Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 May 1881, p. 2

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. Jtlehxlg. 951%., ;,o,r twp-B` ' ` .qunn1'royido`ne will show. . _ , ~:= Mt. W."B. Ou1)_9n, in the courpe of his ` the,it6rQ;'unusllydpqIg, drain together a. 1 fair, dnyu beforg the l,'e, V Hews: the first -fonteri thebuding `outha morning of tho-`ra":fter ztho slum had been `given. o_ividon o,' aid ho_.rgnx'n-k`ed the -hdttn of. 'jus@;fy,.the_miin nding th:{t-ith'e re` wai or i;n.c endi'nry ori `n; that Dfepnrat-ions .Il$;:i must have i3 _eon made several days previous ,, _ . that evidence: pointed to Snmuelwright * ` tbs ~owx;ei.`j SE ft.h"q5` property, __as beingsh ` quthor of the re ; _a.nd thatjexcessive in-' I gurnneo wgs likely thgprincipul incentive 1`-0,.t11.iB.,a.l~iI.1 Other eades. , ., _' -. -- 1 The` accused win aiortlv nf wards taken.- snraneo 1_u;e1y th8_;`@1'lncX'pnl mcenuve ' othgx _ . , Thejpecuned ' ugitortly nfteigards taken.- { Iain"qIg6ody;:A]1'these_"parti;:I.11ar have been` 1` aldaned from v'ario`us`au'tlientic urces-and - in" custody; :A]1`these_`pa.rticu_lar `have been `l ldd v'ario`us`a_u'tlix;tic press-ant} are believed, to `be substantial y~.con-eat`-. LII IFIIBFDIIJ. Iauvnv ynl'bn:I.I_u:L unvv uucqa v'ario`us a_u'tlix;tic substantial y~.con-eat`-. J The accused. at the Police Court"vesterdaw :. I-sugar yru than re `dad; Sxib ' neat! t_a,-bn.l':i,'. gnnx .` _, Il.ll'C OE. -- '5' IV: have` `pvfnn any mrtinuhrs of th |I19!__._7ll! no pmqr course open for him but > cbnuuit tho for trial in aihigheq irt. . Mr. Idiapbthonupapvmndn application r.bail`,_-vlmt. his wonhip oould_nc_ot.`- _1n view of wgrnnqunurof thuvclur . the ra- ln!ibih!;y'o ` , ting the t 9 request.` The `"'.:.::..2 M-1 3:`; xzwam , ,- I ,. . 314 II E Bonnntl: main: hi: nu-ntiea. -mg Qritzsasags exam ":3 "ed Esra s. `VVright-5,` ner of the Bi1i1din'2` Dr.Zimmerm:m.W. ' Mozuinr N1anr s'P1w c?1:D1ia. \ ` i,l":Run' at l.1i2-,n;_e. object- s objec- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..u_, -/..,...,..uwo. ~ All the Right: TWP, Tn Le:-est, and Eqnir of Rademption,of the nbove named defendx. nuts, or of ei_ther of them, in, to or out oft11efol1ow1mzla.n_ds and premises situ- ate, in the Towruslup of Npttawnsaga, in the County of Sxmcoe-- that1a to say : Part of Lot number 'I`hirty-Four in the Ninth Concession, calxttririing Four Acres more oz.-1ens_; better k11o\v11 as follews : Com- manning at the North_ Easterly angle. of said lot, thence Southerly along the West side of Hurontario Street sixteen rods, thence Wos:erIy in a. 11:36 parallel with the Northern limit of. and - lot fort_v- rods, thence Northerly mu. line_ parallel with nrhhtario Street sixteen rods. to the 21- -u-ii Jl&lC, under and and by virtue of 9. Writ of Fieri Faciaa issued out of the Court of Queen : Bench, to me directed, igz a suit. - S. SAMUEL Ween & HARRIET Woon, his wife, .a........................;.Uefen,rlans.` A n u_; 'n:..1.4. rn: Joan GBEENKIELD, . - n V uouu-rv omzsmoos, Un -MONDAY um To Wm:-; {EIGHTH day of AU- , GUST; A. D., 1881, in the Sheriff's Office, i" the Court House, at the Town of Barrie, a the hour of Twelve o Oleck, noon,.wiH, a sold by ` T y uauc Auc'noN, under and bv a. Writ of Fieri COUNTY o1vf,SAruooa, 1 On - MONDAY T0 WIT-2 `EIGHTH dnv nf A TT- SI;1erif_f s Silo ofLands . Furtlmr particulars will hp furnished on an- pliczumn nntho Otcea of 'K`he Cn.uu.vliun _Pn.cllc Iltiuixwny Uonnivuiny, at I\v1'rmLren1 mud Winnipeg. . ` By order of the Bxfard, 'HAS. D;zI1 secretary. Montreal, April} 30th, `I881; 18 . .. 'EMlGRATl0_N_ T0 MANITOBA; ~ I mAND'I'l1E "' r\n' n;||-tn: AIr\l\-.-l|nAnl-p\-I- il/"[:7RSUANT [:6 a. Decree of the Court vot Chancery made in a. cause McDUFF vs. MGDUFF, the creditors of John -MoDu=', late of the Tmvuahip of Orr), in the County of Simcoe, who died in or nbolib the mouth of`Novembex;, 1878, are on '1' before the 20th day of l\fuy, 1881, to Send , by post, prepaid, tu Blessienxx-gx_ Lounb J, Lounn of Barrie, the Sulicitnn. fur the Plaintiffs, in the said Cause. their Christian arid Sur- names ; addresses and description ; the-full particulars of t.he'ix' claims ;'ur statement of` _thei_r accounts, and the nature of the secu- _ rities (if any) held by them, or in default t;JIereuf,tlxey will be per-emptorily egtclurjed izzom the benet. of the said decree; Every creditqr holding any security is to produce the Same before me at my chambers in the Oourt.House, in the Town of Barrie. on ` SATUI;lDAY, the 23:11 day of 1\IAY',/1881,: `at 10 o clock,in the forenoon,being' the time `appointed for adjudication on the claims. /'Da.t'ed this 2nd day pf Mhy, A. `D., 1881. (Hignerl) J. B. COTTER, I " Master at Barrie. 18~3ins. A ,,.......-.9...-n--" I e s'p!'agd' reputation as :5. . mge Builder, is a sufficient guarantee to those wishing to pmrohase--of securing a. first-clpsa article. 18-lin. I ` evr`1 cE TOOREDITORS 05* JOHN 1sg.oDUFF, DECEASED. i owis your time to buy. We art? instructed to .a.nnounce that MR. STE-' VENS, agent for ` . ` ---vv- v----- ----v--v or . _ E Toronto, willbe in Town NEXT WEEK, with a Larg Assortment of OARRIGES, 5: BUGGIES Fnr Sale. .5 ,r-5 *' V with Large Assortment & BUGGIES For Sale. __.o-4-s. . Council. ' On.notion moved and seconded, the Col- legiate Board were jequeated to fence in the school grounds, &c., in nccordnnc "with provisions of` grant voted for tlmb >pu_r- pose. ' , - - . = " The Council then adjourned for two W}tNTEDaYouth to work in Garden, &o . and },iva`iu house. Apblyto F.