Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Nov 1906, p. 6

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` 7H`uot BoAr`8l`gnatv":reol'V ' Tmxi: ,1-la`; Zn'mv-33-Eh` a receipt of price ,6 1 au;i:;,.T.;.i;; ; bonus: bu Lydln ' pound. . .w,...u mes. ymmng 2;149,`413 Bias, 9! 11.89 tons net acre. as` against 2,; 984.812 and 13.26 iu\l905.`- `V `v -`Hay ;an`d Gldyer-v-8.069,9,`I agx V_ 88!J,;680 `tons m"I'.5S."tons ,as against 5, 7 494 and 1.94 V. Ayleldin .,....uu unu-'m.u an 1905. T V Corn Ink (anus and` toddor 180,798 acres. yielding tons, 2,: 284.812 and 19 ma ;. um... . (kxeelb)-- , g. 1905. Buckwhaat-106.4:14-`sexes. yielding 1.792.908 bush. or 16.8 per , acre. as compared with 2.199,l352`and 21.71;: E 1905. ..- .u. u ml ` Field crop Averages Fm-\l I __ i Hay. nal: . E. E. C. Kilper, Solence master at .the AIy_m_er Collegiate `Institute. may` lose the algbk of one eye as a result 01' nitroghntrlnxide explosion: . ' `Fairy 'says he would have xegched the North Palwhad it not been that h relief parties were cnt_o '* `which lntad`elghtnY -, _ -. ....... ... .2. Ivvuvu nun i Mrs. 1`. Gibson. lnnial; Mrs. J. Mu- Allister and Miss Jane McKinley. Alliaton: Mn. Geo. Cunningham. ' I__E_as_n_. Thentarment took nlaca an v_uu_uu nguwu umnn unya. > _ _ "Another blast names will be added b I: ov_q _S_co_tia` ,_Ste_e1._an_d _'Caal ...... ._.............- a. mu- Kinusy; reucc'61 the me John McKin- ley at Essa. toolrnlnce at the residence of I: daunht:-r,`Mrs; Johg_ McA1liater. "-rIn'-l;._ __ ... ruyyvqlulvg ,3 1 R . . . It ` caused by the :10?` 1 ol the ` bovlfcls and intestine; up lhe'di- J gslion active. the agomach right, the bowels healthy and open with ` 15- c'- - ~`T 7 5'35A'iioI'd"" ..;Appendfc`[tts is cau.I?rby' nlomrinz ol {ha I , ._ _ ._ ..-nu. ugnun, dzmsies. qdzema, ulcers. abscesses, fostering `sores. {bad leg, ringworm. and all skin diseases and iuijuries. It is pnralydaerbal In _compos_tinn. All `dmggials sell as 501:. a run. or post 5 {ma 1'1-om Chg Z5m- nk C_o.._ Tmfamo. E ans or nlws 4 'oqnm::on1:'n .UnA|I)u.' .u`ma~':n "Pnnm -' ~ 0lot.|:lgPIu|nto!0\Ir:nIn'rdu:lu::y llforlllhvlvmanuslunla coll . ltnuhu na :1! um: um nu daft llh ' g:|._:I\3l'IhblIhIbwInlnR1Ihhrr ro'?`:3 3. ?-"v:`u`:`3... "."e;'.!E'ZI&:.."" "" nub; Wnnurrhthlubwgnmnmnumm. ed!-`slid DH-V` IN Ihowfell Elollanrnr - . ""'":PARAMOUNT" . J Ryan Inn nun-h. with ollsnqive -I bl-dub. burning yuim in the Cutout. ` couhinu`, nlainu :ot mamas, dill- qnlty branxblgg. Ineni. _hnl::kI- ' Idnrg` In to none. I - lnl:`;'lnd`dron;ing at the back of the throat. ggpggiglly, ILnizht, coughing soup eu:.,.beln_4ha4uo-ov!vv `Imam I,l1o.;ol .an4"fnn nub-1 3:4 nun. ,Iold [lulu Ourauh _ A 4 ` since l354-th: reputuion of khan more he gunramaad the relinbil- ily of pny Wnch purchned fram ix. I. ....a _. . {rm no I... ....:.x.. .. .:._:.j._.._ Six lives were lost by the wieck of 1 the steam barns Raesoluge 95 the west- axn sandyar. Tomnta. Thuirsmiy. John Sullivan wa s_hm-e on J.wj.;.oo:io4;rLA:`-:- 3 you xuuuu Jenn.