Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Dec 1940, p. 7

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INNISFIL VOTERS ._ County Clerk J. '1`. Simpson was l.`inf0rmcd '1h:il lnnisfil Township ._Anow V ;has 3.214 municipal voters. . which will give the R(*`\'(`lw0 voles ' in- the 1941 Cuunty Council. the fig-I, me of 3,000 huvinp, bccn c-xc:-cdcd. ` 33 i` 33 ` ` l5.`llXI|L'. Fnrnm Lubm` Shortage "In lhs immediate future, we :1"c `going In be confronted with :1 most :.k`.L*I'i4)LlS siulnlitm in the xnnuer of `Turin 1.'Il3m'," Dr. McAr1,hur . .. |On the . of xvzuzes, no fznrmc.-r imn pnss;il)ly cmnpetc [or farm hnlp {with war indus`.r_v, buc {nod pmdLI':- Hon is as vital as the production 0! .xnunitinm_ Our ;.',ov.-rmncnts mn..L vIAI!\`i'7li H14! [H.`iHlZ(' lnill. I I "There is some serious dcfncl] Iwhon the primary producers can- |m,`.. cnmpvtc with the industrial 1:1- bur m:11`kc-`.," he said. 'I`\-..\ `\'1u\vuu~`vvnI19 ..l' Walnn-1Hrn\ mi` | ly UL VVUKILWUI H} Ililu lilI\L'll Ulla bL'._']). , In relation to the wan", the spL':.lcr\: isnid he was not sure any of us rs- `/.:3(l lho wzu` and the burdvn nf nlirm we would be compelled `.0 nun 1IA\u| u.. u x.~:1li7.e that. I -rm.n..,. :.. IDUT l`l]IlI'l{L'i. Ill` SEHU. The I);'p:n".mnn1 nf EdLlC2lH~ )H. D `McA:`IhL1:` : would do its b(-st f the pmvincv and 1:) mo 1 Provincial Mini.~:tcrs ::`f 1 tmtl thz: lu:::Il I"cdcru1 :1: 3 1 nmwmd SYSTEM ' Cmmty Property Committee in- !v~-. muted the heating of the Court `Hnu,<(- and R(';1istx`y Office. and re- prmcd it was of the opinion that thvro is :1 1.{m)d dull uf wzxstu in the prusmt s_v.'~'tLm. The Cclmmittac mid it, hupvd t) be able ta prc=cnt '21 t`!'p:n'l :1: the J.umzu`_v session. 1941. with (Innite rccmnnmndu- Jinn; for tho imp1'uvcmcn~t of tms I stuzatirm. . I fx (1 B ` LVll.\Ull lAVll'nUVl:.Av|nLV1a Since the June Session. minor '.impmve:nen`.s have been made on [the County Buildings. County Pro- `perty Cvmmiee reported. A new curb was c3nst1'uL`ted on the drive- }way in front of the Court House. [It had been intended to surface the driveway with a hard surface. but vywing in difficulty in cbtaining this on account of the war. this was not completed before e..-ld weather :0`. in. The committee was of the Cpininn that ihis should be icnmpleled. if at all possible. (lur- Iing 1941. 3 Q R 1 CLEAR UP OLD PAPERS Old rccords and other papers `over six years old, not necessary ;f)r the permanent records of the {County and now lying in the ba"k| |:':`."m1-nf Lhn nlrl `Rnnfztrxv (`Hfinn |L..ULlllL_\. illlll HUW lylg Ill Kill` Lh_"` fr-o:)mof the old Registry Office will be handed over to the Red `Cross Salvage Dcpamment as they `are; of no,_ value whatsoever. pro- 5viding ah auditors` cerllficjte i:. nbtained that they are no longer nccessary. l a $ : . " I, In this informal. continenta1-- type snack room you can while away delightful hours dancing: or listening to the latest music` which you can select for your- self! The gay Music Box is-1' unique in Montreal-and like}: everything else in the Mounti` Royal Hotel. is in the best of] taste. i | ROYAL COMMISSIONS 1 Council Clld(;!'Sd a resolution 01 ithc Cmnly of Bruce regarding the iappainitnucnt '.`f Royal Commissions- iamd afterwards the Government Inc. taking action on the findings 01 fnn (`nv-nrnie:inn< | IJIBI./\I.\LILVlJl'4 ISIJIJIIVVIIAVDDD A resolution was end-`used Ihn `he Provincial Governments dis- csminue all allowances for mile-l age and other expenses to judges. magistratcs, sheritfs and other of- ficer.-. connected with the admin- isation of justice, and pay only their salaries to such otficers with- out exmas. and also that judges be Jr:-quired to contribute to their DISCOVTINUE ALLOWANCES `A1 -. nu.) .,. _ `Vll.