33!: giqv`s good wen`: ered M nenily twice thg n. 1z:I.me w1tl1"). enet'nn T" - 3 was interatinu from Zstalc H 3 hut-L}1e.Cresceuts'had theheat argument allthrhugh, always vch:Ien' Math :1 c~` `lags. . = **--m.,?1s,'=% "'9' ton. ;. -- m-Ivy ax A1Iis;on~,. 1 cnmcmn-s '.l'R.l'.\l'M'lEt\.vIz1u':~rA\n.x _iIxci;siva an?! I79-I:o-l!ate Hsnlt; ` ,-, ._ ings.always,.urs . . I J-Ill-,\I_I\IJ Mesiicine W" Wljrse, 3 means of advertising RED `CB-05$,J.BSLN_antl-BE_EE_PILI'S.-,ou-I ` .Eert_. Nerve and Brain Food, we will gave one full size 25 box free of 39.29222 1422; of `will give om; fEI1`aize 26: E'0;VfL"B':)`f. ' to an nnn pnrchasimz x .1133. OVE S5I1EB.B,T at ` 'nonf:1"s`o f)`EE s`r`6im with- ili thirty days of this date. May_ 311.11. '-3??-. V "_BnveIl" ilefb "l'ablets.-"25. I "For Live.-.'Kidn eys and Bfoud' . " mu] rnslirnn mini Ilonflilm 21:. nu U! uauu:u-ou. Op.'.E{ ust0io_e,BarriVg.-' nuuwpstieej ~ uu I 7- `TAI LORS .x.,. .42: 1...... In..- .--!-.1025. iomv SHARPLEB.`-n 1`--Gen ! Man:gu--E.- I-:.Wnnn.~ '- . 5- - ` BARBIE nluxcll z , Farmers and Commercial Paper.-.Diu- counted. ' ~ - - 'r\..t... n. ` gusgsfaction Guaranteed... 317 Dunlop St.. Bval-rie, _ Next Door to Telegraph Omce. ( ; ' `v 1 I c : Cigzi1fS,L . Pipes -' Tobaccos. HANMER' - -.1'!oBAecoNIs'rw 5 n-n_- _' cm; lJD:E!llTE`.`l;lh1E _ TAIFPOR A ` GOAL; WOOD; -LATII `Mill % % _s_II!m:l - " nun- .--'-, ;L, _,,- Almwm. ill-l`ar :l' 1and _oft= Vloo'd 3 nm. nu vnll wnnf: i, , Efrain zilf `ordinary instruments has , ;-'}"made `this Piano immensely popular ,, "1vit.h famous European udcta and is :-the CuIndinn u Favorite. f umnu BANK or p5uAuA]f ' . l vA)nvvv11lOl ` ' ivhelegaxe and _Rets.il. 23 Dunlop sh I._ludlci:il sale of Property` in the Vlllaga wot Craig- vale. - suu_ Phnfln ceum ` `Rant. maa, ` e;WaT1 r;iaiii{ u. % m:nmuonmJo1mnoxiAm'ni'r , Msncl-IAN? TAILOR...` I _--The steamer "Ente1'prine."' which " wmtex-ed at the Nan-own. willnbeagnin ' be put into uommission -this lummer. I _ in eald. _yi_|! Cn_mc.Al_:x Mcbonnld in I recommended. and all whn expex-Jen" e 1 anyntroublawith their sight, or are 1 wexu-`mg glasses tha `ve satis- * fantin shDI1l_l.i._n.t_( " ' 15 |` Mr. and M1-a.,B..J. Pncterssn. ~ CoIma1.m-AtAnl;en Mills. nggzigh; 't-er to Mr; SIIHMYS. M: (Iukhlfn. ' iAnmiv,n, , I by `Mngh In-ate Ross on Tuesda ._Tho , coqta nmouutedmo $2). , Y -The that meeting of the Barrie Cheese Board was held on Thursday ` hen the, {allowing nlcera wexe : -9 ecbed : President, R. Graham : Vice _ President. Robs. Murray : Sec.-Trus.. C. E.'Lund ; directams, Messm Perk- ins. Camp IL Gunn; Peacock and ogqrgry directors; D. Quin- rugh Dickinson has been promoted to the position of teller in the G-a.nun~ oque branch of the B In]: of Torqpw. J . E. H.'Lnidla'w. `who in relieving in the Chtlham hx:auch,of the Bank at Comments, mime home for the holiday. Cougrstlllnkiohs are in order to Get`- ard B. Scmthy and J. Muir Jnmiesan ho passed their.