Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Aug 1940, p. 7

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:75th Year - |IllIV7.'Ih||y ul`[Il:x.'| (Turn to page-. tam. planar) lUl'l!I!`(l um vn 'l`ndn_v . . One week ago . I`wn weeks nun 'l`ln`-c WN`k.`I ngu ux IIIl'I'L' `Nl`l'I(N NKII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ql uuwu No. 1 Saws. up to 300 lbs. Pm I hut weight. well, (!.`ih(!(l ...... .. ! No. l Saws. over 300 lbs. and under 375, hot weight, well flushed ...................................... .. 1 No. 2 Sows, unfinished. nny weight, or finished over 375, hot weight. dressed .............. .. 1 (3A'l"l`Ll; Par ( Butcher 1-nllln 27.650-3 K).-Inlunn .-nu-n 411 HA l~l|lll|(`l`H l||l(l VNII vulvm: Spring lnmlua Sh(`('|) Bulclu-r Bologna ` (`nnm-rq CIIIGICENB Owing to wnrm wc-.nl.h(-.r no quo- tations rm dressed chickens. Unchanged from week 5130. Live 24! lbs. ................ .. 3-4 lbs. 4-5 lbs. ................ .. Over 5 lbs. ........ .. .Murk(.-t steady. 7 I (`As quoted by First Co-npcrntlvc Packers of Ontario l,td., Barrio) 3-4 lbs. ................. .. -1-5 lbs. , Over 5 lbs. ........... .. Market, steady. - -- -------( Rolrl. N, Bibby. Barrie. with RC. A.F. at. Manning Pool, Toronto. Mmn-inn Rrvcrm sqnn nf Mr. and MONDAY _ TUESDA}? -WWEpNESDAY l\.l". al. Manning P001, Toronto. Maurice Bryson, son 01' Mr. Mrs. Ed. Bryson. Barrie. with RC. AF. at Brandon, Man. John Bugden, son of the Rev. W. B. Bugden, minister nf St. Paul's United church. Orillia and formerly nl r"nnl.n:h.mn and Mr: Rnvdnn. Umted cnurcn. uruna anu Iormcny of Cookstuwn. and Mrs. Bugden. has enlisted for training for a com- mission in the British Navy. (\'IinA|n t r`nrmnH 'T`nrnn!n :nn mission in me nnusn Hdvy. Oliver .1. Connell. Toronto, son of Mrs. H4 Conneli. Newton Robin- son. Royal Canadian Army Service Corps. at Niagara Falls. George A. Firman. only son of Mr. and Mrs. A. C_ Firman, 162 El- igabeth St.. Barrie. R.C.A.I".. Man- ning Depot. Toronto. Pin w:alt:-.~ F. Hutchinson. son ml mng Uepot. loronu). Pte WaIfni' E. Hutchinson, Mr. and Mrs` Edward J. Hutchin- son, Edgar, enlisted May 15 with (ha: Royal Regiment of Canada. 9th Field Battery, Light Artillery, First Canadian Division. He has. been stationed in Iceland sinve Juno Iznnnaih lavnnc Indrznn unn of slablonecl In Iceland since aunc. Kenneth James Ingram. son at Mr. and Mrs. Allan Ingram of T0- rontn_ formerly of Barrie, Anti- 'I`ank Battery. Royal Canadian A1`- tillery. Toronto, was with Royal Regiment of Canada lmililiar pre- viously, nnd was a member nf luard of Honor when King and Queen visited City Hall, Toronto. A A Jnhncnn nfililv (`kirk in the ,. . . . .,_... .,,, , HUGH 'l`wn ('(`nl.3: hiulwr thnn wm-k ngn. `/\" lnrgo `M 'A" medium ................................ .. 22! `N pullels .. I9 13" pull:-.15 .. . . Hi :(1An N V V Queen visited city mm, 'l'Ol"0l'l!U. A. A. Johnson. utility clerk in Barrie branch of the Royal Bank. with the Corps of Military Staff Clerks at Kingston` Au-lhnr Lnnnrnt, um nf Mr and I 940 Clerks at mngsron. Arthur Lennox. sun of Mr_ Mrs. A. E. Lennox. 