Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Aug 1940, p. 3

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-Miss Farls, Toronto. is visiting with and Mrs. Jas. Swltzer. Miss Rutah I-tickling has returned home axt't,er two weeks in Barrie. Jomm Shenherd. Zephyr. visited Mr. and Mrs. u. w. 't I`CSI011. Mr. and Mrs. Creighton Lummis and family, New York, are holiday- ing with the f0rmex"s -mobhel . 'M. Preston and little grand- da.ug {mm To~r0nt,o. are spend- ing this week with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Casselman. WI`:-c ftnnninrrhnrn and nnnhnw. wm. Uasselman. I Mrs. Cunninp;ham and nephew. Jimmy Burnett. return):-d (to To- ronto after a week with the form- e1"s aunt, Mrs. Casselmzm. I 'T`hn Proshvfx-1-inrr Ind-ion` Air] -mt.\L Ier`s aunt, Mrs. Uasselmzm. The P1'esbyt.c1`i:1n I.-adios` Aid -nick at `Mrs. Allen MacDonald's on Wed- nesday al1't,o1-noon, with a, fair at- tendance. Miss MeRae presided. Roy Enkley and Albert Hounsomo have secured positions on one of the Great, Lakes boats and `have Dgone to take up their new d-utlles. Mr. and `Mrs. O. Mc-Clunz and gone Lake men` d-umes. Mr. Mc-Clung Mr. and Mrs. DcI7`rct`1s spent Wed- nosciay and I`hu1's(l:v.y at Honey I-Im"bm' and Go Home Bay on $1. fLs*h mg expedition. Weekend visitors at. A. Ea}:- |1cy's were 001. zmcl Mrs. Mcwaters. |M1`. and Mrs. Ludlow and dau:.v;hLer Jnnn nnrl Mr, nnd Mrs. R. Ea.k1:`v M1`. and Mrs. Lmmow ant: cxauxmuer 4 June and Mr. and Mrs. R. Eaklry and famlly. all of Toronto. ' \ Softball I it(-.hcr's Injury Ends Gama A softball game was pL1,y(-d at. Ponctzmg on Friday n 1g'ht, between 1,111? I-`cm Shoe Co. g"u`ls and mo Wyol)x'iclgc tvmm. The score was 11-9 in fzwor of the Wycl)ri(lgc H.-,i1`ls at the sixLh innings when vlw Wyobmlgo .pibcl1o1' was knocked out and had to be cm`ric-cl off the lflclcl, l;l1us ending the game. I Brrl. Brodorivk. Ok"}m\x'.':. spa-nt the, civic holiday week:-nd at. home. '1`-here will be no service in the United Church next Sunday. .Mr< Imnrlnrkin on!-m't.9`i1wrl 1'1'im1ds United Church next Sunday. vMrs.I:z1n(lcrki11 en!-m't,a*m 1'1'ionds from London on oiviz-. holiday. I Rnr< and Mrs, Rnwn. Tommo. llrom lmmnn (`l`Vl('. nmmay. R.u.w\,1l and Mrs. Rnwc. I`ommo. lsmrnt, last. weekend at Andy Cm`- fo1".. | te1":2.. Czu'o1_\'n Watson 1'(~L1u'n(-d on Worl- rtcsclzw from `her trip to Van-} I r-nuvo.-. M1`. mm Mrs. um hnvo 1ctm'11(`d n.ftt~r 'Carr1'_v MoI.can`s. .105. and Mrs. 011' spent. last Sunday i (visiting; the fm`n1.'1"s F` , 2' .l`hunday, August 8, 1940 1~`av;:. \ Wucldlinp; bolls will ring from a muplv of homes in this locality vL the next, ten days. Parti- culars later. ~1\/Ir and M1`.< Rnv Dixon and rulars later. `Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dixon Hr-lrn Riclm1`dsor. m>companiod J. `C. Broderick and Willa $0 Munc<`_v `on Mond~a_'.`. July 30. B(`mxl.it'ul fields of whom, arc now in shrx-1: and some are already smrod in the barn and ch? thresh- ing` xnzwhinos are busy. some :11- sikv is thrcshcd. l . (1 _____ __. Mr. and Mrs. C. Slater. Toronm. were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. G. Wingrovo. Mr. and Mrs. Harv:-`V Lemon and '1`. J. Rennick spent Sunday at Al- lliston and Everett. i Frances Tlmmmon x~<-turned ml ,Bol1evillo after holicla.,vim_r with her i-aunt. Mrs. J. Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd 'I`homp.~'on land fmnily visned with Mrs. Flor- Ioncv Banting at I\'.'.' on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. I_:s1l(> Dobson. Bar- rio. and Victor Thmnpson. St. Cam-I 1 l an r. an-`Luvs. vislt-ed at E. Rcxmick`s. Sun- I"2I\` A smious motor m~cidont. occur- `rcd lust, S:1.t111`da._v hall a mile south [of the village. Thru- soliders were r~mn'Lnr,z fmxn the south dovm t.h.~ long gradis, cvidcnt.1_v d.riv'mg swin- IV. for their cm jumped a dovp 1 - HI (trzuan grade. cv1dem.1_v cmvmg swun- 1_\'. cm` jumped ditch, missed a. large maple tree by .nbout. a foot. but tore `mm the wire fence. Ono man had his leg :\1m3sL (-on11)lct.':1.