Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Dec 1940, p. 9

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-75th Yea} Dill lb] cull,lc nnuy. CUWI3 bulls ......... .. and cutters Innu- TURKISYS GEESE FOWL r Live 1`) VD ' Grade "A"! Live Dressed` 1 R an 73-10 ........... .. ,..-- Per Cwt.I ....$6.0U-57.2.3 ....$4.00-$5.()() ....$4.()0-$4.50 ....$2.00-$3.00 "5f!.00-$l0.()(l .$7.00-$.'a.nu .....$2.00-$r1.u0 I roTo-N1cu1'Ttii:i)}liir $185 .00 ""`:i` Dressed 1 K . run: . .....'lU.8:') I UWI. . $5.00 ` ' Cwt. tr. nn . on. . 33c . 32c - . 21c . 20c . 23c . 21c ` 17c ` 15c nu-' mm mm V Ivoumrr uur _. .-A` Tuesday EZ-oTcEst Dec. 3 Reputedly in Post Century ` The Examiner reported last weekl that winter had struck the district with a vengeance and that the land- scape was buried under more than a foot of snow. T1...-inn lkn Iuvnnlr oh.-..-.4 `I. \.- lumu During the week. there has been no slackening off in `winter condi- {tions. and there has been additional snow, with :1 total of over 16 inches es in the last ten days. l"hn rvnlnci Ilnv nf ihn vr-.11` x'.'..1:1(D `U IUUL U1 SIIUVV. CS ll] IDC lilSI. [UH clays. The coldest day of the year to date was Tuesday when. according to The Examiner thermometer (which seems to be pretty reliable), the mercury dropped to 23 DEG-REES BELOW ZERO. IL was reputedly the coldest December 3 in a century, and was one of the lowest tenipera- lures recorded anywhere in the Do- minion or Canada. At no time dur- ing the 24 hours did the thermo- meter register above seven degrees above zero. l\YnO an;-H ml` .1! Han nnh-I uynvxiknr DOWN TO 23 IIDUVC ZUFO. Net result of all the cold weather during the past week was that Bur- rie Arena has as fine a sheet ef ice as it has had in many a year. Ice- muker Sid Sherlock got. busy last week and skating and hockey prac- tices have been the rule. nm, on cl-m mi,Lmin1m- xmmvlmr LICCS HZIVC DCCH INC FLHC. Due to the mid-winter wcznher cimditiuns, many motorisis have left their automobiles inside their garages and have gone ubml un foot or by taxi. The taxi firms have bucn doing an rushing bus".nI_-ss. l`rnl`fir- (Hfim-r Jm-It Lnwis: rr-nm`i- DUUH (IUHIH il ruuunig uuazu-:53. l I`rnffic Officer Jzic Lewis report.- ed that accidents had ccn very few und far between and that motorists have been exercising extr_-me cau- |li0n on the highways. As yet there hus been no traffic tie-up in this ur- nu Maximum and minimum temper- atures during the past week were as follows: Doc. GALA MIDNIGHT SHOW AFTER SUNDAY 12.05 P.M. CLARK I OAN !sAvINGs i>LAN H 1 LEFT TO LOCAL 4 } MUNICIPALITIES! l W. R, McVittic, Burris.-. Public School Inspector for Ccntrc Simcoc. ziddrcsscd County Council last week urging that the County provide funds for placing the first 23-cent stamp and the lust 25-ccnt stamp on u war savings certificate for cacti pupil attending the public schools of the County. ("mm(-il nrlnntnrl H-in rn(~nmn\r-nrln- |.I|l.' \,UUlll_y. Council adopted the recommenda- lion of the Finance Committee that the matter be left to the local muni- cipalities of the County for action. as the matter had already been Luk- cn up by some of them. `Mr l\-1(~\/iiiir nxrnlninnrl '.