` \ Onion: 1 word. eusn. eacn inm- tion. (minimum charge. 25). live ' Insertions for the price of tour. 25:` , extra if not paid within five days 01 date of issue; also it * extra when replies are directed to The Examin- Ot. Store or business advertising . (including agents) in this column two cents per word. cash with ord- or (minimum 50 cents per issue, 70 cents if charged). Classified advts acceptable up in nine o'clock on WEDNESDAY NIGHT. , - := POSITION WANTED .L~ houn- kceper. in Ba;r.c Nu snmll children. pxelvrrcd .-\;5pl_` 56 John 5;. 431) EXPERIENCED MAID desires pusiliun of gr-ncrul h.vu.~vwurk im-_ median-1_\' Apply Bus "41." Ban- riv: Exannm-r. -up C.-\l`.\Bl..E. REFINED WON.-XN. middkuaged. wi.~he.~ housekeeping pu.sl`iun. preferably wllv. elderly ample. Apply Box Barxie Ex- anmnor. up 75-ACRE FARM FOR SALE. In clusc estate, accessible tu Luke Sim- - coe tourist trade. near Lcfmy and corp/eniem. in schools and churches. A bargain. Apply A. E. Scanlun. Bradford. -11-43b u, -Iv V`.-.-.a must I've made by Wednesday . Followinl Insertion to cover bookkeeping costs 75-ACRE. FARM FOR SALE. In vlnsn l`\`LRN` zmvessibln tn Lukn Sinh `I5-ACRE FARM for sale. close in Barrie: gmd buildings. !5 acres fall wheat. 12 acres clover. 1'2 acres nzmhlru nhzntv nl umtnr I-`nll nln\\'- wheat. 12 cluver, 1'. sture. plenty of water. Full plow- ` mg will be done Apply Bax "42." Barrie Exumim-1. 13!) 8. -3`. p---- -1 -FOR- CLASSIFIED A95. THRESHER. \VAN'l`l:`.l) AT ONCE. In lmln Hui`-h lhru-shinu scus0n.l TO GET SPECIAL _--n 141:: 'C'A'SEEj{K1'E IIIIQU 3' VV i$IIUUCw' . Following Otherwise a charge of If. ._.A.... rniuua rum (In you III N In (Minimum, 25 cents) POSITIONS WANTED :3" ran nu It In fun lnmlnu) FARMS FOR SALE m than an II In In Inlnln UIVVIHU H Cllfl 25 uxml FOR SALE In: sum II In `III: III puunu. HCHUW 2 cows. 3 STEERS and hui1'm'. m- ``43P! in; 2. all '1`.B. Lvslvd D\n`h:uns. U. `H Mill:-r Allzlnrlnln In! -1 (`nn H. l')Xl`l'}RlI".NCl-)1) llll|('lliIli.sLx' unu muul(lcr.~ \.v:mi(`(l ilmm-tlianlcly. guud \vm;o:~'. PI. lmu1..: l.imilL-d. Unllm. Oulurin. 431) ucun 43p 43') ` N POTATOES FOR SALE (;,'()n(l quality). Bert Hensnh. curncr Sun- ] nidale und Letitia St.. Burriv. 4:51;` [APPLES FOR SALE~-McInlush Reds. Snows. 'I`ulnmn S\vcel.s and Greenings. Also a number ul` pul- lcts. Apples delivered. Cull 730.1. Harry Olluwuy. Alllfb | ! HOUSE FOR SALIC Centrally In-| calcd. Owner lvuving town, musl sell. Apply 8 I m.-I SI. 11:1--I71; FOR SALE. Pcwaukoc apples. hand picked. I, H. Luck. Crown Hill. Lulu- lphonc 902r23. Barrie. 42-43;) NORTHERN SPIES and Snnw up-I ples for .5810. Wm. McConnell. Stuy- ncr. Phone 70 ring 22. -mp TOLMAN SWEE'I`S--A|su Golden Russet apples. 75c an bushc.-l. Ru- picked Dooley potatoes. 859 u buy. delivered. Perry Gill. Midhursl. Phone 600r4. 4lSb| NEW HOUSE l~`(')R SALE bed mmns, large lut, g;n':u:u in l)u.~'v mcnt. R. E. Tuck. buildur. 85 [)mn-` donuld SL. Barrie. -ll--151)` \ llC)US1')KF`.El`l`ZH W A NTIJIJ farm huIn('. lufu men in State \vaIgc.<. wrm- ur phone. ` Scull. S!:Iy|n'r. MANY GOOD HOUSES l.lS'l`I-21) on c:I.~'y la-,rxn.s'. l`('llliIl |)`.l_YlllL'llL\ . 'I`wu market. gu1`(hm.< all .'Illruch\'v prices. If it is Real 1i;.-mu- sup II. A. up...-u u nun... no 422.. 7-ROOMICD HOUSE FOR S/\l.l-I. in Cuokslmvn. with two lurgc luls. Will sell l`L`ilSUIl2ll)l(` on or In-fu1'c April 1. l94l. Apply Mrs. ll. Smart. 103 Burton Ave- Allunclulu. Ont. 43pI . I TWO RED um` BARG. \lNS- Lu`: 50-ncrc l'nl'm. 1-quippn.-(I il` (lawn-(I. .H:u-unin nricc. Small (lmvn u.|.v-| {ill-ucrc I'ul'm. (`(|lllppl.`{l ll (ll`.~IIl`(l. Bargain price. Jy- mont. 2nd. house. stublc. hvn llullsv 5 acI`c.~'. nuur I-}.m'Iv. for :~'u|v ur -cut. Ilnnnu-`u Rnnl Wxlznln H:n'I'i4- Aim V ' ' . no GOOD mas 7 xvouks old. msn` Quinn. phnnc 6()7r12. B:l|`l`i(', -I21) h acrou uarru-. lur :~':m-_ m Hunter Real Estate. Uurru-. I SOW AND FIFTEEN PIGS. 2 wk.<.% old. Apply Gordon Wulsun, t\n- | nus. mp 15 BREI~IDIN(} l`IWl".S FOR S/\l.f!I- `Also rum. G(`ul`::v Cull.\l&ll)l1', LIhuI'- ch'xll_ 4::p~ 1} FIGS. -1 MOS. OLD. and 1! .~' lur Silll`. Apply M. '/.\vvIu,: . Hih K `or lnnisfil. l"IVL`2 l'lLih l`(H( 3l\|..l'4 \V(`&l Al~.~a suw. Apply Juhu [hum-_~, No, 3. Slzlylwr. WAN'l`ED \`V in vast mud ul tuwn tu (In huu.~(-xvurk and laundry fuur nmruing. :1 W(`('k. Apply Box v|0". Bnrrm I-Ixuminur. 43b TEN \ OI .l(SHlRE PIGS lm` .~':I'a(`. umnlrc nld Jznnnu 1\:1:n.~'mI. (Tr:|iu\ml( FRUIT AND VEGETABLES (luv you uw II In The Summer) FIVE PIGS FOR S/\l..l'I Wm Al-..\ mull Annlv Jnhn ll.'|\w-.\ TEN \ Ul .l&b'Hll\'L'; I'lLm l'.Il` .~':m`. n \vceks uld. Jalnvs 1\/Iznsmn. Cr;|i;:vulv,l tel. `Strum! l7r5. -mp, I 2; l3A|u(l*JU l{UkL|\ rum. . 1. u`lw-your-uld Iu.-n.<. Burl S11-oud. Plmnc `. .7r2l. TWO TEAMS BI,.ACK 1 Well matched. Apply Boarclsull. Elmvulv. Om. --- HEAVY WORK HORSE fur .<:|h~. Apply E. V. Babcm-k. Licmk uml Cudrington S1s.. BE`ll'I`i(`. -123;) I 'COCKER SPANIEI. l UI`l`ll'IS for sale. l`(`iI.~Ullil1)l(`. Bubcuck. mr. LIm.k-`I and C0dl`il\`,:\0ll Sls. Phunu 3(i:"7.l. 43p} \ I UUUU \`Ul(l\bH|I(K`. .juw. mu- Apply Fmm-is Shunulmn. phunv 9()8rl` Harri . h L : }S1`IROPSlllRE R:\l\I FOR S.\l.[') or 1 exchange. Mrs. (_`.h2x.~`. K:w.Im1:i1. iAntun Mills. RH. l. (7111 lino. \/'t~.<-` I pm). -121.`: I WAN'l'l".l) Cuuk gt-m-ml. must huvv l't`f('l'(`ll('L' and bu iICCll$1.()ll1((l lo childrvn. llighcsl wages. Apply ux 39." llurriv Examiner. 43b [)|'I(.'(_`S. II II. IS HUN] Henry. 9 Owen St. ,OXFORD DOWN t`\\'(`.\' and mm ` lambs. Govt. ;:1':Id0(l. Pricvd rvusull-. :ablv. J. Orvnl C.n'r. 'l`lmrntun. u-l. l\'y 1`.]1'2l. >13--Hp! I `oxmnu n.-xu LAMBS. fur :n1n Aka :2 nuzmlilv < *2 HORSES won s.-\1.+:.` change for ('.:lll'.` ur 1 ` Apply V(`nllll (' Villn. ll: milvs nurlh Hf l l:Irriv. - .?.:.T. 20 HE.-\I) OF C:'\'l"I'l.F.. {rum H00 1 ':nn H Hurh:nn< mul h(`ll`~ FOR S.`\l.F.- Oxfurxl mxn. :1 End: Durham hull '3 \-<-.'u`.<: nnv :3 _vv;n`.< old; um` bx`m`d mar _yvur.< old \\'v.~'lvy Murlm. l\'y_ FOR S1\l.l~`. IE-ye,-;1r~uld .l~1`.~} ur would don! fur a hull; ul.~- ' at burn. Apply Jzls. B_\'rm->1 Cun. V'vspr:l. m-an` Unmn ( lx-ry. RED COW FOR S.-\l.F. 8 yx'.~L 1d.' frrsh; 10 pigs. 7 wks, ul(l; ;|\.\n Sp)`- :Inp|v.~'. by buslwl In` bzwn-1` i-jd_<.m' Witt`. (`r:Ii',:\'uh`. phuxw uh`! I. Slrnud -Hp` TWO \'0U.\ (`. HORSIrL\` rm and H. Onv .~\|itubh` for camp and m <-mud cundzt 1600. Nlra. Hvm'_\' S .-\n I-in WW :'\ SHORTHORN RULL. rrgi.~`.e-n-(I. 1 munths old. l`t'd. {`.\1l'.I ;_'uud quulm Apply John K~l'.. at I-`cum-lI'.~ I High\v.'n_\' 11. Gllf-Ird PO l.mm` 1.: _ troy 14 r 11. 43 HIRE!) MAN W:\N'l`El) nl'm~ nnnr Rm-rim) vnmu OXFORD DOWN RAM 1..-\MB.s'. Govt. grudrd Alsu wxm` .'|,.:vd L`\\ Cnnw and >'l`l` thvm .md ;_'M _\'m:r `nick. J (`c Hrvllu~`.. 'I`mh'nn.nn [Kl B(`(`t0l\ 4614 4:!-Hp LIVE STOCK FOR. SALE llnv um um ll In Thu lnnmlnnn TWO SHORTHORN BULLS. purv- hrud ru~ \}Ih' n-d ;u|r`| ruiln, ul` xvi`- 'l'W() SH()H'l1 bred. {Ir .\H`l`. L'i'mnhln .nu- arm. xvr saw. vxcuublu age. Clydv man`. lo.-ggod. Apply ' RR. 2. v GOOD YORKSHIRE SOW. Luv 4 Annlv F`r:uu-is Shun "DEER HOUND FOR S.\L.E Black and tan. half-bioud and half-fox huund. 15 nms. old. runn1n:.Am)|_\'! to Kenneth Gillespic, l mile north, of Knox church. Om, RR, 21 Hawkestunv. 43b PROPERTY FOR. SALE [Inn unn nnnu It In Th. Iinlnlnnul ` BARRED ROCK l Ul.l.I'I'l'S. um!` I Ulu`-v(':n'-uld WrI::nl.l REMOVE THE Cause` tn` 'I`.Ah|n-Y~ `.41 DulIL'|:n~ HIRIGI) MAN WA! ll'm' nvnr BzIrI'iu). must be ;:.m(l I mw. UII I`I' 'I.'l\lIIlIIllll " `.5. all `lit-S. lvsu-(I Uu MiIl'.-r. Allzlndnlc, lul "um NI'JWll)V L '-A` Tubll.-1. IVTA QIIIDIX I`\Il|I CIIIIJII y you law It In Tho lnmlnon Hl`2.*\l) Ul L'..`\l l'|.|`.. [rum hl lb.~.. I)urh;nn.~ . . and I ; illsu 20 chunkc pi;.`_.~`. .\l-.\' ` phunc 6.'1lr4. I2n'riv > DURHAM COW. with . : 8 pigs. 7 \vm'l(s uld, Ap- ; Switxcr. Hi;:h\vn_v IL; ` 41H) . PERSONAL .1 _ . . uwn ' Bruce Cnwun. HUKN nu . rvd and r Also :1 `X \'l'\' iv 5. CA Um-.' ` Dunglu: AGGRESSIVE WOMAN WANTED. I lmluu-nu um-< nf `)5 -xnrl :'\l) :|.\` I`nnl'(`-i or \\'m milvh ('mv.~d `I;.!h\\';l:\` ll. 2 4311 ._._:..Z-_-_. |.l`;. 1`. HORSES 1.. lu`.(I!':l` nu H D 13;: tn ldtlgnr `Uh l pul`('l)I`o(i. of luruip.~`.;1 I \ Al l`( Rum}. .1f{|\. L;i.~`.t'l'L`(l. I-I4` md quality. muu'll's uni -. I n. auml Wrlgnl. ~12il) _:-___ ur mic`. T 1' lumhm` 'u..n uvl ll. . Strum! 43b I. I\. map I Simul- 1! \`'.ur.- /\UGIH'ISSlVl`2 WUMAN WI\N'l'lhU.1 lmhvm-n aux-s ur 25 and 50. us repre- .~'unluli\'o for Spunccr individually (It-.~i;;Iu`d ;.::n'nu-nts, fur Burviv. Al- lHnd:\l(- nnd (`amp Bumlvn. We train.` Box 1013. Cnllingwuntl. 43p! I LUl|.l 431)` [Ul- mp (luv! `nhnn l -mi lH`||` M'.|. -HI): \_ WI . Bar- .1f{h ~11: {, \ EYEGLASSES LOST between _!Ju1'- lun Ave. church und Main St. l~in(l- er plcu.x'v phone 1384. 431) I HUB CAP FOUND~ l.utL- model Sludcbukor, nu lawn of 55 I`cnctun;.: St. Owner may have hilllle by pay- ing for ild. 43):` HOUSEK F`.El`l'ZR W ANTED Able to tnkn full t`I\:ll`Et`. smiill fnmilv. cook-G1-:NI:nm. WAN'l`El). A9-3 ply Mrs. WulturwuI'U1.`60 Ross 151.. lhOl..l. OI" l,.EA'I`HI'IR. l(ldl`l.`.\`1~'L'd ml N. B. Hnlli.~'lm'. Penulzmg. last from truck bvlwcvn llnrric and Midland. Finder plo`.Is(- nutify Cuvillc 'l`I'uck Co.. BzIrl'it`. 43p I HOUNI) l.OS'l`- -Brown and white. fvmnlv. \Vt`ill`iIl[,{ rod collar Wlll chain nllzlclwcl. Fimlur pk-use l'L` lurn In J. Sl:mwy('l<. Hnrlmmy (.h'i1l. HI plmnm 18311. ' 43;)` |(()'Kcl`lL".< lit-\'1'1`;u:v.~'v on Hu.:n\v.n_y; Ill, .~`;)ul.h of l3:n'riv. lin(|1-1' |.)ll'iI.~(` Innlify O'KvL-I`:-'.~: 'l.h-vc|':u.:u:<. cm`. lluyt-Id and Russ SL. l1m'ri1`. (Itc- xvurd). 43;) . I `I /\l`/\I{'I'Ml".N'l` '|'() l.F.'|' :nu- l7hnIu- HHIIW :1-uuun mslu.-(I. Slum`. 'l`ARI`AUl.lN FOR TRUCK `I.0S'.l`;1 (O'Kcvfv'.< In-w-1';|un-.~'> HI1.:l1\v.ny[ Ill, szmlh nl` Rurri(- I"in(|1-1' L)|t'aI.~('I LEA RAG I`) l"C)H IU')N'l` H: I\'k` ~:| I`:-I-I *- I G1\RA(}l'I. fur run` I)! I\`\)l'Hgl'. lm rvm. l`hnn<~ 73'.2\-V or c.Ill 133 Owen slrt-('1. ~l3l) _: I-1-IKOOMEI) LOWLGIK l*`l.A l` tn lvl. 'l`urni.~'hud or uufurnislu~d. Apply lam (.`nmb1-|'l.'\n(l St. 4:11; n I '5-l'{()()Ml'Il) ll()USl'I FOR RENT CnllV(`llil'llcl':. ('vl1ll'ul luculiun. :|- vnilnblu Nov. I5. Apply 33 livlr /.3" slrm-l. 43])` _lh\S|\'l'I'l`S W.'\N'l'l'3|) 6-ql. Annlv Jnlm 5:150 8: Sons. |Sl'}l{VICI-I ST/\ l`l()N TO RENT 1 with (|\\ &`Il.il\}_1`illIlI:'l`. It milu.' s Hf All:m(I:Ilu- on No. `.37 Iliuhwuy. Ap- . ply un p1'mni.~'('.~'. Hully. -13;) I\l'1\u'I lvl|'.N I IU .'I;:,1-. l huIn- (SHOW. I `IIOUSIC. ~I-ROOM SUIT!-2. and 2 l.1cr(-s (rl' 1.11`-IlIl|(l, 5 mil:-s north of i liurrh-_ on Nu. 11 } lip,'hwuy. for l`('lll.` '/\ppl_v J. J. Smith. Cili(-.~: Service` Slulinn. 43p_ - | HOOIVIS l"()R Annlv RH .lnI\II 'l(UU1Vlh Hm I Apply 56 John 3 l _jj_ `l"URNl'Sl|.I`Il) ROOMS TU IKICNT. I m |\I`i\'.'HI` Immv Plmnv MHZ. 13!` [ROOM AND BOARD in rt-linvrl lhnnw. Apply -14 1`ur<-ntu St, -131) \VID()\V . \':\l'\' mu` ` 1(`.OMI"OR'l'./\Hl.l'1. BRI(`.ll'l` ROOM In rent. with hnurtl. fur ;:L~nH(:lnzn1. lC.o|1trnl. Also _4:ll'iI1.',('. PHUIH` 926. b L O 3 UNI"URNISHF.D ROOME in mun! l`hnnu- '}.li`).W 431) .l|1\':iKl'."l?.i W.'\Nl'l`}U U-1 z\m)ly Jnlm Sam 8: Suns. ll()/\RI)l".I{ W/\N'l'l')D Ap- 521 Mnplv Aw-., or phnne 1348. p v I TWO FURNISIIEI) ROOMS to I01. hri_L'.hl. mlults only. 15 Culnberlundl SI. 4311! _____._______.__ g GEN'l'l.k`;M/\N BOARDISR wunluulw wiling to share mom with zmulhcr. 2\l.~n :n Ll(`l1Ill`llliH\ mumur, 137 Coi- | 1a.... RI 431, l"URNlSll.I-ll) l(()U1V|.\ 'l'U u m pl`i\'.'Ill` hunw. Phunv HH2. ilhnul lmzml. Rusixu-~'s person |)l'(!- fvrrv(l_ H Buylit~l(l St. '1 ulephum'. i - | (`()Ml"()R'l`A~I}l.l'I R()(`)l\"l. with HI` w I l20M. 43]) | ` `ROOMS wilh excellent |mxm~-(-um];-! I (`(1 mv:II.~`. '1`mrists nr xvuukly ,r.mos1.~:.{ lGnl`n;,'t\ Apply 60 Mnlrzl:-`tor St. Ur: phnno 110-3. 4; -43b I _ : TWO BRIGHT ROOMS TC) LICT on |;.'mnnd Hum`, Huu. privi- I (`;.:'(`.~`. . \\'ni1ubl(- Nuv. I. Apply 103; Juhn .\`H'l`(`L 43b1l .___________________ I mun FURNISHED n_o0Ms. 19:`-cc.| for rent. clusv to Cran;:hur. (,.l R.` 2.-e:.n.m Qnimhln n` snldi(`l`$' \vi\'c.<. I for rent. (.`l()S(` L0 L,1'an;:n}1r.~1 L,.r . 3 station. Suilnblv fur .\`0l(h(`l`.\" I l`hom- l`. .83R. 39-43p; I ` _ I-R(')OMl~'.I) /\l ;\R.'l`I\/ll'IN'I`. unfur- |i\ In-ll In In! Annlv l"nin.~.\vi('k (PRAIN \VAN'l`I4`.l) -.\ll kinds. will` pay cusll, John \V(.-ir. Mincsin',:.l phunv 610]. 43-44;)! \ (`l'_\' |'[`F])l`('l}I|)Il' \'Ull}Jll`. \\ IIIIV vhildrvn, Curd ;u't'mnIm>d:Ilmu ('nxnl'ur1.1blc ('mml1`_\' hmnv. 5 l11.}l`.\`\ from Camp Bu1'dvIl. 'Mr. NCHIO l :n.~. Box 135. Now l.u'.\'vll. Tul- vphmlv la`! ur 5-1}. \'.`1'evn1uro lllpb in7 F`/\PF.R for lablvs at toa- -nvMin;;.~'. e-Iv. fur sale at Examiner` Offucv. Saves work and laund_'_v U-\sls. 23!! .:.....__ L` IVRICSSM/\KlN(} DUNI". I`v:1.~' :|l\l\` Phnnv H304, -13-47;) 1 FOR PAINTER or p:l[)t`|' hunum * I`:I|l :'\H\J or . /\. Millvx`. 39 Mr- Dtvnuld SI. L`<>un1x'_v nr lawn. -10- My `W()(')l) S:\WlN(3 l`l'u-mp! t`fl'iL'iI`:Il .~'m`\'n-v l'L`u. pI`i(`(`.~ . Alf ,\\';m fn!` salt`. Walter AH1L`!`\!l1 m....... nsmw Rmfh `.-\R(`HITF.CTUR.-\l. PIANS. super- \`lSi(`H for any type of building. Es- 1in\nh`_< rhvvrfullv uivvn I. E. vnsmn mr !yD(`. ` Iimntcs chcorfullv ` Fans. General Cm ` fnrd. Out. FURS Fur mm ` ulhwi r-Ir\:|nr\r| HIM` _\'mu' lux` V givon. Writo , duh-. Onlarin . 1 I./\R(}F.. BR.lGll'l` ROOMS furl vnl. suilnblv far light lmn.~:`l(<~vp- 11).`. Rl*:l~'un::b|v. Apply 22 W1-llim. on Q1 W. 13`) H()U'5l'ZI\ l`ll`2l'l'2H WAN I'l`;Ur-- .`\l)lL` :0 tnkv full rimrm-. small Inmily. 'l'hirl_\'-lh'\~ In Iurly-l1\ v _yvu|'.~`. Fif lnvn Inilme l'rum H:m'io. Mmlcrlz, lIu..u~v in sznull mun. \Vllic `uxl "::~:." F.x:In|inv:- (urn-:~ 43;)! I) l`Lh..\[\L`\I\lN\u ;tl)l_\`. Phulu` H304, ()1! 3 lJNl"UHNlbHl rent. l`hun:- 262W. Li Mrs. Geo. Bauldry 110 OWEN ST. Phone 1915 Barrie (7()llSl`ITlERE OF NUBONE F0lINl)A'l`l()N (}A|lMENTS U K L`HL`d. Ynv `Ill ROOMS AND BOARD nnl um: nun It In Thu Ennmlnnr) I'll-0l`ER'l`Y l`0 LET ll-v nu nnw ll In Tho Illmlnlvl LOST AND FOUND (an vnu nu: It In Th. llnmlnnn MISCELLANEOUS S mats` ropnrod. romud-. . (`1(`an(`d and glazed. No min`.- uw badly wnrn. \\'(` nmkv them cw again. :1` the ln\\'(`sl prices. - by expert furrivr. We also re- ymn` fur cunt. I.-`.~mn'.|1cs freely, 1. J. A. Milburn. Hills- 39-43p ms mum zx.um_n:n, on-1., `ggugg UNl'Ul(NlbIH`.l) I ur ruum.~ wunlvd ruuplc. `Yul. 164]. OI WILL RENT ROOMS -. cuuplv, withu .hl.\ .-.n|||Il'\' hnnul :1 111.`: /\l';\l(.'l'1VlI';N'1'. unlur-g 11'!` Apply l":Iin.x\vi('kI mm` |H'IN'l' I 51. /\(luIl.< only. -131 ------- I Wilh ;:nr~ "znji .Apply A unnLm:r. `v:1.~' ` ~11 47p UN FUR N ISHICI) Hl'I1\'l`ED ROOM` nr I-nunu u-.'n|h-rl ln- Inirlrlln :urNi l'.N 1. 13] {SPRU- 38--Hp u-rum 3931'!) BURRIl.)G[-`.--ln 'l` on '|`1u-.~`-t dny. OCl()l)L`l' 22. HMO. Juhn liur-` ridge. m;c(l H5 _yvnr:<. lnlonm-nl I l3uI'riv Union (_'.l`llH`1(`l`_y ull anrrivul 0|` In0tu1':~', l"rid:ay ;Il'lt-rlmun, GU'l`HRlI*) v-A!` hm` lute I'csi|-rm-.1 [mt 18. Con. 5. Om 'l'(IV\'lI:-:|\lp_| an Sumlnv, ()4-1 20. 1940. .lu::v|)lI-I UIQNNl';'l"1"WlCl)()N/\LoI)'-L)l| huh ` urrlny. October 12. 1940. all Cooks- town. by Rev. B. Atkinson. Emilyl M.. Reg. N.. grzlduult: o[ Rnyul' ` Victoria Hospital. Bm'ri.