\'()R IMPROVEMENTS cl... 1.... `.1 1 Wa rden Honored .\_Y.\(l'Hl HIIU lU\Vi|l'(l llll' L/UIIHL) cil and municipal bnd?o.~," hr.` PERCY A. NEFF ` Ft-dI:r:n! and ' /\m'icuHLn'e. IhL`m`.J('2`.. 3 help farmers to obtain labor. but, he cnulcl understand why :1 s`.:on;',. sturdy boy would not stay m; `-h:- lfnrm when he could earn $27 or $8 per day in industry. "The mutter of cnlistmt.-nts ::. mm.- with which we can have nn q;1x`n~l whatever, but ugriculuxrc us .m purtanl in winning the war,` he :~'t.'.'.- r-rl Dr. MC/Xrthur said that vho pm- vinciui authorities were crmfrrmtcd wilh problems and would like the help of everyone. Never in live his- itrmv nf ihn nrnvinvn, `\k'0"U `.h."Su Thursglay. December 5, 1940 --'. ..._..._-.---bomb----;--: civil jjjxjjjjj .33- CONSCRIPTION OF WE./\L'iIl No action was taken on th:- r-:.-- solution of the County or Lin;-.;`m reczmmending that lL`;.{i`lat3r:n bu onaclcd to permit the c:)n.ecr1[: inn_ of wc-::lL'n throughout the D`:mininn| of Canada so 21.: to assure n mg-as-' um of equality of scrvicc du:~in_r2,' the period 01` the vmr. | at 2:: :3 ; llll` I\fIlV\/IIIBIE l\l4lAlL4l 14-45.) ` Council tuck no action (in the, resolution of the County of Pgincci Edward recommending that zmyl person who is :1 recipient of I`\.':`._'f be disfrzmchiscd for that. yuur .n which he rcccivcs relief insofar as municipal elections are crmct-rnecl. :2 o 0 Additional County Council news on Page Eight. J CARS AND LIVESTOCK County of Huron's resolution petiiion the Ontario Govcrnmrni have the Traffic Act amended than any motoris1 who :~`lriko:~: an I livestock where he has a clear '.'iC nc n-..\ .-.-.A F`Vv~ qt Inns! n-n v~n of the road I-31` at least ten : shall be htld responsible fin` damage done to said animals. ` l1V'L`SlUL'K Wtfe ne n:1.~ u L'IL'dx i endorsed. :5 t t L'UI|I|)sl I \`VllUl.` UK Utllh Ll! L !-Alt) `)ILl` lic liobihty insurance bv, fore r-cc-xv- ing a driver's permit. The Clerk was instructed to notify the Minist:-r of Highways. t 0 o . Council iaid over until M11`! thr.-1 Rowe]!-Sirsis report has been pro-' =en:ed to Cuuncil. a ro. v-." the Town-zhip of Smm. m`d recunv} mending that the cm`. of modimml treatment and hI.)>*.pitalizai:n of 311-` digent patients be borne by thr- Dominion Government and omploy- R ers of labor. i I-IOSPITALIZATION I at 4 9 i L')'.II".`l. p)2l lcgishtion be I r-nmn. l vwnm-c Y3 I.`- DISFRANCHISE RE'LlE|'-`EES f`n ` \n~l `1x V`r nn cu-Chum uh I}: OX everyone. 1VL'vL'I` H: H'1' um- of the province, `wow `.l1.~su __ pensions on the s:m1\.- bzn.~i.s ur service cmpluyt-0;. r.= m INSURANCE _`(| G 1`.'Ul`ILuJh r1 5 - enacted which would; up l\r non-a an nnu--~n .~-.h_x V LDC lU'cibL H) . 5 me County. 'T`h3c Inns? 1 _`~ EUC Lllulllj. V This mast was responded to by 0):- vznrdens Gem-go Patterson. Port Mc- pr<;l)l("ns so I A ll! A. W, Downr.-r, M.L.A. After \h(.- wulch had been m`CiCh`.- ad to His Wm-ship. A. W. I).)wn:>r. M.L.A. for I)uffL'1'in-Simcr)o., gave in short uticlrt-ss. I-lze 1l;1I`(,'L`v_'l \-.'il':1 1h.- drcz2ntrnli2.uti nf ;.I,ovurmnL-n.. :u.dl said that if Lho Simis I`(:|)0I`. was` implemented. there would hr 1- fur` szrcumr cezm'uli7.n1inn of govern- YTXFYH I HIUIH. M1`. Downer urged '.-v- *ry0r1:`l- press forward. c-vc-r furwznrd, zmti we bring this war in `1 suc(`(-.s5. .A L-unc1u.~:inn. I1 is impnr`..mt1h::`..W~` save this thing called J(:rnn.~,ruc_V" he said. but did we ever make it v.'m'k`."` Towns and cities h. l\".` en- joyed pmspmy: rural people just the reverse. pun. .. . ...:.. AL... .. ) i I Come to the {Q lHL.' l'L'VL'l'hL'. "We cun`t win the war without -he farmer." he continued. "The manu- facturer has {I guarantee uf cnsib. _t>it:.