01 London. form- erly of Barrie, Lit-utenant in re- placement fur First Division Over- seas: Infantry Machine Guns. (`mnrva Rmzari iuninr teller in thel U ncha-ngod "rh"'i;6ii"Wii'iiggs` Infantry Macnme uuns. - George Smart. junior teller the Barrie,branch of the Bank of Tor- onto. with R.C.A.F at Kingston run? R'Rh !`I-l F.R I-`.1\n.IS'I` - Today s Prices Hogs, Cattle Eggs, Poultry - onto. wun 11.L,..`\.l` an nlngstun 1'-`IVE BROTHERS ENLZST Pte. Stanley Hnltz with "B" Com- pany Grey and Simcoe Foresters CASF`. now in trainmz at Camp The Examiner In anxious to recognize those who have enlist- ed from Barrie and district for lervtce to their Km; and Coun- try. Relatives and friends are requested to wrlte thln olce. or phone 223. With the public : co- operation. I complete record of enllste-men can be kept. `their mmen will he published as re- cetved. UrP_V and blmcoe r0rt'su:r.~' 1 C.A`SF. now training Borden: Pte's Leo. Ray. Verdun and Ross Hnltz with Grey and Simcoe Foresters N.P.A.M now in camp at Niagara on the Lake--AlI (we. sons of Mr and Mrs. Samuel Hiltz. Minesing. BACON H008 I'M` Owl. (Dressed hot weight on rail). nhn: $1] "5 licized throughout the country Pres liaison officer was Flying Officer R C. Maclnnes. RCA! Headquarters. Ottawa. __ `E BayfrontHV| -(.)`A|:| :'i;: During Hot Weather; ---~~4- v The bay front is proving very popular this summer to hundreds of soldiers and tourists who ad- mire the beauties of the town a very great deal indeed Each day shows an ever-increasing popular- ity wlth weekends especially pop- ular. A Canon.-n n0 knulrnno at-li\riiv war. A feature of bayiront activity this year is thr "Marc-ath." `trim lime yacht owned and operated by W. R. Delaney. which carries. up to forty persons on each trip. On Sunday, the boat carried more than 200 people. and the moonlight trip proved particularly popular. ._......_4_`u____.._. EVERY TUESDAY-2 Big Cash Offersz --:-x:--? The Examiner has not a "chimed" circulation but one guaranteed by ulmrtcred .1ccm1ntauL' audit. m ENLISTED FOR SERVICE TO THEIR KING ('l)WH bulls I uml (`llH.('l`.`i lirnn \Iy. `town. Live Dressed 8-10 11-13 In_II V1-14 mu ;m-qoI ..'.;I $4.00-4.75 $4.00-$4.50 $2.0()-$2..'u $u.0()-$9.50 $8,()0-$lll_00 .. $2.()n-511.231) Owl. $6 h()-$ (.1!!n M 150.41 '15 ITIIU. . $11.05 $10 75 $10.90 $ll..')U ` Section 2---Pages 7 to I4_ I (III. . $5.00 I %$N1 misr $150.00 k - SECOND-$35.00 WHO WILL BE THE NEXT PERSON TO szu. THEIR pnoro 2 NOTE - In order to accommodate the crowds on Foto-Nite one feature only will ` be shown---"SAFARI". Be on hcmd early $4.50 I L $4.00 I`-nl 11-10 13-14 14413 Live I`) `Toronto Man Committed F01` Trial at.o_1S%=$t -C9urt ln the prollminury In-urlng beforr Mnglstrnlr Jvffu nt. Hus pulicv court. cm Wu-dm`.-:dny morning, Hurry 1}. (ilurku. 2M, 'I`urm|lo, wma ('mnm'lUed for lrinl rm :1 1-hnrgv of nmm.'lnu;.:hI- or lIl'|Hill|,{ nut. of tho dvntll of Her- hnrl, 0l`l`|IIIl't|. MIIw:'.nu.:, nu Hlgllwuy 2! . in:'Jdt- Hnrrlv 'l`nwn limits: nu July 30. ("hit-,1 /\|l'X_ HI:-wnrl_ H10 hrssl. wH- nt-.<'.:;, :;tnlod um! um hlw urrivnl M lhv .".('mw of lhu` :u'mrlI-HI. whwh WiI.'i but, as low vnmulr-1: nftvr H Impnmmrl. hv found Hm! Hm lmdy Inf llm`|H-rf !\.~.-In-..