THE BUILDER IN THE GAUDY GARMENTS The Baltimore Oriole is now a` very conspicuous bird. He came to us about the beginning of May, and before long we heard his rich warb- ling notes and soon saw his bright plumage flash through the orchard among the apple blossoms. He is a sight not likely to be forgotten. Few of our Canadian birds are so strik- ingly marked. As he flits from tree to tree his vivid orange. accentuated by his jet black head and wings. gleams out against the flowery background like a beacon. and as though in keeping wil.h his brilliant plumage we hear. l'rom lime to time. an irrepressible peal of sparkling notes which seem to bubble with the very joy of living in this guy Sf`3lS()ll. Inn upuu wcnnrn lI(`K' pI'UpI('.\. ms might be mrmvd the doctrlnel tutalltarian states. W0 have already st-on something ' the teaching of their philnsnphy ' history. We call it philrxxophy of Inndo Boast. They term it doc- ino nf Superman. Whatovor the enmo. it is taught wnh dc-vastaung .`l'(" N Svvxno may ask: Why pay mien- x to mo pu.~1`.' An (-xp(-ri(-ncu can '01` be dupli(`nt('d. Nut an ox- iz-ncv. c(-rt;ainl_v. But there an- riilinns which arise that provoke- 1 I-\--mnrin-n1-n 4\:l(,'l ll'lll.l.'. d we prufiu-d by the past wt- I have rcmen1bor<-d tho warn- f the Rnbvrts and Kitchont-r.= t dL`CId(`$' of 1900's. W0 shnuld ave (urm-d deaf ours to th!' hills and Eden, of '30's. ` shr-uld have known Gorrmm u .......,. .... .J.frn..-...n ..nA....| thv fnvt, that tully`50'; of pup- ils. fur nnv l`(`:l.sUH In` .'mulh-1'. (in not ])lU`Fll(| . lwyunrt mm p,|':ld(`. While there wax not .~'uft'ivi- om. Sctlpv tn imrludv | Suh- jccts such as D_V(`hll]()).{_V, m'nnInn- ics, ethic. cum. he ht.-li.v\'vd :~`])ll`ll(l|(t l`vsIrlts (`nuld be znchir-\'~:i by tt`.'ll'h- in); tho 'I`hnu;:hl nf tho l vI`imt. Ignm*unce of nut` |)hiln:~`<>ph_V ml" histnry is 1m'p,(,'t_v l`(`.\`|)ul).\`il)|(' fur nu. int-linntitm tn ,\`nnn()l`t,. III` .'I(`- ll|.\IlII_)' I5 |uI],.',\, ' I\'.`|)|lll.`||lI\ III! our invlinnlitm to .\`lI})|)()l`l.. or cnpt. social and puliticul v.\'pt-ri- mt.-nts mmltornhly at \~:n`inm-:- with nut" dcmncratic in. 'l`n ;,'uirh- form-s that will mnulr! future. wr must first un(lvr.~'t:|ml 1hlt>'` furccs that n1()|.lld('(| thv |)1I.`<|. snttli be (::|pab1(` ml` ilIlt'iL:('l1l|_V intm'- prctinp; thvir rt.-lnti-m tn thv [)l ('\``H`4 __j_ EVERY PRICE A LOW PRICE Everyday at A&P DOMESTIC MAYONNAISE *.;:::" GINGER :AkLE STEAKS B9551`? Bl.Al)I~I R0.-\S'I`S . . .. SHORT RIB l{0AS'l`S . . . . .. VICAI. l.E(`-S. ilk FNI llzllf ur \\'hult- BONICLESS VPZAI. l{()l,|.S . . l`I'I.>\.VIE.\I.l'Il) (.`()T'l'.-\(iE l{0l.l.S . (`()()K['Il) ll.-\M, Slim-d ....... .. . ('()()Kl'II) |l()(`KS .. .. ..... .. BEI-IF m)|.0(;N..\.sIim1 (1 . .. rmasu rnuns a VEGETAISLES CHERRIES, large, luscious B.C. lb I BANANAS. Golden Ripe .......... .. 3 lbs: : POTATOES, New White ........ .. 10 lbs. I LEMONS. California .................. .. doz. I CELERY HEARTS. Fresh Crisp Native \ SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTES `Tc THE PAUSE THAT REFRV 1.