~ ten per cent. He's an l.!`l|)I'Li|."3 cog in the war machine. they say. Isn't the farmer just as important a cog in the war machine. The farm- er isn't guaranteed his costs; my idea is that he should be guaranteed his cost of production. The farmer shouldn't, do all the sacrificing. Let democracy work at home. but see that the great bulk of the pupxiinti-311 get what is rightfully theirs. In conclusion. Mr. Downer said you Ithe County Council) z:r-r:on1- plish more in one week than we the Ontario Legislature) dn in . three weeks. Ex-Wardens Speak County Clerk J. 'I`. Simpeon. in a complimentary` address. proposed the toast to the Ex-Wardurvs of Sim- nnn r"r...nn.- &\I &&CIfI`& ' VV `C`3ETQI Ur':v\.xfr~zj(l. Brockvillc-. Bellevme. Chatham. Comm 1!. (2..n.-moque, G - mrich. Gus-Kph. HAMILTON, Kincardme. KINGSTON. Lindqzny. LO . ..\Inr:i.=.lmr-.;. NIAGARA FALLS. Owen Sound. Poterbnrn. ST. CATHA3> IINFS`. S'..w:*n|.-a S`.`r;.H'nrd Rnnihamntnn ` -ll). .`.U|H",'. AVlr\L1l\H!\ ll\bb5. UWEH 3 ixzqss. Sznrnin. Szratford. Southampton. JJLJTLJLVLEEJI `9"-l'L CI 35.. BJCCICIGH AND FROM ALL STATIONS BETWEEN TROUT CREEK AND KING uncl, lN(`I.UI')lNG MIDLAND. PENETANG AND MEAFORD BRANCH LINES-EXCEPT ANGUS Also on Dc-c. 13- :To Gr::'.'er.hux`:.'. Braccbndge. Huntsville. Callande N)--xh Buy. Burwush. Sudbury. Lnnglac. Geraldlon. Beardmore, ` ROUND TRIP BARGAIN 1-`ARE_ HI ?!-;'(I`E`IMBER 33-14.15 from BARBIE ' ("V`A'1`vI\ n nnmuurnunv rnnrxr In nnn-no n\vr\ lift!!! Fares, Tickets. Return Limits. Train Information from Ann. 43. for handbiu. Consult Time Table for Train Service To nnd From. All Point: Tmai Time le for Sevvice ' To and )~'ro1 Points T343` cANAnIAN"NA11oNAL` )>-?\?u- .T.F.9!.'_TS?.j:_` 3 COUNTY ROADS TREATED R4elateA_d -Briefly] Replying to .-1 qucstiun .':skcdvpm- lvmusly in Council by Coun. M. J. !/Xssclin, Tiny. Cnun. I. H. Luck. Oro, `chairman of the County Road Com- ~rnilu_-o, 1'Cpnl`t(`d on the m'1r`z1;,'r.-`of |CULH`.1_Y roads that was tru.m.-41' for |wc-eds during the past summer.` ( 3 Rnrnvinn with rvhr-mir-nl IRII mllaa lweeds during the summer.` ' Spraying with chemical. 18!) miles at $17.50 per mile; cutting rhoulder woods` with power mower. 125 rhes Ill. $1.31; cutting by hand. mum mow- lur. four miles at $7.50 per m1lt:.'..v I There were forty miles if road Inn which nothing was done lu`-`kill the weeds. Those sc-c1.imxs y/erl: sprayed in previous years. Lzivqk of available labor made it necessary to neglect these forty miles entirely. Annrnvimmn r-nut nf nn.- utinn U) llUgll.'L'l. [HUSH lUI'Iy ITIIICS Unurcxy. Approximate cost uf om: gallon mixed was 4%.: cents: sodium chlor- ate cost $7.50 per 112-pnu'vl drum: ammonium (.'hl0I`iI\(' cost $2.21. per 100-pound bag. m-_-.-_--1--1 Nicnll, and Charles J, Grnzrizl, Tay. Ex-Wurdc-n W. L. 'I`uyl-n", Grey County. was ulsn called vr. 1:): 7: few uznrrk \4UUlH._)" words. innfnu mi mu for LAZY Llyggs . wINps91_ nL.,.... r .. Coax your Iivor to hulmy nclion! Help it 61009 "I Bil. juico owing will `'01. Mov:o`u" - the lm-v proved voooublo Iualivl.` Ask lot this roliabit nmody by nnmo - I! your muooitfu. "iis'g.e Se`\ . (vi`J' . , \. ..-_--..._ T MONTREAL land `terms from seven days in ('0' years less one day. l as c an Rccvo'o{ Medmmtc Town.-whip. who is mentioned D01` the 1941 Wm`dC11~`l1i)) of Simcoe County. He was runner- up last year. 1 r. - - { LIABILITY BOND Coun. W. R. Benson. Penet:mgui- shone, inquired about the liability bond that was placed on ail the county employees in the Court House, and was informed that :1 bond of most of the employees was required by the Department nfl `Municipal A't'fni rs. i=:.:.x N llI.!