BARBIE (I()lIN'l`Y Ilulla. Mu}: '. Miss` HHH, Cntltls. [full MOTOR OII. /rm/3 11 fie /r/4.('er.s' of fie H IIEHIISE Q1; /21/Ira//5 WI/7e (use 6450///res" , C A N A D I A N n I I cnmnnu-rt -----v--- Undctunted by Long Hours I4-I5-1'6 'I'hursday. August 8, 1940 14: 15.1 ` his Six 1BA_B5_ um: II ron new mmnovrs rowLr.n's TIRE SERVICE -U\\'ll`_\ rllllll nurnt inncd that Cmmriiz . I. 1\"x|- 1. Edwards. n`q11l1:u`.~wm. i , unu` Camp 11 Clapperjon Street ` W. 111-03, 1m'nm0; K. G. 1Snmhan1. 'I`nrm\lo: C. A. Brennan 3Summc-rsido. P.E.I.: W. N. Mur- 3Kmnon. M.-nclun. N.B.: J. M. Cun- Sncll. Tnrnntoz F. E. Grant, Brock~ ivmo; J. E. Bisson. Hull, Quc.: J. JM. Godfrey, Port Credit, Ont. Extra cnpios of The Examiner. 5c. _nt. all news dealers and at_this office, I 4 '1 ` . x Group (`..'upt: he hoped th: the other side bar that jus` p(`:s 2| 5. should not I). and carol:-ss. that cr.'1.~`m`.< 1 (1l'lllS \Vl'll1lll l'L`i|.\'UlliIDlC (`llSH|l1Cl.` of Camp Bordon to realize what .1 fine thing they can do by enter- inining .suldiurs on weekend leave. "There has been a certain amount ur limpitzility. mainly from Penn- linng, and Midland. of which advan- t:u:v has been taken. resulting In imutnnl plvasurc and satisfaction in {both giiosts and hosts. But the innml)t~r of mun an.\'inus to haw` i\\'0vkvnds is great and the hnmrs Iln`.\\'n upon. to date. lanu~nt:ibly 'fv\\'." u.\'pluin.~' Ittrs. Worthingtmi. \\'lm.~`(! Wmni.`n`.< S0rvi('v Unit. ro- ,;m~.~t\Iits koy woman in Cnllinx.:- :\\'lu\d. Pvnotang. Midland. Barrio. lormm. Alliston and Womcn's.In- , llillil` ;:l`tIll})\` tlimtiglwiit Simone 3(`t-i:nt_\'. Tlwy supply \ (litlnit`l`.l' izvip all lly l`\'(`l`_V day at tho \'.\\ .C../\. I`l0stcs.< Hut at Camp 1BI\t`(t(`ll and vndvn\'m' to bx` of sur- tvicv and ('0-0pCl`ai(` in any type int" \v.'n' wnrk. % Mrs. Wurthingtml says: I I Camp Bordon is Hot " I`l1orv are ton thousand men at (`amp Borden in the army and air |'. < rev. Many of these men are in I'.vi.t.<. nlthongzh low. \V()()dt`l`t huts" -.p!`n\'id(` acconimodation for tlw `tIlilt`l`.\`. Thv sun boats down ro- .l-ntlv. on this city of men. ;Bt`:ll.\' down on tho tents and flat mufs of tlw buildings. unpmtv(`t- incl by any shade, c(')n\'ol' them ,\.uu'U1x\'t'I'. |i.L,.: 11. A. (nlchrxst. i(}lnsg"\v. Scotland: I. M. S. Brown. !Vi('tnri:u. .B.C.: R. D, Forbes-Rob- |vrt.~m. R(.`Eil`l. Susk.; W. S. Quint. `(`a1g:nry. Alta; C. A. James. Lon- Idun. 0111.; A. Michaud. Montreal. %Quv.: E. C. Mair. Windsor, Ont. I D. P`. Phelan, Tnrnnto: B. W, C. I o:n`son. Bmckvillc: D. J, Bmokor. Br:mHurd; J. E. Morgan. Calgzwy. .'