnl lu (.'0ll\'('_V Hm rigghl In lhv gold mun tho ()rm\'u to tho lmlah-r.u'u1'.~nrlx arluixmz. tor the nullrv (`me to mIn|u;,; r1;,;n1 "not hzuo hwn W4` r<-:ulil_\' :\ him 01 nll pt- lllzinnw. '1' win 11', ;,'I'lIll`1'l` . lzuuh u lFF..\1`|I H:-nl r. nflmya still intlul mLi|.4 in the iuinl "`V9 " ' HUM!!! rS"I9 f I!" `I}(!VINl I? O undsw than Mach 4! Hum time. my mm m : the de1aubalslaYun on in umuhua omgru; 91115139 Against. cu -hmoM nut M reoevxml 9 % tuning emf} mm in; Um mu! who mg gotta rm ` war. Ian wink r. D16: -M in (2.2 am am: mdgu 1.. mm s? Ah: mien. nu! hmm u diranltan nf AL 3: gmmmu Iuiuu vamgu M1 :uu!su 1)! mfwtvn nu! Inn tbs eiirwticm M at an yum as the` Imam. and my is-rt} `lam Y L amp xpmml an as: IQ! I3? us` pzisuumibtmn Izuua-as W 10" nntlmnd-I Hat an .r*r...f..:.* no` din nu-n >1xsl4loml-l.- ;| \l `. (lull. :1` 1~`1n:u1u(- .\nm.uI<-r. Irmmru nu |l\'('_V HI("l"II,(lll Uw()x'n\\'11 H lmluh-rs ul'!~'lH`h trluixmz, pullry :- (.`1-mru n1':'~'<:'u1m' Hm :u-mu. Now. Llwru is (|1l(`r1H()l) us to thv [Eu-I nfgnld mining rights vim; hm-n pun-lnn.=ml In an ilnnwlme ...|, . .1. Lil .. ' H... La n-mm}, .lll>ll* . I I `mm-ll thv ` (Jnl|'x (~11 Il.*4Il|Hl1'.[ulIl n-111-'.\1.-cpnmjm m lmmn-.n luv III. nun Pi ' M-I. x\pp<~:u'vl In 1- lmw-r bur of Ilw vh t1.~11lh'I':lIlV1|I-\41 . |...yc Inn All]! ~..41`.11r1;.. 1.+,`,;':g%;a,1\'11V.\.'1;:1.'.`_ AND I C()UN'#1`)( 1(,`)'la` 11! 1l||'l`Ill|V hm! In-1` lw 'l`hi.< m -mun .~4 nl" Hm H); In I'l;.(hl\`, V` hom-I In uuy m um ghlez, m|:HlI:1l h mm-lm-tl him to V :11`:-1-pt lxis H: mm! mnlh-1. u Em Brown`:-1 soul through the world in march- ing on ; ` ' . . . mil to the hour when oppression shall be gone! 1' men xvi}! sing, in the better ages lawu, Fr:-cdmn` reigns to to-da_v. " Glory, A20. ` V s l`\'l`I|I I'll (A-luilnllw-1 `ul hrrin v\'|- lu 111':-I|_ Ml!` u m'iu- lisltly. |- l:m;{hl:-I`. 1` ur |u-hl gin. 1:4 \I` u hiu plm Iv, 'I'h U|l\ (`H l 'n|`T4`H|HI rnnmur 'nI`F4`R|HIIH|(`llI HI! rnmmu` nf Hu- 4 1 with lhu gm] qwlillu '. rum-`ill u'n in nu in Inn 1: : Hm 2-` I` HM` nu` 1| l`.` IHlI'('I|1l hix wgulutnun >111:-Hliglntw-5| IN |llIll`l'. {Ill Ln vanlguu ml lmm- [HI [H] In ..l.nul ml ,1 ,b." I` lu!|M1`, ` .. Hm lu um g hm I nultl h |..u- nu kv II". All I`! vilh Ila Hum All Hi t.