\lVI'lIlSIIAVI.l I'lJI'ILlD Council endorsed a re.=.w :u.tin.i of the United Counties of Durham and Northumberland regarding the cost of transporting pupils to 1-Ii-gh and Conitinuation Schools by the Cnur.`.:'. recommending to the Ontn:-in Leg- islature that legislation be (nae-:1-cl whereby no purl of the cost. wh':~ ther they be resident. non-.'e. or county pupils. be clmrgccl -1) the County. i 1.`! :1: :2: what Council Did Ft_F_'o_ur D_ct}_r_ Me_e_t BLACK RN01` SPREADING Coun. J. S. Drinkwntcx`, Orillin Township. inquired if the Agricul- ture Committee could take any steps to prevent spread of black knot. .which was becoming very prevalent `in his tmvnship. \ :1: :21 any. -- -- - SCIIOOL REQUlSl'I`l0.\S Council decided that in .m)' use where it was deemed x1ece.;s-.n;;. the County Clerk be instructed in !`v~ quest that the High or Contimunion School registers be produi-rrd fur inspection and perusal; and ihc Clerk was authorized to refuse c-vn-l sideration to the requisition of (my school board if the requisition \\':1:-' not properly filled out and prop(-rl_v signed. *3 121 ::= 1 Jlalltrfllalh I.;lIXV\/l`nV'lll}VI\ ` No action was taken on :1 l'L`S<`)lll- tion of the County of Elgin roque::1_- ling that strong objection be m.u'l3 to Teachers` Conventions b'.`in_4 Iwld 1-n regular school teaching days, espe- cially on Friday and following Mon- day. '9' * 9 I Qllnnl. nl?`.0IllSl'I`l0\.Q HULILD llll nl'.uU|.a.`\lIuiV-V A committee was appointed. - na- sisting of Coun. D. F. Mnct.:ii~mi. Barrie. and the County Clerk. to scrutinize the Rules and Regulmnvis as now printed, and such Ch:1n9,".\` :i= may have been made since ziwy were issued with the object of ham- ing a new issue printed and di.<'.i'ib~ uted to all members of Council. .:u;-:1 committee to report at Junu:'.t`_\' sion of Council. 1`: Q 2 NAMED T0 LIBRARY BOARD Rev. C. H. P. Hearnc. Bond Hmd. was appointed member of Simcwo County Library Board to complou: the two-year term or Rev. G. D. Kendell. who has left the cn'.:n1_\'. K`. :2: ~ J! W1. GRANTS DEFERRED Requests of Simcoo County W9.- men's Institutes and Centre Sim-we Women's Institute for grants to :13- sist them in their work were laid over until the Januaxry Session 1941. 1:: 2:: ac: COUNSEUS ACCOUNT Account of H. W. Grant. Ox'i1`.'.;i barrister. who was requested by `the judge at the recent. sittings Hi `the Supreme Court. in Barrie to dc~ lend a prisoner who was charged with a serious offence and who haa no money to employ counsel. \\':1>' laid over until the January Sossinn 'I19-I1. 15 h n Action of County Treasurer wax: confirmed in paying account cf ` $27.60 for Randall Clarke. pupil at 'i1he Schoo! for the Deaf. Belleville. `for whom the County has been pa) - ing expenses during his summer vu- f cation when he is away from school. BIIJIIGLVI PIDDUUAVL 1 I 0 In In N I U W V! 9 $2.000 GRANT coxrmmzn I A bylaw was passed 1.0 provide for |the payment of :1 grant of $2,000 10 I I aid in the establishment of a mm- tury band for the Grey and Simmer = Foresters Regiment. Although the grant was made at the June Session. `the required bylaw was not passed at that time. I Q it t 4 ($145.3. l'\J\Jl\ DI'4l1Vl`4l\B3 Q0 action was taken on request. vfor grant to remove beaver dams an Ipurbrook Creek. Orillia Township. until the beavers have been re- moved. BBIJNTYJLIUNCIL llQLD,l10VEMBER,3ES8|N\ .ADJA.luA In.` sum: A bylaw was passed authorizing N the Township of Adjala to collect RULES AND REGULATIONS A nan-u-uSHnn `I1-xv -nxnnia-Marl 4- n 'I`EACHE`RS' CONVl:3N'l`!0NS T\Tn nniinn In-11: cul.-nu. :\r\ 4. u 'l`RANS.I'0R'l.`lNG i`UPlLS run-uni] nu;-`In-run;-l r\ ..n.~{|..0i: ALAS. POOR Bl-IAVERS! n nnrinn u-an O-)1.