TO HELP OUT `BE PATRIOTIC ` THE PRODUCER (Co1n.inued from Page 1) ! lain were consuming their four ounces. Owing to the very large in- creased cost of delivering bacon to England and the increased cost of distribution of bacon in England a very high retail price of bacon in Great Britain is required as com- pared to some other I-nod products and some of the less well to do mm- ilicx in Great Britain could not take advantage of their four ounces al- lowable under the law. but for those pr-Jple wh-ave circumstances were such that they could have aorded to buy and use more than the four ounces the law did not allow them to purchase more. ht would there- fore be quite impossible under the.~:.- , cireum.stance:: to greatly increase _ the quantity sold 1.) Great Bl`ll,.'llll. , unless Britain herscll` could lind an , outlet for it and the onl_y oullet was ; by incrca.~'ing the di'stribution to i the people of Britain by making an I `price that -would permit the less-1 well to do to take :|(lvan':1;,ve, of the ` _, four ounces." n...Im- {Inn mun nu:-on :Il`l`:lllL (`- mur (luuceh. Under the new Bacon arrange- ment Canada will ship. providing .boat.~; are available. the product from about 80.000 hogs per week. ft is e.vtimated that from this years consumption of bacon in Canada the uiotal anticipated hog pl':)(ltlCti HI of this country can be taken care of. The Price Reduction The Bacon Board during the term of the old contract reserved a small amount per hundred pounds` on all baem sold to Great Britain in or- der to build up a reserve fund. This l'('S(.`t`VL` fund was used by the Ha- eun Board mostly to order surplus product throutzhout the year off the domestic market and into free /.er.= and at other times to hold up the price of bacon which automatically held up the price of hugs. This fund and -the manner in which it was ad- ministered throughout the life ol the old contract proved very bene- fieial. As an instance of this. the old contract. fini:~'.hed on the 31st of ()c tober and the quan1.i`._y or price of the new contract was not. known, Now that the Bacon Board price is! known there is a drop of $ per hundred pounds between the price paid the Packers on the old c0ntl`:u:f and `.he price to he paid on the new. At the expiration of the old contract and before the .'.ix.:nim; of the new the Bacon Hoard took this drop in two s;ta;.'.es. dropping the price only We per ewt. between November 2 and Navember Hi and fltlc per cwtf on November ll}. By taking this in two stages the first drop repre:~`ent- ed a drop in price to our producers of from 50c to 60C per hundred pounds. so that in the two week- betnveen November 2nd and the filth beczitiw the B.:ard used some of t.he:`e surplus funds to main-`ain flu price of bacon above the new con- tract price the saving to the pro-; dueerr repre.~:ented about 95c pr-r| hog on over 307.(l()() |m;_::< or approxw. inmtulu :`).!)`).fltlfl,flfl I 1101, on ()VL'I` JUl.lI\IlI imntely $292.0U0.()0. 'I`hn cliff:-rmu-0 ir llnsllely nszuz.uuu.uu. . | The dif,fcrcn('c in price l)(`l.\V(_"`ll Lhv old and now cwntrnct if llV(` hogs are l; vscd on the contract only. will mean that our pl`r)dU(.`(?l`.s will receive about $1.80 per hog loss and on {in estimated production of 6.-. 000.000 hogs a loss of about $10.8I'l(l- (l0(l.0(l. "This is u heavy loss and is` 100 much of :1 lo.