-T/ 2. Owner! .md narrated by I P:I\sI{6RJ$I III` I PKG. ll/`\.\'l|Y AMM`9N|A VII-Inuu 3 m u..-... I-ll). l$.u: C MIL!) &: '\1lIl.l.l)\\' [3 0 GLOcK'.;?.';-33c REntini`:L'E' up COFFEE PENEfKiliE}3E5i3i`LfNwE:&5i}1PANY vxwwnvrvnn nu/-1 1-\ vrrwn r11 r\ ".I'.T,I"13L' SAVING 57.5995 Special "Tlw purrx! /mm in in Mr}: Iulmrrn um bu` .mmh'd." \'l(H)IH)L`S &: \\'l.\'H\' _______.... A&P HIGHZHBUALITY Midis Autlxorizotl liottlcr of (Inca-(Jo|:I" .______. _A_._-_--.q. ;-up-\-n-"I\ LKCUI IIITII v:t- IES, 1ctrge,.1u-s-cious 17c ` IAS, lbs. 190 OBS, 27c IS. 23c Y 10c . on m nmn IlAIll...lII.P vomzsnno smnw We . . V I) I ll ...I.1 r..o.. . I\-II ;J\.a;.n..-.-....n PENETANG. ONTARE)` l'ul`ll'l'|IUlI.\t'. Wingz. ('u|w "lIllI'll"\'S lluuml. .N ir|nin | urlI-rhnust-. Wing l".u-c~ Rump. IlnIl'|l's\ llcmxl. .~'irIuIn 1 BAMAY SOAP cw APPLE JUICE 3=%:!::::- PEAOHES SALMON .Hl'.\'.\`\`l-`ll- .|.lI lb. 5 ROSES FLOUR .;.'.'.:` OATSUP 2 LOBSTER wt; -'.A;'.: SOUPS 2 _ IVORY FLAKES '.-$25" "He means 'Send our Sweet Cups? "H \v<- mm lml mznku 1h<-:~(- know!) In (-minim: (`:m:I(li;In:-`. uivv llicln (`Ull'\|)1('|(` 1111rim'sl:IIulim.-, nf our philusnpixy nf hi.~.l uilm: and <.I)jm-Is nf 1hu- An},-lu-S.~uxun fnrInu'_- 1;. ul` (l(`lI1()(`I`'(')' wv II1'l`(l nnl fvulf. nu lniI1|t'l` what may ( <|Illl`. llml lhv lnrcll whirh hm: lulu`/.1-rl (lnw 1l1l`(IllL:h (`(.`lll|ll'il`S will In- rl1'r>p|)('tl.7_'. ('t>l1(,`lllll(`(I lhv S|)I`.'lkl`l'. _ . o Ml7.\"l' ONLY l .- A&P BREAD ...... ....... \ cnlmu-l wt` 1 in-.<.~in;4 two '5. \vhn.~- cla- hl,I('l,l) HR l'.\'S|.ll'I-Ill \\'|lUl.l-I Wlll-',\ l' (`IL-HKIZII \\'|lF\'l` ' I)I{l)|' Ll`?/\l-'l.I`}'I'.\'. um . .4..... lhv uld ::(`h(ml ;;uilly-I:mI lulhvs \\"L'l'l` turn '3 :i{:<~5.`5c me wt-ekcnn m '1'oronr.o. Mrs. F. Pram, 15 vislting, her brother. H. Gibbons. C1'aIp,\';1le. Mrs. Watson. Stanley and Evelyn spenL Sunday with F . Rollinsmx Burton Henderson spent, the weekend at his home at. Lavender. Emma. Wallwln is holidaying win: her aunt. Mrs. A. Miller, Colwell. Mrq Jnhnunn 'T\m-nnln URN.- In I ` l ~|lr-w.s'." hv ox- - you kn:-xv lh:_n1. I ;m- l'1;:hl|np, in my Page V 31cm. .3;f@. |.;| nu- Pkg. 2'13 I II- III. 2 lbs. 25c '25c -11c 14c 25c 21: 25c I81- I.'l(' .1 I: -'..y(' Im- 2 I (- . 40: I70 (5.3%? I and l mg X11001) Mr. and Mrs. Tooth and Helen Bowman were Sunday `visitors with Mrs. John Parson. Fnnflrmntlnn and cnr-I-n.rnnn.l'. gnu- nu. : lh. ~ In. I II. :17. Mrs. aonn rarson. Confirmation and sacmmcnvt ser- vices will be held next Sunday. in the United Church here. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Wlllson Elliott on -the arrival of a daughter at the R.V. Hospital. Mr. and Mrs, Luna and son. Tu- Miss Rclttn, Campbell spent. Sun- day with her mother. The W.A. will meet at Mrs day wmx ner monner. The W.A. will meej: at George Brown's on July 12. . Dr. A..W. Dver. Hamilton. spent. ucorgc .urown's on July 12. Dr. A..W. Dyer, Hamilton. spent `the holiday with his brothers here. 1 Bob Redfern has returned home `me noimay winn ms nromers ncre. Bob Recifern has returned from the R.V. Hospital and is do- nicely. I Mr. and Mrs. ux.u..u... We do not. hour so much from his mate. She is quieter in every way. and perhaps as you lingo)` in one spot, you may hear her seoIdin;.