-nn An vvnn` S`l`UDF.'N'l"S ACCOUNT 4\n A6` t"nunu '1".-nu -nvlnnr urn: nn:eA4-J -nnhn` GEORGE BARR Mentioned UIIUIHUH unu l'L`[)UL'l. ill, UH.` HUX, Bssimt. The cummittee is com- rised of Cnun. E. J. Evans, West }williml)ur_v. Cuun. Harry Wrigltt. lidland. Conn. John Carlton. Bee- rm. and Cnun. D. F. M:1cLaren. Bar- ie. As the matter was ton involvetl. he committee did not present a re- -nrl at the November Session. County l`1`e:1suI'er D. l-I. Coleman urescntz`-d the ease or a person ar- ested in the County some `distance mm I3nrx'ie.. and t.:`.ken to the Coun- v Gaol here. Subsequently. the xrisrmer was taken for trial three ifferent times to places where `hr.- affence was committed. The Chief of Police, where the man was :-:`- rested. travelled to Barrie for the px`i.\`0nm', took him back to the place. and then back again to the Gaol. thus making a duplication of travel. Mr (`nlr-mzm cnmvnclnrl that n ADJOURNED THURSDAY EVE Simcoe County Council savt from Monday afternoon until Thursday ` evening last week, and the members drew four days` pay and mileage. fI`wo sittings were held on Thursday ~--one in the morning and the oiher `in the late afternoon, just prior 10, the banquet. Adjournment was made sine die followed by the us-' ual. closing ceremnnie:~:. an as at CONSTABLES IEXPENSES OF \ UNDER FIRE Special Committee Ap- pointed to Report of January Session H1115 H|i|l\Hl;.', ll ULHJIICEILIUII U1 (l iIVL'I. Mr. Coleman suggested that :1 coxmnitteo be appointed to in1cr- view Inspector Richard Cox of Ont- ario Provincial Police. Barrie. to set: if n constable in Barrie might be 'immin~`.:- in take such ])I`iS0nL`l": |i'r<)m Barrio Gaol for trial. 1`|n I`:-unnlu '1`v\t\r\a|IvIr\v an an in. IIUHI l)dl'l'lL' LJRIUI lUl' Llilill. The County `Treasurer. as an in- 91211100. told of :1 man ar1`es1v:i in P:-ne1.nnguishone and broug.-.11`. 10 Barrio Gun] to await trial. 11:? was inkun to Pmmlang for trial and re- mnndod. and taken back '19,zxin and remzmdc-d. A-1 fifteen cents :1 min: one way. the Pcnetang Chief tarn- ccl $37.75 through no fault, of his nluyti `Lin z-nip! Ian kn.-I n l:J`.-.u- 0.-nnn '..`(l J1-)l.lZ) lIll'l)ll',',H HL) lilllll. ()1 H15 own. He said he had a 1:-`.`.r.-r {mm Crown Attorney Hammond in re- gard to the matter. (`mm 1Vl:mI.m-nn rlr-r-lm-nrl "mu fif- VIHHI [HITS EH10 \\'ll.H(.`SS IUCS Slltlulu be charnccd to the County. "Wh_v should the County pay thate items when the towns are paying t_hc.~`.c of- ficors` s:1luric-s`. " he asked. adding; that it was: worthy of invcsti;.z:1thn. Travelling expenses of constables 1 f towns. charged to the County. I Vere the sub_ieet of some discusshn 4 I last week's Session of the Counv Znnncil. The final outcome was the aant ointment by the Warden of :1 st)-1.1+ :in1 committee to investigate th onditinn and report at the next ; lccinn 'l`hr\ mnnvnittnn in 1-run. '3"ll`(l ll) UH.` Hlill.l.U1'. l Cnun. MucLa1'cn declared fmu ii!`- toon cents :1 mile for both trips tlwo required ouch time) was too much. He thought it was arrzmt nonsense that fins and witness foes shnuld Iv-. n1\nv on Man lnunhy '-\YJ1-n.- all -taxes in arrears and conducl its yawn tax sales. as most. townships have already done. 1': :3 ":3 Council pus. :1 bylmiv to provide for the payment of :1 grant. of $10.- 000 to the Canadian Red Cross So- ciety. The nmmint wa~:- voted .21 the June Session but th: necessary bylaw was not p`_assc-d as required by the War Chixritios Act. ` I L`: - 3 .. l W` K` 'n' ENTRANCE mans ` -\ No action was tukon on the reso-I "lutinn nt Victoria County recom- .; mending that Inspectors be not. al- flowed anything extra in the way of fees for work done in connectini. with the Entramce Examinations as -` they tire on _v..