per yauu, w 50. us. pl 191.. am! 15,- Vi:-1min. `I First and`Most important, of course. is the n4snu.-vu .\-....-J .v ..V.._ ....,,-, , Immense collcction o_l new`, fresh goods, all displayed for {our convenichnce in tlic Miincry Show-iobm--thc largest assortment, Jhe best values, even in thc_facc of the hcayy advance_, we ave ever shown. Y9_t1_VL3_rc specially invited to come and examine these values. You ll,nd our description does but scant jugtgc. 7 ' .- IJ'dlgi 1llla Ill I4Q\lI\aD ;1,II$|||,l_y 5./vllwsu -4-... u.-......- ........-- 6... ....v...., Goods used in display and now nffcred to`you at one-third to one-hall off regular prices. Nohclthat cannotibc restored to original beauty with a. little soap and water. GVOVVNS, SKIRTS, IDRAWERS, CORSET COVERS-a great saving for early shopfzers. ,-_.Bargains. in f.Cottons,J.inens;-Sl1etings,,Lawns._l.ace,,Curtains, White Quilts, _P_i_l,l_o_vg-,Cottons7, Prints, Muslins, etc. . r Although, as ciicryonc knows, everything of cdtton manufacture has greatly advanced, we are able, by skillful manocuvrcin'g and 7. careful planning (or you montlxsago, to ofTcr bargains unprecedented. Prices less than present wholesale cost. .. ., - -_ .-.____.g.u - g-.. -: :\cr.... :..~... ` ' , rrmw. .C1'u`nis`.-rbest-English Prints, in iIi.|- Ow colorings. During sale at pen-yard.. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Bear, qunlit Cnnndinn heavy 09 I L mense vnrietv nf newest: I D _ Prints, ipzhr. nnd (lurk coiurs. During mic. 10(K) yards of rie Snleens. Prints, Muslins, Gingbnms. Ducks. Pc- x_131ins_. etc" x;egI_Ilm-2.-'S'c if I n Many other rcductionsrfoo numerous to mention, > Com and be convinced that this is the greatest Whte Sale 0 ' record. Every bargain genuine, as" advertised. " EEIAIB, `BARRIE, ojrr. 'R.'__,eAT HQMEto;Cusmme:s_a;_:d the-__G_e - ' " El PiiETii;"'THU~RSDA`Yf`FEB Y W Demonstrations by Experts of Coffees and oth F `Q6663. 'M'US_IC"iH""'A'tTen ance. .You. are Cordiallyb Invited. ' HE WHITE SALE has been one of the factors in. this store s growth --`a xed event, ` planned on _a broad scale. There` are substantial reasons for the suocess'that_-has"in~-'- variably attended it. We` profit by our past experience, so do you, bending: every energy` to hhve better materials, choicer designszmd loweryprjces with each succeeding year, I : u-mnnu4Mge4hi `Li o_ur sjandard is being con- tantly-advanced,4nakin_g4qual itis;higheu1nd_price.1ln ` ` Do not neglect to come early.` You need not buy if you do not see what you ~ .:.s-.Ir..=.-_-I........u.. -~ -~------- -- - idka "E . 30-If ` 1n.*uAmn;u...2 `Bargains in Ladic=;s .Sli5:;htlyg(;Jiled and Mussed Underarments ...u. .....a .-.. .:.-....1.... ....A ...-..., an"...-ml frrunn .-.r. nnn.H1I"rd on nm-.h:.1I nff rervular prices. Nohc that origins: Cr . - - - - . . . .. I K C L V . C . . ` . . `. - - on e 0 ur -um rc- 0Xf0Id Shlrtmgs ' _tonnos,1-gsgultu-3Ocn.uL135c' acI~:ng'1ish Oxford Shirb I *0 01 '- P Ym` ---- -- I ngg, regI[nr~l2q,_1l6rJ:0;94?)c:-Ann; Snt.aens.--geod-4:o1o I mostly cr_emn rounds. o.g rev yaud, to 11:. per yd. l uv nun, -.5...