,_ -- ._ . ........v.. ..... lb and pmgreasive. he was closenin touch with the` eople and best situated to ` th ait_interests-| ere-proper1_v -- safe-guarded. , * * . _A mos_t,_env,l1uaia5tir.- caption was 1: v.vym- Baker's "Co1nmhiu Hockey Skates, reg _$'l50. for $200. ._ ' Bokes "Ideal" Hockey Skates mg. 82 25 for $1.65. ' ~. -Bnkc-1-"9- Liightning1'Enc1.-&zy_ Skates. reg. $3.50, for $2.75. . ` The "Sta.rx- Remix Hockey Skaces, reg._$-4.5!)`, for ~~ THE FIVE minus ~JlARnWARE--SI8RE- _A,1J,H1a: ;mm9_Qm1LI._.rudi hri, John Semple, Tecumseth; Thorfmmb, Tossomnho: W. C. Henry, Thornton; ,, Mr. lienry. _whc3 \v_ns nom_iy_nted by __ti!L1I_e.i.e1IJLLr.er_v,grpat_honor tube. .- nnndidato regsennng, that noble ] ader. Sir Wi 11 `La urier, and his ~:splengi Gostumment: The record of _x`nade the unanimous choice of th cou- ,-vention. In withdmwing. the Votnar --nomin _ l:e`very`In_gh1y`of1uIr._` V3 1. .s., A Tnoshnthuiastic rceptiqn given to Mr. Henry on risin td speak. `an venl minutes efore the e thanked the convention for the greahanor they had done him. He ad much rather gone into the fight ppqrtgr ozsoma othelj good 1 0 se Inn: as standard- bearar iuthe ,cammg.conflict, insgfelt it his ,duty to accept. `Some people mi he re am it as a doubtful honor _, . to the ibergl candiglat A [1_1g`_c_9_n- stIhnL 1`;` co_nsiZlTan'E57he wows at forum: elections. Zsotwithstanding 1 ~ this h_e.i.e1LiLu.r_ery,gr_eat_ho_no_r to;1;e. .- Jq a gmpporter` 3! some Vot; Eugci ';;;;[;3ie:1.:.e(1u::: ndidate, but as the representatives Miss Georgia Ba: of the Sbuth Simcoe R k-}9l.-.-..\{`i1$ (eat visiting her sis! beq1jarin.the,caming.conflict, Crown Hill .Tl `F. `T. cam-rou. ' DISTRICT BIAXAGI II! III \l.l vvu "1`~0n'1Il*r:unut`of`1fr.-3i'I.'I31`I`i1"e`s muss: Intro has been nu school in either divisions sinro 20th nlt, but lo-numb junior deparhnent re~open- ed. . llcuuiru is still unable to The mm` will is u-xpcct;*cl_,(o hag urd_:r mi \Vo.-lnes4]uy. . . . 1: ..,~$4:aJ43AnRAie-xAmI[neR. E Feb. `. nd-~.\Ir. l i.-rc_\_ of .\Ic.\In:m. i prwzncherki`-1hr Bn[1hst:clmx'ch"un - 5ur3d \'. )n :1_n'nn`xu;y 1a'l_h. to M -\ik('nlwxnL S!uu'\'ille.....\\'.TroIubluy Y - slurly _roc from typhoid K OwE:u"u- terrible storms 0 on the in sslon-I `lvropzrg-f~ 1: was _ at` 0memee....MnI. \\'}lIette of Barrie visited Mrs. Flnherty Inst wv.-ek. . . .I\Iit'w` Ruby Camybell of Gnth tie is the guest of Mrs. V. J. Camp- bell. . . . l'ha Sons of Temperance intend holding, on Feb. 6th, an open xnectin fit vihich 9311 5 ~wil1 be delivere ._ gent . A programmd of music will be i\'enA_-during _the e\ ening....Juck ohuson of Allaudale spent last week I Vfxt_X-Lhjs lgrqtgler. Jascplg Misy 1\_L ' at which mldregxeawvill be delivered by Revs. H. V. __Tbcu.upson, N. Camp - bell and Stephens. Mr. Walton. P.Gr. , \\`.P., for Ontario, ill also be pre- _ programm of given -during the Snvin mpany, capita of $2. )U0,000 and paid upca ital of $317,800. pays 4 per cent. on epo- iis and loans on mange ea at currents rates.` Oice-Ross B ock; -Qunlop- slreet, Barrie 5 114.!` I ctIm'1\I17a.T"Jona_s"Emms.`S"l:e up 5 `rently wasiu as good health as she 1 bee when_(he em} ( District Doing: Wall of Midhnrzt. vilied at Mr. A. D;-er : on Snndny...~.Mr4 Guuls of I \\ eat-Essa dulled his daughter, rs. D_. Cgchrnny. hut yugk \!r._ En ` 1 I Beucrutl & can 1-: n "Inn-nri :1 Z13LnmAlex.-Gibs{vn$r4`omEt{;ls:i-5 newlng old acquaintances in this neighborhood. . . .1-Ilerb Lougheod spent 11- few days In Toronto last weblr. .. . Miss Anmn Srigloilspeul Sunday with Miss A. Young of in;-sing. . . .A unm- I` `m `()rn_ngume_n of _this_ loculijv \ Mrs. F..Grc_v-is very ill with phan- uubnin and -iuflmnntn`ry rheumatism. ' \\`u,hopo to lu.~'ur of not cnn\-alescauce soon . . Mrs Andrew Thompsox) 1 Ilusiuns We are sorry `to remnl tho: ., L-`nth M 1m Shurpe and extend uur sincere synxputhy'tn HI:-. berexwenl. . . . E X_2Isle_r Herb `_Cunn_ingI}uuJ. \`h9_ was 0 V. Morton of btnrgeaon Falls uxe visntm here. . . .Qu:u'torly Meetin is to be he 11 in the Methodist churc next Sunday morning. . . . Whnc (attain- places wich necessitated his ixing taken to the Barrie `Hospital where. lxylnst accounts, he is doing well. ` ot}1_ing.i known of the `gqnp gxcgpt ;l\Viggins fdr veven `one Vaivelixng . 'R{Addisan and ffziillfwoazl v'v'ent tg_ spent Sundnv at l'1(V>m.V 7Sqhe"wns ac- `companied by Miss Annie Srigley. 4 . . The A.0. U.W.-"lodge held their oyafggr -p : (.,; on the -19, W3, 7 _ s..\ze.I2inL.3sn9_e1?sn5 1~_11s_..,Reig1.,_as! S ` 5911 of nrrxe, who mve been vmting J 3 Mtg. Cotn,_reNturne_, h_o1_m _o_n Satur- 3 Mtg. Cotn,_retu1-ned, home on Satur- day....Mx-s. Geo. Plowright has been 1 sufferingfroux an attack of pnenmon-. U in. _ She _v.;a_1s some_betg_1j frm_:n last _te- Y land a tumble whiIu'<')n'the`c_e~at gs` rink on__Samr&ay evening. H13 pocket contained a bottle of Cough Cure lvhivlh 1171:: krnlrnn H... ...1I h. .....1 lfnwy an the has mad: |n\uHm&ILu.u.- thexuir.-oh ufyuncouldhalvhadlhq-in 3 (Inna. .Inv-an`.drru1nLI' hea.rk-.-*Io- wan-n2r.sxhr1m~xrr-n we:xnxt.> n~ of (N ......p ......p.. u...~r. lhvvuhuvnll men. L... her bmthef, J. Lennzx. ..Alvm ; Johnson of Weyburnr Assaz, who has '_been regewing o__ld ncqunigtagceg here, rip: n'_Ax}1z11: 1-:xAmmm, mvnsnu; FEBRUARY 4, 1904 wards combined well nnn' dxd some ' 0 mngnifimnt shooting. At t_I'mt`2hey ' ' shqnld hnvoscxfilffner. _and would ` _nve dops_5q hnd_ they not cnrgied] _ "t!Io_pgh_gn,t_| pneiderjI_hl_\'. ' _T)|o St. Georges for t a first time this season slPoxgovk4&ej{ `$43111 farm. fI`13e_3i_r for- I crowd. The 7 o "wn:'4fn:r1yrE':ia7t,V-31'-I cnur. . , "A'1i1stmi ' ume to M( ome` R. *_the.high clnss artists, . Bot]: jrluyers scored goals by- unassisted rnua, For- B rester'a shooting-was ngnin of the long ' range vnriety. and only `L... g. _..1 .u_. _... :1-` stretch runners." The St. 4 lagged ll little and" Barrie cm The ' wax-km] rllslu-liter rush, : Inca s were utterly unnblo t too soon for them. Barrie mndea bad I beginning. butn rattling finish. In- the first alf the visitors didn't soon: to have {my more; life than avoodegn I V the first half the visitors didn't 1 ` more; than wooden 5 man, and the Saints, who Ivan) -in form, played rill kiudsolrings uxound ` them. It was 3 to 1 qt the rest period. am1'\yit|A_near}_v hall of}1w lint period | "MvIWAg" U-y` uummm-u mm for.` A'1ilsto) Wdfnulted Vthreif `second 5 itfg '$.:g`;?"n;:A`s glln ozfotlff 113; . Menford aftLboiug beaten at I Y` .5 Hurst wrote the O.H.A. ` isho found the nt hcnldxgell on me it was impossible to get 8 team to_ i rig wing war 0 at t roughout. - . . - 3, Thomusjn goal pmyed n woderful gather OWIDK to the condition of the mm. on n manic M. um "um. a-alnar Alxnuxxs Collccced; _ ._ ._ , Epoch! ntcndou I-Ill blrguren to-me c~ , _- numoghuon of hnuen In um loamy. ' Thomas in goal playedn wonderful game. He `came out repeatedly and locked shotwwhen the forwards-were- completely inside the defence, and on the whole his work was the best seen in Toronto this year. Barrio pln ed inzlividual hockey nlmost entire y, making few attempts at combination play. Referee Charlie Rankin caught offaitlea very_ quickly, but he allowed the players to -boot'-` the puck ul- together too much. The game was clean. the players ruled off being galdwell, Ardagh, Riddell and Wil- 5.....c. .m...5 W vun Lvuununvls 9. buv men as a result at the game against _Bnrrie. _ . he an s kn'w nothingubout the game I and t e umpire gave two goals against them that never went ' in, so that the` score should have been 7 to 6 in Allis- ton s fnvonr. And besides, Barrie in the first game used two or three seniors. Alliston should know enough to take a beating and be quiet. Bor- - rie played n>ne`but eleglhle players, ` and there was no rough play here to knock out their men. One of their , players was sick and should never The r6,f,8l'_e6 ,i,n,t_l1_::_t_'nyn3,<:l1., - _a_1;1,-je nlmed bettr term in th (1 cond game, which was mung lon if Th`St.`G'ot 'u "for`wnr_da ma o'3rus -. after gush n11_in_a -row}. nn_d _:Il1_:noa 5 in thojlnal senior game in roup o. I. ha]: the thnnkcepert wh se b1ew f _too_aooy for_th_exn. B_n}_'rle xgaglqa bgd I ` then} a"victoty ovt the? St. Gear es 1` 't_ " point,"Lnmbe: cover point, Ardngh; rover. Chadwick; right wing, Hynes; cex_{tre,.\Vo_qq: I_ gwlrlg, \Ve1_)ster. ` Geoxgafis) Goal, Nnsmith: ' Barfie (4) Gun}, Tixomn; point, Williams; cover point, _ Sc-hne1fer;, . V VThe"o i};iaIs':-Refe1-Efb: Rahki of 5 SI,-mtford: goal umpires, R.G. Easson and Peacock_t'ime_-keepers, J. Dy-I the aggressors, and scored the !`ou1"tlx goal by a pretty tlnreeqxmn combin- ation in w_hicu Hynes, Chadwick and \\ e1) si: ex-' participated. The half time score was three to one. Thu fnv was 51 littlp rnnL1hn>.r in mm 1n'ncke(1_oy; the, ? as :1 short delay. The Saints were always Chg a_gg1-essors!Annt_l>scored !` xjtlx , sK0.\;l3RY VNEAR ~ | me Barrie anslnnghts. In short I * (he visitors sum bed Jhrue l:ets.ino-t.ho~net, am with three; `tea to phi)` were only In zonl ba- f '_*'j!- .'iAt!`.`.i{57 `t.o_t.ho~net, and WIN] three; ' . plny only one of then` collisions, n the S " ' took ,1! brncc-. [found -19 have n >+best,`,the~hon:e teamconlffdo. wntlrthe - istnnce of Nqwhold. was to ,win by tv.-r4:`Th'isr m'e"Mi\'HIxnd1h'e-iat`ricf - by thi'eo got: 8. and put Collingwood out of business. Poor Collingyood! `Ban-ie'Jnniors piled n > 3 big` score ` against. Collingwood on ridny night. , The score was.1'7 to'?., and it fully in- , div.