\' severed. besides other injurtes. The car was bad1}' brokvn up. ' ! ,,, ` Mrs. Owen. Toronto. spent, Sum` [day -with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown. Burton H(`ndc1`son and Harold Thurston spent Stmday an Laven- r`.m', I d21_\'. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wallwzn and famlly left for Rzcgina. Tues- day momVmg. aftm` visiting friends l11{`Y'l`. . w.-nL-.nm-I- visitors with Mr. and. i Item`. _ ` i W` o1~:end- vxsxtors and , Mrs. R. N. 1-hckling were Mr. Mc- Kmnnn and Miss Janet, McKi.m1on. "I`:\v-nn f n Toromo. ' Mrs. Sadie 'I`homp and Bill '1`hmnps Olive and Frances. vis-. `nod with Mr. and Mrs. ,J. Wa,11w'm on Sunday. Rnnris|\' visitcrs V\'i[h MI`. and Sunday \'L IMrs. Roy N. Hickling were Mr. and I.VI1's. W. C-aldwell. Miss Caldwell and Glaclys Hiaskling. Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jack: Brooks and family and Mrs. Brooks. Sr.. and son Danalcl. Toronto. visited with `Mr. and D. W. Dobson on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Dorgan. Mar-A ____________________ ._._*""._. ..._. __ _. __.._ Vl(`.'l`0|tl/\N ORIII-JR 0|-` NURSES (Bnrrin Brznwm. W011 Baby Clinic from 2.30 to 4.30 o'(-lock ovary Wod- Imscluy. /\m)1iv::1inn fur nurse's ser- vicvs may he nmtlv dirbct nr ehrnuuh dm-tnr. '1`ul<~phmm R6. Sunday. Mr. and Dorgan. Mar- garet. and Shirley. and Edward` Admnson. Toronto. are holidaying mm Mrs. D01'g`.u)'s father. Frank R; :1 Hnsnn \\`1IJ'l NLTS. RI :11-insnn Soldier's Lcg ~ in ` The Examiner : worth morc. `CENTRE VESPRAV aifttf um nnutm nxamnmn. Baum. om-., CANADA 5`:-.11: at $2.00 and is and J0s0r)hin(" in Sundm`-lzmri -. sister. -Mrs. J. .._---------------------- J. EDWIN WILSON. B.S.A.. l).0. nS'l`F.()PA'l`HlC`. PHYSICIAN , Kim: lm-l<. Rnrriv: 'l`vlr\phnn(r 345i ()ffi(:v I-lnurs- 9-I2, L30 to 5 and h\' mmnintnwnt Ha>mi1`Lrm. ` weeks at with vmn L-nem. The annual 1) men's Institute ~v Vince-nt's Park, 1 even-mg, August Miss L. Williams. -who has beenl seriously ill in the R.V. Hospital. Barrie, is improving. Mrs. I. Jorv. Brandon. 1Vum.. ar- Bertram. MLsses Fay and Norene `Handy. Marion Thompson. Lorne Hzmdy and 0. Richardson spent Sunday in Toronto. Tod Bertram. Toronto, visited here over the `holiday. and M1`. and Mrs. Reg. Bertram, Elmvale. spent Sunday here. Mr. and Mrs` Carson and Mrs. um-r10, 1s 1m-provmg. Mrs. I. Jory. Brandon. Mam. rivcd here 'I`uesda.y morning and will spend some time with Mrs. H. Bortmam. Migznu 'I'<`n,v and Nnrnnn Handv. stmday here. Grace Bury and family. Angus, spent Sunday with A. Osborne. Marlene and Lawrence remained spent. .5-uncmy wwn A. u.-mm-nu. for holidays. Harvesting is somewhat delayed by the wet. wca/ohcr, -but wheat, is all cut. a;1: most of bhe barley and -Msikc. Some wheat has been rh-my-n in mu! nlgikn hhr:-3.111112 all drawn started. `NHSS (517500 11111, 1'01 Lhe weekend at home. Mr-u wrnluilln (Tank -._.- ._.__ IEOBEIQT II. SMITH F.\'ESlGH'l` Sl"E(3IA[.IS'l` 53 Dunln ) S1: -Phone R0 Hnurs 9 6 rlai y. S:1tIn`rlny.s' till 1! ____..._ wen-Kexm an Tnomton. A. McDonald is s1)e'nd'mg two months at. Gaspe. Que. `mnnm-. M. Bell. PevzLw'n\Na. spent me weekend at, `home. Mrs. Melvi1le Cook spent, bhe workout! at. Thornton. A NT:-`nnnalrl ic gun-ndina two months at. uaspe. Que. Gumbor. Bell, spent the weekend at. the rc<:t,m'y. Rev. and Mrs. Newman are holi- daying in No1't,hc1'n Ontario. Miss Sarah Craig. Tcmisknminp;. daymg in Nonncm Ontario. Miss Sarah Cralg. Qum-.. is visiting` Mrs. E. Gaston. Miss -M. Meredith `has mtnrncd tn. Qlun, is vlsltung Mrs. E. Uaston. M. to Barrio after vrisitmg iMis.st-s, D. and E. Casbon. "T`hr\ RS `nit-11~i(~. tn Nfidlan-ri last E. Casbon. The S.S. `picnic to Midland last week was well attended. with ovm' ax 'hundncd `present. An9'1i0.n.n services on Sund-av. A112 . 'hundncd mcscm. An::'1ica.n services Sunday. Aug 11 St. Peters, 11; Christ, Church. L30: SL. James`. 7.30. Holy Com- munion. their brother at the smut last. WGOK. The Ladies Aid held their monthly meeting at the home of Nu's.