Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Aug 1940, p. 11

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mums FOR. sum" mm: mm any It In `Hm lnmlnbn Wvnob FOR SALE lg: ran an` M In `hi II-mlnnnl ex-wise a cnargg 25: cidr .... |....'.|.`|.....a..u FOR SALE no mm It III III: II: 33? m.m.: ` 33pf SCOTCH COLLIE pupsA--4 months `old. born heelers. Apply to John arm` Coupland. Con. 9, Vespm. or phnnv 607r3. Barrie. 331) y H. . > ' ` 1930 PONTIAC COACH-Cheap for cash. Apply 58 Maple Ave. 33;: 1931 sale. ` 1931 PONTIAC CABRIOLET. $160 cash. take trade. Apply Box 13". Barrie Examiner. 33 . _- SALESLADY WAN'I`ED4--For lau- , ins` rt*ml`--In-wear. Experienced. Applv Box 9." Examiner Office. b '31 FORD PANEL. '1'UU1&--n ton. good condition, Cheap quick sale. Phone 112812. .|________________ OIADSMQBILE FOR SALE. Prac- tically new. Also Remington (noise- 'less) typewriter, Phone 1752. 33p - cusps. 23tf - -- ' EAPER for tables at tea- meetings, etc., for sale at Examiner `- Office Saves work and laundry > __._.?.._________._ R. AYERS. 5 High St.. Painter and Decorator. Interior decorating a specialty. Phone 1903. 33pi N - \ RUNS IN SILK sTocK1NGs-_i mendd. 15 per" stoakmg. Maul] m`nnev and stockinzs to Mrs. Geo. .,___'._____.__..___.. '31 FORD PANEL 'I`RUCK--Ha1f-l ton. good condition Cheap for; mend4$d. 15c stoaking. Man money and stockings to A. Money, Utopia. R.R. 2. 30-34p| .._....._?..:_____.__._.. \ ,_._ y 1 PLASTERING AND REPAIRS --i Work neatly done in town or out.` Renew those old ceilings with a` new Puzzo finish, any color or dc-I sign. Cornice work; also brick- work. Frank Howes, telephone` 95. 29-33pi I I LAD_Y'S WHITE PURSE FOUND---| Emplgeardware. Phone 108. 33b: CAR LICENSE MARKER LOST:-i 20D40. Finder please leave at Ex-\ u.'n..`ner Of1'iI:e. 33p WAN l'E}Dv--August 17 m Sept. 3.! woman to cook, ntc. Small family. Apply 298 Bnyfir-Id St. Tel. 1430. 33b > LADY'S WRIST WATCH found] last Thursday night. Owner please} telephone 1470J. 33-b` LOS'I`-Man`s grey suit coat, nne`_ mile north of Barrie, July 27. 1940.; E. F. Connolly. 400 Brunswick Ave.. \_ '[`n"nnto. ~ 33p. __-_:..:: wn1te_ long guxy nan . r` notify 1465M. Reward. `COLLIE PUPS FOR SAL.F.~2 Inns. 91nIrl hm-n hr-nlm-s and aunt! watch LOS'l`--Small Cairn terrier. aurora name nf Winrlv. Grev LOST--Small Cairn tcrrwr. zm-~ swers name of Windy. Grey andi white, long silky hair. Finder please: notifv 1465M. 33m I I_.OST-Lady's yellow gold Co:-rtinzu` wrist watch. on Bradford SL,` Thursday evening. Finder please` notify Marie Kelly, 144 Essa. Rd. 33p ` _ ' \ HOUND STRAYED - Black and white, to lot 31. Con. 10, Essa. Own- , er may have same by paying for; this advt. and damages. E. Wors-I nop. 32-33p 1 I _wALLE'r_ LOS'I`-Saturday mm~n-f mg. contaming sum of money. also` Canadian National Railway p:lss.l Fnndpr please leave at C.N. Statinn.. Barne. (Reward). 33p] \ BICYCLE LOST--Lady's Crown C.? C.M. bicycle. maroon color, disap-5 peared from 51 Eccles SL. Barrit.-.1 Aug, 8. Information will be gludlyx received by phone 1056W. 33b`; MIDDLE-AGED MAN wanted for general pnrlcr work in local store. Apply Hnx l4". Barrie Examin- er. 33b BLACK WALLET LOST, contain-E ing considerable sum of money.` license cards, etc. Finder please call 5 at Northg'raves' Service Station. 281 Louisa St, Liberal reward. 33p` LOS'I`-*-Gold-filled Regina wntch.3 with initials W.H.N.." around Jory` and Daley's Garage, or between. there and Armouries via Pnrk.=id:- Dr. Leave at Examiner. Reward. b M4KN'S PURSE LOST, containing! sum, pf money, on Col1ier_or main; streets, 5 af,uhda"}/.` Finder phrase` nbkify Wlliam Flear, Honcywond, _or phone 'l oronto, Junction 0607. p sump S'PRAYED-Five (.-wesand T. nine lambs, believed to have sop- abated into two ocks. One ewe has` crooked -righ: hind leg, Anyone` ' seeing any of these sheep pleise communicate with Willson Elliott. Thnrntnn. ml, Ivv R ring 5. 32-34b' I00 BARRED ROCK PULLETS. V Dr-inn Qv mwh Phnnn 1154.] 33h- i . `I00 BARRED ROCK PULLl:;'l'b. ; Price 90 each. Phone 1154.1. ' v `,7 PIGS FOR SALE. born July 3 `-or one sow. due Sept. 10. Apply H.. JJ. Marquis. Lefmy. 33bu i'I'WO TAMWORTH BOARS and 1 three 'I`amw01'th sows fur salt-, .135. (S. Leonard. Craigvale. tel. Strnud `, 23r2l. 331) RED COCKER SPANIEL. puppivs "fnr min hvn months old. E. V ;RED COCKER SPANIEL. pumnos gfor sale, two months uld. Babcock. Cook and Codringtun `Sts. Phone 365.}. 33;) MAID WANTED for general house- work. Sloan nul. Annlv to Mrs. J. PULLETS FOR SALE-~6 months old. light, Sussex and White Rock. laying. Mrs. Ernest Hndgsnn. , Coukstown. RR, 3. 33;: 1 ONE TEAM brown geldings. 4 and f6 years old. suit farmer; 10 pigs. farm wagon and haymck. 2 gang `plows. Phone 611r12. 33p ' AISO held. vale. .__..______________ SIXTY (60\ BARRED ROCK HENS free from diseaso and laying good. about a year old. fur sale at 75v each. Mrs. S` McCarty. Bcotun. 331 I0 YORKSHIRE PIGS FOR SALE. ' Alen Q arrow alfalfa In BARRED ROCK PULL.E'!