001, Ind. > Be- wing the nlic iusjzi: ship ing,` be A ova ossfarg for ._ ro.to1'a.;for .` :3,` 1?owo ll', `. 1 the 30t1i ventmtin , nmrche wu n. `ma 5 3. broke gway on 9. spectacle of 4 The new moor light, and a ulmnu Venus u gcnpe 'l1u plagn much rcsemh shape. BY 11' at':npe_ and kee muun, thuue ' be seen srde lianc spf the ; stun ifgg the l :1! CH9 5. }Cls. full 11..- resg ;Heu:e, Peneta 51:04. Friday: Mine . _ lealthy business` mi Messrs E S` Conductor Lietcs cage tened the Con gjishu Hmniltfpn on Thu 1313* Mr. `J. Hand` 1101"? about to espnblia 50!` toba, withhis I: as manager, in: , -1. ____:,... 17::-uperznture I on 17th,ra in temperature, l"4th,-mea.u thus gi\'in'gVa,.n avgrage tempexjnture 35 3;-'1 _ from 15', on 1" '5 `W - v.- ---- - -~ `the month. . _ ~. ` _ _V ,r The atmonphenc ,press'I;_te_1nd:ca.te,d.-by bS! - * pzneter ranged from 28-63 to,.29-33, or Qban n` `I `qimi, ` .2 . C; "V./`~ .1_2.ain ~fg1!"?on~8d.n,~ks (}9l:h:'l:o 2lst) duri hougfs,/.,1;9,.a -_- _ ~ Snvi` fell on 13 days,` laphfng de .sh'29..i:maa- , T he surds pseaan n I; the total `aunt of sunshine,` jgqluding 7 iii`}:8.3yp.. ya . `, -_l:our_EfI`.fi`07B1:,%poIib!e 368x thsnn above` tebD|`-izdn During " npnnth mane: TH hon .1 it prLc'.:e'1> 5 The my on v .was above tm "'in* 1878-9-80, ctivei .. - `PEA-Nargizern 8 days, West ylegteply dire` The coldest .wave*: that ` ' BY_'.T. J; GILLKM, ISQ. ' K _ ` ` over this ocality _d_u:-ing the last month (March) wgs on iaevllth ;'a;e3:lear day of light nou't.hern winds, -wering`-fhfe u_mp: ruture to 5', V. l:ich;'`.in the Juenae L In-iahfz. Sunshine.` ouw Lreaehed s7.--a mean of. 231.`. .The une `gux-`es 1nd,eate_. , he n1_'a'n o`t ah : followin `day, ,with 2..-range,` .u,`tempera{',;u`-e from 8 ' `-; But` unlike the? vM`e\'1<:us' d:+y,`? the VYind"b9Q&ulQ_`tO_Il}'_ ? IZSPEZA, frm Brazil, `is'n'o1y com . into .C.x.uar.l9 It is a mild purgative. acting as I wondernpon and giving strength gnd energy to e'he`Di{,ostive Apparatus of the human sto- mach, cbrrectin and increasing the acids. It is -.vstx'on1y anti- 'liou.a'5?xl carries o` all sur- plus bile, tones up the I ?ver, giva sound di- irasstionfnndlavedy `beai t > to the dyspeptic n.1_1<} -.vstx'only anti-bilious Bru carnen on an nur- toneg up Iflver, somgd gest.}9n';and`apeedg Les, ' dynpeptw and 1',Yg.,;-,u}:p.[8.i` `Ask George Monlunan tor a. 10 cent sample bottle, and test Zopenythe new compa`u.j:`x_gl, ,1a_rge eight ounce bottles 75 cents * ' . . an attack (.1 measles. ~ Roger McGill, t.;,,,;;`: the N. .:.- N.W. By_s`,__p.I: Ajlandale, in now in Chicago. .1113. 3 MEL. cdntemphtes 2. 1:! sum A1_:`.nn1_:_i5; tnp thiggugnmer. _ ' . ' IaserT.'O. Hurst 115: secured. asit. on the `G:8.R.,'n2t '.l`oledo,. Ohio. Mr._W.` C. _Maey and family leave for Mani- tnha. shortlv.-" ` a Mr,__W, U. J toha. sho1`tly."f "Master A: I has been mv has bean given charge or an umuo nu vv tann- worth, Ont. ~ V Mr. Alex. Morrow has` been able to take sum: of outdoor air; we _hope to note his .fa.mi1i_au7,p;jesence abgut town again, soon. f , Mr. Dzxn: MbDo1;e11, _ inilway contractor, furmex-1y`of Barrie. is engaged in n railwgy _contra.ct ix; Ignn, U.S. " 1VInater Frgln}k'E Morrow has been nppoiixted assistant `postmaster a VVark_worth, Ontario. Success! v ` . Q ~ - 1'7... .: u... -b.. r.nr lI nf u! Lakn. 5113?`. [Ell k as-{clear `I5 -wering; _` _ .t .xuenoe 7_ of..- bright. unsliine,` oulj vreabhed S7.--a_m>,a.n 21.. dame gugs ?l1idi9afe_. . .l:e mean stab: followiintday, wxth "hemthy business` mu mun-um. . Messrs. E. S`. Meeking, Thoma Dow nev. Metcalf, and ot.her~Ba=rieonia.na nit- ConzIuntors` Division" banquelrnt Hmniltqn Thgn_Psd'ay*qxeniug, "J. I-Iender~go'x1`,`.~I:`a.g-clvivare merchant, is esnblish, a. b runc`l1`buainess in Maui- brother, M1 . `E31; H.QItic.rIon,- manager, y `D003. Wllcll Ina u-yuu-u, `.--.. ._.k`;__, _y_ . _, . ,. . The champion athletes of `New Y rk. Phila- delphia, Boston, Chica.go,"`K)tbawa, Motreal. Toronto, a.nd,.other laces. have si uied their intention of bi1_1g`,1er`a_,9n .tb9 orthcoming Que2n s'Birth day. _ , ` - intent Que :1 LEjTER PE0PL& } rmofnrn `H .