Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 May 1903, p. 8

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; ha Midland _on Sunday M1` the tank It Tait station, [imam-:-Eleven empty .box -: I `lines, selling qniekly nu 75. sums, NECKWEAR ANDHSV-WE.-LTERS 5 Men. No seal-ciy._ Honest yalue. "Shop in the morning if you an. 1-n.:;_::'j _-r- .,cQBs1:r $PECIALTlES' ' P ` < " T '_" " ;$m-gm sen.,:::::.rer+ *4? My 1 ) ggthqplme of 3 than a .g~na ` ` dz: a" 159 :z?:r?& Inontza - _ A A_ business we-have-leamed from a long experience . gna study of the goods in demand. -` I,". mavelneuca Al. the bird were cluaalyl `: 1: observed. Th! v'v'6:kpd faithfully while 1 n the-cgrrem:i_rxedi'rSti:iti'oid ,1nd'wh _ I r- the hon; fo_ 'depix tnrsv`nri'iveLahe,left thunck: Albhovigh. Ihq cn_ai:h`waa _pI|c gnu-gidiug _thp`iia':t. day, F ' > "e uziaber-nf` ithermi-5; 3 ya: ahsnavarfailed to locate hi: luy 3 conszmcted -home everyday :1: tan V `o'clock, The result was thg pa) ' onip1`mcLaho'uu"zaek.ngn. The next: move on the pubzorthay .' .tI khmwnrk of. the mbin incxused.-~: `The [J3 a I'u_!in> working in and out 5 Mb I!-1.1.611-`.\"hf.s_=rr-I at dye. P33 ,- F senger eoa_Eh- of the train onliba Port Ddyai _linc oL1.he Grhpni Tiunk, which `leaves; Sttford. every day 'at_ 4 p.m_.,- ahdmthinu 15.10 n..m`., remaining in the `clualibyfi ta 'lznum..bett1aen,- while the'tnin-stood on `tlia -S!:rltfor_d sidin'g." On `e'etgnan_` they 'f1'un'd 7' t|}1i[d_WB-B bqildingitl n"en'on- hKn`dnw-Bar of elm coach, .'wh1'r:h is , bne|h_tha:plat_1tp|. L.'Ih_y`b`y , I y thaminterest-.of the-.`.nin.u;rewin_ L eighties ha want tn the Pacio coast where '. . `It warnorlong by_for_a he was promoted, ind m 3 {av yeuj_a_- lie ,,waa ,I,is6a'nt to. Spriytndnt cf ia Kgotenny di- ' ' vitIrhe`idqqnm:ijr:Na1T:, S ._=peloW cost ofmaqfgofurgr Ra1:1``:o_a.1'.s_ wfo::t1:._;.2.00 1:o.:.'aOO_.,o:-' _ -* ; . . _ 35395 .3337 '7.13..`._.7- " ; . ,1 .W tei,9ntao.;bi;=erzi.i:re`;dia=ms- A , ning. nsmukpklg bi}-d story, rhi 1 uta_ca.nu-a . .:bll`Ihau[ turn, Ir`eekaago_,Qondue_tor j cKai k Superintendent ofia ` B-C.-._s;IsLn_o3;..h,e H ' vvei-y.impox-tent poseurse. `John, ; N.B., and formerly held-by Snub" ' 1 Lhevvei-yimportant held -y Sup' tendent Tingme}man,nlfpreaanc static . _ed in Toronto. . ' - I I the_ snnlgamutad, loads, witli _liead- qunrtexs at A.lIsudAle._ In therqarly , eighties to V > ` ---_ -- _-n1\vn $hl_`f_u':IIJ>u The" ma.keI_'s_ a`r_e,_ ndin ,difcul >A ind_el_iver3'g, sold. V 1~:x'r-RA-=sun3mer Peeaxe `avsoe; _ ' Whiteland Dove Coutil at $|,OO Whita .C_bu:il_at $1.50` ' White Coutil at ;' "~ ng our way.a5 CV1 ce..o .. '_t.he ppulqrity'of this `Department. It has Often ie uao DKUWNLU w'5 ; w; Fclgnt staff, and our connection with_u:;_ ould be well suited visit` our showroom, v_a:I.sr1 U100 Beautiful Wub Goods in ,3 ya :-iezy of paste-rna, representing gave:-ything correct fog summer way. 1 _bluf.