~m`ly salary, but roc- ommonding that teachers on the Entmricc Examinations Bmrd .should be zilluwoct their vegulnr fees for this \VOI`k>2IS they and their du~ tics m'din:n'ity end at the last Uf Junc each year and the reading at the pupcrs is done during their sum- mer hutidziys. 4 ::= a' TURNKEY GETS $1.200 Council passed :1 bylaw to provide rm` the puymom of a salary to the 1urnk(\_v at tho Counlty Gaol. C. Gil- christ. of $1200 per year and (aim to px`n\'idc him with :1 uniform. I l ='= x.`: 1:: `\x`DlBl1\LVl llJl\.lVl\l.`;.l l A bylaw was passed providing for lho payrnt-nt of $3 per day and :1 uniform in Thomas Graham. ns:is1- zmt tu1`nkc_\' ut the Coumy Gaol. _ :: 3 2: i SALARY INCREASED Cuuncil passed a bylaw increas- ing the salary of Miss Helen Suth- erland. s`..(`nngraph01` in the County Trcasux`cr`.< office. 10 $60 per month. ?f[vc`.i\'e December 1, 1940. The! former salary was $52 per month. i *3 '3 El (`LAIMS FOR ACCIDENTS V;n`im1.< claims for accidents su <- luincd on 1110 County Roads Sys- tem were received and referred to the indemnity company carrying county road insurance. e as n K\\lt`lll ISDVDIVEIUKV A communication from the Ontar- io Depurinicni. of Highways re re- vuming :1 certain portion af "031 in im 30. concession 3. Essa Tnwnsiiip. `iccording to plan 12469 of the Com`.- 1) of Simcoc. was deferred umii the Jziminry Session 1941. '2 t: :.'= PLANT NEW PROPERTIES Reforestation Committee rep-wiv:-d `nspocting the south end of the Coumy recently for the purpos: of ?ncnnr-iinrr nrnnnrfina Inna 1"! L,OUH()' I'CC!;`flU)' I0!` 1110 purpus: UK inspecting properties along ihe county roads where snow drifted badly during the winter momhs. Three such places were inspecled. 'md it was decided to purcnase one or two of these properties ft: an experiment. and some will be yJZar-1- rd in the spring of 1941. ac, we- JIK. l'tllLlI!aI\.D ILJVJILIEIIIILVEII V Reforestation Committee reported helping to entertain eighiy Junior Farmers from Zone 3. Ontario Ccn- servation zmd Reforestation Associ- ation. :11 Angus on November 21. tn promote imercst in c0nsex'v::t:0n and v:efnrc. l 3 D Q LANDS PURCBASED Land purchases made by the Re- Iorcstation Committee ax :-nimble for gplunting in the spring M.` 1941 were ireportod as follows: Medoute Town- ship. 125 acres; Sunnidaltz Tc\I.~'.ship. 100 acres: Tossoromio Townshro. 200 acres: F105 Township. 510 acres. 1 i(- i * unnx-41` nu Nnvx unnuun Cmmcil made :1 grant of $500 1:) tho Navv Loazue of Cmndn. `pm- vidinp; this action receives the an- -wovul of the Department of Public Welfare. The necowary bylaw was passed. 3 -3 t ACCIDENT REGRETTED l Warden Nerf stzitocl ihai with all members of Council, Icgrrtcd 3 that Deputy RC-eve Perry Y-xiv`. Or- illia (town). had met wifh an ac- cident whilu coming to Burma: from ` Orillin Thursday morning. and was in Royal Victoria Hospital. He 11-ust.-4 ed his injuries would not be S;":`I:)Ll. ~'. | at: -2: an l.;l`a|"l' TU IVIUNIUIFALIIII43 A suggestion of W. R. Mcvitrtie. Public School Inspector tor Centre DOUBLE MILEAGE GRANT T0 NAVY LEAGUE I` ...... nu ......An n ..-.....`o at -r.nr. 2 LEFT T0 MU`NIClPALITlES A cnaancnn Al` I D KIAVSHC ASS] TANT TURNKEY I` ...-an.-I .-u-nuSAiuu ' fmn cno. GRANT ROAD REVERSION nnrnnn3nnl inn 4'-Ann vkn [Warden Watched The final Iuncon in honor of Warden Percy A. Neff, who has been Chief Magistrate of the Cour.L' for the past yeuf was :1 banquet '1`hLn'sday evening last.` when i-In; Worship was presented with :1 bonu- Liful and .sc1*vicenb1e wrist watch by his colleagues of 1110 County Coun- 1- INVITED T0 DAIS A. W. Downer. M.L.A. for D',1ffer- in-Simcoe, and W. L. Taylor, Sing- hampton, ex-Warden of Grey Coun- ty. were invited in the djis amt] spoke a few words of greeting. 