`S for sale`. starting to lay. Also orders tak- on for -I-ft. hardwood. R. L. Richardsun. Bmvrio RR. " Phnnv . GI-tr2. ZEJI) $45.00 BUYS T-year-uld than-. $25 buys Mascoy disc drill. almost new. Buggy and harness. John Montgom- ery. Suunidale Road. second h0\lN` north Crow's Corners. 33p 10 MARES AND GELDINGS. 3 .years old up. from 1000 to 1600 lbs. Would sell or exchange `or cattle. `.2 miles West of Barriv, on Charlie McKay's farm. Phone 614M]. 33p .LIVE STOCK FOR SALE---Two 7:-nwe frsach nhnnt three months: `LIVE S'l't)CK l"t)k( AL.l:.---1\\'0 =cows. fresh about three months: one thoroughbred Jersey rising 8: onzhcross-bred rising three: both mod cows. A150 one Holstein-An-l MAID WANTED for general house- work. Slecp nut. Apply II. Hndyzu-r.s'. 29 Clnppertnn St. Tele- nhone 390. 33p one.cross-bred nsmg znree: com good gus heifer. due .~v.,nn. Reasdnable terms to responsible parties. Al- derslea I-`arm. Lot 26. Con_ 9. In- nisiil. Phum; stuun 1021 R. G. Simpl-:in_ ..=:.%;.4. ommunicate with Willson Elliott. 'homton. gel. Ivy _8 ring 5. `I U I. \ LVI\Il)l.I.ll'J (Icy nu can It In The Inmlnon uvn STOCK FOR SALE (In upon any It In `rm: Iumlnon CHEVROLET -COUPE for . Apply 99 John St., Barrie. 33p . IVIIBIJIHIIIMILV IIAIJIJB (any you saw Iv. In The Enmlnar) _._..._.._._____._ IJUDI. nnu rvunu (Say you saw It In Tho Enmlnor) ?.:-.T__:Z::j_ I.os'r AND FOUND ' llnv Illll gnu: It In `flu Eunmlnnr) Imscnnmsnous Inn vnu mm It In Th: Eunmlnaf AUTOMOBILES nu in: at It In Th: Innlnlm GIRL OR BOY, between 14 and 16. \vzmlvd to lnnk Mtcr 2 small boys mw ur lwn evenings a week. Ap 1y Ml Collier St. 3p DRKSHIRE PIGS FUR bALl`... 9 acres secunchcut alfalfa in . Apply Gordon Mason. Craig- . Phone 17r3. Struud. 33p .1au- for 33p ICHSC 4, 33p | __x------------ _ | FOR SALE-~-Seven-room house 17 Worsley St... Barrie. Priced sell. Very central for ronmers ` boarding. Inspect any time. J. Miller. at ahnvo ;1cldl'cs.s. 3: - ' ' I APPLES-Ear1y and Rosy coloured late Duchess for sale. Gradegl. Special rate for those picking them own. Phone 1070M. Mrs. C. E. Weld- nn HR (`ndringnn St. 32-36b . Bnone u_1'IuM. Mrs. on, 118 Codrmgon St. - FOR SALE on RENT---Houses. a-3 partments, summer cottages, farms. service stations. anything in real estate, including rent collecting and property management. W. C. How. Realty. Phones 63 and I342W. '31 ? I SEED AND FEED FOR SALE [III vnu can It In than Euumlnnr) 2% ACRES OF OATS for sale, at top of St. Vincent St. hill. Phone 580M. 331) ' I I VABOUT ONE ACRE OATS. Inn '7`) fm- snln, Nnarlv rim}. H. H')(l}Il`l'S. phone ABOUT UNI; ALJIUS Luna. ` No. 72, for sale. Nearly ripe. M. Charles, phone 470J. ' ' l IHIGH QUALITY Cl-lICKS-Our" Leghorns will give you more and` larger eggs, 5-month old pullets for, sale. laying or ready to lay. Kelly! lalchcry. 65 Clapperton St. Phone 9l0.J. zmpl I fI`r.=;ining School Practice Bombing CHOICE BUILDING LOTS FOR R; .1 I _. d SALE. on v==vc,d `fo`n? }f.g3"1sT"1"92`6.u`.i'{n able. Apply 94 Bayflcld SI, 33 H-mthor notice` | I I I . u I , , ,_ _ 1 'mm rlnntrnr zarnn 1: rlp_ as FRUIT AND VEGETABLES In-u mm any It In Thu Exnmlnnr) i - 7 . SOLID BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE} f With good building lots. suitablt-` for builder. On main highway in he Camp Borden. 191 Elizabeth ` St. 33-3'7p I E 1 ------------ 1 M SIX-ROOM_HO`USE TO LET--Cel-_ V` lm`. f1.n`m1c(`. hyd1",;1va11ab_lC. Pas-{ 1. sc. Sept. 1. 2',2- miles xouth r-f1 E" A1l;md_alc on 27 Highwu_v_, Phone} 0 1 3.12. Barrie. - ` 33p ,' -V ( ::!FoR RENT-,-Twn Cxcellnt mm.` 1 profess`it)r{a.1 fLise_ Loczs`X.'cd Mnnrv: Black on north side of 'Dunlnp St.` 3 Apply Moore's Shoe Store. Benn: ; . riv 31-35!) g soc-zmd-floor -moms for 'n'ffi'ce or . F~ Attractive, l12ll'(lvV(N)(l 1|(mr.<. Kheatcd. excellent condition. L`j plate kitchen, electric Stove. v- 5 for hair dressing salon. 3 ' M0m`r-`S Shoo Store. . , ` I COTTAGE AT THUNDER BAY : Rnnnh fnr rnnt. snndv .s;hm'e. 4 bed-l ICOTTAGE AT THUNDER Ul\Y ; Beach for rent, sandy shore. bed- lrnoms. near I"cnel.'nng. R_ E. Tuck.` :85 Dundunuld SL_ Barrie. Phnnui W 337M. 33-34p L GIRL WANTEDAVZO-25 years old. for gent-rul hnusownrk. Sleep out. References required. Mrs. Har- g1'cave::. f) Pool St. 3313 1 FOR RENT---Minots Point, fuI'n- 1` ; ished. all-year-rrmnrl cottage. Ap-I iply Mrs. McGill. Minctls Road. 33h! 1:-T v .CO I"I`AGE FOR. RENT-Dcanlcai: Beach. Gem`;:ian Bay. 24 miles from! Barrie. Re. secluded. safrq sandy beach. Inside ('<)nvenicnL-u.<.; 01-ctricity. Rent, reasonable. Apply; at weekend on premises or W. S.{ Wallace. 25 Coultm` Avv._ Weston. b` i I 1 ,' TWO ROOMS TO LET Self cun- " (aim-,d. wvll furnished. M'mox's Point_ 1 hnn4_- 181: ). 331) 1 APAR IMF.'NT TO REN'I`---Furnish-1 :cd and heated. Phmm |55_1M. 33!); {Two APARTMENTS TO REN'I`-3f Lronms and bath. furnishrd. all con- =vonicncos. Phone 1558. 33p| :----------1 i .:._?.:__:_j_._ VHOUSE TO REN I`~-43`/_- miles frnm` itmvn, 1/-L milo from highway. Im-`V {nu-rlimn nns: Phone 0(lr2. bi Q listed: small paynwnts; balance lmonthly. If it is Real Estate see H. ` A_ Henry. 9 Owen SL. Barric-, _33p WHY RENT`? Many grand houses` Allilllqulc u 3.12. Bgnrrlc. 