_.-'\~.n:.u.1:syV,s_(g_a_Iito\, Agni .I.vI 'A`an:1* 'i)IAi7`h 1 ' aeazog-:`:i2EBmI=3'7`n995e.=33i3f_ -_._ - _p _..u_'.__ ---- a-..1. ; - v .- _. __W .`1 . ..v.,~ ,. `A cum` in - amend . Nrvogl EBAIIXYIIY1? 7*nuu.u:1:'z:: 1?.3'A'1rnx'5~. W ;1?e.hfg`n?t`3'um99!ty send. tr%9'91|,V!!I uthful lndilaratlon will to! tho; `aAL,GEN1j.EEAm- irho uitfamdn to: on: 1:03! I n u re 1: ; %x'S.`~`' i 2F`} .?f`3?3a`c`i. i`:.`.`;~ Sakai` 9` at gutnaglt; tend traotonll who u . lo:-'e:nody' bgwuohr In wan on:-adv tone in; to roll by tho ,a.dvert1urt oxpadenc ?, do no !3 `uddxeuina .121 pa:-tale: oondanco ' .b}f_'B _ Gl_.>,EN._,I2"Ooda.r Burqet xewYox-`k cos: a recipe and direction (or mskln lhr ' as acclfu bu ` - . - n ` u1v.)E)?Wf`1IDLBIIOoK. 3.53:, :.I. 24.1., .!:m. El, 1876. ` ` Hum; wt mo Jnprou. can otgo. I1. ;;hsL.!luq;fqr.1.}:uld}nu. `, ` . re`: contains Dr_fnnford's Imprizvod Inlnt-w wtihhxull direct our for use In all emu. ~ `:=;:'-M-..w.:...s%::::.-n.z*a`?s V 0 gnaw. NM1-_VV `$2.2-,nI)'}~fn|l0\V~ Dur' E'Dn IBIPOIKU upon. J-I`(I0l-_ , `F `:6u.13$g;1LoL1AIc msrzn ' ._;;.;xa!tt"{xp whgt you are wmlng-to pay for. 5` . .,DI:rr3vrn:o:'t To Won's"r:b, Lonnzon: atria; ' -` --W -.* In Buunxxr ztnphq taken `u ,, game ou9:_P715 2 \.x;d 915:1. A Phot'o- cry ulwnyq, ilyg or Ioobyqfdlaiflon. Whon y ;Ro languid a int `'2 ggwgoggf ` _,"'u..o-p. ~ 11 av I75"?-u~o ' ,9n,tv-bio nun . _ `ln:1r:etWi:5Ff.'i . 4 ' V j . ,_ ' . _ .Dxr;-Lsvcnoi '1`oWoxI's`r:b Lonnzonz-.*.:-15: 35" 4:3`- Hzdon-.,wam I` pygmy-gag? `:'?-...-v - u--tv . --- hpgrivixts why; for. 1 N R .t H D II n o In r I` nxytwhmuak tea ; in other galls: ` eavaslatuzlio, tlnzqlxea J otho_se- who `hiidri -v - =r-Ivnlo 9;; , dlontdd Plaotarwohtalnlug " " ' lpasf':mqg1olnl. Bum`; and ti"gu_-. wn tn madam Pharmoya W . V , _ - ...\... 1...-.. ;...a...... n.- _..;.n- 1..-~ 7 ., 7'/La (imam: Anw1'z'cau Ju emetl1/fr (J()ITf_(-Hl.s', oozms, ASTIIJIIA, In: mvcv.;zI2'I.sI, Loss or . Va .rc_'.za, 1/0.4 1esEzvEs.s AN?) r'1'1z,1zo..n. '1. A FFEOTIONS. _ I'sc;:a. .,:tl./rnm Iha/lnrnt Rcrl Smmoa Quin. `(Drug ' nch-'Vc_ Luna DH- mluyinh -aka! (PL; hu.y~ emu `ramp I-u-ly semi 1 _. }bj'}J." [V r _. ; m.uIlim. ; ;_I,s we In-kablago new in owllenin-`q 'c` ' I 0 0 . _,cp;':q..I5n.jarm3 of ronaIutw,4md 163 " n'm,vt. lipecic 6 64:; 1'21. _:urt'ng 06-` la h-:w.'mTn cw. ' 9 is azawjvvell 1 J . ,L_ , ` - :~ r):'51, ..z:_,t]1,e ;_u?zl`ic l:flt.l)'.(/lb. 116` ' n'lr`;-.1; _:.-.i1.l_als cunnlslt. PM _a`__ {X 3.2:`:-11;, If `vial $piI`1!`2:': Gum" f:on.V'M- :_J,g1 /151` ) ttsrg, um! 91: w..;4;g -9?