1:1 1;: 37 -snow anmuus. l-Iis Worship. in replying, paid tri- bute to the efficiency of the County afficials. and said that his |'n' H1- t.roduct,inn to Simcoe County Cmn`.~ cil was when he had been a m.2m- ber of a delegation. Ho uppnsucl du- ing away with County Councils, .n'.(l declared that was a suggeutiun which met the disapproval of all county councillors. "For t,h,- cost to the taxpayer. there is nmro ric- vice given by it than by any utl1<~i' governing body. I think it is im- portant tn keep the County Cunn- cils. Ac Okn vnnnnct nf H10 Ph:ll`m:ll1. cus. At. the request of 1 one minute's silence __._.__..____._.._.___ _______________.____.._____ Simone. that the Cnunly 1)r,\'id:'. funds to plum` thv firs". nml lzni V-`amp on :1 wan` :4Ivi:1'.:.~' cz.-:'tificnu,- fur ouch pupil .'1ttondin;.{ :1 rum] public school in 1110 Cnumy uf Sim- 1 me. was left to the Inca] munici- palities, in Lhv County for action. as `the matter had zrlrt-ndy ha-"n taken up by somo of them. I a :9 o | I(,l`4l`ILIlCl`4l) ' ll ! IIIVVAVDIIII 9 ' Lorne 'I`hnnm.~:. funorzll clirvc-l n'.l Allismn. .-u*bxni1'tc`d an :u`('nu:'ul for! $30 for the burial of :1 transient: who was killvrl on tho Pmvxm.-in! }{1'g'hway \vL>.~:t of Alli.~'.un. on the. boundary line between [hr Town-i ships of Tns. and Adjnlzx. The acmun: was l`C`f("1`I'(.`(l 1:) llnusx` 1o\vnship;; for cnn: 'ti'tn. ` ! =2: :3 =3 ! DA`\.)VV l l4\IVVIAVll l\l':\(lllu1ls) ` l Council took 110 uvtiim on town-I Ship rc-quc.\'t.< that ihu County snowplcw `.own.<'hip roads. Oiw 1'0-. quest concerned Cuncossi )1) 3. I.'ru1-1 t3r.w':i.sa_-,':i. bohwecn (Tnunjv luuds `Nos. 9 and 14. and the other r~:~r.- ; | cerned the roads of Vi/051 (}'.'.'ii1i1n`-I . bury 'I`0wns`hip. which pr:-,c.~.~ +: In: [county r0:1d.~`. but has Ihn-o }).`:l\'iI1- it.-1:11 highways. 3:: :': I N0 ACTION ON TAXES [ No acrtion was taken on um ac- count; of tho Villnqo of B-_-L-Iv.-n zuv! the Towns~.hip of 'l`rcum.~L-.11 ht laxcv; on the farm lately p'.n'c`nu.x;r(1 `by the House of Rul'L1;;'(.- Commit- 't(`o as part of tho prupm"._\' n`.' 111' County House of Rofuggc-. :2: :2: 2:: I ENGINEERS SALARY A bylaw \vus pasraed s~:=vp:n'-.ntm}.{ County Engineer E. W. Jam-s` $111- ary into two parts, $900 10 be con- isidercd `as the amount allowed far: the expenses of his cur. and $2.~1009 actual salary. making` an tn':1l nil $3.300. ' ` :3: :1: I24 A lcticr from L. E. O`Nc-ill. dir- ector of the Ontario Livc.'~'1uL`k Branch. regarding compensation on came for 'I`.B.-free amzns. was filed. but it was decided than in tho. mean-time. if :1 rnc-cling is callvd with reference to a discus'.=ion Ln` this question. Coun. G. D, l3anIin;{. chairman of the Agriculture Cam- I mince. be authorizccl to atund. I at: $1 {I I .. ~. -4- I T.B. INSURANCE I I . v-n.--\I..0.... H4 ! COMPENSATION T0. FARMERS A . I I-`f\uIv\l\:I nunlnu-nu |\.`\JLVIl'l`4A`B!`lI\Jl` .l\I IIIIIAIIILIIA3 C0unci1 endorsed u resnlutiun or! he County of Wcntworum re com-I pen.=..:1ti3n to f;1rmers- who had 311331 fcred loss through {ceding umlol affected by tuberculosis. I at: :1: ac: RESOLUTION DEFERRED Council deferred until the Janu- ary Session 1941. consideration of :1 resolution of the County of Elgin wi'th reference to the price of bacon. i cheese and other [arm eommozlities. The resolution strongly objected to the setting of prices of hogs and] cheese and other form commodity. and recommended st:ibili7.:ition by the Dominion Government of the .. price of bacon at El price that would guarantee the producer at fair re- ..`turn for his food -mild labor. :2 :2: is , IXCCUUILL U1 X`. (X. l.4il:`.'