Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Jun 1903, p. 2

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auuuau-.n.s-. Bukotruonlol lugyqoxmn. emiamt; 1' w..xiuuan. Vina Pm`-. .J. R. Kilo. `ceretnry-Traunrzr, us: Aidan-I. C. L.'St:phu|u and R. A. kl: mnnn, memberfuf -tha Excuntiva, MARION` 8!, .MARION' " _PI_ant Eimorta ai-d's'ia'Iicituru. I luv:'YMkLlieD`Id fgngggfg .u. `-4, maypole Soap Dyes 137.` ,.q;.cf7. : ,t""=* . *,2",-.,.,,.... .\'_y `\ - -~q-`- 4..-.d.p. ll `-$5.-`::5:'.~.::e.. nun nun. up-cm not 1 - . dl . m....;=..="'.,...P-v=" :-P|l:nt Vb tuna I31 `Bnzhmem 'lwADIn1\r, 1. I'l`.lL)l IV: and" ~ A . ` ,Confectio.nry , ,vv'.L R; smTr?:HLIj.; V `Mani-.: Hall ~nI.-wk .1,-j .-xnu=nL ululncw OK. JIIBHII xzanqznzincerx > ` * who hue not yetpned um nug- sh Kqm: Dye cl mm: quaxy, - unypaxe so: can lime, nruuu. _ wu:-nulsnuw. - `I-\;nl2lE BROS. JEWEI:E% . vvinpv om-upmn In an nee-.1-thy Blogk. nan olwcnrthy Uuui Oahu. twv door: cut or Dovttll Brno. Furniture Slam. Phone 105. ..... ..=.. u... 3.... no ........ .\_....,, _........... gnu dyes unhlrnme time. ypole Soap Dyes , - Saldtvnjwktrr W 4. z-_,._. - F`c;au&s% ` PAST R-Y4 nu-qr` "ThE"13an V $5.00 Beaulullv Finished . .... x - umm `pin!:!;:::1=sxt-f~?vKl'-nf}7e:`l'rv;w'prbh ` ng ppllorgyhnve oil 1 us. ` "' J`'m.. in Mani: n qualies us to ram lc1_:_ly :9:cl_xre _ ll: _ruur. At`: Dirwbon . Rnikau was dppuiqtu ..Kitol1an. Prel. ; ...,.w. m man! mnlxu usto ran nick! szcura In :1. affghescmteyu mm. vm..I.... my p . u. x.. uuuuuu. , PHYSGIAN SURGEON. kc. ' Ornul um Nuurr hxsxamux: Bnjln: Flock Dunla. Bun . lhlohhxnn . - :1 A ISIIYIJHE A_su:-aynce". Company. c4pm_1.oo,.ooo,ow. _ , 7 ..H`anndod1BO!` _ D. c. Ilnncunol. outtglounltun lilo! nu-enL_onhn< )anndhnBnncn Once. Bendo . `IgNa'l`REA1`:4' LONDO)}.l!?):NG AN] - . Illllal , all . [PK Brand: Hunger. Mnigc r ; 06I'u!'5uI|i:lIurI1u-rntgiu Pro .-nu rt Ike. OBI Io l!dI:A }`!|l`::k."Banie. " ' Onltwxgxl. 3|. Qtuu; -I`. oa.ooo.ooa. ynweixsm. `%`e"s-e.::m'..':*;"T:s,:':.;'::'.e.`2"**'*v % do Out. _ O _ lice 1n_ugcu-ny Block. . I Bnn" iJI{uT'ccr.l A'-.' ' `KG; suruncc". Compnn 3.3: at raaoiaaiz 7-.'.. In m... h:.,...u.+. 31.3 .;:.;o;a;m.n. ' `F Owen us!` a nanfr, )l.'D.-ll. R. C.8..En9, , C P _ . um}. W . , ` 5-`, "L on M; A I magnum: AGENT. 119:3, 8'}'..."'.`T"'E.. .5`Z``....m' ".".:`n:z.``u:'3`n'y"a'f. , ` name. Termnhqvlktu and charge: lowest ll. _ Dunn. l(onnxM\_ llll. Um. be.. pup-rad on ) pnoc-1-03] - Ahorlut noun. I0 undo lmalnau In` sun V%YAl\'0EB. F rlnnn Klnv mull donut: ,'m`mdPmh-an` E51136 eltewflse 61; nae for :nu:lnm1nn or at Adnnlnlllrlllnn opposite Bu-rla Ham. l`!