~Ma1't.in Strath. with a good at.- tondancc. Jar-Imnr} visitors: Mrs, Robh. RH.-l Mrs. Chas. Boll visited Inst week with Mrs. Eli Grim: and Mrs. La- L:mvi1)c. Mr and Mrs .1, A. Bmwn and L:mvi1)c. M1`. and Mrs. J. A. Mrs. Trcw amended the funeral of their brother at the Sault last. week. 'T`hn T.nrlinS' Ad hold their ._____?__j__ MAYDEE IVICAULEY, A.'l`.C.M. Teacher of `Pizum and Theory Organist St. George's Church 115 Bnyfivld SL. Barrie p-_.____.:___. .-__:Z__..__._ ' Weekend visitors: Mrs. Robb. Rit- chie. Hamilton. Mrs. I. R,1t;chiu. E1mva,1o. and Duncan Mwrrison. Norm Bay. at. Goo. Morr1s(m s;_E. Bmzwk. Camp Bord-on`. Miss B. Brock. Toronto. Mrs. Frank Goldrtmz. Cap- rml. at Mrs. S. '1`. Brook's: W. French and 5') Elmer. St;mync1'. .n9 `rsnap F`x~r~m-h's: Isabel Barlow. lF`ronch and Elmer. smynor. nt, Isaac French's: Toronto, at Mrs. L8t'll1ViO'S Miss- es Ruby and Lnrcma Brown. Lan- sing, at `Cliff. Brown's: Mr. and Miss Munro and Rolph Brown at Mrs. Bannistefs. Mrs. H. C. Willson. Toronto. spent the weekend at E. H. Sloan's. 'I"he Women's Guild of St. Petmrs imot. on Thursday at Mrs. S. Wa.Lt's. . Mr and `Mrs. Norman WHISOIL imm. Thursday at. Mrs. 5. wan s. I Mr. and Mrs. Norman `Toronto. spent the holiday at Mrs. N. Wil'1son's. I Mr: Gi1n< and ri2.nEh1t~r Marioric. IN. W11'lson's. Mrs. Giles and daughter Marjorie. Petprbom. are visiting the former's mother. Mrs. Akcrs. | Mic: .T R:-ivn Mic: Anna Rriv comagc tor a monm an Manner. The Blue Bird group had quite a successful sale of homemade cook- ing and handy kitchen articles on Saturday at Cedar Harbour. l Waeekend visitors: At '1`. A. Don- imothcr. Mrs. Akcrs. Miss J. Rcivo. Miss Anne Reivc and Walter Reive have rented a comago for month at Mac'I`ier. The noun quite Miss Grace H111, Tm'om,o. spent .hn wt-r-kt-'nd at `homo. iSat.urda_v at Cedar namour. no1l_v's: Mr. and Mrs. W. Holden and fanxily. Mr. and Mrs. Carter: |Mr. and Mrs. Ron. Clute at. It 'Sloa11's . . . John Boycs wxth Mr. and Mrs. R. Boyes. Jr. nonoy Lneso aays. Joan and Jack Harris. Barrie. are 1m]-idaying wim their grandparents here. Man (`..Iwdr\n (`.nHlnou'nnd has rn- OAKLAND HILL I Jas. Brunskill is honey these days. Jon n a nd Jack Ha more. Mac Gordzm. Cnmnzwood. has re- turncd homo after holidaying with 1 Grace Castello. I Mr. and Mrs. B. Curtis. Barrie. ;\'iSi[ed with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. lBrunskil1 last. vcetsk. Mr and `Uh-c Pm-r-\' (`nstnlln and Brunskm L851. week. Mr. and Mrs` Percy Costello and family. Collingwood. have moved to C01\\'(".1 into the house vacated by Robb. Gibbbns. Runrlnr V.-ititnrs' Mr: Frank Sv- ! Rom. Lnobans. Stumday visitors: Mrs. Frank S)`- Imohs. Toronto. wxth Mr. and Mrs 1!-laws; .\`Ix`. and Mrs. Fred Brunskill land family, Huttonvillo. with Mr. and Mrs. .135. Brunskil): Mr. and `Mrs. Elgin Harris. Barrie. with Mr. land Mrs. .105. T'1Ifin.. Mrs. T. Bidwell. Bzu'rie.- spent last vs-wk with friends here. Aniemr Hm.rst., Wh-it.bv_ was a last wmk W11 n Inenus nor Anistcr Hearst. Whitby. holiday visltor here at I.3.l1'S. Mr and Mrs H, Bnnlev. I..ea.n's. Mr. and Mrs. H` Banley. Mrs. T. Bidw-911 and Mrs. J. Sheffield were visitors in Port .VIcNico11 recently. Vicirnrc 1n the nummunitv durinz Vlslbors m the commumty during the lmoliday were: Mr. and Mrs. R. Bunker and family. Mr. and Mrs. L. Kobold and fam'11)\ Gloria. Pow- ell. Jack Lynton. all of Toronto. at Mrs. J. S.`1ex`field`s: Ray Ostmnder. Helen Bexmram. Toronto. at Mrs. J. Bern-am's: Mr. and Mrs. Hunt and Alex. Lawsun. Urilhz. :u Ju.~. 5:11"- gm-11135. `VXSHOTS in P0 MCNICOII reoenuy. \ I .__\:__.._.__. ._<._ Is your subscription paid ! CRAIGHURST PIOFISIIONAI. DIRICIOIY fwgvanm some wn-eat, nas been in and alsikc tthrcshtng DALs'rq1${ _ cuni. _c$LwEILI; picnic of the Wo-! ,- will be held in St. Harri nn "l`no.c.rin,v with A. Osborne. busy extractimz jzww---_- V- - --_ Business appeared good on the market Saturday morning. with many summer resort people among the buyers. Price levels showed little change. Tc`.n'n': worn slizhtlv softer at two AIHIHII./\N(tI~. 