` _<'1'.90:v go .0 . T R9Vl himseif. is done by cl .._ GGLLINS J `.`.`:'.`*.*.';':.:,`.::*`g:m.x::,',`:`::.P...';"*:;a.. F...` '" i" `` n"x`."`:" 'i:`-"r*'-'.' 1'{`u:23 `$a`% 2. t)l|`J ' -I IA I: 0. H: at-4`/dl"a'W:::`-gglpen, G dnxvo); t `nub: Kntu shun. ; g-.Iw:r- . .. .. . 1;- - . . lo\\_yDur bnlmposc upon. AsK;or._ , spuiulsu L A - [ -`T119 a.rL_iatic reoucIzingAmugh.n mhedo av: av-b}n_e= 99 m=sfe=.-V` Pr 1:-'-3 r um tum.-a nan-i.'ca 1 '0 -ym'6`o Pnnfn-o'o rt chm-uu Lu nny ou%,d .1: unsm l|||DrV91u n m:_\ny wn 'l,]lKH` at-n mu. 0..-llillgqrltd exp .er|x-nco um us-:,u ml he, has um: the no >crrx-at In every nag Ml vnrlzlqimmllclmi. A {vs III` mm ever! I)! GM!` I ul lagolrrf a his . Thu pr no lsccn zh (Jul: allxerjlutcr. n :- .. .......... no-.. on .....L-.. on.- and pm 19' u 1'1` la [NIL prhfn lscc ` V athnr. or nu other Inner. srhgluofi. 0 mp atorltonn _ 4 to my gun: manna` 1:3 Icau1l)twhIlcn lm rozng Ill um ins rgtud a_g_1y_ -1. .u... .u...... p, `-,---,v us now been hcforo tho pubua In uvlllllmndlluf um Imnuu-II jmong g-.. . vw pub]! Immun lmmunu nu: `...`i'r`s3'x`I= `.'w`.`.`& ' n p_ 1 'n_nI:d 1:9; Htreec,uo:3Il {went-y rod: to Ina aorta- ern limit of aid Bx.-nth hslf, thbiio Elut-V Var] along 14 blot-them limit ona handmad- aixt rbds vtb the place of bbgining ` El whio mid }a.ndn Lf`iii` 't11'e Townnhifo o Nottnwaumza alonnid.-- .2 . ~ ' ' s . V gok.:|,`_J' ` h ., .'f;.i'.. u9k3'vI1eB" 9*}9! _v5`...999;. __ __ A ._ "' Wfu W . o Thirty-Four Ih"`lRQ`_,U;i_lth . of Lotgu , H o " on, oonguining `Four 42::-4,: more C . or, 3?; :`~Bitti-'k:x'wnan'-folli` ..0om'-, . -` enoink nt.th`e North Eaitarly origin of` said, lot,.thonoe.Smxthu-ly along `tho West side of..I:luronturio Stnat dixtaan nods. '-"0.,"=`.!l.:9`, 13* E races "dune Gaunt ot.Qg:oan_Tg Beuoh,?t_o_ giiotdd; in l_ai1i_.' ' 4 ; .~ - r J03 "4,-4-,3 - at ~,r.P'Mi."n EAMUKL `VV_OOD S __u n n n . - o |> 'au`-`'n'i``o`I .` V, _.n the" I;st;{1mjrrre,1!ili pf Redlnir bn`,"o tliq ab`, ` puts, on 6ith'O_I of 3&1: pt the follovinghhiii. stands: the, Township 0!, yum, or.o!:au1'QI or an _ 4 `:'.%"'.'"*"";`;`-Z. .e.;.. " _ 6__~0WnIVlp__ , vrqagn` :?'OhoI.}nQ.y cg ssauao9:..yaai-:;gggv.;ri=z.-t o Lot3'u'm>hn1-Thirty-Four in -i Co oongaininglonr Ab .- A3`. .`=.1s.`u..si-'k:inn~ in ~ fnlhsi Iran.