-.-. ,-. *"co`nsidr*a`*bargaln ;`_," Prints. ml .'[<`.nnI id: `Pt- FRIDAY, FEBRUARY gtn to Ladies Re.1c;y'-:t;;-iwearwwhite ~ Under.wear ---~= 12- ~`- -~-~----=-'~~= M Na `Tl:rw\ru}\m__ .. . . .11; Lad1es Linen Collars nr: run-A lirmn 'f`.nHn1~s. C6rsets-very special 4 Our new-15. Corsets. in white cautil. Ion hiqi low bust. (txpellent. L. uring sale 4 5 I :n-14-\n-1 Pnllnnun Note tf Partiai List of e `grbaeaoy _ ujrzu ,dy'e wed comm suk. mm: Gnoagtnonhxauz. '1-ney"' `n-nI!g.tm_iezI'.'d 1} I I5 L'Ent' pure lil'lBn'C0"ll.`l``5- , N2_ and turnover - L to go during sult-, | 1}: . . . . . . . . . . . ' - Cretonn_es ` * rnun 41.... z.. n..~., -. - IUD `L-nu` Orb- 30cn.uL135c yard . . . . ' "MI THE hAHRIE EXAMINER, THURSDAY. 173-_BEUARY 4. 1904 peciul case of` short lngtus of _. jyhjta Cqblon, 1-ggu 7c. 1uii'8c:,`tn'go'di1mn]'; sale" I In; per yard . .. | : I u IZIIUD Ul # S DH Inxxr 1 36t7T .,,- .... .... ,Special in``Eml3roideries lFine Cotton Enxhlwderies n I` " ` Laulcs 'VVi1l3l.' - 3, = Very Speci-l-,Crea.m Lustre Waist. Jiped throughout, pretty ` V medallion brixnruingmeguv la!` 52 75. going at. . I . vclearing Prices -* [;adies =*Waists~*- for-v Rnm-J-I_r!n-9.-nn '.I)&I`.rA L13 ~ U}lU_l'u DI! 'uug:9 Best English inggl regg'Il_n1`-l23I_ag1lE;_(- Lace Curtains. uh-A nn .Nnmimv`hnm , nur e at . 1 _curt11ins, samples for _displz|y. t 0 at [`L{l-H115. ' -my no um, He was an nactionu e }at_!1 uni devoted husband and I jfhoi-nton. He_ along w)_th his b1fo(;hers- m-lnw and James and Job.`n Scgqggie helpxd to cnrry~,it- _on`. when "t was-11 ofte 3 ry,1ow. , -' ` In 1:11 eath uf`M:r. Sharpyrthe Town- ship _ ` nnisfil has lost`on_e ofits old eat ilixd most respected pioner sat * t_1er. . M_r_.'anx5 lrgn Sharlnycelebrnted .-.n._ Q9 8':-V U0 yup-t -um: rgka Laxative Bromo Quinine 1-amezs. ( .e:....... mm... boxes sold In ms: 12 months. This signature, Taka Laxative DPOIIIO umme Tab! ts. an ev sven Munoz; jmstlz agnau:-e, //rnrr; box. 2a5Z Biood. Pale Blue. Turquoise and VVh`ue. Regular price 15(-.. tin sulb ' L. - . . . . . . . . . . . .. L . . .. . .. 21) Pieces Fine Plain and Fancy Swiss Rihbnns. dainty slmdcs fnr ucckwt-An-, 4. o nnd 6 fm hos xvnl.-. 20, mic and 30c,--on sale only during \Vhibp Fafir at... . . . . . . . ` . . . .. j.j i"1 ieccs Fnnejviss S'iIE"Rl!bons. 4 nnfl"-I-Q 1nc}TeTz wiH_. 1n px-any stru- pnce 15(-.. on sale . > Fnncyrswisn Rib _nI. dt_I_in_l.y jH6f*wee1a*6f`supH5varues` To Cure a C`o_ld mr`One Day, .`:;``?.f:.`'.,,, .12.... `Hangman l\un=n-Juan In-_'I.I...;.. n A... I an 4...... 'A Carnival Among th Ribboti" _--._._,_, ,_,_.,_,,__,.e,_,_.,. g .. .. LinenJ3_':ioes' ._ xhuvinar n (lnfv 'l`|u..:. 6-p-V :1 V m lWoDiys. %,...., .-.u-my I4 uuvuu Fmwley Block. between Bank of Cnmmr-roe and New Barrie Hous_ < _-___-.9 A AAJIJIZB uunn um Successor to Ijnwlzgy 7&5 Devlin 17'.-4. vulav RI.-..I.. t.-o......... - , C I!-|'$_ 2 to wan Cl t roug t xsgrcat -' L%m: s?o%niEo7s{?%*saT;wE+;T i$%JWW W AT VICKERS FF ` { ' 1'|_ _ _||l|||'l'|" fl ||'|_aFfords yo-u many. cHance`s` fol` ecor;omy kn buyinzi aid the ' '