c: % . .. V` .i ` `For Sale by GEO.`H~. LING, Balfrie ` OPPOSITE THE AMERICAN HOTEL T1{i;i`%oxrora I)-...-!.. _ - `.be? % ;JBar>r.i%e _ _.)$ganiitierb H n-.yu.nuuu, .u.,.m..u..V.. . V . - ....... lost my reputat'1on.. I Vhaycrlost, sir, the immortal part of myse1f. T-$lzae:pzar:. 1]"':a;.)m1:`t:s`tio;1-,Vkputaion 1 om" 1 have _. . __,....;-.__ 1%.-.. 1..-`. ..:.. .1... VVhr/e Prohfitabllyvlnting 1%; Made Dunlgp Street, B_arri". j _ ' IIQY F0111)!!! LR Toronto. Canada Wlnnlool :A }o7?jVust 23$ vluabl " #m_gm4__ ..z-sum-akgulu-nn_ xxAmzm.-. `rulm-"VD.\\'.` yugnxunus-:5.` All uua vv|uIII\A\aAsn at Cassio made his wail.` Ouryreputation for the better. `class of Printing has been steadily` inreasirig and we are still striving toimproves it, _Every pi(_:ce_of_ Prirfting we do is 'ven'ca'i`ful- personal attention, each job beihg ` , ,, , . ,. . . . nun Luv): ' uality.` :.Do you tliinktffh Primtmg` -gif yqur housubears that stamp of completeness that will notionly `I build up your .-epixtation. but also turn the'dollar youxj way`.-34 _ 3 ` -Ify'{ou_don7;', c_on`sul,t`_us. " w \ a . `I - anrmmmau .mnmmmua,@&' oven. thus baht; i:`?nickly, . _ no u: the name IeuE:::r_r. _ Insult in jmq, Iaxder mugs, light, mi n ONdw ' >;l cl an: ixlyyun , nu npcml, RI-like cxpcrlcncn In ndsndceuduxndon oluoklng nnnlu. Ind Inifonn}y-hu:k,front Ind dda EU I UC_lIUviIIU I -vvv_v.w- vuvwv ----_..-_ _ T||O}A!0 About Your Mulch. Whnyombqltgoutheleutmwrwpnwhuiirmcsul ,.Iuennoyomhnin., . >____ 7 1: up -ox-mung me um: .. You'ur_o"`_not quno w'oIl-talc... dot, of - `_~.x:_'_---a-A an *-r '- -"rs-mi n -1" " III!!! I II A Iavlnlin Fl _nvnu '" 5i|lIi'il'DrI[gls1t1rlIl1nd"Ur:-A-tdua-ln-tun-Irilanutnw 1 Z ,--- -9.79 V 77.: 7 mi: onoq ind]: will put you right." . _ Do you mt_en&l_ In these messages when you receive them? . You should da 50. BEECHAIWS PXLIS often ptcventunerinm, . Illnau, And so rovg thansdvcs . ' . ` "WOR'l'H"'A"UlNEA' A _aox."': V..__..... .1,.-....._. ".4 -........_u.n......2L...g_ ~------ r-- ~ ~ The Gun-n07 Fouhdrr U0 M1-O4 Toronto.