-A urin: I\:|IH\J 4-rn-:|u-rl ~nul rh- lIK'-`u'\, H|II|.l'(I IIIHI [III III?! II|llVll| IH that ()rvImrd win; hmlly 1-rumha-d nml th- rnpilnlml. Hv hml mu! ('lnr|u~ who iIdInIl.lf`tl l,h.'nI hm mu` hm! :.`h'm'k Hw trm'k uwm-I by Hw 4l(`I'(`. I!'.1'(l 'l'hu- (fhivf ::Inl,a-I lhnl Iw hml fmmtl (,`,l1n'k(* "nl I4-n:`.l Ilmlvl` UH` lll|l4'lIl`l`l ..l' I-1-nun " |Pre|iminary Hearing Death of Herbert` Orchard. II". II UV YIVVIIVCI 'V_Y ll|l' |ll'| l'vI. ihnl Iliflllo-Iit`4' uf lI(l|l(Dl-"' (3l:u`lw':s ('1II`, II 1938 |)r>ri;.:(`. w.u.'. |):cdl_v wi'i~:'lu*d whn-n il :s|,i'|'i<.'k HI!` ('nl'll!`l` of H10 ho-uvy iriu'I( whivh wm: puriu-(I purl. wny nn tho p:avI-- nic-ni, bul (?lnr|u- wm: mil. Injlm-rl nnr his lhrv-0 |)iISHf`I)('l':i. Bruuv /\I`In.';lro|ig. iMiiir-siim. II ynung man who had bum) wnrkuuz with (')rt_'iinrri cm the l`(`-.'illl`f:'|(`illL{ of the highway, .-:nid hf? wzm shuvt'l- hug the (told m.':1.vri.':l nl, tho hnvlr. of ihv l,rm'k Im the mzuiwny nmi 1 did um um` Hw .'I])])l"):`I(`hilI]{ (':H" hm-nmu-rl w- RHHIIHIHI rln: -u In dlfl um nw :npp1`I):u'nllu; mu" l)m--mam! wm: .ut.nntHng t'ln:;r- his own l.ruck and had no l'h}IlHE(` In nvnid l.lu- r `ash. hv .t:|m,m|. xx .7, .1 I.` I.` ":\I CONTINUOUS SHOW SATURDAY COMMENCING 5.30 P.M. uvunu mu -nu.---, an ... On rquvslionim: n! I'`.. I4` Dawn, runnxel fur (flnrlu-.. /\rxn::lmm.: ml milled that no xn;u'lI.m`.~'. hm! hm-n p|:n-NI rm Uw ruznd Whf"l`l` Im and thr- lhrtw nthr-r mun worn at. wnrk hut Hwy hm! hm-n Hu-re only five mm- ule.-:. Replying In u qlwxsmm, hv- rmxrl that ()r(:h:n'd would bn rr,-:;n:)n:aihI:- for (hr pl.'w1m,' or any ;{u:n'rlin;: markers. 'l`|\n m.lhui:u. urznt: vzn vzurithvn Hun! market. 'l`lw (`.UlSi0ll was no .'sIIrMt-n Lhzol wmws.~'. know lil.I.ln of what, hurl huppmmd till ho saw tho bmly of his l`l1l|)]()}y l'I' um! :11 [hm Hmn the nth:-r car was somn dlstanvn dnwn thu- rnntl [7:\'\nI'I ll-n-rlu :h'iunr nf :| .'\'|.'|l' mun. Rnlwrl. llnrdy, drivvr of .'I Slur trurk. had just pus.-'.ml and ha-nrtl Hu- S(.`I'L Q(.'hill].! nf hrnlms. Glnncim: in 'C'>?JEE13-C-<>'1v~?)-I*- THURSDAY - FRIDAY W SATURDAY KILL:b"IuLv 30 III I NI}. /2 GEORGE O'BRIEN ~ v 1nGmxA7"vA1E.1j: and "PALS OF THE GOLDEN WEST" DARINGLYTHEMED! rowznruuv AcTEp!- -:v-i.t-k-1-I.;oj:l'-1T'cxceVy - Linda Hayes Raymond Walbum -- Morgan Conway - Truman Bradley . STARTINGWSUNDAY MIDNITE 12.05 also MON.-TUES.-WED AUG. 19-20-21 Sundayu Midnight 12.01 ANN SOTHERN in `G[911R.9.h.M.i.ie Another New Disney "B6-me Trouble" Aln nr-v.~v----'-i'1c.5OL 1 11111"17fn1v111c1111E munm o'nnIu'i'"AnoLm Mnuou" m umm - mam unnsmsu . nun: IIIV Iuulrrv . DITIII`. nmun ITS rnTua....,;;;eg 1.1 `P_r_ison` The hour! drum of "0 girl who Jared not marry, though`. the loved 0 mon_ imif I 'HI UNINIEII ' Ill-IIIILIII Ivinuvnv v and DANE HIV WIIITW - PITIIC KNOWLES CJIIIIEY SIITII - ERIES1 COSSIRL 2ND I"l:Ir\T|'RlL - -- An; in; "'rAct:to cmuo` muw u--w- -.v .. IOEIO ... ".1:;.';';;:;i FOTO-NITE IMPEREQP 4....`-..u\ pnazxg BIG DOUBLE BILI. -III1` N0. 2 -- T vr-1|? VIYT` To Drop Flower Show In Barrio This Your . I\. IVI('l {II}! lvuliurnl inn! Sm-la-ly luthw he nulrl, Hm! .- nrnhlu nl Hu- iluz H :`.hnw `II MI`, M1-(Kn hnpv Hml 1|..