A mu linepi u mnite Va ' and ' Arniiiilnifinn - ` . . ` Yun wi_1l not delay? in l:dHil..g `-'IVu` ug if yuix need anything in; g.he `Iin`e n_E` Stuves and Ruler-.~1 n`s we cnujy the largest uml u;.. aibck north. of ,I. n'u_umI' ur. the Iuwec prices, an! we will be pluieqf :0 show` vvu uvur our stvot.-I: rand" u vn . nniisan: I n-eshan and purfy sa.llow.`blotc.bedsk:lns . MR. ADv.I::'T1sER= `u or tofu-phnne promptly nLh"nded to. If all kinds Lvpt in- stock. Slmu: Room and Wm-I>:.9Iwp, Collier St`. Ban-Q39 .' V--AA; *`tI 1\I :iE`Lf2""r AI; 23 1 B.-\HKIE_ ASI) `STI{OUD_\ _ rxn_1-pics, blgtcha, a aallaw , t discolored skin, 'gmraI}y' i1idx`c'zite"1IzijS"i' `blEdd;>77` / " DO not trie with couinh-nn .digqstive organs and stiinulang the ictdoval of - poisonous waste. me removal ot-poisonous 'wast_c,_ make putt, Hch blood. . Whcn the blood is healthy and abundant the `skin becomes :1: and tsh, unsightly b disappear, natural coior retufps. @[l1v..uot_tn: J maxcatc xxnpure blood. with>:onip1en`9n , powders. Take a -_proper_ tonic v Inxa_.LTv"E"S:'ft."'i'i11 remove` the CRIJSB.