47 l".li'I.u|n-.lII St. little change. Eggs were slightly cents less per dozen. the top price for A" large being 28 cents per dozen as compared with 39 cents for the past several weeks. Chickens were unchanged at 25 cents per ' pound. Tomatoes are comimz out in larg- pound. Tomatoes are coming er quantities than before. They sold at 50 cents and 75 cents per six-qt. basket. according to quality. or ten , cents per box. Raspberries were . plentiful as low as 10 cents per box. L and with other prices. two boxes for 23 cents and two boxes for 25 cents "Blueberries were slightly lower at ' 70 cents per six-quart basket and ' $1.35 per ll-quart `basket. Vegetables \ Green peas, 6-qt. basket .......... .. 25c Green peas. qt._ shelled ...... ..20-25c Cauliflower, each .......... ..l0c and 20c I New beets, 3 bunches ................ .. we I New Carrots. 2 bunches . .. 15c L Cgzbbages .............. ..5c, and 2 for 15c Green onions. 2 bunches .. .. 5c - Radishcs, 2 bunches .... .. 5c Rhubarb, 3 bunches .... ..l0c [- New Inca] potatoes. 6-qtibasket. 25c I Head 'Lettucq'. hend ...................... .. 5c V` Leaf lettuce. 3 `bunches . 10c `y Spinach. 6-qt. basket .................. .. 15c Cucumbers, each ....5c and 2 for 15c d Green beans. quart ...................... .. l0c d Garden cress .. 5c bunch or 3 for 10 it Green peppers, hothousc. each 10c Celery. bunch .. . .. 10c ` Parsley. bunch .............................. I4 5c English broad beans, 6~qt basket 25c F`rui't I Lllh Black Currants, qt. Red Currants, qt. White curnams. qt_ Raspberries. box we. 2 Ior 23 & Black raspberries hnv 15.900 2 hnxns 250 and mack raspnerrnes box 15-20c. 2 boxes 25c and Blueberries, 6 qt. basket .......... .. `l1.nQ hnukni ,, $1 bluenerrnus, u qt. 11-qt. basket. Gooscberries_ qt, Red cherries, qt. R..nI hnclcnf lied cnerrlcs, qt. .......................... .. lUL' 6-qt. basket .......... .. . Tomatoes box 10c. 6-qt, bkt 50-75c Produce Y)nn`.I\\V H` 9R1` 1 l'U` Butler. lb. . . Fowl_ lb. ........... .. Eggs, dozen . Spring chickens, , Lamb. fronts. lb. Lamb. hinds, lb. 125.1 Duluug Buns. dozen .. Cakes, each . Doughnuts, dozen .. H0me-mado bread. lunf Muffins. dozen Pics, each Tarts. dozen . Cookies. dozen ............... .. Cnn:-in] |v.xL-inn `in Toronto. ' Oscar Mitchell, Hamilton. oa.l.I2d on his brothers at Bethel. and his sister. Mrs, Pepper. Severn Bridge. vis- ited Miss Elimbcth Mnthmvs last .u'm-If G`.G._.MITH 6: CO. ..|.n.-I....I HUN HOG 1 -week. An n .Q()l)Kl('S. (NV/.('n .. Special baking . ,.-?_..j Harold Bates spent the weekend n Tnrrmfn, I week. 1 Anna. Frances Gordon. Stayner. is .___.__.____g_.____.__ Branch Office in NEW L6WELL IMPERIAL NOW, while you are insurable, is the time to make certain that your widow will never want. Thousands of men of sound judgment have found the Imperial Life Income Policy to be exactly what they need. It safeguards the millionaire despite the hazards of business and nance; to the salary-earner it gives day to day protection. an assurance of freedom from poverty and nancial worry in old age. Should the "unex ected" happen `there is a steady income for those left ehind. -- It The amount of monthly income, payable to yourself when you retire. or to your widow in case of your decease, is for you to say. You decide how much I month. will be needed and deposit accordingly with Imperial Life. Payments can be made in accordance with your convenience, and means. Best for the` Better Half \Wo\iIo LJAVLL L Jul: \a| c - - lI(illl!s'lIl`(l I l"l'Nl-.lt/\l. lHRl~1(`.'l`()RS AND l .I\ll.'\l.M|'IRS Molar :\lIl||l|l:Ill('l` in cmnu-ctlnn nu-nu I\,\ \- A !\Yl\ Mll`.ll'l` amter two weeks In uarme. Jonas shepherd, zcphyx-_ eV. and Mrs. R. B. Warren. Sun- uv | See the Imperial Life representative today. ll). Baking [)(,'iIH.`i, Y Fruit nl Imperial Life will give your widow a never-failing income $70 a month for nearly 20 years 2 J:_J L- _._.