-.a.u TamTo,0nt. . -u ; TOWNSE 15 t fW .....'. 16 gnt_<>?1\?of%V*._. col_lectian of the nuns. _ - -V ~' The (allowing Iou-ara`putened (except where otherwise :3 :' nah? ) TOWNSHIP OF ADJALA m... an: am: IIIG - at the hour of two n clnck in the aftefnnan, n: the Court House, in the Tawn nf B-xrle, proceed to tell by Public-Auction no mnclraf the nid Imdlg may be sufficient to discharge the axes and all lnwlnl chnrgijhaurred in and About the sale Ind collection ' vl-L, .,n - . 5fi3'EiiK?8+i nAvnraAN11Amr_,}gn7_ 9 lhalbonr in tin: ' 2NEp.. the Wnrden'o1 tho County of Sim- - ` 7 con. hearing line the Eighth day of September. in theyear a{_anr Lord Nineteen Hundred and Six. ` and to me directed. commanding ms to levy upon theseverxl cut; 1*: or .~:mc_oE,} By virtue ofn warnnt mass by , lnnda mentinned and described, being in the County at Simzoe, for nu-can ueapecniveiy due thereon, tngather with my cunts, I he reby give notice puraunng to thc Assessment Act and Amend- menu Iher_e_t& that nnlua the aid nl-rams and can: I-.n,......... ZAM-BUK A CERIA-IN CURE \. J!-`or chapped hands. col sores. chil- blnlna. etc" than is notb lg so aoat- i've nu Znmink. Mm. H`. Rankin. ol Agnip. (pun). n_avx:--- . eaerawuuusagsw . - COUNTY OF SIMGOE % Treasurer s?Sale uILands . m ARREARs;`FOR'TKXES. I \ ,_`,__ L, , \CDUN1`Y E-2IMC_0E, .10 W: - \V|rdan oI cl: [ , ' . . _j KAI! Subset-lpt!vnr'rucalvad_will be acknowledged In the Toronto "Glaha"and "News." Anyono mbserlblnz on dollar or man: beenmu I subscriber to uwcumdlnn outdoor-Lilo - for one you . -` - ' ' . .. _ .. .. ........, um... uuurluhn nxnuuuva uunmluee, Turonto. w u 13 Z35 250 4 rownsimi on` onuin (1&nnmxnN.i)xWs1oN.$' `- D9. -` .g.-_z ;1oo-2156235030 _. ,___ _ , I -. nu nun. nun will _ " -" "`- 'v' " I `'` ' I`"' `notice that my arcumstances is n hnrd one ; no father, no of home, without any meana. 1! mother, no hom?--no`;-_3e than aHprinncr. Nolihlqgi wgazts (ah, him ;n ,4 do 9,. M5; ,5 ` me on nccounl o my `gene. opmg you w` V V; a - . . ' - charity and conder my position, and give me apcsiticn diam" " ` "cmmda" ` at once in your Sannlcrium, I ever pray. .5 `H L` ` `P7`_3`- m u at ta . 'F an J :on3'.?. {3n'a'`.?}'='n?.`1'$v.`Z'n'23:o:`:`r'$ tt?Hw$:f:m: nf.`i.`'.yz`.% n..`. a"; , to DO I , . . . . . . . . , ..,,.........,, .. u wuuwumm wwwmmnlenace yr/n}1U.49Ko1m H555 Hospzmz FOR CQNSUMPTJVEE. j--:uj' Facsimila Cavzr Page (reduced in sin) new Monthly Magazine 01' The Nalionnl Sanitar- ium Assoc` lion. Full sizmgf pagrnox 7. --: ` . " "I WAS SPECIALLY PLEASED WITH THEJTTENTION PAID TO CONDUCT TEE INSTITUTION CARE- FULLY AND- ECONOMICAI.LY."