`r:it Hur- County Council Passes On Scheme to Provide War Sav- ings Stamps for All Rural I School Children. L'll up Uy .`-UIHC U1 Lll\.'Hl. Mr. Mcvittic explained that Bar-I ric Kiwanis Club was placing thc| first stamp. and Barrie Town Coun- cil the second stamp, on :1 war sav- ` `lugs certificate for cach`pupil in Barrie. He thought the same should be done {or the rural scnool chil- ,drcn. Prince Edward County Coun- cil had taken this step. Thar : were about 6.400 rural school children in the County. exclusive of towns and villages. and more than 12.000 in towns. villages, and rural :ecLions.| Ono stamp would cost $1,600 In the. first case, and over $3,000 in the sec- and. IIJ PIECE Llllb IIIULIUII DCIUIC JUU. said Commissioner Morris. The motion read: "Th`3t the sal- ary of the secretary-treasurer, Mr. Roy King. be reduced $750 per year, this to take eect Jan. 1, 1941." ncxL ynur. The issue was raised by Commis- sioner Gordon Morris who sponsor- ed the original motion to grant Mr. King an increase. I "I hznm anpndnd rho nuhlin mant- lhlg an IHCFUBSC. I have attended the public meet- ings and have heard the voice of the people. which must be acted upon. As a representative of the people I have no other option but ` to place this motion before you." said Cnmmigeinnevr `Morris. . . . . . . _-_, _---_ Y _ , - .'\< u L-ulmin-atim of citizc-ns'| meetings in the Town Hall pro- [u:~`1.ing against a $750 increase in salary to Mid1and's clerk and trem- urcr. Ruy King. by the public util- itins` 4-nmmiuinn nhis vonr. the util- mvy rung. oy Lne puouc um-I mes cmnm"ission alhis year. the util- ities on Tuesday passed a motion . Lu reduce the clerk's salary by $750 next your. Tho iuann mu: rnixrsrl hv Cnmmis- u I` H I` H u H Entertainment 'I`HURSI3AY' `i FRIDAY -_ SATURDAY iBonus to AXi:d|ond s ' Clerk and Treasurer `I Revolged; Loses $750+ PAPERTDELVAYED THIS WEEK `I . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. `Below zero. This issue of The Exam- iner is delayed through being short-handed and press difficulties. Like many other businesses the flu hit our staff and we have been operating this week with three men short. A-.. -2 ALAL ....-._.. On top of that came press trouble which held up the printing of the pa- per about six hours. - BELOW Section 2--Pages 9 to 16 `I '23 M7 `Barrie Legion Nets ` $480.75 as Proceeds From I940 Poppy Day The following svntemcm re Puppy Day, 1940. has been issued by the Barrie Branch, Canadian Lcgion:-- i Tn 2111 n-SH-snug nr Daunzr. ......) ..:._ --unw--u-an-- --1--- pg ---- MATINEE -.I;'l`lTRDAY 22.30 l'.M. A Double Treaffor thgwwhole - .4---n, ;anuu\.u,- \.,uuu\.unu J.:L'b'IUll.'-' To all citizens of Barrie and vic- inity and all officers and men at Camp Borden we wish to extend in very sincere "thank you for your generous support accorded us on Povppy Day. Our total receipts were $870.44; our ex:pendi`nu1 cs. $389.69. leaving a. working balance of $480.75 for relief among all ex-service men and their dependan't.<. including the present C.A.S.I<`. in severe cases of need. 0 :`...v\.....