_A5r_l: And . c. ........ TEES nntj SLEIG_.BS. We also have .; . SEOQNDe.E .VANDW--BUGGIES |-a.nd- 7.. j GUTIERS to sell cheap. Call before ,. -you~buy.- ` ; SPORTING Goons. % ii :` A_.'Il tbga lntcsj; tiin in our Uitcnl : lug Llbfqry oi for Buje. ," J` . F;All qh cjxrrent Magazines. Etc. ' . 1in.s_a well `eax-neg! reputnitiou for this Best In all lines. A thorough and up 9 tor `eguigmeqt. A_n eq1_ci_e_nt _La_. ' Everylzhighxught-is taught the Best waz. `The foundation we give will '5 D18 6 or web student a sure yturt on the right road`. Yon ll up rave of the way we show you and un emeand the : wdvnntages of our insu-uccionm, We`ll _e_1'p you to wi 1`1__i_u Llgg days of pgogresg. "MAn'niAnE Licenses ._xsstmDn>v 1 LYo1V ..` :'n'uhn 's.-'-nu Buck. ion. Our attendance hula already in- reased 30 2 over last _ ear. May `_` we send you n. undeome 1 luau-ated 38 I page cinzuhu`? as for asking. It is very convincing that we are the Bes AE sfvmNx& no.3 A BARRIE`. ? ;lhe+Exgalsior+v:: ;_:JB11siness College ` BAiimE ` ~ ._Q.i_vin_g_;Up. ~ Business; !.-..';1`.'9m%5. COMPANY . Sub. Dool-I. nioumngs. Wood Turnnnggmoe. and Burn: ma Ra-Sud; Done (71: the short- at uouco. rn. Sub. Mouldings. Em. drlnd by Emmi : PIIGDC Detroit Dryglln. omcum: fnclory. Buuld se.. 3. - ` $"1'rRFn'z5s"' u 52'?-":i'E'ui I600`: dvl '" '3 "` $13 3.:-r:n'i `c';:"'1'a.`.`:`nL' "5 I X. 0 0 1 q `II Your smzmu-.9 _ M n- . .Ihug_fb1cl.nrcrn of Int! Dulen In _ u -Ll.|MBEB,W_llDlJWrFRAMES, BLINDS : x nouuunzs. Turnlnks. Em. 1 ; YOU'LL `1~`1N'1') VTHEM , " -AI-L JrIERE- ~ ; J . P. sscooh -~~-miw` Ml:oIc_|m.I:s GIVE n_:1vn=o_nAR_Y m-;1.n:r BUT mucous LESS tr." Ivvuvg , > .,.aaeb`a|l,` .- _ Gr] ;3Bu0K. wrlwen. steak: 3 fnvonble imp:-onion at onua. Thu lnrgut con: 0! cheap clrcuhrn in iimply nmno'y thrown iwny. . Anotherkindof hbe uonomy in Ihs In-egm 1 I! simply money thrown Away. 3 uonomy Iii! lrragu-` I-r. ir-mm"man:,.aimi.ing-pmr.ma m _ much by I ertnin `PL-n'portion of ra::I1erJ- , ind olhry.L _ , `n"_H_i'a'eTIh ran } nd go th_I bulinen which in rupruunted by I In occuionnl In-gs 111., or van an occuiannl S only accuionnlly an ordinnry ad. I Eun it ma, the chup 'ci1-dull: mm. in the mind If the under I feeling?! dlll|lIt. towudn the home which nnemptu eoanom; In by the nu: of Inch litentur. A neat- iiaanafr-Iuhthann.oEiEn. and 117-4". ` uh: csddlaua, zggilekunnd sweIcI.In!c-e: I35 Dkllli `VII-IKE. U III-uh luolcuulaou of A short 953:1 .'-P . SSIIHAIIGE` **GDMPAlIY.' - _ w-..-..u--. . Inn in New-vun nun ' En ;:.;w1r.r'a:u1.y,r.t<.i'a1:+.v".ii .-.`.? a:;.