~s to ask our pro- ducer in lulcc." stated Mr. Mor1'i.son. "ix-\I*1lo-||l'|I`l\v 1|` lhiu linui wlu-n ll is uucvr U) L;iKL'. suuuu Wll. |V|UIIIn ."pal`ti(`ul:u`ly at this time when it purzinmunl that uur producer in ur- dci` to sustain not only Camida but Great Britain's war clfort. (.`1)]LlL':s'i to produce fimcistuffs in ubumiuncc. [Tho pmduccr. however, is in the un- furluiiule pusitisn of having the, product uf his farm although nwsll important. at the saline Lime sucmi-: Llziry to lhq roducliun of munitinn.~| and nrmumc lix`. U0 is also >'L1(`l'il)g at this tinw from rising cm s of the prutlucts which he H(`('dS in his bus- iiwss and 21 ll`L`lT1L`ll(i()US labur shu:`t- _-.1140. I (`.:-um Rriinin. wlm is hUldin;1 {hm `gage. Gr:-at Britain. who hulding: thg linc for u.~ all and who needs mun- itiuns and war equipment abo`./z: a1l| else. should bv sincerely thunk;-di that She is willing to spend ;)ru~|-`, nus. dnIlzn`.<. on fund for her pg,-uplvg when in .~:n1o nf the tuI .ali1:n'izn1 cuuntrit,-s their natiunal_< would br- Luld tn tighten their belts. HUW(`\/l`l`.| thu sznnv situation does not app!) ,lwrv ut home in Canada. All in- |(lu.~'t1`ics are bvne-'ing by Cmmdu'.~'| war effort. wages have greatly in- r.-nnsorl. uncmplryment has ceased tn b:`(-mm` n pmblt.-m. and the i spending p<>w('l' Inf C:Inu(Ii:m.< I~ lgrcnu-r than pmbubly at any tint`- din our hislury. ` A P:uh'iulia' Duiv "lt shnuid therefore become the p" riotic duty nt every packer. cv- `;-ry I`(`l8ii(`l` and every C()llSlUnCl' in tho rst instzuwc Lu try and average iup zm our dome-.stic market. t.u 5| Epricv that. coupled with the prici- iuivon by Great Britain. will givv the pl`vdt1L`cI` a return -that at least will :ncuurugv h"`1 tn continue to pru- (luvv essential fund. and Sh()W him that. nthvr industries and urban W()l`k('I`S are nut unmindful of tho s'ucrific0 he has been called upon itn lake in furthering the war i-{Yuri .ur tho Mother cnnnlry. With thv iiinprnvt-d (-oonumic condition HI" `iC;inadizins it should be quits` <-:i. fur us in m:|Ini..'Iin and pussi'oly in- xn nl:~`.mry. . A Putriutic Duty ` .I. H. NIXON. General Agent-R. A. WATTERWORTH, l _.-,.._..._._..,.____....__ ..... ______ (fl l'.l.`-I` I llll. ducts: h(`l'(` .' high:-1' [mm pork and [)4 (.'|w;ap .'|:<. (`H stuffs. the moon 0! Ha uuyunu.-ua. Burdock Blood Bitters cleanau Ind puries the b1ood--Get. rid of your pimples by taking B.B.B. _. -n uun__ 11.. In! '1'\w-nun 0-! 3 lht-ir s'h:n u- ( Inanintuiuinzg ht-;Illh_v It.-vrl whcn Lhv H-l,::i nli`/.0 that Ill bx pmduL-'5 llu-_v Luin C:nn;ul.'u`.\ : 1 which Is Sn in` I I b('Hl'\.'(' lh dustry \\"Hll(l thty will lw 4 lhvir p::rl," ' <'un(:lu. HL`iI(lL`l`.s' nf The Barrie I:`.x.nm 14:.-I ALL the news for Baum: 4 I)i.~v1rict. $2.00 and worth xnurc. \ Send your Icmilvuncc, wilh number, rank and name, and unit of Ihc soldier overseas Io (`\AlI','CT fAD(` D f\ Ull ul llll: :uIuIt:I UVUl)l:U) nu SWEET CAPS, P.O. Box 6000, Montreal, P.O. ('\/(- Hm p;I(`kin;.: lm1I. vuuld ho 1:-udy 11 ac! I;n'u- ul` I`<-. \i!lL , pricvs I: and I znn surv r- l'l'L. Iil(`l` and t'm.~umL-r `l buying pork and I zn`- holpinzz In :I :\L'.ri':ul1ur:;| inrlw : imp'n'I:ml, nl 1.hi'< in II nnly hm H-;ur|_y in mi" v:ui:l Mr Mm`I'|~"m BARRIE |lIll.`|' HI" r nccoptl )ilil_v In .... -. I SWEET \. CAPS I [III II lhnl SWEET QXPORAL or WINCHESTER G4 nn ...:Il -..M_l -::L.... " "S`eture'Youfs"EarIy amllvoid the Usual last Minute Rush DVVEEI \.f\r\J|\l"`\|-UI vvnwgu u.