`|A~ ~(`1'm\`ds (|l'i\iI1j,( ] So llml [Emu-.l...: prom1- n (#211173 - vultu- .m..m.u `HllIl" R u rznmll \ 'th-` weu-nt1_\ g u 4. nu I I-qui L I'M. -A 13>3mitt$1*I Next door to the age1n'y0l' the 111111; of Toronln, {Priming Office, `ADDRESS 0ARD, lJI+1'1"n1:%1>1:V1aRs% )hn Brown's body lies monlglcring in the gran-; Jhn Bndwn' lives in the lrinunph.-a of the brave; Jhn Bmwn'a soul not .1 lnighor joy can cr:\\'u; Freedom reigns 10-day! Glury, gl0r_v, hallvlujnhl Glory, ;zlox'y. lmllulujnhl Glory. glory, lmllclnjnh! Fl`a`.`Cd0m x'(,-`x;,9rn.s' tumlznyl MammothPosIer \ mu] \HLlll `Hvr u ;\H-nlm \\ '|Il u :\lA' Lvumnruuxaui EPRINTINGJE gwm nd the Exuniuwr .:.u.1sg1.~ inwm the plum to lmvn it 11:03:31!- Houl. We have Alan 9 large num- i lmr nf (`MA upmznrpriaw fur 1 3 i Businm cards} (I A I3 I". E X lr`.(LU 'l'}.I) IN ANY COLOUR. DUNLOP STRlCE'I`, I`-)vv)'\' ])rs<'1*iI>1i)I1 01' Awgmmmmmt : BOOK AND JOB BARRIE, IN $17.12`. '|`H ,\ NU ).\I AN 5 AT THE SIMQQE AnvQe}x'1`E,, 1l*`.nv115A1f`, CAPITAL - .- 2,000,000. mu] 9 IRE PREMIUMS RECEIVED H, y.|I;y-2.z1_`4`:y.[Ilrl|.g!\:".H y.!x[.xili UH . alumni.-..-.1 {Ln I m..|;\;: `m!u;[;ul.y;; an sxlw-st lE\'Hl('ll< 41iII;:pn1'ch:m his(`l1iI,'l' and vvn, ate cqnnot. hnhn him, nor sorrow stir him . mnrn - w |'r111+1 1311112A1f1{Q0%14`%_`w110U315 1` gm Cast, Spring, Toe-`Caulking. Eagle Rolled nml Tilt:-I Stoo1H,_of the choicest. lrrnntlsz, vii: I"irLh.nn(1 bnxm, Slxppr um] J:l(;kH()ll, .\l:u'sh, &c:`, &c. \ ,. ..a Canndn and Tin Plates, of ail tnlitios. . Mzunls` ' and (.'1<'mnu1`g.'1IL (For which tlm Slllwrilmr in` Sale A,ql-1xl..) ]:`IIA}`)`;ll ;~.n4l Rl.~\9l`S.-nll szivms uml qunlliim .s'TUCl{a` and DIES, all sizes. 1 Il0R_SlC .\ .\ILS, all slim. Sqllnw: aml ()c1n;._:nn NUTS. .l'c., l\.v' K31`.-\'l` l RIGES NOT T0 BE lilflf.-\Ll.l TIIIS SIDE 0| .Vl0:\"[`RE.\L3,{}f.jI i \Va(c1:S11`oc(. .`\'m\'1n:n~ln-I, 1*`clm1:1r_v 12, [MIL Bar, Rod, Hoop imd Band Iron, co1prizir:?,r H1050 well-known mid fnvonrite brands, Gnrt ' '" shegrje, Glasgow, Bocharin, Swedish and Elephnnt. \ GARRIAGEV MAKERS & TINSMITHS FINDINGS 2` mm S ipLoa%dHas _}jA}rwed :% l. E _A;1V{9.1_V{:`_ST;E1__ `?_S9;N M W . 5 W'wIm--A gesadamau mm mm {Mu lfii-`ihfvimad, arm: 3 mm. Jrcwlful lial! Imam In Imam. .J ..|..A......-... 