nn:;`naa:[{T[wez otnariie`%%in&m1 "` YOU WILC FIND THE BEST 'Aizi) CHE_Ai3Ei:`Td i"6`s'- ....,..'-... ` |\......'.. :._'.1 I .$cr'ws,` .u5ors,a'n'd Wi~ndows,- ,k_;e cream Freezers . _:.H_arve_st fl_`9ols:9_ r: all ki_n_is._and Best Make THAAKUVVARE ;;VAR|lE at2l0w`est- . ,. nrices.-' -{vi - `- Giveus`a'_ca`. 17 -.yjv>illtrat.yoI;_f_ai,x'. n'uVitv"-i'rn-Iii`:-0.. "DA The_Examiner J55 Depariirneht { .A Coup kisscux-*9 Tea I. A; lVIa`cLax-en, Proprietor` 4 .-5' A TUE CARRIE EiA3UNE, THURSDAY, SJEPTEIIBER X0. nu; _y......_u.uc. -ear!y~Ior-,bRls;-cardr,-~ fo1glers,_or anything ' you want,` 2` EH15 year s s`plen~ d i d h a. r v as t ?FFT " money in circulation. Do you want td get um" 1-I-\-urn wma .. A nuucx .y-,- AHK. UEt- ~ 's_6: eig<?'ndjdvr s- ing mattur -`forr distri- wbution` at the. "Fall 1: M Prices right. I5 Dunlap: 8treet.Barrie no n_9:.u'az. III.`-.I`.III llyl VI .:|VIlll . c_us*ronn} . 5 3.."'? *7 `E ' ml 64 P=P*= Wh *mWr=csn3'2= _thi.:fs;ua1:ry.in ' E{`gf "1`ea:"`}_Tbc ac!ici6ii"t a.s'tE ':$x':'d'f'rag1-ant arpma mcan innctawda ` lenizc to them. ' ' " ' 1471 6-1 nu--- ..._.. - . --_ 7-- _ _ ; _ a`nd.tasty-tm. in the world. ~- ekoe,4a:e ma;nm$a The "crme de la.'crme of tea grwth The V andjasty-tam. _ _, _ ,, Pcople who know.reco2'nize1his uualitv in B1uaRibhnn Cevlml