-nru stood IDIIII-I4 In: uuuu nu. L~eg;nin)_)g-u1t',e4;t1Letje11).A)9nta.i To t/I,.e.,Evlz cor of The E2 - .DEAR 3IE,--I sue the take part: in your games so with pleasure. I wil `athletes fronfthe East VI leavg bare in a few days; in ood season for-\tru.in:` uril l'm.vn nauccessful me --'SpixV-ited local capitalists are concluding arrangements fo_r a. rst-class steamer fur ` ` denlzg'il`; ' - . - the route b_e:.w`een here and J a.c|uon sP6inb. --'1`l'm ice is sllll as `thick Van ever this winter on our bay. "Shme out, fuir sun 1" is t;ha`imvard muculuciuxn of our nan-going` 1 ---vj--v--~ . -'--_T_he Buildings opposite the Bank of Commerce ware,n.enrlyvon,r9 on Tuesday` morning. Catalan disposal of ache: was the `ca'use. \-0u}erndiquti9ns of spring than shone I buys, playing at marbles; and the breakilfg up of the roads, may be found in the runh hp? new advertisement! occupying our x-nhnnns to-dBV. 7/ -` . and uheid ix-La. fall of s_no\}\}_that lasted 3; hourx4',- bfthe moaemt-.e,de'pth of s_in.. p:Lcke'l togetffer in 9. soft southern` Wild- my on which the lowest mean temP""`'E red. was fine lat... when the range W313 9 r . --ave1-age V 15'. "The lowest 01' mill"? erzuture ranged from 5- th,-.-a. ipan of 19 The f=XP3- doa-JY erature, was from 91-_91`t-"t.3,9 " ._...... 4.-. -The dallv mean II!-185d onVl,lth, go 33, - auveru columns 9-day. Ass$ULr.-A coloured mun Hnarw Alexi` Eddy, on Ora, was arrested on [hursday lust for bmfslly assaulting Jame: Dillon, hostler up the Barrie Hotel. The pro riolor ...E The Barrie" suspected the E dye of Barria" suspected tha Eqdya of stealing his dog. an-1` accordingly instructed ` his hostlartu turn them away from his -Frumiaes whenever they nppea_red. The `manor was in the nctruf can-y1;ug out his nrdera when Eddy bit. him on the neck, chnak and thumb. Tlw Knstler is laid up. Eddy is before the County Judge to-day. 1\ IAoN1rwxN1'.--Au the clouds partly on Monday night they revealed exceeding beuguty in the west. moon appeared as a thin siukla of ~ little way tuthe right of it `, at the brightest. In the tele- g "scope plagnul: presented a. crescent. very ;- fgnuch resembling the, muqn in size and `shape. placing _,ona _uye". at.` the tele- \.-0;l 1e:,-intligatigns of spring than those ` E buvs nlaying pnd _t.t_1e 'b_reakiIf_g envy new: In my 19 n nu, . n fontmx v`i1 have BI|10CSSf\11l`l " M "Boston, April 3r_a, 1831. ' _ gnuZ'1:1 1-es'n1'hIim2 in size and `shape. one eye. at keeping the othur fixed upon the two splendid cruaqpnta cmldi by side. The superior bril- planet mm u.pp;Lre;1I;, notwith- light lost in txxagnifying-it. mus WAR-PA'in.-"1`he arrest of Lane af`glbipcommnnity, unu Eddy, fur assault, 1. buugln to town, on Fridny, 5 solid pimlumx nf,,Lliia colourud yeumanry of Oro townahip. ` ftfjlo visitors embraced all shades, size and t uInp,raIz)entI'. (Don't misunderstand us.) Rufus A-ixdrew Jackson, Luuil Napoleon Bbnapurto, omd Grange Wahhington Lin- coln, wore the nustora of the culled ale- mmm. and thev same like nn"EqualnoeLt-um .-.._. ., .. __ _me3,, 45?, daily mea;n ranged ` 5, o n '1st, 48, on 14th gnd 18th,} ` ix-ixigvan awgrage temperature cf for unth. I ` ' ' _ V7 coTn, wore' of the "culled" ale- , gal-5" to reobolutionize" things in ge_B9g'nl, ` `horeu.`bfTnf='. if'{dh casinn_3bb dc L-gut gnd "pri:=' ob Milser Eddy did n hub pro- ber veamgg\a|:uu.." Hersh 2 hash H" chimed ` _as _thnnder as their conversation pmgnasod. 7 'One mambgr of thqsomhre galaxy! wearing inu|y Horne i3te ale`y symptom, .anid- he nah cut 3 smtindiculm s:ru(s`si.un," but be Rufe, how you do mlk. Toward eventide the dignied trio of spokesmen were nmn rolling the white: of their eyes and ges|;iqu- luting wildly an they preceded their "culled hr-dco-j _9g-they tr.-_bl31osumpo n`9to. nxeut, and they V in n. dusky -chorus. They all looked black` `$5301; on `om: foot nnd u. mocoanm'on_ the ' -"o 1-, and on but qndoont that bore a an-ik-. . }didn t Apr:-uve of n`.uy~ prusmiscunua mau- ` ~ lievz.-c1`iu "'5 )reasin' ind gmzaioun ;-lnion ob de law. Another nbnefved 'F' in Int '1- a1`. 7'*.U", ` 1 ' ;. rrazern wifid prevnild 18 day, Southern . West;4 d.ayl,`Eaab,1-day. From A 9 direction 21 days, ind eantegly 9; mtziou of boip] s:n s 'Birth dnz. yy; host. Gun-kson zhy this summer. -.. 1.` q` m....u.';..,_ Th In'o`t'v.h'e followiin with 2..-range; aram`-e 8- Butunlihe :- day)` wind-hecamgatonny from. 1`. Id fnllblf sn9'_t}1at_ls_1>od fzple bdtle, mzdfeat Zopezmthe iigl, nilzm`-rnonr. , E. G -rav xsgaqut again. V - ...1.......,:, ;...:{.vwmd with I-I gnu `- uw... - --_ _ W- ormdltor, In giving place to batters Fmm People?` wishes it to be` d|sUnctIy under; I that. he dernot uxareby ludorae the :|)_)g-\L)C`,e4;tlLet.jl1I).t)9I1?..'1ned. . 