-an.-s cigarettes or $1.00 will send either 1Ib. oI OLD VIRGINIA pipe tobacco or 1 lb. of SWEET CAPORAL FINE CUT (wi|I1 Vogue papers) to Can- odicms serving in C.A.S.F.ovcrscas only. *2-5. =",4:.._}:.99. 52.50 sends 1 ,00( cigarettes to an individual or unit. vI:|\.; . III The H;orrn- l`2:'umnu-r <:;n`ri._-d 2(`n.80(i lines of Clu..~,1fiur.2 /\dv<;;.' in 19:59, Wllh an ::v<;x'ugL' nf 110 ad- lets per isrzue. I{L-.~;ult:~; hzaw: dum: ii. 'I`h(- Barrio l'2x.'nn1nL-r nmkc-5 un :ucc(:p1;nblc Chri.~;1n1us gin. $2.00 ;. yuur ilIl_V'WhCI`L` in Cnnsndu. (.-x.'L:u` I where there Is znr (iv.-livery. Thursday, November 2!. 1340 $1 .00 sends , Division Manaier 1941 MOTOR VEHICLE PERMITS AND DRIVERS LICENSES ARE NOW AVAILABLE No. I -4 cyl. No. 2-6 cyl. No. 3-8 cyl. Toronto, Nov. 10, W40. A SPECIAL REQUEST TO MOTORISTS.---When driving taking the highways iheso increasingly gold days and nights, give our Soldier Boys a ride. There has been no increase in the fees for permits and licenses. The fees charged in Ontario are still lower than in any other province of Canada or in the neighbouring stares. Ontario's highway system is the largest in the Dominion. and for the very reasonable fees, indicated above, a great highway system comprising over 20,000 miles is llI:lil1['.liIlL'(i and made zwailablc to the motorists of Ontario and visitors from other parts of Amrica. The revenue collected from motorists by way of registration and license fees and the gasoline tax has nmde possible the construc- tion and maintenance of this great systcln of highways. EEMVALE BOYS` INNOVADOC LAKE&IAGEDY For the convenience of motorists, permits and licenses are issued through the oiccs of 189 agents located throughout the Province. '1 lzble of comparison of fees in ()1/lurio and Iwo m*iq/./mining K 'grot'inces and states for t/Jree popular ma/ees of [un'swzgcr' cars: K\U3L'Ul'l l\L'l ll-it'll uYI.uv\v V 1 "Did you pruy'."' I guess we all [ D|`1\.V<`d. We used every prayer wv would ever remembnr. And when that. fishing boat came out to us and ' we got into it. the captain tried in I give them 21 big roll of bills he had in his hand---thcrc must have been $1.500. and they \vuuldn`.l have any _,, "Rescue Attempts Failed" The bodies of Joe DeShaw and Peter Flavin. only members of the ` crew of 19 to perish. were in u room off the main dining room. Quinn believes. "We made lhl'L`(` or four attempts to gel to tlwm." he said. "but we couldn't cvcn 1:1-r close. um Mnrrimn F`.lmvuI(r. said ht` I Bill Morrison. Elmvule. slept most of the time. A wheels- man. Morrison was a close friend ur Deshaw. mmo `hnnnld Rinin said his men Capt. Donald Stcip behaved magnificently during the ordeal. There was no panic. he said. 'All. he believed. were convinced they would be rescued as soon as` the storm abated. } Can Thank Mate. Captain" | I was steering and we were try-I ing to nd Sable light when the ,tm'm came up." said Lloyd Bclchcr. Victoria Harbor. "We nally si,'-;ht- ed the light and tried to turn. 