` E. P. PE1"LER,` Barne _ v _ ` 18 11195 refernce tdtherpetition of B." 'Nichol- aongyou: committee I consider f:.bs;. 1511'. Nicholson should lprocxuce. his 'a.sseK_xi1e.nt to wprkupon, ` _ . _ : ,. ;. 7 Your committee find. that ibis usna.1.for xp in order to give them pt-qpevr "grbi1_nd` = Purviiin the Chair. r . The objections taken to the Report were llt, that the appointmants of two paLhmns- tiers was unnecssury; 2nd, that `Mr. Mc- `Bride should have been re-appointed iri- atead of Mr. Bennett. The Committee, ho'wever,passed the Report wibhqutza.mgnd- ment, and it was ratied afterwadh by" this ` I ' .: Council. 1 ~ On nnnn mnve and seconded. Co F:,X.`-=Marrix3,"'ih3i`gen aeo't,..`... 1o 50 J.~Goodfel1ow,~-street watering. . . . -16' 02 C; 1M6:-den". wood for enuin. . .`. . .` ` 1'75. ,owprkupon., '_ `E committee nd ibis aa.'Einancc`(1ommibte"co fgrm the Court of Revision, and teffure would recom- mend that they act upon said Court. The Report was adopted. ' Report adopted. ' V ~ _ ._ , ' The Reeve; as-Cqiairmnn of the Board of ` `. Pu:-vis, chairman pro tem. of Indi- L 7 -gent CommiJ;t.ee,;1-ego!-ted relief ambqntging, . '-to $55.50 from 18th March to 18th;Ap;i:lf, Reeve; udhairman the Board Public `Works, presuited the follb ' _ ` ` Your Oom%':.Itee,_Eave hid three ten {:3 V for the `ante "g"-`*e` vD1ml'op a.n'd- 0 n - streets},-~a.nd 1f.-eg reedminend thatthe cgntract be awarded to J ohn Goodfellow , as` he in as low auhhy of the tenderers; be`- ' 2- week for the work tendered for; mg 89 Pa , Your committee further recommend that. two` athmaaters be`a.p inted, and that" Joe`. cott be appointed or the `spent divi- aion and John Bennett for the eutdivision. ' Your Committee also further recommend that two culverts be nt in, ozie on Kem- penfeldt street and on imld-Itreet. And.- your committee further recommendthat` the pathmalteia undertake no work with - out orders from the said Committee, ' nn mntinn the council went into Com- said Committee. On motinn the Council mittee of the Wholc on the Report, Mr. Purviiin Chair. ' ' ` ' The bbicons Report t1;e.n ac'ljn1r1ed' fV(r)l` weeks.` - - ,, . _A " ` J .~ Go_odfe1low,~- street: wauergug 0; Mloz-den',.wood .501: engine. .ACAJl(i3lAl'\-l?wli`l3~RTHWEST. ., Silo of l`._.unds. AcARfR_fyEs. Tdtal. . . 'Ma.,wM;. mxuu. 3. -my-n.-cw-nu us-r . Plainti , -$6366 1:; rant; gepaxr.-` - _ .` Tunas AHD Ooxmmo or %_S4x,,zg,-Tha property will bu sol:-],.ix`L two , 1.! !l_1,bj_a_ot _to a. telerved bid on each pa . to ha ? in ~_tho hand; of the auctionegx at` th may 9;; 4: .-~-. ' ` 1' V. ' Barrie, * `The be of l:hreg1'ough-1: in, fair; yepair; _T` nu) O laum ngsga. ~ . This pr , (arty is advantageously situated in 3,130 ~bu `nan: locality m the Town of Bu-ri_e, .`Theb ' ding: are said to cnnuiat lshreq-1-ough-,oa.a qusea with shop front: I in fair: rennin-.' in full repair. - ` ' PARCEL _2.--Tha north westerly part of Lot number` 62 on Bay eld ptreef, In the Town of Bar;-ie, aforesaid, also known :1: t 62 on the youth` side of Collier Bit 4: more pertignlarly described .in the nidfn tgsge. ' Thu D rtv advantaeously situated This property is situated 8 miles from Shayne: ; Vigo, P. 0., is on the adjoining lot ; about 35 acres urn cleared and t for cultivation ; tho balance gimbered with hardwood ; soil rich clay loam. The lot is said to be well-wa.teted, drained and fanned. The building: are said to ponpint of. Ioghoule 22:24 and a log burn 18:50 in full repair. ' 2.--The horth westerly Dal.'t`of ` ._ `...,_....N, . PARCEL 1.-The snnth half of the west half of Lot number Twenty in the Fourth Concession of the_YIfa_wna_hip of Fina, in,.t:he_Oounty of Simcoe, containing fty acr_es more or less. of ao.le,und- in payment of which defziulthaa been made, there will he anld by PUBLIC AUCTION, nfrtlxe BARBIE HOTEL, in the '.[`()WN of B.-XRRIFI, on SA-TU RDAY, the 21st {lay of DIAY, J88],/zrt 2 1. . M., by MR. JUSEEH 1}.0GE.l{S, the following valuable ptocrties : . mu , ,n u,n- ,p .1, `LVUJSK. '.L U..N- ;tuw_1uIcrs Uh` asauw . contained in ccrln mortgages to He vendors which will be pporlucerl at tly) time I of which defaulthaa made. 1 UNDER ?rELF.f1aq\vEn`s 09 SALE 1. `contair1_ec`i ccrlfrun ,,,,-n I 1 ,. ,.a._ _, .u_. L:_;_- `[**MoR'rGAGE sun] Township of Flex am`! Town of Barrie. In the County of Simeon. _ 'rABMANB Tj1`}{N VPHUPEHTIES LgU1\9'r .9; LOUNT, ' ` '\7'nn:1nvv n gm" .tora, Barrio. / Dated at Barrie this second day of hfay, A. D., 1891. ' .. -. -.` I-II\rwur|<-U-Ilvs tions of the Uonrt of Uhanoery. . `V Further articulnra can be _hn.d from Mesaiex1x's IuUAvRTI-IY. BOYS J: PEI - LER, or the um1u`rsignq_d, Vendor's Solici- .tors, Barrio. nr.4-an nf. `Rum-in thla nnnnn r]n.v of Nrnv. 1 Master. - ` Ti.-:ItM:5 !--T011 par cqnt. of _purchaso money down at tho. time" of qu.Ie,the `balance within one montllvuhoreuftr, with interest at the rnte of 7 par cant. I In a11'othur roancots the Terms and Con-. -. 1199-1.1T man. for iaveflfiaatioxi Bu; politiciil . ..