\1u\|2I-uI\J \I&IVl With us, and `even-y`order. whether modest,`daint y,or uiostexncting. is executed in the same . -pwmp . ' _ ' u om men a won a vine ` our customers to leave orders early in the week. and thus avoi delays nnd disappointments. We invite 11,11 interested ta inspect our Millinex-y`._ Eon will see u display sure to please you. gv---u - ----- - - - `--- - A - i-" ' " T V . . . . . . . . . V . . . .. un -u\.u., .u:- ` V " ` V partment is read .* 'VI$CKS IGHT E .GHIrPRICES-ARE-RIrG T. --No-.extrar'-- inLiL_N,FW '\X,*~r-kc:-rrn I...-~ an msmllce : r ' ` ' . r ' . ' Fine Garmanllboune-Tweed Mixture in bl k d with ' zreen. red, ngnd blue. on-Biw'wort_h 116: : or speoIa.1s;:I`::%d;e:nt:z.}?1.`E1(:: Fine All-wool Twed Mixtures in Greann`n.nd R-mm... 4n.....u. a._.; .. nu" l|nl(lVAhal1N nLAU1u:`UL SUITINGS V. Some of the prettiest cloths and the best vu.lue's are often quite liife in delivery. V n in-stance: BARGAINS lNi:.Z\D_lEkS" LRAINNCOATST ARRIVALS, I-.-,.a:p:' mm; x:.m1;.:. m..,-...,..., p-:-_--.b , . .. V --.- 1" NEW ARRIVALS -1N 'i3 EAur1'EuL. s'yTf'1NGs Hs*H*CrE*-D E l= 3A'RT`l\7rE11T""" ` `W-W ` V inknm-ranr Ann-n"-o-mane mt... .. .. .1 1'. , iii RD_ERS COUNT_ '1 ~: BARBIE MARKETS. l'~lES*HlB.|Z `W pjnvelege o Now that the openings`--arc"-over 7 and crowds_havc given `away to customers, our large sta of'mi1Iin_- ,-___._:,e1:y_.exp E-.r1s';1rc.re.'1dyA to-~plan-;and-~ complete the most artistic miHinery_ ' in the north. In fact, every .de- . I STOCKS I._PRICE&AR-E-RIrG -'1`.---1\I.--+>s.-e.-.k=- n.ek17.nd g-rounds united with u., our special price per yard. 500. and Browns. 48-Inch, ne VtL!Il07:t_ , ' . . . . . . o - - --No-.extrzr'- `,-,i:1,T-W;;\}\[,:;ch,arg.Lf,qx'; Mrs. A. 'L ongh\:u-st was in Col1ing- : wood last week attending the fungal 1 of :1 grandchild. ' A. Longhutst is conned to the ` house. ' ` HU HEB. ` Mrs. funeral ._ _..._;.._... ,.. ~- rmr. xxnniuck. "_rHdno'nr. odious; 1. wins; - of the late Wm. Alexander also spoke very highly of the warm hem-tedneas of railway men, and said_ I there was no cIa'ss'of people more . L Illf I|_i,A`RGES ` must COMPAFY Arch. 1..ogzghurat`s'reaideuca. frevioua to commenclnghls sermon _on Sunday night in the Presbyterian church. the Rev.,H. D. Cameron mnde \ Fur blocking a crbssing with" a freight train for 9. period longer than ' 1's`*penm'ttec1 bf m ?V:3Te `mum 93-; at` ` 61` ` "HM 50` | to be compelled to trudge through i mud and slush again thin fall and the ,coming spring in the hollow near. \ I Some of the Orjllin "excuraionists rretuming frouf Tottenham, Monday night, madea disgraceful exhibition at the station, ghting, smashing car winduws, etc. I :some or me_ cxtizens of Allnndale - Nvonlv; likorto know, if~they~ are going I to be slush ' | MAIL, on his way homertp Senfort_h, `visited his dld"61l'a'go'frien D.