{ you with :1 snappy Ch2lH(?l`iI.., note as though she disupprovt-cl of your pre- sence, When you hour this. it is time to look for the nest nearby. Vhkn m..l- kl.-A :.. :. 1;` In Mr. and Mrs. nuno and son, 1'0-| rnnto, spent the weekend with the. 1:-t,ber`s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Sriglcy. ` Mr. and Mrs. Linn:-,1 Jenkins.` lJL`Vl arlgicy. ' Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Jenkins. Kcmeby, and. Theodore, Torohbo. former residents here, called or. Mrs. Alfred Dyer, Sunday. Bill Patterson. Gait, is hmxdnylng at his home here. Mr nnrl MI-x Jnn Mlxrrxnlc .<.nm1L at ms nome nerc. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Murpny spent mo weekend in Toronto. Mrc 17` Viva H. 1: viglllnv hnr nor a.unr,. Mrs. A. Mxucr, uoxwou. ' Mrs. Johnson, Toronto. is v1s1l.- 1 mg her daughter. Mrs. Joe Mur- | why. 1 Dornhhv Bennett has rcturncu In Pm!- Dornthy Bennett ml her home at, Midland for the holi-I (`nut uzuucy. Mr. and Mrs. John Camphel? spent the weekend with f1'icnd:s in lottnwa. M'nrln1 '1"rIn:d`n1n `hnri: \JV'.m;'rnvt- nnys. Mrs. Boyd, Orillia. spent. :1. week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. Oakley. Mr. and Mrs. John Camuhel? Unmwa. Muriel Teasdale, Doris Wm.;:mvc and Alex. Shakcll vlsltxtd at Orlllla nn Sunday. Janet McKlnn0n_ Toronto. was :1 weekend visitor wlth Mr. and Mrs. R` N. Hlckllng. I Stella Caldwell and Wllfrc-d L(`wls.| an` N. mcnumg. Lowls. Brampton. spent the holiday with the farmer's parents. Mrs. R. N. Hlnkllnnr held mm M- g-.7 u.-uu uu mu. IILJL ||\,uIu_y. 'I`he male bird is also inclined to be suspicious. Some time when you hear t.hc whistled notes of the Or- iole. answer him back---his call is very easily imitated ~-- and watch the result. Often he will come from far oft` to tree overhead and chat- ter away in an annoyed tone, look- ing all the while for the other Or- iolc. as he is a very jealous 1.:uard- ian of his own territory and resents any intruder. It is neither his vivid eolors nor his rich voice that has made thc'Or- iole such a well known bird. Ask any school boy, or anyone having even the most casual acquaintance with our birds, what he knows a- bout an Oriole, and he will at once reply. Oh, that's the bird t.hat builds the hanging nest. The Oriole is known everywhere as a skilled architect. and really his nest. is a wonderful structure. It. is made from fibres of plants. string. yarn. in fact anything that can be woven int.o a fabric. 