`;ar.z. the asmd A pubhc proggoutor ,1;-i91ml. .i1[3- ; ina. ant ...B!lIT19F,8i`:i0D'z M onjd, in -the.rIc jgggtanbe, 'to:-tl1a Govegnment, my 9i|.`.3"'3`.`.9.!95 L aware Ltspio i=i4o1<.=.own.u.1d' - Iii .o,b.l.is9 an :1 ' at the rnte of 7 cent. goapcots ditiona of_ safe will he the standing cond1- ` tions of the Court of Chancery. ` . narticulnra had from` containing one hundred acres more or less. PARCEL No. 2_.-'.e ,weal: half of lot ,nnmber Two, in the tenth ccgnoesaion of the said Township of Oro, containing one hundred acres more of less. Psrcel No. 1 is unimproved. I Parcel No. `2 is a. well cluaretl f n ; ex- ` bellilt soil and well watered : an is in Vin 1m Lidia.te vicinity of a. church, school house'.n.m1 post nfca. . < -There are gjgnnd rondsq to Barrio xmd. ' Orillin, from. tho uid property. The pi-opery will be gbrcd fnr sale sub- ject to n reserved hid oue_tic;h of the said parcels, which has been xed by the said Master. ' : 'Pr.-xur~x-__'T`nn nnr punk. nF nnrnhann -muses inrtwo parcels : PARCEL No. 1.--'.'[,`he went half of lot number Eight in` the aevehth con. , of tlie Township of Om, in the County of Simcne, containing hundred less. 2.-'.lhe weal: the 'l.'OW`.N of BARBIE, on B.A'.l'U1{.UA . I the 28th day of MAY, at the hour of 12 ' o o!pnk, noon, the following land and pre- -misias inrtwo parcelsi Pnzann 1.--The UR.SUAN'l.`T') T1:L|`.} DEUHJSE MADE in a. certain cause uSMoDUFI4'vs. Mc- DUFF, and bearing date the 4th day of- vsaA~pril,-A. D'.. 1881, there will b , sold by nqd with the approbation of James Roger- ,Iqn.Cotter, Enquire. Mater of this Court at Barrie. at the BARBIE HOTEL, in ,Iq'n Cotter, Enquire. Master at this Uourl; Barrie, the TOWN of BARBIE, on SATURDAY. I-.h'A 991+}: rlnv nf NIAV5 nf. thn I-lnnr of `IQ n VTO :WNSIf-.%-5 or 0110.] (::`HAN0ERYI.s;xLE -o1r VALUAD -- ` .FA.RM PR;OPERTY Vendor's Agent Barpie, 4th of Lizzy, A. D. 1881. 16-31115.. UNDER and by virtue of Power of sale I `contained in a. certain Mortgage, which ] which willbe produced at thetime of sale, . and upon which default in payment has` ' there will be sold at M.'O_Bg_. __be6i1 ma`. e, ` R W' A. CTIONRO0MS,iu the 'i OW.N ~of BARBIE. in_ 3:319 County of Simcoe, on ,YLE1)I.'ESuAY,the 25th of MAY, 1881,at Twelve o clook,noon,the following valuable La.nd,Wa.ter Power Saw Mill and Premises: The South half of Lot number Eleven !19=.i,l,3!l 9f`f$1l.-.3 er-M logiepl `V S-'4?` -'P9`6' ax ,c1.=o eazh,r.~t ' Mill and 1'1-emlsesz The South (11) in the Foilrth (4) Concession of the Township of Tiny, in the County of Sim- coe,.a.nd Province of Ontario, containing One Hundred Acres,more or less. Twenty acrcfs nro cleared, upon which is u._ good. Water Power Saw Mill, capable of cutting 15.000 feet ner dnv. - Water Bower Saw 1! 15,000 feet per day. ` 7T1mMs.-One-tenth of the puvchase, money to be paid down ahthe time osnle; fdi` balance, terms libex-:\I,und will be made ` k-flown at time of sale. For further particu- lars" apply to , JANIE53 EDVVARDS, r`.nnvnU:)nr`l\1`, Rnrriu. [Latest Designs from t e Imported nresse`s; unu uvuuxu Ia IIIIIIU Bull Il!D!I'I IIDOK `:80 ; ` " mos;-I-%1vI?'1'1a1Ac-1:Iv1=.:iS i1a.uwig? ex? /had ti}; pleasure to Lexhifbit-. _"l"ha nnh`.in an rasmaetfnllv invited to coma and no 0111' nboak. Nn trn`nI-:1: !b`l3-|nIv9nndVn,_'; Ariurly Iauu wuU\w VI. vux` DJ. L\n.I..L\\.x bJJ.vuLL unu untnvvu - nu-.suu nun u nu u 'vayuoo-nuts uuugu `MILL & FARM PROPERTY; -AUCT{_(}`iI____ SALE { of Power of S;zle I 1. __:n L- ._..._::.-....l ..a. nun 5:.-n AF nah: EaS:SMA KlN G _ M6 Cai'thy a Block. Barrie, `March 81st, 1881. ) URSUANTTO THE DEGREE MADE L um JJ\IIJ.\.L Vendor a Sqlicitors. I/SNI;(')W`jOp;Ir1'-l1I;dH(3* the management of miss Arinstxjbhg. a may c`f[%Extensi*e'V . .;,gty.E;,;g5_grience, and to` whom we, can. condently recommend the public. ._:m;"` ,' ' -i~_ . 1 , bi - . r ` `L, ._ Niny` izhe wiiote of our SPRING srooxh has arrived, and naming mu beet; npt ,. - S - 4 _ // L The Stock of D.`MoDoNoELI-. {vulba offcrtl to the Public for n fmv weeks at nexu-Xv HALF PRICE. ' ` " ' Miss 2; took advantage of: W.. A. M. MURRAIS & -Q-`,s A 9 ' V ; , K L W ,,., .. ~--- ` A-.~ 'n-cu-<..v\ . vv 1- . 1.-no-u .--rntiw` --n~r tyran- L. IT` LI LJAS. HOLBROOK AGHT J. n. COTTER, _ Master at Barrie. .L`U\lJL`?s 11:1) wAn.u.~4, Conveymxcer, Barrie, 1 ' Vendor's Ageulz. A T), `IRRI. 16-3ma.` k D.'ItIODONOELL will be oxfcred to the for a few weeks at nearly PRICE, 18-4in. --, pg.--I I Or 0. 9, hair,-pm S ,... ~.-..-..- _.v _, _..--~ WILI} make her 1-egular tri `n `baa. lemng Oobo ever!.m"8 `S Q;-um T H .5` 9 " k n r',3 t odnnoothij Bu way (ulna {tom ql Y1 k nk, ,u,.m Rochester with the NGV. " _ an L.k,ongu.;,, 093h' *1`d 3' - - wn J: Ogdenbnrg Division of the , Q`. , . . mun,` ngnwny for I o "_( n of BETUBNIN - M} ~,,,, 3..., Bochgater) daily 3 an I _>_,-p.In.n_ top: dsyu; ban she WIQLIOIVO ut.;p.__ ' V , EIJIE fx_il'PI_3i- ,7 ` V , - ahnsnnat mud` d"'-?x'xl:::'t?.hV T". .T;"'?i'*""3f*.= Ii"-::.*..;:.;:.'* `::.'.`:.'.`'.`,*`**--*` ma ex _ us h 0 IV New Yurk, &o.,-$99. _ 98?. I` \I I.I \J.l-n -" monauvron-3,. hr-v trips Ooboxu-F everyjxzotnlng 2 7 9` Hope o'c oak on Qrrlv_alq~_; -ihdzeniunzniatsg tie E./m4u_a`aw.=as,u= unu.-I. L; In; Iju IIUUIIEO I in Commencing on \Veg1u`euda.y, 20t.130f April, 1881. "I'Ll Z `I'2 A IRE ?! biiifiis TnrE_HsTn Oommcnclmz oi: \Ved.n'ecfa.v. 20t.hof Am-ll. mm . _;Thcra isu. gr-naE_1nnny Local .