` third year law exam: -.1. L. __ . nanny vean _pi-actianl expe `Cheese Bennett; honnmry lan and Dr. Wells; arhimxtor. Janna Park. Toronto ; auditors. Messrs. Gunn and Porter. The buyers state than never before were the opportuni- ties so great for Canadian farmers to realize un-ge prots from the grggupt of their cowa`.""""` " `- --Mr. A. F. Bass. the en`tJex-prising jewller. has opened an optical"depu-tr * meg: in connection with his jewelry business. Thisde bmenr. is in afflIr."W:` L. ve. "am '0 fnnfinn ~u......:.... .....,u n.a.:_._ nmuon or the 13 Ink o('1`o1-qpw. Cougrstlllnkions who with honors. - Roy Thomas. who has heel: with n lumbering rm near the Michigan 500 for the last six months. returned home I week ago. . ~ Rev..M.r. , Wi_lson-oLEa.st Toronto, who was stationed in Allandale sever- al xu's ago. was a. hoiidzsy viaitor with F. ..Qra.ttou. ->- `L ~ ~- When in town a.tLend:1Eg era Conv_ent_l_o_n Edjtor Peuetang Hexufd paid Tm: Exit a. pleasant K3. - t/he Teach: MIXER enny_ o_f__t.ha_ of cows`. ` I enex-prising 8 jeweller. 1 meat ` Th de bmenhisinchnrge ( ' of` fan "opiciz'n:n`pf ] by `Mngil:ra'te Tuesdny._Th1; , cot3_um1uufed.m :32). dilcult the case at eve trouble. you can rely on receiving can most. careful and skillful attention by Mr. V Bassfoptizzl deparnnant. Mg. Reeve i_:Vs gl;ad\mtg_ of boch_ Canndupr gnd _ A m-ann npa_JVu-we Food. 1 F01,` 90 am 2 Boxes for 25. j *__ `(l`:S's-1'4}!-1% nm'u,- Pnnf nmm 1z.u.-:...' -53 `um - if - ' Lad` sn:.& $L;sL_s .5'.-%L`.;`3.3." 3 -.__............... QIIVI -. ` E. 6."vrih_7`.led Cleopatra. M. Mone- real Dog Show. There wspe 57 Cock: a-son exhibition. -'l'he "Ente1'prine."' " `tin ch ws.__wjunbeagniu I gum; . . - -. V PAITEBSON-Ab Mi|iesing,`$i son to '13 ME andMra.,B.J. Patterson.` ` ,, LOCAL` NEWS. T u/PeI"so1,1al._ athounnd null uni Inrgnmhsllllri by .mnzn.vlth anagram-vbuttcr. 'l.'nhnnp- 3 Kisnaatauhmlm Bnmsr mbadb 1 . x'w:lr:tn\;!|ng-Ic 1 nAxn1z.o`E.. THURSDAY. MAY . Merrick` `was in Cookstdwn y till Monday. 7 . Dymem; Kn zgeding A week an 8 Town to rake in races. . P. Tobin and dnughbey Mary ' vet in-B1-eohin. H lighcn. lane of Sturgeon Falls. hm 3 bosiLion'wil.h Hy Ellis. ._.|ud_ M31.` Cristoe visited their lad Mn.` [ht boar in`Toron er Sunday. ' ta an Thursdsy anld Friday. `man. after spending his holi- dl here, Mr lot Dawson City rlut -w Co W..A. Atkinson inupendin his mu-' tion in the cake of Dr. N111 tie. Cree- @UIE. ` Smith. Eiizabetli s_Lree't. . _ ` . -Hugh Dickinson I, `I7! Fl 'I .m`:1ln'u1 iuhn in van ., W.B.