-a more . am . .4 fl in th. side oturoqtyiq Btpggb iixtaan pods, thence , _ 1' in a. line smile! with the ' Nontginaziib` 0! said Plot fortiy. rods. thanod y in 9. ling para 1:1 with Eu; :1` ' `'8 eat oixteau rods, to the amt. yniimie pf uidylgt,-thence Easterly ` B" -laid limit forty rodl, to the place of Ti` :13. also part of ssiiiwlob numbe; ' Itt - gut, ein opmpoue jtrip 0 19nd ouf' rddp ssido by sixteen gods long, lying immodintely to the rear and adjoin- ing the horeinboforq mentioned land (ml remiul. Also put of tho South hnlf of Oonaolaionrebita "I"w'en'\`. _ Ac :-op on or 19:: ; belts: knbwa` n _fq! own, : ` m - manoinn ntlhe N03-I: Easterly angle of at i1umbepVThi;ti{-Ava in ;5.h>,aI|,id_ H_intb' nu 4. `.. "E . T or 8;uocu.{On` g1pAY, -,2 'I`oWn*:`'`_' ;-v '` `. f% 3% .. V A in o o o ` `G j ';t_` *.*".-I; A`~ " blic` "A%A:116t1 T. ` _ "*4 " an` 6:. W33; t > ' .- " `out u!the'0ounty0ourGo`-tho unty olvimooo, undtonoidircotad, -3- Ronxnr. .Wua.|, . -. mg... . . . .Plamti#'. vs.-, Euwnn Wdov ck` Hxggn - . A- 5 pun..u'a`.`b`b`o-o`o`o'b`} ` A Ellulug T.`-{I5 LNUIFVII (HQ-VHF], KDSIC III do 3 side of . Jxroqtgriq Stpggb i xtean pods, uaenoa um:-hr a.`line nnrallal manoing ntlho North Easterly sums of said South gitthenoe Soucherly along the West aids of Eurontario Street twenty rodu, thonbmwulzerly in a. line parallel with tho.~Northern limit of llid south half one hung;-id. and Iixtiy`; rpdu, thence North-` erly in'g, lno. para! _!_ yiuhi `-`Hnrontario St:-aeI:.nfbnuid.' twenty rods` to the North- erly in' lgno. p_a.raun__I_ yiuh; '-`Hnrontario Street.nfb:aIid, "twenty ghq North-V ofpsi `Bx.-nth thence Eut- Vorlv alomz Aid. bl orthem hundred- F A%E * L. BYBN. 69`H_I*IlIj ! .` '3 "I3 7' 6" u: 33* 5"P.'." ..`.;f 53:5-2-.. .=3:S.A.t0 8% 3:!n-- , ~l all which mid Inna: Lt Nottnwauago uorpui Slnerifl Oi`I`...'...J. was -~ol~r'3.fwn` "- olthe'0ountyOou'G otjhd o?$8iuooo,|nd to noidircotad, .WAn.I, .7. .1 lamt`, ` - ` -N N 5501050, id . 1 `x.2'1':53mcn,;.-..?.}..31~. m. MaUDN`I{=`i~1x Bun-io,April2 ,81. Shay O0. Simeon, .....-.. .- $2~'.-*_,3:_:._a. ?1. P G ---1 : :.g':g ':.x2`s:.-s:.':e%.:zr..-T .:.'..1:.*-.=- 4g===*JA Ofalajkdvertlsementst But-.9: a-.s`." -ow. tum mp... ua.-..... . ._MlI5i}3n eK|i3L ':;2*z;*s:.t2:..:zr:.: s:=; nu,` mango." 1 " ms- r1no.8|un{x t l `pgj. 143%: what. gal.` Adina )1 rl*~llvw* ark ` i~`.1ip. Mabbiziimi 'lm1'# Simeon. R8 i"`*;u.;.u...a``"'""f' =i':i= W 31 mm > _. ., NM",4 n.0,, . Puuau Nghutloh in aged giovqpnning or Jihad Sort} jvith olid egsthteel bottoms. `.'fI`I.ll` 81500 wqyt on hand l...-.:ls.:- 4.I.L 41--.. .___.I--;n . u:on narrows Hum qua uulu wpuumuwrexs ll] - t1L -_.