'I,aEvlz'or of Examiner. ' .... 4.2". _..1' use that I am advertised to lnyf the winti-_B>'ej:a:m_tonny sno\'Y.that lasted *u.xr.4'.- bfthe tno&rat.e.debth 8 1.11;; my." b ` A - rA. Hurst, a young-Barrie telegrsyher, 5 given charge of an otoo as ark- nt. 2. A--Rica X of measles :1 PI`! ?has. Uls.rKs)n, us um u.u.,..... ...., PenetangI.xis_he e, wps in town on host. bu-kson anticipate: a business` mafi .. 01-: ` - dal -luding f'i1}}`3y.B..`},V.8 _f ble 369 ;ebDzan.. Dur-1'3:`1g"s`i.nx`` mnnth |,.;wp.h$'d`:.5159,>_f.1 _,,'ln_d,A] 98, re- .`..a 15 :14...` n.n'.Hnv-n or of '1'_Iw Examiner. 3.,--I that am x games ; will state that I do Laure. will also bring other good nzhe with me. We expect to an dayspao we can get in Barri: son fontmining. Hopmg thgt ygu successful xnegtxqg, I_remai_x1;{g:'1-p, . -aiming. Hoping tn; lmeetm , Iremam; M./D. 15 muuv. agzu n . r- is indiiposed with ILRAY. '" - Boston Giant. H)I lW`DB--I`1l`. Ba.r _ H on the iLe.. M913?! ' :Snu>so1-4--In Baxri`; the ls-fr1`5ff-. EBB`-P` (.-'_.- , Ann, wife of`EdVfW-rd Hinds, E3`!-v_) ~. Simpgon, zorxizex-1) "5 &'1`.7`(_ years. "B;;ow,:._.In`Barri,e.;"6n Tuesday, 291:1; ujtimb ,Io}_i;3 Bxjowf,I._ fotmgrly of Da1ston,.__age;l 5.4V 7"`._:." ` `V BI lc'l-illn s A"f'n.cu. salve.` ; The beetaslve iuthe world tur.Out.s. Bmseee. _ res. U1oera.~Sa.1t Blgxeam, Fevers, Sc-reg, ibters Oha ped Hdnqs, Clulblains, Cams and all kinds of B Ernptwns. This salve gnaunteeq to give satisfaction every time or money refunded Price 25 cents per bottle. F0: E516 `Ly.-W. Mc- LEAN. Barrie. - ' _ . - Ellnmdyi 6idmW.--Dorangm manta ofthe live!` in the /non eicient cause of. dmdeiaun disease! and the moth polio of them menace for hioh tro worse than ' d.aa.th itglt. or these no|:o.d~.-PillsA act Inagxoslly 11:1` " 1ing.ow' spn-its nrfd` re- pelling thacovert i(tiaeta~made on` the netveugbj gxqesxnve 'he'a.t,' impure atmospheres, `oven.-j'_ - ~ ---u-- o .'I`hp, -..-u.....au-. ordered action. brace the: fxprmg; ' inc:-eu9"the xcessiwe heat, unpnxio Btmuupuunvu, ...-..._ indulgence, or exhausting excitement. -'I.`he_ moat mattered oonntltnuon mny derive behem. tram Bo)`owny'a mm, whicgxyiu regn1nte,dis- energy at the intellectual ta.cultin'.f Bn_d revive e nilin mernorv-, By ntte_ntive1y..`atud_vin-.: ' the direc us for taking hese Pills, `and -ob - rl ncly puttln them in; pmot.i::e.. the ' tnbsl dean -nrlent vi) oou feel cdndent of a. perlcu re oovery. . _ _ n..oa-u-`I. sinnuetiunes oomuae 1; as with a. cold, but its euro nlwnn IJlIl.Il'l'u -Vuluqm--nun sotnmencea with the nae of Dr. S;\ge'u Ca.t.u' '-.\ no uedy. This old old. relizsh la, and well kuo .u ,amody'hu stood the test or mnuy:year u never mars popular than now. ~ ~ ._. ' never umn now. Wu _._._.___.._._-.... Womnn s ' rue Friend. ._ A friend in need hu 3 rlendndeed. Tme nuns can deny. especially when anal-msnee is 1-. micro whvn one uasorely amines-d wh.h"disee.:-e,`moBL_ pertjuulery those compleiutsennd weakness so ourm-non to out female populntiou Every w-vtnnu should know that Electric Bitters ntu wqmnnu. cruo lrlend. and will positively rentoru hm: LOX health even _vhen all other 1 medias fanl. ` --- .~.I>Knn Thaw l|l`E Erna u-usuu. nun. ..... ,.,., ___ oven when remedies A `single in .1 51175:: E-dve our nxsurtion . They tire GB pleasant to the mid only fty cents a. bottle Sold by drucglutu. . ' ' ' ___,__.__._._ :____.._____._...__.______._____...__._.._ Cons-nr or Emacs." } OV MONDAY, TEE To WI : ;' Tl-IIB'.'I'IETl:[ day of `MAY. A.D. 1831. at the Sher` 5 Oice. in the ' Court Hausa. at tbe 1'ow:x of Bari ', at the hour of Twelve o`cl ck, noop, Wil| be so! A Z: qjj 11$ 3:D.-f83l. Sher`!!! Omce. m we Hausa. Town E.u'ri3', of Twelve noo , By runI..1c .e.u_c-I-Ion. Under n.nd.by vlatne of a. wnt ot Eta:-i 1 ..::a :. , . __ ,,__ ,, f ...._. -5 Al... 1' nnh: sHE111119*s.s_AgJ_1fq_;_I,f_xfNf1;""s1L r wncoe. in a. an}: y IUEELU ~uiin\l_\_In--u wnt Eleri .. Issued out of-she Qgumytgeurb of the Ccun .13` ~ I .E.. F. `swrx-zgn'..~...`.v.....-. .......4j....1>za. r - V6. --- _ { n ...a.. Wmnnul , nnxson... ..... uell-`1uz'z1u All the ' - t, '.L`1bla;, -Interns?` uuu ` Equuy 01 Redemption all above named defenumnc, of Lot numbers` hlrty--Sav_1n audU.