`3f ..:-unw- ve nuner ecu-nc'dIyLnvlIcdIouy'ooc Duo nu1PII|I.Indlbc willglovufkn _ . nowlodgld to to WI! `|` A A ~ d.| VVHV` |`l|"l|I f'|:_5:_'l'@- F `V Weak stomach`, . Impaired Digestion,` ' Disordered l.|ver, lbeyuillxnuuic-ql:w`dnnu will work a lbeynttllxn gi--qkrdnnu wamm npo'c':-e Vlul Ornu: nmanxau_ ha; meuuucuura mama; nu lou- Ioa Cm: lulon. I back the hen ":}`e'a'i" 'Tn'E. '51:?!` Joann 'Gim"u':'i lloubu of I-lanllh the w olo hy- nled snort! of the human lmne. but ` Ir: "tun" lllullkd by nan`-n In In cu:-en at nocluy, Ind an ar use [mo- nnxecn tn nu rm-vmn ud Debmuud In nu: nlInuAIl'n nu LI h-u..o|.- , __lxoochy-gt,-`I _rxu_- 'x'.'e`.' "c`o"i`u'"r':'mon-"" "".h`5.:T`:.u"&`T. that BEEOHAM'8 PILLS have {I10 LII OII UIIO 0' IN PI`CI'I` MB lalnooln the W0 6. wont.---I-.`:'-Aas4?.-' , in cf_foy:Ilva_neI`I,|`nVnd ` they cull used cm`-I. . -ala_ty.3 3"[l\ay Curd Vjuuoq. `.Th`ov`P1.n`IIy,- _ hmlylini-Icll thmllbod. tlnuaully with pd '1 Conaupnuon'nd.'-`Ind! Hol1fg7Tch!; _ ihy -,l~N(`rl'{-~-E`:*A+.S4E ` cocllvanein and Pertinent 'Aver},lun-g. `' F. om the Cnnidhn Grocer. DH. Kw s. HHUALL EYEICIAN AND SURGEON. ETC. ] _X4m Hulda-.m Phym-kn and Sn n onha 1 Tomnto Oenaru Hr.amu.|.wlth nwxuuon Dlullu at '0 nd N56 and Thrna: 2 unsxi: `mmzsnn, ._.... ...... .......u.....e.,. _LIcpI:uu uuun u. mothers. -5 is no mistake shout its Izcun-.5 Dlnrrhmn. ulnlcs ma Swmwh and Bawels. x-um Wind Co to. Softens-thte-amt. reduce: In- rammntlnns nnd~ vs tone-and-anersxyr to-thr hle .. . Inn! 8- wo system :17 ulz!w`u8o1|zmlg I '- L"_*'_eE:;i_-=:z.i_-.-._iL`-in;-;;.1:1_-.-_vL'eI=.1=:_ . ohgrvpd I gruund.-hog {inning n:id}.u_a:ry- ` lug` I ydnng ons;__- lea moIu;_.- Thdy 3 is -dhu {when i_cViirapp9d,mbnrilan~,n nd "u _ . piper}. The nlgildren cnri-ic'd1'h'n ycnhg Ital: ` _ _hoina ind put in `em; sin fnnzy `e. which" -Elliott, account {pr livery hire under dnin- nge work, 2 50 : Thol. Mlhahey, rapliring clilvarc on 7th line. .00`; Jon. Mlgnnil. , ditching, M.7.0J;-T C.- 8. Burton, ~to /pay tuncillan mealink. Mu"? 30:5. 10.00 RuIedge-MoDe:'mutt`-0rdered. '__zln,c the petition ofplran asking` for Sh-Tormh ' sion of In school neban to tho unit of Elm- I 'nIa be gutted and thnt: by-law lie pre- p_grgdfar`thM: purpnam. -By-luv puud. 5 _ _]nw, y_uAj_'psuedAcnmmunz;.: lube: oil hurls `fronting on roman usmued ` _bj the County Council at the nto Q! 75: per day. . . ` ' 11:7. 4 '1 L ,._CnunciLadjuu:uodto--meat.-aeIElmval- J F June27thae 10 mm.