-Sc&nlan wnnin- vBu2inlo- over Sunday visiting his nine: Mm; Devjtt. . Ee`Ll5`Rpent:~ih1`-tTme In Torof and Niagara` Falls. L__. 1:. Chang, who was a. ruident of I Barrie nineteen years ago and is no`w- ( in the Traders Bank, Toronto, spent a. I few days in town but week. V c Miss McCn.be returned home an ` V A _ __ ....... .........- mg Inm unable-to perform his dunes aslerk of the SyI_1od_. ` He is _imprnv,- ing nicely-and e_xpect.s tube home in a. few dnys.,--Ox-ilha T_ixnes. -- . In hhelnst. nhmbci of the} Trinitv iicieucy,n.nd`0ld` Tutaigt- Such` ti. `; brilliant showing i$'A matter` 0 SW 1 cication to his many tiepds. V . [ -"Axnomr't.he holiday visitors to town Robinson of Totolito; Dr. and Mrs _ W'1lliu.!i1s of -Brmebx'id ; Charles Putvis and wile of Web wnod: Miss {essip Mieg ~of ,G:LI!:; `Miss Hat'.l:ie L r Thursda. fromTumnm wheteshehns 3 beenma ilifran abended visit: wich , her sister, 5. Malonev. . sriind-daughter. Beanie -'fhon:psori- e; nuin-Eecx;:e-:;:y"1l:1:}nb;,a;. 373: 5 . M1-1. Harkresa Iefl: yesberdu for n Addresses were delnvu-ed y Rev. Dr. ) short visit to her hnm inWil olvdale. `Campbell of Midland and Bev.-'J.-W. Her friends will he planned to bear Churchill qf AllanI!aIe.'- - '1 hhacahe iarecovexjngfrom her illness. !Bet;raJoht1hBegorx_l o_t Elgxovale {ms g T, .2, n [.1 gm ho - ~ em: e nclqlnug mun bec- parinz 3, Yssgfry '3'g;.,,c'; ( and Rev: Q; T. Oochnsrof Penetang J gjvfng s1geI:_iaI_ acce_g1;_;on :9 Dioneer 5'3 appointed alternate represe_nta- -_ ;Pl;6fo `Sgpglies; Irleep `unt. We Invite you onto ...V . 10 callnnd -~ - that he is recovering`. ex-ysipelas in the Jaead. Mr. Carley-'5 any friends will be pleased to know _ _ _, M18. Carley is in New York vxsltxngher dnugher. - Whileulxghtiuz from a. trolley cm- : in Toronto, Rev. Dr. Gmyhad the mis- `"" '1" 3, ,"","5"i.K `E 9 W .11 'otehau.d In-xix; s:a:e';`e_a-1-I`nhkiI:|R"-.urender- ' in}; him unable-mxperfomx his expects SL351 512.230 I773 , _. Thetnlon drew clpu and ggggam 111 name Iiigths from Na 4_5oa Gold ......4 In... by 5 length. nack. Nothing nu-gunned the leader, but Nam deprivcd Thunlon oi the loud aw l.he.Lhree qua:-u:-s only` linquish"|l:`Ic l`hp"mIir'. " 'Udi`dIgnn third. 2. head back. In um run home was 1| ; 1N2 Ind 1903 was: ..,..... - 52211. 0thetPersun ll:y 77.Z)0.... . 79,300 Talia! Taxable ... Propeg-cy` 1,613.44-5 ... L8'27.55'S Population 6.097.... ' 8.113 Thu number of births {hr the years Ward 1-11; .9: Wu12-21 10; Ward 3-12, 16; Wald 4.3.15: Wun5-35. 1 ;'VV_`a.x~d6-2'), 12 : total. W. 78. I The death: were39 tar 1033 and 27 for 190% distributed as follows : No. 1 -2. 1; I`1{1.2-8.88;1IvVo.g:'%8,1E; No. 4-5. ; 9-5-4, = 9- - .7 In the town are 2% head of cattle. 