__- _..._..:.I In`. r- ' - ----~~'~ I I When Mr. B. died he owned Imperial Life insurance totalling 311.217. His widow elected to take $500 in cash and the balance as monthly income. She is guaranteed $70 per month for 16 years and 4 months and may continue to receive the same monthly income for a further period as interest returns at that time may warrant. LET US SEND YOU THIS BOOK The tide is: "How Polc Uu L7]: Imlrnuce." You'll End in very helpful. It is free. Write Imperial Life Assurance Co.. 20 Viclotil Street. Toronto, Om. 10-20c 15-25c 20c 8-10 .... .. 20c 25c ')Rn lVI0lIll' illlllvulnurr nu | u-nu mu`... ()l'I".N DAY AND Nl(iII'I` IIAIHKIIC. (INT. l'IIONI'I 32 T. .3-111 In-12c .U Jot: 70c $1.35 `IE1- l"uJlJ L . ` 15 ZIC 10c . ~ . 1- 10c I2 . 250 . I5(: 150 L 250 91.00 .5c Inn Patton. Mrs. Mex. Gralmmr and Shirley. Stayner, spent 'I`luu%day with her parents. `Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnstxm and Visiting Kim Mr. and Mrs. Patton. Mr: [Harv rnllxcwr and Rhlrlnv. LT<;yH " Mr. and MT5. Freq aonnswn rlaughters. Irmn Hzuniltxm. are mng friends here. `Al:-c I-lnrrv I .9 uvhnnnn Mr (.,____._ your subscription paid? 11,111}; I I ll`;lll|-5 'lIl1l I3. Mrs. Harry Lawronvc. Mr. and ` Mrs. Frank Rowe and son and I -Mary Wood motored tn Toronto, Sunday. | Mr. and Mrs. W111 MU1a|)l!l`S()X\ Sunday. rmd family and Mr. and Mrs. Wos. Mumberson spent Sunday with Rev. and Mrs. Newbury. Ponson-by. Do" and line: (1 A l`_rnc.-n and 8.110 MI5. IV!:W>uuI ,Y. rulmlnl-u_y. Rev. and Mrs. G. A. Cruse and daughter Mary have returned from their holidays. Miss Jessie Brown. Toronto, zwcumpzmlcd them. u.- .....-1 mt i'I1-nnr (".hnrnr-M. IKIFUIIUJ, HAIL'\.Ill|])'lalLlU\l bl ICIII. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Chm-rt-M. and son Ronnie. Mrs. John McCo1o- man and Miss Vivian Mocolemxm. all of North Bay. visited on Subur- day with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rowe.` Mr. Rnwe mt.\u'ned~ home with them after two weeks in Nor!/h Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Fmnk H(m(lo.r.'4nn and Dnmrv Mr and Mrs. 112s._Hcnd- and P8823 . Mr. mm Mrs. erson and Billy. Mr. and NLTCDIB. 1n.IIn-hfprs frmn Hmnilmn. are W Naw you can get wumn-rnmnus CANADA mu! 1 m the individual size . . . for Pun, wholesome, spukling and ice-coId-get genuine CANADA mu Ginger Ale for a nickel-at stands everywhere! At ball games, picnics, on the beach. on motor trips. get the individual size Canada Dry. It used to cost ten cents, now it's only live. From now on . . . GET THE BEST! W. D. MINNIKIN NEW LOW PRICES In 1 sun v . u ` - - . - . _ ._..- Individual Size . I . . . . 5(/')Irv r,5',"1 Handy Home Canton of 6 Bottles 27 1 Ill. ( /nrmrrlv Medium Size Hnndy Home Carton of 6 Bottles 5 (Mn: b4 CANADAJ%%%%%PJ'W Bank of lemma Building`,Ba'rri.e IN I CONVINIINI SIZES _.. "The Champagne of C_jingm' exiles" I vu uu._y . . 11:5. Hcnd - Mrs. Ernie I vL~'.- I Io \Jo .|.I.LJ\..a.n.-' l"lINl2RAl. DlRI'IC'I`0R. AND l.MlmI.Ml)R AMIIlll.AN(`1~`. sl-'.nvl(`r I ) I-`.li-unln-LII st. : l'hmu-. 218 V Gvrtrcn, Billy CI1risl,i- f1'iend:4. of 'I'ummn, :;|n-1 and Muxulzw :11. II:-mu-r Luge. Burlll-,n M1-n l'r(-st-Int I Laue. l'ru:r:|m , The R.C.A.S.(J.. ('):unp Bm`Ill'lI, pub on n. l'l'(`(! 1-mm-rl. In-rt-, W(`ll|l('.':(l1LV ovonlmz. A bull u':mu- l)(,-tM'(-<-ll vhcm and New I.<>w4-ll r'.~.n;11ll.-(I in 'IL smro of 6-4 in f:wm' 4;!` Camp. Thur hull \\'ns D2l('kl`(l tn I-njny Lhu `xnllitury bum]. sunnw, insmnnn-nl.ul . music and (Imu-im.:. Sum-vssflll lmwn !~'.m-.h1l Tho lmvvn am-lnl I~`rId:I_\* night. vL'u.s' n s1n<:<:(-ss. A :-.hm't, prn2ru.xnn14- in-`, (_`.l4ll(l(,`(1 Um rllmxinu: Sula, F.l,t".m|`l_ St,:Linlnm; phxm rhu-L. Miss In-.v.'.4-I SI/l_\"lT(`l`, :l,H(l Mrs. [r:mk wnw'J' '1`orm1t,u; (lm-l.. .lwm- llinnt'!_v and Mmjv Crus<-2 pizmu :~,<.Iu. Amw Pud- (li.-svm: 11111.9(-21] llllIl||M`l`.'~: by Mr.<.. Ch:lJ'll'.`4 Stnlnlnm tpizuw). Hurry ` Stzllntmn am! 13111 Duff Inmuth or- Lrmn; Amln-.v .`.~`.t,uintm1 Iuunmrr: v L:ulL:n' and 5010, J:-am Pumnnz dlul, ` Jon Hmnvly and Mary (1rII:;4-', mm; mr .