- Ihvir ht-arty -1:-I-linn nf Ii... IVII. H1: In ::I'(`H<)lI I :0 r... his nuunm :. Inf d.'IlH`I' l'Zx:nmm- ('ln:`. of 'l`() lNVl~2H'l'I(i/\'l|`. l\ll*`.N`l`/\I.ITY ....-, ..-.- nwnl win-Iv (. lnrkv- -mull" I l' I I"Hll 8 pm. nl hr Stt-wnrl, HI 0.151 of P2: clam-|m!,. M nrllnizssnnm ` LUIIIJIJIIJ. '* L IIIIIILL ' nan-ova--o. MATINEES FRIDAY AND SA'l`l1R.I)AY 2.30 In your ::nh:.'cripuun maid`! COMING i LI`)/\lLN `-uplv null: um-"1 "('uI| llll III III ` hlg nu Wlll`lIll' lII :IH_`/ Inn Ilnmml lain... Leads` In News and Advertising .;.l'nll_y. ` :o\lI\l V EvENT njt I NI\'l'ZR.\'.-\I. Nl'I\\`.\' l"Rlll.\Y .\.\`l) S.\'l`l'RD/\Y "nu 1-:.:u-u HI" `-1 . wunlri lend I In In "Drill |".uIr` In muk m 4-. ptmtcihlv. 'I|I{:av_ /\I!',;. 23, .md Mrs. R. A. . ...... InI`n Ill `J:Il`il|l"`I Mlltfd 1")! fl!- mr mve;n,lgn- 11:. , Iur uuum In I939 Th!` hm-:; u! this - Iflnrkv tar yaw l.h- role Ihnl, Lhr-. car I .:- I|ll!`,Il`U4lll: x w.nnh.sr1;m[ 3' Point M'- .....I ..u ul Immuer n;l|l't' ctrmrl .l` u AIl|Vr|tIl`lI J `Hl`lI\ lulun `ml, and wart-. r|'.:I. ut burn: m Ihv nuvr-- '.vMM1 wlwu M `rar;;gra1-.:, `:uIl':: UIIIM. 431) `Mic!nig}_1E.S`h9v_v AAfter alga` THE + BARRIE + EXAMINER 1 The Ex- fur dates \ ....- nf `hi ! (H) ROXY- GRANADA MATINEES FRIDAY AND SATURVD.- \Y 'l'lll". .\`|'l.-\.\`HT\".\' l,.\|'(ilI .\'l".\'S.-\'I`l())\' ---- .--ro Iv--- MATINEE :l:TURl;!\.Y 2.30 P.M. }f:1%aL1'E."'r;i::_1'x'i*t'J32:i:"s' `2% L THEATRE DOING RIGHT I HAS BEAUTY SAYS PADRE` Lt.-Col. G. U. Fnllis. Senior Chap- lnin of MD. Nu. `.2. stressed "(.hr~ bnwuny or doing right. and the fnnl~ Mnwszza nf doing wroml" at. Sunday ~vvning`s "p:ut~t.oge(hor" ln Q'u`(~n'.: l .uk. II.` ..-.\.I Hunt .`\1\ nnnal rank. Ho ilI\ll0lll\L`(`d that tho guest pl`(`i\Chl`l' next Sunday (!\'I`ll|ll! would be Donn Riloy. whom he do .~:vr1bod us the {most preacher H the .-\nghv.'m Chm'vh in (`:mndn, Barrio Municipal Bamd rondorvd .1 fine` cmu`vrl. and W. R. NlCVhtiu \\-:12: vhuirnum and led in n sing-sung nf hymns. 'l`hv soloists were 1\'Il`.~`. Kirkup. .\`upl`.'In0_ 'l'rinil_v llnnud (`h1m`h_ 'I`nrunlo. and Dnvid K.u'x_v. lmy : llmunllmx. I\m'onm:m- i.-at xvn.-4 Lluyd 'I`uffm'd. Bnrriv. Rnv Jnhn `Mnflnllinuddv inlrndun` Doing Wrong Foolish, Lt.- Col. G. O. Follis De- clores Here. R OXY o'3s'E 3.I'l.`E'E COOLED AND AIR-CONDITIONED ltil, \Vi|.`4 I:l(`_Y(1 lUll(\l'(1. I"H|l`l`ll`. Rm . John `McG1llivudd_v inlruduv Ni Cu]. I-`nllis as the mzm who \\'.-IS rvsponsiblo fur s(`(.'1n'1ng spealu-rs for tho Sunday r-w\nin;.: . iv Quot~n'.~4 Park. and recalled than he wns ('h.'npl:u1n-in-vhivf of the (`an- .'cdi.m l*`m'ces in the lust. wan`. (ml I4`-ulliu o-sirl Inn v\l,II|l\nI` ln rn- xmmn run-es 111 um msx. wur_ Col. Fnllis said hi` planned to re- peal tho svrnmn ho pI'.`zIvhL`rl in I-`rmwo in the midsummer of 1915 ll. xv.-n.< bnsvd on the words of lhv Apnsllt` Paul in I 'I`imnth_\' 1:13: "1 xvus hofon` u blnspllmnm` and .1 pm`- . Paul was mm of the grn-u`.- vs! rabbis of his generation. and was :1 \'m'_\- grout mam whu-n he uttered llwso words. the` spuulwr maintain- .