--Ag Jan. . * The 1123' 118.388; wrap xluuzs. elebid Wilkinson Ploughs, which 'we.ra ay\'f1:g1 I ' :Indust1i1%1 EXhibition',Toronto, Sept. 1880, am ~ finicom titiun With llothers. Gang Ploug szhmo kinds} the beast. in se. - ' . "Iron Harrow: bx the best mpnufhcmrers in Canada. RA A :1 iiith nd snnhfnnl "'\nf.l'nrnn ' , .Wllal.l. HUIIU. .333? HDQEI DOEUOIIIS. ,'rs ifwqy . 1' ' , Ghampipnnti aheaeh` tlfe rstparload oftmqohinqa g ' V rf\t\f\ t\*~:I1 Anni:-\n.t\.mi . ' ""'n': `n7uuea`'E:?a'eZ`e`?.regt'.?:'7si;' Wnrqhoi1ae,_o * its Arbericsp Hotel, Collier Street`, Bmia;`- Inspeptslon Splwlted. 1 Terms Liberal, t Wholesale and Retail, Unam Ion bin 18 mowg1'; t - > A '1-`hr, ing Mac `inns for pteamand horse powers. Staf Engines, the best in use. Home Powers, secc'on'd to none. , Grain; Drills" and Broad-Cast Seeders, One Home Scnlers; the best in use: Turnip Drill: with Heav Roller. 5 Sujke Rakes; threle kin 8. L ` "'l`L.; ah.`-ml-AR '\X7|z:v-mnn 'Plnnn-11 wlnh -IUl1l`l\ Uhumpiun Re: hnmninn Hfnc -LIIl3lPIUU I-\.`U})B1'a Klan-ta ihamfion 310%?! Mowgj :11:-I Mon K "Human ifl f`nr`I I have purchased an auorcment tutu union Io` gave intcuno satisfaction to tigouarhoshro in m ouormouu. and every Boot and Shoe in a gem c 1. have purchased assortment mu Inlon no Large nnu Augruuuva sun: is oluuuinxuu nu went at good goods. My variety iII1 . enormous, every of~ax-tintio merit. L have Itudied clog: ` comfort and economy; end the "renal: is, e ran e of and: whieii every grade onmlgendl themselves to the tepte , judgement, and poc el: 0 everyone. Do not be led prey In Imell doelerl, but go straight to the OHEAPJQST PLACE 1XBARRIE, right w ` -n-L_.__-.. -1.- u`I?_`I.`I 11.4. ......I 4-]... l'l'l"nnvn`o n|f`-' /Ho K I have purohaabd anorkmelft hjblon noii-go and Atrwti;o`th|t ltH;unl1ot_*_!u_!`l;o nave intouu thouerhoahro goodn._ _ igI1mg- Illllb uvnlurl, uuu gv nunnsuu ma luv van. etween the ; Wild `Cat? the . '_'ll--L 1.1.184-- ` r ` , sxenfbr TEE nIG~Boo'r.- V ` ,..v V RA I `aMPtE___._M.sTs Q Few V Psrbii:uls:Jn`to/dtioh *t:9'pIning' 81:6 nbcwo .015 5.5.!` 'I""\ '1'?! f`\ AW` @3T?%3#e%:! ` * uuguugsgu us; tawny` uu unuu. hannpion iat11 i'aheaa;- am ;oar1o.d ormuehinjeisr. m'ri~ 1 1,. . |B9mg?m3gnEJf:?tM,t'.S?881; u-u-nan \I'&:t\nI.'Q Inawinin `l'.i.I .-4...! l"..IH.~.. ILl&-..AL- I)'.....!`.;` `. I N uuquvu u vnuuu BU`l0V|JPIl3IuK Ox ma IDCVI LOCI QICX. EQ- , _ -__ un Avniz Au burr-nu nu . . min: --60 , 1?-wee` - = A * 11 .`_... IA. -- "'--- "" 3` ' _gg?""N. J r f V .1`: kin nruxonctnu-nnrr1'un:s"V ` "a?iu' t. I ior'r'J'1)z:aucr.m.mitation| 6! wood: and ., ' _ _ -bosrdnon_ox b`ition.