` - I t , C. _R'nu-mu m..u. I __.. ..._ mu... -ynvu vn vun u., ulu mum. mud hen mum" vhyainhna um name in ma United Skates. Price 25 cant! I bottle. Euld b ulldrnkklau throughout the world. Be sure an ask for` "Mrs. Winslow : Soothlnr Syrup. J mares: mm: the Il'IGIh&l'I_- Henrv Rooks; o;0ril n a mu. eney grade cow which gnv.e.hm: 305 lbl. of_ milk Int week, an average of miuly 22. lbi. at I. I bnnus 122 rod: wire fauce. $12.20 : Geo. Dave, pilling ItnmpI.__33.25. part pnyment for putting dawn hill, 26.75 ; Geo. Stephan- IoO'AI1.'I`I'..IOIl as nnrun: +--Bm:sa-.9esa'?.22:.~g: .,; . lirnn A. ugg w. A , Mn. Coaking, retiring pxenidenh cl Pene- . tang W. C. T. U.. was ppanented with n Iilvat harry Ipoon ueuompnniad. by All | nddreau troni the memben. rnnndvuchuuuzot Ibo non And no` olvrlnxl. bung vulllxad ll 88: mind 01 ` tho public. :31 the unit: will oalljqomt. Bnoooufnl Idvenlrhg llIIl_lIl ponhlouc ud- ' H. Gnhnm for Iandnnce ox; Fugliilxu llmily in djphthnl. be plld-2-Cu-rind. - HiII`-suu:'eu.ud-'r-m the Run: u ` rent Account of said Bunk.-Clrrind. E ,,.McCbnhy--Snlher!und-T|utMr.r-Eill- - ` be chairman nl Bohth Innhl Drainage i won`-k-`Cqrrled. ' ` ' an-.hai-t.nd_E`i11-ru.z By-Luv No. as: L 1'6 souzk.-ImusrDr.in.ge"warrrmiva' in ` ns] rud|ngv.-Cnnied. Council adjourned to med 5: Churchill 3025. All Inumhurl preunt. ' Thefollowing accounts were planned for payment : ulna: Middlemu,'for culvert N` lb. .l'tr}h Ind Elonnn: rnaochugs off mm1 Ordareg. that I =_._r_p_.L_- an-.. x Jno. MIY much In arctic lands any the poppy} oes no,t_ bloom d\151_n__g_the brief ngggy ` em . ` \ summer. ` *I hardly think so. . .Eh9' curtain wouldn"_ * `be down as mqchllp, that ca_.s `as 11; 1: . now."- -v~-j+-A B. Onrhnnkol.-Torw . unit. `in mm of 031.100 _Ind upvnrlt, (6 parent. . BruIfn1.K.C. ` 0. E. urn. "Don't yau think." asked the anxious young playwright utter the tint per- tprmaqce, "that I _1n1ght"hnve improved it_ some by putting It in threelnstend at ` A .- ` ma: Di:;nrbah!q~Thm V ~ Is your employp:`put?'P ixgquired flie` - caller _` N I 51.`! .7 iomcerbow. " . ' `.'Eow (1 you know wtthou m.to._h1a 1v,x'i..v.%r`ts.`->.`I.,i.c*-*1 `- J- _ -. 3 B_ecau_sej- I ;|u};t~ heird-him growl. a)>out.the cnrdsZ.he'.wa'_y'gettln (or answer sm_ck,`ot'blI':es." I`utatesman.~'wns olre lndebtdwo n` I nursery rhyme for a grant olgorlgnl 1 -~:m. I Thjt. In one of his apeechesiewvns; Ballsbxuy (in am : return from Berlin, ck-Ttxcmng noru nuisdninld aj2!'iJ6rd' '7 -r- . -. v-~~-- ~ 7 .- --. `at Thessnlon ea In 904, I I go: or! responsible In part. to; this In at Belgrade In 1m`3.