'I`ha.l| put us into the though of the waves! and we couldn't get out of it. 1 I-I5`:-uallv Qhnrn urnc nnthinu 10 dllu I couldn't get out 01 n. 1 Finally there was nothing (in but ground her and the rst mute took the wheel. He certainly was cool and we can thank him and the captain there we're alive tnday. We` went aground on a nice soft mudl bottom." For 36 hours they remained there. "We gathered in the wheel house first. he said. "Then came a 60 ur 70-four wave and broke every win-. dow. S.) we went down to the cup- lain's quarters. We had no fund. M! "`nI|l`&`l| course. Finally :1 wave smasllud in llu` Captain`; door so we all huddled in '1is office. We lumckcd out bits of wood and p:n~tit.Eons and built a bit Jf a fire on the floor right there to try and warm up and dry out our clothes." -.n.........\.., p.`r..\-.., 1500" T (Continued From Page One) was in the rcholc with two other firemen. --A nninnfn u. an after she struck." es." "Rescuers Refused $1.500" --I ......... ... ONTIRIO $ 2.00 10.00 QUEBEC $17.80 22.00 21.30 ' QT \. I mzmomm. cnoss '1 I 1 The widow or mother of every Canadian killed in the war is on .Lit,led to a memorial cross like lhis `If he is killed while sewing with llie Canadian forces she will reeeivr it automatically. but if he was with. me Bl`ll.lSl1 forces and was a res~ `idem of Canada on Sept. 10. 1939, lshe should apply to Otlawa~~clep.ir1- `mom. of national defence. national defence for air. or national defencef for naval services. _________.___.___. ' N0 l)0Ol{S'l`El (`.llH`IJl.A'l`IUN , Advertisers in The l`..-.:iminc1` am- lnul. depending upon nay nfblllulls d0m'sl.cp distribution. I'..\m1incr i ...uv.u-eiciam irnns riuht inlu the hnntc and carries behind it. me prcsngc m :1 mp-notch weekly ne\\'spupcr. the circulation of which is g1i:11`| by the biggest company of circui..- iion uudi*l0x`s in America. Examiner circulation is just as definite as the number of Lunccs in :1 pouml If tea. 45t,fx 1 of it." Bill Morrison. :1 whvul. snicl hv had watchvd tho In-iuhlvr Anna C. Minch. which futnulr-rcd with all hands. pzlss thvm ouim` in lhv day. "She was sailing r'I;:'ht nhm;:. us the] . ....I... H...-. `dum'st.ep dIsll`1Dull0n. ..\.`InxuL'n `I udver`.ising goes right carries behind it the prestige or I.. ....._..,.o.-I. u.-.mkl.; nn\\'sl)kn)cl`. hands. mt-m L'1|l`IH:I' In alum: water was quite calm thou." _?_:_._:_-_...__.__.: ffremen. "A minute or so after she | Quinn related. tons of water began I pouring down on us. A big gusher washed away the engine room hang- ' way and flooded the whole place. , We managed to get out in time." he said. - nllY.. :..... .....-.kknA nuilu nd Q1_V`.:- MANITOBA NEW YORK $14.00 $12.00 16.50 15.00 16.50 14.50 vvu`--_-.-. -7 Minister of Highways. T. 8. McQUES'I:N, , -1 |J:__L_._.__.- ARE IMPOSED s ON FOUR MEN (Continued jrom naae one) tun lnshes will be administered within three months of admission. nun 1...`. k.-mu rnuna anilhr nf in- within three montns OI aumissiun. He has been found guilty of in- decent assault." the Crown stated. "In the view of the Crown, this is :1 very vicious offence: it is very hard to conceive of a more vicious one. I ask for the maximum sen- ]t.ence (two years and lashes)! u `w (`:1-nni_0ri1lin. defence coun- (two anu Iasnusr. { H. `W. Grant. Orillia. defence I 501. called the accused's mother. and I \ his employer. T`hnrnOnn had honn convicted of his employer. Thornton had been convicted theft and sentenced to fifteen days in October 1939. I I-vm. knvvn km! as fair h-in! nnri zm 'in October HJ39. "You have had a fair trial and an able defence." His Lordship said in passing sentence. The charge is an ' most serious one, next to treason or lmurder. Your conduct in this case has been most shocking. I can over- look your minor offence. There is 511 time. however, when :1 man has gone from petty offences to offenc- es of :1 horrible and disgusting no- I ...