-' V vi . i u .3 44; g ~Sina'g`1- anq Combmed. M'nwelr"- srentfbr ma vnoo'r.- Pa Boint in ti. imn`i i`:l?l$1afor 15:00 W::'rE. g! -:---u 'G1i3i,`?": Buinter in tin 1% gr. II` 3 for Enact Wei-Ir, . '(_-via 4 .. ,:,._ nun vs-w wvupuvwuuu - E;i.!!9i;!B0lT .,,\ . ;Ar1f.'a`:tB_n,r;-ie,,l1. 10a.n:.. 2.2tI_p,m.,_;a.;a;p.n:; ` ~. `Gama Sou:-at. - Iaave Bari-ie"&'50 i.-m~.',_ 1050 .m.,,.6.45 p.11 ' ` 5: _ V 410235 [$9 39 'B,l:,.iA`xo11--Gonm `Noam: ` . ., ;_li`on.itxnx3~-`GonmV15{om~1. l'4voTo_ronto,7.50a.m., _` ' . 4.55 pan` 11.10 mm. . 2.20 p.m.,_,, 8.15p.inf . 7' ~'Go,nmSou1-at. ` ] _-` is 2 ~"_-gg _-._,` ,, ml~Y.`%r. iikk iinnniurv; nasunmltz. 1 mm ! _ _ some _one`: ,_ ` V, ewplk wxc suimpnt one? his `hair 1`-:1-. -Innhhnr hnnl-A -ihtni. 'Fire`-cnl1ck`e, ; and ,'eZ-water were thdmain fifcijsion of-ha. pilys. eryyfew, ,, , ,,,., V An. aiciousg-constz; 1e gt the`- 'r%n'1>;1-1; a `mine marl 3`.5*=tigg : tpnlincixggn .the.han'ds; ` bf_:unoRen ing`pit1zen;l`whom'h.eh iimulbed. . Tbs: v`e!e,ins*:*I11:2:n ..9..9.a= 3.. s4;aiz_,_t11_,`.s cfqvzhlk wic suicient`; I s,s.re'-`uni; go$*_bIa`pe.V gzegjgather boots iintof ` 2 *1 l~ ` _ ; 5 . .... .: 11...... ....;1 .. .........u .-:. n......:.. --r,v..--w -.-. -_:-9-,, VVe'/3'8 `M8-3'01 anti 9. nuncil ii: Ban-ie,"` ` t.h6Y'Irc0 I33 Tmrri-/v`W 7`3'. ` i?":':`"& a:"'T"1I$;na ii1fs"c `1?2"iii'~ `*1? " ' ing hen.'vy~ hq:m er( 61bs), 150:, Hairisbn, : .9&1:!0in;2ndMc dnald, 88 it 5 in; 8rd, Smith, 84 it 11 in; 1 _tb, Fraser, 8331: J.__1irg. Piilting li heihoc, .1 H!11!`,#0n,`_`5L3;;f53%_ in;.2nd,, foonnld,` . 9i:;= Bid`, Sinibh,` ft 2 ' 1;` Eraser,` 5ft 8 in, _'Fxre-c ') d1b`fAc:uion'o_f-b~l1:o. pily ,WQ'/`V23 {Mayor and ii: Ban-ie, M W130 5.17-aar_tiaey'1._1'n9 U9. h.<,W-!vwm'.: J `,.iicit1z'en`liound _ " 3'4 " ~'- '- a..ow_,;;o.,3=h.Ap0nnd gyrget or fa . gar e`n'x__n.Bn.rri9. ~ /...` . . . _._ based 9'! {ma ayj ` 9:: _ Lnng"i11I cl _\ hnauva in ' `;`.`,. ,:";'`E:?f.`%J:*`$: ?n2 ?7%?=`E ' ~' pmmictea tofapitajj ' against __t!;a.. Donnoi deoidalfpto wait my of the law fr; pgaordin If arr ` he ubpu d "visit ~ case had stung the mm, 9;: oflgggagilqgde` , . `- :p1u1xsr eti'o%t to 2. n `L on 36-26511 "'7"nna: "W'hl"h_ iertibn -2 '8!) o; -. :1 our 1 ' 9%!`- majtar afto ' ,Bq.:'tr2.m am} .'1`her In. x`, ag 2.:-I:- : ` yaique`and*g hxxt, Res`- ` ,% 1tn (N%,lV.`,`.1,`7` *;iz_\_s` taken` ware: Hn.`nme',' M. `, __ i their guinea. `1"ne ',.,_','B|.-o_wn_ dropped > ' .,b!.I .a-3.220 yard - ' _v., `and in a. style their oye_s,_.while taken` v;(a_:_e: _;*=M9Q1199h 3?`?