-.'- Orgahdiesjnv white, hlnck, pink add Einen-eect.Ari:'{-spota`and~stt-ipes.1nd" - __hlue.-.'- 3 mbgnicent ran for blouses" Orgaiidiesrjnv wite, hlncli, `pink ma Linen-eecurii-spota`and~stt-ipes,1nd" qe of Zephyrs agd Gingham: ./ -` ~Ro.-.-.m1.:.m,;n, Fnnrv rim:-.+.a.1 ,Q1.;.-r...-.a:`=+`=:..1.'.-,.: V\_/ash Gdods :'nl Wuh rxma. :.. .. ....-_-_... _. _, up to. .4-5c.` I i'.;"{?.I'".:"'i`n., ~- 11- ;. Llb,~po(q_unrtI', ~..... . 1 OJ- li H Ji2a,ohoiua1'I0q%)lh..550 W` Va ht-nnd.fnla.25c- gnckwhoac . .. . `~ Amie Clover Seed.- par bulb- Red-Clnver Sued. ' ' \ . -tor-- - T3~`.>)"$iI,1`<,1M'e,!,I`,',E%"-" ._jn: .d iverjg, so} re~ sbld. _`|:hT)fie 'l69'.. Ion wxth.1e;_ ' showroom, a._,-.4:...:,_.1_u \JI.. Ll, . tvv` Layla 5:1 .: Everything ir`1,F:-mcy Qolbked rShirl.wzi st`s '-c1':_1rin; :l=1aa-u-E1:-i-'An`.q +5. -ink :1.-I-.4-.-..'g.'4'e.o.. 1`. V.` - `I-_iAIJlUAl='.. PHIUI: UUNUl:JSb'lON3offered from time to time by- the wholesalers and 1ma'nufa'c- ` turer_s.`v' UANTITY IS-NO OBJECT and theHtra'\ /ell'ers know th' , d EALWAYS GET FIRST FFER WH ' ;'A|\llsY'?lr-IIING GOING, v V . - 2 EN T'7'ERE_~s L151` in--G hag---4J lf `. l'1l` I I FIIIVLI LlLlllV\4lg Jwe ha.1ro'ju.a1:.a eou:.-ed. -ram mi:-13.1: jaazcm 63' sranwaazm smnmn 351171.33 shownbydne of ,Ga::`a.d.u.'s_,I.ea-ding 3iJJ.'l.ne3-`Y ,3ou_9,s_,_o,La1gou1: _,,;,,,T -.II'l'.';II-l-l|'fFlI.lIl'lIllIHIIWIIIIIAFA .u -_ .4 -. V.- B_ nl-IEHBIEE y' 1,, iFuE-mRTE`REGULA;PmES{2`.%?EfllEl@L +1.5` J.-.+ ':.;?|'..a.'. .n.`.;.. oi-:n' Qnfnnm I:-`un-'1-e'..a* -.. 7 11!; psi. uluney-$a.vuIg' Ullulj Wl'.'J1a.Vc ever nau Ine pleasure 01' for this sale. ma nl:-g. Along with these sampleswe offer TWOSPECIAL TABL S of swell TRlMl_Vl_El) MlLLl_NERY made up spetiglly TABLE No. 1.-- beaaisuy manned Egts. :-:ezu1a..- -,s..s..5o-2.4:anas4.an-eauana.tma.waa1..$2.-5CL rs CISIHIIZII !1$$C&lIIIlI_lII?1? fin llllfl III! III! Illlllljl '1' . __ T h__,/-iot 'in'?lu_ds, sore SAMELE HATS of A" v'6ry ~ _d` c1:i'ptro`n. t_r1mm5ed an ntnmmed, fme ready-to-wears, 1 Chiffon and Silk Hats. l\ n 'P.r`\xIr\_~' v.l\ 1- u/An` v- I v aescmpuo`n. trimmed and ntrimmed, fine ready-to-wears} "$J`;*%s';:2eSi&',`Hs`t%.: . O '.TWOi. ALIKE' 1:1 1%- COL:LECTlON TO YOU AT T-HEJ, SAME RKTER-`AT'WHlCH:. WE BOUGHT THEM- Don't miss this onnortunitv_ ' If in nu: . UUI:.LI:;U31 lUN "I`(_) YOU AT 'I`-I-|E.~:_ SAME RATE.