\.. :._.._|,,_n_ .4 IICUU. Emponszs include $49.51 for parade. cost. of poppies. and remit- tance to Provincial Command. Ritrnml nn .hr\hnH` nr inn rv..I:,...' LHlL'L' LU rrovlnclal Lgommzlnci. Signed on `behalf of the Ladies` Auxiliary by Connie Cnlcs and on behalf or Barrie Branch by A. 17.. Allen. treasurer Puppy Fund. _______.,.__.__._. Simco(eiCounl'y Home Now Has I06 Inmates Including 25 Women Simcnv County Humv :11 Hvvlnxx has 106 ir11na!tu.~`.~in(-ludimz 8| mm and 25 womc-n~~:I.< cuxm):n`(~(l wiln 103 a your ago. it was indicated in the report, of the H:)u.~`o nf Rcfug" Committee : at last. w<-ck'.~v session of County Council, Sinu- .I;Inum`v I H11-rt h.-um hunn I`. HUNSIUII U] I Janum'y 1, rll-.-11hr: J El H llil ry deaths. :4 A ll ULTILII5. "All the (-mps xvvrv very ;.: -ml this yam`. and hurvuwtorl in the pm-[ per strznsmw. nothing having been wasted on account of the w(-`. smu- son." the ruport read. "'l`wcn!._v-four acres of I`.:l| wheat huvu bt-on :<:n\I1 and the full plowing: is c0mplult>(l.I All the farm stock are in :1 In-nllhy <:onditi Om: lmn(lr<~(l and lvn rods nf new wire fcncu have bvvn` buillt. 1 H'l"ln.. .... ...r u_. 1...__ . u UUll'l. The report Hf Hw Gr.'m J btatcd 1h.-_v found tho Hmnv i clean. sanilmgv condition, and ali the inmlnu.-s scoxnod (~n1,irc1_y is-ficd with their s1|x`1`r)uI1(li1u:.<. A nr..n...-.1 .. ....-.. nun mu.u .vnun:nuuun;.;.`. 1 A rcpurvl was mudr: by llw in-E spcctor for the Gluubc Indcmnilyl Co. of Cu-nad.u l'(~, our bu-ilm`: `Bum-x was (rxa-mined under stczuning cun- ditions when evcrylhimg was fuundl in satisfactory working order. '1'h(.-' Company z1ppr0v('s of :1 maximum load on the .SuIC!.y valw: of 15 pounds'. ' .--...-._ __./l\___, RICHARD DI) RICE in CHEROK_EE STRIP ,_...._.......4,.__.___.__ I The uyslc-r's nmvtul 1-ncmit-.~: in-I cludc baring cl)n1.'~'. [wring spnng.-,r-.-.; 'ITIlJSF(`.]S. c(mchs, . zmcl-~-inl the larval stagcw-other oysic-rs. | The United States depends on. Spain and Portugal for almost nil` of its cork. but California may start, growing cork trees commercially. J .__.____________.___.______ ERROL FLYNN in "The Sea Hawk with BRENDA M.RSHALL-CLAUDE RAINS BeyondlTomo1-row` with CHARLES WINNINGER--RICHAB.D CARLSON--IEAN PARKER---C. JKUBREY SMITH--HELEN VINSON THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY COMEDY-ACTION--DRAMA STARTING SUNDAY MIDNITE 12.05 also MON.-TUES.-WED.---DEC. 9-10-ll RONALD CRISP--FLORA ROBSON-ALAN HALE ADDED AT'I`R1\C'l`IONS ONE FOR THE BOOK ELMER'S CANDID CAMERA vUlHHy L,()Un(.'H. DH1('l' there have been 1.`: 'IMPERIAL' MON.-TUE.-WED. -- MAT. WED. 2.30 ANOTHER 2 HIT SHOW! HIT N0. 2 HI -I] thnti ' sat-i FIRE DAMAGES. PAINT SHOP AND CAR IN GARAGE! Blaze Starts in Paint Shop 0`! Chittick Motor Sales; Con- fined by Efforts of Fire Brf-. game and Building Saved. Building` and <-mwtcnis of the ga1`:1go occupit-d by Chiltick Motor Salos. Dunlnp Strm-1. W('I`(.' (lzrn1:1g- (`d to the ('.\'lunt of about $750 in [:1 fire which Lurnkv out ubolnt. J/l p.m- Fricluv. n. Bnrriv Firv Hx`ig:1(l(r h; b1.'17.(~ fmnw Lho Fin` Hn H(`I` SL. immvdizllcly to of the garage. The hyc the Fire Hull was us(`d. The firv s1m'1v(l in rthup in lhv xmn4lw:n'lm'n H1 mzlin firm!` Hf lht (:m'(lnn Hrmvn. an -mp Inna :.. ll... ..1. AI. - \`\'xl.V Ill \ "u ` Hv \v.'n;: mvnvr.l I lion. wh (l.'un:u.:<.< _.... ....n.. l)m1't miss .