7?'.0e.|ebi`5?i9ns[ ' " ' 5u\;'vzuur-.fL_ -"- '5-`Q - 25 piecesof Dressoods in-grey,-lzrow1'_r, black5mhawid: 1.. _..u... -4. 2- , $10.09 Coats for "These garmenfs are i1"e1i3ly all Shower"; Proof and in the latest style, and although we secured all we could get, the qixantity is` limited. - You must, therefore, comeatgnce _ if you want the best choice. ..... r'-..4... ...c I.l_-u.- -_; __,-_ .1uu.u \..ua|.s nor > - .$_a'D -. 15 Coats_of black` and grey freize; box- back, made in the latest style, trimmed-with . velvet collar md strapping. ` Regular $10.00 -va[uefor . "- . 7 '$3 _50 r socwalueq: 0: ninrnm SA II-JANE % 5 MIT Less T41?-F YY*191$a'e Price: TWon.derfuTl Bargains " ` V in Dfes G063; $7.50 to $8.50 Coats on sale at 54:95` . 8.59 to x_o.oo_ - ~ > _ 5.95 _ 10.00 to 16.00 . 1 `! 8.95 .._E_a\s L_tT End DI,L"_ "Goods, S__t9__r_MeA ` <-'_--.!-=o`oI= 4.- V. 79-Area j $8.56 -i-nr 'I\nv.. POVlE!.!.& 0 ` 0ne.Door East, of Qi1een s Hotel Rev`. R._P.l\IacKBy, DD, :3? `f . onto is expcte_tq4.p1enchgnniver-- 1 _|_aar;:_sermon&,in_j:he_Pre:hy1e:ian- .1 [church on the nal inst; - --'1'I>IE 3:13.312 EIAJHXERVIU UBSDAY, SuV[~`.3!'B).R ". .`r'1DO3I , pmmpm prugmmmuwasr renerediu , which mdsc of the meiubers took part. " ThifT)YO g;`hmme was (:1 `b en " 'ing`1Ii`Es`Cumemnwith an`a`d d x?s am)` a beautiful crescent 52: with uearls." - *u5- .......- ' Pohtoes,.p:1-bag ' d|y: 1:urwu."f , Straw. rload. ,, Wood., kg, 101: ' , new Thu \Vhifn X`. Waluhln Arl-us: \|'nn