5%` Of 00 'you"re`ooming to town on Fair days, and of course yogi :-le coming to this store. There is no place where you can get so thorough- ly" in touch with what is new and begutifulnor buy what you wat_I_t. aft so small a cost. " ` ~ ~`_ I. .;q,a:.':.._ .. ....-. ........;.r.-.n......5.... ne` Nillinnru nrncc r'...m and so smau a cost. . -.-, _ `A - .~ . _ - ln addition to our- graridhowing of Millinery, Dress Goods and ~C:_xr_pets; we shall hold high carnival in our cloak room. "' Every Jacket and Cloak in stock will smered at SPECIAL SALE PRICES for one-week comfnencing T 1'! UR S DA`Y N E X T. We take pridejn the leading position we hold in the selljng of stylish Mantles and use this sale to increase our fatne and win new customers`--by t_h'e' uznndnrhql uuluna unsill nffnr 9 < . and this sale to Increase 0 wonderful values we l| offer : _ Ladies Takets 4.06 v2;1ue~; " ff 4-so~-- u u ' 600 . (4 eaosen.mea?r?e pm -T'1 V B6 su're;$ sg? Hehi"ahd git*th best. 7 .--_(---.,....,v. __..-A. Fin'Suiti ngsi From the loronto Lxmumon and deliverad by A. F. Garrett The Hcint`2m:-m 8: 'Co.Pia'-navis the Canadian':`;1Favor-. ' %Th&C9mmn IDj _ ll-Il.I.u__na_I_I A. ;F[. EARRETT. sac Agent, heinlzman %&co%,%4 3 (ire_at__Open'i>ng'_2Mant_l;e Sale 'I .1 ` '1o.5O ' I3.o0 T aycadiesfsaitsionsle-aesszogeqe V The Store"of Stisfaction. ` ,.. 2. at $2.90 1%. 23.71; 1 . assured satisfaction" frolui its illustraiqd catalague off D-iapxondsgx Jewelry; Watches, Silyei.-,`Cut Glass, Stationgry, egq;__ ynv121EV' B205: _ `Hall s.- _ ervice Ladies Rain C_oa`t`s 6.6o val1'1e,`4 u n u... -f\ - u C :Ch1'1ar-e'I: uuuu roller towel, the common gencils in "`"' Achuol, the coinmoi: water plil. with` ginwg A;g..mn,n.1 1.3.1 gm; an. in common dipnez, in home qr gm cakan_ 0! on Mondav morning. school? How many cove: over from Whiinrnsuninlzinutn mums. a deniled contractors the wooden house is-likelv to dianD[!ear`!r1)m the cunhtxyaidn al- most as quickly my it has mz'n the city, and that wit-bout. the" asaiacnnco `of J'U' 5 .00 - 6.00 atationerv smug and news staid th? I:remiaeevav:atad.by. nL- (Byown; The despaccheis moved into. their. awall new omcen on Saturday. Things " TH'U'BSDAY, E .Lou`.=Shannon`is serixfg with 2. - hruisecj foorhaving mat with an IC- `Eident in the` freight; department of the G. T. R. E *'ji ""e;'v'y;;.;;;.:.;;;;.;ci;.'g ;;.Lf E Thyreday, September 4? ..,.... _, . ' ' Bgrc cm` leitncuiiasiriuge i.;:`x-y' an sataraay-'u1gm,-aaa-y1"seaeday - . T on--$oro , ntlawto learn jhesteam-tting , ' The frokdnle Hockey team have organized for the season of` I905 and ger, . o_ ; ec.