`bit|:y-ExgI1t on the North sle or the `To\vngLino in to `Village of Ora.i?)hunit,a.a lmd out on part. or lot number orty no, In the First C6p.. ut the vTownnhi of Madonna, in the County of Sixncoe,_ containing One Quarter 01' an Acre encl). more or less: 3 Ian whereof wauregislotud in the Registry 0 ca. torthe mid County of Simcoe, on the 14th ot Feyruatfy. 1863. i '- She:-i`s Omxe. 1 '1$.1>_._1s1_cco_;u,1n:s.r,'f' V N. Jsnrnu. _ Hm " ya 1>z_zu an-_ -oumewi:-Ln len_I;0f'th_liver I /most-eicient -c -_.I 5:... ...... .b nnlinu bn"tl1e or Feyruatfy. mus. ,_ slmirrs om xe, %_ '1`. D. _McCOVKEY W Barrie, 28 Feb. 1881. x~3l:eri1! Co. Simgoo iSSALE6%H% F-2Ar%vj8\ Cuuxrry or SIMOOE, E On MONDAY, the To W11` '. 4' T\VEN'L`Y- THIRD dny of MAY, 1881, at the hour of Twelva o'clock. neon, at the Sheriff's Oice, in the Cnurx. House, at Q16 'l.`owui_oE Barrio, will ; be aoid By. PUBLIC AUCTION, U..det' and by virtue of two auvenal'wr1t.a uf mm.-.' Faainn. issued out of the County :noay* mu lined I uw.......... -r.-...._ | be 5010 B % PUBLIC AUCTION. vu-Lue l"ieri. Facias, issued Court of t.heCounty of Bimcqe, in the suits f tJrunz.1:s 31`APLEToN .u~_1_n DU:~zcAN Mu;~TAn. ..Pla'mti`- ....u... c _ , - ` _,-vs. ' J our: Wnzrmsxnns 'x:unYoUx All the Right ,-' - 1A`a'cIe,-Interest. ' u.nd- Eqnib of Rcde"mptiui1, 9: the `above named Du- fundnnt. ' Iii ullhnd singular Utah .certu.iu, I-unreal or tract at land andqarennirserrgVsigugxgy, -11 : all `and singular uuu. .cerLu.m arqal or oi 2_md.1:u-emiseu situate, - yim; anibeing-in th'e:Vil1aga of \Nnshai`gb, ; i,I1`th`. psiytounty ofvsimcom um: hem}; _ :1Ih`,nnmbo:thirla9n oiI't1'ne,`Wes: aide of 1 gtrgnt-u wn _u5;d marked on n mqip 61-.p,l`gj1'ofanT _`ViLluE'%";"o. Waishnge`, drawn by"`;Peter Burns, - '.L.S. Number One hundt'i,d`and aefiant -fc-ur., Rbgistered In the regiau-'y-oibe, an containing, one rijuarter of an a,!:rp;~b_9' the ' name hi to 359. ~ - - Sheriff : Ofco, ' T. D. McCONKEY, Barrie, Feb. 1931881 Sheri} Qq. Simcnu. OP .1... Ouwxur 6! Smoon, On MONDAY the ` To W11` : } _1`WENTY-FIFTH day of APRIL, A.D- 1881. at the hum` of Pwalvo o'Clouk, noon, at the Sheriff: 0ioo.in the Court. House, at the Town of Barrio, will be sold by ~ 7 -`V -- -mania: 'Ib\ AIIf\"I'lf\.I %SHER_lFF SS_l\_lj nnmms PUBLIU Auu I run Undamnd by vintuo of a "writ -if Fwri ` Fcmiac, inched out of the County Qourf of County of Simone, in` a. suit ` H. .F. Bwnz.-.3, I la.nti_(f., ' vs. Bun'io,_w1u be sma Dy PUBLIC AU O+I9i_N Unda:a.nd by _n~ rwrf ' Joann: Dwmnms, Cnanms Dw1m>L_n nap` Gxomm Bonuox. . Defendants. JOSBJH UWINDLB, u.uA:u..r;a JJWlLVuu_n -g.. Globes Roguox, Defeudanti. ` All the Rgght. l`itle,`Ir'1terest. and E uily of Redemption of the pbove named De end- n._nr.u, in the North East quarter of lot num- hp-r tan in the Fifth cunca.-aion of the Euet or lot. ber ten in the cuncasaion Township of Tiny, imlthe County of Sim- one. 1 ' ~ Ofoizl Advertisements: ' ' i Sheriff : Oice. T. D. McCONKEY Bn.rrie,Jan. 24, 1831 E Shvrif, Co. Simone.` "*--~ ` -~ I snemrrs SALEOF mus} Occur! or Smooz, On MONDAY the To W11`: . . ;TWEN'1`Y-FIFTH day of APRIL. A.D. 1881, at. the hour of Twelve o'0lock, noon, at the Sheri"a Oice, in the Court House, M the Town of Barrie, willbe sold by an us: In Al lr`.'l'lr1l\l_ I"Q?I-IN! 115:`: - sums`, Under and by virtue of B writ. of Fieri Fdciaa, issued out. of the County Court of the County nf_ Wellington, in a suit of` Dnmu. Jmxaon nu) J annzuug-E Hannurr, `- Plaiimtsfa Vii, will be by PUBLIC AUCTION. 1-r...:.... -..A nu virtue of A VII . JOHN \V1LIsoN, . , .Defcnr1.mt. All the Right, Title, Interest and Er1uit~_y of Redampnion of the uhave named Defend- ant, inbne acre ut the South \Vest corner of Int. numberono in the First concgassinu, \Vesl: of Hm-nntnxio Street, in the Town- ship of of Mllllnllry In the County of Sin.- cuo, hnving a. frnntage on the 'I'u\VYlH]liJI line between Mono and Mulmur of four nha.ina,and extending N'n'Ihward s two und :3 half chains, and buing in the form of n. parallelogram Sheriff's O(`Bce, I T. D. McUONKEY re-Toma 4683. ' .._---'ro`-:-7:~._.-- Catarrh somatimes A cold, _b11c igs gun ._ slnine ' 37 .3 A \`1'El.3K':" $12 ;c'~*1:{g':n\u e11s1Y5t1I.33`:"`: y ` - oumu. Ix-co Addrqss True 6: 00.: gnggill. Y . . _> _ ,.,_ W ,3 M ; Loarnat:-1e,gx,a hp?-1 n 1 . V; ' Jan:-n `$40-4.0` _,8 _ r ;nonth._ E`v`en-_ graduate guaruuyzedf a.pa.VlDE ' -Adan:-ssk _ - w - _Brondwa.v. New York` Cltfer. desirlbpfhiyeggme Jntvc-sted1i'x mlni1; :z* \xiter- prises. at b'at.