31.. -., in Brown's bqdy Fibs vpolnldcring in the grnvis; ght, o'er the sqd, lbt the smn'y lmnnbr wxwe; iv for the milgiona he pm-ill-ad all to save, osg. Freedom reigns to-day! ' Glory, &c._ ' _.- v \'.%'i!'%l1IE!i%ff%%&%ifmi%iNf4EN?M[ *3EB;i|#ND|IE,,% .,.,.:.. ...v Al... ...:.It. .: ..x . /1 )L [VS;e OW`, VILS, _VICESA\N1) V V\{ESTMAN S CELEBRATED BEL FMUVL IIIL mun 9 I H NLHNU U! IIIL Annual Fire Revanue,.300 `sin Mb: I 1' `uv Inmu-1n= -' HM -r lni` ....2,` mm (JUMP ANY: 3 ' ` "" ` " . I ` *9 iwluu Nahum! in A nixnnr I ink I. V 9` (`mm- ( 2 ,Qou=!t"r`. I'M 0 .\: T,` lm mmuxuz 1) R X PB91%?ii`jjT%1w&1Bn3A1m, |N.\`l%l3.\;\( l*} (`()x|"1r\N\f iAooumulatod Funds II! HM` IIWH IN! fun`. as! [hp 1' `Nu. run um: . I U!` HH\ [>ull:L'n {ONE or rm: LA0.ST maumwcc com*Arn:s mm wom I`D~':'Wr'V"a-(vvuI4e:nxvovb< ............\. .3... Largoxxrn noxmm. Declared ma mi ; fun pet Mn! pvt Amman on 1114- mm mam-cl ms nu 3`n%`!0I at mm yams` qtamlhsg all Hm law! that nut M a pm" of my M `MM H Um at. (:7! la`! PI :3` Ht-2 lhrwkmu. mu! gi T459 r+upnYv'lW! HT guuilsg Hw `inul an Immunw Itm-um--. --xhimu .. u Tho 1111p:11'21l1-111111 . l1iH11`1'l0 M1011 1111*1'.~:t1>1'i1l<-1101:1111 1111]1r- :1l111<,{ 111111111` 1.211 l1114:11111'cl1:1s4 ~1 : 111111 in Hm 111151. .-:11 i . 7I`ogothc1' \s'fL!1_m comlete paog-tnncxn of -I}12scl<.~'mitl}s' 1 '1 l"I"TI"I /V `i"Tv ruuw rx. l hlllllf.` l'l!l| H l.\ I him H mm`. In -~up|.l_\ Ilw \\'nm< of tthv -' |H\'l`l l`R1lUl" HUI : 1'1 '.'_r-ut 111-`: (HUN) ;.\n.\11:x'I'S .\1.\m: JAMES EDWARDS, Agollt, Bgwrie. in 0 `=1 3 PROVE. THL HIGH SWANDING (H Till; COMPANY: htlemfgned h`as`now in `:3 / --E--`_ " ' 2` ~ lore, and offers r 3 1 - ` _ ` - . I Bor[n:y D005, (lurid 4; Annie Lawequ 'cnus<-r~1 : mm as ' only sztmly. '*'u "T" "V has g....a' qukV?I;vV`;lF!; "1; i:.}.}i} ..}`;y..,... In Anna-Al -nlahu-. II mung nlhdngal kc nvmm lkn can-I unswmnnni ft`-an .BLAcKsM1T1fis, `ALSO A TIIQROUGII )x.\*r5 (fO.\I[ I..E'1`1~3 \'AIm:'1`Y or-` I '*H`1"1|!5`H|W`! \ Hqhtnn ` ., Ln uxlnuu.- Isw1'lW$!'UT IVITW IIIV TF1!` IHUIWI rywulvlniu awwvgvw! Au Imm semen. 3! arr. um-1 In rum the sunset mt:-nusi {Wee-L - ...uus...,z.....Y ..-A-...ax-1.-v'.'---``o-"...<-.s.-n-.-~.y...v.... - ntsrixcefein fth ._.................__._A..__A..._._ - _...u... m....a.nun.mm.....