-n UIVC. you the benefit of a reasonable doubt. I could not concur with the leniency and charity which the jury smv fit to extend to you. I feel pity and charity toward you und I [am not vindictive." 'T`|1:n-ninn hm-t hnnn fmmrl miiltv bf With great charity the jury gavel sale. We just grabbed pails and stam- ed to bail. X figure I tossed thou- sands of pails of water through the port hole." he stated. no ma his rnnnw firemen. with jam not vmdxcuvc." Thornton had been found guilty Indecent assault. on n 15-:/car-0161 Huxvkestonc girl in Orillia on Aug- ust 3 last. I\/rn9nqH`n r`.hmn Lnxhna ust 3 last. Mctcalfc Given Lashes A term of two years in Kingston Penitentiary plus ten lashes xvns imposed on Gordon Metcalfe. Or- illia. who had been found guilty vi attempted rape on a married wu- mzm wil.h six children near Oriiiiu I nn March 30 last. "'T\n nffnnnn chnulc :1 f",l')l'.xllC'SS 1 March 3U last. "The offence shows a Ca')l'.:llC:SS _: MICHIGAN $ 8.40 10.50 10.15 TEE BARJIIE lXABNER,_BAREIE. ONT .CAN ADA 9\l\.Il|vIlL! I-ll\JI V -van`:-~- Admirul Sir Andrew Cunning- ham, British commandei`-in-chief In the l\ lediterramezm. whose strategy in sending the fleet air arm to bomb the main Italian fleet in Tarunto hnrbor bmught spectacular ltlilmn losses. For the first. time planes sunk battleships, which l-litler has tried and failed 1'0 do. and luck of appreciation -.21` ul`. the rights of u womanrwho hm! luuly been :1 guest in his hem: and um! who was worried about the s:if..-ly of her six children." the Cnuwn cum- mentcd. "Fhere is nothinj, in mili gate the offence. I can find no LX- cuse for l.his man." nnrnm-n FIIIIIIQP` H W. k`.'.'.ml cull- for Luis man.` Defence counsel H. W. Gmiil Ld three character witness..-.~. irmn Orillin: Ain_,'.i.; Wzilluee Russ W. Phelps. who nud employed him. and lvlujur Marlin. Szllvulinn Army. Counsel then made u slrong plea for leniency and u short, term You have been found g'.`l"`y `if 4. nu.-i`y 9.`-`i(`..s offence.` His Lord- ship cleelured. "Your |'lip':.:'.i('y in giving evidence seems hurd In rec- oncile wlih your 1`el'0i`niu-mm an.-.,' \`Vl1ill.hilS been said in en:n'ue`.-:x` eyi- Annnn hrn-n " \VE|L Hilh UL deuce here." (Cmvmmed from Page I) lmvv cnsl $l.l'l9.()6 with 4:stiII)'It1: of $1.500. rp alarm system $49.75 as L`;nm)m'ocl with $100. and l'n`I- (ml):- ing 1-quipmcnl $361.59 n5 curm):u`c'J with $5()(J. but firv truck mainten- .'m('(' was $346.0! as u},:aIinst $17. ). . . \ : - uul n .11.... v\.... port note." ne stau.-u. He and his fellow firemen. the two_ engineers. were art. To reach the forward end where the rest of the crew was huddled meant taking their lives in their hands to cross the wave-lashed decks, Quinn .....I l }T0w$IEiNANEEs , ARE REVIEWED lllg ('(|ll|[)iY`lL llL 3$Jl)'.)IV iI,s Lllunpuugu $175. Palicv I)upuI'LIn('nl To Nnvvinhcr 15. the l"ulicx- l)(-,- pnrlim-nl. had r:xp(.-n'lvd $z'.,mn.::2. (lb, minpnrvd with an (-.~`tin1u1.(- of $0.- 100. but by the limv S|lill`i(,`S urn: paid for the ndditimmi six weeks in the your. thv L-. will be ex- CL-L-rlerl cunsi(l01';ri)ly. Some mem- bers of Council felt ostimutc was (nu luw in thv lirsl plzme, in nny (`.ISC. and Limru lmvu been many zirlditinnni (-xpondiiiurt-x this yum` on :ac(:.)un1, ut` the war, chiefly in !:Xi.X'2l pulicin1.{. PI'inlinLY :mrl R(`(`(!DiilIH Commit- pxtrzn punclng. Printing and R(-ccptinn Ive lms .~'-p"nl $810.35 us u;,'nin.~'l $1.- 100 (4-: SElllI`i(`.\` paid nut are $5.000.()7 as compared with $6.184. and special grants are $3.045 as il- :1-`.lin.s`1 353.000. The uf $74] has bu-n spent on Cnum-H intlc,-mni.`.ic:~: wiyth $1.000 budg(~t(.-rl. .`m:u`d Hf Wnrks 'I'lu- mnnunl _\,|)(`l11 by the l(>2u'(| Lnf \Vnl'k.\' :> Nuvvrnlx-1' 15 was $17.- 3H9.ll. \vIwn~n.s' the lntul (_-slimulc fur thv (-ntiro _vc:u- was $151100, The mini nlx`t:1(|y 1-x'pt'nd(>(l was made up as f<)H<)\.VS2 u... m um 57 Hi) 1|} UIIIIIVVF. Sanding Clv:~.ning sl.rcu`s . .911` \' and ice l L'm(I\'(`d Snnw (`.nnlr;u'1 Ctltlllxg VV('(`d.\` and b|`ll.~`-I-1 Fnmn Mwilulmumwn lnllnlp |VI-IIlllL'll-lIl\'l' `(ira\`L~l Ruzuls 1`nl4'hin;; Binding mutt-rizll .Qid<'w;1lk.< St`\V(`l'.~` clcunvtl C'Iu'h lmsins. new and ! .-v...,.....,| |L,ILL`n nu.\u~.~. Ilvxv uuu cluzmvd 1`/Inn|mlc.~' Culvc-x'1.< (`1(`.lHl`(| Trc-us Pluntml ('.um-1'1-tr \\'.'1lI.~'. WnI`.-'l('_y nrrin .. (15): n.....-.- Sam! I - (lu Cnill hi Fi 'l'1'u:*k Liw In. f`,-..~ nxrl H` iflll U! kill.` LllI\ (IIIKI `ill Repairs .. `.rnd<-r _z.:us and nil RI.-pairs Fm-1 0'i:-v Equipxm-nt. r<-pnir.< nm~r.'uliIm mmlpnu-m. Ivpu npH`uliI|;,: Salary F.n;.zim-2-r Salmgv Clvrk Tutu! `Cm.-(li .~` llU|lU> I Hllll shzarv uf rvlicf i`u.hli(` Utilities C > D(`bL`lIilll`(`.~' and ( paid by Town ir,:...~rm~ I.~.s-ht said. A('L"mm B Nance 'l".\p- ill THUR! D.-i ldnljr Public 1 ClleRii: \7.\n-xn I`llUlll' DVIIH H (`,nlle;,:mt* lns'Htu!t_- Vvczntiunnl Srhnul Svpamto S(`hul Cuumy of Simone Library Board Debentures payablv '1`.-nu. f`.nnnr::l l"\Vn K.lI`l|('A\1l . . |(.`nllc`;;inlv ln' ' Cuup-ms pa_\ablv T`wn Ge-nmxal Cullrgintv In ituto Strmt l.i_'.:hting | Hydrant R~3nt.::l S&\1Ell`i`.\`. Wages and ac` cnunL< payable to Dec. _estimated ............... .. . Bank of 'I`umnm. loan .. Surplus . ......................... .. 1` kn`, Q`! SCORES BIG VICTORY A ...1....... knlh KTUU-\l' r (lump Fin` Hall I Il\-` . hand. pwid {I ~ R.-(`n-wablc in Daub ml iabilitivs vs p(l_V:Ihh- Pimple: llill Milly a_I Romance .,.. . l,.inbiiiIiv.< . $ xo2.57l l.()08.l!) I HE ) R`! . 4-)..:u $17,389. H! $|(l7,40(i.`.! 3. 1 I . I '.!( III. .!3,`J(i $`07.406`2'_v_ 5 0$..")9(i.'7.'\ '.l.504.(i9 2.46345 221.54 154.77 161.00 |.\lU0. I :1 1,057.52! KEIHI II" I .1.. .m.\ l.Hli7.'N5 ].'1-$53.13.`) m: 21 U The lives of many young peoph l are made miserable by the breaking l Out of pimples on the face. In. ft-nnhln in run}. In mnnh nhvni- ` l.Ui) I .d.) . (i(J().()0 40 I .82 227.57 In It 11.394 0:: ` Il.l'.'n.7$x 209.-H ' 10,000.00 . 10,000.00 . 52.974.-11 , - 2) 96.3} 233311 (i115.T0 93.34 518.31 1 14.12 6:196 1516.81 17.63 12.25 21110 no ":1 no.1.) U-H.971 769.23 415.31 l3|.6ll `.29.-1(l ; l.dU.i uh) V l2~|.3(i li.l!`9`63 3.371190 I 1.302 53 ' l`).! `ZR -`O37 .;-I I 180.0!) D..n7.4h) 4L'.5.0() 47321) -2 on I I In 01 punpuza uu uu; Annun- The trouble is not so much physi- cal pain, but it in the mental suffer- ing caused by the embarrassing dis- gurement. of the face which very often makes the sufferer nlmmod to go out in company. The quickest way to get. rid of pimples in to improve the general henlth by A thorough cleansing of Qhe blood of its impurities. n.._.I_..l. ni....a 12:00..-. o-lmmua