`ov- aw-g_:. plea. -3` Ix-n3|~IrM'as for rice prospectus` to JOSIAH. ` _'I`0BE, 51 il*O`L|I3. % ' ' agaun uvwzmns desirlD?R'r~hggQme .hIt\~cnted4u"x n nrinen. mt bmtow nurcs. mesa. Im- LOST NIANHUUU tuner I VJIIEllv v A vtauxu of youthful impmd ax c:ms:'u:.z`Prcnm- tum Den-ny. .\'ex-vous Dummy. Lust. nlnxxhood. nanng 9. :id 1:: van every known rem:-dy. 1:/await covexvd n simyle suifcllm. whhn ha in send FREE -to his follnw-umx-.mr.s, nd:`lrcsl.J. H. REEVES!` -13 clmumau an. 3. Y. LOST MANHOOD imp:-ndenz _kux-o Deg-5:. S 'oua bmxy. Lo. , . _. ENIIJ F I-I\ -q LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. youthful_ iI_n~p;-nde_nm_ c5x}1sixg;!_>rc`;:;1 ER;.6.:B s` OF 'YO.13T ...... ...u not w n -1 ....I.._ .1. 0;.-'1-any-a`l\-nvn 'n!'3 l"l'\l.ed 1Iunt.in*z ' rlvcr Pi mad 1)ltLn, D11 Nickel lm-n1 \\'huh:r_>. `eaulsl nun p 'M0NTR2\i:L`w5VELTY co. .. .-nu"-rur:.r\| ml Ir: III\JIIllII_-l`_II`- lIvI---- . -MoN'rRt-:AL. , no. I:ox.1,|::a: QUE '., ,-,, PURITY Ob` 1:` HE-.\L'I`I J, ST` -TARTL/I Nc"`,' \` ' I mscovarwxz as:-`r. mgm-[non RES`l'ORED.- :O`x)I'()I:)11n_\,' uyIvxuu:u gu. S. SMHTH ~ PR9PRElTOR- . ._... `:.?51n`s'e`%ks;sLn%ms.. ri,3.'o nr -o>wn town. '1' -.x._}ett. & Co.,I' Jrtlullti mar:-. Crnv.-en`, smrm ntiy5.1i1 "'dr""jntu npn, luh;-4:r or nr_nn\loz".' c:d(V.f;t|_(.va';(`.'o 1nx@c2d. .,..o luv ;Vnxn\~-.n\I1dD `lo lnhk"llkc n_m\'. '1'!-J, 5'1 Lxunx. Ll], an u .x L! I61`). A.'*:fH#-P'.=-'e:%f$>; . wAiT.'s ----2` n m r,s;~:,15N'r1.n. T0 E\'(: [`I], AND Jyozm I81.` nvijig charm. " ' - "1`~xu_g.vc l1d||1l,'llX`laTd strugtecrmyf rcofxuixeudud 4'3 :1 mar.-1o,-git_.i1iz's`z` Zi~~i45o -1:3,, anafnl. ` Lrn Iunraer InhvoI::k4t.hd upper nuuuum u - Thu ' uno`--It`n`a.r'eouI `and --luinbor.-}h*VIn timber amt vrooduvo e11t\_b\6(`o\{6 tattle; to mnkrgood waist II'h,|l_Q, o1__ my mac Lubpx-fhguuu gqd Charcoal Igunn will bg';hu`m nyigxu y 5 are nowrblnt Ir cutoff along the unrahho r_pg:rw my 'rne1u-est qevuand nd-good prion hr lsbor boy. pm-Muulnry doultnble `ottoman {qt tha poo_x- man. 5:.-3 um ! upward; up,ap'ruuy:1.o woman. value or umbc:-.; bwng Et:lllLd by Cpnndmny -. . -/I . hij parhnkirfg in the n or ()ctc:'bur 20:11. 1880) 1:, 94000 cickota, .I.'ne'I ilmnlions nnd_L,l prxze in tlnq ham) 0 . I p-'l1.c__9> 1 lixolxael " fault/If ;;lIId LQHDE $1`, $73 . . :1 -The Mo;-uni A \vhio1I WIN take ."`I mexnb'9rn`aLh,e Lu minm \\ iH be aoldt |.}Ii\'ukV of H16 lick .n ~nv\rh1k\I"YD In .:uk;1di~_i:`upp orig " -=5?!" , M - `. . - I $`4s\_rsu2:oi(. and -hnoin '10!`/fhlgh` 'l'fl\1 ne Jfmlicb I Prgu; I.muel_._ h ` ' ' {union in Enninntfincrou `pf had` 192 at; Btorckeepcra. Gr - mus fnnuiidu and mu Unid . ihuxid R- (`.n.. 43. llajl Lune. I/0 eat. uybll u:::nnu%1l;.ug,1 vor;0 nu V no us _n '3; ari:"t%x?,:cha-era" wmp. `who Ysy _ Luqe._ In the lands iIro`_b9ln[ rapidly ta!iot1,cxIq*iC`l-tl ` ' ,- 5 maypfsmmodluelv on mp (Hue ortho Dqtg-o|,)[,aougg g,~ ` zrxtn at Mncklnuc to )rhrq_uut'sa. are are? buv1xx~u`us pod :.AgI'lu1l.\lX`9_| ,lg`gdn.- 3: vmtupx mud m-_u_u vhnnqgu ;_. gn(l1uxnber xntcreltryqra. ntnpuin up on-no _ ` at and --lumber.-_1.h7$uq;I.hubnr wood upobthb x 3 whim lama-r ` Mill: wrjll II -=~ ` - In: ecu!!! umzanhoroguruw lg ' t` devaanahnd-cood Tor boyh in. ` v ottoman poo_r rn` vu-dp umber. ad by Cpviudlnn-{u__. __ 3 sag-`-nun L. / up. I`l|yg`u1f`vn-y"" runuuuv -. ..-,..-V up xooiiinn. v`o.1u'o _umbcr.=,;Qp,x.g,puu* as yqur vary Ivy ` `V -A, . V 1 .*i;,%".~ " ~ awn.-and other m'rmaIkien.a,d:xrcu. V ` -1 my * ; 3 1- I. .'iw.o."'r ~ A I `.4 u I 1_f?..1;,i`..1;"JsVrs`r. AIL |.~' , g 4 gfnazmxvg ofmaonm zlamrT incrmm-fl s'xur4kcvp(-re, wild 01! sh Unitd tn . Hi. Mark Lnnt-. London. A 1.:-..;.. 2' ;- V. L % 22:, EXAMl'H_}B- 9:903:12 two weogkysgo ` IL ` lea ' _ ,' city.` is now new 39., pggnob. ';Th,e~ press in ~`slSe.~h$l5r`appe:1r9d gpedka of her v- {`Sh _]'_)o5pe_sse3`~`n" rich musical E69945 co;1apnLgs_,`;1iI:* in the v,srigdapro-- ` ntyd gg.v?amg1o roof of lmving \ c9trql_ .g=, thsrn Iv 'an_'110_xf.. wk df J: he~g:;ve u` )h)e u1"i"he `Sleep `W,a1ki,ng.Scene. from y 1:, were simply thrilling, hndgfonounce ;9J1,ady 9.`. tlfue artist; `Curfew. ust Not ( V-Tovtlght am} `The ;3nedictiop,' were V `r ed'_auhgnodx1ra.mat1aef_1`: , ` ` dmere _;j'ily.j'f!P .14I!..le_d,:- The-Flerfb} n" cture, cj'_Cour,'t~s ipunrler Diiou).'tie`a;`.f_n_u-1 con- :1 thy-blmouse-G:nege:' Uourter, toy, 4: ;g5:-4:. A1331. _ :_ snows * . for a. house . ` `.'to'te's`1l7_.ox` :'purph_ue,'~i`n rrie, npp'ea.x3&;_ in-Tan Exxmzwn A9!i! -m`V.V'?