- EEIIT i L. Thompson; Captain, B. Th9mpson._ . The line-up will be as foIlo1vs:-Gon.I, Captain, Th9mpson._ will_ Ed. Longhurst; point, J. W'hitebrenH; cover point; B. .Tl1ompson;` gunre, 'F. ' Lcnghurst; rover, G. Grant; left wing, ` N. Dvmeht; right /wing, J. C1-oglmn'.' ` The guys are looking for some good. ` . Mpntxal shmxguui hm; _at strip me u. ;. `Ll- Mrs. V. English au childrei; have , returned to Toronto after a. viait {with Vcnctran Cloth-_-\Ic>ry nruch in` dcniid _-09I_-- , Smpoth nish-In Iovely shades of"Brown,_Blue, Green and Castor at oc., 756., `and $1.00 per yard: ` : Wool Twnd Suit1ngs--In dress lengths only." ' : "Good assortment of co1ors-All-over check pifE'ns at 9oc.,.'p;r, yard. j --------'Fwecd~ -SuitingsL-ln-;allg25g1r~cht:k__.patums-L-1a.. Navy's, Bruwn`s, Blue's, arid Green's at oc._, and 755:, per yard. . _ - ' V ' _ - " `- `A m.-.-;=I 1:... nr-I'......a :..:..'......._'_r In.n...4.y. ........ ur'm:r;`w`sATn;4 Laniiasf and Child};r; s, Men'sa._iid"Boys'-No better dis-_ " play of Underwear was ever shown here. From the cheap- est to the ncst we have them ; youvwill nd bet: `CanI- - dian, English and Underwarf mss L PAIHJNE OGKLEY; A. "K'rCrM. . &FMarchisB:; T`-{oronfo Dl'-l\lJ]`-3.. IJIICK BT55 |J0%5 31'! IIWHYS `.,`JLhisui`;:;:axt.u;nnLxiaz1i:xs.`-J1l_ux::.:r_r_e $he~_l>!.=._ yam. y ' A spcci_al line ofTwccd Suitiugs--'Up-to-datepwaygterx-n::_._ and colorings, regular 5oc.,1or 35. ' . V " . Mohair: and Sergsjn all colors .25c.. to SL130 nu . SB CUOH--\.0l>__l"lO\V WHEN WE KIIVE -aKd_6la"a.hd a; priccs_t.hat ion tlbe E uooas, waxsungsana mmmmgs. Uur stock oompnsa all newest shades (and waves in BROADCIUTH. ` VENETIANS, TWEED SUITINGS, MOHAIRS and SERGES.. Blaqk D:-as Goods are always pmminqnq in ' lhfs denartment wer valua are thgbest`; - ' - > 7' yarc|._ with s_ilk embroidered spts at 5oc., au1d.75c.. per yard. The choicest of new waistings, plaig Vanei fancy.-`Sqmc f This being rnillincry opning wick we deem itjn " .,propriate time to. display our _choicut c'gc1.t-ziu Dta - Goods, Waistings and trimmingi. Our stock oomprisa` ncwut sharia: and lnnst wavu In BROADCIIYTH. AIJEVLIN 8: MUREHISM d colorings, regular 5oc., for M_o_hairs Sergciin colqrs .25c., $x.oo,pu ._ rd_ > . ` _. TORONTO. ox :. n. A. rd pp. 'r'enc`Te: of Pinnnforte 1'hnar},wII| be In Barrie bn 1-ecvlvu pupil! aim-rsvm. uh. mum ynpand luv Tumnw Cun- am; -u-u-nu --\:I _ , -Our New-Mantle: U531! ff: stbck awaiting your in- ' :ction--Corqz_:_ now when have, 111.3 `0 Barrie `and Auandgle .B1;ncI;es_`. V` "ETsta,bIisheT:T,I:s 5 -o ~;-mAu1"|.Es`." , ~u,_.n Ii. H1iNwooD, V 7 :i_ger. We issue "Deposit ` --bearih- infgref it the i'a_t_e K . `draw__the __rr_gg.neY" at," Quit, : mu xuuur}, In: Ia: .. .......= .... ....... ,... c'&'-73 unum-yxnms. . ._ f - Milli qFamaL+3&d ngsldnnce--Mxs. F. E. King, Bradloni Sh-out . j MIS8 c. DANARD 1 Jim`?-ST . %Vi1`fs`J-L| ' ~- 1'AiLoR " 7, Dl.'I*:e'c,t".r`I,'1i'1poi-t\_e:A