LITLIGIVI` l(lL mun In utnluyfull yuuulua. The l'v.u~t is that. Stalin has already gained more thruugli the preseiit war clmxi has Hitler ' and at. much less cost. The Russian dictator has tiikeii ii big slice of Finland. has consoli- dated his position in the Baltic. annexed the ' Polish Ukraine. Lit.liuania, Latvia. Bessarabla and Buuovimi. and is in position to dominate Roumuniu and the mouth of the Danube. All or which must be very annoying to the Axis` _p31rt;nei's, Mussoliiii might yell say_ to mtler, THEM lg/\RZR|_E EXAMINER ..---- 'l'IlURSl)AY. AUGUST ~ EDITQRIAL 8, I940 The action of Mayor I-Ioude of Montreal in defying mitional i'eg'istrat;ion and calling upon the public Lo ignore it., fully deserved the punishment by inl'.ei'menL given him. His prominence :1.-:`l1eud oi` C:m:1da's ling-,'e:;r, city and one of the lending political figures in his province. mucle it all the more imperative that prompt. action should be taken Zlguilllit him. It would nevei` do." says the Toronto Daily Star, L0 lmvv 1.119 House 01' Commons com- posed entirely of I-lerridges and Macplmils Du! in h1\nxLu\n-`thin rlnuun hnth innnu A report from Paris st' that Hitlexj re-I cently indicated his willingness to talk pf?!`-\ sonally with Pemin as :;upi'eme chief of the} Fliench state." Rz1L1ie1' an ambiguous way of putting; '11.. but, t,hei'c- is no doubt in HiLl(>1"s mind as L0 who is re1'(=r1'(=(i 1.0 as the s11p1`=niel _ chief". i /3. pvumu \uvu\n_y \1A ALKAAA\.A5\sJ u.:nu AvAu.v.pnuu.u.2 . . . But in h0l11&`0pilI.hl(` closes both types would do parliunivnl goocl." How do Mr. Her- rldge and Miss M'.l.(`].)l1Llll like being comp'.u'ocl with little pills that liuve the power of curing," diseases similar to cliose they would produce in healthy persons`? . ,# Last week The Exauniner varried an ad- vertismnent Showillg the list of questions to be Luiswewod fur national x`egisL1'z1tion. All should mal-:0 t.l`mxns.elves f-.unil'1-.u' with these and be ready to answer them. thus facilitat- ing the work. It should be borne in mind that any person uver 16 years of age who fails to register is liable to :1 fine or imprisonniem and an additional penalty for each day un- regist`ered :11 l.e1' the dates set. ..A. __ I Last week's issue of the Brampton Conser- vator contained :1 special section. marking the golden unnivers'.1r_v of the clay when Mr. Samuel Ch-.irters became owner and editor of that newspaper. Among the interesting` features in this edition were the biographical sketch of the veteran publisher and the story of the development of the Conservator during` the fifty years he hus been at the helm. sev- eral reminiscent articles by Mr. Charters as well as warm c.ongratulatory messages from Prime Minister Mackenzie King. Premier Mit- chell Hepburn. Senator Meighen and a num- ber of other men prominent in Canadian pub- lic and business a1`t'uirs. High tribute was paid to his splendid qualities of character and his outstanding services as mayor of his town. as member or the Legislature and the House of Commons. and in various other capacities in which he and his paper have served his c_ommunity, county, prtivinne and Danadai l)l("l`A'l`()Rs IN A DILEMMA