}.58- `L V ,9, ~.. _.,_ seybre op phe fosir pf .the;se`poor Lxthle sbraugers. 1t,3ygg:p1t1_ful1'.`q-ee:tl1en1, wan like. singin% as they dlelff I}! the `ireqzi air. 4_' The milc ;wep.th'er of ` A sszegk ago seduce themfpozn their vwi`IIt"'.`3~.. .1`! -in'.tl.wgaun -ysou_1:h' to -trust; _ V hembglv .; V the jinkle atmosphere of our. _nortbe:n chm;e,: for \s'i1i,c1,1_ mistake, many of bee 'st;\.r7ved: ;(;&ozea to death; uu uu um. gw 0! Wm. Saute, b V; I . t. V3 ` %ol,ii"'watch_froti`A Jab. Pu'.e,"'ii1N'o-" H her. `lack ' Tbe`w,at_eh` was lost W ,9` _,w_51-3 driying _h9}ll `f:3_g_ethr,` rlip .%0l1"'watch_f\`o`A ` ',, in, .0- her.` -_ '_1`be`w,at_eh` while whg. {tw Igwero dnvmg home fog_eth , but Sco f .` 4`1am9d' any keW.1?:dE? ' ' `W " I. W yr-uuuu -,u gngu F? gm: w. :30 ~n1'en"ti{o p'q1~;;rtq. `L j25n;ietec1 "then reBs"rleli- ~ verad3.b'yVMi'. VA. M5431-ilh,s, 1 z"e ide1;t.qf the #2., Patrick ? ` the 19th,u\1:.-. Tin: Society of Ba.ri`,,`a1'rth'e St. htrick Day entggggjsnpn, `1,n_ .thg'Ha_l1;_on, rm zvery w,r,'L>: ~59. `Gsrg s. wwtifhgi awided , aming` 'th'/e ahnul celebrzitio on '5- `*"` Inn"`uI-it fig -;~ $2. Patrick- g .Society_ or burp ,,`arr mu uh. I s_ entgyjgg. Igpnjq, :4 the 19{;h,u\t.- Thpv _r_w gvyery wgrtly ` ` Cope; ,a.nd.`1shown og.1"r'.fnend_;p.n` ftaownengnn 7 be not a.lone_ 9 clboijand; ax ensiv_e`(eg.d_|.er gf 1. Vhiuory. but Ailao-an gpt uoxxgpiler 0f'in`be,I`esting atg. VVe"_r'egret jth'M7 :ym:t of -apa.oe*forbiHa ilpp;b1i!h1ngfl$l f 1 . ~ `ln: l>J u: Inna` r . iv .,.1,1]A1.21'gela9g3,1 dz eyenmg,_waa )4ethodiIt"nu;;cng;';gn xnn :.ve_Iy crsaditnl gnawing uf. :p1i" Ti1 ;.h-edny next. Mr. vvguoa Sign tb' " , `,1.i`st,n4?'os% Juan-son; tow theaaevvpssi In the gm;k9t.. res ' ,x%npt 53131:; 1'6: po lteness 111- mmgqer 2 . 9h,en:,ent;-- 11' M W9 1}` , ':a'ero1`3::ii:tr!.~..9!1.!`.1 y t . _ nbor S Wti V a;t next.pMr.gVVgf:'ol'I -ndainl atueninmtbia qseuong *0 s g . qhiba a. fuhxribaxs ;a4`1ntI2Aaf33s*:ieBnLk)EelQg;?7 ( : eu;1`a.stoi- at 1:119 1:, Y. y were `:99 .' 01. Dgnr; ely `trsaclmron 3 been berxibly hthle straulzers. _ _ 1: ma ` g,"perI3as,' that span 9116; inws6u!Ic;.1tuut baput Off`-lI_1;| late`:-:,giu t_b, > v\\l1en the co1l, bleak winds are over, ' 8.: t'i1: l'i6iidTn'g' owers, and warm.` glad.-uiay_e a.-e in barznouywitsh the dxlicate fabrics and `_ ` ~>y c >lors<,-f fashicn.` Our ieas of;thc sehsn; hxvga been'.b0Y`1`O\I~`cd fr.an'~N` the `no:-e`;e i1l.<-Xi, . ~ate of '13:: r]:11_1 hence tlicre is less I; ndauintion mn 1.1}_ e .<`nrmli be tohg exige.~ . ` the `beautl ~ae r]:11_1d, -vlzul is less gdlptgbign 1: an Lfuyre "1:i.e8_5'ffth ~*weathr 1);; ~.-up e a.ucouuts,, hdw ` e\'j'9` it may bew zr onrsizltes with th; . sa.m_b?anq:e of spring, `* L_I'dT0`.)eS, and make. , the cheedeasncl `lows hys of the season bi'i'ghbex-.'_2u_:d leasauter by such display. . We ._du;n<:i_t gin: 51'. e`n.a.tL1re-that is `nnstgsceptible 9.1-txclesloi dress wh_1ch are exbx- I` -than in th} vet aspects " sprig may Well littfat the aM;en- ' sag 1;_ phi1991ica} observer, as we}! "as ._du;E1;<>`_t sin: ; ejna.ture-that pnsnsceptible bo _` the begq , \ srticlesloi which exhi- `Bited, a.feg.x;Iy-_sp::i:p;z-0 nin. sud which have ' whf- ` T addsd.5 chum A _K A ci*:stI1'r'e .wea;rs . they: , -. s ~'When arrayed inv d.1l"th`~mqHste s- and skill, there is fresh * ..b1ieve'tIxat our fair sisters are fear- ? wwto . . : fnyaniivvonderfhlly made (up !) nndgggaatral anxiety Iesb,'.s1`ch delicate a.t1'J's.c1ionq}_she,111d , not survive th( 1-on ,rh experiences of t}.~_c_gyor1. . _A's n.niniiex_ot'. 1...: tas_1=es~and ct1_sv9Il=5 ' `times, which g:-ioftenaeen morc u1_4he=1Igl_\_tr ` ` of lifeand-mntgners, ,h:-i1h_antc_$,ct' y. nre_not mucbjn sym- _y_ erinxlqment temperature out- gggdthve,-inside contrast in. per a 3, all thp;:;ane`.favorg.bIe,ou thafacconnt. t any `.mte."the ethibigig expgppnal ' i Sis: si{dfl3o@netg,':g,;'id}`ii1!c&a ?,fo6ds,and the Q ` _ _ ,~ed.I1!1isbgzent, are d9`I_etVihg or en _` ' cohgmyendatgoxix The rainbow hues in h ats`Tsi14i-bonpeta,'a.;Id.`h1!:`&a ;;'o6ds,and the `E hri1liantclict$zzi"`raUy. nre_ not uu;_uvu- v-w. .. Ann Jlvuvn 3 IQ-"`WiI: ` The` wnbph uth` - ' " -were driving home tog_ethr, Sco b . gm: gig. 1;` `H dnjs `tvhiere gd I ' run `1etsfew - v V P. 0 0 ' nsmynnovgmen ixrdavi num /'_nv.u_u;d. 5- h , d b . y; "who, 3-::c,6x1Iz_1ng"it, informed tlie pblice, d,,-,..p`I,,3d ,,:D{i,,e,.:,l:` gnd. 590151: yap -pla.ce_d under arrpst, wxth the fol. me much` of the .5. 