-Uhletica whose nmm-:4 will Appear in the IIBXL Issue. \Vithm.It doubt txhfs will be the most Mam- rnputh Tuurxxurnient evgr seen in Ajnerica. For particulars see posters and 151-ogrmmnea _ w ` E. W! A3` (`)~1:1-BTON. D-'C- ROSS. Prov- R. I, R. N . HARRISON. Toronto CAPT. J10. ALEY, New York. 4 M. MoD NALD. Toronto. A. C. REID, Chica o, 111. WILLIE. ROBERTO . Phila. `M. D. MURRAY, the Boston Giant, Boston, Mass. Fr]. A I.RTo11?'F1' "'nrn'nO-.n k ' I 1 ;._ * . - ` V I _--`1`ha public an respectfully invited to some and no out Itock. _,Na Ironh!o Va; uhowgooda.-= wxbh the Enot-o _of all the Athletics that take .:\rl: in She gamea. One Grand . P IZE . `OF $200 WILL BE GIVEN THE 1831. \Uu%...J`LJN'va n Ill`-I-K)" --FOR- Running.` W`restling Jumping Vaulting. Dancing, Walking, `Throwing Heavy >Weights.&c. &c _\ (!......-A A:....!.... A: `nr...:..I.. .... x:n..L:|.:.:,_ _._-v..--.a ._u..qv_, It v,._,..u-.n..-u- uuv A Grand display of Rfednls on Exhibition with the Photo of all the Athletics that rmrt fl1e'zm.mei. One Grand $7<: gg*;sOR;:>R|zEs\L I _ #A%E2`/tic Contst, [BAE:.E:E, 24211 MAY InIa1*n9Iiui?1 uxann, nosuon, .lV1a.:33. Ed- ALBERTI, Toronto. 0. BLAIR; Simcoe. _PRANK SMITH. Toronto.-_ 0. WARRIOR, Toronto. V IUIHJG KIIOWH I15 [I18 ume DI BRIO UK` on HP` plicution to he undersigned. For furtfi ,'p:u-t.icuIu.ra`npply to the un- dersigned `at `Toronto, or to Lfesarn. Strathy 8.; Ault, Barrie. - Hnwla1y],A1'nu1di &LRyersou,. ...a.._1_ :4 .1:_u_._.. m- _..-.`.- _ WAIT /S Homcnophatic Specicsi. CureLoec_t.ud by them are_ .1-udlcal and can- the Vendors slml} not bebound to account ,g,px-oduce ox-`show or prove the contents of any deeds documents or evidenceaof title not in their possession, or Furnish [copies of the ammo, and shall not. bdboun'd_to furnigh an abstract containing unyifurflier particular: than are contained in a. Regiatrar s ubngnot .of title. Thu nnan nnuuihinuu nF .Q-.1.a will Inn .sUl..ll\BU naaolu H IFULJ-IUD. Cures oeulud by are radical Ialn. They do not. cure one discuss and pre- duce an other. They w1u\cnre 3 larger par cantnzdor caaeu and in less Itlmo `tlmn.,_ani medicine k..own. ~40 nnmbeh, each number (or its apeclni diseases. 1': your drugzlu doe: not. keeplhem. any number wlll be sent. by mail on receipt otprlce, 26 cents. Bend Ior circulars. Address Wait Homoeopathic Med|'- ~ cine Manutaclory, Arnprlor. Ont. xs-. .of title. The otl1er.conr'litiuxL=s of Sale will be mmle known at the time of sale or on ap- .narticulu.rs`m)pl_v Date , Vendor : Solicitors, Tovrniito. d 29:11, Ap iu, 1881. 18-Sins -._ 11 the. -399 nit or its exnien ' _gr._mth'9f1gnl V " farsfsuienel ` ?'_19~rhapa._,an}: - bring? aka, ' on arrears. . Each of the mid mortgages to contain all i the usual co.vennntn,provisos`u;nd conditions jnjhovform of mortgage taken by the van- ' ' darn to secure loan, and 9. covenant for in- surnnoe in the North British and Mercan- Insuranca om any, to the full insurable value of the bui dings. The balance of the purchase money of the] buildings. The balau e purchase money each parcel, over and above the said 10 per cent. there , and the said 8750 on parcel No. 1, and 800 on parcel `No. 2, shall be paid to the yndora their solicitors or ageuta, within thirty days from the day of sale with interest at 7 per cent. from the said data. . , Unnn nml.-inn the nbnva navmentl and said date. ` Upon making the,above payment: executing the mid mortgage, the purchaser shallhu untiblud to his conveyance. 'l`he Vendors shnlj not bebound to account 2- nrnnnn nv-'nhnw nr nrnvn the nnntentn i sale. The purchaser x'~.zv.ll a.!:- the time of sa.1e'pu.y to the vendms their solicitor: or ngonta,10 per cent. of the purchase money, and of the balance $750 on `parcel No. 1, and 8800 on `aroel No. 2, shall remain up- on mortgage or n. term of ve years with interest yearly at 7 per ognt. and interest I arrears. '/ A115 vu nu,.....-.nu.._y, .,u,_r`r us up THE STEAMER j (J U1J12`.V S' III I.`1[ DA Y. tbok &f_(_)f',S 7+_.._oN TUESDAY LAST, TO GET 91-im` GREAT I H !. nsvn nun ffIn1a1pInnsI1iP .,,;s.u}v.ic,n; "ii 13.1987.-me `liar. .,me.n.b. ` T 1.11.2! `--bf a`rnx.riot.N.m.t. is aaygzipad. 4,1iel'W.it.h,t;e' % I88]. iv . 'ornws1;L'!`m;odx. 9172:2209 s1i,gg3_Tg.; V igxxnrnnnnrxi is 7 For Circulars and ftI f the above Dru ! istqa:-'1. I ` IIAZIJN MORSE Mnnutctut-inn c emlst. 57 Front St. I. t `g 1-lAZEi\l7.: D.-Anna`: In nr-an edAs.p'.1:;"`i v If you write for inFurmntion_ to any 6f the person: whose mnnal I pl\bliah~mad wish u} raply I g ' ` inolole I aoont ntam to thorn ~ ~ ~ ` ' ,- For ('7irma1xu-- and fnpu.-- .... 3 :1... .L..... n_..._-:-;_1..' ` -uuu uuyluu , JIIKUFIUIIC IEJOKIOII SDIBIIW DON'T FAIL to read TESTIMONIALS PUBL Odessa T E Pnmorny, Tweed I .:..n. salnlun uunnv1_ue./ ` N I Snider, : J- M G9:"'-9.7; Delhi. 0 B Alliun, Pinion _ Goo Wilson, Tuaton _ W- O. Nnblett, Dundu. Wm Lellio, P M . Punlmoh Thou Scott d : Snn,\Vond_It00k -Tm H- Rose. Dunbu. R H 21., PM ,'PhalpIton Wm Bow, Weak. W incheator W H Crookor, Water-down ' I Jan. Ed nda, Entwood. , 8 Elllson, Port Perry Pu-khill J B Dale, Wynming , . r. V John Sooou Alex. Purdy, MID. Eu uin. Ox'lnond& Walnh, .otez-box-o J Paterson, Winrmu. . J.U.iOlemonu :1: 0o. , Dundee W A Great), Wake:-`ton -7- R. Dnrgavi], Eln. W. J. Thompson, 'ngn . Robl:.Wightham,Oweu8onnd Than Ouminea,` \Velh'md Ju` White, Woodfank ' V W. 3' Lugs. Gait. . JR Dawson, Ompnh` , W. G. Smnh :9; 00., Guelph. Thou Bhnvonlom Orangevitia John Toorupnon. \ Voodfm_-cl J. 0. Munro, Grantley. H F Mouth, Ottawa. 