Whom the Sovm invaded Bessarabia and ' Buvov'u1-.1 Lhv (`xemum F`o1'eigu O1` fice tried to powuudo Lhv world that the move was in ac- .corduum~ with u pro-arranged plan drawn up lust August bvtwvou H'xt.ler and 81.9.1111. But there is o\'vr_\' 1'v:1su11 to believe that the move was a s\lx'p1`is' um. s`uu'.e it. has upset. the Axis uppl0-curt for the bum` being. at least. Both Berlin anal Ronw have been worried over the Bnlkun s1t.uut,`um. and it is very doubtful if Hitler and I\-Iussolim are in complete agree- ment. us to Llu` future disposition of those st.nt.os. It is mu-ly certain that before the out- break of tho \v~.u` the two dictators did not reek-on upon the return of Soviet Russia as a decisive factor in European politics. T`|\u fun! In tho! Qfnlin hue oh:-nnu not-and The Geitniansl who have had no mercy on the Red Cross (luring hostilities in France, would now` like to use that lmmanitalrian or- ganization Lo help them hold the (-,ounl,1'ies they have brought under their iron heel. ( Toronto reports 704 more ma1'1'iages in the city during` July than were per1'orn1e>d (luring July of last yv:11'. It would appear the ac- tivity of Mars has a stimulating" effect upon Dun Cupid. -~-- -- - mm. _ ..,,,, . ,, v ,. I __.-_ _ ..._,.,. Two nien in Now Jtwsoy convicted of steak ing` fish were smitmwed to six months im- prisonment with an order that they be fed on a fish diet during that Limo. Not too bad if they were allowed to fish for thmnselves. H('l'Ill L`lll And yet these sumo irre.<;ponsiblo motorists are usually tho I'ir.~'.l, to demand 1'cpa1'ation if they should :~:ul`l'e1' in the saxno way. No per- son should be g'rantt*(l a motor license who is unable or unwilling to carry liability insur- ance. The question 01' compulsory insurance. as the Gazette insists, is one that demands immediate z1t,Lontlon from the Provincizll Government. When it (:itl'/.(~n (lm:i(il-s to piirchuso and op- eriite an illll.l)l1)(')bH(` ho ussiiiims lm-.reus('(l r>~ sponslbllity and liability toward his fellow citizens. But there are too many who wmil. to enjoy the licmised })i'ivil(-gr-_ oi niotorlng with- out the liabilities that go with it. The Al- montv C`-zi7.otl,v culls ztttontion to tliosv mot- orists who fail to carry lnHlll`i.1i(`.n against zit-,- cident. "All over this provim-.(-", says tho Gaz- ette. "aim i'notm3st.~'. who have, at our time or ll'l0l.hf`l'. siil'l`i~i'(~(.i (li1Ii12LI.!,`(.'S mid often ser- ious physical injurie-s- through the ness imd iii(lil'l vi'<=i'im- to (luiigiw of other mol,~ or-vehi(:lo opi,-rutors who. upon invostlgzitlon, prove to bo l'iii:m(-.izilly ll'l`(!S])Ol1Slbl9." An lnstzmco oi" this is citncl as follows: "A ! ()n`.:irm town wins lh(- Vl(`lllll of .~:m:li ini.~:l'm'iimt-. As an I`:--sull. his wifv : ii lmilu-ii 1:1; and Ullll'l' svriuur: Iii- juries. Shv h:i.~: lwi-ii in :u liosiiihil fur i m:i'~wr-i-k.: and will he cniiipullx-U in l'l`ill.'Illl llu-rv for .\'l'V~ 1-ml mni`i- \.\'i-i-ks. in all pi'nh:ili1lii_v sliv will hi- lll('llDil(`lla'll('(l for .`~ lIlIll` timv :il'le-r shn is ublu lo rvlm'n to hm llI)lll(' Asi(h- l'i'uni his wil'v'.~: physi- cal sui'l'-rin,-.-,' and (list-oiiil`ni'l. this ( )ut:iriu L-iii- 7.