-A 'l'(1. i "Dovs it over pay to do wrong?" ;u:.l(o (`ol. Fallis. Although God `nmy l oruivr- you. life can l1(`V(`l` b(` as grand and beautiful it we do lhuso things that make scars upon Hm soul 'l`n youngv, people l would . li\-n mmlu dnv so wwll Nil IDIIIIXNS. The Dl`t`Ch(`l` urged his hearers not tn lot this be a time to be less dnscxphnod. loss ethical. loss virtu~ mm hm! HIM lhnv Qhnnld ha wm-lhv |l(`ulRl.S (}Ull.'l`Y `OF VAGR:`\N(`l' . n__ 2 SUNDAY GATH ERI NG um Slll m _voun;.', ponpw I woum .=u_\'. hvv o.'mh day so wt-1| that _\'nll will look back an it \w"it.h hap- nnm,<<" nlSCl}HlH(`l'1. |(`SS l`IlHL'iH. IP55 VIl'Ill* nus, but (hat they shnuld be worthy under God. `.\'m'_\' tndny well sp( nf brings 4-\'cr_\' tmnnrrmv n \-ision of happi- n(`. Cul. Fallis concluded. x--.-up 111. :-AI - xv. v .-\--u-..; . Two young girls. Peggy Renouard and Rornico Collins. were before ungistrme Jeffs _v(-stvrday on a charge uf vagrzmcy. They seemed \-r~r_\' indlfferent to their silu:\`.ion. Both pleaded guilty. -They clauned to have relatives in Timmins which. they said. was their home. 1.. .. .. n. ..... mun. wwua uuu nu--n.. In rmnanding them indefinitely. lhv I\-I;u:i. renmrkod. "You had lwltvr not let the Chiof 500 you in h.u'n -uunn " PLUS FOX MOVll'IT()Nl') Nl".\\'S AND z\N()'l'lll".l{. 0|" 'l`Ill". (`\N.'\I)A (`.'\l{RIl*IS UN" SUl!.|l'Z("l`S iman Who Faked Suicide At Wgsaga Beach Has Long Criminal Record In Barrie police court yesterday. E. J. Dinnda pleaded guilty to caus- ing a di. at Wasaga Beach when he faked a suicide there on July 16, causing unnecessary work for the police and authorities. F.n'mlnvr-d an nnrtpr M fhn Dar-I l 111!` \\l'dllll'I H Idurmg the uast `has be-on c'msLc !p(`0plI.' bo.`1l9\'(` making up for start last man! The highest 2 5-`(I was 88 abm him v. |Ul' UH,` DUHCE anu IuUlUl'lllL'.\. l<`.mpln_ved as porter at the Dar- danelln. he had pretended to have l been deceived by a girl friend and left a note stating that he "was go- ing where there is no coming back". He left a message for the girl in the ease and asked that. his belong- ings be sent to his mother in Hunts- ville which he elaims was his home. The river was dragged for his tmdy but. of enurse. without success and he admitted to the police that ;he had stood on the bridge at Wa- lsaga for four hours without getting 'up enmizh courage for the plunge. A review nf hi: m-innnal rnenrri, . ____ i The weather has been hot enough the Rvec-k. In fact. it consistently so. and most people behve the weatherman -5 for a nasty summer month temperature record- .I*d was above mi Mondeiv, and {tho Iuwvst 50 above on Thursdav. Maximum and minimum temper- [aturrs during the first half of Aug- ust were as fllows L1. uh I run run enmign courage ior ine piunge. l A review of his criminal record. linwtwt-r. show:-d many terms serv- ,nd since l9'.!9 including sentences at "T(`\l`0l1lO. White River. Michigan. (2 i ) "dl'$l. at Kingston. Mimico. (where ` he escaped and received an addi- l linnal six monihsl. Huntsville, ll ymrl, Boavortoii. '4 years) and was released from penitentiary in July 1939. Hv was remanded by Magis- ltrate Jeffs till August 21st. __ \S\__ ._ _.__ ..._. Weather Cominues i 1 I At Summer Tempo I High of 88 Reached Aux- I 11;` IIFIAJI vvlin . An easy way to hnd articles lost [is to adveruae in The Barnc Exam-_ im-r Clzmsxfxeds. One "cm. a word cash (minimum. EC) . T._.x:_._..:___ __,\._,T,, , , 7 Haven`t you a friend who would like to see a copy of this week's Ex- aminer? For sale at all news deal- ers or this office. MONDAY - TUESDAY EVE.