` IN FOR.EI(}N ..AND. DOMESTIC ;Two Hundred and Fift-?y%Tdns vn|"g_ mu r pain All | lniml n! pgm of Q,{H)(). MM =2!-mm. uf |l'u|.h- syuuurg um: umumu, Um!!! I mm! 4l7"M3'"" MM am-m. in impact M nbakoment, than can tn; pix, ' gd In um lam pm &;.....;".:`..`.`... .....E:':_:::2 1'31? B 1: AT I >-.i`_V(T>V .l)_._ |!1\|VuI}'Ik(-ll|!UfYH4> hugs`) pg. rv. Hm wumlnrful pmgnu v William Mcmasmgjr. gr, MASL _%2"o,.' TH 1\ll:'4\.\'['li|`I 1,\ <;gi hthosmkgnunifflbhnuni FIAFTY. TdN' 1V"i-*_T`i"\I 'TONS aim Brown d\wel1a-where the battle-slx"ifa is 1 n`.u. . 5 in Hand Exceed ll`\l*I nan . '!\]'u'v,u m nu. "y\+'1Iixq u= jlvnivul Pnwlshr Mm! '~W'us 11 100.0) aumm lush. hf a.m.-Iinn Imvlh. u'_\. x ' plum {.;`.,!' '1-f,';L.",,',",'_f.','.jjT"` 1" "` "W! l00,00Q him i use -ml lv' 1 mmmm l`l: (`l1U'[(:l;` A\lA\'I'1`;l{lA`\l1`\`7 `;\pp.ru\`ml Cl`-HY, s 4 " ndings ufnll t1osc1'ipti<)ns, vi /. : 14 ' ` will 4 HP M`4l!TUj' `J1 IHQIHVI 0 Mama!!! In Chin; n havuug I'M: mask. ATTENTION} : S\\'nns<`:\, -'nlL~"rihv|'\hlluilwss. n'ur:I.-' the . hv ix Inuvlml-.-1| in u . ininn, - hm vA'v;I!;`tI -nnlnawa I par, Ilw nun 91 mo, zhrfssru l, :4 mums pmdvueza. 9)` an hmmwn. in China, notullhhndlng ~ u: mam I 2 Huh in parks Imlmt by w] HRIWI in Ha? t awn, |?s____n .14 . < '[ Ivlul`l`I HI (PIT HWH, ..Y Inna nrlmmvloolgwl um ml , I nnL_ypu01,vllvplmnt. I to n uimihr 1 Mil 111 L w hilly ' nunilv 1 HE HISTORY OF THESEGREAT RE- ' MEDIES is the most wonderful medical `re- velation thal:.tl1e world luis ever knciwn. It. ~ eataxlplislws the all-Vixnpongtant fact that ysfherever, and in wlmteyr shape internal disease cxisia, the di.uinl'uctin;;, -se:v.1`ehing, and honlin'g proper- tiea 0l'tlLc1`)ills m'e`fulIy Gqllll In its sizlrjcctioh art` and cm;_e; nnd tlmt, with the Ointment, they " .0 , i I T liq Great Aixicinssacloi-s of 1 Health to all Manlciml I , This is not ti history u`ri1ton hy one mun,` Volt (`V011 (_l(`l`lV(l [min 1111- o-xporiclicc 0l'onni1tioh. " ll, l3t)ll.:`ili! oft: compilmioii of teslinioninls from the .~:icl<\0f eve1`v cduntr --m1 llllllllllilchulllt} - nicoi-I. the like 51' which me never 1:001) adduc- ml in fnvur of any discovery or invention since time lwx,:nn. ` ' ' Tl|v.~m l`\I1_'_fllt_\"H{`.'1l<`)`.