gun, um...--uu_y un5uu., nnnunona nuvu cate (with magniceh_t Xmasfnumber), ail?! others. . " ' ;c;AsTaR-I4 ;_..._ LL- u:._'...'4;._.`- -nit 5B`AZ1-EIE, :irx.uiz|1um`. 'hmn`apAY,- _whitax'nper muhdl and ruhbiz`:,' IIIVO` been made in view of the ht;t1" "`"` Vwiu H v"- 5"m"`7a: E will not be `acv:ep`bed*n an tor fashioned momd of- alnnin - than-4 This `mu! is henna to ' ' V imnulntad in wnpnln I .p ace of 3975-95` thmubru-It over the-edm-`u math chili. the Aznd:"wiac1r"iaan`p':is`osii 1' : hinh-,.noa~.n1x `red aunuum, V - `|'lI):`$:tli|i`IBgVyI0ll`1':dGdIhO_ odgaolrhni W,` "" Y9? `j"' `L die office at, th'e`.Assistantv General- ~ Manager, Montreal, nad state` hnt"at . avery naint yvherq the ma'ke-up`o uassen-gar onbizh-clans nish: trgiin ixfin any way altaxad; ch rakes on glhtnkes mist he hated 'bfox'a the ' . meqting, on,tx-aim: bf dleranf. clam, - I whie one side-traii;s'o?Eh`i"otl'1ar. ' Thu tailure ffof air hhkaa to operate ncv:ep`bed*n 'excnse accfdents. order believed to >t$Euu1'n:: __-.-.- -- TC - - -v.---- - Castoria. i_s a. harmless substitute for Castoroil, ' guric, Drops and Soothing` Syrups. It It contains neither Opium, Morphine not other` Narcoej substnpce. Its age is_ its gu.'u-antee. It destroys 1, and allays Fevedshness...v;t ' cux'es.`Din.r1-hma "sud;v~Wind 4. Colin." 1!; Teething 'rroub_les_',` (Ignspqtion and E_'_la.tnXancy. 5 It` assimilates the,`Food,' . S'=!'~r;!r.=;=:=x1r*_1.3a~.v;eJ::=j,ij1s;=,4l-e_t'!!t!a ` f.l.`hVChi1d.ten s Panacap-_TheJ1o1x s .l:`rinn.' V 2. Q.` I % what is%IAST9 FHA