-WED. MAT. 2 ATTRACTIVE FEATURES 2 4`-._.. AN EASY WAY BARRI E, High Low no 51 'l`he rogistrnllnn ls compulsory for nll persons over 16 yours of age. Of wlml.ov~r rncu. blrlh or natlonullty. and rcglslrullml cards must be unr- riod an all limos. Ull`I`(`_bl`ll1K penul- llos for not producing them when called upon lo do so. An-rmmmm-nl ls mncle for the rat- vanou upon [0 no so. Arrangt-Int-nl is made for reu- istrntinn of persons who are sick and cannot personally vlslt the reg- istruliun bnmh. 'l`hn l\YnHnnnl Wnl` Rn!-vIN\s: Di`- istrulmn boom. The National Wnr Services Do- purlmunl q|n\::tiunImlr` for tuition- nl registration hm: to he unswerod by Ml Cnnudlnn rvsidonls of I6 mid HUD!` nvor. It contains eighteen questions to be answered by men. Women must answer lhv first. fifteen questions din-(`iod to the men nnd an addi- tinnnl four spuclnl questions. 'I`m- joint fifteen questions follow: l. Surnnmo. Given nmnos. 2. P<`rInzm`nl puslul nddrom: (if n- \vn_v from usual residence when (ill~ ing in curd give nnmo uf usuul resi- douc--). '1 Au.` In.-I hil~H\rl:lv Hnln nf hil`I.h ONTARIO, CAl:lADA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 3. Am` Inst birthday. Duln nf birth 4. Cnnjugul condition --- Single. married. wldnwod. divur(:('d. ~_.._____....___._.__._____._. Governor-General K P_ay__ I-"irs_f__Visit Gala Screen Attraction COMMENCING WED. NIGHT, AUG. 21 and THURSDAY - FRIDAY . SATURDAY 4 P?EYf`t ?F 3933 TO SEE His Excellency Hadv Very Busy Day Yesterday WELL IPVIEIASED Finds Link-Trainer Is Very Interesting Apparatus ` l".vor_v plmso of life and training at Camp Bordon wn.-. inspevtod by tho Earl of Athl0n<'_ G(wernnr- Gmic-rul of Canada. in his first visit in the big military and Mr base. _\'(`. -`i(`l` Ilo ohvinu.~'l_v was woll ploasod with what he saw. The weather was ideal. His Excellency arrived from ()t-` lawn by a huge bi-motored Grum- man amphibian plane sharp ail 11.30 n.ni.. and left for the Capital_ e-nrly in the evening. `Ht was HE: cnmpanied by his secretary, Sir Shulem Rodfern. and his hide. Liout. l.nnt.ier. R.(`..N.V.R.. and was met as he landed by Group Captain C. E. Brookes and Group Captain ` A. '1`. Cnwicy. commandant oft R.C.A.F_ Station. Camp Borden. . ,1 Airmen Inspected Walking :1 short. distance .frdm ` the plane, near the control tower. I the Governor-General_ .inSbetcd B guard of honour` crmsistlng at nearly i one hundred airmen` and in com- mand of Flight Lieut. William Mc- Brien. He was accompanied by Group Captains Cowley and Brookes and A. D. Bell-Irving. M.C.. Croix de Guerra, Lieut. Lan- tier and Flying Officer William Sutherland. adjutant of the Sta- lion. t?`.\I|.un6nn Hui. I-urn!-rlnrlll ho Inuk fHEH'l`l1CU DESI. Planes of the Station staged tin 6-xL`0lIoni aerial display for the bent-fit of the distinguished visitor. v1:._ r.w......n........ ...............H.. nun non. Following this ceremony. he took the salute as the guard of honour marched past. . Plan-mu nf Hm Rhninn staged uuiuu u. |I|\ x...