--Gameron'," yesterday. Mrs. G. 0. Allan nf f`.hm-phi nnnnlc } [part at last week in the sixth ward. `the guest of Mrs. Gao. Cowio and Mr. Allan came up for Supday. Two nonlar Anndnln n-mm: um-.. ` `hgon, `wban Miss Annie Gill became nuun came up xor uupmy. ,'I.`wo popular Allnndala peojile were married in Penetnug yesterday after Vbacame theWi!e of Albert Clark, Conductor. " Snmn nf Hm nu-:m.. '-...-.........-....:.... J xuuBrll_ oz Wm. Scott. . e-iastruc`lon-car-nrr1vetlhore a few'dnys ngo . and the rial!-way gen ` Ire wrmng the rulea ' ` SJ NEW DRESS TRIMMINGS 1 - 1'):-gnu. nu! Rum. Am avvnntlr e.-im...-.a ....I......., some time with her brother. A. E 5 % has gone to xeglde in Toronto. ` Mrs. R. Hannah M 1'.-..,...;,. nnnux:ess_to,them in their hour_ of bereavement. L. G.~Coleman, >aa'aTatan't to,Supt ` Tiffin. left for Montreal on Monaduy .nu-oeeanen-on-untuxuurntghr. `l_mm Mwjnqm ,,z`mgmuy4m prdved In hedlth duringthe past wink. || V Mrs. John Frame `is hnvnn frnm . Mrs. John Frame `In home from I Toruntah pltal {and is greatly im- vmw __,_.,:._ __ uuy. ` _ Mfg. George Vnir win taken to B_.n-so Hospital an Efrlday. _ ` Fed Hamnn Inf}. rm r,....;...,. . Fred left lax Tarcintou Medical College, Tuegdny. ' Iho Bmtherhood of '1`:-'nckme`n were . nwnWm* ) i` Wraith of North Pelhmn attended the fnnenl of Wm. Scott. Mn. Jevona of Toronto ind Ml-a.l-F I tram In un1r._ , W ` Very interesting and-helpfulfevices 3 were held in the Methodist church on . um wnnng me tulea I `Mrs. Wllleru, who ha: been here for Smith. I LI."\:'l11El'OlI',"yBEI8l'(l}'. V Allan 0! Churchill spout part at last ._u-.u.vrunv nu _n.nunuo nt-unIL;\Jl-`K10 .NEW ARRIVALS. V Ladies Fine English Cravenette Raincoats, full length, 5.1. to 60 inches, -large collar andlvicle sl_:e:_s#wviq:x5_g,;;gg,ular, at _$.15_ f_l;,i3i's "}i`RzT1h7:3ts(6T BEiF_E:l6th, maHE w1th two capes; `new cuff and collar, -~ -' regular $8.5o.coa_t, special at .- , - - `_ - _ - - $3.60 ` .` Fine_ values_ at $3.50, $5.50,'up to $15.00 . ` S` BT13 if; 5 IE; }i5v1yL" Ed._ Shea! wn in Bndfprd on Saint- day. ` g_ Ward I ad was held was shown by the 'benu|:i- H E uPora%Erib'atea_ram-th&fol1owin E , friemis:- ' En M _a \1n|l_\1 _Il III , .\I T 8 ve romo Qumme Tablets. savanmionbqxes soldlnpost 12 naaniu This: sin-nanm'.,( aunau Iauncyuv III UIIIU Swumanbqxeswldhpoulz 7 .g,,, . Our Showroom has been literall with buyers and.beholders.who were Erofuse in their prai'e`of`be'ty, originality and variety of autumn headwear. We have never experienced` such a. rush of sales in so shortfa time. the rounds of the Millinery Exposition have been y besieged kind enough to s_ay our showing EXCELS THEM ` ALL.""'This`we areready to believe, as` such re- marks were substantially supported by the quick _ selling` to scores of Barrrie's best-dressed ladies. Miss Brownlow has achieved such high success in buying and selecting the require- ments of the trade that this department already as- .. Lsumes gigantic`proportionsin~-the monsterbusiness bf .this. great..store. . .V.isit. .our--showroomand-view the beauty and clever productions` which are all ' executed IN OUR OWN WORKROOMS. V Many who. have gone ' `y-.:`.ru \z S-ucvzessor to Ffawley Devlin.