~'cL -ixlp, the Sea Hawk", Wnrm-r l3m.~:'. big picture of thy: :<(`u.\'m1. :2 hours and 5 minutes 01' lh1`illin:.: cnlvrtuinment. showing at lhn hum-rial l`hc:111'c 'l`luIr.-FI'i.-Sat this xvovk. On the sauna bill S01-;.lCd sllurts. EWIS ARE NOW EQUIPPED to given you complete spring service on all Ilypesi ol` (:zu'5 and trucks. Springs made to order; also radiators rc- puircd and re-cored. Satisfaction Hl'lmru.nl.c(`tI or money refunded. `,'~_ - u A - IAI u u -nu .1` u*| ll L'Ul HUI` Ul. vthv liw building. -mpluy'(-. who was in Ilw . at tho timu. ."il\\' :I "lI(ldHI H:Inn~ and lvnpt-(I for $:~If('|)'. Iwl |)lll`l1\`(l. An automobile. mvm-ri by l')|'xu~.*,! (,`uu1(-.~'. Om S19.-' whivh `\\';1.x' bu-ing pninu-d. w-as (l.'mmx.:<.rl by l`iI'(-. Thc` fire-mvn dud . (|\li(.`k marl vfI'm-liw` wnrk and m;m:Igv(l To v;ml`im~ tiw hI:m.- In the paint shop and tlw Hum $n1m(-(liutcly u.-bove. _. 10)---.-_. '}UlIIIIIl\JlI 17 Maple Ave. nu: coloi-in ri.i:EciNc" PLUS COLOR CARTOON .........u.\ u I uuvuu; . Dominion Auto I , Yllnnln Ann Gener_al _ Meeting 3 at Barrie (Jurling Club Momlziy. 8 I'.M.. Dec. 9 All membor.~: and all that. wish to become members please attend. Special invitation he Camp Borden curlers. Annual fees, $10.00 1st; year curlers, $5.00 T. C. PHILLIPS, Sccy. - :3) ._. __....__.. .";'l`ll-I`) `SE/\ HAWK" - huncllcd ihc `um Hall on Col- In the nurl-h garage. hydrant ncau` - Hull wax us-m! . . . nanny`.- Wreckers Ill-up... lll No. 49_ the paint I (`rn~nm- nf V lGEI\FIi| Phone 420 pATR51s PLEASE NOTE! ;Give Christmas Gift Tickets This" .~ Year. Now on sale at the Roxy andg 3 Granada Theatres. A noxr-GRANADA Last 3 Days -Thur.-Fri.-Sat. M/l'l`lNla`.l`. S/\'I`I1R.nAY 230 RM. PLUS-1-"6; l\/'IO\`IIE('I'_ONE NEWS` CARTOON and COLOR PARADE 2ND HIT-LE\/`V AYRES in sun. a.\a--no-an-- v--.----v M/\'l`lNEE WEDNESDAY 2.30 l .M. Tl-IE3 BARRIE. + EXAMINER 2N!) BIG lll'l` Ir 1 1-11` I` '- THEATRE HOUSE or HITS THEATRE Leads in News and Advertising I Family Investigation of local complaints will be made by the Barrie Rentals Committee. organized under the Wartime Prices and Trade Board. according to an announcement. made by the Committee today. Thn Fnrnrninn nnrnnr-I :1 fnur rlnv: RE` RENTALS COMPLAINTS ` TO BE HEARD` The Committee, named a few days ago. consists of Judge Dudley Holmes as chairman, W. Roy Me- Vitlie, Public School Inspector for Centre Simcoe, and J. T. Simpson. |County Clerk. IU) LHU LUIIIIIIILLUU LUUi.ly. I (`nmn1nir-H: nnrl nnnlinnnnc aha Iuoumy ucrx. Complaints and applications shall be made in writing, and the proper Storms can be obtained from Miss |Ruby E. Canning. secretary of the |CommiI.lec, Court House, Barrie. Ar-nnnviinrr In Han nnnr\nna\rn*nnnl IA WARTIME MEASURE! LUIIIIIIILLCU, bULll'L FLUUDU, Ddillki. According to the announcement. -the Committee will receive up to land including December 3-1, 1940 lail complaints respecting housing accommodation or the rental there- of, all applications for the determin- ation of the maximum rental of any i housing accommodation, and all ap-~ plications for a variation of any `maximum rental fixed by Orclzr No. I7 of the Wartime Prices and Trade lBoaI`d." `X l\r\r\ `an Ian`:-I .. kn-u-inn in n.nr\~iu When he held a hearing in Barrie early this fall. Mr. Justice W. M. Martin. Rentals Adminis,trator, m- Limuted that a local commxucc would be set up in due course. ...