->10. /\nd_v 55->l,l; rlnr-1,, Mrxa l G. W. litmhh and MIN. (1, M<'Qll:la_V: duct. A<.:m~:; um! ('.i1l><-M, G:n'L4-r. Ric- : fl'(,'Hhm(`I\L wt-re wrvml. , .(Ii-am` vnu.v.$<-ul numlw A :'.l1m'L |)rn'.Ix'u f47H()WillQi Sully` Ml lr:mb um A Ll-FE uml uhhcr pm, Sunday -rsm1':s col.- \ l"UNI.lU\l. l)IlCl*I(_`'l`0ll AMIIUI./\N(`.l-I Sl*`.llVICE 26 Mary St. : Phone 431 l"&INI'}R1\L I)H".(T'l'ORS -j 3 IT'S a m.m'.r luvlui.|y . . . that the whole family can cmuy ! _].:< tr, in the heart of the Canadian liuckics. mlcrs gokt . . . on an lSholc chamlpionship cmlrsc whcrc snmmh undulatin ' f.1ir\\'.1_\'s and in- vmng grccns tempt cvcry shot. nd tl\crc ssn much clsc! Tmut M.\sh in tumbling nmunmin strc~.uns; thcrc's s\\'inumn_1:. hiking. tumor and saddlc trips _to the Coluxubi; lcciicld, Malignc Lakc, Mt. Edith MUSIC LESSONS CHlROI R.AC'I`0R.S ` ACCOUNTANTS y. Gordon Mccormack and -Miss! Alma. Mccormack visited fvlends at Maple on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Andncrw Yeo, of Oshawa. Mrs. Ida. Yeo. Miss Flor- ence Addls and Malcom Yeo, Port Hope, visited Mr. and. Mrs. M. Hick- ]-ing on Sunday. /.~,___._.__. LLOYD A u nunxrrvrnw `(:0 I-lnurs~-9-I2. Lzsu u and by nppoinlnlnnt OSTEOPATHY ~ OPTOMETRY $I".RVl(7l*2 NY Phone 405 Ynur local ."."cnt will gladly ticulars as to tarts. lumtg. etc. MJ'S. M8503 am: are visiting at W. 11.. ..~.-`A Jmwu `R Mr. and Mrs. B. Dodo; and: son, from Toronto, are `Visiting at Mrs.` T . Jones . | .Congra,t:u1ablons to Mr. and Mrs. jcmbm Haight on the arrival of a daughter. Mr. Rowe, Morley and too Mc- Laughlin visited friends in Kinca.r- dine on Sunday. __.__z9_.____ WELCII, ANDERSON & COMPANY Chartered Accountants, Trust.ccs. etc Crown Life Building. 59 Yonge St.,| 'I`omnto I .,.____ Haven't you a friend who would like to see a copy of this week s Ex- uminer? For sale at all news dealers or this office. __ BOYS as BOYS Barristers, Solicitors. Notaries Pub- llic, Convcyancers. etc. Money loan at lowest rates of ""terest. Of- fice: 13 Owen St., Maaunic Tem le Building, Barrie. Branch of we Elmvale. J. R. Boys--J. F. Woods. --:- CAMERON 8: CAMERON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. ETC. 5 Owen SL. Barrie : Telcghone 406 MONEY TO LOA FRANK HAMMOND, B.A.. K.0. Bzwrister. Solicitor, etc. Masonic Temple BIdg., Barrie. Money to loan. I UUWAN as Uuvvnn Barristers, Solicitors, Convcyancerl Notaries Public, etc. I MONEY TO LOAN Office, Masonic Temple Buitdmg. 17 Owen Street, Barrie Alnvnnrlnr rinumn. C: A. Ross Cowan 17 OWOD Street, uarne Alexander Cowan. G, A. Ross Cowan ____._._.__.?__:___ Bl\..lb'1'lSl1., Money to loan : I DONALD F`. MacLAREN.. B.A. BARRISTER. SOLICl'l`OR_ ETC Masonic Tem lc Buildin , Barrie. MON Y TO LOA | Physician and Surgeon 39 Owen St. Phone 101.`) Office Hours: 12.30-2.00; 630- 9 p.m. DR. W. A. LEWIS (Surgery and Diseases of Women) Chief Coroner, County of Simcoe xuul DR. R. N. `Mac-.I`HER.SON __._._.__________ JESSIE R. BRYSON ' Organist nntl choir director. Central United Church. 'l`(-nclier of piano, ` singing and musical theory. Miss J Bryson has had exlvnsivc training with each of this following well- known YflLlSlCl2lllSZ Organ I`hr_-nry and Com ositinn. Dr. Henley Wil- lnn, RR. 0.; Singing. Dr. Albert. Ham. F.R.C.O.. founder mid di:`ectm' of the National Clmrus, Toronto; Piano, Viggo Kihl, Danish pianist; Ernest Scilz, Czinn(li:m pizmlst. Also I eciul courses. in 'l`nrnnt0. NOW ork. Virrzinin. etc. Pupils preparqd DR. W. C. LlT'l'hl`) Associate Coroner. County of Simcoe and DR. A. D. GRAY Physicians and Surgeons Office. 47 Maple Ave.. Telephone 213 Office hours: 1 to 4 p.m., 7 to 9 p.m.. or by appmntment and Int. It. N. lVlll(7l`l'II':ll:D\ILI ` Physician and Surgeon v Phone 61 : Office-58 Collier St I830-9.30 n.m., 1-3.00 and 630-8 p.m. | I). N. W. lCUljl'.'l(. Physician and Surgeon |Assncinte Cnmner, County of Simcnc Office and residence: 50 Mary St Phone 101 _____________ I Iph lII{..2l(V)d(.) M. hnulclb. l4.|Vl.b.