-ii will lIiI\ t' lll mm-1 hills llll` ;: siihslznitiul llllllllllil lo (-u\wr lll( ill(`ill lll4'IlllUl|. in :i(l(liiimi. ll. has cost him lIl`.'Il`l_\' $'.ll(l in n-pull" his (l:iiii;ip,-,4-ll unlu- nmbih-. Y:--l, lll` is iui:il)h- in 141`! .'I ('l'lll from lin- muii Wll()Sl' l'l'(`l(ll`.\'r{lll',.'. ;I('L'ill'(lllll.`_ In i`z~li;ihli- wiliu-ssvs who saw ll w;i.~: i,h:- :::)li- (-.'.u.~4:- nil` lhv ..:-nizlinnl " `lull UIAII \Jl I-'llIllJ}JL'a The present difficulty, however, is just how to knock out Britain. According to Virginia Gayda. Mus.~;oiini`s iorzicliny; "Clmriey McCar- thy", it has been cieciduci not to invade Eng- iand. But this may be intended to put the British off their guard. for whenever Hitler has made any major move it has uiwuys been prc-codncl by :1 (locin1'atirm thut he had no in~- tention 01' making; it. Pm-ver.s~ion of the truth is one 01 tho cnrdinui prihcipl4=..~: of Moin Kampf. You can usually grit at the truth by rvm'sin[.: any Eitliltenllit coming from Berlin. and Roma i.~_: rapidly m:qulx'inp;.th(- habit of lying`. But WP -may be n1isjl1(.iginp; thv enemy. If Hitler should fail in an attack on Gr9ut B1'itain~-~-mid thut g'row.~: more mwtain every day where would ho next turn with any p1'ospe('i. oi u vit-tnry`? Britain may yet win this Wm` in tiw M(`(ULf`l'i'l.i'il El.l1. "Look at the mess you'have got: us into by your pact with Stalin! Hitler has probably reassured Mussolini by telling him that as soon as he can knock out Britain with a blitz- krieg or something, then the Axis will swing round and sweep the Russians once and for uli out. of Europe. 'l`hn r\I'r.:unv\l nH`m,...I|u hm.m...~... :.. a..,.a 1.... lRIlI .Sl'0NSlBIh.E M0"l`0RlS'l`S EDITORIAL NOTES <,u.u.\'n `u an xnu urvvn A. M 14-14 and .~:v1'iuu.\' lll"> n !'maI'-wm-k.~: :' HM-rs limn :|l'H-I` dun ix` uhlu in Lllll Ills IAIN" i\L|.Il|(' p(Tll\lLl Luau C`lt9\IlL- No ()l`i'icinl vstimazte o.thea.ctual-~aere sown in Clllllltlil li-as yet been released, but it is expected that :1 material increase over last year will be shown. Pospects for the 1940 crop in the United States have considerably improved. und as stocks currled over are ex- pe('.ted to be l-unipuratively heavy, ample supplies of Allll`l`l('.1!.ll wheat should be avail- able during the cunnng season. The Argentine whent (`rup for 1940 is now placed at 119 mil- lion buslwls 21:; vompured with 336 million in 1938-39. The Australian crop. on the other huml. is ul`lu-iully estimated at upwards of 211 million buslwls. only slightly below the previous; rm-mu of 214 in-illiqn bushels in 1932. Wheat (`l`np.\' in Italy. the Danubian coun- tries. Spain and Pm'tug`ul, are said to be bet- ter than w:i.~; lmtlvipated, while the French sltnutiun and that of Germany are uncertain. It is quite (`l`l`l:llll. ll0\V{`V.`l'. that continental Europe. \\'lll('ll tlvpvncls upon the importation of lawn` qll`.lll1,lll'l(`.\` of wheat. is facing a very ser'mn.~: fund .~;lmrt:u:'e. ___&j_ ID II'|)-III Illh (liHlIcI).',l'll |lllIl- nblu a `.~:.~'. ;n'n-nrdim.', Lhv -.'u|su- nu!` nun;-a an ur nuw lUl' all UIL` llllngs ~11: used L3 gm close at hand In }{ulL:.:nd_ Dexmmrk. Norway and Sweden. And though convoy Lg safe its delays almust cut the 115:.