3"" t"b, m -1" Ps'"" " - ~~ sioned 9. thankful am > ` ted six1cenitwp_.a:q;1!eoT1 ihe make earner n '7 , , ' ` "'d1`- new 3. am '1." 7. verad~`b'yMi'. A..M_uAGiI1i,s,1 z-e Q3393; $21.; ;`!:o*,e;~;`>g{,;`;:g,`;g ..St. ; Society '03-and, you ghee ' !?.i:trick entettg. in.thn,`Hnl_l;._on #1 whicl;`Ma.rc12gwa.s n~ .19"'g_.:tt" T . . ` s `:"% ajniziisggonyeydihn `ma1:n:8c)5u;, V ?1peitn ' Vneffun .1 Trajan: 0` fe Scottie a:}*:*%`I;:z`,,';2:.;*=~::';,8 i'1:::*:3*,::`::..:::~2*; _ Inn -3 r i ' * I .. 1 ' Andit_puu1hnd: "1 ll'n awn to'm uwwLL W V 1 `y Tbrat ofhemw .. `helocn.1~..` .- ` 'bv`E` ' ` "1 I.`he-second of then _\The.tbil'd-.0 them V '. Eltifroge tha birds I When the" three den 'I'!1_e 0;_h,rea silly she ,_ too No one has gust prete 1.01191 y` plays the origin 0 this fab] I" bun. by eorg oyiniqn, it bags taken 0 Pftitie a. certain chm-not nu... 1: ..u....b. .4-Inn nlnna of i . tbp';:;opqa`.favbr.;.b1g,outha.t account. \ At any `1gte,"theei:hihihi_s excgpignally beautiful, and I `1s.1i't liklrbgen ' at-fsn'y_time in Barge.` on ,,yi_sit _will` be,.a.dvanta.geou.I. ' ' very numberous. WAX . -gs. ..~ lly` , eom- w Lctu,-.9 yyill . he Misses Eta! a:9e1:1i`:ll1s 1a,g1ie;s and gnt_;zmen s _- um` jngs._- vveprpprietqginw-5: jug ctiqn ' by the`pu1a1:i:'.- ` J V ' " 2 "r In; Ezafher ' "'1/zxents are full of staple V `V ' ' Jox-:3 .:wvA"gsoN.1 -, . ` ' - . `he Emporiun`n~is agluw with thegnewut s'b.z~.c1esi'n hats and bonnet. , ribbonsandvdresw goods, `trinymillga; etc. The forum! 0 ening -of the show-room of this pop(1lal'.etnblis unent ghnajpsrml no exlianag a.ztic`3:.-Ltiqg a spirited maid-of trade i , '1-_i_;3`g~an gu`xnmer goods. "iul Vtany a7ii:ls . ge_nf:_!.emen ,y-L:__ isTaJu.1ouncc1.for"I.'}n:`rsday next. Mr, Watson .- ` TI 1-: s'i{a*ion.a bthexj ' laments full of stapie SE'l7LLI1~'G,'-It is in ofdek again to agk "the quzstion": Es-Barrie to have 9.1-owing club this summer? ~' ' . "3 ` anus: and . smma.-A lmrbin 8I'0f`SpPiJngiS`t1l:'il-lt`tG1" . with his new styles of end. (rear forghalmier season. Our friend Si.n:'no_ns l_'1a.s_`a. stock of n_ev;Ir. gqoda in gentgs hats, caps! .&c.` 2 x >_ _ 'FIm=:.--Fire was -discovered in a."stn'b` McDonald-stre `t,_ on Suptiay scernoon. brigades turne ,_o,u`t, but the saivqze - succeeding in subduing the element bpfozf ,5;-aat gmount of dannuagelvhud bgen 5191.133. _u_- -1 u'-....`- 4 quiremenns Oil the rm. and ,w '<;_essful_ fu cur_e_; \;=ag.u. -... .7. _ _ -in . . ----sq-..u-"" ' P.s1.M,S:;r2`nAv,e-;~I "it cedes Easter Sunday ` Calergda.i"n g `_?_alng S}; _ 5 an ear? veriio 32a,:mas sh sa.ry,o _ thergnumpbamt entry of into J erusnlem`, when `tla`n_31'go1'3le 1: before him", and hene,itqT,;:nq|;gg,.- {n7the- omm; 1: VII} in the _Q _hurch The da) `hawfrgm I; . . 3 . of palms is an important` ea.ture,in 1:he.cere- monies .oLt1xe day. At Rome, theperexnonies Hgly Week, and Easter, commence on ed" ulms ' Catholic Clzurcp 1_ 9:.`}ol;gsi;i jzzikl distribution v ' 5' Pb"niIc'F'/1`IQUE'1'1'E.->-ltu the notieajaken of tha m: AM,` at ~ in tiw 4133 " "` ` >t-o;_..uiI" 561130 _of <- :m;ers_a,s n k__ ._up u ` `tic_tez" dungn vperf rm " have ,a. taste for mus c tl \ ` of `iicc6ri1`I}1' a'.i1dr3`g4?o;_1_ --,1 gnignners as (`nu k__ E1 jncessa.nt.-`cha`t_and` d'uring'th rma;nce.~; jyney neither ` have ,a., mus tliexnse1vc.~s,, nor will tug augw t1;ose`w_.,ho hy V9 to enjoy it in peace :4 , 4`1tnee:'. Luis/grep:-paclavto sums`: English ` ipjqk` gpeop),e go iiiake themselves so conspi-' guoixls `n this`;rg'5,id. Foreigners have more 1'61` themselves, and 3 in-matgqer and, at least, a. show of .;'ei1gn:ent;...1b might` pot _bq a. bad idea. for ` . natal to st,op__the paifpmance till I tef-` prfejriiils nmongv. the K }i`b5niIc'FxriQwn15r2.- ;ha11otie6~t&ken 1311 1-n Shame Busmass.-Wha_tneg pug unex- rdness of some_ qf.`o1`1,n _ `wn n_1at'Qh'n.nts in. ,adI;rtisingHft_hej; nqwrg ' s.fovr spring and- ' summer wear hs.s'h9.'d any aecb in making 1'. no preaeuc so lvackwnrq. spring, we do n_et pretend - - .4-. m +.h.