-....!.u-..-u... ...,.. 7.. His Excellency apparently was vimily interested in the operation of the Link I`1`2iiners in the Link Trainer I-`light building. He por- snnally sat. in one and operated it. receiving radio instructions {mm the operating post. I-`nllnuvina n vicif tn Ho:-.1r1nnnr1m`S. Ino operaung pUSI. ' Fnllowing a visit to Headquarters Advanced Training Section and the Administrative Building. he had lunch in the Officem` Mess with thv R.(`A.F. Headquarters officers. Thn (`lnvnrnm-.(`.nnm-Al annnt the mv nu. 15.1-. neauquaru.-rs mum-:.~. The (`-ovo1'nor-General spent the aftornnon in the xnilitnry area. where` he drove past thousands of troops and inspected in great dval. .._._ REGISTRATION QUESTIONS TO BE ANSWERED AUG. 1921 I --:----T------------' WI; Alli`. NOW EQUIP?!-ID to give` you romplete spring nervlce on nllg types or cars and trucks. Spring! ilunde to order; also radiators re- paired nnd re-cored. sums-.uon gun-gnu-ed or money refunded. l\-...:..:-_ A.-.- \u_--|.-... 1 `Aha_Hfa__M'ets` Debutante tvvlilllivll `I Maple Ave. u gunrum-on or money rcuumeu. ( Dominion Auto Wreckers 5 v\.I....I- A..- . us... An: LET US TELL YOU ABOUT Mnncqmsoqg ll "|.._I-._ E . I'II_-__ -'---C: T -'-T 7-. f 41 Dunlop St. : Phone M '-_" l Buy at today's prlccs .......................... .. $27.50. $32.50. $36.50 ` All British woollens. Styles ' for men and young men. Single or Double Breasted Models, $19.95, $22.50, $24.95 55 Dunlop St. IT KEEPS YOUR VALUABLES PROTECTED MODERATE RATES LIBERAL COVERAGE Tg:__Camp Borden ERANAIJA "5i:ifc3B" BURGLARY INSURANCE "'_ SUITs_`_'_"1'_' TAILORED-TO-MEASURE WILF. H. TODD Imuam V IUERUII Phone 420 5. Of what dependents (If any) are you the solo support (a) father. (b) mother. ((2), wile. (d) number at children under 16 yours. (e) number of other depeudv.-nLI, (I) do you con- tribute partlnl support. to any one? 6. (".mmlrv nf hlrth n`! :(n) Your- mnuw parnun suppnrr. to any one! 6. Country of birth 0`! :(n) Your- self. place; (bi your father, plnce; ie) your mother. place. Nationality. etc. 7. Nationality or Country M Ailin- giuncc; British subject. (a) by birth`! lb) by nui1u*nlizuHon'. (c) foreign citizen? id) If nniurullzed, in what year? (0) In whnt place? (fi if not British subject. to what country do you owe ullv.-gimme? (3) ii an immi- grant. in what yenr did you enter Cnnucln? B, Rucini origin. 9 lmnpzuinze or inngunges: (.1) Do you speak English? (bi French? (0) What other languages cnn you spunk. rcad nnd write ? In II`.rhu-nHn|\' fz Prlnlnrv nnlv. rum and write? 10, Education: (.1) Prlnmry only. lb) primary and secondary, (ci vo- culionnl training (business college, technical high school). (d) college or university degree? rm..- 5.. -m.... Inn nlnncn\ Sevon Colts Killed Or Injured by Train Frank Wisc-mun, 55 Park St... re- ports lhul. seven colts were killed or badly injured by u C.N.R. morn- ing train at. Shanty Buy, below Wau's Crossing. early yesterduy_ One of the colts which belonged to Mr. Wlsemam. was badly injured and had to be killed. Entertainment THURSD_Y;':m - SATURDAY of equipment and training actually in progress. , Al two o'cl0L`l-L he was met at ll] pl`Oy'l'S3. At two o'clock, the R.C.A.F. Oficers' Mess by Mn- jor-Geucral R. 0. Alexander, D.S.O., ufflcer commanding Military *D1strict No. 2, and Lt.