~. dnu;:,h- lcr nr the late Mr. and Mrs. -Jnhn McDonald. Bel.-tun. to Mr. I-lnrry E. `Bennett. son of MI`. and Mrs. A. E. Bennett. Dunkcrnm. WHl I'I~`-GREENI./\W Mr. und Mrs. I". J. Grconluw. Midhursl. ummuncv lhv m2u'ri:n1.:o of lht-ir mmglntur. Minn` Anita: V. (h'e(m- luw. to Mr. Stanley G. White. '1`u. mnlu. October I2. 1940. Eglinlun United church, '1'orunlu. BENNETT-IWCDON/\l.:D*-`0ll Sill-{ urrlnv Or-lulu-I` I`) MM, :11 (`.nnk.<~> 1.01 H}. (Jon. :1. Um '1nwn:-:nIp_ on Sunday, Oct. 20. I940. .Iu.-u-pii- inc Wulk('I'. bi:lu\Ivd wifv uf` Tl|UInil.\' Guthrie. in hl'l` 54|h yvm`. Oct. 23. IIUNTER V-On Sulurclrny. 001. I9. Hi-IO. at hig IIOIIH`. 4:": HI.'\'\/IN Aw,-.. I`un.mlu_ Andrew l"rt-(Ir-rick Hunlt-r. in his 77th your. .<.un ml the iutv Willinm 'l`(-lfr.-r liunlur and M;ir;.';Ii'L-L llunlur. llurrinr, In- lvrimml Sixth l.in(.~ C(?n\L`i.L'|'_Y.u, Innisfil. Oct. 22. ' l.EM ON~-~In Royal Victoria lluspii-i_ nl. Barrio. un Snturriuy. ()c-lulu-r} 1!). I940, infant, daughter ul' Mr. and Mrs. Murvin l.L-mun. of Cumi- ics. lnlurintrnt an Sluym-r. ON. 21). Mll.lS._..ln Ruvni Vi(`l.lIl'i| llu_~:|)iiu|. Interim.-nt Sl. M:n'y`s (`vim-11-i'y.`.` lcs. lHLL`l'llll!Ill. all SUIyn('I`. U(`l. gm. Mll.l,S---In Rnyul Viclnriu lltmpitznl. i B:n'ri(*, on Monday. October 31, 1940. infant son of Mr. and Mr.~'., Cyril Mill.-4. Mi(lhur; llllCl`Il\l.`l|l` all Midhurst. on Oct. 22. `MURPHY----/\( 'l`urml0. on I"riduy,' ():-I In HMO Nliu-hm-1 Mm'nh\'. ht`- ru-. Nluncmy. UC1. 2|. I ` N()Bl.l-}-Sudrh-nly. ut lh':Idl'm`(l. UH Sunday. Oct. 20. 1040. I"lus.-iv! Bczltricv Mudill. lJ(`]UV(.`(l wifn of, Rich;n`(l.Nul)l<`, in hm` 54(1) yt.-ur.` llltvrxnvnt Mount l |uz\sunt CUIIH`-` tt-ry. Oct. 23. - Sl(lNN[".R~/\'. lhv Ruyul ViCl0l'lil` lluspilul. Barrio, nu l`uL-sdny. Ocl.` 22. 1940. Sydney HcrbvI't Skinner. in his 27111 yum", sun of lhv lulu Mr. and Mrs. Aldon Skinner. znd; m-plww of Mr. zmd Mrs. S_Y(llH.`_`y'{ Sllcirluck. Inlurmvnl :11 (iulhrw (3(-um-It.-r_\'. 'l`luu'.~`du_v. Oclubvr 24.3 SI- l:)NCE~~-ln Orillin Hospital. on Sund:I_V. Out. 20. 1940. Roy .Iun1(,-:41 F-n(`m:t'. sun of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd `; W. Spmurv. Dnlsmll. in hi.\ 7lh _\'v:H'. ln1m'nwm in DLll.51nI| (,`(-mc- U`I'_\'. on Oct. 22. 1 //- ~~-~- A- ~\ 1 I L \\H_, _~4[c,T!9f> % ALf$`L I .-I` \\'.\N l`ED- furnished upnrt-I mvnl. h(`illl`(l. cvnlrnl. Apply Box -um." Barrio Exmnim-r. 43p l . Sullmlny. ()clulx:r 26 Mr. .luhn'. Pvnlun. llll l".li`/.ubv1l\ SL. l .:n`rit~. will huld an auction .\'2l|(` uf` lwu. furnilurv and (.'H!`(2l.\'. Sill!` ml 1.30 p.m. ll. A. (}m:~'('.` Auclignnm-r. 43:: 'l't10:~'d:1)'. Oct. 29 -.lnhn .1` Jnlmslnll. N.ll. 1:21 5. Can. 7. lnnisfil, will lmld an auction sale of farm stuck and implements. Sale at l p.m. S.'l`.|. ll. A. Gmso. /\uct..l llurriv. 40.43): 1 ,'I`uL-'.~:cluy. Oct. 29 Gllbvrf Y-Ial;:l1l.`, 1 Anton Mills. Int 12. Con. 2. Flus.` Cuslu sulo of farm stuck. Sale at: l..'l0 p.m. 1st:mcl:n`(l 1imc). I . A. (.'nn;:hlin. Auctirmn-er. 41-42!)` Suturtlny. Novcml)vr 2r-M1'.~'. 'I`lm.~; . llnunsumc. 32 Szmfurrl SL. Bnr~ riu. will hold an auction sale ul ' hiuh (-|:1.ss lmus'(vlml(l furnilurc and vffl.-cts. Snlc at 1 p.m u ' l`.) ll. A. GYUSC. /\uL'li0n-- ` I'M` 42-4-ll) I I cor. 4:5-tHu; l`l1u1`>'dzIy. November 7- lVlr. Tlms.i 1 Reno`. S.lI. 1.0! 13. Con. 9. Innis-` `I fil. will hold an Cl`(`(lll sale uf farm | sluck and implements. Sulo ml. 1 p.m. 1S.'I`J H. A. Grosv. Auc-' l lluncor. 42-44x` Saturday. Nn\'cxnbL~r SI---Mr.s`. R. R . 1 Bnlhwoll. I [*`.s`.'~';: Roacl. Allandulo. auction sale ul' l\uu>:chul(l lurui- lure and effects. Sale at l p.m IS.'I`.) II. A. Grusv. Auction- eer. 42-44b l Saturday. Nov. l6--I\ h'.<. Albert Rainoy. I39 Pmrlun A\`c.. Allan- dnlr`. will hold an auction sale ul l1:m.~'(-l1ul I`m'niluI'n- and offovls. Snlv 4:} 1 11.111. . H. A. C`n'u. Auctiomru-r. B:ll`l'lL` 43b Cy|'l| Mull.-4. Lvnumn'; lntermum VIURPHY----A1 Oct. 18. 1940, Michael Murphy. l)o- ` luvod husband uf Mary l3lli2.:nbvl|1 Iliukvy. in his 7'llh yu:.. l.\1(-:- mcnl. SI. M:n`y`.< Cvnwh-r_v, Unr- rit-. Nlmlchay. Oct. 2|. \lnRl.lEw.SmJrl(-nlv. n1 lh';u]l'm`(I. FOR SALE -Mi.\;v(l '1-fun? reasmmhl(-. Phnnv (MR21i. I ' BUSH FOR SALF`. By `u-rv An` acre. Clu. tn tuwn. EH (_`Ill`_\' E `W'O0D FUR. S/\l.F. 4f?. wunrl ur z-HI t u urrh'1' R I. HI` `VVOQ)D FUR S/\l.l`L 447. num \\'my(L or vul l order. R 1.. HI<'h.n'rl: sun. R.R. 2. HuI`ru*, TL-1. (iHI".!, `Hi: cum. 1)`-'y` bL`lI m-nv Hula. EV'`X`(?H. Ont. 3 TERRAPLANE SEDAN -1933 mod- ul. smuuth. powerful mulur. tires and finish in cxcellcm ~hapu Fox" Hull inmnmntiuu, phnnc 63. 8" if no HI. 193(1) I"UHl_) CUUl'lL. In condition. Must be .~uld .-\pp1_\' 131`: Brudfurd SI .us1:n SI-1\\'lNG MACHINE wummI.' Must In` in unit] condition. Apply ux 2Hi." Hurriv l*Ix.'m\inLr. -Slip` 1!~l'..'9 CHI".VROl.F.T CO/\CH Tm` .~iIlt'. nun-I muulitnm Full Nlzlnlo /\\'v.. Hm`- 1929 [)UR_.`\N l' 5l`.U.`\N Xnr mus. good running condition. $T.`r.()O. Ap- ply 238 Owen St. phone I7-t5\\" Kip ____.____:..__.___.