1!) sheep. -jhogs, 184 horses, and 311 dogs. . e - - - - -- ' '--Our assortment of men : neckwear is the la. and newest`-snd*bes17' north of men fur men. `Bun-in. uronto. Hunter Bros, the few; B3y_ hereof his falmly were also ursant. Among tbln was Mr. Simon Dy ment Mr. Em.-old Dynzonc nnd Miss Irene Dyment of Barrie. A. E. D menu Mn, P.. and Mrs. Dyment of hrssnlon, ML`- and Mrs. Thomas Baker of Inndqn andrhfz-rand Mrs. Jack Dymgnt. jr. of Barrie. The citizens of |:heV,_Norf.hex'u tdwn have for years been consistently loyal in nhnir. support of the lam! stable, and though ofben cut down, they were never: discouraged. Thev got air money back with interest; Satur- -. 8- nmonay - was - wagered recklessly on the Dyment stable {and the consequence was that eve:-yaecond man in the hapgv Iine'nffthe"b'o'o'liFes" stands wnnld, i uazchad. have been found to have in his clothes, n neturn t.ickel:`bo the ptttv town on Kampala- large twin-screw vessels _uf the moat h1oIIIE' l 7/? 0'49 oFI'.heui,'the "Chi-V wda. )bn1 the record. for the fastest ' ebelzween Liverpool and Can`- spe_ci_>|I arr.ggem9nLs,.patrons Win: .re*~'u.=: . `that. way. - .['hiis'-a.n-accommogInc:oxx - g-`w2n.:by` gone oLthex.'com paring --1 in And is onq that should be a ' intad byathe tn-avyellin public. 1-` 1.-aka. sa`i1ing]`dates other lnfonnntim`; Vappl`ah.T.B'E_ Exaxmaa Omxcm, -the Bar epgency; ` ` , ` . Sn-lease!`-s iii ` great .va.p'iehy, 3 chggpesy and Ehst. M`. Gen. Vickers . .................. , ~ uaD LoLma & fBa.n:7e d trier`. of the Methodist; 1 h e!dn._t Pegef.a_ng_on_Ma.y c ` Lhesessions. Rev. A.R'SBndexson of ; An 3 was elected journal _secx'etary 1 an Rev. B. S.FruIick of Mineaing wasygpeg st_z:tit:ic&lsecreba1'. _ sma-so . Drsam" ""1- m':_Snt. at um um: and fell back. Nothing u-atened qnnrmps linquish"|t`acl1xp"mIi-2" Uardngun gakird Inc gm runhogpe The progra.m`me of events arranged L b,v-tI:e- ' L'mnn'fo:- Mqnday and Tuesday a.m,-acted 5 fair crowd and some good racingrwas seen, though not more than three heats were necessary to decide any event. In the 21 class Miss Pgisley`andJubilee hxed for thin! pgnce in the mat. heat and were 4. 2 in the second. The driving ways not -at all satisfactory to the " " coE'p;.r. Smxhh c,.-D.-new . s.-1'..'m: aultuswn I Dn.'B- ,HlIr~ N M1313; W. Smnlnn 2h.`R. WeIte,- 3 Hamlineldaur. 42 tWi|l'F,-(`. . ` . 1:. J. KeY3b. Curtis s G; Pxuxcan 2b. J. Bmcingu. H. seM;cf,I.Dur.f. " `- . aom-1': 5D[m7E'1 .EAGI7!!'. , On Friday night a. meetingwns held 9- G15 1 V at the American Hotel. Thm-nton, finn- the purposgof re-or ' 8':'z_S*3.*h i V T" 3.-,'A Frank Jackson . i Hiker of Pox:tr_aits . _ - 221- Class. Texas Booker (NeviIs),_. g Lwis L (ALE. Gray) 3 -M.issrPais!ey (Cook) ; Jubilee _(__QeI:mi Ti1EssAwN`mo NESTO FlNI5- rear EDEIRST. mo `sacorgn. . -'.l'on>no-da!