--L 'a1k5wi'=`=' `terleating-L 0 how} 11 in.2i ew" L > govs. _ V . -water the` main vervfew. -.._.. ., ,4 ,.:.~....; ' P(ad5e.[1a.el[erxson 91,11` table. - n! a;9bi_`- Gammon- zf tvit.h.-,,-srxs- ~01 - .... . ~. Jnont astiienxg-:v.3?1}n satin: - and--&`1m'l.nhsr'.nf-Qitarery Barns, ';L'oI`o nto" a d`B1'a;dlorq,' Lacrosse: , tgbpijplnyed piatche . ynnd Barrie; got may with Toronto. lf-h 9h: _ ` ifm.` 5 . , ` g To'ronto heat Brad-; _ ' Ch. '. ` ~';':'`1V 31`i Me -,n.=%.:`s_ :m.fIv , x`.`i3; 9n eavjdailcp of `tall! _ mu: 94:1 391, _-~, .. , 3 in,` ui s'.=-in-~11}: __y.da.t.' by V adstung. mernbrs of bl: ` `ruigitsbbfitai. ;nixaN'r1o1'L}~ - _ , . . !_.__-m,__ -... . a1k.w 5 Fteanng-L, 4 _ boy2 ic, 1W. G`. Brown and i their '_ The ' la; `RI-nwn drnnnd if! = 3* ~. _ _y was `laid - unto, `n.rho at;. auntie ray to-A *3T 57 - ' ohfvh;;i?_ ' V n u~|4nc F: tea` =i`o_ tar asito non}: , art:-am _an.d nnfn anilll ant} " 3 g ypougpopgna syrup or nwovno-p.zm,u,. ,. _. A1513 ;* I'M! nnpbrlon ' ted mvdmmsg 91:4 ` "77 We - ` Nev JG v 7 . - - It you 3;:- a anezjg w%thel:~Iwl')'and depressor! ` ; spirits,1pss or a.ppa I':`ors1 debmty , dxaordeme _ > blood. waakoonstl ,~honda.eho or an diaeul-' . ' mo 11 na.,tua,p ` ' a.ne,try `mttle`o_!_ ? V stri 4516 .'.F.: du lhesurg drto as 3 . rmpfd in: y , c 1: pruuol :1./wsnw : nil! ted WWII`. 7" _ giltgniih = lH ' will return, pain :1 iaery will cease j 1;_i1_ce1ort}_)_ yp_u 1;w1_l_l_nj6lo!ua`inI3Vnc;r1`-a_:..iae of E e_o Einspired v'vuzh'1 1i:_4i-iitnnsh nndvinu. will return,/pa.ln ' nary L henceforth you wh-65925: lntncgrradae of}! ac n ' Bm:era= . Sal;i_ae any cents. by AJJJ gEugg1|:s'- , . ..g . ' . ' , ' " oc- 'mivb.dv1w~l:e Rev. A. Brqwning, nconded bi 7-L Siuons, Esq_., and unanimously car- , ed. 5Tht the ` memberrbf thin `- desirojto `ex 1-en their .veyIoo1.-dial I pie-` en ppm of 111?` chaiimin, 1116 Ray. J.` H ,`;~u'1d Wop`:-dy `_tha.t"!,1i,n 91..., may l_ns.b.,!9-9941.-:.:t9:;1ze.rfz,r.zn. whatexfe;-`wprk the chp"1-chmay uugn >hlIl_:|._V . P . (fiction,gfthq~OhIitiAnAkindueI'und_ uni- ' it hgnumz mgdjipg (:.tha`7uob1ut Vb! .0: .an,:I.nd therein: an mued so JAIMI; !39,E'F'=" r .I_ ` Lnuon;-ln.um 111: ch; eck; iaahnils 1.0" 1 in 'Bmdocl:Blood Blrlp Tum G;-at Blood, ` V :3 __:~-pnd System B.enovntor.- `I3. cures weer _m talus, dyqpepnn, Bao:!u_ln,. kidney 69111:` i _.;i:v:dd!Ihem BaBz:ov?t:;r.- `lgthoqrea mar , . yape u: on: us. :1 . - 13:31, lil;'d. ll amok: crush} lvamaiimpura zjqd, connlpnud bowalror tisordnredgnorn-_ poufri and the beat nervlne and tonic Jn gbe . 