\l1`.w.; C, D. Bx`i(`km'. Grcnfvll. Su.~k.: R. W. Day. Vancouver. I`>.L`.: E E. Trelcuvon. Haywood, M2m.: J. D. Hall. Toronto; R. E. ,f\'c_\'m>ld.~. Olmwa: J. L. McFarland "l'urrm1: V. C. Stuart, Ottawa: I) :8. Jacobs. M(mtr(\al_ Quc.; J. C. Hicbort. Magog. Que; K. L. Mor- ghum. St. I.ambort. Que. ` NI. W. Hoes. 'I`m'nn(0; K. G. 3 Qunnnnrcirln D E` Y - I In In..- Mrs. F. F`. Worthington. Barrie. `(.`h:Iirm:`:n. Women's Service Unit, of Isimcoo Cnunty. would like rcsi~ donls within rca. distance 1 0` I"<:-nu llnuu-Inn on u-nuli-... 11>]:-:0 . H. A. Gilchrist - I `NE E Dun... LIQNS __ --V-n `In as; LAICF II ENTIRE wl5I'i%b`C"E`El~)_ roR"i'Ii'I'7A'i("i:'ii'\IIi:E Alib cHI"LiSmWELrARE - rrnm nn u1n;m.'1 Ten ll1'111.~'1111d mun. C`.:11111(ll:1n:~`. 111081 of ll1u111. fr ll1'iti.~'l1 (`ul- umhia. wl1c1`v 111111111113 nf 511:1 and 11101111111111 cm1ll`:1sl .~':1(ll_v with Bur- dcn's sandy \v;1. frmn Allwrln. Fask:1tclw\v:111, and M;1nil.nh:1. U11- prairio provinces, fnxnnutz fur t|1oi1` :!t`l1o1`-11115 ho::pil:1li-ly and f1'it-11dli- 11v.<.~': from Q11olwc and tho Mari- timt`-`- l>a1vl1 with tl1ui1' nwn p1~c11li:11' b0.111ly and clmrm dour lo native ~`nns. Ton tlmusnnd mon ln'o11p,ht lngollwl` :11 Camp Bm'(lvn by the common 0111150 nf hhv d(`fl`l1(?(` nl` C:1nz1d;1 and the E1m1irv. Tl1vsr.- men. m:1n_v of them. 131111119 f1'.'1'.n. lmppy l1m1cs. h.'1\'v 1nufl1o1'.<. \vivvs_l s\vevtl1oa1'l.<: and s111'(`l_v their lu-a1`ls lnnst sn1n0ti1m'.< achv with! ln11oli11css. and p(`1`l1:1p:: lm1n(`. ncss too. for 111115! of them are not! very old. Many ;<:1id t.h(_-ir l:1;~.-ll g-Oodbyes when Hwy lvft hnme. fnr` no la:~'t loav1"` of f01*ty-oigl1l l1mn`s; will bridge tho gap of 21 tl1m1sand milts or so, 'T'hnu~.\ -u-n A r\n:\l `rl urrvxgn lll. Thv men at Cmnp i'.n|'(l(?n :11`: accasmnal weekend leave. 'I`hc_vl have little money. and far [min home. have nowhere to go. Can't the summer people share their hol- idays with some of H1030 men`? They don't want. entertaining. Th"_\' gm-an, KH('n('ns. "Some of tin` mvn have not yvt been supplied with summer um- forms. They nro clothed in thv new honvy b:1l.1l(--dwss whim-h \vn.-4 :1 godsend in tho $111)-zvx-n wvulhvr whon winter hold Cznnp Rmwlvn in its icy grip. But in lhv .~h-un1- ing days or July and August. il dm,-sn't add .'1nythin;,r to the cum- fnrt uf mun training rm` wan`. Frnm All Canada n\r\uO nr oh..." r.-..... n.. I`..I H1` 50, "'I'hcro are Anwricans there at Camp Bordon tun. I.nrl.