`- Ifulness at` a ship in half. A Qnnr... or... 4.... .: n..n ., . ...- sun u mug nu uuu. 4. Since the day of lhllers` apcevh the Germans haw ubviuuslg; um-u expt`l'l\:`ll(lllg to see 11 they could gain control at me Channel and me at over xv. 11.-r therr mxasxun. Bu: ;u.x.uI'[., flh Will H; isull.-a c1'i!i(-ally. I. 1.11 is imp-::'.. 'mu'h d:nn:z;,_-- 1 have berm dmng 1 The u(ln11.a:.i.m that huxnbs; p1`9xnis4*.< and d could (`UHCPEII :1 111:-1145-8', nu whlsgt truulitm has mm whil- nlwrv us :1 nunn hulurnnn D qm-r J :u'1l_y ` (`I I5 HIUEL [H Um: and the- uncl b:u';.:v>; a North SH] I |.\\ 1.. !llHI(;|H' H I1iUH".~: ! wh.-1| ht` 1 d'-..- In Hillvr l'wsil:1`lvs. wht-n rvz-ryunnyz .~:m'vn).*.' tn 1-all for swifl. :-u-Linn, mud qlw.~:|,ium< fill lhv uir. Hnvv hi.-; ox- |M"l'iYIIl'IlllIl r:ml.~: ul` llu- p`:n::: nix works not given UH` l'(`f~1llH\` lw hurl hnpwl l'u1".' Hus lhv puuntlilm uf Um H.A.l". (li'~:r|1-ptvd his pl:m.~".' 1:: M` Huiny, tn mnvn :' 4-l-u- in.~'t4-uLl'.` Or ix" Mn".-; ju.~:I, lhu u-mzal t'ul'~:v lull \vhi('h ht` uHUw.~< |u~t 4n'v his hluws, in nrdt-r In rr-lux Hlv VIM- ilmwv M` hi-; uppmu-M ! , ,__.__ ~---:v--u' -.3---1I1`-FRQQJLV CC Analyzing the Results of Germany's Six Weeks of Exper- imental Raids on Britain. Have They l)iseuur:u.:'e.d In- vasion? Or is This Merely 21 False l.u||'. STU Uy lllhb, t'4\l'.l`h.\lVl` ILLJLI llllu WALAU nuuaunn. With the occupation of practically the ' whole of Western Europe by Germany, and the entl".tn('e of Italy into the war. the normal outlets for (ctanaclian and other wheat have been seriously 1-urlailecl, but it is authoritat- ively believed that. the reduction in shipments during the present crop year will not be so great as was anticipated. During the first eight month:; of the war. with the blockade in operation, the market volume was maintain- ed at an equal level with that of the previous season. The movement during` the balance of the season. lmwever, is expected to reflect the full impact of war conditions. Canadian sup- plies must. be held in the first instance for the use of Great Britain. and shipments have been niaintltined in steady volumeas requir- ell, the total lroin August, 1939 to June. 1940, being 137 million bushels against 112 million' during the same periocl last season. Mn iiffit-inl nurhufn nf f.hA.~nFY'.h`-~f!FE!-Q~ . us, In! and u uh ,-nu! Willson Woodsid sV ' I'JHL-Inn Ill Hair` 11) (II: II ])V'l with his l'u2`<-r_ 'l`lu- W'`Ix ; mu;-1 l'.'1vuruhl:- l nr zu-x .`nl uni H1 )\\1'I I\n ..r .......II n... |_;`;'_HITLE1 Sn %L1Es;r_A}`151\_f: ......_. 4|... n,, u qu;uu~l' and Allied A I.-nubo Io` "THE -BARTWE EKAWWNER, Ejllli. 'C.Ii'.I` (;f..'N'l.DA bu LICK Ill! did suzne (1 great deal` |ncnn.~ n` ~nv-. Llll, lIilV(' INN 5)`. ; 1-mm! hiw n.|:n|~."I l: llllllllllql indusl rm! clamaga-" ill NI-vur. nwekly War Commentary Wlll2A l` AND 'l`lIl-1 WAR SITUATION Food silpplivs in wartime for the civilian as well as the l'ig'hL'u1g forces are essential to victory. The witlidrawal from production of vast, areas in wur ravaged Europe. the loss of nian-power by mnbilimtion in neutral as well as omnbulunt. (-mmtries. are expected to cause serious .