`-`AT`WHlcH:, WE THEM._ miss__this_opportunity. It is the big est` money-`-saving offer we.have ever had the .pleasu`r" of ma mz. Along samnleswe offer Two SPECIAL, V_ D\ 93-; ma n TAR! , _..-.._3-.-j..j - __ V [nus[tA: rIce*} %Heduct1ns:%% junnnu !*!;.E!`.lia9!%hJEL|iI!0!|KA rmvexms ' AND . LADIES" -~ - - "-AR 4 L A. V D-Y -to-~tak -~- d" ta WE RADICAI.-._`PRlCE CONCESSl8SY`a<`3?`fefgeedErE>?:re1` `time tdtime bv- the wholesalers hnd 1mn`nnr=r.~.. Q10 IQ-UV, IO: ~ I" ~>- ` If I ~ ~ Come_at `once: the quantl `ity is" Iir"nitJ~.f _._Ap_m__ `.121-&.DIE'S"` -`i-"A1.:m`: w.'1._. . ' '1,` g.,;j my... me " L 7 u .__ .. :_i'eg'u1a_Z'$--39450-2- ::.?i.E$ir ;;ona,th1`:JEr`fe:i;-$2.-5C I-1'I'x1ai-.-:3 1u-n a -um-.1-.-..u.'...'-.-I:r.1.. .49.... _1..a..s. _- .._ ;_ , ~` ei`5ed_r9Ii1 6108" _0"cIocE.Y There wi I` ` -- be`: (Q9 of` 15 cenu.` Nu mono; up '_l_z thinged nj _th_`a _gabl'ea `good p tniy bujaxpeuted. ~ ' ' " Ia!-" " = 12!: n . O _ . _ `* 3 an _' The .vCleariri_g" .Sale `of C6101-ed Shirtwaists continues this week.` , "sy apt-ciaI.._ar:1`u'1gemenl;\ 5yFth_'thp ` . Tomato.-Daily --Bun`.-wa '-'"lre- EbE"c:T `gin tcrn,e`;' 9Vlb6l:l1iber:I_PEE'S1jE-a.lJd\_ ` `Exuumgm > aiocinl on'=Mr. B, J. Eu.~_s-I _Wednesdny;` June ,_3rd. , V _ ' t'eP5ed_r9m 6`voB_,o'v:1ocE "`1`I`u,.-in mu } - ' of_` pgnugfy No money iiill` , ....__. ; $336 dis ii LI-1;n'g I113 yk, V. I J .B.7,Ofa: Hqinliprzanizen fat_1:h`a"I .Idiea"Auxi1Iini-yof theB_.L.~E&,1 visiml the Toroptd iI_:.x':iXlih;-y thi_:_a_w'u_ek' OI-Ml`.-lild"L{l3;B.~*Bl`0l`l`ll4l_1-4~fDl":&_~`fEVf`; H..'D. cuinegoii . 'Eobetton"af` I the miasian,n,ry,c;-_nvent-,ionTn!_t1=e IE9- mn"u a` Missions:-y`So:i,ety_in Brusdvyny ~ Tahemncle, T91-g'n_vto, zhimweek. . ' `nbemncfe, Tgrgnhto, this week. _ I Miss Gera Hoo_ver,|pd>.'Maater W31-, 1 in Hovar"of` _Bu_at.bn w`r'a_`lhe~ gliestq i :~ OI:-_M|`.~Iil_d"L!l`3v-BVfBI`_9lll`_lll1-fDl"&~fEVY: 2 ~ days lidnnlz vntrweek. V L. ' '. , gnaw IVS uvvn: uwu Iuuuuutw : , - _.1'haru:byt':ian W.F.M.S. Ag iry `yesterday. made their rnnnual "visit _ us ch Mam cL.`;k,. Gan. '14,':'I1;nl, : v y_19uuny._~ _ _ _ I _. I Geo. Campbell siutwife, Dr. Hnaket, ` -wife and-1:.hil'd,' L Chuleaznnd Wlhm Iickell a1`amnto were halidayuvisizom jaere. . , . . ,9?!-, ' . -,1 -, u ; Rev. J._W.. Churchill water an Monday `eve 'ed"it"the Eid;v"a'[3pom cixcuit.- 1` ~ heli on_niad--to'._th'e ho__ap_il:aI"-a ' 1:11 1 Sharla: _M;c,Fnr1u_n9, of Poi-tizge, '1 ax-rived homain Sstunduyr-Eevlmd .v >Bll pIEce for oveiiwo u':onths.- -. - 2 I 1.6 Clark, Con. '14,'fI. and_ held gagizlhr meeting . an--nu an: ace. 565.:-l..I_U.`IO-E-U__U at $1.15. :. ully. gmbqstrag what we mean whn`we_Vadyei'tvis_e a. special s ' will n)_tbe.dis_;1;')pt_)_i`x1V1_;ed,.j > . T-.