~`, V\'m-lxl-`lxnown and ` lVm'l<.l'l`I'iuxl are u linon to the Sick. Tin: \\':mI oi'usle|'lilig Int,-u.lir:iu:1l,i0 moot [ho `, ill.~:'.11Hl 1:00:-.~si1iVu.~4 of Hm sulli-ring ),.orlim1 of l1nnr.u1it_\', nmlum-,~nti1'vl_v 4'11-v {min mini-ml zmrl ntlwr (l(`l(.`lt`l`l()l1E ]mrti<.'li-9`. xms .<('\'<'1ol_y {I'll till lhiru all-pu\\'`1'l'n| nu-(licinu was II.`-in-`H- into . liw \\'nI`i(l. Il0LL()\\',\\"S~ l.\ \'i\l-.l_";\ilLl [mag w@mA%A@@mm J4 l.'\lU `U 11` H L135 `AY"S PILLS. `B0 `of GooLL`J3h;er`!` V TherSinlngt "muy"be ` Saved By_thef.x1sabf _L ' ' S,`O_INTMENT. rn.|..\ nave um:mm- nmwmn ` :\1ln:1ii:m.~a. Th0i1'uHrihm<- to prvu-11f as null n~= (-urn llw:,:|tt:1<'k the radix or rout vol` ' H|('(`(tll`llL|1ll1I4T. and thus. In} 1'vrz1nvi11;: tho hid- . I lH:|(l |`('.lll('U_\' IO!` l1(`l1`(`:l}L\`l*.(vf' dis 191`. 1'vin\`i;v::_u":1tu and 1'c:~:lm'c the (lmnpimz 011o|';zic.~= M the 1- :1.=sisti11gn:mI1`e in her task of vxlal and 1'uncti`0n-.n'y refunna- Hun E cx\N&\nA !;E..l(MA`N l*ill` E nuxwme & mums soomjn. 4... (&r-` u. aubmthud capitol. 3550.900. on Ms! Sikh. $430.00-0. .464:-mr- . I X ! 1 I 7 IIAUIL 1 xrlh will remember the xnnrgynvdhm _he bore; Fxjecdqin reigns t_o-d:\y! I Glor_v, "Ase. lislllvblt 1 Ju-;-a 31 mm. mama, Mm! lmm, snumahwuui Q. loam Pita Panama, vm lhmi4M-L 1.. Thhinuihnii;-`i t` 9fl'ii' Vii`. M I a sacs: 1.31:2: 4: **'.*.'i'*.%.;` 5' a i :f.1"`."W'."+;. 5I,~ v a Tuna;-116w). lit-that ame, ..._.__ A WELL SPRING or LIFE I-`O15 ALL CAN BE-I-`OUNDIN T -v -..--.- '/'\ _.-.. . _ _.... ,_:,,,~ 4` Di.~*m'do1'.~i I \4' .1....... H|VATE BILLS. 7N~'I:14: iflmh, ---Ammo! !`W"nr. /I; ' ink in Lean. C39(l.04!0. ,fr,vF..%.*;a'". K It m\\'(`1'In| IH(`(lltf|IlC ll.`|H(`l'l'(l mm UOLL()\\'.\ \' S v V;\l'.I.";\ HLE `\ hm-nnn- |]In'!vuIxQ1|l||.`Il ra-nnulr hu- . nu m Inn` R will In- : xv uouxvmiw um. .4: TM Prhulo IJUIQ aunt `K pm 1 Nu r-A {hm mu uf Du .\1'hvl.V V ;\1'.l.;\IH;l`J "hnI1S`h1-M rmnt.-d_\j for hulu 1: lm wmuu-inn Hm hid- A Tumt, (`hf HI. Privat- ':'" mg by inking ruling; In undu- m fur Prhvnln U|U\ WU HHIFJ` -1 fur l`rimlu r|Iwiwpui\'!- wm fur emu m ggggmvsuungta it It! mm, mm =` -` aiigmlraleanfng, but 7 can And mm. iugndomaip `vv run m_\ HM I IQWL3 I L `h, of l'm`2I, .l nun. V II... (`lit-1?i&~i'ii?e\s-iiI:' I;1;m}e.~4I}csi s.;.?