-D:-.R. W". Brvuce-Smith. Government Inspector Hospitals and C_hm-mes. SWW No Father, No lather. No }I,omo- Worse Than a Prisonex-~ GA|uuu.n Buctv, Bnun, Om-.: Ericlased plane :1 doctor : certicate and :xaminalian papers. Hope uwill sacure me a place in you? Sanatoriuu. You If] lice mv drcumxlznrnx :. 5 1...; ...._ . .... .-_.u_-_ _ aolrnulurlouo HIV in unit `I'D . 513 w. R. Innnrrn KL Ohlaf Junlu, vie :-Proldanikv; sin: Iuo'c1:'u Tnnnpo or W J GAGE, Iisq 'clulrmnn Rxnuuuva cangmmee, Turonto. chlcin Ixnclva:-3015' 20;: :l.l.v`_;`xm!;:tl55 Wynnottea. three pullers and one cock : (gr 8115. . _ v .-v' ' . vs: -N01` Asxsaumubm Insvnvzn uni-Lumszn Amnssxou TO rm: n:fxbxA . -moon r< __ _FEE~ I-I_0PlTAl: F91} CO BECAUSE OF HIS, OR HERPQVERTY ,_III4-2_ mwnshxp on paAr:HEnAs}1i. ' . ` ,4 utlloo .-74n~ 5 ` .. ..- v AVV DU.` `TOWNSHIP 0I-`_MED6N'1`E.- .f,Wi-; 65,'1'62 1D.'!r '1 have pleaarz in ncIo.n'ng mm 4/ : V`. ` ._ . n Attnetlvely IIhutn,_tot'1. nrucnes on me Open Air Treatment of Tuberculosis of H13 Lnnotnr _j-_..:._j.?_j._ SUBSCRIPTION BLANK. ' TIIDOYOEIOSIS th' Lungs FORWARD -STEP . The Nadanal..Sanitariu_ixi Associatidnof Canada? . iS7W135 )?7ngEi * ~ >devo'ted_ K9 the Outdoor Treatment of Tuber; _ culosis, `an_d__`thc_' in culcation__ of Hygienic ,- Methods of Living for the peof generally. The first numbc_:r 'ws issued in November, '_ I316. ` " ' chaod Hands and ~4'}ini|blai ZAM`-R171? A nmn1u.n1 n-rmu . Musi;c'>k;--l?ree `I-,l"opit21:l,ffT<)x'f " Consmpves _. .- _ Anypne conjfibuging one doar a` year, or more, to thc funds" of me` Hosiaifal, ` will -become a subscribr to CANAnum-- ; auu /ruwusulr 0E,IA1L:_, 49'Lo|: 25 pr. of/Park Lot. )9 ' ..111 1 3 ~s1e _.All profits from `this gnagazirfe '-~ from subscriptions` quad advertising-'-will go to the maintegance pf patient; at the Muskoka Free.)-!ospital:`for_ Consump: lives. - ` ' ...... all ma ,u9u.rI: ` . DANIEL QIDNLAN. P - . -' Traunnr, County Simeon`. , Bnrria. September 21:12. BN6. " mm pnblioaplon in Bnm_zx'uu sat. 27m, rm. - Firit phbcntjon in Ontnno Gazette, Sept. 29, 19067 ` ,,_ .....x M ar11.`J5l'rllOl. ' The Adjourhd Sula $vill'f3'kVdWj>;;c;o Qatar , our. ` `:3 my or J.ugvAnY, up two o Islook'p.m.. in Ghapnrt . .` .ouse.' - ' ' ' _, _ `manna: ......._ .-_ An Omham without Eom oi-'lIea.ns- 0:. A. E. Hutu, Pu-xx: I have a pltisnt here,n mug fellow inwho.u I us greatly interested. He has wid cut. or _ , "" " `W _ < . 3 `V aiowmsaxp or'vEsPnA. 8. 3 4 - 259: "A child : kiss set on thy sighing lips shall make the: glad-. make the: strong. ' "A sick man hr.-iped by thee shall '17) `IT Now/*1 saa'.u....m nc. aim ' an $65 an: of {male tmnblubonnnl Lyd 3. Pinkhsnfl Vegetnble . 7

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