} .- . ` ' ' ' ' A 3:43aiiularly.ri:1uest;yc;u;j;g_iiiyastigat;thm1:;oetix;%s._;V '_ ` Vge:fee1._.-_}`;ey.V_, epan ,noy_7 ypp _ his wuain,,Mr. Calif: of 1`omnto,ova'r ' snndny. ` _ _ Bicycie riding` on the lidwllk in um.indn1gad in by mu who should knot better. ' I . `V m-rm--:' .... : ~ `R. Dickey, duiring the psntwge ,iIu' , been au'erin'g from .a,. sprained ankle, i but was able_ fii return tn_ his }wo_r'k__ un , -_T95iY-f ` -` 4'. . . - 1 N Geo. Camubell .;.a wife. Dr. r'r.;.m. 4 ` - .dl IlI_'rol@COI ` lpunt Ilia 24341;}: 3"!-II II VIOIIODIIIE. ' I _Colllngvood gut g|;o_24tIr. - V Mix: with mm of wn'.'.`x.;. .n... A Mi-`nullity `Slater in visiting in `Uoumgvoou Ql}o_24ur. j 2 - - > Edith Rid of wyemeiu day- Pngvith ltlrz.-ho. Frlllanxy" . Alnx. Wnu mlnrimki hat -an Ir,-Mn I Rev. Dr. :nd`Mra. 1'nylor`npeng Sand-v_Imong"fduada innnnidnla. :- 7_`,_Mrr. (Prol'.)`FI.uthe! ol Tom-tiutoju ' The Pnaabyterian Y.P.S.CIF. vill > .vi:_it the Barriyylociezy noxt ppdy_ ni;ht._ --`-'-~ - / Hurry Hnwker in fidiig gust shade. ap, lines him got. tha ns agino. 1_'J. ss. -. ; , 1. `vinungueuasau, Rev. Goo. Clhrkb. . nuns.-" . _ ~ . Min gain`: of Bcntfurd win tho guest` of lag: brother, Wm. Bnin, during Iha put. week. 7 ` ' - aiu Smith nLPA1m;nion, i. her miter, Mrs. Jerry Wudnnn, Bald- vc g;:It.tmL- . . U u I Wm. Ellihan mud wife were visiting old` friends -i on the 24th. I A . . ran _Sntin-day 6:-"Bruce Mines w_aend | 91,!dsi9,9!.M::I1tr31'uiter:.., I 1 Mn. n... v.......... Min Marion BrennIn,_ who has Bean sar5011.31Y.il.1d`.!1'iP8'th5 past few, vseks, ` @a_aIi:i1.hly Ie:_nvrar_l. br._.aul:_ngain. 1 -- ' ' , 2 -n-...a.1-.r- `:1. &Q- `O V V` Ianunhl 551- .3n;gtwalst5 contixnues i'rj1f.Fancy Qolbted-ShirI;waists?c1aring'at'costandaless.?E' I ;e_-=d.;1.as at a9of- 3eJs.s:..5o7ta.2; 9.`: $1.15. ' 5-We artiularlv rei'1uas:t'vnn in ii-{vs-cricrzxrna` +Imcp '}\F'ni-in.-#1-" XXL, ` :...u .1.-. 60 iii: 75%: suxtwaists area: ' . `at 49:. vuIIIngVLr1e_ngin Tomato. . Mn. Wu}. "Elli: at C todwe-1 was him ov'e: lhd24lh visiting hieldl. ;_ Roi. Dr. and` Mn. Tnlor `nnnnl I uunon Ayenue. . . , _ Thu monthly meeting of che_Brother- ' hood of Railway Trackmzn will l_x_a,l:_e!d on Saturday nighl. V , ' `_ ` ` . .Mu. Wm.` Moseley of Aurora, with bah` dnuglatoly in visiting bar sister, I Mrs.-James Slxinsqn. -_ ' ' ` Our tonwriul artist, Art Overs, bu had his barber shop pupenad, linking I i decided improvement. ` _ . Miss Hgwley of Tqronbo and Miss Smitli of Max Lowell were. holiday guest: of the Mines Catcher. ' I Mrs; Jnuaeo Stiuon. - guest: of the Misses Cah`}1pL____V ; Th?ula_}_I13nEl{l? nieeng of the India Auxiliary to thq B. of B. '1 . will . be field this (TEgma'y) Efbrhqon; ` Mm A15-W Mm..