-----.---(-)- Barrie Rentcrls Committee. Will Receive Written Complaints to Dec. 31 LOFUIILU. This steer was one in 1133 class cl` 1.001 to 1.100 pounds, going on later to win the championship of the Shorihorn breed. "Phi: nkr\n\I\:n)1 Clan:-Huxv \ xv-ac ioxr DI1Ul`lHUl'l1 Ul`L`CC1. This champion Sh0l`1h0I`.l \`.`n.~` bred. fed and exhibited by Ernest Crawford of Oro Station. well -known throughout all of Ezxstom Cnnacln. and bringing the ch:1rnp- ionship of the Shorthorn class to Simcoe County` is a fitting `.1`ibuLc to Mr. Crawford's skill as a breeder of cattle. 'Y`ls:.. ...`l.\~..1 t\t'\A nu.-nu nH.n.- Gun At Winter-F;tF--Bred by` Ernest Crawford, Oro Station WEIGH} I070 LBS. I ! E The champion Shorthorn steer of the Ontario Provincial Winter Fair was purchased by Copaco at the auction sale held last Saturday in Toronto. 'l`ki- 1-inn: ur-an A\I\(\ in nl-mu I I` CEHHL`. This animal and many other top carcasses of show beef are being slaughtered by the Copaco for the Christmas trade. It --.H1 kn int.-.-nu-GI.-.n On -.11 I`-nus-1, I . ~- I ii-`i-om Wings Over Bor.l.-n") V 3 About 17 years ago, while sta- tioned xii Winnipeg, it was the us- unl thing to attend various coursasi of instruction at Camp Borden. du:- 3 ing the winter months. On arrival 5 nt Allandule. I believe the station! in be, I was met with a team mid i sleigh and after driving, for miles ii seenis, arrived at Camp Borde-1} hzilt frozen. However, we did not. so-.-n1 to mind it so much and look back to the good old days with many pleasant and maybe some not so pleasant. recollections. ` NM hnvinn linen hnr-k in Rnrdiu THE TOP STEER \c013KE6 Bi1Ys` IN SHORTHORNSi I Kallflbllllil U`ElUL'. It will be interesting to all farm- ms to note that this Shorthor.-1 sxcer. \\'hich was fifteen months old. I weighed 1,070 pounds. ~- S0 PICRSLIIIL XTCUUBCUDIIS. { ` Not having been back to Borden since those days, I had the occasion to drive out from Barrie the other ; day. Came out on a wonderfully! fine highway and stopped at the: Barrier gate where I expected to] see Airforce guards but was met by 4 the Military guards instead. From L there in, I began to think I was on 1 the wrong road. It seems that I; went through miles of military ii camps and had to make a few l.l- ;` `quiries now and then to find the` right road. The only familiar sight j seemed to me to be the old line of hxingzurs and the occasional old building sandwiched in among so: many new ones. It is indeed very hard to recognize now. what was the { old Camp Borden in those days.` What a grand and welcome change; ` it is. thuui.:1i. and it is a pleasure to; . '|mpressions ef Borden After I7 Years Absence { i Given by Officer . :Snowp|owingv Contract Let by Simcoe County; jbvwfjwugt --u------ 7..-- MATINEE SATURDAY 2.30 P.M. Ask the Thousands Who Have Seen It! Sitncuc County Road Commiz-: I I ' mcl at the Court House Friday lust! _ to open tenders for the rcmul of two 312 trucks suitable for mounting with snow plows. 1 Onlv nnn font-hxr u-ac nwpivpd . 1 u` H: to 5~ton rated cupucity:_` .