'l`he whole is a well- eonst.ructed pouch about 4 inches wide by 6 inches deep and softly lined inside for the young Orioles. Now. of course. many birds weave material into some nest-like shape. but the marvel is that this wonder- ful nest. is often fashioned onto the long lacy twigs of the elm and wil- low which must sway about in the breeze in a very uncontrollable way. Impossible as it may `seem. the clev- er lit.lle arehiteel biiilrli'i' manages to cling to these flimsy twigs. and using" only his` bill. twists and turns. weaves and binds his material in and out unt.-iltii neat compact nest is formed. strongi` aiyl cosy enoii'L:li for the \\V(`l_t,'llli':'|l)(l comfort of the family. When we think that the skilful bird builds this nest. perfeetly the very first season he tries. we reali`/,e how good a teacher is Nature. and how apt a pupil the Orinli-_ Do you want to see the Oriole building his home`? 'l`tu-n scatter bits of string: and yarn about _\'our gar- den. Sooner or later some bright- eyed Oriole will t'ind them, Watch him as he flies a\\'a_\' and follow him. Most likely you will see him at work ainong the s\\'ayini.:` outer t\Vi1,;s of your elm. and you may find that after all. it is Mrs. Oriole. for I believe she is just as skiltul a builder as her mate. . mo mnnc-rs parents. Mrs. R. N. Hxcklmg held an M- tornoon tea in uld of the Red Cl'0ss last. Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter 'I'h0mpmn, Dt-llzn and Donald, spent 1.110 week- end with Rnscmont. friends. Pnnr] nnri 'l\IY5:rit\ T-`Inn-it (ha-nfl wmxlnzly. The Thompson and Ronni.-,K mm- Him attvndcd the McDowell roun- iml u.l. R.ivm'dnlo Pnrk. Allistnn. on _ Sut.u1`(l:1_V. , Mr. and Mrs. Wlngrovu'I,Mz_u'i1yn and Mr. and Mrs-. G. 'WU\g'1`Q}l0,-_'X\d Bm'nn.1 sp:nL Sunday in 'I'0i*0n'tK). W4-okond` visitors with Frank `Rol- mm w1Ln nnscmmn. menus. Pearl and Mario Hn.r1'is. U1 1.-nfcl. nrc visttlnpr with their p:1`.uuEpz1r- cnts. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bn2',\'n. NT!` nnll My-= Wm .T `nnumv ems. lVl1'. zmn Mrs. wm. tsn2',\'n. Mr. zmd Mrs. Wm. J. Bellamy and D()llL`,'1llS. Alliston, were Sun- dny vlslto1's with Mr. and Mrs. H. I .mnnn L.omon. Mls.'i(!s Verona. Anploby. Barrie. and Winnie Applcby. Smxm P71'r:u- pine. visited with Wllmu Brown. on Monday. Thomnson zmd lll Toronnq. . Wwkcnd` visitors with Frank l linson werp Mr. and Mr.;. Jack f Dm-ga.n. .Mn.r;mrel, and shuiny and lvlnx Rnllinson. Toronto. Con.umt.ulntlons to Mr. and Mrs. lruitlzmtl P-.Lt.tcrs0u on tho arrlvnl of n. cl-zuurhter in me R.V. }1ospl- l Lal. Burrlc_ on June 24. F . Pmm. .un(l Mclvlllc. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pratt and Jczumo. at.- rundcd tho Houghttm rounion at l]u_vvi(-w Bvzurll on M Mr. and Mrs. Gztrflcld W:`ur*mvc. Cln.r:`n(:c. Doris` uml Mrs. `I .-usdalo :I.n(l Muriel .'LM,0l`ld(`d the fmnrrztl ml" Mrs. Winnrovv's uncle. M1'.'I`hvx- Lon. M. Nowmarket, on 'I`uesd.a.y I-`rlonrlx h!>.l'n- (wm' l.h:- \ve<\l:vnrl! Lon. ur. Ncwmnrxer, on 1'uesu.a.y Friends hv.-.1'o- over t.h1- \ve-okvndi .'1nr-ludugiz`-Llllizm Rmlm-x's. Kitchen- 01. ut. her home: Gladys B1-uwn. Toronto. with her -pamnts; Mrs. B. Finnio and Miss G. Seatzm, `I`a~ rmun, with Mr. and Mrs. A. 11' CENTRE VESPR5: $1100 will sent! 300 `SW06! Cabs nr 1 lb. Old Virumia pine tnharxvo in Canadians serving in United Kingdom AtI;ross-"Swunl Caps" PO. Box 6000. Mammal. Qua. 