-1+. enerlzetlc measures , 1...; ..... hixmmer w'en'r ha.s'h9.a. en lmckwnrd * bosw ; but uert:_1jn it 1;; that: do new prewnu ti-._o_s~ _; but certain l_B that energetic measures in Miriess matte : `Overcome. many serious Qbdtaclqig; Let lnerclmnts but advertise their new goods, and our word for it, cold days and . lisagreeable _mow-storms willuotprevent those who wish something unique (on which the most prot is made) from making their Lu`- chases, even if it be a. little in advance 0 the _ lie on. A contompormry says : "A man cgn ' net a.long,wibhout gdvqrtieing ;_s,9 can awn on . . ,,_,u u ..A. ge_t a.long,without advertising ; sp aw aenjlzlvn. A says: "A mm wx out grreasing, but it goes right hard." our business men think of Hus, and g ' their wagon 2ayheelB,-.th93y `will be sure 1 I amoothe V X vi ._ Blllvvw-I9: > `EH5 ss`us,.3:-_`-'L`he census enumgrgtpra for -1 . -thin igowjggtlfya lather part-ofiJi.at week re_cei\'ed the'iI nn1'cl1`i1lin`g`;' 9.u`d'since','~ the phalrmx with hqoks nn have eagtered upon their dngzie/'3,5n;`t}1e-seiIeta!..districca of~'!;he town. `It is: expucted 119.15 the Vonumern.tors_wil1 finish geir work inside of a. month` or` six wegks.` After thiu=Dr. O1iver,- the Colnmiqsioner, will he nnotjaer eiix weeks or more in going over the 'zjetnrt_1,u4`anr1.' verifying the correctness of th vhiiotis. `LA. glance at the blank form; prgpgn-9d, shows that the wox`k_of tho - '* , .4. ..._.......`.u ..g.nf.,| up-_-an, - ._ . k The ';*et:t'11`xis3.6f `the living thin will; ,ma41a 2: under the fgllowing h s : Hounds Aiuha.I_2ite_ , pun;ber_ 7tL>_fV Am`n_iIyl, ` one that rc-.qun:eshcareu`l nttn- tign tau- _1euo,I,l.__"1ua 'Ul:uJ.'xu:'.vn ._.,... ......, t.l;tg{s 5 will-;be",xvnM1_a us `inhabits number of family, sax. naeqipbrn` within 'Q:vv'e_1ve_ montlm, biyth` u.-nu -.- ... . Amh9.biteI1,.nun;ber of family, sex, age '=bc'>rn` '!ribhi::'t.WeIv birth place, xjejgion, origin, rofesrsion, occupation or tmde, ma.rri_ed or W1 . wed, going to school, deaf and dumb, b1ind,_uns0uud mind. >Be- sides, are blanks fur: the deutlls duving past tW.elVe`,m(`>_|_1l) s, re_a.1 estate, public 'tul}ii>xis,'pla.nts mid fruits, sheries of ' `mineral products. In udditlion t the 173"!!- ther are, n ,nv_,mber,Q'b1n.nl:a not ecossairg , \ yvg ~Th.6a {allowing :u'e'er_x xb5:_rato1'a".;for , _ - rrle` Sbmmgf, East End ;.Jim,'1fowoll',` ` , . 3: k _____ . gun: Bqnnowrzn D.ws.-It was on ntch, 1739, that the Scottish covenzmtin under the Marquisof vMont rose, nmx-'che( s~=;::- - ;n Abendpgn up order tap pt -.1owun.1:enc- l:i`ons.ry;-Inovgmen for _the_ 1p_g _n.nl_ Episco- nn . 2 'g.trri". Z_M.a.rqu:so1 ').VL0llu'U:e, nAu;'uu=:u ' mg uh down reac- ti`9ns.ry,r-Inovgmen the I my and Episco- . .~11n'.'g':y which had 1: duyiproved ujixlerxcgne, and tlxercfore favorable en raised in that city. .l`l_1e .--_ ...- .........1. hi` 4111:: trnnns. o. fxwluvhich occu.-" which had mien rsuacu m uuuu ...._,, -._... u`ner~\o,ne, ' {me march the trpopp, sinned aurgrho in the c_i;ovnnnt,: since it wgazong of the Bdr:-ouvmrl Dayb, Whi<;h mum.HV `iii; I'M; }J0pu13Lt'_ .1xoti1?i_S_,?' lgat ,a'.`view to the destrucmon ox ugprue; u,I.; un- ohnding, oung sheep-~n p\xrp_op'_ . hgwever, " which arch wag not successful hggyhola arfninlisggonveyed in a. rhyme ags .roa_illpa olxe Scottish pensantar "" March said to Ap_e`rc1l _ :1 see thug slxeapdxpon a` hil And if _ou?1l lend mg do. 4; than -= gI fawn. to'ma`ka,t em d (1`hg`ra1:4 gfzt lam was wind n. n- 'n~`1.`h`e-ne c.ond them was suaw 4 them was gaitya. frea Eltrfroze bjrdsf nub: _to.1;he trgggg it-Qvjfarzoxig 'B'r:-ouvmrl Days, W1n<;h usually `in; Ihg "gopular cl}at they were borrowedby larch fro);/L Apnl, wxth the destruction of agpjcel o; un- \93`9_.`!1$. l`.`3!3..'i`lfZ . .`.`..`, .).`.E..-'%f`i`i1." mL`13iiZ; vv-----=~ V _ \, P:.--Fire a."sta'ble on nald-stre s_fcernoon. The as corps din b:fO!f8 any .5. .: Jnrngnn had been done. ' .-.__ gnhl uixiazviiuas. ":11-{rfroge the birds nuns 1:o-1;ne s -- the days wgre ne, ` sheep came 1mpzz:ghn.me." ? rat pretended fully tr} comprehend". origix} fable. Most probably. in" our oyiniqnfar It its rise in the pbservation ,5 vchn.rnut_er_ of weather prevailing about ,-.the close of March, such as we have : jug; p9,sb th}'o1Igh., and ditferune from what the W ' uumn imtxes ; one of those lnB.D)_` wint.ry;re- of qarnmn Vcnu.rn.u1_-:r_ In. us-........ ,_.-....-.._.._u zth close `_sga;apn j_u_I_txe - many haul wbwh baioug to the nature pf 91;: ppxtxng. 3tliose\ } kappa be any on; u I~l";aV.}Vr>WeH the a;en- IpI:l_ic31 shzon.` E.-'->-It is s;guian' matter by':"`}1 I5 by;3)19;pre 1" cancert, gasp; age to-1 D `decorum a.ud'sg5 ox5._ u an incessant7cha_and ihe am. the covenmxting His s`iiiguia,r,'uf98`!-"it? 1 by`;"`_h, " gb-> gs - of Jefnd ` ; fret x t hum were Dam: