.T_UL`RS.D.L)', .\'O\.'E)H;1-L}(' 26 1903 , `-ew:ri`ng;Mnci:nes before -Domestic, IrnprovedWhite,.Empi::e., from $25.00` up. ' . ` v 7'[I1is,is a great`MQny Sav,-,,, ; ing :__9miotux_uty. f for a Bargain to Thev Busy Stox-_e DgRE'i' IMPORTERS A-Undejrskil-t%sL *Mani1e:s ma..%s`es? &lm'l.4 A lfl_ERE AG}lN_ ! Always mention THE EXAMINER to th store ke_e;)'e_r when buying goods dyised in; tliifr B_ar ains Some iWonde"rful . in %Ready.-m-Wear % Garmegtsj 0r.L.-;st Viv/\e'ek.wa`$ a /decided We hajnomitiwith.-anotheluthisavizli-Thudwi 4:ffet"'4>n--Eriday~aI?`d-Sattirdayj*# maam {%&~*]sMH11- Ready_= to =w _e`ar $kirts_ `.,...;m We offer very_Hant[e stock on Friday and Saturday `at .\ Special Cut `Prices V: `: :_ `: :