'l`hv B:n`ri(~ Ii.\:nnim-r (2;n`i`ii-(1 .26,-` ' H06 lines of C'l;lssil'i(`d Ad\'m'ti:~`in[,f in 192m. with an u\'o1':u:~ ml 110 ad- luls pm` isslw. Rvslxlls huvv (lmw it. For Sale bi Brantford Roofs prou-cn.-.\n. In addition to shielding the hmnc against wind anti rain. vou add bca\ut\_' and value to vuur prop;-rtv. You may chuosc from mainv nttrnctix-c colour CUll\l`in.llit|l1. Remember--J5 vtars Camulian experience in prmlucing roofing materials to meet the tests of our own climatic conditions uuairaintccs dollar for dollar valuc. Just spceifv " Rranrlhril Rnnfinc" and be sure. In mldltlun lu snlcl : mar \`o:'.Irs' ` n-nnna u-nut.-rink in m B`rantford Roong Company, Limited BRANTFORD. ONTARIO ` um 7... c..I_ 1... ._. conumuna }x\r.u':|nlcc: " Brantfurd Roong" :3 dollar In ' and 5 Their service flying training, corn-]Bn1'dcn. Wing C` plctcd. 35 young ziirmcn 1'ccciv(:cliGill is shnwn 3 `their wings and commissions as pil- ])i1ul's zrmblvm got officers in the RICAIIPC Lli Camp sun uf Ivlujnr-C `Too WIDE A GAP :2 BETWEEN PEOPLE L AND MINISTERS} Thundny, July 4, 1940 Mistaken Ministers: are Apart, states Rev. E. 15.; Long to Kiwanis Club E - . -~ - 1 The trouble with our clvllimlmn is that W(' haven't ht-vn ahh- in see the ball. and now when we are standing back and lnnking :11 .l,. we can't rt-ach it" d(-('lm'crl R<-v.5 E. E. Long in an 1Irl(ll'(!SS to Harriv Kiwanis Club. Ho (',all(-rl his . I)ng:, Collars and ])un1n(:1'acy." In in11'nrlucinp,' thv .\'p<'akL`1`,` Dr. W. A. Lewis stated that R:~v. M1. Long is going in Kirkland Lake :11. the cm! of this mnnlh in a (:lmr(-hi which has 1.0(N) l`amili(-s, and that: Barrie was very .~'m'1'y to lusu him and Mrs. l. as ('i1i'/.('ns. 'l`hv, thanks nf 1hL- Chub W(`l't` vxicmlml L... ur Y ("....:.r 1 Pnttm'sn11'. Mr` um! Wrs. born.:\ and Elznnrx Mr. Ray RA1m'L.~. Mr. and Mr dnn and :'\rm*.Ind Cznnc: 'I`m' with Mr. and .n v. n 'Y`hnvn nunn 'l'UI'(`-Hm, \\11n .\ mun 'I`hn1111mnL ,__._._:.._._. ` bIt`:~:su`.'. ! '1`hv \\'hoIo mmmumt,\ jszlddvmcd by the tragic F`\'nm~H 1.:-vuh can nf NI r.vox'ou. L:(`l`.: :1 Ed:'.'u1` Lci::l1. `mr an :\ hit` fM1*rCH1-:LL SQUARE:` our cumm.- `.\`u.n his home on H13 .1 uno `.28. Me` I'm- Lin the .\-Ioxnor`1-.11 `ill L1('l:LH. LA`l}',H.\ L on -.1 bic_wlA-. and : collided \\'lLh his the 111;-:11 -m n. Iivuri .,. Canada's Newest Fighting Pilots Get Their Wings i4{.}v;y ..{...{...e Notes . ` 'l'h:- rlt-h.'rl(:.< ithis week \\'(`I' {tho qIu's;l,i u. il'i('1I|IIu'.'1l 11].`) |1-.~:1in`mlv.~' and wh('nl prnhlm nn.. H. mu ...m... l)n('l1'inv~. nm` ('UHH!Ill(' :ulw:a_\'s find sht-Her br-hind Ilw NI=.'_\'. Hv clnimt-cl lhv |wr>ph~ shn be told lhri this vnunlry is gm In hv ])|'l`|H|l'(`(l In (IL-fvn(l :L : 5<'tm1inu(- In huilrl up :1 Im|in|:al `full!-n nu-u-uni-/niiruu ::\- um-H us` iI(`lI('l: In_L;;InI/ It-uLn':n;,'v inrlust m-(-v.\`~;n`_v 1-(mi; The rlcballv ( |rl(-l.'1_v(~rl by :1 m |]'\/Ir. P(`I'1('_Y, C( `A :-. ... C` I...I..