1 SEVEN-ROOMED APARTMENT/-~` :AHu~nr-Hun hzwrlwtmri f'l(ml`!< .\1.(!Elm` ; SEVEN-H,U()IVllSL) /\l'A1(`1'1vH ~Attmctiv(-, hzu'dw(md flnm`.<. hnuvnrl nv('l\H(`nt I-nnditiun A MAID WANTFZD to do light l\0u.s`owm'k (any age). Apply to Mrs. H. (.`nnnvIl. Phunv Ctmkstnwn 15r41. Hr-I-Inn I` () W R 9., 330C ROOMS TO RENT---I"hmw Bm`ri(' V 988. 31-351,) FURNISI-{ED ROOM TO LET Ap- nlv : x Hlirrh 9.1 T`h(m(\ 1903 33!) l"UHNlSl'H`}U KUUIVI 'lU bl`, `ply 5 H`i1.:h St. I`honv 190.'_ TWO ROOMS TO I..l':`.'I`~-Furni.shud or unfurnimd. Phnno 262W_ 33b FOR SALE OR TO RENT (lav vnu nmu It In Thu Exnmlner) `ROOM TO RENT-~Cvnt1`al, re:-asm1~ nhlv. M Wurslvy St. Plmno 421.}. p LTWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. fux`ni.sh-d. fur rem. Phrmo 190lW. `.123 Eli`/.ab(`1h St. Bznrriv,-. 31%| THREE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. well furni. to rvnt. Nu children. Apply Mrs. Wm. M2I(`I) Thnmlun. 331) TWO FURNISHED ROOMS. with m` without bunrd. Alsn (-nttagv :11 `Struud Bvnclx fnr ScpIvmb<`r, 99 Snphiu St_ W. Phnnv 1475.1. 33;) NIEN BO.`\R.DERS W'.`\NTED mn::l< urn thn hi!` uld-fH.\`l1i ll. (.`nnnvlI. l I1Un(` (:1 Beumll I'.().. RR. 2. one edit. a word, cash. eacn mean 1 lion. (minimum charge. 25c), live I insertions (or the price of tour. 25 extra if not paid within five days 01 date 01 issue; also we extra when replies are directed to me Examin- er. Store or business advertising (including agents) in this column. two cents per word, cash with ord- er (minimum 50 cents per issue, 70 cents if charged). Classified advts acceptable up to nine ofclock on WEDNESDAY NIGHT. MXSN L).`\l-Ujbrth. V\'.`\|\l 111.1) --um 11101`-l1< urv [hr big uld-fas`l1ium:d kind. Best :11` `\ml`)'tl'1ing: {rmn nwals to beds. Contral1_v located at "Maplc1un`st." 72 High St.. or phuno 111. Mrs. Huward Dym:-nf. 33x |V\IIl\.l_ I\J \..I\L|JII\1I\.; All in-1'.~oi\s having claims against. the Estate` of lVI:n'rha McFadden. late of the Town of Barrio. Spinster. deconsud. who died on or about July H. 1940, are hvroby notified to send in In the undorsigiwd on or before tho 19111 day of Augzust. 1940. full partii~iilai'.< of their claim. C, M. G` Smith. 8 Collier SL. Barrio. 3!-33b "own, 1/; milo from highway. 1m-` m-diate pns; Phone [)5 --:----------,-A'-` NOTICE TO CREDlTORS1E All m~r.~ havin-_-' aguinsi , PROPERTY FOR SALE In uuuuuu u-nu II In 'I'hn Iunmlmu-i IDIIIJ I. \Jl'I.I.\II\b) (Say you mm H. In The Exnmlnor) __:_:___?__j_.. S'U;{NlER EOTTAGES (Inn um: um: It In Thu Exnmlnul I927 P0_\"l`lA(' SEDAN 1930 FORD R0.-\l)S l`I5lR I931 (`lll'I\'. (`0l'l'E Sl'l'2('. 1933 ('HRYSl1ER .\`EllA.\' H334 l ON'l`lA(` ('0l'l I:I DE- l.l"Xl'I 1938 Hl'DS().\' TERRA- PLANI". (`OACH 1938 HFDSON 6 (`OACH I938 PLYM()l"Tll SF.l)AN THESE CARS ARE ALL IN \'Il`l-` rn\'nI'r1n\' ITILDIZ l.`\IW.3 .`\I\I'; MAL Ia` NICE C0.\'Dl I`l0.\'. I940 HUDSON SF.DA.\'. DEM- ONSTRATOR. NEW (`AR VVARRANTY ROOMS AND BOARD cl-u um: mm It In Thu Ennmlnnrl --: GIRL W/\N'1`F`.I) Bright, neat girl wnnlerl in work in huuse and help in .- St.nt(- agv and wages ox- peutvrl tn Rnx I23 Exmninor. 33p PROPERTY TO LET Inv vnu mm It In Thu Exnmlnar) VY{.!>I.;S}?RUI-E I uA\)|;l|. BABY CHICKS .. mu. -Ann II In `Hm ruumln TEE nAniu1v. nxanuunlhont. cnxana V! 0 LI; I-la a.|\'\IAn` 30 I .-\ K S l'.~ '15.-KRRH. 3 I'l`.\ l!\l4 \ I.` . `?.`?.4 CARS SPI-`.(`lAL ON -n1-Ivx hi it I`! RS --Our big ovvrything ".ontrallv . Weld- I . cum- 1 Wired ! Apply Ap- 33p ` The public is hereby warned that lPractice Bombing is liable to take lplace at, tho No. 1 Scrvicc Flying , I`r.=;ining 1Ramze dailv between sunrise andl ' follows : I `, Situated in parts of Lots 5 :m'l ,6. Concession 3, Townshi of Sunni- ldal. County of Simone, 5).: a staked Icircle (called the danger area) 500 lyards radius. the centre of which is la bombing target. This target is llocated approximately 800 yards `north of the line between conces- si0n.s 2 and 3 and approximately 875 yards west of the line between `lots 6 and 7. I n in nninind nni mm. the tvm` ! further noucc. 1 The danger area is described as fnllows: ` Qihunfnrl in nzn-IQ nf T.nfS 5 and! `lots 6 and 7. It. is pointed out that the type 1101'. bomb used in Practice Bomb- `ing is a small projectile. approxi- mately 11`/g `ibs. in `weight. filled lwith :1 non-explosive iiquid which {produces a large cloud of white rsmoke upon bursting on the ground. | By Order of the 1 Minister of National Defence `i for Air. Ottawa. Ont.. August 12, 1940. i HQ.925-41-63 33-34b :.. FARM CC)Ul"l..E WANTED~Over military :u.:(.-. Pnrnmncnt. Good cook. Live in or huuse supplied. Apply Rnx 4." T".x:Iminer Office. I! .?__j:_ J5 VVIIIBIGY urns, run--u to sell by Public Auction on i Saturday, August 17 THE FOLLOWING: l Living Ruom--~Cheste1'field. Rocf ;m'. cl('c1.1'ic radio. Spartnn; ucc `. Chair. Electric floor lam `lantiquo chair. I Dining Room-Dining Table. 9 `antique chair. I Dining ex- tension; buffet. 6 chairs, 2 sets of drapes. ` Bedroom Nn. 1-Br0wn enamel ' drapes. Bedroom bed. springs and mattress. '; wash stand, wardrobe. rug I }9 fl.. Congoleum. ` 1 Rndmnm `N0. 