`l> 'perI: " 7 sodas um an `Gs-Inig FhI#1nEaIBsrri3 to I. THO! Wl'e.&`sIIy (II! B65! 0! due ` BZCII. 1189 2.15` I-`Z. THC Vlctnryfor the Bmokdnle Sables _ ' _ V9'7'P`TilTii-T ` mnnua-relyeingollendhinsl -~ , There wl-out-eat. 2-ajaxuug in town, Dr.,GilA:hri.nf.ofOn'ls nceived nut. an saturdny whcxithc nun cuna ohm week 3 Scotch bonnuttrou: u-land o thn Dzmtnt box-um had I .......-.. :_ .n... _,, J ' _-.--------' ' " ' -__M" L `k,-f{1r~in n-l:u-gain` HuIts'Orvrr?:I? Baz.1:i:j3::n mm gm I ormm u.Il'-wao1mmlunc1-; ` ` . mm .r; . -or.-...+.v-an.-mt...--vs... '7 7""':``_.'"B:"z-:ib5"" "` , "$tE a5a_`uY:1-3o1n1pcvt:;zhr'5xQ,`:;"'g-'g. ~ 5 3-zreaf- -f5=7rIe ` was: '9 ) Ernie Hunter (Arnold) L Mn.beHVVa.ibe)....... ; . .1-15*. 1,] Mabel (Wn.ir.e)`. .'j."une'-1 . V ,_|;||':::4uI,u1_ej;o9IS0Il.'__r." ` 1; ..-'1'bis(T uradn )evr:ingthCibEze'na'. In Band wiII~givqe,I. eit zsgnpen air can-' 5 carat the Pas; 01ce.Squ`nre-`when P the "i n_Iluw_iug programme will be .`7 played-' . ' _ - ' l.lI'nmh. 1orGmwn:nrIcounta:"KlFu-Inn 1 Xvtlh OVe\1Ill%"Dlumx cf Ekln," Iz:0.doWl i , swam. " our ui Ian." '1`. nouns-To d 4 - Kmollecuonue stzphan lrnsaar -3 5![nd1uy.f`ADgy,1n - _ DYMENT -Won iznunsc `an: 2' us unm- s@n eI? We qua `~ '8 ,;ein1;zn1an_ T , M be` Tilt ?u`T?`x'Z'a3i~.i`_. u`'uc * ' winning by``wt 182' , In? the gmnnga M_cl}i_ve_n"ol Pegengag: _.-TbIs('1`h,ux-adaI)e_ve|:mgtheC izeua - `0319- "z=._ en: zsgnpgn am` SW81? `'3 f 0t`ce.VSqunre-`when ?! l'0' Iluwiug wjlli, Y3-Pl!`-ll pm _ Ihebei )9 llliy) . t('I.`urnex-). . . 6 '1`iq1e-1.14=5. l.12:}.'i:I3. Slow Named Race. - n_ "nun - . - K!NG'_S PLATE. ` vine ; Hy": ES-33'&E'11":'5 :L"""" . . ,1, ' B&tt Hes--HAnlin, 3 Well: :Well( Villieri. Horoeelciv ' - ' ` Th x-stgun ` ttn 'Qu'sen" Puk-- an Mtmdnv wuaavgu by the r by 3 score of 13-32, after a weIl-(ooglI:' ' It to and held the :;*..-,:.I:1.,, s::*:':`.':*... [.....,,.. hits. Bumarieo, Earahsll sud Gaga: the boll. Marry. Decgau and Gmnh.'~ ' - nod game c and - -Vftzraax-ins. who`;.si!;ptdtlezn'l:5 ..:.'-was "*.::..a`::.,...,' *1:-"i fg . Ind Niles. " ' shunt chu. G:'mA.m.- `.1... v.-.- ` u_ ` Chu. Gisudnn , h bu` rooany .; 5 taken np.h`n raf|daYzn?yagan;c&_~_ c nu.-20173; ` ` ......u... `Ba (LLBEAT - Byascote of 7 to 2 the B. C. I. tenmcrimmed the Greacenizsinouaenw _ P cg.` Wnahyjghm. 51_.],nst.- fnculenn. mawmn Bohmgon ; S.`Ellio Y-. , A , " ' , E VA. schedule? of matcha. .3: fven: r _l_:elpw,wa_s afranged. winhthe _ hp! "iz`."a:.:e: W 323:: blink` a . '1 ` | E1lio3;`,nGmves,ww~._Ba.rneing, `Gran PW E tersnn. Fletcher. : _ B. U. I. -Smwu-1:. Morten, Burtnn Ka . Eorgnn, Hingh, I4-Roy. Plaxfpll.` Executive Committee -- E. O'-NeIl.. A.lli.sf.on ; F. J'.`~S_iss0mz, Thornton`: 1-:GIenn. Newxon Bobingon S. L "` \ ` ~ " LJhn,II!I