|; ` Ml`. I~I:n`ri.<. thv (flnnsvrx um~inI (-|'il.i(:. opt-rwrl Hu- I 1...... `)7 H.. un|n`n\'|~| 1| News of Parliament Il .y I)_ I, !Vlt-(Tn:1i;.;_ l\'.L`_1 THE BARRIE EXAMINER. BARRIE. ONT., CANADA HIIIA `l>h|(`ll1 Jlnnlng mu 1I),'1Iun,;; 1 on [an lVl(zNuughl `-Gun. A. G. L. Mc- HM` H01 I'IHu::v riunr In-cl |m'_zu-l_y ` vII(l;.:(`1 mu] :1; iIH`|H(|iIl_L`, ll .. .`. .. II III-`Kl I)ul(| . l I 'l'l(`:'ll "l ` |)i( - I 1-II. 1; TRIED TO BREAK` _| OUT OF LOCKUP GIVEN 3 MONTHS I Snldit-r Was Imprisoned as ln1nHc;`"Phcy lood These Men with Liquor" says Mag`- 3 I > . [ nstmtc. .l"|(-:ulin;_{ guilty :11-. muting tn brn-:1 \nrln-w Adzunri. 25 .4 I`. I). I` "__'_" "" ' |HousiibLD .uu'\', cvd tn I-.-n-.l I- ("VII LU llll hard lznbvn [H115 dcfil (on By Stuart 1.. Thompson lllll) lil (I \'ll(lIHL' III hrmk priszm. I`riv;m: 'l;Im::. 12:3. Hl.h Fin`!!! Am- nnm Rnr vvus xvi]- thz: Onlurin RL`fnl`m:110I`_\' mu` fur :1 period of thrvc (mm: and thn-v |m>nlh.< saw, in murt hero lam l:u_'i.\11':m- L'ump1un JL-l'f.<. 'ms in bv 4: h:II'(l way in .. . . . .....l,I ,l.\ hi. USE No. 15 ' Hl\'I| Ill dllll mr." lhc Mug- 'l`h<: urgu tn ..4......| ..n:l1\ l`..- v}-\-an Pr: :: (-hnrL;c wt ll.` Ll|}_.;L' ll] ml urge for the first in and .u - ` out and \'-up. nurl EVACUATION OF HURON VILLAGE LOST A CAUSE Had the Huron Indians not made their unnecessary withdrawal from the village of Cnhiaguc, (the site of which was cast of I-Iawkestone)_ and lot the Iroquois through. the history of North America might have been vastly dit't`<'rcnt_ said F. E. D. McDowell, Toronto, in a re- (-cnt address before the Barrie Ki- \vuni.< Club. Mr. McDow(\1l, who is author of The Champlain Road." an historical romance based upon vvcnts in connection with the JC- suit Missions in Simcoe county 300 years ago, gave some irItL`1`0slim,` information regarding that period. '1... 11...... ...~:.n,ln kn uni ! THE BALL PLANING MILL Co. Limited Had It Been Held Might Have Changed History F of N. America. \/(`l(l])llH`lll. It was a part ot' Champlain's dream of `empire, from the sea- board to the Great Lakes, at a time when there were only 553` white people in the country. At this out- post. 750 miles inland were the Al- gonquins and Huron.~.. threatened by their hereditary enemies` the Iroquois. Champlain conceived the idea of a protectorate and the French sent soldiers to drill and the .lesuits to Chri.-tianize the In- dians. The mission was maI'ked by so- eial welfare movements in sanita- tion_ politiea.l science, state medi- cine and education. There was es- tablislied the first experimental t'arm in the world. Calves and pi;.:.~: were -taken in by canoe and car- ried over long portages on men's hacks; Crop rotation was followed and our first Snow apples grown. The Jesuit records showed eon- rlit,ions_leadinL: up to the decline and fall of Hnronia; how a better ul')'1Ellli7.(`(l people could exterminate lmi'~``l_V k_nit p.{1`oups. "The lesson for today," said the .~peaker. is that those who travel separate paths are doomed to dis- aster before the first direct blow is given. The priests foresaw the dis- aster and strove to avert it. never thinking of themselves hut always of their supreme eoneept, of duty. Speeulat.ion and Philosophy Speculation is linked to experi- ment. "id the speaker. Without Ann:-nlniinn H1:-rn uznnlrl hr: nu 1-v- .-,_.,...\....,,, The Hurnnizm episode, he said. was ulxvzzys considered :1 dz-luched invidunl. far from the main currt-nt, ..r (*.\...\,l . n..nnn~- alum-i.u.u H in |ll(`|Ulfll|. lillr IIUHI llll,' Illillll L'lllll`l|l, Hf C.'m:1di:m ovenls; glorious, i1. is lruv. but unrvlatcd to national de- \'('lnpln(`nl. It. um :1 nnrt nf (`.hnmnl:Iin's I]|'lll. hill |IlL' .\|H"lKUl. VVILHUUI 5p('('ul:ITiUn tlwro would be no ox- pr-1`imvn1. Spvvulntinn hnsvd upnn I'c.'u.<~I1 has givvn us pl1iln. Wh_v nm admit :1 philu.~ of his- tnry in vnrlit-. : nf nul ;umaIs'. (.'nl]. from the speculative viewpoint. the Humni:m 1-pisnde 1:4 no Iunger dol.'|ch('d. lrlurnnin bo- (`<`l1`1('.= r.- unit and as :1 unit nssunu-s :n ns-w ivnpurmm-v as :1 great (`.\'])('I`- imont that failed. at` a hattlv lost but of tho .'vacua- Hun nf a village that, lost a causv. The key to the entire .situation is found at Cahiaguv, the Place of I-`i: Spoaring incur Hawkz-stnnm. '1'h('rv was no noccssity for this ah;mdnnm<-nt had the Humns had faith in themselves, But they` had nu fizith in thcmsolve. for they had no faith in their fnrm 01' gov- srnmc-nt and their own institutions. In nthcr words. at a comparatively -hurt rhstant- from Barriu's own |(lm)1'F. hi. unknown. is thc `mu mt mo of the dz-cisivv ('pisr)d(`S Lost a Cansv Thu (laminating: nnto is nut that in th(- hitetnry of North Anlerivan 'tl<'\'t-Inprnt-nt For the ahandnmnt-nt lut tho Rm-k Clan \'i.'lL{t.' shrunk tho Hurnn vmpirv by um--third. It IN the 1mquui.x' drive a wt-(mo into Hnruma which was fatal. 1-{ad Humnia nnt taltvn. thon- miv_-,ht haw box-n nu Canada; nu Un- 1t-d Status. "'I`hi:<." said Mr. N[(,`D(IV\'(`H. "puts Hlmmia in its prnpt.-1' pt`l`5p(`(`ti`.'~' a.< a ;.'t`l'ut L~xp(:rimvnt whivh in- \'nt\'I'(l thv fu|u1`(- dvvt-lnprnvnt Wt` thv Cnntin:-nt." n..a`. .... 1.. 1|... _:...... ,.r f\....I.,..- \|H\.l'(l llIL' I|l|llIl' C`nn1inr-nl." Rt-fc-rring In the Si('[.{(` nf Qut-ht-v by M:>n!;:rnn('I'y and the Visit by B1-njamin F`1'ank]in tn Mrxntrvzll just pl'('\.'iHllS]}'. Mr. M('D0w(-ll (Wm- U-ndvd thm Franklin's "isit was mnrv in1pr>rt;mt than me sit-go of Qm-bu`. Had Franklin succeeded in his mi.<.~eiun thorn would have bm-n nu . of Quebec Canada wmlld huvv hm-n the 14th rt,-vnltinx; (`nlun_V. 1.1-urn From Past u\.'vI'IUpuu'IIL HI lllull. There fights fl: un-nlri ri` F. E. D. Mc5owLL l'l|k"L. Our mmilo; is constructive. The theory 1)! democracy is essen- nally a product of Anglo-Saxon genius for government. Teach to Junior Grades Mr. McDowell advocated the leuvhing of philosuphy of history In `lllIl`|~l` guano. l1a`.'il15 I`x'gal`d U) I. - nu Snld by Rcliublc Dcuh-rs Everywhere