< from Connecticut. from Cnlif7rnia_ Ark! zmm. Washington, who have 011-} listed to fight Hitler and PVH. Por- hups :1 svltse of adventure has drawn thcm across the border, or a do~siru to fini.~h 8 job lvft nndmw in 1918. or perhaps :1 Hmin of British hlvmd \vhi(`,h 1:11:01: them to answer the call of the Empire. Whatever the l`(`ZlS0n that brought` thom intn (`mmrin`c finhtimr fnrr-r-I: l Jll(` 1-'HU\'\'lll ceivcd wir '2 Group Capiuzn mandcnt R.C.. Bordvn: A L! Cu- ' xnrurn HI-'H|(l \vrnI(,'n lIl`;:PS mom lU| them into Cmmdzfs fi1.thtin1,: forct-:~'. they are just as hot. just as lunch as nur own mvn_ and sl1'z1m:0rs in! a foreign land. Thn nu-n :11 (`:nnn }`.:n~rlr\n Irn: into l)ru;it.l1les:s' inf(~rnus within. Sultry! Airlvss! Sticky! Sumo- tilnvs .1 l)l`(`(`7.(.`, like thv blast, from a furnace, swoops (`|`-US.'~' the arid plain. whipping up sand and unv- oring uw.'I'ytliim.: with :1 finv cunt- ing or grit. including the road In the iiivss mains. which nrv thrnwn open tn l'(`l(`ilF(` the heat and udnrs of grout, kitchons. "Quinn nf Hun nunl hunn uni uni 9 I I\EEn I r I\\ll-l\I sguxgg FEATURING rm: cum BORD3l:lm'0LI._l" 2- 'h:......;.....l 1... c..u `D--- 'I'.'l'.....:n-_ 1-__..__'I__ M-|ur.._:-_:,: `_$_TR EET F ROLIC --w- - co--- caruavnu an-`run-Inna` 5'\yjgj.;3.[:; Directed by Sgt. Ross Hamilton. formerly "Marjorie" o'f "The Dumbells". 33331113 1L3 Inn-1 g1:In-1 --n: _-___ _ _ Phonq l ho_n'e,,.482' `-IHKI \nnvt'_ a.'..nUU_ U. b(`0H. 0Wl|f`T'_ Charles Alexander, (-(mtracmr. 1H `Owen St. I I`.-xluanni-.\A :nh4\-\ `uwcn at. | C'n'll\'.'ll\i7.t`d irnn building. hrmv- ` e-rs` wnrohnnsv. \V(`st side Bayfmld 's:.. I-`.li7..1bvth and Sin1('m~_ $600. C` I I Cant! gnusls. ~90 .-\lH`(`(l 3!-.. COHIHICIOT. Dwt-Hing, frame or stucco. cnn~ _cn-to foundation. cedar shinglcs nu-r asbestos, $3.000: Mrs 1,, L`.rvz:s_V. Henry SL, nwncr: Allan- ` dale Lumber and Fuel Co.. contrac- } YOFS, II I Dwogling. frame, six rooms. ced- nr shingles over asbestos. north side Blake St.. between Cook and Sx. Vincvnt. $3.000: `N. E, Ineson. fowncr; Wilsnn Knapp. cnntractnr. Total value.` issued during .IuI_v.| nun .~::>:'4':5- .Iul_ 19:59 ..o::u;`m, I 4*`. r1_ 311113. ber. Vanr~nn- .~`1l~ ?\1nmru;:` nniy. For`. wn Glabo B.:_\: XS . I "Enquiries and arrangements can] [be made through the Women's Ser- |\'ice Unit of Simcuo County. care ]!-!` tho /\Clivr- S(.`rvi('e Club in Bar- |ri-. Wookond leave is qrmiiori 'I`lilIr.