8 W B Smith sk 00., Whitby- da Outta;-,Rid awn W T Bray, Win hum ' G. &J.4. Brenton, Han-hon. Buy: 3 V A. Hnm|l,ton&Oo.,Hamilton Lum on & Wilpou, Bosarh W,.D I_:Imtou, \ indudr; John Gayfer, Ingaraoll. Hiokuon &B1oudell,SnafoI-th ~ `:` . I'BI'Y'|7| .1: A 3 ~v\': usu- nn\1"n `DA TI`. 4... _.....I malamrntnxtr A r :1 rant)! fun mn :_ .\ `FTTW "_;`.,: 'Whioi17pr`nqu`l ixicy"- ,*l. / J. l5.U:unpboll.1VI.D. Belmont A.L. Green, Belleville. J. 13. Bernard. Breohin. W. Graham, M. D. Bruasell. J . F. Williams, Bradford. Geo. Brown. Brinnley. . ' ' Jan. Stork, Bolton. H'h Fmae:-,Bnlluck a Oornert O.F Ounnulman, Ohestarvilie. Hydon cf: Ryan,0amdoh Eut John Harris, Oaledoxh ._ M. Williams, Ctomarty. Estate or J .W.Ln.pum,Ooptreville J.0. Bright, M.D. Ohnthsun. J.F. Smiths Dunnvillep Garvey, HI J05. Edmnndn. Esnhunn - --vrnl J"' Dr. A. .. Tnylpr, Allenfordc J.E. 1\TcG:u-vin, ot9 n- Wm. wy1ua.,.A,<: J. B.C:|I:11)boll.M. D. Belmont Green. me lnw przoo of 25 U1m'1'u marge home.` Kunwmg its value, from the reputation it ucquirod in she U,nitud Slaegg,` away, with the kind assistance of tho fqllpwing :lrugg,i\ntq,_,~pvx-:~ "0,000 _ with the beat results. 1 will public): a. few of tha`great.~mau' testluxoleal 1 l ` nextisgue nf this Empar, read them. _ .. ' . " '_ Any of the fa lowing druggintn can Ive you information an mmplea giv'on n. can always nupply you with the but Re ief, eta. . `~ ` 1 _ .1, ulnar Ultjtunz PAIN. . at _ ` V . V - , TWICE an powerfui an any1mown remedy, FOUR time: as quick in its action. sold It the low price of 25 CENTS (large bottle. ' '. Kumnmz value. reputation acmrod United SIama.[ hm-ca. alum Ivujlnj I U.IIIC `fmljlji A fnvprite preqoiption of noelabratod New ark Phynlaish` fur the IMMEL)I.~i'1`E RE. ITIEF OF A L PAIN. 1 TWICE as nnwarfnl An nnv `knmivn rm-hadv. FOUR. ms as nnink in in nation nn1;1`-Q. / wnosm Anvnnrlsmanmfr WILL APPEAR HEREIN NEXT wmngg, IIIOIOII `For further iniu ZEN MORSE- Iinnnfhol u 1.5---.!\li.I!lN'l`Bg II ,0 " &PERIAI; HARVE1'EB- IMPERIAL HARYESTER! ngh .nuna . ` In-|.I'ucuuu'I Powder!- 0du1l.Pl"Il5QIlO`lY;'='l- . I-_ tIIu""I\ n 4-A--` I I ma DobiJity,- I-emu. ampn_unt s; an-9m1a,"_ ,1:;.i.: A Rheum. and ovary Ipociu Disotdered Liver. toxnaoh. Eowoll drldoid. ~ ~ i 111: am? nnnn-nlulmun `mum in 11:: unmn . .1 .}. i?*~3am*~ of,-tter! nu HIV Nlvlial. Nlnnumcturlnn chemist. Front St... Ii. ` 1-lAZEN S GARBOLl9`_.l?E)}_3 so;gL3`% T. 91.- `n..-L ....l.. 1: ......l'.. 1.- uaauuuvawu autos. canon`; uvvusuun. Ultwvai UFBIUIIIB . `V I we IE8`! u.oon"I'unImuo `tom ut `I11: umn; .- L -1 Innulolhulo. loan `I.-Illllll.U..3.ElllI1l.WIIll. R:In_Illo. Glob ,1 --y-`y---can Icinthaohqapailiuaqhhoovau-_oac-oaeothoxnaug.` -- 1: run no gqual. snql urn:-y lial!` wants. us. pa:-clanlu-I I A: nan unnaua | -.....|--... t\...a.....:- LI : 135` CI WC!` UVQIT IQUKIUW VVCIIIC, "1 I"\ll' [ICIWJIICIIIU U GLOBE WORKS. London. Ontario. ` N. B.--AEN'l`8. 1: you wan: to son `he amen: machine xuadc. no and [PERIAIA EAR ' / 1 that sudgnonay any gun to make tfzin mason : stock the " RAVE R BB 0 3 ~ .~ MORSE S PAIN ,RE:iEF I-nnninltinn of A nnlnhrntnd Nnw Vnrlr phi-InInn' fur than TMNTR AT A THIS smom HAS BE_E1*I'TA"I{.EAI5.i..I!.' V `J \r1II3\r1l% Is the But. only 16 cents for -tux-`Cake. `Mr. Ijsolawxqv TI," n " . no " ,:4;y';-/zsy; _ . w uueuor, uapunao W 8 Atkinnon, Oshawa N F. Snider, Odessa C B Allinnn. Pintnn M. Wedyic GeoOra1g, ` Wnnn z. 1'." \7aIai.1I?3zi,"' 663%: ' S. 8. Christian. Manchester. Lnwnunn &. Hndamlhnhnll, 5. ll. Uhltlll. nunoheltor. ' . Luv:-aion & Hodga,Mihchall. 1 L. F. Ballast, Murriuburg. . W W St.ephon&Oo.,Meafn"rd M Wed:-ick J |., Natinooko Geornitn 1&0)-th Gown! 1 an H uultunu It , 5` Ian GeoO|-aig,` orth Gown W SDetl or, Nnpu-nan Atkimon. Oshawa I Rube. Mellis, Ki pen. mam. raxmn, nmlougn. ; \IoGroo &San r.Km` ' imeon `\zVimott ai:a:r:x-u,1.K1: ( J. A. Hacking. istowel. ` J W. H. `Brney , P. M. Millgt-ova .1 A. Vanlaux-"en, Moscow. J H. H, Oh!-i:tinn_ lfnnnhn-hm '1 G. Sum-a, Jn. Jordan. \ 0` N.O. Polaon &,Cn.,KingItoin Robt. Faxton, Kinlough. Mellis. Kippen. omuu.- IlIll.*1.lliIl"lI. or ollulilii-`r "-T If E... V` an-nus. " 95371.03--iitnnlno 031-! with -wuuuuaou)o.n.vua "ho-dnnow 1.1 V _ , . .-............;-:.'=..::e.<,-.3-*3: S C (I uuul-, IVIIIIIE III Fl|U1II' rrmntion 5 ply to any of Dru`: .ista[6;-'1, urlmr emlst. Front St... l\m.-n .ii"wANf &Impar:._T his-Ind":-:30- h . . ,'..4, ad 5-uuupu-xnnurvu B"L`I' sn1:1)'i'n :1 -,`_u;a,.,I I rmsT Ann` naturist IAEAT-FLAVIJURINB % In STOCK: \30uP8.` .L- mntqnsnss 8: sAus.` CLU'l.`I0l.w-Glnnlno 031.! ul . EXT}-':AT' 2 OF MEAT nnrsr um nuirnnrnr use Clark, l ~1\1., '.l`roy W. Va/nduuon, `Turn ' T E Pomorny, '.l.`w-and Geo db Sm: . VVond_|topk- 'Wim:hator Wnterdown \. f J - | V6'nkm-{on I Welland II` White,.}VoodmIl: I. John Tourunaon. Woodfor.-1 .l'.l'nylor. Sandfnrd`E ` " n J Ham_|:`1e_v, Sirtd .` Jan` Coopdr, Snut!?'i3a_7 , . Thou E Allen, Stevaulviijq f . LivingItnne.`d2'Cn., Simcogl V J RBond. Sohombn/'3; . ` L W JIO Naftel. 