u > r n I n I n Advise usat the earnest moment DOSSIDIB if ybu would like 'any Work'dohe _ Easter. for . s;.;jeam `*aTmitu % DREsS-MAKIN tmEf$s GGOTTS ; _ - ` I HIEIJ"-97.3 fhjg yegr, angry! -.h_e old Isuhscrjbej-3 lmvei rbnayed '_ ' with mom urdmntness thansuannl. "C '.l`his,is n p1.-city this a'nc_lIf.l:_e old 'suhscrVibe_rs> Imve, L-enaweu _ with more proinptness t;hnn:__uaual. '.l`hia__is gong} indication: that thy app:-eVe'inIe_ our 'artii't6 v give them "911 he ngws. 'whi1a' _i ` ` ' L~1IThe prim is $1.,oQ,pe,r y,:!%!..t,_3n Amoi-icn. We givp you_ ' spaoul. 7 ..H.m-' n-nm-A, ' V Aim * Clgnihisht @121 _ ` ptician ..- amevvn urn` hm _ -~~.~~r4.._:ALl:ANDALE[ . J Are the centres bf. attraction this v{IeeI `ati Sarjeant &. Smi+.h s, The ex_ceptional.. 1:jvoriri`wh`i_ch-o_ur showing of hew:Dress; Fabrics` has been received` thus far this": season `is _e_xceedingly encouragfhg `and speaks"v`o[umes for a very busy season; Large additions will be made to our stock V this "'week,'-`including many` Novelties in Tweed~s and Vciles, with a full .rangh of "shadings incrispine and Cheviofserges. Olur, stgck of Black goods_\A_Li1l be aug- mented by `a larg"eV~ shipment from the OLD*LAND, that wiH*be passed through the customs this week, including" the ver1_ newest_fa_brics that money can "buy. E E; : E E. %%@.MlN7(i . 1 _ V Miss Lister,` who returned last week from an extended -visit in New York, re-' * Jsumed charge of, her departrne_'nt' `on `Monday, and is now very_busy with the- `unusuai large list? of orders awaiting her. - Advise the earliest "moment "possible : ..'.... ......'.,.m nun 'nm. r.Tnr-I: rlru`-in for . . ` : ~ '- -`I E. The new stock of Spring n_I,lIllln,eI-9 is . I `to hand, and our staff, in charge of,Miss' E Fraser, are as-busy as bees getting ready ` for our formal display,--which-~-will~take-- place_in afew days. " `