`m -l.ar,v;c :1 ml Small Seetl. EU I" `IIVJ -\l"l. 1 mm Allwrt, NH hi: I, 9! Inuwhulw IN a, I I942 lvu. 20 qtr-1.; bu: l ilIk'I y`~` H1 , IL, . 'Ulll[mh\ \' xvlmm. 3, .~-:nn'uun'.s uv.~L r` wu Allwrt" for tlmw : l>:u1-hmord it in IHUU, iUl'M.iHIl. Thu i1-mi: ' ` . . . . A I A` ;. .. aifsEra;t:Ezi.?i llI|I'l\'llL N. - Wm fiym nu ullu HI ull Hun UNI)` mm AL:._L_. .1 .. .1 v IUKIVIIIV Nllhlfv. `High HM! VH5!` `nr -..n n - ,- -. .. 2. `MU Lu QM. H4: .m|ri. h .. uMMi|n- in V . .. ., `-. 1uwin___g is: the 1 E. WilIi:uu.~' l1Ixi to 1 e fu]ln\\ iI1f__r 1` uhx m\t:mu...' wltr-1.; I val Hm! I HI`) IIl"ll| n that Hw I 1 H11` )1 Vt Nltlm I Us we-I llmv . I I \`7 l\Il"'Il , :ml :m- m \`i~'lHlILf I. lL~uull_\" ~ 3.. . u u M1310 V -whmn. 5|. , [`.. `, . ', .-_-u:----- w Hm! tha- |,_, A r 1' III |\\Il - Hl1Rv'\'. (`.1 iHH.'lH'\ I-'1 1lH|UU"l '|U"`H`)H \ I` thoy are ruully li~lin-I, l 'luke thu lmaat quality, lmving ( rmvn la_y1n_V no-iglnlmrw; l r'm I [ (vrnw if wnu 1: NHL: vlrnn 'ln\\ n phnnlw ..u.I.l nu nu- M lhrw ||`| uh: p.. -n Inn 1 with n n nu nunn-. think tha- { (untwl sumo- ,' I I` HIIIIIWI` uruhl" (inn \ .\lII nun nu ) gt`! ill HI-' ' rm-vault with 1 Po! wt. *7; nu.m.Ld -ahh I 1-mu I ) 111.) l|9`l`P"l|lIHl"'\, 1 rm-'4: 1\H)4rl, II I[.!mw it, WHH ll tile .v/run`!/. I5:-Ii-\= 1;: `like will prvullxc-alike-,' I haw. lnn_-3; lwvll 0n\'iI\<:0 propliuty of uuing lnrgu 1-mi. liuttlw diw|'sit_y nf "opinion, mu] mm: publishwl \`iv\V;.~ in fzwnr of I-'-1111! (WI, iluhu-ml nw in mm M (`X[u`rillII`II( rith di'~-r-nt x~ i7.wl new-I, In .... 'I`l., nu _ 2 .. ` u 1. - . um an : .Hl'!| u nu [Jun In [um wu mu, Alba; lu|is- gun .lHni HI -run`: N1 in UN '1 sumll (`rnlm 1 (`Hr '*"1'i"ama"sym'g'iHar'arery sp'ea'e.:`sr * crime meets its punishment sooner or later. Searh the annals `of histor -and its yer- idzytioln will f<)un'd. ' ok` oyer the dailv records!` {of ublic' journals and its trut11fulne'ss"'1-will us. 'osmhh's.hm1. Ir. h "" "' -avvn .v....u. vgun uuu reco'1d`1r1<)`f ubllc' tr11tl1f11l11ess'?-ll we. est;1l,1lial1e11, 11 i1 1`f` _`mP35,.1hlc now-a(ln'ys to pick up 11 d.1_l)_' ne1s1)u})or, l1uMl1e lirst thing wl1icl1 smkus the eye, will be th cxl1u1n:1tio11 of `Wit-ll tl1epast,~ and theiri11terest or 01101-1:1it._v ' 'lW5\'.