'I`ho{:IxilL W '1` Baker, `Even an., - G/Thompuoxl cf: Co. ,, ilanubutgw Geo Clark, 1 . M ., '.l`roy-" - Vuuduucn, 4' W 15 gsnndcrg. S! , Wm -'Ju1mnton,,8 it 'E; : GH Doulter, Q1393 ETnylor. Sandfufdi " ` I Hamlilev. Sirtvin. r ` ~` H J&>i3th, fscpri{1g'viL'e - . 3T'Spf`iI'9g8f1:_il'1Irz$, E"Mu nnq Emit-hjtield \V B Sm`: erg, S! `mm V , Wm iIi:"B_' "1's aU1r."?r `cilia `I , . iotvuihdilana 1- prsjudibulxy at th'cal ii: imenuj * and we hog; an Impnti-1tnnl`awnit9T . e. 4 >`tn,ut 1:119 `prbinmod mi -uder ~ in 9,: gccue_d., . he evidanag in __Ip_1elyaimun1- iztantial, pf .oogu'u;,a but `jtf ig; qiugnlagx-ly p0i.nt,ed-~`5til;`*iDl19Bnt jpeopla-; its vary 1 atsen tbs Vviatizes 9!. syn uqtmnng-ta opin- hination 9f"9',J39!iII.Il,l'lt!1!nItl .. M " 9Z9 .191:-y`!.9!ir:in9sbli!hinz: hi.-=imta9`sn:.s. = . ,b_:.I.t.:w8' hope; ngvsnzslaping-.Vthat nu`-.~ . 6 ~ =a;v.il1b9;9;.hA-uvnig. mvot Med; at A ' 41:9 cxtnusum 89115-9992 31 " be .II1l.o.whd cm ministry` mtb. /Bhasanpninionn unending . ,. ..,-,. -.._.-..-. [1 r.1'r!9,_d-. x.tI',>II' hob, /.5-f.er`qprfu -in%"p'?a$ n" by a.Gu:`on,9l' _ 4 . ' _ , niurrbeon j igstened bnthev prop;-xeor.af~Athe encnng_er- :d`1JfP3 t7- = . ' L - ` - h.g.a l&_r`;IIi,DS' l|1D_eB#I1DnOf1DQ_l! res hag tbsp; had a. gheck il_l.`v1il._j0B _1!1)i!Il9Dt ~ his mail ~ It smwounhws ta nd .n.n-`old, resp;o,t.ab>e mad L-gpn.tablyl1oneat citizen charged with; no graze 1.! 9:21:29. W9 should be :losth to apeak::~.in thn,,lishte.u="d6gree prsjixdioially of thga`oue $4: In pragenbd. 9, ma have Impmzinl tnawnitq T e[ 1; 69mm ; ,1f.Nus.nsu_;9y '_,-Is.U1Ir8. 1! _ an .2131.` 91' z'an_pw,,s 3 or was scan- I T ~ nm 3113 mmclmnn ;9i`:1An ` , , V ' " ' J ` V` K N V, `Ba flag. pl! -.-v-r- .'v*.-.-----7",` '_v 352-`: J "'.I"`<|4l4-4| u Luna, 1 ms was N9" %:z;:;?<.:.:2.A ' 3-51999 R13"`1'~~ d.9 -T?;g__ Mjjor pg-eaented a.` qgmmunicatiun E? 1-3,-3Pr'~'mk" i" yin` ft!!! Dr. Oliver; tb coroner who con- :` *1 mm" n 3`*nr`th `hot! and by up Aiijidfid tho inveItig&tia'n,.oIayd last Tues. b`5'31.-`9"'9-1-" 'v "'5!U -'v' 'd the ennui of the late re in the d "90 to wblh fpggcuiy` 9!i.lIremileq, asking that steward of 1)`! V, ..e t0M -$1.111 , tvzg copyition of'l;he4paI'_#_i':r Hglwarties aettig` 'iv1l1,,_s.i7,o hn.I1P3!ilinio,r999' 3,f,? ..?."n;;""`."a:...`r`I. ..`1i .'u.:..:..`?. .`Z.'. I,.Lr`3 Qtf`-` Ib" 99", pbnimsbg mg 't1_|e _payn'_n3nt of _thgt; sum rod fin` the apprehension and * ` 1 Pfbbibiliiu no int tho 0 _ ' gion` 4?.K.'.nslTtD,.I`35'A,4llA_;1gh'iIIo.t 9,-sue : , II-.- `ot 'lul.. 9f ?'?,i`3`9!ll, balm` up an` amount; 'o`h1n`lu[:nwn` detgrminption to ma.ko"n.n nl_:- t!.i'"`s3} tha rotten ~oyIts.r.n of permanent, _ , iontwhioh 1'n.,1.3l`9I.Il; I|_3_ritain.- hyypbo '19 of ` _ Vpregent day lhuuld bg Im-9oe.ip.T of incgmen Iran! the publiq tread- o 9.l,li.I9- deasi-dew) by an 311- . chtbr sexeral*sen1eL:ntiona ba.c1;;is-diicu1c 3!=,.6`-e$P1ninrto~`a/ ` .5166! -people` in.'s.;.utili-- ,;aria;,r'; _g,1n identuof `Brm_i,h.ugh : ' ;1n!izi,c_ality'dq.o;n`no: A t8:l.",hB fact 'tJin.(=~` chose PBJ|!OlJ_ n1_1e- 510: dnl pa! etratedvatz the expa'n9o$ `#129 r.a.a$.ep'pyerA.;o. . Gryau-_ Britain . ' 21' Rr:;gidmh@`bf M:-.iBIa.l_Le n'1naritinie. ll thau" I . H _ . die ~ier"hi4I.:`s `. 4A4 _ + gmd -Wond~,. . , taddrns A vim, Gas-t0wn.~_1". _dTexi~/at ' hi; .m":t- V.agd::ass.. 1 .4 Ha : will then` visit Ga -to2.LF.z'9:1.9riol'5ton -Wood-~ ' stock. 9 ill then.prqce.erl t9 St.Sm- g1,1`9'n,`9nd .35, . ,x:{Ipg`I._1:ixi`g`9 the. alan,tora`of ~ ` h5tl`10N5B' *i'tur.n`>b9 fBs_. .Io1.m,.`,.:.1- r.t':- dipg1.9ntr9irdtben/"'it .1: more that 1 . Ty . ` g--.- rt;uu;:;:;euomisu.% -: em3~.. ` VV required, , -:b nae dam; 4 t;!;iIportafnt"'c:useis v itizgn c`a.n- be"cg._llod of, . L $199.. 4riRkr!.4>i a!st9xnpt' inf ix "ad;-I-is ` ,. : it-our 1.aat.ha'r.af.t ero2pra.fu n` his nvlon" by n.Our`onez-I iunr.` been Ii!-`ODJ, . 3 if f 15!: V ' . :;~.'."'*?` ...u mimnot =Vi`.T I d.oI,:sI':`_rl;>`.lr.`.ho gommumt f to bi-amid-d`inc4; roux % 1:! ..tloetou."tb.oLI alln'n:at..minaral' I 9ompm_ni:`,ataq.i to l:.a`g13v.!n41 .int4,_> fear, 3 .. .tb:ullun:ot,.y_unank 1530:. the 4;-inborn at: uninarnl ..m|t'or. and 1 L Every nnuguu` livin ` `Alexqndezf gi . ?73 OEf.3uao A/i: ou}l;o1gi'_im;`$u:u`y:h_:- hunt; I .1 ave" ` been -Tpentto. -in-oamxa npizro ,1: pl , and _ ' :l.ai3i- Donna: ' ugmea 9aI.II;I.o, nag at gxqiarly-Afeprjthat 9llI 9t6 '. ,3! _ , A . in anv p9ne!;rate.p9uM.rite; 7 6 e- af9uoas.-".nu:u `onyy .t_hq hght any 1:! and aomlqrta-ble henna ,9f~`Ig0I.1ritynj yed by * zitgnignigagzt nrowzged hand: -- Bel i`um s,. for iI.IItgnee 1 It C1 59 mpg `time before .9! 5 E`1."1`,9F P5"? -~v3ithst_nnd-i'ng tha` ~;bc"wuter hr; T ""PV'!3".'F"`3.3-*5 V`.5F',"```!\-W; P3? 1 been nmzro 5`-ivuter 9_!;ol,org? - il__thg.;;p_rpv ` W bin :J.lI5.1'.O!.l!"fMI.l that ` iv Ilnmikh `and thick;-nd mine : . ,x%$l39!'.|'!9_'|'- oouamatcun .r.-paw nndmy t '63`-iuilty. him frolpmt .9! whala I t mm 91;: , - not, qnlgmisonugpgplpswns to rsc';DL'd. fsix. mbnghuu rnepy no`:-ic.ed l their, lini to ,a- hunting cards I Germaneohpo 1.=.iz- } .3 4.1;; . y B9wxAlB.xlI'1d9l-' III;,`.in hi! ir9n,b' utter.