\HU\V piuwa. ` Only one tender was received. 1'. : was submitted by Cook Cc.nsI':uc-t {ion Co., 18 Wellington Street Eashi Barrie. at :1 price of $2.75 per hour! while operating. No pay will bej lgiven for standing time. , (`nnnfv Rnaivwnnr F`. I Inna: K.-lid i gl\'l.`II IUI` Slalllllg UIIIC. County Engineer E. W. Jones said 1 that the County owns two cnowplo .-.' ', outfits complete in addition to the: detachable snowplows. One is a, power grader with plow attached. and the other a four-wheel drive 5 truck. ` A- _ ,4 j:-: Advertise in The Examiner. BARRIE, ONTARIO, CANADA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1640 Defense Headquarters, at Ottawa. have announced appoimmenst of Lieutenant-Colonel P. Hennessy as direcvior of organization at National Defence Headquarters, with pro-- motion to the rank of colonel. \' :t\|n` I".-.1 I1 '1" (`main ll mo- ITIULIUH LU L118 1'i1`llK U1 CUIUIICI. Licut.-Col. H. T. Cock _will re- place Colonel Hennessy in his form- er post of deputy director of per- sonal services, thg announce-men1 said. Lieut.-Col. Cock has been As- sistant Adjutant-General ant Defence rHeat1qua1'teI`.s here since March. He came from Saint John, N.B. fnInr\nI `. (\I\I\r\z<(-Iv an-nnnnrlnml I).-In-, `roman BORDEN o.c.. COL. HENNESSY GETS HEADQUARTEEIS posr IN OTTAWA] Uiillllf 1l'UIT1 DHIIIL JUHH, PLD. Colonel Henneavy succeeded Brig- adier A. E. Nash, who was appoint- ed Deputy Adjutant-General fol- lowing departure of Brigadier F. R. Phelan for service overseas f`nInnnI I.l nn-nun:-nu Iuon 1 l'\L'l'clIl IUI` SUFVLCU UVL'l'SL'ilS. Colonel Hennessy was command- ant and chief instruoior of the Roy- al Canadian Army Service Corps training centre at Camp Borden be- fore coming to OUE!.W':1 last year. Earlier he had served as director of transport and supply for military dist1'icLs with headquarters at Lon~ don, Ont.; Victoria, Toronto, and Winnipeg. EXTRA!PHIL SPITALNY AND HIS ALL GIRL ORCHESTRA Ti: |School_ ttendance 1 Suffers Because of Flu and Measles; / Barrie public schools and Collegi- zitc Institute have been hard hit on account of epidemics of influenza and measles, the principals reported today. The influenza cphlemic is 1.:encrul in Barrie and at Camp Bor- den. and many business houses are carrying on with short stuffs. l | Principal A. R. Girdwood report.- cd that 207 sludonls were absent yesterday out of :1 total enrolment of 690, while the day bcfor: the abscnlees numbered 190. Four tea- chers out of :1 staff of twenty were also reported absent on account at illness. I)..:;....-. Hr ur..l,.,. o,.1.-..I ....,. IIIIILZDD. Prince of Wales School was also hard hih wih ubsentees niunboring twenty-five per cent ycsLerdz.y fronixncaskw and h1ucnzn.accord ing to Principal J. E. Morrison Those missing were chiefly from the Primary room and Grades Three and Four. Kfu'nOnv-in Qa.'h.s,.l ..1.--A :.. t`\.I:.. 1 AL.-. 'B.C.I. Hotjd 207 Pupilsv Four Teachers ` Absent 25 Per Cent Absent} At P. of Wales Yesterday unu EULH} Victoria School also is feciimg the blow, according to Principal K, M. MacLcnnan. There are :1 number of cases of German measles. and many pupils are absent on account of influenza. In his own class. Grade Eight. eight pupils out of thirty-seven were absent yesterday. Tho cifnnfinn ic nn unrinuc vnl in lllll L_)"bL'\`L'll \Vl.