9: *_, 1 3 5 no- V ..'3'fl1. pAbpriam`rs ptulrlurdoolc -Blopd )3lMArI- \ the world Lopxjodlioe I guedlclne tha , , , toved a. mare wonderful nausea, or . enuals In to than n. peuod :; mg `I-ht, 91'. u.I.'H,1nr' nt.ad, _% . lg 99.19;, at ,. `marvels. :, %l}urdoak Blood Bit-ya '55 _._._. _ .. d I __ -7 st! whlpkcy ntirnig llm-,9! !|I:?HIl3 3-{,.g5`.i3-I" $.03! -I19 'd"v :1, (p{)`Ml ot.:ith_iMm` '1 .:.g"ant~"1>ug$ge$,_.` ,b1e_`llfe~glv1ngtop;q,:;;;;d . , 0! the sea . - r . B Livy! `blind, $013.9. -9! 'Wh!&!! L . t . r .a`*: *~n`nc..9n97- ='~ `*9. x- ` > .. .`l,3Vf{Q!3$!!'9}.: 13383 `"" "7" T3 9::: i -5pn5aam' L fa! m " i?b55viI obllxed"tb w1th- 9 ,movam; dea.ths',.&c`. . '1`he Benetanguishene mission, which haajbeen a claimant on the issionhry fund for many ye"a1-5, -haa ned so rapidly during the! year that tgog: ask .to` bu, p:med,upon. the lisfl: oi oircuif` . : thus !'eliu'qu1s'bing their=c!a.iu1~'ou the,- n n ' *u_i ngry fund. __f1`his ' lowing lat-ge1y to the :v__v,th- o"3fid1i;hd,`1:%gy`Having a yoqng ' ' ' 1:h_ia year.` _0l`ijt!i_"e fd_ia,t1-i,:,l:,362'Q` is miniM7er: 6t:: tri:'sl,`-'f.h ` v. J: R. jzci, nfzqr exsmip_atipi1 .`-gwno Lhelu-tily` ~ .. 9 r.vizas<=,ted--'.'_ ; , I-.iitl);* . _unaa ar.e,_1n_`%.yance of last yes 1', and l:he1:e__;` '8 3 D61: inqase in the membership; after .aapp]yink"3 deciencies occasioned by re- Lmovak; de'nth's ,. &c; The `Penetanguishene mission. hasbeen claimant V ;A1l;*,_ie. 4.=.i'n.isters; `an?! _ lxlethodisi; V Ii;_Va1z'c1:.'-p(- `Q_n.1`da_ was n"`0;l'iIIia`y.`q1i; the 8.th,and 19:12 ipgc; Th ch? ` ~ 1%? 1 1.? 3?"-'.'.': ` , e ' v., . .,.An , Th,oRev;" "tifuchan-was el'a'ct_ed V , , ;T!-ly.'w1igi&u' and nanciafifeo ofgthe EIe'v5'ei'al circuits and missions; ,wene..ve1,-_v,; izdtgragixf . , Nearly 111).. `EEG; - funds m,in%mce ofglutyaar, and thentegl 1 is imaease membership.) 5- Tm: animal meting Ptha ; 1!.eI,eth0d1'$ v, U. .I_ ., :'Fo1'.)11lPl . oTog.. rg mm`: Y5T6.?&.`.!!.ll! , ` lDis't1-let. nl '4: T1*m: ani:.1`ihaesgng _.=:ha7Ba:-n "EDia'ri:_:} 9f__.}i__fLI,et!1_od" ` I1 -'fpfQ_a1uda,waa 2 ` ~.V1Inter_ -mu elecedzuggnp azchsohdnx Ojunt'uiitl_9i' . . \....,, _. 6f"thefLntidixin:.5 . O 3` I > , .i$:uoug `Eaq.,`a.a_ thiayre _ ____ent-. I} c on the Missionary Con-nmitteei - The `.1oo1d"" _d"=thu1f.`- tho'- Fall 'Dih-ice M[eetimz,.be .held in Allsndale. It was g" nocme_a'>:nar.`- the` rut 'lJn;nc& in .be .held in I-2 the Rev. A. Brgwning, seconded Siuons. Esau unanimously 33:9}? Q lit.` 9!?% 31'"; mmdle Botblna and, .51 tmarvolgsz .GE>1`a'_Ai1`P 1'iho`In`t'!u-uduto: your: ham