~;hurtup:v.s'. und famine conditions are already predic-1.:-d for continental Europe dur- ing tho roniinp. winter. North American stup- plies arv substzmtinl and prospects for the crops now growing are considered favorable. Present inciix-,;u'.imis are for a bumper crop of full wheat. in UnI.urio, though somewhat dam- aged by rust, e~x<-vssive rum and wind storms. \lIith ihn n:-1-Inxniinn nf nv-n(''nllv f.hP V\UUU.\ l\L`2v1`l\L`, IH DLi>K.lLk'l|t`'LlIl. Mild pivkvls and \Vm)d in l'.'l1.\`v $20.00. bx-sales cunlributmg 1.) mn- Red Cross. The Ii:-st-1'-.'v cun.~21.~'.1.~ of 17 fmniln-.~'. In Lellxbridge. Alberta. a wax- chest orgamzauun ra1:`4-J $2,400 through servxce dub: and assume- [IONS .y..u.uu u\ ..,.. VVIJS. .... r-lnquvnlz "My son W: Vimy Ridge in the In A.. .... ._...,.. , .. Canadians Everywhere Forward Donations to Country's War Effort . .-. In 1. 'l)u-il` Iunvv 1u`('nm| nlwuy-: fh-zl .- | u_Vl'l' pnlra. l|.'|-41-|.'| ll` ll 7)!` IIIIIUVV - ax` shv it; 2-2! lhv U.S.A. A Ii;?,l1IlmI|w 1 HI` um um UU llllIl(`, I VVIII WI The nnly commt-nL ` `1i('d an Onmrm WU Fifty Years A20 From the Files of The Northern Atlvzmc-.0 Turunlu, August 6//J, I`)-ll) Any furrhcr infnrnutiun xnuy he obtained by addressing c01x1n1unic'.1(i()m [0 the [ ;xrli;1mcm Buildings, Toronto, or cunsulling with the c`.1rc.s[ Provincial Police ()fccr. llllllllllblllll. To the lay mind it is (llffieult to conceive so vast u nunihvr of plum-.~; Lwing; housed in Ger- man aimroim-.-:, nnu-h less being` manned by efficient pilots. iii:-<-lmiiics and gunners. etc. So far l.h(`l'(` lius no-vor be-vn~mo1'e than Ll couple of hllll(|l'(`(l planes in action at one time where thr-n is the need for such enorm- ous numbers 01` planes in 1'eserve? The only answer is that. the war in the air has not yet started in real ourm-st. and that when it does begin thousuntls of planes will throng the skies, "g'rappiinp,' in the central blue." But the cx1,ierien(:v oi` the past two months of raids over Britain has proved that mass attacks have been very (~n. since they provide a better turgi-I. for }3l'lLiSl"l fighter planes in much Slll'dH(`l' numhe-rs. It is possibly this ex- perienve that has stalled the planned Ger- man invasion 01' Britain which was to include the landing; of thou.~;an(ls of `troops by para- chute and transport plane as a preliminary to invasion by sea. A3". .,_ Arms nluy hc dcpmitcd at the hcadquatrtcrs of the Volunu-cr Civil (iuurd, Parlimncnt Buildings, Turunm, or with 4n) ()nt;u'in I x'n\'imiul Pulicc ()iccr throughout the Prm"'nL`c. ` There is now an urgent l1L`L`(lAi.)r~1ii'!nS'W lll1 which to ,7 equip such guztrtls untlcr pmpcr supcrviion and dirt.-cti0n.a Tlicrcforc, this appeal is lacing nmtlc to the citizt-ns uf Ontario ztsking that they loan fur tltc use of the V()llll1lL`(.`I"ClVl-l Guards any ;tvztil;thlc l'lllL`S>;lnLl J2 gztugc slmtguns, together with ;nnniuni.