`|'L' dUbL'HL yL'bLUl'Uil_). The situation is not serious yet in King Edward School. Principal W. A. Bell stated. although there are a few more absentces than normal. ~There are five or six cases of meas- Iles, but on the whole. this school is. in very good shape. In Grade Eight. there were five pupils absent. yester- day out of forty. I Q .||l|ILl. Geunge Bakogeorge. proprietor of the Olympia Restaurant. Has been [appointed chairman of the fund ifor Barrie. and he is being assist- ied by local citizens of Greek birth ;or (lescem. as well as others. ! An urgerl`. telegram was receiv- ied from the general evhairmun yes- fterday thlat the need for relief in lGl`L`L`CC is very great at the pres- ?ent time on account of the arrival `of ,win:tcr. and that the Greek ipeople were facing many hard- tships. It requested immediate help. ; help. I ! Aullmrizcd under the War Chur- iitics Act. the Greek War Relief :Fund has set an objective of $2.000 tfor mhe Tcnwn of. Barrie. and can- vnsng has commenced. Thc ub- ijv<'ti\'v for the Dominion of Can- udu is $500.00(). P0101` B:|. Tu- ronto. is general chairman of the lfund. f `.n4~uun. I`!-IL-nanny-un mun-n1..u ..l' MND1X:..V.YEP.NESDAY {Greek Relief Fund 1 I Objective Here $2,000` SUITS OVBRCOATSSUITS FOR YOIING Ml-IN OR MEN, ALL STYLES IN STOCK an Ideal Christmas Present." .......... ..$l9.50, $21.50, $24.50 HATS BY STETSON. $3.45 to $6.50 - WOOL HATS $1.95. Our (`hristmas Stock Is Complete. Gifts That Will Please. 55 Dunlop St. H. Winston Algate OPTOMETRIST `FLU GENERAL 18 Elizabeth $2., Barrie, Ont. at Stephenson s Jewellery Stdre PHONE 1832 ayaaani vizz Complete and Competent WILF. H. TODD muuun \Lll'C5SC(1 DUL VI 'l`oduy .................... .. One week ago ..... ., |Two weeks ago Three weeks ago ` arm U Butcher 4 Butcher `Bologna Fnnnnrc LallIll.'l`S uuu Veal calves Lambs .......... .. Sheep .......... .. I ' I (As quukcd by First Cu-upL-rutivc Packers of Ontario LLd., Barrie) No. 1 Sows. up to 300 lbs. Per I hot weight. well fleshed ...... .. 1*,` No. 1 Sows, over 300 lbs. and `under 375. hot weight, well , eshed ...................................... .. S No. 2 Sows. unfinished, any weight. or finished over 375, hot weight. dressed .............. 3 CATTLE ( n....1.n.. ....c 1 1,. :4: !HI.\ l\JV(.'I' O 1 4-5 lbs. 3-4 lbs. 1\IYvn-bu Grade .. A.. Over 8 lbs. 5-6 lbs. .... .. 4-5 lbs. .............. .. Market steady. 4.11 Ovcr 5 lbs. IL: nu- NA Market unsteady. CHJCKENS I an-guy .............. ...-,;u.vu-.,; -. EGGS One cent lower than last week. `A large .......................................... .. is `A" medium . 3 `A" punms ......... 3 '8" ........... .. ._ D"! IUD. oun- Markut steady. mun. Today s Prices Hogs, Cattle Eggs, Poultry DIIUULV IIUUD (Dressed hot weight on mil). nllnv SHIN} IF YOU WANT INSURANCE THAT REALLY INSURES SEE M_5C!`?!9_1YfS FOR FOR'I`Y-ONE YEARS THE HOME 0|" GOOD INSURANCE 41 Dunlop St. -- Barrie Phone 447 BACON Boas Per Uw.! `IN:-nu;-no-I kn! unuiuhi nn rail) COL. P. HENNESSY Gable and Crasiriord is-_%_fi33__s.e.%-9225271

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