-Col. S. A. Lee. M.C.. officer co'mn_mndin2 Camp Bordon. \, His Wvrnllnvv naid :1 visit. to camp Lsorcon. His Excellency paid a the School of Cookery, Royal Can- adian Army Service Corps. and then inspected a Supply Column 9; the same unit. . . Other buildings visited were me corps "A" uumc. The next, visit was to the spacious Motor Transport. garage of tho _ R.C.A.S.C., where the Earl saw trucks being serviced and repairs being made. He had a long chat with Capt. J. `G, _Chittick, Barrie. , whqis in charge `of this garage. 'In:__ .1..:._. u...,.....L. 01... ...nin me unu. me Y.M.C.A. and the Canadian Dental `Corps "A" Clinic. Tho m-xt visit was {sD('i()ll5 ` Centre. and Numbers 1 and 2 In- I n l vvuu,im nu nus-.3-. \Il. ....... "The drive through._ the. main street. oz.-_the ca_n'ip. `gave. His. Ex,- cel.len'c.V` afgood oppdrtuhity` to re- view the troops. who lined up llll both sides, along the route. The units included the various R.C.A.- S.C. columns...--lrishw Regiment. Three Rivers Regiment, Grey and Simcoe Foresters, Canadian Arm~ oured Fighting Vehicles Training; {antry Training Centres. All units that were not away on the manoeuvre area paraded on either side of the street in front of their own camp lines. in order that they might be reviewed as His Excellency passed through. Tank Training Centre A lengthy visit was made to the Tank Training Centre, where the ;Governor-General inspected the various facilities used in training men along these lines` Evidenre was offered that athletics form a lvery important part of this train- ing. and in this feature the Earl was quite interested. Lpaving the tank area, Hi.-2 Ex- QUIIE ll-EI`ESl!.'C|, Leaving the tank area. His front of this building the Grey and Simcoe Foresters formed a guard 10! honour. Incidentally. the boys did a fine job and appeared to have had much more than the brief Mtraining they have had. Insnortinn of the training area. celleucy inspected the Salvation ` Army Red Seal Centre, and in \ lfallllg lnl'_V HHVL` lldu. Inspection the training area. ;No. 2 Infantry Training Centre, pro- . 'vided a practical demonstration of iwhat the educated inlantrym-an should know. There were rifle drill and Bren gun drill and other types of rifle instruction. This area is located in the eastern section 0! the military area I-lie Ftvr-nllnnrvv um: mnrh im- we muuary an-u ' His Excellency was much im- `presed with the Knights of (`.o1um- bug. Hut and Chapel. and also V. nth the YW.C.A` Hostess Houses 1 1- side the barrier. Duo."-menu On Llnndnnnrfnra Mos: sme me oarner. Returning to Headquarters Mess, tea was served. and the command- ing officers of all units in camp were presented to His Excellency. Press Well Represented The press of the Province was well represented at the visit. In .additiun to many photographers and newsreel men. so that the nrst visil of the Governor-General to Camp Borden would be well pub- 'l'HURS_DAY rnxlizpr .- SATURDAY 1-nu. `o-`nu \Il\A\v All \ uAvI'\I!l)l\.l\.` 0 `HI

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