I ` ngg Twu V ununlnlons. spec! on ms sxam. The im-umbmugv of 1):`. Simpson in 1.110 Dapt. of Education will be rm1wn1l>m'1=cl maln- ly by the 1l1`.lTK(`t1 vlxunlgvs made in curricula and me1.l1ud.<. 1nx'lucl`1ng tbv promotion of pu- pils upon the tvuclwrs cvrtfxficate instead of by wrim-n e~.\'~.nnln;mons. Approval of the drastic (`llullgvs lms not by uny means been _\"-I the l\ linist,or sincerely be- lieved tlnu the nvw order would better pre- pare boys and girls for success in life. Time will show In wluu o.\:t'vnt this-is true." Those" elxgaged m llw work of the schools. in Bu.1`1'1e and otlwr 1m1`t.< of Si1nvo(~ Coumy will not. spun rux-get tlw lv:1(1*l`sl1'1p. friendly interest, and .\pirxl (>1 lmully lwlpfulness shown py Dr. Simpson. 1 ... ..... ..... ----. -_-.____ Thv regisummii of sonic eiglit million Can- adiuns in llli` bricl spare 01` tliree days was a I.I`1llt`ilLl0ll.\' iiiuioi`l.:iking._ _ThE` taking of ii poll in u !,i`llt`l`:ll t'lt`(`il0ll is niere child's play in (`0nl}):ll'l.\`Ull. whvn `.111 that the voter has to do is in lll`.\l`K a ballot with :1 single cross. and not niurv than iwu-thirds oi` the adult population lnrn uni to }.)(`l`fOI`l`ll that simple duty. In llio I)uminion-wide registration " which took plucv on the first. three working days or this wm-k. there xvere 18 main ques- Mons to aimx-i~r. und in addition over fifty subsidizugxi (]ll(`l`lt`\` as to personal history, Chal`2{Clt`i'lSiit`.\`. and possibilities for service. Such ll (l('Ldl1t`d smck-tai of ii nation's citizenry has llt`V(`l' before been made in the Western llvinisplwre. and while it was in- tended pun-ly us in war measure. it may be regardmi as ii sign of the beginning of a new dispensation in the political. social and in- dustrial liiv oi` Cilllildal. \v.. ...... . .......l:..c n-hug ohn nv.-uvlrl rill he IIUSI-llill UH` U1 \ illlduil. No unv vxln pl`(`dlCl \\'haI. the world will be like :\l`I<`r this war. but it is safe to say that It will be a vmgv d11`l'c-rem world from that which we lmw lmowu in the past generation. It has bevn smd that hmmm nature does not chsulge 1`und:ununtul1_v from age to age, but the faslllun of this world clmnges-~Tlle old order clmngvth. yielding place to new. and God fulfils himself in many ways, lest one (pod custom should corrupt. the world." ` "nhn rnnut nnrfm-t enninl nrriur has withhl it Tl) WIN | llI`I \\'.\R--.'\.\il) 'l`|Il`l PEAC 1... THE BARRIE EXAMIHNERA 'I`IILIR.-I)/\Y. I\ll(-ll`o"l` 22, 10-10 EDITORIAL of winning the war. It. was. however, only 0. parmal examination. and if we are to win anything like u pt-rmunem. peace for the world of the 1`ut.ur~ Llw great nations of the world must. put. 1.111-um:-lvt.-.~: under at .-;ear0l1l11g lnqulsmtm. ll` umuklncl cannot protect it- self against ])cJ'iuLli(' ~piLlvum-5 ul wur. it is unworthy ur l.)u- il1I.t`Hlg`lI('t` mu! Lhv xutt-um- lllll.(`(| knuwlml;-.'v nml :-.\:1.n-1`h-m-c- w1l.h whlvh II. is t*uduWMl. oruue und l'zu`-:4ighl.t~(l |m-p2u'ul.|(m:; have bt.-ml :'mude rm in.-zuring .'uI'1'iu:'u-ht Iubnr for mu- 1 \ ltEUl!lIl'l` MAN-|`0W*l:Il-l`(m Sl`}ltVI(`.E IN 'l`IIl-) IlA|Wl':S'l` l`,I|`lLDS 'I`he furm lulmr .s'hm'1.ug~, which Llm-ul.~n:4 to .~:nbul.ugr (fnlmtliun vrupn, is u .sll,uul.inn that shuulu m-vn.-1' lmvv Lm-n ulluwctl Lu (lt- vc-lop m u urn-ul. up_'ri(:ull,urnl 1-uuutry. Thi- .~;iLu21LIun im|'u-am.-.~; 21 lnvk nl 1 uru.s-11.5111. and in- iLlul.1vt- (m l.hn- purl. M` l,lm.-er in :nuI.horll.y l 1`~ .\`])()H.`u'H)l(` fur Llw wt-ll2m- nl l.h- ng'ri(-ull.ur.1l 1nclu.~.'1.ry. I`ln.- g.',l'u\Nhl|_.', and l1u.rvo.~:Linp; or fuuLl.~:Lul'1`.~; in of no lvx-:; hnpm'l,unm- than the- p1'udutt.lun nl munlLlnn.--;- fund, in hurt, 1:; u Vital cmnplc-mt~nl, Lu 1'm1nll.'1m1.~'. of war. Elub pr0Llual.hm of all k`1mI:s of war nnuu-riul and (-(miprm-I1l., mul l.lw1'r 1:; no rt-n.~:nn why .-.im- ilur prvpurul.im1.~; (`mild nut. huvv hm-n mum- fur l.l'u.- .~:,-u.-mxml wnrlz of l|ill`\/(`Sl.Il)L!_ l,h- tw- (t-.~'..~:ll.ha~.' or lift-. The pmpunul muLl- my PM-ml:-1' 11-])l)u1'n fur Llu-: ~nmll1m~nl.n1' u, .~al.nd:.-nL lzmd urmy 1,0 ul'l'.~;c-I. Llw furxn lubur .~:lmrl.np,- hi :1 1-mnm(~I'1(l- ublv um-, nll.huu1,-_h it, <':uu- rnl.h(~r Jul.t- from u. funm-1' whu Wm: III n |m:;Il.i(m Lu l'(:n-.~:c-t,- t.h( pu.~;:;lbilll.y uI' t,h- pl`:-.~u-nl. (It-.~;p(-mue ('()llLH~ tluns in rurul ()m.uriu," Hvu-h now t.h1.-; lust.- milllll.t' .~:1|p.|.-,t-.~;1.inn mm hr (`Hl'l'l(`(| (ml. and do .~'.u1m-I.hhw_ l,uhll(-Viz1l,t- l,lw.~ail.u2xl.im1. But. Lhm. Lluo.-:2 nul. m-('`:'..-;il.ul.- any (It-luy HI l.hu.- up:-hing 01' Lhv puhlir .-;-lnml:a. 'J`lu,- vusl. mujurity ml" publit-. s(`|lLml ])ll])H>: 2u'~ mu yuum.-, In In: ul` any mm in hurva-.~t. wnrk. 'l|u. .-......i-.I aunuunlilla-H nnnninh-(I In ([0211 II`l& Id! \l\l\I1 I-7`: uvvwvu v---` lw.`..~itubli.-ahed 1081 A weekly newetpnpvr (I1-vntc.-d tn the interests of the Town of Eurriv um! llw surrnumling vuuntry, issueyd ut- the Pnst ()'im Squzm-_ Barri.-_ c-vvry 'I`hul`s(|u_\' nwrnlug by 'l`HI-I HAIXHII-1 IIIXAMINER l.lMI'll-21). With it in il](`lIl`|)0I'.`llL'lI 'I`ln- l!urr`u- l\gvsmce_ unlab- Ushed 'ln IN-I7. 'I`|u- lt:u'ri:- I-2.x-ummc-r in :1 nu-xnber of The Culmulinn Wt'r|tl_\' N:-\\'.~`.1m1n~1`.-1 /\::.-uu-iutiull and M Clu.-1:; `r\' W :-x-|xln~-. --I` L`2m;1(l:A. SUBSL`RlP'I`l(lN It/\'l`l2S Agyytnerca in Unmulu, :j;'.-uu u yum; ll Unltrd Slut:-99, `t..!. l) u _\---:11`, uny- nllq In Ll(lVZllt('`. `in1',h~ (`npiv-*2, 5 nuts. ` Y A hllnt-T.AIH-`.N I :-.--.nh-nt MIN! ` may use In HuIvI':n. wuux. The .`~2])t5(`.l:tl <'mmnil,t-t- uppuixxlul Lu (H-ul with t.h- furln lul)m' slmrl.u;u- in Silm-(w tounty hus Lulu-n 2L m-u.~.:iIJl(- Vl('W ul` Lhn .-:11.- uutiun. 'I`lu- t-nn1mH,l.m- -xpn-s.~u-d the opin- lun I.huL wh'1l<- it. would |n'ububl_v be (It-reirublo Lu (lvluy up:-mnp; ml` rurul 5:1-lmul.s' fur nl. l-usl. Lwn WH`k.*i_ so fur 21:; l.h- urhun S('.]H)Ul.`i Wl'l't' (.`Ul1(`.1'1'll('(l, il. l`('(:UllHIlt'Il(l('(| l.huL Lht-_y should be U})('IH`(| Hll Lhr nreunl clulm ml the llll(I('l - Hl.llll(Hll[.. _ Lhul. Lhv prinmgml 0|" mueh .`i('llU()I would use his iul'lm-h<-e- Lu .~;m- Lhul. ull .~`l.ud- ...`A.. ...... ' ..|.|.. ..A ........;.|a..u- ..m.l'nl |1uIl\ nn UQ` U])('lH`(l UH HI!` llhllill Lulu` nu hlll.` uuuu. .*:l.un(llnp_ vnts vupuhlv n1 |u'uv'1(I'nu,'; um~l'nl help nn 1'uI`1n.~'. bv givrn l('11V(` ul' uL).sL-ncc, .~;`1ngly or in gruups, with ::1xpm`vi:;iun, H m-ct-.~.-::ury, and at. .~:ucl1 Hum-.~; xlr: l.ln-rn- is .~;pn-(-iul (lrmulul fur furm 1l.\.x'i.\`l.uIH'<-. 'l`In- x-ulnnnitu-e 1'nrt.h-r .~;u|;- geslx-(1 Lhul. 1mm-i|.ml.-: .-ahuultl bu p(:r1nit.l,~d Lo grunt. m'~(IiL l.u .~.I,uLl--nl..~: for mrm work and, wlw1'~ |l('l'(`.\:.`i1lI`_\ , nI'rmu.:- fur -xl.ru l.uil.iun Lu 1-nublv .~:m-h ::lml-nl,.~: In vul.(-In up with MH- ('lus.\' work. uu.. . ..l:....| . . . . . . . . . . ..H._.... Inn lI\1. Flllh w(.lIl\. 'I'll(`.\`t` urv przu-lfu-ul .atIp_p,v.~:l.i(n1|:;_ but. the l1m'vvst.mp.-, M` (`mm(|:u'.~: vI`n])s L: 2: big Jul) und um: fur 1'ullv;.-_mwn nu-n, n1` whirl) Llu-1'0 mm Lhuusumls in l.hi:: (-mml.1`_v whu ::hunl(l In- cullml npun fur .-;n-rvi(-c- in l,,lu- fiokls ul` no-xuw o|...n r...- I... ri..I.I.- Hr unn- fiokl :1.-4 Llwy arr for Man H:-ld:s ml wan`. The ~::n'z1|)z~ 01' :1 yuunp_ U('l`lll'.ll) nl'.lim-1` frunl u prlsun vzunp ".~:mm-whvrv in ()nt.;u'io" on Monday shnnltl .~:-rvu Lu put UN.` uuLhurll.i(`.-: u lit.Ll(` nmrv "on Llwir lm-:4." l)umbu:-.~:.-'. Hunt, zmmunlod :Ll1m.>::l. tn (-.rlm~ inulily Wm; .-:hnwn l)_v l.ln- (nulutllam wm'knwn who pluvidly ullnwz-(1 Lhv (H-rmzun pris(m<.-rs ' L0 .~:l.-nl Limbo-rs. pic-vv by |)it'('l`, while the !'ormcI' wvro l)uiI(ling4' :ul l)zu'ru(-,k.~: in the (':m1}). Slwlm g.-;1'o.-;.; (::11'<-It-5511:-33 ('.:Ll1)lUL be vundum-(I. um! Llw :ml,)u.u'it.i*s :~'.huul(J make an c-xzunplv of l,Iu- l'm`-Innn and sup1-r- m(.t-ndvnl, in 4-l1:1r:','v 4)!` this ('()IlSLl'llCU()l) wurk. ' mf .` The Lumu-1, which was more than 100 {trot long, was Limbc-rm-I. It. led frmn the cook- huusc tn :1 point. just. bvyund tho ;.',uu1'dhuusc un the norm:-rn .`%i(l(` M` the cump. A nmss vscupv upp:u'vnt.l_v hm! been plunnu-d for two months. Hw vnlfnrv Iomgth of Lime the pri:;on~ HTS had bvvn in rump, for [.110 Lumwl must have t,-.1ken Lhut. long," to excavate. "Czm you milk :1 1-ow? one question on thv Rog`isLr:1ti(n1 form which furI11e1`.s' uf Ontario would have no di1`1`icnlt/y in answer- ing in the uftu`m:u.ivv. In filling out his Reg'1sLmLion form, Mr. Mnckvnzio King :1dn1it.t.v that 110 had milk- ed :1vuw.Poli1.i(':11vnexniosor the Prime Min- ister shunld nut put, 21 mean inLerpr(=Lation upon that. inp;mn10ns admission. o Pl`('Sid(`ll1 R0().x`e\'olt has admitted that he is iiegotiinting i'ep,ax`(iiiig the use of British \Vesl. In(li(`s islands as air bases for the de- fence of the Pmmnizi Canal. A more sure defemw of the Czmul and of the United States would be the sending of the American navy mid air forcv to the defence of Britain. Many p(`1`. in town have received "chain letters" iinziiig the pill'(`.1\21S` of war savings sttunps. The person receiving such :1 letter is : told to send war savings stamps to each of four por.~;mis. stiirting that many new branches of the chain. If he fulfils all the conditions he will ultimately receive over $60 in war savings stamps without additional cost to himself. he is told. Authorities at Ot- tawa. '.u`cm~ding' tn the Financial Post. state that these chain letter schemes are illegal under the postal law. Citizens are urged to turn the letters over to the postal authorities. Many will regret. the final passing from the = p-.11'llaxnent:u'y scene at Ottzwvu of the bril- liant Agnes M-.1cpli-ail. who represented Grey- 1 Bruce in the House of Commons for nearly nineteen years. In -.1 second attempt to enter the House within :1 few months. Miss Mac- i phail. running as :1 United Reform candidate. was defeated in Mondays by-election in Sas- katoon by Aid. A. E. Bence. Conservative. by 745 votes. She was second in :1 six-sided con- ` test. far in the lead of :1 Liberal, an Independ- ent Liberal. an Independent Soldier Reform ; and a woman Independent. So split up was i the Vote that the successful ' andirlate polled % only 31 per cent or me vmal. cams. J. A. Mach/\Rl*`.N. Pr:-..~ud-nl mu! Mlkl Edltm`; W K. WALL."-, Vice-Pre.-.-idmut 2-ml lJu~-um-:2:: Mull- nut. _.___ _ ` IDANI-'.I.I{()l IS IDIIMIKNICSS EDITORIAL NOTES llm-uusci Hillvr is making his am" I nflv`!|:1I\'1~ at-l'Vr in nuiniwr M yunv pus:-.9 ul lhc .~'mm- llnw, Hir`l't` is .1 lllllv (`I `||'l`C)ll xi,-. lu whul. his nmin nlxjm-livr is, l*`I'nm liw imis._v !.i!'u vzui mi` Ilw Grriimii rmliu 11 I plum tlml ullv of his 1:111`).-15:5 n.~ In luwk up lhr lIl(bI'Hl(' uf Hm! inn,-. purl uf his pi-nplr win IIHV: liml Ilu-Ir rslxwp IrilL-rrupled my Hill I\'..`\ F. ;:lnm.a`l Aw.-ry nigh` UJZ ih- Izuil lwu llmlllllki, mid 1u lln-in Him in, lnayil lln- lSrili;.li gvlting ii hiurk much wm`.~.c.-. II I: illnu p_l't`lly plum than he is l|_VHI[.,` in swing Spain mu! Jupim mm. llw umr Im l'I|I|Uil|l'II|Il Hn-In l`::al HH- Ill TJWIIIB plll HIIII clslllllll Ill.|l |ll\ war by muvinclng Hwm "2111 Hu- mm is m In-,1` huil gimp. Ho -nu` limnng h1.~, tI'fu1'l I: lIlm.'ki.H_lI; Hr.- luln Lay .-;lu'm|1J'1u; hm` .-.h1|.;m..u, mu! |uu`|.mr.~a. And hr :.l|H .-we-|n.,-. lu haw.- .`hlHl' Illbpl.` Hf llwtlkllng Ihr Hnlllaln In-r.u.h'-.~ nmrnlno Izllll |n'inc.nL- Hum I|Ib|)L' HI lI`I1au\lIIg nu` l.H|II:u pa-uplws mural: z:Iul In*in4.w.; Hum In Hm flu` In .I'|`, l ln-.~;-2 my all In-lm'r:alIm; "nu allv-~.-. ` Hut llM:l`(- i.~. in .-`lru'l.l_v mllnlxung pur L .. . ., .n.,, `. '-]lHI \`V:H:1mI nmI.1'i(lc-'l`! ` HM:-Lllll (lhmuwl. HI- I.- ... .|..4.n. ; H. unl \ V`IHh'lIIl WIHIH-'H(l(.'l1.Illl|`.\' III II.` lri.-stul Chunnc.-I. Hi-z lua.~n,._;qg1ng II -.m li::('1a:s:&l4.m: which huvu it]: |wm`v(l in (h.-mum plwfn.-,..:i.r:zJ mn- 1t.ur_y ymrnui.~ and [mm in .`lua|\v ti` 111.. dny-|.),v-diny ul4Lm`kn mu] Hm.- muuiqum; .`iill(.'(~, JUHL` III, is In In.--I llu: Hum]: pnlm! .~a`hI|ri uul'nl' Ih.~ (Jhz.-mwl, |.>ln:.l Ilw nmvnr hurl)`:-: frmu which Hut-_v upwrulu, I)lm~:l Hu- t-umslul illlll-1IiJ`(`l'H. lhffl.`ll('('.`i, an-I nun.-il. p:n'l'1:u!uI'l_v, hliu.l Ihu .u-yu. (Ix-much III Ihis urn-u Hgm nut ul` bx i.-zlo-m:u. 'l'hru In: tI;,;ur-:; lhul hr ynlmu-rs, minim; from lhu '|r-nm. (flmum.-1 (`IiIh'l, will lw nblv In fngun nvo-r .Lltml.hL-ru Elu;ll:nd an own. lc-rm.-s Wll.|1 Ul'lll:I1 figlm-r:4. wllltfh have l1;('l1llN` '0; I;t'_yl:l1(I HM` [Am dnu~l.h'n.l,ul Hm-. ll-- wmlrl gnu! u;:|Iy :;ul.uluu- lhv x'r1nn1mnp_ l|4'l'vm'v- .*ll`n!IL.f-|mll||h 1:: Hum Nu Mum; Lmul uml lln-u |.n`m;; m lam l|':..nm Ih- 15: 1 plum. Wa- <-|' nvrnl In L. ...I.. III `Null Ir ml" in ft-w .`(`n In: H: nu.-um (IIIIIHI I-, mm I|.uI1._ THE l.A'l`l-I IION. Dlt. l.. J. SIMl !a`()N By mm Hll(ltll`ll (Ir-nth nf Iluu. Dr. L. J.` Slmpsolx, ()uLxu'ln In.-:1. un uul.st.und1ng` public` s`ervnm. um] SiI'l1(`lIt? (!nunt._v u splendid cm- zen und rt-nl rm-nu. Ills; pmasing, though it ctmw as u .~:lm(-`k, wm: nut. u m`eu.L su1_'1n`l.~;0 to his 1nt.ln'ml,- 1'r1en(l.~;, fur H. hm! been known for some 1/um Lhnt, hr lmd u curdluc w0uk- ness xmd only :1 l'vw wm-ks um had quite u s.hu.1'p u.LLu(-.k. 'l`1u-n- 1:: 1m.n- (IUHDL that. me stre.-ss and sI.ru'm nf l1'I.~: |ml)Ii(' duties. Whi('l l had been c-.~ap-ciully he-uvy l.hl.~.- your, .301`!- uusly u1'l'c-(~.t.-(J his lwul1.ln. A `:`v1\rr\ nuI'|\I nnnnhnnll I)!` Hln'll).`iUH S]lUW(fd l|lIll\l' "I" I'll! Illl Hp. Hit-_y run Inn |Hn'l'r: (Jn Hw vn uzallnr; mill:-l-I l(2-rxnnn .squ:ulrmn;` `I5 lu I'hHn- HM` ( \Imw lamp HI`il;:m Iunu Innn 12 IIIIW urn}; lll`I Sn fill` [hr - Hrrlmm l ilNl.`x I. L wuv --.v .. . . . . . . --3 __ - _V_, _,_ What lllqer ls 'l`ry|m,-3 to Do, and :1 Calculation ul How Long llc (fun Stand the l.u.~;.~w.s'. |.lVI"' (jx Nothing 1 In (.'l . l.`s'h We A:-re Winning The Air War `A ..-ulullu-. nl II..u: IHL` \ICI IIILIXI IUF) L`: JUU ml down. badly damaged nr ' How far can they l`0`pl(l( 'Ihc present British -5! German production in: .'ah\nl I Rlhl R00 .. nun LIV] lull pl KILIUVKIUII lIll' absut 1.500-l.80() 3 mon American e_~'1irnulz- is ab-: Nxghlly R..A.F. rznds a: something to reduce 1'ms. n... :p vu:.u._, r-A on ___ Bul if Hitler gets 60 new plane 11 day from his f}t`l()!'i('.\'. :11. lean 20 UI these must be {mum-rs, an 501110 of the nthcrs lrunsparts u reconnaisance planvs. One mu nnhz harp n nrndnr-Hum hwtur whm IL'L'\llllll Ib1l|L'l.` |Jldl|l'.\, \)llC` lllil_'v' \ note here a production {actnr which has greatly favored Bfllillll. Sh`-, is producing :1 inajurity of fighi- ` ers-small. single--e-ngim=d macinnes. Germany produces a majority 01!` bombers. all two-engined. while} even her fighters are now mainly ~ two-engined. And on top 01 that ` she has been using up a good deal` of 1.-nergy and material building big two, three and four-engined trans- port planes. for that aerial nigasionl of Britain which may never come i C . . . . n _ .. 1-... ......._ u..... on n_-__i, ... .,......... w...... ...--_y u... .....-x . So very few more than 30 bomb-9 ers and fighters go into Hillera. rc-serve every day. Still. this re-i serve has been piling up over :1` long period. All last winter the. German factories worked furiou::ly_ while very few planes were used ion in nnnrntinnx` 'T'|\nn ohm- `.` [U00 Cutl-Luu mluulu vuuupt. Lur nu; Au. 5 4; D ,1` The most pex'fect social order has within it the .germs of c0x'1`\1plion. and it would seem ' that wars and revulutious come to purge the l `; world of corruption. If this be true. the only 1 u prevention 01` wars and revolutions is :1 per- }: iodical medlcal" examination or national a a\nd_lnte1'xmtlonul life. By this means, social. _ eonoxnlc and political diseases might be de- ` Sgcted- and dealt with before they become wge.a.;;d chronic. Such an examlnatlon has men made. in .C.am=._da :9: the. gurppse Willson Woodsid;"sqWTnV:|Vc|-Hy War Commentary \`\'Hlll.` \.E'l) IEVV pk-l|lC.)` V\'.'l'lf USEUE up in ope-rattons. Then. after] spending planes recklessly tn the} Low Countries and France-- winch the Germain. are always prcpred to do if they are achievmg what the}: qr: after--they cm down Op- "3 BARRY! EXAETJTJ $2, I ll .`:l!l' Ultll. ;:z_v: "(pf Null WIH Immn-L . .\u~v' I1 .1 I III` rally. I r llml, Inn! |... ;..,n.I mu-,1-rt-1|I,ng in Ihir: ,-my llml. Wv H4) 111114- ; rUI|I':;<- Wt` ll-1:"! l'4lll I{l`1'|J IX Ill`: -4-:nII uf UI};;.',| n mu lnggm` (irr- Illlur . .=n1 l\Iv-I 3., (253333. (`.T'."7.".. GAY!/L'.'.TA DURING lr...`.I ... H. 7L`Ul|\`L {$1.00 ously u1'I't.-(-.l.*u Ins nvuun. F`ro)`n 1-urly nu.mhouLl. Ur. Slnumun D. reallzutlnln 111' NH.` l`t`.`:]_)()llHH:)HlU(`.`~`. of (`.lLl~ zenship and lurm-<.l :1 wlllinp, hum! (.0 what. he (-.nn:sidm'(-(.1 for 1.m- gout! M" the mnmmn- lty. A [.', ('IlHll. l'1"I~m!l_v mun he mzulv l`ri(*n(l.s` readily um! he-Id [`]1l`]`1. IL was no .~:ul`p1'lsc that his pulH.lt.-211 puny Hhuulcl r~cognl'z.~ his l'itI1e.-.'.\ for purlimm-nLn1'y lmnors. -- ' - H ...n. v u.......| I. ruuml-lhr-I4-.t:R `|'lI|Il`>tl.L\, .-\u;;`u:I :2, `n'Mf,`,, ._._._._____- llLllC.`i`5 llll pxuuuuuumn-_y ......._..... Always u .-:t.muu~h I.iLu-ml, he m:vcrLhc-less counted nmny (:mmm'\'u!/nvt-s umoug his wurm 1`r1onds. With the um 01' such as Lluese, ho was ublc Lu x'e('upI.u1'c- (Ia-ntrv Simone for the Liberals who luul nul. hold it. for 39 yours. He won uguin in 193! by l.ln- |tll`[, ,'('.\'1. vote in the hlsl.m'y ul` Lhv rld'mp_.-.. His popularity was once nmrv (|Uln(Hl.`$l.I'ill.t'(| in 1937 when hr hold we sent in u mun-:41. with Lhv Cum;<-rvnt.1v- leader. His: (luur ut. lhv Purlhnm-nl, Buildmgs was upon bu ull. 1'4-;;u1`(llo.~`..x` of pulH.iv.~:. whu hm! n\D.tt.tu`:x Lo hrhm In-I'un~ hhn. unm. nu. .n..n..`- nu M1nl. of E(hIcuL1(m I)\D.M.(?.l`8 1.0 l.)l`llu,`_ In-Inn` nun. While his (lllH('.. n.~.~; Mlnlstor 01' Educutltm made 1-.xa(-1.1m.-, dc-nmml.~; upon his thnt`. lw never was Lon bus-_v Lu nttmul Lu ll\uI.1.(l'.*% up- pelttulnlug tn hi.-: mnsmm-m-y. Cunt.re Sim- on wus l uit.l1full_v um! c-J`l`iviem.ly served by mm. Al1.lu.uu;h hL~: (uubinut, (luues 11ec.essmLL- ed-hi.-4 t.ukim.'_ up r~.~:luun('- in I`ur()nt.u six years nun. hv .~4Hll rv;;ur(lvd l.iu-rriv us "hum:-." 2-` 1.... ....:;.;....| nu. l\|- 3-umnunn d(*V('|(H)(5Ll llll. Ill` Sllll l|'}{llll||'Ll AJu'l||\ ...... In his pulitivul life, Dr. Shnpsun tlevt-lupml into an (`Ht'(`H\'t` puhliv SpI'|lk('l`. plum in style. yel. 1m`.-.c-ntim-_* his I mt.~; In it clear auul c0nvim.'hw; Hl:lllIlI'l'. :`\IHump.h 110 mu! 1`l|_!,uI`- ed in wurm mu-nunh-r.~; in nw L.vg'lslm,m'(-. It was sum ul him tlml hv 4-njuycd tho: l`rh-nd- ship of (`\-'vr_v nwmlwr uf Lhv nous:-. n-~ mnm;.m\ mmuintnm-nl. ru: Mimsu-1' 0|` (`\ (`l`_V nwmlwr ()1 HM` uuum-. Dr. Shup::un`.~; :t])|)tJillLl1)('l\l. Education was not or his st-vkimz. In men. he was vvry In-:;n:ml. ulmut :u-rcpt/1ny_'. But when our hp lul rm, hu npplh-(1 hixn.~`.clf to the duL'w.x~ nf tlw arrive with clmmct.e1'1suc earne. and He never at. any time 1\xSu1m'(l that lw km-w ull t.m~rv was 1.0 know ubuul has de~pm'l11u'm.. one of the rou- .ll)h fur (hr sun-m-s.~; 1)! his roghne was that. hr at no Hnw trim In inl.m'fer~ with nwn who knew Ihmr juh, but .\`(n1g`l1l. tiu m0p(.-rum` with {hum In :~.-<-un- Hw best. possible 11`- suits in ()n1zu"m`.\- cdm'ul.iunul uffukrs, Lhu.-4 wiunim; Ihv lu_\':\1 mu}.wrminn um! hlgh re- of his x`.:nH`. "FHA inn-nN\hIll\t`\' IN` l)I' SiI\1DS01] 110