-ntes the play. The match was - so [ one-side_d tjmt it was g1'.1_1_ttle'iut_er_est` | one-sided that o1'1ittle'iute1-est If Meuford Won at Coliingwoqd lust , night, Barrie and Meaford ;will have to play off In Victoria Harbor on the , 15th for the championship of this {dis- trin ,' sELI:mc::oFF '--pr1'-Tees1' ST.6GK*I"99Dr:vne-offthtrbeat-fatten" '. ing and blood purifying atbck foods \ ever-ispld. `,Even? package guaranteed .' to do what we :2 mm for` it, or xndnay refunded. . ' ' : Alli: u...,,...... ..w...... ... ........., u. Harness, Robes, Blankets, mu... 0.... nun` I)nI|nu n..u....`- visit our Agenciesfto establish new ones, procuring names and address- ns.`tD ndvertise our goods: Exper- iengq got neceasar but honesty ,Dn;:mra Jlrsl prescribed Ayer's Cherry Pectorll over so years no. They use It `tqd|y- more than ever. They` 't`|`I- - ,-,___- bronchitis "consult - vie -yo heals inamed lungs. _':_!__I;a_g`_-_vwv|nd enrhhrll . ...-. m... ....._1 I CFC`! C rely upon`it for coldslcouzhs, "consumption. tq IDOFC "I'D CV61". _l IICY Chergfy T .P.ectoral I--Iu unmrn I... ...m.' .-mmtm .. -....I. am .o -...|-.. mm... AND \ '-- W: . * % - - ` gq_@_s@@a2@ew@@m@;m@e9wwe2m@%_ i HENRY WILL RUN _- ` AGAINST LENNOX. Z 9@@@@)@@@@@@@@@@@@@&9@@@@@@g ` .__..Eor_.the I`fe__:t Fw Weeks we `are .Offring_ PRICES A . Stovs.`Horse Blankes. Rdbes. Lambs. Skates ._ St9vs;Lsv,"IjIo;-`seVB1a,,1;eEs,Rdbe, La_:;Eips, Skate; 11i1`%cI1ison Cleanjipg Sale of Skafes No. 10' Quality, Nic a reg. $1.45 for 1.00. No. 5 Qlimliby, Hockey Skates. reg. 409, for ` ' . 1 plated. of Dry Goods, Clothing. Men s Furnishings, etc. It is our dc - termirmtibn to nmintmn the reputxztinn of having the brightest. - newest. and besltrsbockv in Barrie, r.he1'eforo_= intohd clearing out nil -A winbex; goods 'b`fore spring goods arrive. It behooves every Apex-5on-ivho-pnrchasesweithcr-Men's-01-Ladies' Gaods,-nndiesirea- to practice economy. 00 invcstigsntcliesc ners.` ' - DY_1i13. tha convantion was;oue of the best --ev_er-held-n-the-ndin v.-~-Prcsidenb - " Henry presided. The cnief business of the meeting was the selection of a :ndidate'!or t!xe_nex_t Dominion e]ec- vu -us In I`..he' Meals and Boys` Clothing we will giv__,a liberal discount ' off every gurmenc. Remexiiber 11'. will be one substantial enough to mean money in your pocket. In the Boys` Suits we will make some special prices that will have no discunnr. off, but these only will bu mmrketrin recnk. ' Suits and Overcoats. A - v- - A Special line 0f.Boy5' Three- iece Sits,'da.1-I: brow: sizes 28 to 33,.regulun $3.50 or $2.50. No discount. Men's Heavy Shirts and Drawers, in blue 12.1-ey color, reg naven I2} arrs17.1:>, uuI. Luur: nu :n.\- .. ,u... and you'll be rewarded for.your trouble. en s Overcoat; at $4.75, . 7.50. 8.00, 9.00, 1 the-e in-ices subject to a liberal diconnt. L)ys' Suits and Overcoats nre suhjcct to same .G(')L0`I*`I"\I.}'1y 0ULTRY FOOD-ad DR. HESS` I\Av`V . n'n A .4 ._ n_, .,_ Blankets and` comforters I ..v.- u.,...,\... .u........... :. ....u:...,. ...... uh...` l"j'bR lNSTAiVdE :` Dress Goodvs . clothing .' nun-Mun un. mm ;W:: are o'crin;5--Bargains-r 1. go qu_ickly-of course. we- `: gmd see if your size is here'- n-A..I-.1- sglenditl Gosturnmeht. VT1ie regxtd 5? t maoyternzxngnt "1and:1her attendant mspen y 0 am: a should inspire - ' ' iberals to make every effdtt, to have ,, nch, Jan, , Lexnellent .7-ratlminiutratiun 4 1..