- .1 .).:1a..... rfn | __1L1_r!-_-_G- ,EqIILR1Mia 3 Brizntop and Lei-ne Bmnin spent.`tlgu ~ hglidays-nmo`ng-!rx euda-in-1'ur.enh:m." Mrs. Montt oi Toroxito iment lbs ` ,~ -ngiluaysnmqugineudrin- Iotlenhlu:rf' Torolio :apent Qhq ` holidiy wi\h'.her_' iatr, _Mra. Cowie. ` us Elsie Coivie visited in Churchill. . cxxqu|r.- V` -_ V ~ A - , .'_cmu1ea _M_-,E.}1._i.9,' bi Poi-tinge, ax-rived Sstunduyr-He had md_ 11213 gagulhr n_:eeting lm. J. W.- ue miasiaug :E,la.1ncoata_w'or:n.:g.a.oo1o.:.aOD_.,:'o:- -` ` ." ' `gs-La " ..; -;,9,.OOio'12.00'o:-_. v._ . - . _ ` _5_c She/zffwalkig Coats-:l::.'3`1:I-:.e Twedffe ~ ` - . \., _3`152,OO to 15.09,':lj o:: "-- " "-3 `a u "u" e;a Came 3+ `nnmnf-: 1-Inn rnlnrIA`I;H-u i Iir>n{-n:r~I ' ~ v~-.~-v~ |ht1lhllIy..- ' ' `oz "' 1 ` .IohnP,auo'f3mto 515?!-L ' " `. 4 Isa. wn_nabrud'u. ` ' ' , ' ` - Mu. KiIpurnud'ehildrn`lpemt the 24:1. ip Totlonham. , ` DI1 H10 HIKE. George uni Wnlter Vnughnn of Iotonlo Jnncion were home for I few my: um; week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo; Lyon: of Toronto stab: .chc hblidnyk [nth Mn. Lwu D6 Lllilll lalll `lfgy R rm for" Bruce M Mr. and Mrs. Geo; peht hblidnyk `nth Lwu Iurton Avenue. ` I _ ' 9;&:Ba;Irie's:RDre}IttivQ Stdrq Z` r hsi ' .wAa nhflonv F .. 3 ' pt Tamar; . 7. .,~-. -~ ---~-v-- ----: night, run of 3 _`n__cauplVof mgles phi: qide oi Goldwater `ni1__the Midland division , _and,qBmaf'time ~ niuarwlrd -were` found" tn: b9'on".re. No appliances being ullnnd to q'uanch' the blaze `all the cars yen: np_in empire. .1 They G.T. _ .m`1_1Jiut-gtins am or _tha"op' S the ' re ' I fncdndinry , 2?) :t}I.i3?Vw weave le' tb se- , Through afort _'at e.`,4_M_e_V A cure-;pa r._t`of1the rang_ ,_me -_Cra;venettes' nd Rain- ~c'oats shown for...th;sv season` by ;`.Mandl _, one _of _ou`:-` - 'Thev_Mrerec,leir_Ingt xetire r'a'I1_`i_ and V w:`tl :`n'16.`tak'e-ourlpn:e-- vnuAu.I nuwuuvyw nu vtuz oxnr. On {Saturday evenipgour apqrts_!_v__ere ,, Jury, anxious our Jhn vault , -of-,,,th,e_ ,, L King : Pluto nee. At` 5.30 .Mt.Ward received mnalnpholiu from Toronto that , `Mi-. Dym'enI a Teasnlou wan the Plite. I with Nesta .-_aecond. ,` Everydna ynn I met wo_re-n.-amiIe, -uni-, thr camman Wall. Pm nlul Dv- _I'he se_rvi m,zaeMe:boa:sc_1~.un-J5 .- on Sahfnth fwexe ufzgeclnlly intateatinig ' in 'cha:aa:tar. In, shammrning the ser- vice took the form of _Thnnkhgiving. .` In tha`avaning.? he mbjecl: ma Victoria 2 Dly Qbservntion2.` ` W; E. Kalaay` ren- I deged" anjpproyirhte ado as _thia"s`er- v'x'ce_ 1'21-`y etfoctivalyg The oaring nn:uun\`,ad`-ta`ovaz $115. ` n.