-. `~ zed. Oouackhzuu-dad castle. its": in: /at z .or;lnn`uce_ Ontl',i1ll[g'hipI 55,911 Vbet- = Vie: '.t&iIKh* `5Rxulyes,L zherfwould pa}-hops not, gnnny qnlgmitonuggplpsions to -rs'serd. ' Six mIen= have rnexitly sacriced " ' .13 111511 will ibh H19 1130419 ` V ozlan GompnnyLi_I_;p's`ylng 3. dilqgnd of 7311935011 Mill 0.1. the Montreal Ewitnogl Alnof fo9nl.3r`f 5el. of shavings ixi ;th'a`bu1ljng,nf`in- the rof which were of a lngltnrariimilnr to thoso`h_e had made on his` -t: .gent~ ziargnnum onlejnm nn-9 Of . '3' 31; np':spis~I.: frat-;.-.1-==nz=.~.,-9*: .. rItruzglwziadwu the nmv. He~`d"enc1-ibed also a. mic made to no}: nndwhich Mr. Wright had taken . ix 1.. ,1.,,. V Ailaryei, the Montreal` } Company}: pirlnt diiidplid i ,5 1375 u}'_gg_.ou: meme` ` -. Kpbivigez J, 1 ;:%3P*5`Q;E#h!B.1;21f9 : ~ ` Y! Pm, `F r` TU`-1.51, ':W. i_.~hoi ntand'ed again to has the to god Il_ or.th,h'o hnd` bett: use whatever, in,_/gtoncq .he.f n'my l,uyva;with the. Gd_vern-' ; miit :to.gi-o,g1t:t!;ja};' ~ of acre; of`-` . gap; ;-=n.acVe__sg,ry'vt complain the work, as ~ -1s_izQ nake1fo:B,ir John Macdona1d's.Ad-. ' u _aJinistrati6n;.by a 'de`putation headed by; '1 7- t,he`Eo`n. Qliver Mont, Premier of 01it_a4- ` 1 _md 33) madoing.-ho.!v.ould_ be, ablpto ~ 5`!" "*5#* lieltudfalon- in: for . r hm_eouugry`a.s well as - for. 1115: ' ' .ineI1.cy: winch, bpthto; up and him,would be mung; ' thnn bnrrnfreobrd of sins of omii-F ; sign and commission. - .I1nlike,eit,her of our j n0n_te_mpo1nzias,wa are not iiilposedzo push . h`}lG6>39:f,l,!:l_l,fO' a. national pvqrk --thsowinz e6ld:svItbr.on any assistance, `H19 ', r. ` * . . .'-%r3Iin?tu5};.r: 54*" _ 9 uo:.'v'1.~w ` got tfb` ` orlom, , - .hopo_ ._ \ ,` V .a. .e.mn4;sou9c.chi'-'i'inoo.' onlhocpx-ap ` drowning * Balioying , `uh: 5 -- can ' w9rkV,'vhiohw9nld gu-unly ' 4 who1o o.-0nta'rin_u`dv.thoDo-. I _ hundrpd`miles,~ thognhsrtept thnough `rout: ' 'td%th0%99onn:Vomn: i'ow,n -ns1~tb-x>r.od.I.=2 : nrggoui inome` 1:31-:59 "thO*I6h9l`l.lJ Kpbiving. : hymsny - I.IBlnt39l_` lull `navy. ha mm oca!;i`=:seni%?ia1gept,*z:;` ' `DE _ L . in 'p'.-01'-FVPQPI .- ..~ ,.,,- V.~v:. ` = It msa*ws.x- men the mlddieitii kindle irdnnnca on`h'i.in'inz- shim Bn n'ccnr`tn;y[:Anne ;m..n` "" "c""""x ;""'"` ,. . ubink s .313, go zgnnonn gnu 32:01:, quipm 9:: oonzmercusl .r.Ip'uta.- A1 mvoInant' of rhnlg; '-y_f` ,rI:.`.r-`-r-. . . - `:5 "'6' f iaid'Souch'hn1f thana; mm- ` * mjgtgs uft_i1ng' the -fqomng 2,? YI?:z;g|aid1Votthornli itono hqudgad I: -recoz_1u_.I.,m1` thguf, pay- angsixty rods, to the plac of beguxing ; dwungz; nfoyanid. . ;~s`he:1a*. onso, 1'). Modoniimz. B, Ptimpkil 3.9; "$1 ' a]lghic1_1'Ba_id 1a.nds,a!'8,il"l 9 Townahigp o _, ' ` ohqofi ` ( .2_yimc_9. 7 no annual Wright : buildingjwhjle visit- ` -, hag thencolio oi there in com any with "3l_l'.1$r1Is~Dnrhnm',9n.the Tues y morn- ` inc. following. Several small blocks of wood having beexrshown to the witness, he `swore he eould recognize them as belong-_ iugo wood he hung! been working at while V linking bureaus on the morrgg the prin- = " o`nor1ud' Hhe shavings. a had :1-ie_g_ ' :` smneof t emnndfqnnd suicignluaestisty '1 they had been land! on his bench. ,M id, 119 36115 bujngifr lnhraimilnr to thosaehe had made on his` Lwitnosl also fogndr"pi 'el_ in .llII.;pwU In bun vv uugu >uu ulna LJUIY bylaw -lei over from last ymeetin , which, after omnderable babel of ta; 1:, was nally 3a ended by allowing cows to` :_-un' at large unig A h and day, wlthput bells, during the 8|} 111.8 . Dnths,,w1_tlnn tlhe fnlIowinglim- itg; Bout ' R.>se.sl:reet; _.Weat, .Su.nord anal! `Eccloss eye; East, Berczy street; ;g91s9uth,~We__l < ton street; but tlmtxtlne b ' ;` or `owners - ll be linblefor any 3., gige done by auclr ws,{to town. pro- ety, or property belong: tdprivnto in- `,iy_idunlI.` ` - V . he Oommitteeithen rose and the. ,Byln.w as Qmendod; Messrs. urt- ' _r_aed"gnd_ Put-V15, however, voted ago; 1; ' the gmendmanteon the grpunxi that cows '91:` _1: `gm. to be ajj9`wed to run at large at 11;`.g gl, ~M9aer,s. Ande_1-box}, Ma.rrin',_q.;;d W ,.'Luldwa1lr0001;dBd.. lexr votes against :g}uj,!p,mendmgne,'..beqng In favor of permit- ting owe to 9.}: large all over town in _the";f;yt_ime _ unng summer, and shut them 139` t nights. `Thane, however," wlno voted gag ; ghe smendmelgt went 10;. blmd, for nljn s,"ene.thay were tn favor of shvuttin the .99, ` up gt nigl:_t,__t`be amendment m e_nq `up {gneh pgovuion, which onono ._of them vggj _g_1 `to/=know exeepts Mr, Rose, until .. "the Bylpw A5 Amended ,h9.gl 3 auezl 3. ;`q`ugh'all1:.`ilIlvIgBl,'Wh9n _1he_u~ now. loggfoumajoo 1;m,: -`What-nebrnght lot 0! .91 A` *`F9Pf!B!1&etive4.. we ~heve to be _ _ ` `. . _ . __ . w nun pucwv, um. p motion the Council went into Oom- .m'l,tto of the Wholepn the Cow Bylaw -lai` over meetin babel 1:. nallv capypovwn 0: H,IB4pBl'_l7 or parties setting 1`o'to than prenzu , the `In-y who vygipo gnu. pd iuvuatzgsting into 1e matter, mmbn ing the payment that to Chief Go stable for evidunceitin his pbs- V .9 ion : r'. presented a. petition nm the Sapretnry of the Mechanics In- gtjcgtg I01: 5 grant of $50 to the Institute. Mg. _M_In.rnn pr_uen_t,-:_d a` petition *_ from F. H d and _othen,"fo'r gtavelling ` Duck`.- 11:11 gtregt, kc. ' * , .. .....u.... um n......-..:I'...-..; .-...- r1_,_, '1 `ins mLnu;_ea_o1:~ last; meeting - were read " d conr_md.'