2--W(md }9 IL. ` 1 Bedroom `N0. 2-W(mdn bed. T_-springs and mum'(-. wash lstand. 2 Wilton rugs. 7`-fL. by 9 IL. 1 chair. L (i1:~hr-n_.."|`ahIr', dron leaf: ice: 1 | }, Kitchcn---Table, drop ice ;bux. bufi'(at..~(i chairs, day c0uch.'2L stables. (:upb0u1`d_ Quebec heater. (electric washing machine tBeatty>. `,2 tubs. stand. quantity nr sealers. -cutlery, glassware. dishes, cooking i utensils. F`.vh\n:inn inrlrlor 30 TL. 2 lawn N utensils. ` Extension laddor 30 TL. ;chair.s. garden Utensils. tools and Imany articles too numerous to Qmention. - 1 TERMS: CASH. Eula :10 130 um D.S.T. IVCIIIIIIIICIII VVHVG I I Special Till Aug. l7 Only SPECIAL OIL. PERMANENT `I Any style. with Shampoo, Haircut and Fingcrwzivcl Any texture of hair will take a beautiful pf?rm`an- mt wave with this special method. AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICE Call at 52 Wnrsloy St. for appoint-' 33b mvnl. I\lV VV hi` I-`ta Three Established Terri-I tories Available. Exclu-1 sive Rights and Privileges} No Investment g A .. nrnnnri inn ` IVU IIIV3IIIU`III ` Are you being paid in proportion,- tn your ability in your present job ? Will your ability ever be fully re- c0gn'izod ? Cniild you use an addi- tional $25.00 weekly on your fam- ily's iwedsi Can you match the fol- lowing prnfils made in this terri- iurvi S.1.. $82.79: W.W.. $92.92: 'I`.C.. .___:__..__.._____.___. GIRL. W./\N'l`I'ID In lnkv charge CI hump for :1 month. Must be able In humllu lwn ymmp, children. Stnlv M11). Apply Rnx l5". Barrie Exmnim-1'. 33b _____j?__.?__ TWCTIQN. SALE pmms made In tms Lern- 1u1'_v`. S.l.. $82.79: $X08.501 C.L.. $72.49. Our nrudurt iS fundamentally $72.49. Our product is balscd on the principles of air-cm um:-ning and our business is ex- lpanding daxly the length and bread- . 111:-fCan{:da. If the above profits in- {crust you. accept the challenge that` this uppnrtunity in a new field of- fers. w.. nan arrow .1 gr-npruus mer- tors. ` We can utter .1 generous ` cl1ant`s discount and bonus arrange- ` mom and ambitious. aggre$ive mvn will find ample scope for ad- vancement based fairly on results 0btainC.l Without ixwestmeiit we train you` and set ynu up in your own bu.-i- ness merchandising a product with year-roun.l appeal in the field of aii`-purification and commercial and dOmt`SllC utility. Its outstand-l ing soiling features will enable any man without previous experience to` bettcr his present conditions if he is ;inc-ore and willing to co-operatel GNU EIIIFLI3 the undcrsignod has received ins1.ru(~ti0ns from in \Al I'I'\I'\II TERMS: CASH. Sale at 1.30 pm. D.S.T. H. A. GROE betlcz` 1115 present concmmns 11 nu is ;inr.-ore and willing co-operate with those interested in his success. Marv-ind man hmwm-n tho age of with those intc-i'esIed in ms success. Married men between the age 30 and 60 will receive preference. We do not promise to appoint you but will explaiii our proposition fully and definite proof of tofits m;id.- '11! be given to you. Good ap- pearance and reference.s are abso- lutely essential. and if you can meet. our requirements there is a defin-I no opportunity hero to establish! yourself in your own business with- out investment on vour nari. both 52 Wc'>rs|.2y Sizuaiarrie m wll hv Public on WAR shvmcs CERTIFI GATE` YOUNG MAN WAN'I'ED~-l6 to 20. fur stuck mum. Prtrfurubly with somv l)l)nk|u_'cpiI1g knnwlcdgn. Good nplmrtlunity. Apply Box 6." Ex- uminvr Oflirv. 33b ' in busmess wan- uut investment ypur par}, `in the town of Barrie and In out-I 131; msmu 350 HY.-:0.` um. um` I_';v~v` ;. .\..u..inm- I ..s\au-\r-- uw--._._ or man CLASS Household Furniture and Effects :1... .....:......:n-..n.: I. 1` runniunr ,1ug n1s1.ru1 . Wrxte Box l(`,' 1:2=rr.e bx Permanent Wave on-I--||A I-I3 MEN WHO DO NOT ANSWER ADS lT1Sl.I`H(`ll0nS ITUITI R. W. COOK, ILI, _I_,_ CA. D- ) p.m. u.:s:r. 1 GROSE, , Auctioneer. Barrie. N dresser. R n hv .____..______._.____.___ MAN AND WIFE WANTED for country hunsu. mam` Allundalc. as Cnllk-f1('lll`l`(Il and handyman. with sunu: kllt-\'J|()(il` of gardening. Re- fermmxw x'nq|xix'4:rl, Apply Bnx "ll." [`L`fJlIlill(!l` ()ft'icc._ , 83b _ . Rock- una- 0cca- lamp. aminer. - "It keeps me well posted," a dis_- tant subscx-iber_ot The Examiner states in a letter. "I can hardly wait until it comes each week." __nm-m in vnnr num homo bv ex- ` T -' _ '=` A lady who advertised rooms` lastv week. said she had the rooms rented before she got her copy of The Ex- nminnr wan umu II. COITICS CECE] ween. --Done in your own home by perienced operator. manicure. .50c; facial 50c; eyebrow arching 50; or three items $1.25. Phone 1239.]. 33x_ '1-an mnnaanrnpn! I-nf'l1l'nH.f9E Of three items $1.23. Pnone wow. .:ox_ The management committee 0! the Barrie Women`s Rest Room re- port the disappearance of the oil ` cloth from the sitting room table. They hope it will soon be returned to its proper place. Pleading guiltv to a charge of be- its place. I Pleading guilty to a charge be- ing intoxicated in charge of an auto- mobile in Midland on July 20. Fred Morley, 32. Midland. was sentenced In inn rlnvc in van] hv Magistrate `|IiI|II||||' A lnrlv whn adv`o=rt.is-ed moms` -On Morley, 32. Midland. sentenceu to ten days in gaol by Magistrate Jeffs in court here Saturday morn- ing. The sentence is concurrent with another term now being serv- nri I HUI IIIAL unn . I What a quaint old village! said . `the rapturous tourist. How true it is that one half of the world doesn't know how the other half lives." Ah!" said the native. "But nnt, [in this village. ma'am. not in `.his villnrln " , . . . WAN'I`I*`.D -I`Zxnm'ienced live-wire . rm` lncnl business office. vzmulwlv nf mu-vtim: plrhlic and man- nglluz nffimx will pay good sulargv In right party. Please apply stut- ing quulil`iuutinn.~`. tu Btwx NH. `'2' . B:n'riv Exunninmn 32-33b j_? I\`IlZ in village." |CLARK--At Orillia Soldiers` Mem- orial Hospital_ on August 4. 1940. to Mr. and Mrs. William Clark. Hawkestone, a daughter. HAYES~At the Royal Victoria Hospital. Barrie, on August 9,. 1940. to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hayes. Edgar, a daughter. ` MII..L.F.R-At the Royal Victoria Hospital Dnrrie, on August 11. 1940. to Flying Officer Bertram G. and Mrs. Miller. a daughter (Barbara Diane). POR'I`ER--McNUL'I'Y--Mr. Elliott Porter_ Orillia, and Miss Patricia McNuJty, Toronto. were married quietly on August 5, 1940. at Bar- rio. ` RANCE-RANSOM -- On Tuesday . August 13. 1940, at the Parsonage. Allandale. by Rev. H. J. McKav. Reginald Francis Rance. son of Major Rance, Regina, and now located at Camp Borden. to Zona graife Ransom. of Abernathy. as . BROWN-.In Royal Victoria Hos- pital. Barrie, on Monday, Aug; 12, 1940. Sarah; Kissock. beslovedwife M James Brown, Baldwin Lane. in her 80th year. Interment Guth- rie Cemetery. ' ` - ;, GOS'I`ICK-Suddenly, un . Tuesda `rnnrn'mg,' Aug*,' 13. 1_9_40; at s I `; uU5'1`1u1\-:>uuuen:y, un 1uesua 1940; n home. 115 Bleecker .St., Toronto. William `-Henry Gostick in his 5'(t'h year. beloved husband of Edith Maude Tracy; father of Mrs. Gordon Pyburn. Mactier. and Arthur of Toronto. Interment ttgount Pleasant Cemetery, Aug. CRIPPS-On Wednesday. Aug._14. 1940, Catherine Suzana Crtpps. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Crip 5. Lot 26. Con_ -14, Essa in her hird year._ Funeral oh` dav at 10 a.m.. with interment in Fri"-, her third Funeral on_ 1-`r1-i day a.m., in Angus Cemetery. August 7. 1940. at the residence of her son-in-la-w, W. Thom Son Bant- ing. Alliston. E. Bert a Hender. beloved wife of the late William I in her 83rd year. I |KNIGHT-On Wednesday. I `; Symes Knight Interment Alliston Union Ceme- ~ tery. Aug. 9. McKECl{NlE-On Tuesday. Aug. 6. 1940, at her home. 46 Sheridan Ave. Toronto. Maude Maclntosh. ' beloved wife of Du ald `Mc- ` Kechnie. Interment Un on Cem- otery. Barrie. Aug. 8. iSULLIVAN~At Stayner. on Wed- : nesday. Aug. 14. 1940. Alfred I James, Fitzgerald Sullivan, 2: ed 4 75 years. Funeral on Fri ay. Aug. 16 .10 Church of the Good Shepherd and Stayner Cemetery. 'I`HOMPSON-'I`he family of the late Mrs. E. Flemming wish to thank their friends and neighbors ;for their kindness in their recent sad bereavement. also for floral |tributes from Egbert church, 33p [ T._.._.-j_.:.-____._... 5 IN Mmontm L; ___ ,A, 1BURNHAM-~In loving memory of our only daughter. Marjorie Johns. who was called away sud- denlv August 18. 1938. I { Sadly mnssed by her sorrowing 1 33b Parents. 1 H/\S'I`INGS-In loving memory of E I our dear husband. father and grandfather. Alexander Totten Hastings. who passed away Aug. M 12. 1939. 1 Days of sadness still come o'er us. `Tears of silence often flow-~ But we cannot say--and will not say That he is dead. He is just away. l c-...... .............|...-....I L... 1.6.. min YO NG GIRL. would like work as] 1nctlwr`.\ luelns-r in lnwn or in coun- try. 'Rm1.-'nn:Il)lv wages. Apply 18 (.'hurlt'.< S1,. Rnrrin. 33]) I [nan ne 15 ueau. ne 1: Jubt away. N ~Ever remembered by his Wif I33b and Famiiy. ILEWIS-In loving memorv of my ! dear mother. Amy Lewis. who `I pazsed away August 15. 1989. -1 mourn for her in silence. `Nu eves can see me weep. But many a silent tear is shed While others are asleep. ')')k 13...... .-A.-...A.nl-`nu-ad ku Iilman VVHIIC ULIICID auc ualccy. 33b -Ever remembered by Eileen. I I 'LI'I'I'LEJOHN-In loving memory 1 of a dear son and brother. Billy I Limejohn. son of Mrs. F` Little- john and the late J. Little ohn. `i who passed away Aug. 15. 1 37. Always remembered with love` lrur nis 1.houghtIulne.% of others. i-LU\iHg|_~ remembered by Mother. 53;. 5l`U1l.81 Alld Si.s1ers_ ,_,,._..,-_ A__, _,.__ .___.______` :CARD gr THANKS NOT THAT ONE .._:._A ..I_I ..!II... MARRIED BORN mm>T icouucn. HEARS [Mm * DEVICE! 5 UIRUS I In u.\..,[ on rugnwa August.` 7. Agen-,3;oys 260 Would * Do Boyrie; Guarantees ` V _ [$10,-O00 _Reven'ue - "A glowing picture of the advan- ` tage of using parking meters as an aid to solving the problem of hand- ling dense traffic was laid before the Town Council last Wednesday night. Although a revenue of $10,-l ~ 000 a year was estimated from thr- number required for installation on Dunlop. Elizabeth and Bayfield streets. the Council failed to fall for the attractive presentation made by Alex. L. Miller,' of Miller Parkim: Meters,` Hamilton, Ont. uu..u.-a, ;.-.-nu.-.u.., \.lll|t -Barrie's- acute parking problom. he said in opening, would grmv worse with the increasing number of cars. The best wag`; to get more-' space for cars which `want to park; in the business section is to reducvl the-time-of parking. "Few pur)pl(`." he said, "observe the parking lim-` ifs, The fee was adopted in commc-'4 tion with meters, as part of thisl traffic controlling system, to makol it work_ But why pay. are the! streets not free? some will ask. 1r| any other solution could have been found they would not. have exacted ' a fee. The` fee is not a tax. Some- thing is given {or it. The motorist gets 20 feet, for parking without bo- lng bumped: gets a parking Spnc.` ` close to the store he wants, and saver, gas, time and bump damage. v Only the man who uses the rcserv-| : ed space pays. and in direct propor-1 r tion to the use he makes of it. If the _revenue from meters were dc- ` voted-to police salaries. motor cyclo I` officers,-stop lights, etc.. nobody in I fairness could raise objections. .11.. itnf..- ....:_I 41...; ........1.. nnn ` !l].lgr1trs in 11 cities. ;uuuv..ua Luunu Aulau. uuJs.\.uu-nu. Mr. Milfer said that nearly 200` 'cile's 'in the United States were us-I metefg. and 195 of these systc-nus] wzr adopted after being put in on tx-ill In~Pnnsylvar'1la there are 13,-` I .1-._,,_,,,: , ,, . , u nu v\-'Iu'I:| .. \..~-o. . . _ I :-' St_1rvey.~have shown how greatly] these metrs are needed in Cana-E `dian~ cities. In Ottawa a Survey! showed 5889 traffic violations in one day. Cars parked as long as, five hours in a half-hour zone. Dnnlupinn On n nun:-up lr Ililln-~V IIVC HUUFS Ill ii niilI'IlUUl' l.()llQ_', I Replying to a query. Mr. Millmq said meters have not yet been puif in operation in Canada. Sudbury is3 starting nqw. St. Catharincs had; decided to go ahead, but action w.i.s` .halted because the new highway} was a considerable distance frnm| the main business section and thr-` merchants. afraid of what the re-I E suit of the change at routn might N0` = ACTION TAKEN J I )1ii~"I.\if.o$\-E'4`-`Z-`%.` .2 '2'} F.` Y! .__..____-______...__-_. 'l`W() ROOMS WAN'l'ED--Unfurn- i-ehvd. nrljuining. if pn: Sept. 15. Snltlim: wit:-. Apply Box I".x;ImiIu'r Offivv. 33;)` acceptable to nme WEDNESDAY H. M. ;.AY( I aawrnlbhlalv ' ' W '- 74 Blake St. Phone 8 Plmm-. 722 I"EI`lLlN-A COMFLETE FERTILY/.ER & !NSE(.T'l` (`f)N'l'H()L MEMBER FLORISTS` TELEGRAPH DEI.1VF.RY ASSOC]/\'l'l0N FRONTS OF LAMB ...................... .. 18c1b. ROLLED VEAL .............................. .. 16c lb. Pectmealed BACK BACON, piece 29c lb. _.._ _4.:- jjjj ._A _.A The Flower Bar will be closed during the months of July and August. Orders as usual at the (ircenmmsc. 74 Blake Street, Phone 832. ii6K'F am . SAUSAGE ..................... . . `6"{TMoT`i3 FRESH POULTRY, VEGETABLES AND FRESH FISH M. J. I__3m_a;INAN llll El Fhclne 50.51 |brIng. a:'_k}_'c] lhnl. In? ul. mctcrs'b'ht-lrl uvvr nnli {it was soon .hnw l)u. was .'nfl'(>.(,'!(-(1 by the chunur- of highway. ' .n.....).. .....<.... I\n.. nn:1I.... ilflab l In gm-(I ( Spring. I -}`rmlu_cin;: .'l nu-ivr_ Mr. l\/liilor showed how it upvrzm-.<, /\ I've of five cents was first mlnpli-(I for 30 minutes, bill lntvr nmltiplvs of one cent. wvrc zirluplvri. zu-<-nrrliliL: :I.'~. the iminicipzilily rlv.-'ir(-rl. in smno DlHC'1 vs`. 10 minutus for mu- vonl. If :1 pvrsnn pm in (~nmuz`n fur an and slnyod only ZN) minutes, the in- dicator would ShU\v half the time and there \v:I.s' nulhiliu In prvvv,'nt almthor lnulm'i.~ rlrivIn;,v `into lhe Sp.'i('- `mid using ihv iinw without pay. Thp nmrv lhiz: w.'::. rlunn. said Ml`. Millvl`. H14` In-l1.-1' xvnuld he :<(,'rvvd the pl'i|n.'Il`_v nlvjvvt. whivh is to mow` h`uffi(- . . . . . hum" "I`i1oI1c'2I5 ~ \ , " , -,. V /Ooo9ooooob3oQ\\ _ _ , Askuri as to (-051. (km S|)('.'lkf;`l` said thv m:I(`hin(':: (20:41 $65 vzwh, Ii: |\'n'y rie, about 150 Inm-hinv.<. bI'lW1-r`I1- 'I`0rrmt,n .\`H`(,'(`l nml MlIl(`;IH|(`I .'~.1I u`f.`t 'nn tho No, II lliL:lnv:u_v and nhuut 350 on Buyfivkl slrt-I-I would ho .~:uf-. |fiCivnt_ On 200 m:IL`hinI.::; in tho (`it-` ies wherv 1n(\1m':< urv in.s'1.nll-(I the rcvumw is m-vvr It-:=s than $l()_0(l0 a yvnr. 'l'hv r-mnpzllly would ho glad 10 ;:1I:Ir.'|nlm- an l'(`\'(`lll|I3 uf`$50 1! your Dl'l` mzurhim.-, ` I R:-nlvlmr in Alrl l3r~Im:m, Ml`. 'iI yvur [)l'l' lllulillllllr, R"[)l_Vll)L{ to Aid. l3r-Imnn. Ml`. Miller said :|lIuw.'m-- hm! in be `made for 1ru('k.x' \vlH'rt- tht-rn was lfrnnl dt-livvry In slurm~'. bul this had tn bv \vzIl('hu(l in F0!` that it [was nut, :nl)u.<(-(I. \HhiIn` `Hm. ninnnluu--: nf I'nnnr-H WIIS Hill. EII)lI.Vl'(l. > Whilp` `(hp n`u*n'1hm'.-4 nf ('ounci1_ followed the .s."IlcsIn:n1's lulk with evident intvrr-st, Hwy dr-(ri(lr3d to take nn .'I(:ti | lI|l|VII"4 l'!II'I':Iln` l'I:l'u`\ | My hushnml .-'p~;:|<.< ]his sleep. What .xh:IH him?" HAIL... Allow him In spvuk u lduring Lhv dny. Mndum!" `;s:'i:"i`i`ii'i.s; 'HEn:z I{E'}`I-IUPE HOME I /\l l'Il{S I` Mlu |n.vl\....,l .-...-..- S'l`()Ih\(1". SPA(`l". WAN'T'ED---" I-`.nnu;:h in :u'g:nn\xI\m|zIt1- 6 rooms lmn.<-l_mld fllI`llIllll`l`. Apply Box 8." 1*}x.'Im'Im'r (H'fit`v. 831) McUl-'4gQUG7!! UQOQQQQQQQQQQS T WEEI_{-END Cor;;"`t`<`:'trch 1-lb. Pgckage 10c '_.--wt :__w an --- ] Cor. Maijy anti Elizabeth I "I l1onc'2I5_\~.`- gt. PERMANENT WAVE SPECIALS IIII'1l|I4 III'ulII' I I l'lIISI;`lUlF 5 (II./\l l'I'Ill'l'()N HT. BAIIIKIE Phone 356 sEIuu|-`I-"s GOOD MORNING" QH"\I.XT H?\"I IV u an \Jann-Q-assays` IDEAL Ill"./\ lI'I`Y PA IILOUII K (`I I\lIl|I.'ll'l`l|M U'l` w. T. CAMERON (}I`?N'l`l.l'}M2\N DRIVING tn Kirk-` Lmrl l.u|u~ this wvvkond lrvlurning\ \\ U\ll(l likv snnm mm to .shm`v driv- ing. I`hum- -llil).l. 33b GUES'l"S Ielly Powders 6 pkgs. 25c Rog. $5.00 for $2.50 Reg. $3.50 for $1.75 Morning Special $1.25 Prepared ' Mustard 8-oz. jar 10c Q noun`:-A amen A 1-6-02. jar 26;. large, 18c -oz:-:..u-..u-v-1..u-u-on-10 FLOWER BAR 1!"! lfllq-u l\nI In Q6 W V' IJLI. IJLII 67 Elizahctli St. l Imm! n vA1r- lviun .~rmnuvn; Canzulu Page _:_ 16-19 . 2 lbs. 25c \\'I\N'l`l".l) T0 HU\'---Hcnlthv old` hnr:~`t':: or vnlllv fur {us and mink f(`n'(l_ ll.'n`ry 1\lnrr0|\, 8 North St. H:II`l'il'. l'hnm' 311. 33-42b` -.j - 1 little more % nl" f\n`|I': IrlIl'l. su much in I (In withf 1 -.".},;: FUR AND MINK Ml.A l` wanted--~! l`.'IHl\_\` a1.'.v`(l nr Injured horses or! mm-~_ ('m\vfm'(l I-`ur Farm, Om? Smlmn. (Hw lvh~phum.`. `. .8tfb` ('m\vfm'(l Fur Fnrln. urw lot 18. Con. 'l. Um. no acres. more '.. 8tfb or less. no mile from Highway " Nicol aclntyre. Guthrie. R.R.3 \\'\N'-l:F.l) TU RENT --By reliable`: N 1_ 33-349: lmmnl, hmv In six-munwd huusc. HM fnxx-L in tuwn m` vuuntry. low To EN-p_,,_ac,.,`. poultry farm.` I'HI1i||. ,\'|`i.\' -'|~*`i-*3 R0f?"'~`|_"~`-`*1Well-built warm house. electricity. '|'1WlI1i|-K` "."<`*`- SNWIU` 33-37$`, Owner has emplo em for youth up vnnn nunr mil Qnrv nan Annlv v 'l'R.\("l`0li W1\N'I`l`.D -A good re- built Irnvlnr. must hm` in good con-5 dihnn nnd l'\`il.\'\\l\ilh1_\ priced. E1-` gin ('unnvll, llcvlml. RR. `.3. Phmw (`.mk. l5 r -U 33pL ..` ._. g_ Rl'I1.lr\Hl.l. MAN In st>L`lll`L` sub- ~mmtinn.<. (Runnnssinn. Fuil limo nrnly Gin` mu dvlnils at previous t`xpcI`im\n`. l{vfm*u,-zu'c.~' required. .`\ppl_\` "'l`lw [uI'x11o1".\' Advucate." l.uneh\ 1. (mt. 33-351` .......j ___..__-_.j?__- ('M`:\l\l.l. 1.(K':\l.. :\GE`.N'I`S want- ed nn\\' tn wll in unrepresented t-'1'. ritmIv.~a \\'hulv or part time an`- rum;vnw11t Nvw specialties. cum-1 plvh` stuck. uutfit sumsliud. Polham NuI`sm'_\' ('u.. Turmnn. 23-33b . : Ml-`.N \\':\N'l`l-`.D'. :\'I'I`EN l`ION! \\'.\l l`lNU TO BE (`:\L.LI-ID UPI` Yul` .\"l`ll.1. H.I\\~'l-I TO LIVE! RE!-`.P \\'0RKlNG'. Pm the inlervzn to |`R0ll`l`.-\m.l<`. USE`. Wv havc .~m~.-mi mud mwninus waiting: for I 1 GIRL WANTED -- For general; housework. Phone 1159. 33b: >`(`\'t`l`ll guuu U}IL'IIIu1.;.\ w-uuug. nu umlnhnm mun. GI-`.'1` STARTED '1`Ul).-\\' in u luusiuwss of _\'-_mr own :\'I` .\HS01.U'1`l-`.X.\' N0 RISK`. Wfth our xmnw_\-buck ;:nnrxu\toe, you lost` nothing. vvvn if _v*u have no givv up in u fvw dn,\'.\! Build u) a` seudy chain n( curlonxers A D )`l("K U!` WH1-`.Rl-3 YOU LEFT OFF WHEN YOU (`.01\ lE BACK! FAM-` l1.F.X. STII St, Clement. Montreal. 1) - llNl.F.SS YOUR FIGURE is firm, and youthful ynu will not. look`! \V\`ll-dt`\'$St`\l. Slundor Tablets`. $1. u._,._-L1->1 Inn.-.9 atom. 33b! rllulnlujno V (Bay you law It In ` __.._._.__ l'bSlTIONS WANTED `Raw um. uw II. In The Iumlnor) Wan 1. my (lay you saw II In The ?.1T1'_/WANT) lav van uuw II.-In `flu I-.nl\lnl (1 like smnv m R0lI'l`.-\R1.l USE`. Wv have rn! gnnd npcnim.:s waiting Hl\lI.\ mun. ('-F71` "A( :'ii~:31 WANTED In... mu nnvr It In Tlu Inmmo :: . IISEI) H[C'YCI..E WANTED I mnditinn, Phone Mrs. I. A. IN. Strand. 33b - BAKER OR HELPER WANTED at once. Richard Rumble, Hillsdale. } Ont. 33p * WANTED n Inn: II III TIII ll PERSONAL t` 1940:: 2`:--_ .-_~ in: MAN want- ;t:mt. Ap ly `e?h St. 3b :\'l'I`ENTlON! (`Al .l J-In UPL` ssp l'8l(3' 33p| GIRL'S BICYCLE F011 `sALE,-" `Good as new... Phone 973W. 33b_ ' I TARGET GUN FOR SALE--Also 1 small quantity of black walnut?` Phone 683. _ ' 331; ' PHILCO CAR RA-D10, 1940, uiclg` sale for cash. Apply Mills` am,- Allandale. 33b GIRL WANTED ~- For general housework. Apply Examiner Of- cc. 33b |BABY'S PLAY PEN for sale, in good condition, $2.50. .`Phone 822`, I between 1 and 2 p.m.. Friday. 33p I Y q SOLID OAK BUFFE_T,for sale. _A1~_ so kitchen table. three diners, phon- ograph and records. Phone 6'1lJ. b BABY'S PLAY PEN for sale, in xznnrl r-nnditfinn .1250 {Phone 822. THREE-PIECE Chesterfield Suite. in goodcondition, $25.00. Apply 42 Clapperton St.. or phone 470W." 33 FARM TRACTORS for sale, made from trucks. Apply J. M. Strachan, Edgar P.O. Phone 908:-33, Barrie. Ont. ` - 29-33p GRAND PIANO; STODDART. for sale. rosewood. carved lens. stood G-RAND PIANO; STODDART, for sale, rosewood, carved legs. good tone, $25.00. Write -Box "5." Barrie Examiner. ` . . 330 HOOVER POTATO DIGGER ior_ sale, in good condition, or exchange for young. gigs. Apply E. Barron. or phone 11 4.]. . ' `3 PAPER FOR TABLIIS. thirty-ve` innhm: mirln in rnlln Tan ran}: lh. Inches wide. In rolls. Ten cents 11)., about 8 yards to lb. Rolls ap toxi- matcly 2 lbs. and up. Appy _at Exammer Office. 23tf EXPERIENCED GIRL WANTED to help with hnusework. mornings. Phone 868. - 33b f PIANO FOR SALE, in first class order. excellent tone. made by the ; Nordhcimer C0,. Toronto; also 3- I burner coal .011 stove. Addres Mrs. J, W. Prosser (widow), Box 435, New Lowell. 33b I lune, $Z:J.Ul Examiner. PAPER FOR TABLES. thirty-ve inches wide. in rolls. Ten cents 1b., ahnut R wards: in lh, `Roll: xmnroxi- FREE-Sun Glasses given away with every six gallons Blue Star gasoline, Frida and Saturdav. Ith and 17th. at t e Joy Service Sta- tion, N.E, end Highway 11. 33b FOR SALE-5.000 ft. pine and spruce lumber stock. size up to 2x12, mostly 2-inch. also telephonevpoles, 25 and 30 ft. lengths. Price reason- able. Dan. Burr, Hawkestonc, R.R.1. ' 33b E REN'I`~~-1-acre farm. "1 Well-built electricity. 9` _ or man over mil (my age. Ap ly _. Box Examiner Office. 21) Harrison. phone 61 lr6. WEST END SERVICE STATION will absorb advance in recent wholesale price and continue to feature motor oil at 15c per quart . King Bug Killer.'20 lbs... 75c. W. J 33b.-i BEATFY EL:l:)C'I`lC . VA5l*_i!;1--,: New style. copper tub. perfect Shape. Will sell for small balance of account. owner leaving town. Act an once if you want a real bargain. Apply to Empke Hardware. 33b SPRING -CHICKENS dressed ready` ` for roasting or jrying. also--boiling fowl. from -healthy;(_}ovemment -Ih- spected (Locks. Orclef one.1or`th'e. weekend and `enjoy I; `treat. Try a dozen of our fresh egg; from -heal-` thy layers. Buy tromvthe producer`: -and `get he best. `Gnmore's Poultgp: Farm, Penetang St. . 30-3 I50 ACRES FOR SALE--Lot 6. Con. 4. lnnisfil Twp. Brick house, bank barn. clay loam, never failing apring. Close to. school and church. Between Highwas 11 and 27. Mrs. Cyrus Smith.Coo` st puuna , ' [6 yew ' " plows. own. Ont. 29-33;) YC I An... I ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN want-` m-I nu qfnvkrnrnn :l.L`&i.':'.HnL ADDIV GENERAL ELECTRIC MONITOR top refrigerator, 10 cubicfeet net. 60-cycle. two doorsshelves re-ting ned. cabinet newly finished. bga ai; ful shape, $139.00. Refrigerptor _e-' builders. rear 137 51-Iazelton Ave; Toronto. RA -5005. 31-33131 55 ACRES FOR SALE--Brick house, large barn. other huildln2s.`_ Very desirable property. J. Birnie Barrie P.O. 32-33p, Q LVVLI I ABOUT 80 ACRES good cla loam.! ~ : 5 miles N.E. of Alliston, goo house; 5_ Lu `and buildings. Apply D. J. Irwin_.: 23,.21 } lut 3, con. 5. mm. 12.11. 1, Egbert. p{ ` `- ' , , 7 COLL` E A our . 5 miln: NI`. nf Allishm mm hnusel ' . L E P F s. iONE .UNDRE.D ACRES`S`"table`} b)rl\pHeeo1'sOnd good w'z?t(Z~l1 1 mr mmed f"mg~ Plemy ` wager-3 dugs. Clarence. Arnold. Angus. I good buildings. Can give possess1on- 9 31_ ;at. once. Apply to Wesley Martin.': phone 86`. ` Ivv_ 33nE SCOTCH nm.1.n`. PUPSA--4 3:21; _ Zt. 01 1 Ivy, EFARM FOR SAL]-.`.--S.E. quarter` j lot 18. Con. 7. Oro, 50 more m- Inc; (Inn rniln (rnm Hiahwnv ll. I-`ARM ma SALE-About one hunch-pd ;m|-as hunk harn, rnux:-1 I-`ARM I-`UH sAL.I:;--About hxmdred acres, bank barn. mugn ("15: huu.~1:. runnixig stream. con- wnmv t- church and store and rum mile: from Thorntun. Applv to .\Irs. Erwin. 11 Wllgar Rd.. T0` mntn. 32-38h I-`ARM for SALE OR EXCHANGE. 50 acres of godd clay loam on High- way No. 7. 15 mile out of Lindsay. Good farm buildings. plenty of water. 8-roomed frame house. new. burn. largo garage and workshop. ` Will exchange for house in Barrie or sell very reasonably for quick .--ulo. (`mud reason for selling. Apply Cnutts Real Estate. tel_ 853.! or `.281. 33b ENh}t(U11)'l`lL' YUUN-G MAD ed as stn_:kromn asxsistant. Harold H11]. 55 Elizabefh S .-_.?.:-_,___.._T_-__ .1-`OR SAl.E-l75 acres of good ml):- od timber. pine. hard maple and white oak. good quantity large pop- lar; land cla ' and clay loam: some. swampy lan . about 12 miles from` Grnvenhurst on good gravel road. 7-roamed brick house for sale (to ` close an estate). in good repair. new . reason- ' furnace. To bv sold at very able price. Also 6-roomed brick house for $2.900. Both these huuwvs cattle. Charli: LIVE COWS. tl one - C P8}?-'F'%-3"-GS?` made By Whdligsc rouomni rnemoz "3 `XII , . to cover bo6k`keepinu coats ,able price. Also ti-roomeu one: x i house for $2.900. Both these hnusxes ` c` `are centrally located. Coutts` Real 1 _E5tate, phone 281 ..nd 853.1. 3313 E CLASSTEEB tA,Ds".1 (`lo!ln_it'rntix?`-,. 25 ce'In.s_) "r To _r7IAL % L.-4.113 Ag`:-at 1' un unun (luv you out It lnflu Inqvlnu) nuns U vyuqnqyqqj Following insertion Otherwise a charge of lit- _..A_.' " xua run anun (lay you nw It In tho lnmlnbv) __.__?___.-_?jj__ SALESLA DY WAN'I`EDA--For lad- ir~c' rnml--.1n-wpnr l'`.xnm`ienr:cd.

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