` .s1......i .. .... - .......;.. ........ _I:bnnk- ', tlrit it was M1'.aa_BAilev n_ rbibthr who I . . _ ___ I. .Plale clip yrhich'Mr. Djmank, iiqn thi ' 1 pose giving I. fnrewa|l- and _x-ecepcion "_ 899')`:-Ds1=9iI1i!1..1 +y. onjhe, .he99t.ifnl ' L gronniia of June: L Bum3u_._ ' 5 3 two cnrapn Sundty night. He reoeivv i _' dd In" ugly` gn_ gh'on `the lemple, 'u:d ! had both leggbadly bruised. ' E ' ` Jun... mu... ..r 'r...'...o ' ;. an mun: I |l;;1di;g -six;-l";I;1Vion Que 1:81; in mi kni}l;.;.ita:i ,`xoaax,' _.l1'ei- l Augug, __ ` ` ` Allsudnle. the-earlv of.Mm. -D. ,0. Cameron, -Al : eaple'wilI`- no intgereatetfiu -t Miaa_Bailev n rbibth ,_ new: an inn. Me:boa:.z_1~.am-15 . an ueclnlly intateatinig '_ August. M * _ 1 .A '.l'ha_membgri nnd congregnliou ofthe ,` Bu:ton-.Arvanne-Met~hodiat-_ehnrch-pu _ . Tha_membgri of the F 3u:ton-.Aaanne-Methodiat-_eh pose ,.!ully.,dcjmbqstrag what wq not `be.disTapp9in1r;ed,.f _- __ -V. -vu- fN sHI1}i'rs.-1;5o Men : Soft Front. shim, up-to-date deai gun. direcfr from New You-k`, morning ` "5rH`E15,vMEN "S_ sToR1;...._;`.`- T _ ._r1-eguhn--$1.00linu, selling AND SWEATERS for Boys ` v,._,._.v.. /.,>..._ua _l_l.\;\\JlllIII5~ 1lUd.Ll_~V our acknowledgetf`supremncyisdue :o"MIss" BRowNLow s_;mi`im [Edge of aII"M'il1mery requIretnents ,11er ciciet connectim pnncipal markets of ihe wo`r1d: .-.{f you wouli `visitour : . the largest and best-appointed in Simoe. , . , .v white` Blouses _ The largest collection in town of pretcy white bloqaea- -the best lgonhh sud best selected Successor - = 3+` to Fr le` e\?l' - -_ me ppuIa,rity of this .Departmet!_E. has 5 orzep been said` V ' T1 . . .3 V . 4 _ -- - _ 2_y;`cr |t'toAth`c wvim, q.nd_ we strive to make` =' ' -- it,-.if.possi_ble. still more intexestin ,= In our '- I. _ ' co_nt_ir_I'uous display are duplicates 6 the latgst * ' , . ' ' - noveltis `and ihe `clcveretx ideas of - Ne_w ` York ex erts. The priceg are market! with the grates: consideration for economy.-. ' Ne wstys and ma`t.eriaI_s _ar constantly arrivipg to, greet you when in `search of : - Q-`I-I'rl:r\l\ r`--A'-- 3-- 7 , 3.7 __ _-... -.... 1, . ...`._., cu. nuaupscu vuul 'I.u_c gl'G1l.l:SlZ con;1aer2.uon tor New styfcs _are arnvmg you Stylish /and _Bie'co'mVihg Headw.ear._ acknow1ed2etf`sunremncvis5`due to_M'[S BROWN! nurc .:.;1".......:. u__-_. - ' > > 7 `VA lag; e; rngeV_o_ I """ ;he"most"ap' r o7/ d"'fnak'e$', d ?.vcry paxr sold with a. guarapteeo __v ` ' ' ` `G_EOTTE %T'vf6:ZEi553-f% .1r`icr-Lzsnr fn Frmulv Ry. nm}lin - '1'" IE ND.-2 &O1'lId.eB'i :-`re'g'u.1a:1y ge1 $%.BO .1

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