~`(iny and Friday. varying with .rii0I'l`n1 units, so npplivatinns are ihvxl. made early in H1? week. But 1hc- siunnwr is $liDpil1;.`,' fast. and {only a few inure weekends 1'0- vnziin " BU1LDING NEAR` ;$75,000 UNTIL} END OF JULY; ! I' |(IlXll' \ ('l x $175. Jwhn I. Rvpairs tn l%75 H Mnn: I nt'pdII.\ In nous:-_ 1.: |..nu1.< $75. H. Mnffatt. Fr.'um- garage and honhou: \ cspr:c St. $175. Matilda L. mid `$1.. r.n/.;uwm mm blln(`<)`. $tiUU_ IR. Scott. Blmgalnw. concrete and :~1tu(`<`n. '26 by 30 feet. cedar shingles on-r a.~l_w. $2.500; W. 'l"ribbI9. owns-r: W. B. Hood. L`0ntrac!or. Cook St nurnllinw frnvvun acnhm)9 .-...\r;.... n. n. nuU(1. l`UnII`R('!0l Dwvlling. framv. as] IR by 28 feet. 5800; Duffcrm St- uwm-r-t I Q9.-u.v.. .sI.....o ......4 ululuul .31.. uwxwr-ouuclor. Smrzuzu plan-t. vast sidv Baldwin St.. between Tiffin St. ICN R. rtracksl and Block S ... cement and lulu. firopmnf roof. one storvy, :$8.000: United 1'-`armors C0-open Itwc Cu. [.im'ru~d. owners: Willmm lRusk. 48 Alfred St... contractor. I n\\'nllinn fr-mmn n- co...-an ....... V.-v. F[.0S--1. Aplu. Znd Cmnst-xsiun S('h(ml- `Mrs. 'I'y.sun Rnwui. Rubi. Jury. 2. Rnwh-ys. A. [*`l-ming's ru- sidr-ncv~/\. 1.. l"l<`ming. Ciiff Ar- (-lwr. 3, Pholpstnn, Genrin Hull J.'u'k Kv.'n'n.<. ilnrry En.-zlmi. 4. Viuu, No. 9 S(`h()()lv Juhn Mulrn_v_ Iran Handy. 5. l.illi(rI`up's. Usht-r < Schonl -Mrs. Gm-. McGinnis. [inr- nld Rt-ll. (S. lmngmnn, Strhrml Miss I,.:nn'n 'l`r.'nro_ Ashton Lynns. 7 and R. I".lmvnl(-. No. I and N0. 2, Milton Tr:ain'.< SDOPC--E#ll'i Dr_v.~;- dale, Mrs. Kt-n McAui'y. Miss Mur- gnrot Andrew. Luwsnn Robinson`. VESPR/\~-l. I')nlst.nn_ School `Misv. Shirley llonncy. Miss Fay Handy. 2. Midhursty. Township Hall ---Chas. Wnttio, Jr.. Miss Isabol Rus- sell. 3, Cunrllos. Schu0l-~-Miss Rein M(`Kvvcr. Miss Isabel Maw. 4. Min- esing. Orange Hn.ll-~MI`s. Vcrnu Dustn. Miss Ethel Johnston. G-renfvl. 10th Oonccssinn Schuni. Miss Ethel Harris. Mrs. '1`. L. Young, 6, Edcnvnlv. Commimily Hnll---/\l- Hen Amos, Miss Doris Maw. 7. An- itvn Mills, Schnu]-Mrs, Sidney C()`<. Mrs. Luvlla Scott. 8, Ferndulc. :Schoul~-4Miss Lillian Cmgzm, Al- Rfrc-d Dart. I ORO-~--1. Crown mu. Sclmhl-- `Mrs, Joan Blackstock, I. Welsmun. $2. Bx-rt1'mn'.s'. Clowos School--A1ox. iMcKuy. Jesse Bidwcll. 3. Ed;.:.'u`. SchnnI~~Dunczm Campbell, Wm. Best. 4. On), Town Hall--- X'lms. Luck. Rev. A. Finlaysnn. 5, Rugby. ;SChunl--R`)y Radcliffe, Mrs`. Ed. iH(-witt, 6. Jarratt. Schno|--DnvId lMcL.'n*cn. John Hipwell. 7. Om Station, S(`hnnl-Mrs. Victor Rnsx, [Frank M(-Millun. 8. Hawkeslono. IS`-chnolv- -Irwin McMnh':m, Mrs. [Keith M(:CuH:1ch. 9. Shanty Bay. I (Contimwrl from naae one) the prvsontzntinn nf \vixu.',.<. assist- ed by Flying Offivvr William Sutherland. Stzninn nd_iu!:mI. nthvrs fofmcd up included Gruup Cnplznin Duncan I3:-H-Irvim; M.(`.. (`mix do Gucrru; F`li;:h1 I.i~u1m1um C. 0.] B. Greene, D.F.C.. n.\'~'i.~Inn1 .'m~ nf-' cer. and the two uh:2pinin< uf lhvl Station. Fm,-hl Li:-HI. E. It 1I:n`.-lunl and Flight l.ivuL 1.. A. ('n:-lnlln. i h...,... 4,, n... _...,. ..: 4. .. IV... ._. lwant pence. quiet, `co0lth.` and. `zihnve all, frimidliness. | Chance to Be Unselfish . I Perlmps the man of the family lfeels the need nf his own weekend undisturbed after his week of mil- in the hot eily. Perhaps he's in- lviled Bill Juries up next weekend. and doesn't like to put him tiff; and Bob Smith the next weekend. and Henry Brown the next. Well. snap out. of it! Tell Bill Jones why you can't have him. Put up smne eels on the ve1`aiidah and ask two nr three. This is war and _vmi`ve got, zi chance to do a real jub 1'/)1` the men who are going tril war. Will. It is :1 chance. too, to see the types of men we have, and they're prvt.t_v gnnd. Everyone knnws the bad egg that gives the tmops a bad name. and there are some who may get. tight because they`rc bared and lonely. but there are lots more that are `even as you and I.` only (I darn sight finer! UNL Brick dwvlling_ [`I(`l"TUl1 SL, bohl `1nrl nI`a\\.'n (`I am (Continued from page one) ward Svhnnl Mrs. Frank Cullinx, Mrs. Mann-(:ar<-tt,:a Mnisu. 17, King Edward Sch Robinson, Norris Webb. I8. /\l|. Ind:Ihr Or:m;,rv I---N[illll`iCL` Hanna, Miss Mary Crew. \' U-`F mild- ARRANGEMENT COMPLETED FOR REGISTRATION (Cantinuvd from mar one) "rnnw ve-rzmdnh. 43 Brnvk ! r0, M_ Bvhh KHY, randah. Blmn. I housnx fa!` 31 Alfred 12 Louisa Prior to ihv 1 Captain Cm\'h~; class. He mrn pedplv szly that best piI'.'l.< H) I might be (` handicap in {v1 tions aln-adv m: A1I\Il\I\ f`o. . url. L.\.nuK 3| asphalt roofing. *: John Banks. '-builder. t N C! AFKID side Clap- Wolhngtnn nnH nununu I. bl "W S LJH'lll`l'.`w'_ Pl('H(H)I lVH'.`4. Fred M(?Fll`lIIl!(', Mrs. Wm. (ml- l)I`nibh. 8. Wn.s.'u.:u H1.-m-h. Sc-Inml not ym, ('mnplo1,t-(I, will have t'; upon sovt-rul l)i('l`. v'. .Q'I`AVNI?1IL_l 9 :....u -a u...... I:nu\|JrUuI)~I\. U. I):Iv('_v. II. l'.l Groipr, G, D. Murlmn, A. (hm-, TOTTENHAM 4l"r('d /\nrl-r: Clmrlos I(.'1vun:u.'h. _ Al\YI\l A (-1.. v,, u I u n ,lI ...........,.... _ AI)J/\I.A---Sln.'m':4 Svlmnl: I'}.'n`l Sir. Wilmer Pulmm`;' Cmnu-il Chum- her, Jack Irwin, I-`milk ( )'l.-nr_v: Bredin's Sclmul, Wm. I). ML-(`:inl_v. Miss M:)rg&u`nt Mr-Kt-mm; Nu. 5 Schnul, Gnrdnn Hm-y. M .l. Mnrun. ITCQA 'W..II l\!.. I ._.. r\.... vi nu Ulllfll .`vl'Vl'I LII III I lI'I'.\. STAYNER ~ 1. 2 and S('html- -Chn.<, Slunv, ('. Wynnl, .1. (,`uImim.:h:Im. Wright. Dr. R. IO. Iv:-1:. Duffel-in-Simcoc ; /\l.I.lS'I`ON--FI. FL Hnwt-::, Wm.` uunu-r, (}(_-rnld whim-.m.-_ w. A? (,`.mnhm'l:md, I6. Hkr-llnn, .lu.<. Kvlly nf.`l."Fr\P\l AI..;.. Ir: ... ur:n: , , ESSA-I uIl No. 1. ()r.'uu:(- Hail. Th0mp.=(mvill(.*, Rum, 'I'h:unp.~:nn, R. R. NH, 1. Alli. I'hu.<. Millor, RH. No. 2, Allistnn. N0, 2, Brndt-n':s Selma], Frank BI`0(`_V, ILR. N4. 2. 'I'hm`nLrm: Waller Wripzhl, RH, No. 2, Crmkst0wn_ Nn_ Ii, Ivy -Schuul. Mi..=s In.-my I.nwri(', 'l"nnrnmn; Miss Mm'g:n'et Arnold. Ivy. NH. 4. An- gus. Miss F.thr.~1 ML-Mu: Ulpin; Miss Eunice Mirldlelmmk.s:_ /\nL:u.<. N0. 5. Cnnkslnwn. I). I). HUppl'I'. Miss Lillian McMas1.(-r. No. 6, Thornton, 'I'('1np(-1`m1t'r,- Hull. John Scott. Miss Rollo S1(-wurl. Nu`. 7. Baxter, Or.'Ing- Hall. ('1. R. Tlll'll(`l`. Angus; A. S. 'I`waddlL'. RR. Nn_ l'.' `Angus. , , l INNlF'n._ Mn 1 Ix.uh...:., c..m uurulm 1'uru:I', 1vIl`H. Jllllll l'._ l$:ll'K- or. 3 and 4, New l.nwt,-ll. 'l`uwn.~:hip I11nl'l--'Mi.=s Kmlhulu-(-n M1un`lwr. Mrs. Wm. Mumlwrsum. Hy. l ru.~:.~:-r, Mrs. I`hus, Dawn. 5. Cains. Svlmnl, Nu. 8~---Mr:~'. Nnrmnn ()hv-r. Mr.-1.. Elwnud Gnnlmu. Ii, Sunnirl.-nlv C()I'll('l`S. 'l`uwnship Hull Mrs.Sl:m~ Ivy Flynn. Miss M:n`;::m-I, I.uu.{hm-(I. 7. Crow's Cm'm-r.:_ Svhunl Mrs. w.-ma 1\/I...- ur... .,... vnnguh. ' INNlSF'IL- Nu. I. B<`ll1(-scrlu Schl., Mat. I/vwricr am! A. R. GI'(`('l], Nu_ I. Thornton. Nn_ 2, () Hull. (flmvw chill. I-lnrry (.:um`nn, Mixs: May Dnnnely. N0. 3. Cmnmunily l-lnll.l I.el'm_v_ Arthur Jack. _Mi.=< l(.'n|l1lm-nl Ingram. No. 4. Orange Hall. Thnrn-i lon. Calvin Shaw. Gnrclnn Honry., 'No. 5. Camm.unit_v Hall. Slruurl, ALI vin Webb. Mi-.=s Verna Win-_ No, 6. Ormxgc `Hall. Cl`ZllL;v:1l('. I-Iurry L Webb, Miss`G1zLd_vs Sprin';z. `Nu, V7. School huus. Holly. Rum. Rodfvrn_ Mrs. C. F. Brown. No. 8. R. Warn-I ica'.< residence. Big Bay Point, I... Guet. Miss Weldn Carr. Nu. '1. ursn STOMACH ' ,,.;Q`?!.FKFX..9B_'FTFP ... ...u ..u.., ..u.~. m~n_y BENTON Alvin :Kin;,'. William 'Ihon1us. nnnnrznnn A A n`....... n I.` SUNNID/\|..I". I, HM-nlw-.mrl Suhl. -~Mx`s. G00. Scholl. Miss; l.-Imrc-(fu- martin. 2, 'l m'_v Hill, ()r:muv llnll Gordon Porter, Mrs. John P) Burk- ` ..l.i-. nr '1 and A l\lnuy l..uu.ll 'l. SC'h"l-`110WfII`(l2 Mnlcnlm F. V Kendall. ' ' Hlunlils. ` BR/\DFORl)~/\. 0. I):nvv_v. H. I". Irnirf C D Nlnrlun A (turn vi --:-`j - 7 --:--v - ---- Registration oircs are i\('ln): \&! up M" diurius in the sum: manner as in the List |)ummiun cluxiun. Regislmnls are nquincd to rug.-isur in thy rcpzulnr 1-ullmg ml- divisinns of their n\\n u\n~tIluLm'ir\. Hut shuuld .n rc,;mr.inx he in some other pnwimc or lii\(ri\t nut ml the pulling subdivision on Registration D.|)\, he or shy may n`;`r .11 any rr;;n(r.uiun uixc convr.-niem.upon .\.nisl.ncmx) cxpI.m.uinn to thc I--ml deputy rqzislmr. Penalty for Non-Registration .1510 In I tun` nu! l`\LI`L'1.III.' Inn l\lInJn`.l ; rcniuxy Iv! nun-xlcgaauuuun Iiahlc m .| tine not cxu~c-hn;.: Tun l\undn'J no mcm. and nmrcovcr to .1 {urxhcr pt'n.Il1y nm 0 which he shall continue to he unn-g, V WH$RE `TO REGISTER -Tn kw}! Ihv (mt of this I'<'gistr.1livtu .I| . mmmmm the (iuvcrnmcm is .1skin_:; the cu-npcnuinn of all puhlu Hnn<.h'(| HI/mix m (hr uurk ml H13:-.' tmtiun. Ynuuux In-lp h\"1u-{tin}; inmuch \\'ill1)'nurlm`.u! rv;_vis|m1inn ullumls mu! MI-u mg; \|:LlI services. Hym: I'nil. |.. III I YOUNG PILOTS g Camp Borden Soldiers GIVEN WINGS Need Week-End Hosts Mrs. F. ln~c;ul1lvss inforn . ('h:1H'In:=n. Unit orlsullry! }Qin\nnn (`nnnlu Innllh-I lib" u-nui_ Hnuw -. luv...`-... Iiln. H... Id...-0 r....... [H-In).-_l'r 111:4: L'l\ l'.\' .'I (ll'.S'l'l`lplIHlI Ul 't`. It`h tr:-v pi(-lIu'I'd, smnv |lll('l'l`rL' mg f.'n-L-4 rt-;_::n'(lin1,' thr: v.'nlm- of l.I't-vs, um! `ml up-in-(lair 5:12:11-rnr-nt nl Ihv 'r-fm'<-:sl:Itim1 wurk mtt-nrn- pli. by the ummly. I`FICUMSE l`l-I N... 1, No. 6 S('hl..` Mrs. Mo! Marlin, Alvin Ausl:-n. NH., 2, Sultan's, llnu.\t:, (jvvil Hnyt-::. H.l Sulh~rl;m<|. Nu, 3, Hiumnt-il'.~', S. Ah:-rm'Lh_v_ Nurm:m Frn'rl_ No. 4.1 `Wilcox S(_fimu|. I). Hurvr-y, VH1} (,'mm`nim.{.. N0. 5, Sum! Hrmk S(-h!.. Tlinmp.-`vmvi|l(-. Miss EIn'Iir'(~ KiI'l;y.` N0. 4. Allislml. Miss Nnruh Hum. Nu, G, (jnnkszlmvn. H. l)uunn_ Nur- mnn Cfznnphvll. V ' unncrn rvurn v nunnnn; IV . gm-_vu:;.; nun |l']HU(llll`lIV!ll.'~' I X Inf H.'Il,iv(- |r(-I-.<. of HI(' (-nunly, prupn:u-:4 On |mn;.( unl- nr H1!-D ~:n-h st-Ivml in thv trnunly and -'ll(,'(`('l'lHllL{ yr-:n"s: i.::mr- /'imi| h;um,'vr:: Imiil all the tr:-v-4 uf 1 mullly hr-vv ht-r~n prnrt.r.'n_y:-ri` 'l'i h:m;_:t'r :1 sn ;,,vi\'t-s ([l'S('l`i[)lil)II It`. ni(-Inn`:-(I mm mu-n-. Munkm:m':: f~'.t-rviL'r- Smiitm, (,"mk.\`- luwn, i. I`). C. Munkmnn. Miss Ag- 11 Flvnn. Iuwll, I; IN. mes: Flynn. nvnrvnun. :C1\MY' I'7)ORl)EN F`. Offim-I` (7.! Godfrey. ()fficcr'.< Moss. Camp IBnI`dcn Air Furor`: Capt. C. J. Bir- mingham. R.C.E`. Uppcr..Office En- p,in('or'.< Service Bldg. ` a .3('nUUI_ rsrmn H[`(lfl_ hrl. LJHnpt)l'!l,l }_I.'n'r_v Wilson, Nu. 2. Wmnrls. Mid- (ll:-lrm Sr,-hr,-rnl V Fr!-rl Dnnm-. .Lm'm Saint, Nu. 3, 'I`uwn ICm>k.s`town. .Im:|-: Rukt-r. R. Cnutls. NH. 4. CmI|.vnn'x, ()ran;_{r- Hull. Mznitlund Dunn, /\r1,hur Knm-shnw. No. 5. (iilfnrrl Hall. BL-1`L/\I'lr1::tmng,; Miss Kw-Ivn Ts'ilr-hin I rill, .l_ LIIIIHIH llll. 15`. Miss Iv:-Iyn Rilr-.hiL-. 1 'l1r\(<(`r\r3r\\vvnI/\ .. l'II\,Vl)l.dK(' r|unu_v, mu. .5, L::l;.:('I): Srhnol. Miss .I<.-an D('l'lh()H. /\lli.~= ton, Mrs Jnhn Hmu.-(\_v, /\lli.'.~`lnn. r')m\/rr; r`v r\nIu.uu m nu-: :- Mll'l'U/H. I.ll"|'I IIAH BIG GAIN . 'l'h<~ Mulunl Lift 1-! (fnnmlu rt-- purls .'I gain in ()rdin.'n'y ln.s`ur.'nn-rv in furc,-p nf 53,228 po|i('i~:4 I'M` n 1' ` 4 If $(i_70U,lH)0 fur lhv firsl half 111' M4!) m: r'un1p:n'v-rl wilh sum pulwi--:; fur $3.2fm.()(ll) rm` l.h4- .<:mu- pt-rind IJISI, .vv:n', lm`|urlim,' (irmlp ln.'~:ur.'uw-- Hu- gnin is uvv-r $!P.()()l),()(I() in lhu Insm'- :IIu'- m':m|nl, l'h(-rv has hm-n ;n vmy In.'n`k`d 1':-dm'liv.'m in [Julia-y lt-rm- irmlirms :4in(-c- lhv firsrl ml` l)u- yrm, wllilv lhv Nvw Paid Hv|::I1|I-5:4" .<|I-wws .'m in-n-n.<(- ul Hi , in mun- lu-r nf pu|ir'iI~.< mid H35 in immllni, uv:-r H10 first six rmmlhs: uf l9.`i9. . _, .. ,. /..____ ,, , {A U G U 91` 95339? | WEST GWll.I.lMHURY Nu. 1.` Svlmnl. Fhmrl Hr-ad, Erl. (Iurnphv-!l,; H:|I'rv Wilstm N11 '1 Wnur|< MM-` I J`C)SSORON l`l0 N0, 1. Iivc-x'vtt.f |Ol': -mu: H::`l, Bzusil Jr-nkins, Miss: Reta Whllely. Na. 2, Lisle, (`.l-n- `cairn Ommzo Hull, Paul C. St:-ph- (-n<,vRl.ako` H:md_v. N:._ 3, G2l;.!(`l)':`-I .SrhIml Mix-< .I-:m Hm-mun Alli-4.` 'rIu~: 1|.`--..... hilurc m mgfstcl will m.nLc .m_\ nmlc nr Ii-nn.nlc'. married 01' single, nvc! the 493- of 16 years, lnIl.|r\_ or m imprisnnma:m rm .1 Irrm nu; L'.\tt.'l.`l.Ilg '1 hrcc months, or to bmh such hnc .md imprison- I excudin;-. T.-n dnlllr`-` fur (nub day. nu-r the (by upon whxch he should luv: tcgislcrcd, dunng . POST OFFICE _Au 9 u 5 1- Cf\IIA BI! Published under the authority oi HON. JAMES C. GARDINUII Mirxister of Nafional War Services r`rumnitIv-:- .f 11:14 puhlislu-rl my-r 22 X 140 A 1:... -...:I .1; 4 , S('hl.. ) NI. 'i| H. Alzumm-il'.~'. L`.....l KL. .1 1 IIlllnVI I \ Hul|t-l,in) .,.NORM. iihwu". ..-1.;...~.,;.-,~: .. ' 2-2__jwes`t street N, .omu.IA. .