` 7aZ _--.. >~._ -.-Jr. :7 m.vn_c_:`y ~.1a*aaaa.i'Irer.W.s we be secure for you the be'st,`v invest your 'money whe1 best returns. ._ invest best \`I-I\J:- LIQFAK I IVILNI D n`: over} _ this importa_nt de artmept when _in need of fobtwear. We sej --re1|a.b1-quaImesrand-atrpnees-t at -wrlksur r1se~"you'~1f*you`w`i11 `g'ive"` 1` -of` quoflffg them_ 4' - . _ u . _ It's the 1;: '12?-T-'2?"'n 3 , "II - ' " __ M -. * . . Are on this store--\ve hear of it. we feel it. we know it. _ Spurred on by ambitfon to make this store the PRIDE OF THE COUNTY, and en- ` couraged by hundreds" of intelli en: and well-wishing patrons we are st_eadily-and ` surely HEADLILG._T Lxhcsclling:g_fjvorth1Amq:jehaggise~at-th reasona'5Ie pnces. "'W5.';T:h"ilii"store. Keep vour cnmnaes rim and `chain u.-a:..1.. ..., ....nu-,s,u:._A_Lu;_\azLL1nr_zne,scIun orth Amerehandiseezrthrmo: :s"arasIe"p?:EfW:&7;1Hi"a?:j1 %::2voL s?Fae 553 'ste_r_;_r_a._ig} 1hisipopUlaT"ShOpping place that has Heen Jusily titled as . "v BAR.R_IE'_S REI .RESENTAT;I'V'E STORE ""` : people's st`ore-`--vdu n :-nr in} .I...'..:..-.-.-- ...L. . . . . - :_--4. . A . - -- -- 2- j-jj----" Bar:-10': pn.`tfvI'Ete:U: `' ` y-~= = W`_'-=_':.! , 59."E-.!E Y._;?.!1!.L"--Emits..}{onl:._inne:ests.ares r. ' As buy we seU.' Theemanagernent is _alert as well as . able to rou be'st,'value for your money. , Pay no tariff 9n" inwcompetency, but _ - where ability, experience ant} sqund -judgment warrant the , 7", 7` -~ - ~ T xwm . mother and auntjut the groom: Geo. L T419mson,J-i.nnipeg,-nne1eo`f-the-r-ide r ET ,, mediately after the ceremony the wege: Cha):les-.Pingle, of Medicine C at: George Pingle," Winnipeg; Mrs. 5 . Pingle and Mrs. Williams, Winnipeg, 5 . auntjnt gtoom:,, I.- :x;.n.1xu xiret bi- em: Subscriptions taken for The DESIGNER. 80 year. 10a, 3 copy. . Oct. number now in. ?j._.i._ n:u=u.......,.. At. prides Um. -out their ulna. $250 $3.15, ss.oo.'ss.oo. 3-/.oo, ssgod ` olorx; 'S|;edo und'(Tl::a.V- Special Suede Silk Lined, worth $1.35 3 at $1.00. , ` ?he make: we sell Ira conned` to this x~_\-xshes bent in a storm; there was..a., u:go - to pieces like 3 house of cards Forrester 9 was tossed across the cabin, but when 0 he expecteufco land upon the floor he 3 switch levers waved around him like ~ |x~_ushes storm: wnA,,x - [in a storm -' The fatty .sigi1al 12:21 ' cabin commeged to rock likq a. ship in signal `End ` Ready:-la~wear Skirts ~ per yard . . . . . . .. .. . . , , New Buck and White zlbelinos. very aw , $1.50 New Plaid Suitlngs, tho plaid we covered by black tuning bauutlml greens -' and brown,`j::p9_;f_ ;- -- .,...=..,L....,...- .A..-.._.......I......... ....... . . .s1.5o ~ 1 , Am nteat [v| 8h!I}!;a"!~E"'!9mv 8619 Gomhini cnar e tor 9 value r`1gt jf oVltyT' .