`iun, for L_hd purpusc of protecting the lives, property and homes of ntnlilipcnplc. Such tlmutitms will be gratefully received, oflicitrlly uckmm'lt-tly,t-tl and :1 pmpcr I'L`C()l'd kept. The Provincial Police of thc Province of ()mario, acting und:-r the dircclhm of the: Attnrm-y-(icncrznl, arc co-npcrzuing with and advisillg nnmiL'ip;1li(ics now organizing or having 0rg;mi'1.cL| Vuluntccr (jivil (iuuds. ,..,.a. . AN APPEAL FOR ARMS PROVINCE OF ONTARIO (:I.hvI`H_ waiting lill lhv ulnudu rum ml by, druvv to lhu 1'vnr|t:7.vnl|s v I.h- Rid;.{l4 limul. All rum, :4! li `ll,-4-:nnil'ul nltl hcnnvrrilwnvl nr I` (;'lirn-u.--., knnwn us. 'Hu- Wmll I :1: IA an ~ A Hmuuh-I t:lI t|III`!Hj{ I. In .. nu... .,- . w Minor Msnltt-rn ., n...... ....... _. \ VIII Hm lhu M. F. HEPBURN Dying- ll. -. .'uo-- HIS. J. A. MucI.AR[-IN. l're-sident and Managing l-Idiun-; W K. WALLS. Vlcc--Pm-.~mh-nt and Bll.`*.ill(`.`:H Mun- ngvr. A NICW .<;ub:st.'am:c that can be ap- phwl lnlw paint is H-pul`LNJ to make .-. ]|l:um- invmihlv um-r it hns pnssed nu nllmulv nf unly I00 feet. In :2: :1: G. D. CONANT ll onn.-u,n..-.--,.l 1.` 7} IA l|:mm;mI:unu.-i is (::m:1|)l.e of hav- lmu :1 l'um'-fumt yuwn, | 1'.` sit a- I,! 81! |l'|' hm. hw-H I-lnillu-I that King HUI`!- `ny VI ~.-/nu vwrv fund uf bukml puta- `lur-' '|`hu'=. hm-cily bu true as `gmlnlln-- wm-w unknnwn in l!1|m;p-.- !tlmmu hr. lI[(`lHlll'. KI: Ll: \J\JI`f` I A Mornoy-Gonna! L . 111.41 uuxui Prim: Ministct :. ;n'M'.`auliI1lI ngninst the. the .h Hnvvrlulwm, IIHP5 11 red ml m lh ruyn-H in ship`:-1 rigging. 12! VII 11 -.a '3' (`EH 1.! I-ugh!" wn-re Spanish . w-um nlmnl nu dullur in our r "I'I|uI':xd:1_v, /\Iu,r|I.~4t"!|. 19.4!) WHY SO MANY MRPLANES? According Ln an 4-sl.hnul.:-1 made by the Brit.- lsh nm.;ru'/.1n:-V, At-l'()phuH*, Germany's current airplane prndm-Linn is 1,800 monthly, and 11; is said that Britmn has um-ucly passed that fig- ure. "nut <-munmw; the .~:Leadlly mc1'ea.sln;.: flow of uirpl:u'1x-5 from (`.zu'm(lz1 and the United States". AL Uw nut.lm~uk 01' the war it was re- ported frmn B4-rlin Lhut. (it-rmuny had 18,000 nirplmu-s rmuly fur :u-Linn. Even allowing for Nazi r~xuggm':Ll.im1. and prosuminlg that Ger- muny hurl hull Hml, numbvr uf bombers and fnghthw; pl:uw.~: ln.~:t. Hc~pt.mnbc-r, 1AIit.le1' by this time shuuld lmvv :11. I4-ust. 25,000 plimes at his (command. Ir-.. .1. 1.... ...:...x no :.. .IH'o':.~...H tn nnnnnlun nn v~'II' UHKII Inf:-lulu-. :`,I )1! :a.:'.4:u,4uu lmu-rs in the -u lamala ur. hzmnlusm z-unlmnud In ordin- W . dufinilnly nnt l.u1ini'/ml furm of - rn-.'-I nulnn nf the win. h~l'tl.s of huf- mmanml parks mm--likv unim- n m ;n`e-hiH(u1`|c mu than three :I.`wII in Color- i.~; dry, clear I bust uf MI I n! tho dnys N-b I m-udnw- : ymn` us a a salon. uuu un krlunu 1; n. - ..... SUBS(`Rll"I'ION RA'l`F`.S Anywhere in (Tuuntlu. $20!) a _venx'; in United Stun.-x. M51) :1 your, pay- nble in :I(lv`In(.'t'. Sivuzlv vupia,-5, 5 cents. I A R/Inn! A D DR! ll...... nut and .-.-. -. uu..- -ur`l uvv-uuw-u` Established 1864 A weekbv newspaper (I1-voted to the Interests of thus Town of Barrie and tho surrounding .cuuntry_ banned at the Post 0mc.- Square, Barrie, every Thursday morning by 'l`lrI`. I3/\RRl`E EXAMINER LU':'I'I-ID. With it h; incurpurulml The Barrio Advunce_ estab- lished in 1847. '('h:- Hm-rio Exnmim.-r lsyn member of The Cunurli.-m Wm-kl_v Nu-\v.`:pnpvr.~'. Assobitmon and of Clams `A WI`l`|'.lin`.1I)fCllIl1Id!l, run-..--,.n. ..n...x.. r. A nu-un