`>by u:e_9r2eI_La jn nn- `things. By this law prgyiglgyrlq {nuns val battle In 1008. by the Arabi nznlmt j for the daughters to /" 6; I | the Iberian: in 1147 um! at Toxilouge In I land_cd entnte when`~tI:elr _mthe1' dim. 31218. I but"1t,ono mnrrleu nhe lose: her turn; The Klndoo code. eamplled long be - u was or on cluseu or um popuguuon. :I-Iagqh Dnhy". which can prominen fore the Clxrmlan era, prohlhllcd u F but upecnlly of thtfoldut and wealr - gang, ,1 "van" In `M. comm I Inlklnz or r with non: And guns. last {names who have been oonnurkadq R M . Garden: In 1he_leI. | A glacier when It dlglodges Itself and I anus away over the `Arctic ocean never : POWDER AND `GUNS. ilqnco `fin Won unpi_in lpldrg tho Qriulq Hy`. here in nbundmt evldonea that` poqidvelfdungemus. .011 ceasing tith- `Iet:l.c,traJ.nsng, which evexfyyperson mus! I19 sooner or-later,_t.pefsygtem> adapt : A man ggeatgxum {not needed in gedentnry Wofk, `gegen 9te.'~'ortn-Iead1pg~tm*consu:zgpt{on:`-_% ( Y with mutual] Iunfqundlngs. 0ccun'1n- 1 } ally, howeggr, you will and A man whg , has fallen head over heels In love withl l-rustlc-wo!k/forlts-ow!rsake.#'he-con - W; `UNIT- BOIJOXTO '7 Pniocro 5 ;x uunooxv vnwnu. `to. 1 I `3p`g'chI auenuon In tho nwmg-nu Pruhltlnx o obtnhul us: of [mum rum mK ni%ml:'Mm qt_ 1:. " Knqlolnun. , 1 `Mr. lr1ndx':_3w -_Any ;3a11:Iculn.I: pn_1n ~yevu- .ant.t9.c1earnp.1 ' .; _ ' Mm Btandnewcrlfes: how to treat -an -1-ie-m. V ' qhreegagpggnchar. ` V m.xa'p_n'endm- tn I thought I ouzhtu ' o!-`to!-'th1.m`-...' .. . S !-L'U`II4_J'\`I.B'!AtHnnl: was to g:oIIeg_e to! . m,-so he yes. but tmm`_m blz bun ' muse theyrhnnnonlzn with the growing trees. my: country LI!e Xn `Lmei-lea . .1'bla L: the ten! secret of the populnrlt of math: work, its tness. It is up- ; hax*d--sometimes too hard. It you reg!- i ly need nuts or summer haqsea in your 'wobd.Luxi 'n2)thlng' 'ci\_n' be mot-"o a'ppro- .` 'pr1nta.umn logs with the bark on. be-`., u'u`n.;:`r a .'x.n.';' " A ~ . `M -'P18hG_*-N , Ipot_tp d`.'!-0u'nlI _` BERMUDA MMDENQ _ `ll \ gm, Dd`,_..V nu lqllon so 1131 o'I;!I'a-D-dds! `" ."'" ""'v'" `H-I-I ` Inland: lJn_nqnh(.,_ .VhuaoIou;poo',wbobu-I45. In y_mpordon_to bopulauon than no ibfa haunt. 1IIl_rI-anally rs-ulna A "on mow old mnidl, [I1 (ha Bermuda; dun; Iioultooaiohu-and Fiyldc Io niu -A-n-l. -- - --~- -- %!%BAIsI%3Y" Tocnro 1' Cold In on Dav Tab Lnxniva Bruno Quinlan Tnbfeh. Al 5 dmg;-unload -ehHnooy'-sHm.ns ta can-9. W. Glove : Signature II on and vbut week the Eu!` Sinwae Fnrme _Inni_lnte ejecngd the following direytogl lo: _the canning year:-D. M. Enrviv; `R. A Lnhmun, Wm. Bacon. 0'. L." Stenham , . ion a . _ Hlpwe, Prim : Comer ; 1`. Ron. (inlhn M . J. Thnmpoou, Edknt; Col. \V., 0 Brinv.n Hhanty Bay; Hutlhur Blil n`i_:u}.":npju` Insurance Agent. ` ` .`1rn-`u`nu.Iu'. .1`

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