-l<'> \`l`"l'<.1 r the palate of.news devour- mig rcmlcrs. \ It is not 111110111; the order of tl1i11gsl'u1'lml1l o|l'o11(l1-1`s 10111111 :1 `s11Vcess- ful cawcr of c.ri111e21g:1i11sL'tl1o l11w.~1 of the 'cou11t1~_v01' Inomllty, 'witl1011t. j11.~;tico, like an z1\'e11ginq N e111esis, :'1oo11cr or later over- t:1l1iingl.lm'1`11, m1<.l oxzwtiug 11 terrilllc rc- tri11tion. AL Li111u:1,il.i.~1 true, Il1e 11111- clxinery of tl1ol11w may be p0\\'(51'lc.~`is to wc:u'atl1c11et of (:ri111i11:1lity nrouml tlm ofl'o11(ler, and snciot,_v by 01111 of tlm.~1r1 o1~_11}1- tin11. Mr lts own ]iu1'1t_v, bli111l.~1 its nv<.-s :111 l1.`ll`lrOl'S within its" pale the loat.l1so111e c:11`1~a%s of :1 postif11r momlwcr. But tlmsc are the :1b11.ns,l111})- pily the oxmmtionsa`, nnt the rule, `otl1er\1'isc Many yn:11's_H}1g) tl1orc 0411110 to tl1i.~a _<-it,_\', 21 `K 1001` but l1 nest I"rc11cl111111n, rujoici11g in tlxa 11311111 of Ln11i:z (3onr:1 by um-11p.'1-. tinn :1 storm-c11tter, or 111:1sm1. By this mvontf of his In-ow 110 g:1tl1oro,(l su1llicim1t 111o:111stn;:ctl11*1' to 1.-11111110 him to <%l1jU_\' tlw d1,~ligl1ls(l' 111:1l1`i111011_\', and he tank 111110 Chaos woulll lmve co111n again. i M11151-ll`:1 wife. 1111.. 1:1 -1` L:.. M}; .\ ... .\...m,._ scenes long gone by, tl1ougl1t to be l1u1-led ` ('UlI('(`lll1'|I. Ill; "ll`||V'yl.'-ll um um u `Hum nhlw, l1:ml-wnrking man, now urltltht-nJ:1y ing 1-)` a few dullurs to n1vr.'tt11e oxi}_rvx1:i(- of :1 rainy (lay, lxlt-tnplnn'ic:tHy .~=pv:uking`.-- Hu.hhnl_\', lmwvvr-r, l1i.~<\\'it'~ \\':1.~4 taken it znul tliorl, :ml from this time n1:1_vl~<.~dut(.-4 his *:1r<*(`r wt" t`ri1m-. A short time nth- thv lvztth nf his wifv he hccnnxvnL~I1llnint,<- with :1 _V'nI1ng_; girl, tlm<].'u1ghturnt':In:1g-4 muplvinthim-ity, Mu-,'tl1mlgl11mt \\'.-.;1lt.l1_\ u`un- till pms:-st-:1 nt` :1 -mnfurt:xhlu mu: p~tv11-`_\`. ;\t"tvrz1 m1lrt~hip nf:1f-,\v slml \w*1'h~'.Itl1l`iII}_{ \\'I1h'h tinw the cmnrsu ( their lnw run smmnthly nlm_;, tho) wt-r m.'u'riwl_, It :xp1w:1rs hvrc that U:>nr:t~ \\;t~; tn unh'r.~`t:1nx1 that :1{'tvr hi 11I:11'r'1:t;: lhv stun 1-H-,mr Hr tin. huntlrv |I|I II A I .1 , I I` nu` Min "run um`! mighlmru thinlu 1 W0 (0 mm Iuulwl IN) gmul vulhnrv, HIM) , Humgh I: `fit as rlninwti `w I pnplmmy Urn Ln . .mrumm (Ln mm .u nnm him In mmsvu :1 \\ nu. V The tide of his cxintelmz owed ,pn:1c(2- fullv on. am] mxcvvss (',r0\\`n(`d his lulvorx in so l'.::r:1.-1 cc~111fnx't in this ,\\'orM a g)od.~4 is r~0m-<-rm-I.V H:-, ulnjnycd life as it ]w`:1-4 l1:lrl~\\'>l'ki1Lgmun, z1m1th<-n.l:1y- oxi}_n'x1ri-5 >=p(*:n1{iIuj_v`.--- ill 111:1_vlmdut(.- IIi.~H`:lr4*(`l' :1:-1' t11t't1rzttl_1 hccauuv {IU1lI:liIlI,(`f] ..-Col. 4. \"nnI\tr uh-I H... Al-uurlm-r ni` sin um-.1 mu :1. In whzi I ', A H) I-nu-' Emu "than M hum! lnlmr. 'l'l|mI hm junli-mi V Wanna`: hmlg, lumn funy nu-Um] mu. (`ms me! will. chufnug iln`-Vi-minmvnl. ham l->i~urn in wmc ......m.e. MN! 5- M lm `in am` M v3l v*I ha 13!! v.-slum In `xiv: fmnly Imm He is wall km-wn in Main my. and Hum: Gguniniml with tho avmnmmwM. fun! ndml that hi: inhuman cnmium Inuvamln ianmil haul mat with merits! puuinlr aanl. N Mrcdl Fun Fun. _..._..4u._ ,. ,. M .. -\4/ ,,. ..,,3....`...n. .. . urn mr Hunt 1:: Nu fun ~'l`lsn L am mm mm at 8: Rmkhtl (HI 3 I1 _ r. hub mm use not and mm. Q I mum. an at that `ii In York my arhed vrthu oat ` la. and own CU. Hhey km! Mk ` ind )*Irm- an 2-mm Mm R9 991; wt 1419 In buy. A that Ms, than I: cohmw with-nut than, all yield a I 1` M M hw` "':"..`.'..E.'.`.`.".".."'.3..`:. .~ '..2'.."".`.` mm, E/\f'!t-1 `|lf_'\I'IH'4` il|IVl \||\\|'|| u <-:u1.~.lm\1M full UH` ('( m1n}:xr:uti\'<-l_\' quid: ;- \\`:N 1r:u1u~d'm'Ir|a-:1 inl MIL`! uuu un- e Pr-uch Blw ,'I , `I H `I')`` p-nl In- I!-62lll.|(\', ,, ,1" mung nl HIM pg mun vhil!r- _ , , ' III` 1 [alum \\' l_, :1Hwux'sJ \'(`II :1 5.: 1-1' 1'-Jur n. J w`vuM :m-urv to him thro ;1 \\'-xolixxg ;:H't. The xmm` >n.munn:1tz~l but :1 1':-W \\'<:I:1 -- 2| fm'n1u1 dc-m:n1:1 for [In- wi1'v`.< pzm-nts. Ht: \vns put r linw nnal was fur1null_y tnM -Hlvnu-nt \\';c~; inh-1\Ilu- [, ]|o- .a1|11]m~<-1` \\':l.~3 :1 llIHlf_t:' m-n-H hm funk 2| 1'c'7ll'fllI In " hlii Retrlbutiye `\Iui$tic., pun-4 )|||II|1wIHltn' T u |'u_y n H, chuflll ( ......._ 1.. ......a .... V .1111: Ann lxnluplttml all Ind rmlx count at in 1: on t-nuu_rh t grain. Thu ..I 1 Ill |I'\u 1 him "`| um. nil I`-~11-r v: u T WIN` | I UH` ~ In um ml In-1 `I A` H [lVVI` , `:41 In s n` ", um- Hm I! Hi! [min I r mu-van ll llw I u lII`X\I`t'\|| his \VH.I' nllmn, \ l)|lrilIu . A }IlnI'lK'I lll mm the .lulil\`, .~ I)

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