\;. one ` . Physician. Disease of Children, in- tornnl medicine and minor surgery. l0ffico: 30 Owen St.; Office and Res DR. J. H. N. 3'Ml'l'li Physician and Sun` eon Office: Owen St. at ollier Office Hours: 1.30-3.30, 7-8.30 p.m Phone 700. Residence: 47 Collier St. ---------- I ._ DR. GEORGE C. SEYMOUR ` Physician and Surgeon . Office and Residence. Comer Eliza- beth and 'I`omnt0 Sts.. Phone 140. Hours: 9-10 n.m.; 1-4 p.m.: '7-9 p.m. DUNCAN F. MCCUAIG. K.C. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. ETC. Mmmv in lnun 3 Rn. Block. Barrie DR. E. G. TURNBULL (Graduate McGill University) Office and residence: corner Dunlop and Pnyntz Sts. Phone 105 Hours: 9-10 n.m., 1~3 p.m., 7-8 pm.` -:._jj DR. C. C. FLEMING VETERINARIAN and SURGEON O8 Bayfiold St. : Barrie : Phone 811 LIL LL11. Jul. \A\aa.|a-V `van The Versatile. High Class. Hum nrnus "'.mertninor. for your ncx Lodge or Church or other En; tertainment. Illustrated Circu- lar FREE. Address 628 Crawlorcl St.. Toronto. 10tf! {pecinl NOW ork, Virginia, for 'I`omn1.o C0n:;m'vn1.ory of Music cxnminntiniis. AH'L{I`ZldCS. For terms . Ipply at siurlin, 27 BI`:l(1fnI`d St. - -- -- wurnrinl aurgl.-ry illlu ulaullaua lll Vvulucl hicf Simcc and DR. R. N. MacPHERSON Dlnminiun urn! Rnrnnnn R. N. M. LAURIE. L.Wl.C.C. qnnn 9.00 EALU [ID 1;_.gI1 GORDON I.. LII.-L r` vnun DR. L. H. BIGELOW Physician and Surgeon wnn S1,, G. TURNBULL nrhmfru Mnill University COWAN J5 COWAN nu-u Qnl innrc ffnnvr-v DR. W. C. LITTLI". Mn (",nrnnm', (".nnntv nf! DR. N. W. ROGERS rlhvqir-inn and Snrrzann VETERINARIAN ENTERTAINERS .-.-., ~- , . Edmund Hardy. Mus. B::c., F.'l`.C.M. Teacher of Pizmn. Organ, Vocal and Musical 'I`hem'y. Omznrnist nnd Choir- mnstcr of S1,. Anrlr(~w's Prt-sbyterinn Church. Gold Morluli.:l. 'I`nmnt,o Cun- aervntnry of lvlusic zmd University of Tornnto. 113 Wnr: St.. B:u'rie.l ._.____?__:-_:_ TWEDICAL LEGAL SECURE 7'! II 33' SOLICITOR. ETC. : Ross Block, Barrie Cavcll, and other renowned hcnutv spots. Hcrc, in the world's greatest alpine pl.u'gmund. you'll dis- cover jasper Park Lodge. with its indix-idu.il lug bungalows--its distinctive lmspimlitv and pleasing social lifc. Rates are rn0dcratc-~tmtn $8 a dav, including meals. Ruunding out .1 perfect lmliday is your trip West by the air-comlitioncd Contincutal I.imitcd--an experience in itsclf. ` furnish you with par- -Mrs. Green, Aumm. ls spex several weeks with Mrs. Thos. bit}. `R9111: 1Il11in.n and "M`m-rav W. ica. Barrie, visiwa wwn met: aunc, Mrs. Shemmn Todd. Goxxgratulatioxis to Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Kneeshaw on the birth of 9. son at Oookstown: also to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Porritt on the ar- rival of a. son. also at Cookstown. The S5`mpatihy of the community is extended to Mrs. Chas. Knee- shmw and family in the death of Chas. Kneeshmw on Thursday last Interment was made at Mount Pleasant Cemetery on Saturday. Miss Margaret Neilly was mkcn to the Royal Victoria. Hospital. Barrie, on Thursday last -for an. appendicitis operation. Margaret. is improving nicely and all her friends hope her recovery may be rapid. Mrs. Walter Ma.cMackon. Angus. and. `Mrs. John Cochrane. Baxter. vluinsd .uri+.h Mrs `Inn Nr-ilxlrv last. Belle. lxulxan and 'Mu.1-ray wa.m- ica. Barrie, visited wit/h their aunt, `Mrs: Rhpnnmn Todd. and. `Mrs. John Oocnrane. lzmxwr. visited with Mrs. Lou Neiluly last. week. and Jean Robinson, Brad- ford, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scott, Toronto, visited at her home this week. "l'Vhan wind sfm-m nif last 'Dhu-rsdnv GEO. ll. & l<`.l.Sll". A. BURNS. D`s.C Licmmsvd Druulu-ss 'I`h<-rapists Electric, Rzuliu. Hydro and M1-chnnn Therapy `)A Tnnlnn 5, truck. E Pa., oalllecl this week. The wind storm of last 'Dhu-rsday did a. little damage around this community. Trees were blown down, cutting the hydro wires. Sev- eral gardens -were flattened and some wondered if the end of Lhel world had come. The church corner at Gilford was the scene of a. minor accident on Monday, when a young man on a motorcycle received injuries when he collided with Cousins` milk The young man was re- moved to the rhospibai. Mrs. Evelync Teele and Mr. and -Mrs. Wm. G. Biain. Philadelphia, on several of their friends in lhhis vicinity last Wed- nesday on their return trip from Muskoka. where they -had been holidaying at. Windermere. Death of Mrs. A. Putnam The community was saddened by news of the dv:a.t.h of Mrs. A. Put- nwm. who had been living with her daught;cr, Mrs. F. ll/Iillsuat. Beau- maris. Mrs. Putnam had been a resident of Giiford `for many years and was much loved by all who knew her. Mrs. 1\/i'cRoberLs went to Bcaumaris to attend her .gra.n(1- mobhci-'s funeral. | 2 E I \ ' 1 -ronw. The Women's Institut/3 met at Mrs. Mul11n's on Thu rsdny a,fber- nnnn | noon. 1 Tomnto civic Iholiday br0u9,'.hl.| many holiday folk hero. every a.vzLil- able place `-being taken. Mr. and Mrs. Workman and `-being taken. Marylin zmd Mrs. W. Hlldon and Joan spnnt. the holiday weekend am their cottage. 1 IM'rs:. Gmtbum. and sons. from nncxr cousagc. Mrs. Gnmbtxtb Clnrksburg. Mr. arncl Mrs. Vern Yorke. Mac and Ellcen. of Bell- havcn. C. Dumoncl. Quo(msvillu. and Mrs. Smith and fzunily. C()ll(`,0l`('L were Sunday vlL'~:tom with Mrs. E1 Quantz. | Run `I(nnnIunI 'Ilnu'n hv (`,:|r IKQUHJIDZ. I Buy Knocked `Down by (Jar A young `boy was knocked dm\'n| by a car on Monday on hhv st.1'ncl.| ncm' Lemmorvs store. He rec-r~ivod , severe cuts on the back of his h<:a(l.[ Struck by But, Girl Mad:-. Unuonsc-.iou.-4 Whiln rtho young folks wvro p1n_v-- `ins: -ball in the dance hall fi4`1(l_ I 1 a w Thursday afternoon, Shirley Chap- tpell was struck on the head with the bat. She was unconscious for (L while and Dr. Shannon rushed her to than B:m`ic hospitzul for x- my and t1'e:1Lmcnt. Several s(.it.c-h- as had rm be put, in `bo.hind' om` our and around her mouth. She stayed in {hospital over night. and rct,m'ncd to her home. where shn is resting in bed since. The ball players -were real good sports. Thuy nut. on H. bcneit, game for Slnvy -Mrs. Green, Auburn. is spending -.nv:-1-Al weeks with NLrs. Thos. Ncs~ real good sports. '1'n::_\' put, on Monday znftemoon. Miss Grace Murdoch. Laxdcr` Lake. who has been nholidzwimg; at. her home here. `has. rot.1u'ncd. Mr. and Mrs. G. White m`.(lB!`1l(`(` have retunwd to Dundas Mu-r a; few days with Mrs. wmu-`s parents. `Mr. and Mrs. F. Sbott. Recent V1sit,m`s includ-1-dz Peter: Clubo, Toronto, at W. H. C1ulv`s. . . Mr. and Mrs. Cmwfm'd and sons. Joe mad Kenneth. Thm~nL:m. at J. A. Go0dh:md's. Tm WA. held their Allmlsl. nu'4`t.- Mochnn 02A Dunlnn St. ---.:__.__.__. J. A. Goodmmcrs. The W.A. held Augrust. lm: 'I`luu`sdu.y a.ftre1'noon at Mrs. W. Blow`s home. '1"hcro was 8. mmd at,Lo.11duncc. After the l)11sinvss.` Mrs. N. Hodgins gzzwv an int4rrcst- lug paper on Life Can Bo Bcz11lbi- . ml," which all present enjoyed. Joyce Fer1'ic1' is visitimr in I' -` `onto. BELLE EWART. GILFORD_ WYEVALE- } cung TO FORM NORSE ARMY HERE General Williams Steffens, who led the Norwegian army in the nnrih against the Germans during the Nazi invasion of his country. is on his way to Ottawa to raise an army of Norwegians living in Can- ada. ,_*?_._./ ner `pa.x'ems `nerc on r'ncm_v. Cecil Towns. Merlin. is holiday- ving 'Iw`it;h his family at; Samuel El- lery's. Rxwmrmd Hutton. wife and fam- 1ery's. Raynmnd Hutton, fly. Toronto, are 'holid:3.y Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Preston. .Mu- and 1V| r.< Creighton I:m Muriel Rawn is holidaying` with fricncls `in Midvland. Vern. Robins, Toronto. visited with her `pa.x`en`Ls `here Friday. Cecil Towns. Merlin. h0lidav- vnu. .-......... .., ..._______..______________. W. G. AND I*}'l'IIF.l, M('.KlNNl`lY l).().. S .(3.. D.l).'l`. Uhlroprzu-1nrs& ruuzlt-ss '[`h(-rapists 70 Essa Rnml, All::ndulr- Ol'l'ic~ and Ros. Phuno 891 Office hrs., I-5 p.m. and 7-9 p.rn. Dr.mslIH,nli:m from T-`nut ndjusl.m(-nl.s ---{---------_____._____

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