~' ` v ' . . foIlo`vviqg"- vcnmmunications, r&c., `erg mad,` and abfgcgjed to their respectivd :. gomldxiteeg . ., L ' Tho" ]r1'_a.y,ei7, presented Report of Town I ..n,entpr,njhnwing;tha.t tber'eceipts'dr the just-.month.for the use of the Town : ,3]! mounted to $17; "nspector s faes, .,Q2..50, a.'nd`Cstaing `that the tank ,on Mary-`ut;,en was in a. dangerous state. ~'.l?;9,._LI_a;yor pg-eavented a. communication ftp j Dr. _UIiver, ting coroner . 1! 1nveItigat1on,.oloped ," c/anus oininn In-amines. askimr that n. rauzin-A nr 4 zwuk-mama ca,.b.'ni,.Mcur1-..Mn'"`cJ2 ` , Ii Bonnntt going nu-atiea. `. W9 Vhnyo` not` `you any particulars the ovidpnco 541,199 before tho coroner, for the Jnplo .,roAlon_th_It the Press was excluded `tom the inveltizstion. The course adopted qyidpnco .9.od4!Io:J before mp! xenon ` thus `mm_ investigation. thu case is exceptionai lnplo.IAl01I_th_lB the Press excluded 1;: exceptional and very questiona- v 10. Th; avidence is ,',of public `interest, and public phould. have it, However, the in- rmatioh. we` have given in the foregoing oliagg Court t.epox_-{movers pretty much of that Tforded by the inquiry preceding it. . . .2-_-,--------.\----- . `tom The adopted ` I d ,'_ VI unnpt ilty." , V . Hio,Wprsl;ip , e- Mayor said the evidence , Iindrloft pt)_;e_r for him but tn cbmlit in Ehizhe 1 up, 11!-l9`Iu`up puts" Jun-jut 8310. um: BVICIGJ bad ggdrlott pthqr I cbmiiit tri.3l inthig] _..`.Id_`o v "t: bail`:-lzut his wm3?.'1' ...J?.`.`$.. `,_ ,3ny`wil:h Maura. Geo. Plaxton and Thos. 5' -ohnnton at the instance of the Co. Atty. lie] had found in piles a. quantity of shav- ings a.ndlig!1t,~,wood,son1e_of which had been , `dnd and ` rpstodg ht there was no evi- dence of re having been set to them. A coal oil can and 5 paper bag of shaving: had slit) been found in the `garret. Thig witness was cross-examined-at considerable length 2 {by Mr. _I.gount, but he. stuck to` his` story, potwithtanding-`tbs learned counsel's ef- pdvidencp. . fans to t1ir6wdi sci'ed_it`botl; on him and his. ' I `Mr. Glyn. inxfnn and `Ifp "Lani l".nu-`luv; - aovmencp. . . ` were next examined, touching the nature of `and the ividencea ofincendiarism, I v Constable Rogers, who was the last witness, ! nt;',_sd4the pevaral ieces of woogiexhibited. those having been oundr after the fire in the . nilding . -Ihzd concluded theevidenee. The : ti `nu, rht being cautioned, w asked if he any _lt950ln6_nt- to make, W ereupou he f`I ilty. Hio Worship Mnvor the evidence I, Ggo. Plaxton and III:-. "Levi Ca/.1-lay} ;!Iinlar'gin;1lnr to thoso'h_e had made his` away. the gnrrt this (yeltetdaylg bnyvith Messrs. Geo. and which . He~`dascribed also a visit made` (:9 morning. in com- laxton and Thos. HI`!-2..-1...: en...-.a ;.. :1... .. .-.......n... ,.c .n...,, 913` I\Me,lnb_ ei Aiajesent except Dir; Niall _ 1]'h9-Aliliyor in the Chair. 1: . 2. ' ` -1 ' The mini1t`_es~>pf- last; meeting-were read ind . `the piece dowzgsmong -the shavings. an o a1ook Mi`. Wright came in and t... up:tho shavings. A piece of wood . - 8 jrroduced- the witnoiss identied it, = dfter:examiuing' and tting it, as the piece w>hioh_,h_ad bsonlhroksn from "his chisel ' *'hn.ndle.- , ~-This nines of wand be aware he WHIOIIJIIQ boon broken from his chisel ynndle`.- *-This: `ions of wood he swore he had icked II V hind I window in onebf tho 0 10! right buildingjwhjle visit- inlz the auxin of the Era company .hw np_,,__ I I _ . . . . ', Wm:B9bins, a carpenta: who `had been ; in"Mr. Hurs_b svem'p1qy ewora, to. the pris- _ on t!:otloyme1`1tionqd I5 hs preiiious wit- nau.` At night o i:1ock whe morning wit- ` oven.-`having -pometo t eihopfor shavings the `hb.nd1o b> *-his chisel and ` thin the bieoe dowzgglnoizg ,-the shavings. en Wright .-T ~tian.~` L 2 ' - b 'S5tz;uel Hurst sziid ha_wa.s a. _ca.rpenter v;hdcs'.binetmaker, and had 29. "shop iri Pul- !ian s l:'ouil_dia g, f1yom`.'\'v"hich` the prjsoner jlometinies go; shavings. -The Wednesday 3 `previouito-the fe Mr. Wz'ig11_t,ha.d come and got`: bag full of shavings, butternut, _baswdo_d - and -pine. This witness ` was el_z'owp'~various. qmall ~pi'e::e s` of. blocks of wood, 'wh_i.ch,;frozfn: mn'rks ' and ntlxezt evi- ihidmhop- vdo`qw oi;ho#"tho'1z_g11t gnsguumve come from V .L believed, `be subBta'ntia_1ly~.correcu. The accused, Court"yes1berday ., lendd not. guilty to the charge. Mr`, ' otter, Ggwn Attorney, conducted the pd 'in bolmlf bfxghe `prison e1-- The first oxalllninod ` Mn F. vM. Motili- lgom" `,-woteafi_V_,i,tq. ' 'onte `n't.er-`the re, .3 snml Block of Iv` ,w ' he -hangiedto Constable J.E. _ Rogers; ,w made such use of it as subse-_ , unnbovidoncqwill show.` Oan;n, course .pr`o.Iocutidn','-and'Mt. Lount, Q. O.-,appea"r-v eogontexi. mepuumng `onxne mormng ox ,tho-`ra"A:fte::_thoslnrm been` `van. Eo`de'iafibod"he1o_c:jtion oi` the ' erent ` ue : and tho pt-uonco=of' shaving: on the ogr and tlaynhelvu in" the uviral rooms. l'ha,t coal 01! been" employod~ hexwau obrtain, qnd in general was convinced that the plugs had been_'deliber'a.tely red. _ ., " 7" Dr. Oliver w'af`a1led"to' nttah `thn si;ziia`.- the plane had. been'delibera.tely red. :1):-, onveg viasb.1_le1_'5t9'attnh sighs. of - jthe prigoner to _ evidence given be- ` fore the coxbnt and='whiqh the County At- torney read and pub in, M1`. Doubt object- ` ingbul: the- Mayor overruling the objec- torney read and pun xn, MT. uounu o `I g:but Mayor oven-u_li.ng the titan)` ' ' '

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