__:.._. . . LATE MODEL COACH. like now. l..u- n\iIv;|(' Bur-_'.nn fur lmnu.-d|- T- 1939 FORD COUPE. in 1'iI`.~l l`la.<.-. nnnrditinn Must hr ~ulri :1: nHC( I.."\TE MUUISI4 LJUALH. HKL` nL'\\'. lnw nxiltrugt-. B-1I",{..lll\ niv sale. Apply Examiner Of- fice. 43b &:_j- 19129 DURANT SEDAN fur mum! rnnninL' mmdiliun. $75.). 1931 BUICK SEDAN fur Milli. ll) Lzoud cnnditiun. good tires and hunter. Eus_v terms. Apply H7 Cu`.- licr St. 43p _________.__________.__ 1938 FORD DE LUXE CAR {Jr saln: First-class cunditmn. with lwatvl` Joy S:-rvicc Stalinn. nurlh cast ond uf Barrie. 43b --_:.-..._.____.._____..-- __T_..-__ 1937 CHI-`.VROL.E'I` COACH. in good cundxtiun. trunk. heater. Will` hznndlog uldcl` car in deul. Box 32." Exzumncr. 39tfx ? ` FOR SALE-1936 I-`ord Couch. 1933 Furd C.,mch and 19;`?! Dodge Sedan. Charles Graves. 38 Hayeld S1. Phonv H76` 431) USED OAT R0l.1.l`}R \V!\N'l'ED-` l\1n< lm in first `I'|<< mmriinn nnd VJ CHl'}Vl(U1.l`.l CURL H In! . . Md vuntlilmn. 56 Nluplu 1\\':'.. c, 43;)` _?. CORDS 4-FOOT WOOD. both I and hard. Prim` from $12 1 u $4 .\ d. [)`.'_v. Self dc-lin-1'in:.'. Apply W. In I -`.\-1-re-H, On! ~13!) i\i1'iiiiifb" WOOD FOR SALE Inn Iunl gnu It In Th: lnnmlnnf A UTOMOBILES ...... can II In Th. Einnllm ibii-:1) half _ (Ion ~-.-Sm-ci'Il. :11 CZl|\CiHH'S. guutl. dry lb. bags. 15c. Phone I30. 430 Mrs. Mnrgurct Martin-. Owen St... 'wun $25.00 in :1 contest held on 'l'ucsduy night. by at Toronto Lou I-nnl .-xun v winter unions. 50-lb. lungs. 49. 10- . -Oysters, I'rv::-sh dully. (.:mc1llu.s. Phone I30. 431) Bruce Mc-Aulcy is back wurking . at the Bull Plzming Mill after work- ` c (Ion. .,..Qnnr-I1` an (`mu-ilI:a'_. mmrl. rlrv In]; for the summer at Camp Bur- ` USED ().`\T RUl.I.l`}R \V!\N'l`l`JD--[ Mus hr in first cl`n.~'.~ cunditiuu and: cuup, Apply Hnx "3.'v. fhlrrio Ex-! auvflu-r 431) COOK-Ul'2Nl'1lU\l. WAN'l`l`2U. Ap-1 ply ht. Phone 450. ' 43b (.`()HHNlll_Y. I -- Poul Bui. bxu-ilunn. accepts` slmlvnls in singing. Studio 85 Buy- Hold S1,. Auditions every Wednes- day. Phone 1241. 43tl'p -A Sl:n`|inp.: Sumluy. midnight. 12.0. ). Panul Muni. Hello Davis in` fBurrlerl<)\vn." On the sauna bill |"Om.~ Crmvdvd Night" and "Inform- ':nliun. plan:-`-(.*." 43x I`... ..... u Il.u.uI.u-u 'l`n|-nnln IIIIIIII, IIlIIL V. (`.(-uruv llmu,-lmm. Toronto. lchr-irmun of the Fund Dislrihutlun l '(Iunncll ml Cnnmlu. will be the l chivl` .-zpcnlxcr at tomurrmv even- ` in;:':s' (linnt-1' nu-trtimz nf llurrio 4 Lions Club in tho QHL-en's Hotel. u1urkin;,- Nntiomll Retail Groccr.s" Week. l"uotl m(`.x'cl1nnls of the mwn huvv bet-n inviterl lu ullcnd. `l 'l`hu.- jury. which invu.sti1.;ulerl tho , of six Camp Bordon suldicrs. `iwhu wt-ro killed on Highway ll. ncur N(`\VllliIl`l((.`l, nu Sept. 26, when lhvir our (1I`n:~`l\('(l into n truck :11 Ilw .~.lup light, l`(`l1dL'l'(.`(.l :1 vvrdicl ofi ucuitlt-ntnl (lcnll\, 'l`uc.s'(ln_v night. with n rm,-mnmundutiun lhnt, lurgcr` lr:nffi<.- .ui1.;mul.~< be placed at that point. A Bordon . tcmtiud ..hnl Wl\(`|l the cur [)IlSIi0(l him :I milv south. it scorm-(I Lu he tr:|vvl- hllinp, l)('l\.VL'L'n 70 and 75 miles; an hour." '! .~.m |Sll|lDlH'l\l. I - "H/\R l"l`~~--Al. tho Royil Vicloriu I \ llospilul. Barrio, on WL`(Jl1L`SdH)', E I October 23. l940. to Mr. and Mrs. V I E. A. llurll. 34 R1155 Sl.. nurm-. :1 ( y l rlmiglilm`. I i KNEESHAW ~ In York County I H Hospital. Ncwmurkcl. on October I 23. l940. to Mr. and Mrs. l-`.vcrclt I Knccsliaw, Hrzidford. tum: Lillian I Hrolt-yr. 2: son. Puul Even":-ti. 1 l.YONS~-Al lhv Royal Victoria 3` 'Ho.s'pit:il. Barrio, on Wednesday. 1 l O(.'lnl)-1' I6. 1940, to Mr. and Mr. Thomas Lyons. mcc Doris l3ak- 1 --rt. l\'_y. :l (lnmznlcr. Dol1ll.I .E(-... I M/\DlI.l.---At Cooksiowu. on Sun- day. Oclobor 20. W40. lo Mr. and iX~ Mrs. Gordon Mudill `llL`(! Velma. I-I JU.\'U])l of Bi'udford. in son. 5- MlLl..`---/\1 ihe Royal Victoria Hos- lll pitul. Barrio, on Saturday. Oct. _\-` 19. 1940. to Mix and Mrs. Cyril ` Ab Mills`. Mi(lhur.'~'l. :1 sun. 5 PIGEON-~-Al the Royal Vicl01'i:I "` Hospital. Barrie, on l-`rklny. Ocl. :1 us. 1940. to Mr. and Mrs. Alex. `C Pigeon. l rinCo.<.s Lake. a daugh- Il 1()l`. (Baby died the same day). ""1"./\lLLON-vAt Kingdom. on Sun-` lb; (lay. Oct. 20. 1940. to scrgx.-May, `Si and Mrs. Taillon met: Luella 1*` KCHSH an son. ' Wll.LlAMS~-At lhc Royal Victoria Hospital. Barrie, on Wednesday. CT October 23, 1940, lo Mr. and M-S. '3` Wilfred Williams. Fcrndalc, a If ' (laughter. l`,, ii}/\l.l.~-At the Royal Victoria Hux- pitul. narriv. on 'l`uu.sday. Oct. 15. i 1940. In Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ball, ` M5 Duniop SL. Barrie. :1 (laughter. C`-REEN~~AL the Royal Victoria ` Hospital. ilzzrric. on Wcdiicsday. i O(_'i()l)L`l` 16. I940. to Mr. and Mrs. i W. J. Green, 58 Burton Ava. Al- , landaiv. a (laughter (Marilyn 3 Elaine. {H/\NSF.N~ A1, ihv Royal ViL'l.uI'ia ; liuspital. i]:u'ri(-, on Wudnc.'s`day. I October 16, I940. 10 MI`. and Mrs. Arthur ilan:~'cn, Shanty Buy, a _ Isliilbnrnv. I H/\n'll`....A1 Ihv Rnvil Viciuriul IONNF.Y~--In luving lnemory on our (lcur f.Ilher. Mr. Joseph Bon- xu-y. who pa.s`;~'c(i uw9_y October `.37. 193 . r.'.....II\- xv!` llI\'l`ll him. hc'.~' (Ivar M .2. In. ["1 mt! ly us l)C.~l. I-Ivvr H-1m~xnl)(-I'e(l by his ( -limb It-1`.~'. Elhrl and ___.:?.____ _.__. L'HAl`I`}I.l.- my (l(`;H` .- ..I~l':. \-sh; W/\[.l.WlN---In lnving rememb- r:m(-4- or Furrosi Wallwin, who passed away. Ociobcr 25. I935. Nuthing (.911 ever take away, The luve at heart holds dear. Fund memory lingers every day. Rcm`rnbr.1ncc koeps him near. --Ev<-r remembered by lo\'in;;: 431) Wife and Family, I 3 | H S'l`.'\NDlNG '1`lMBI~`.R \V1\NTED--`IT l\vl2Iplv. l)l`(`L`lI. vlm. birch and bnxs-{F \vu~d. Apply ux "31". Barrie Ex-i` aunnwl`. 39-431)" 1 ~` mum ~Thv family (If am late} Mrs. W. R. Parr wish In express` lhcir appreciation for the kindness and sympathy yhown them in their` recent bereavement. 43p: KENWELL--The {l.lh_\' of I lutp Mrs James KL-nwcll wivh to cxttnd their sincere thanks tu the]! many friends and l1t'lghbUI'.~` for the` many kiiidncxsses shown in their re-3 rent b(`l'(`(l\'(`X`n(`llt. 481)` S l'lNSON-`Mr.<. Janie; Slinsun I and family wish in thunk their friends and neighbors. also olficeis. and members of Barrie Branch ufi Canadian Legion. for kindness and, sympathy. also floral tributes. dur-I .in_: their recent bereavement. -33;) ELLlS~'I'lu.~ family of the late M.n~y .\. Ellis acknowledge with ,;n.tctul appreciation the n`any guts of flower.-' zend kind exuressiun; ul sympathy extended to them during; their .ad bereavement by the dcutni of a loving inuther. Isigziedl Mar-I thu. Delia. Harry and Jacki 43b' SPENCE-Mr. and um. l.luyd.| Rn:-In-:1 u'i tn thank kind friclldii (CARDS or`mmi:sj; SPENCI-.`-Mr. and lvlrs. muyu: Sponce wish to thank kind friends `2-nd ncighbu_r.~ fur .~,\'mpu!h_v at the `mm: of their rm-mu and bere.`a\`c- ` .......v .1 .`. 5 _-W('l?l I ml that are left -.1 rlnnr ',n'1ilm j1nmzmum ly \v(` Iu\'('(l ml 5 . in grief wt: mus`. uly will: .-wt-n 1 -H u.u )3 luvvd him. 11}; II I`) [)5 _ I\\"rI_\' \Jl\UlI| l .11 \UI.n'.\` \La.~5. L.a; .:. -Sadly mi.~,sod by .~1..'.c1 __ I.-V In loving memory M` .~iZ1(`l`. Margaret C.mp-3 4 pn..~`a:(l .n\\':a_\' Uttulmr .0 \n. Ann` 1..-.1`: (`.'\'l'l'l.F. \\':\N'l I'Il) T0 BOARD fur; winh-1' ,A\:-4-unnnmlnlinn fur t\\ t`l\'1'_ I01 1 loving (lad. - , , I , Ku.s`.~: ul and tn s (laugh- I Annie Hf H1011 n God's Don't miss` it. aax When the name of Thomas Poll- -mr was called in court on Wednes- day morning to answer a charge a! failing lu return to the scene or an uccldcnt on Dunlop S1.. Barrie. on Sept. 23. "he fnilcd to nppenr am] a Bench warrant wus issued for m! 'dI'l'L`S1. (`hint .J Dnlinn Alnv .Q1n\unI`1 arrest. Chief of Police Alex Stewart Wurns all single men who have re- culvcd notices of nrrours of poll tux that they hud `better see him nt Hunnn 'l`ht~ unlit-n l1i\H`K 1.\\.'() duV:~i' 7 5 ~-"Brulhc`r Orchld.;' "0110 Mil" Justice." Slap Happy Puppy." 2 hours and 30 minute shmv. All on `the same bill. 111. the In1pL-rial Then- itre. Thursday. Friday. Saturda . Don't miss` it. 43x `l7`\run Ohm nun-m 1.! 'l`lu\rnmx Pall- ('. \`l"l'|.|`} \\'.`\N I I'll) lk) l5(.).`\l(U rm`; winh-1'. :\rc-vnnnudsulinn for t\\':.`l\'c. .`\|)p|_V in John I". llugllus. Church-, ill. Ont. ~13-`Hp: wx mat may nun `Donor nun m ]'uncc. The notice gives two duy:~i' leeway only and luck uf um.-nliun may mean am uppcunuxcu before Inc xnugislrulc. ....'l`hn Ruvnl Vir'l.nl`i:| Husl)HI| Aid are holding in rummage sale in S1. Mary's l`zuish Hull, Saturday. Nu- vcmbcr 2. Donations will be upprc ciutcd. Phonc1102. 43b ' Stcudily ixnprnvim; priiros for bul- ter fut. are cm:uum;:in;.z tn mm-y fzn'mcr.s. During the smmm-r Hu- pricc of butter fut dr0ppr~d as low 1:5 21 (:L`ni:=. while the prlcv quulud yesterday was 28 cvnls. During VSL-plcmbcr there was :1 reduction or 3.500.000 lbs. in the make ul` vronm- cry butler. | _ ' Gordon Davis. lnnisfil. was fined `$15.00 and corals. Lulnlling $10.25, on iisuturduy morning by Mugi:~'.lrulc , Jcffs for cznclcss driving nn High- | way 11 on Oct. H. Provincial 0!- i ficcr Byrnc hud followed him and - made the arrest whon accused i would not ](`:I\. (.' mtun for u ful- luwing cut to puss. I xnuglslrznc. \ -~-The Royal Victoria Hospital i PHONES sqi `SEED AND FEED FOR SALE (In an nu II In Tho IIom|nO0) I ._:._.-_- CHOICE CHIPPEWA SEED vow`- ATQE9. free from blip'.hl,. re:nsun- able price, Clarence Cumming. Phclpston. telrzphnnu Elmvulv 2r0. 42-431) "tel. Barrie, by H. A. Gl'()(_'. /\uc\iun- Of vuluuhlo property In llw 'l`mvn ship of North Orillia. Under and by virtue of the |)'JW('l' nl : crmtninv ed in an certain nmrtgagu-_ which will be produced 11.! the time of Silll`.1 there will be ul'fm'(.-(l for sale byl public auction at. the Quu(m'3 llu-l car. on Saturday. Octubor 26th, I940, at one o'clock p.m.. the Ihllowlng vuluuble properly in the 'I`uwn.s'hip| of North Orillinz 'l`h(: nurlh-cn; quarter of Lot 23 and Lot 24 cuu-g nncuinn ') Mm-H: rillin .v.uvr- mu-I [valuable properly In Im: nuwumup. ccssion 2. North Orilliu, !~7H\ (` unvl acre conveyed for schuul silv. . 'I`lu- nmncrtv is said It) huvv um conveyed 101` scnum slu-. The property run` it u gaud dwelling. and burn with` stabling under. - The nrooertv will be uric.-red sub-I stabling under. The property sub- ject to a reserve bid. 'l`r-rms: Ten nor con! :11 timr I-I ject to Dld. -, 'I`r,-rms: per sale and balance in thirty clays, ur us may be arranged. I Further. nurl.iculur.= will Lw nr.:d~; YOUNG H.-\RRlI.I) COUPLE luf- fu-v wnrkvrl .~ctlling permanently? in Barrie. dvsirv unfurnished apart- mvnl. l`hum- 870.1. 43b} V I 1 I 1 `us be arranged. Further particulars made known at the time of sale and in the! meantime upon applicatiun to ` ESTEN 82 ESTEN. Mortgage-c's Sulici1uI'.'~'. . 41--tub Barrie. om.-aul Q----:_.__ -_...; I i I ' " at. Lhclr very best in our ;41't:cnl1uus(:s. Plenty of varieties to (:h()().`$(E lrnm. Cut only when 0rclcrc(l. to assure you 01 absolute freshness. Also fresh violets daily. Prnnlpt. delivery. Phone 988 bl) AND I` nnu rvn or (In you on; Th - MORTGAGE SALE Broken Lenses Duplicated Office hours 9 /\..\I. to 16 l'..\l., Sat. 93 Dunlop St. : East of Post ()fI'iu- ' AND v1c: mm noon ; % noun &\""\@~v~--~~- .a~;~-~~.~.~ -.~,..~`..--.._.`...,-vs .]_._.BRE NA Successor to Geo. A. Fitzpatrick "E0311 R. HAMILTON OPTO METRIST - ` /** `IA . V ! ,l'`_ Single and Double Vision Lenses .?._.._. M A R F. \'n\|lII" Sole Distributor for Barrie ioif i GRAY - FLORIST One y lhU\V. Ipt.-rial y. Saturday. Phomus ; 7 0! 5 of 1.. on ssucd lox Nhu rrzurs 31' ml 05 two :ntu:n!Jun {cc Hospital :0 m\1I` vill win-.< ing I)[1p(`d vnls. I -'-TT ----7 t :u-- ()or. Mary zunl l'2Ii'I.;clu:th Plmm-. 215 /'.9CCCCCCO.COQ\ 'l`hIs |)l'lI|)l'l'Iy l_~ ;l4\.'lI"`| , (I0. vquippt-(I wilh lurnu('(- :IlI&i l`,vnu(l .~'L:alz- if rt-pnir, A dc-poi Ill -(I 1fmunl.ingln W pt-r u-c-IN. of |.lw - shtlll lw !'nrn1.\'m-II with 1-:u'h it: mid lhv h:nl:mm- '~,h:Il| hue pu within thirty '1`:-n(|vr.~; W npvm-rl :1 I2 u'L'I'H'k mum cm: lurtlny, Hw Snh |n_v next, Thv hii.-,'m-:-L nut iii-(-1-:~;.<::|'ily .'u-L-'plr-i|. } I)()NAl.l) <.: nosi-2.; ml" N1)`./Q ur any tc_n' 'l'n1l:-nhnin. Ontiri I fur lhv l'iXl'('llU)l'.%` of -:~'l:iu.- uf Inn (3. H:-jni | Sulicilur 43-44!) bullclm 4. !-`Mb sPI:c1AI.Sl EMc"ll9.!1G!! Sausage, 2 lbs. 25c Rolled Pot Roast of Beef, 11). 16 Fronts of Lamb ...... lb. 14`/2 Loins of Lamb ........ .. lb. 21 Legs of . Lamb ...... ..1b. 23`2 Roast ggwef 16-1 MEAT SPEIJIALSI _\'uun'.` um duublv and tin` |`hmu' --_..j___. Peanut Butter 16-oz,_ ,Se<:1_1je___'1.'_Eo_c,:_ ............. WEEK-END SWEET MIXED _I3ICKL SALE BY TEND-ER cigar 30132; 4-lb. Tin 55c ;I'\;r-l;ey Dinner [ SUNDAYS..... soc 1 KNOWLES mmv LUNCH? BRUNSWICK ` S`1f.BDINES FUI:L couhslz HABITANT 1333}. squp 35 ozs. 25c .__._______:__?___._._ FUN AND MINK Ml-1:\'l` wantcd-- lk'ul1h_v aged or nulrvd hnrses or vulllt`. Cmwrurd Fur Farm, Om Slaliun Om lclvphunc. 28tfb -_:.:_ Aa.auaa-ava..a-yr Z Tins 25c 5-. west`;- Q -:Fi:S-2'9_ 9 DUNLOP` Sal. In H |',.\l. Barrie. Ont. rue Thlrtuh ~` 7.; _:.._. |"I'|VuKnVuc 232 ul` lo.`.\.~'. M1 and huildm1.:.<. I` Will pay fair rvn Hurric I-Z.\`uminor -_.___:_:.._:__ F.-\RM \\';\N'I`l'ID 'l`(\ RENT---l00. :u-:'`.~ In` I(`.\\'. Mm! huvv good suil h\IildIu1.!.~'. l`n~`.~v.\'. this (all. rvnl. .-\pp|_\' Box 37." ll;u-rin I-`.\-mninvr 431) - 1 \\"2\NTED` Mm fnr l`rnfihable Raw- lcigh Ruuh`. Pruduvks well knuwn. Rt-ul u|\puI`l\|I|\l)`. \\'rih~ Ru\\'lt`igh'.~' Dept. Ml.-l28-ll9-J 1\l-ntreul. Can- ada. 43b '1`Huu;::`lu~.'.n. Wl\N'll!}l)'l\'l' UNLl'.a.l, to help llnish lhroshmg season.` Phone 651-22. 43p _?:---- WC EN. ` {mm SH) L` .\ Xlfl ,V\' H'nn\ SH! I-`.-\M| l.l*'..\ l 9. m~l:|H\'v\ ucpl adu. _:_ ARE YUU THE .\L-\N" Watkins U1-ulvr |ln`l\\t`1.`l\ `5 and 55 years.` wxlh can". am.-dcd nmncdiuloly `n Iw:u1'b_\- Rural lh-uh: `.0 supply cs- l.abh.~lu- almnand fur Everyday Nocmmtu-~_ including Spil.`C.\`_ Exo n'ucL<. llnklng Pmvdvr. Tulle! Prc~ |J'.|rmn-nx. (.c:um`vI`.-`. Modicincs. Fly Spr:\_\. .\lmvr:\l.zcd Stuck. Hog and l`)ultry Tunics. 7`.!-your reputation. 10000 l)vul`r> Must be s.IIis(i`d_ with .1 rvu.s\.umblo income at starl. Fmm t'\|\\`l'll`lM`l` hclplul Selling mm:-:u-nvu unnn-v:.~.\.'n'\'. Credit fur- cxpt-:u-m~v \1ln\\`('t`.~.\.`II_\'. L`I'v(`U( lur- m:`h-d rxghl p.urt|e~. Wrllv uumedi~ Mel)`. Thv J R \\ .- \TKl.\'S COM- PANY. MONTRE.-\l.. QUE. Dept. 0~B-5.-\. 40-431) : -.._.:.-__._.__..:..__.-_ l-`.-\lll\l FOR SALE OR Rl'2N'l`- 100 .`u".'o.\. half-xmlc (rum Cu.-kslown. guud land. well w.m'rvd one large burn. Apply Mrs John Flynn. Box 5l, Cuuktituwll. 40-Hp DEDBUGS. Cockroaches extermin- nlcd utterly; without danger. vacat- mg or publicity; rooms immediate- ly uaablu; mudcr.iti- cost; ironclad guurulitvv, Satisfied customers our au(`(.'t SS. Write or tclcphunc even- ings our expense, Hudson 8946. Gondwili Product. 12? Belsize Dr.. 'I`i,run\u. I 4312?)` "' '- FUR S.-\LI:I OR TO RENT HELP WWQINTED n nun: ..u n n. 1'ln`lqnnln| MAID W/\N'l`[-II) fur p,(~ncrnl huusc-| wm-k. fmnilv nf' um! adult and two" .\(`n|'2N'l`S WANTED um... um um II In `u lunmlnan W:\N'I`ED and quwl. and singlv. K0 lmigzhxvzay traf- nnv lI`nl`l`.! l\`\`. Good. sound. \\ I.`" broken. Q 431) 1 I-IX'l`I'Jlh\IlN';'l`0RS f\IV .\V I\lV I Hall H Bzu-rn.-3. )'UlllU.'. mllkur. WANTED n -3- II In Th: II (mu 9 w.-\N'I`ED- Earn I In SIS \\'m\kl_v . c mun LJII.-\l.lTY(`.OODS $l.'\ \\'m`kl_v illlkill QU.`\l.ITY GOODS m and v.~tab1|.~l\vd (`hon- N TX) I) [0 r mum in fznnilv. HI`-.`\ l'lSU l(UUlVl* i by middle ugvd 431) V_VI\N'l`l`1l) I0 , nnnu~diul.cly. - SL. Bnrric. b MAID Wl\N'l`I~`.D for p.v,(mcrnl nuusc-| work. family ur' one adult and children. Phone 19:mw. 431)` WANTED lo i1nnn\rH:Ilr\IV, ll) Iur fa mil y. `. Juanplx 43:) ll once $ll1,';lC. Plmne n,r;nc Plume 43b .` {H . HF`. l. Selling 'l'o.`dil .` inunuu-Ii. fruit. 48b 501)]! ` 43p __... . .._._..______..._..___.__.__.._ mnd.3 FOR SALE-Equipmenl for :1 om- )kcn.: chair barber shop IPaidcr chum.` nL~o pool table. 4' b\' 3'. win ...- H -i3b,scparmcl_v or logdilor. Apply kc.` Burdick. Coukstown. 43-Hp '_od- . ('3lRI.. W/\N'l'F.l) fur 1,41.-m-I`ul house- \vuI'-k on farm. Raymund Jubbitl. UiIl'l`i(`. RIC. 4, TM. SlI'(>u(l 2lr22_ 43p |QUEBEC HEATER FOR SAl.E-~ Practically new. 30 William SL. Al- lnndule. 43b MAN'S WINTER GOAT FOR. SALE I size 38. color brown. Apply 64 Mul- cnsler St. 43x QUEBEC HEATER FOR SALE~ Annlv 43 Dalton Street. -132. QU IIIUIEEU H1`2I\'l'l iH lU. Apply 43 Dalton Street. COAT FOR SAl.E--GirI's black coat. grey fur lrim. .\i7.(' 16. Apy 31 . R055 St. A3!) OIRUS WINTER C0A'I`~Si7.c 16. in good condition. 105 Worslcy `SL. Barrie. 43p FOR SAI..F.---VVind.s'ur henlcr. ul- mosl now. Apply ll Henry Sl.. or phone ll08W. 43b * :.._...._:._..__..?__..____. [,5 AMBER HONEY. flavoured wi`.h .`buckwhL`at. for salt`. Fetch yuurl 1-; pails and not it at 8 l`L`lllS :1 puund. 3. `Also while clover honey. Henry`, Wamloss. Phelpston. *1 ONE QUEBEC HEATER. with ov- en. for sale. L. A. F.mm.< Electric, 26 Elizabeth S'l.. Barrie. -I31) I SHOT GUN FOR SALE-l2 gnugc. single barrel. Also man's full aver- cont. size 38. Phonu 888. 43b| CAPA Bl..l'} WOM A N (in liuhl hnn,\1'\vn'k, FUR COATS FOR S/\I.E~-Onc :1 muskmt. the other a black curucul nnw Annlv l')() Rnvllnlrl S1. 43!) muskmt. me utncr omen paw. Apply 120 Bvyllcld St. ITWO EVENING GOWNS for .\'.1|(.'.` size 14. one tnf1`eln. unc velvet. m perfect cundition. Phone L358. 43p I , * HAYES HOUSE TRAILER for SEIlC,`| ! 13 [t.. good shape. for 5500. Apply |lru Dobbs. Callandcr. Ont. 41--Mp PARLOUR SUITE FOR S/\l.E--In' good condition. Also Aladdin I-Imp. Apply 67 Essa Road. Allamdulc. 431) I \ RADIO---Lute Cunsulc model. in, |pu1'fecl cundlliun. sncI'ificv. $18.00: `also car radio. 189 Hayfield St. `| Phone 293. -13h I SMALL GRAIN BIN. zinc linod, for salc-. suitable for pouHl`_v feed. Al- :o quantity ur apple burrvls. M Elizabeth St. 43p EPAPER FOR TABL IS. thirty-five` 1lnches wide. in rolls. Ten cents lb..1 {about 8 yards to lb. R9: roxi-{ . mately 2 lbs. and ;`up`. Ap y ah Examiner Office. - 23!! i "EASY" ELECTRIC \VASHE'R to. salt`. or would exchange fur guud` milch cuw..App_1y M1`_ Coslcllu. Carl- 1 well Junction. -1.1: > -:_:::_- ! LADY'S COAT FOR SALE. in gmfd |cunditiun. size 16. black wit fdr Collar. Also electric heater fox `sale. I Apply 126 Burton Ave. ' 43b CAl I\Hl..l') WUMAN do li;.:hl. lmu.r\v.rI'k. Appiy 37`-L Chnrlultv I H..ADY`S BROWN WINTER COAT. size as. sell cheap.,A1su child`: vcd winter uutm. 3 yr5.: child's mauve ` spring cunt and bonnet. 3 yrs. Plunv: . 1569M. . -l3bl ; ; ` . . . , _ v _ 1 wlNDMxLL FOR SALE___Gm)d as E1|`.nIi\:l[1i|`llLI. I. (on. new; corn chopper: used electric` I ,\\-ashcrs: pool table; gasoline ell-`TAMwoR1* AN!) m.;RK31m.;\ gincs. 1'4. }_\.p. Thor dealer. A. G. 50w_\-_ 1_,,~(.d_ 531 \V. ,\_ J(,l"1_\t`,_l 1 F`3'- C'L`'``'d- 43! Hmvkc.~"tum-. nu Hi;:h\vuy H. "nil Evst Om." -mp i SALE-Equipmen1 - er Hu\`1burt's Shoe Store. 43p; FUR COAT FOR SALE---La|d)"s 4_YR`-()]_[) black Americzm Brondlall. uln1p.~' (-n]f; 3,1,; new. size 18-20. sacrifice fut: quuck pl). J;,,m_` sale. Mrs. Irwin. 87 Dunlop S1. (u\'- Crown Hill. ---:----------'-*-j" OXFORD R; `----T-""-"'*_"*"* RAAVI l.l\MBS. fur _:a](\_ `;\]_\-H ;` (`[1;||]li[)' (I From now until New Year. if ynui1_ J` C;".l.um(.`._\.. mm" 1 want delicious. lender fleshed \u:`- pm,,,l. 5g()M_ keys try .4\. D. l>`.utt(~rsun_ Vcspru _ Turkey Farm Phunc 6l2rl`.!. Bur-` 2 s_.\1,}-;_ ..; rio. -H)--Np mi ` Annlv V(`Hllll (` Villa. Hxuh ; HI-GRADE ALBERT.-\ COAL. Old Cumpun_v`s Lehigh Anthracite. Coke. Pochahnmas. N0. 1 body Ha-lI`d\\'\md. s!nb.~'. (uur~fuul or cut. Allandalc Lumbvr and Fuel Cn. Ph.`Iw 733. 40-4-lb ROOFING SUPPLIES - Insulate your limisc with insul brick siding. new low prico.~'. easy terms. .-\. shingles. 210 lbs- per sq. $6.80. A- phall ranting and building papm Harold O. Hicks. I5 Gruvo SI. \\', Barrio. 40-Mb WUx\lr\N \\'.`\N'lB day Phmw l808J. \VOBL*\N \\'.`\NTS WORK by 1h!` d;|\' Phnlw 1808. . 43!) LIGHT. I-`.*\RT-Tl.\l!`I WORK. sew- mg. etc. wamvd by nnddlc-aged lmiy. Apply H Tlln S1. -9313 GIRL \\'A.\"1`S I-`OSITION .4! gentr- H`. hnusv:\\'u'k E.\`D(`Tll`Hl`l`d. .-\pp1_\' 82 I-`.~s~a Hid. Allandalc 43p '_""ri_:uiiqrm =ueimr 2:. ma