|lL'_V. d!.;l|' cultuxul representative for Suuth Simcoe. for $50.90 far expense: Jfi the South Simcoe Plowing 1c.1rn' to the Inter-County Tractor cJn`.- petition at the Inmrnational Plow- ing Match at St. Thomas. and mat lot S. L. Page. agricultural repro- scmative 1'01` North Simcoe. for tho; lexpenscs of the North Simcoe team I amounting to '22. was 3rd;-r.-d! paid. . 3 3 3 : I V -0 ` I JUNIOR I-`ARMER GRANT I _ The usxral grant of $100 w-.x~_. ;nndc' to the agriculiural roprc.=:-xuz1Li\'e.,1 of North and South Simcoc for tho: lfurthering and extension of Jlmim": Farmers` work. A 3 -.2 ! IIDULV \.lll'l IIDJDLIDU No action was taken on a resolu- tion of the County of Wztlczuu-> re- mmmendi-ng that 10.000000 pounds of bacon be pre.<.on`1ed In tho Brn- ' ish Isles as a gift from the {urn ~:rs of Czmad 1. 3 1 Q ASSIST FARMERS A resulution was adopted on re- commendation of the Agriculture Committee calling on the govern- ment to provide farm labor in tak- ing ofzf the harvest in l941 as :1- natiomal war effort to provide food. A copy of the resolution was or- dered sent to all the cnuntioc in i I PLOWING` TEAMS Account of F. A. La nnlonn .1 u-nnu~nc.xnorniwn REFERRED - 'l`(') T n\~u~.n 'l`k:n-nvxc I` By His Colleagues A_LFina}l Banquet SNOWPLOWING RF.QUlCS'l`S !`n..nniI hunlz nu -u-1?-in nu Inn ! U V V SOLICITORS` ACCOUNT II". u.nn..-u.n~ ur ihn (`4n|n1\' BACON GIFT REJECTED Jn r\tvU;.\r\ `nag I\`,vl\v\ nu .. vtur-\ TO REPORT LATER I{ Coun. W. R. Benson, Penetaztaim shene, inquired if the report of the special committee on travellitiyz ex- penses of eonsitables in taking pris- oners to and from B2n'rie Gaol, was ready. Cnun. D. F. MaeLa1'en. Bav- rie. replied that there was too much involved in the question for the committee in 1'epm'i at this Session. :2: =0! I Lly LIX LDC X'LJluLLUH was UI"` sent to all the counties in THE BARBIE EXAMENER. BARRTE, ONT, CANADA I`()WNSIllPS I`...u.u~-ul rl:I':\ll' \r the chairman. \v:1s n1)s.~-'\'n'! _____.____ I EXPENSES 1 -\ ~\`Y.-.u in hmmr of the nwmory of the lair: Hun. Dr. L. J. Simpson. (`.nIm J R Lzuwrmu-n (`rt-r~mr.rn IIUII. Ill . I4. J. DllIl]JSl)Il. Cnun. J. R. Imwrencv. C1'c'.~n1m`c, intmduccd the chief speaker, Hon. Dr. Duncan McArlhur. Minister of Educ:m'm. Hon. Dr. MCAl`lhllF Dr. McAr1hur dcclurcd that. ihv n1cmhors of the County Courcil were vntrusled with :1 real rc;p(m- sibility :11 this time. If zmy t1'.'ms:!'c-.' Inf pmvvr was mndo, he would film tn 300 some of the rv.~:pnxmhili'.ic:.. 1x`:u1.s'1`m-rec! in the County (fa;-mcils. 'I`h0 clnsor you urv In the (~i(.cLm'- zvlr-, the closer the .x`Lu)cr\;`x-`mu. the wisor the expenditure .f public: monvy. I hope that in 1'u'u1'r:. the '.x'vx~.d will be away from :1 cu'm'nl- i`/.:*d .x'_v. and toward the Cuunty ("nnnt-il nnrl Inlnuininnl hnrlin." hn .\i|lU. Dr. McAt".hul' thought public `health might receive more attention from the County Council than from the i`i'nvince. He rem:It`ked that ]nne-qu:n'ter at` the men called up .for military service were l'(.`:](.`C`n.\'d tfnr phvsiezil ttirezihiiity and that was In Cnnciition that should not exist. Y`. !w0ulcln't, exist if adequate mtdu-.ui 'z1n(i denlztl attention had been um- viried in the curly years. The Cm.n- lty of Wentworth had taken this-. step. in I'n]~|iinn tn thn \u:n~ lhn -:|\v\.'.lr(`-` Wurclon M Simcrw Cuunly r:u~ 1940, who vvY'~' h:nm1':!rl by his` 1- sllt-u1.:ue.v. ml. :1 nal l_)`.ll1(`|ll(`l zu Hw clzrsr cal lhg Nnvom`b`l' Svs. Izrns. :32 IN (`OUNTY GAOL M. Gzu'rit_\',.}{o(=por nf the Gaol. reported to County Council then in- mates now numbered 32. including two women. and that. the prisoners ranged in age from 17 to 68 years.

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