nommymg wxm ner nromcrs nerc. The local branch or the Red Cross has received. auhugc consign- ment of material to -be `made Into refugee clothing and needs for thv. soldiers. It is at. the rectory and Mrs. Hearn` needs workers to make the goods into gu.rment.s -and bed- ding. The Sr, In.< mm. M. thn DCllCI1CS', (H50 Elle HEQGOCK pxcnlc. Mr. and Mrs. J. C; Broderick wete in Toronto on Tuesday. June 25. nt.t.end1ng the funeral of Mrs. Broderlck's uncle. Rev. `E. .1. AL lln I ` ` unu ` Mr. and Mrs. Phipps and Miss Annie Copeland, Toronto. spent last. Sunday at John Copeland's.` M.l:s.s' Copeland has closed her bakery in < the city for `a. few weeks and `Is ` holidaying with her brothers herc.'1 Th local branch of tho Red 1 3 1 - bl`. institute men in UN! ` home of Mrs. Jas. Smith. June 1 27. with 20 present. Mrs. Gould -` read an exceptionally good paper, and Mrs. J. Watson gave a talk on Health. Mrs. Beir sang two solos ; and Anna Wilcox also sang. The 1 July meeting will `be a. basket pic- nic in the Community Park. induct Minister This Week Our lormer pastor, Rev. E. Bur- gess. was inducted at the Horn- . ing's Mills United Church lust 4 Monday evening. and the induction 1 of Rev. T. Jewett takes place hero` Thursday evening of this week. i 5100 from Strawberries and i Schomherx Play The W.M5. stmwberry supper on July 1 was a decided suc('.css An abundance of strawberries ancii all that goes with them. and the - play put on by the Schom-berg Dramatic Club was real good. This is their fteenth time to give it The Missionary Society'I.ed over $100 net. Harvey Family Fnrezather On Saturday of last week the Harvey Family held their annual reunion in the park. with 9!! present. The children had a hap- py time on the slide and swings. while the older members met so- ciully and the boys played base- ball. Tables spread with goody things to eat were found in thel Community Hall. Ernest Harvegaf Thompsonville. was elected presi- dent for the coming year. and Mrs. John Wood. vice-president. ' uroc Um. Miss Bea. Hammond was home for 1... .hnl|dn.v -HULK HUIIII: on but: uvuuuy. Mrs. Art Kidd and Patsy are mentllmr n forbnlsrhvs holldnv in 0 AL U118 CODCJUSIOH 0! me Cl)l"-i many the bridal party motored Log the home of the bride`s sister. Mr;-.i .0. D. Partridge. where a. reception !was held. attended by the immed- iate relatives of the contracting] parties. The house was tastefully- decorated with baskets of pink emu} white peonies. The hostess re-1 ceived in a. 511-as 0! navy and white sheer. with corsage of sweet peas. After congratulations to they bride and rroom a buffet. lllnohnnni THE WEEK IN cooxsrown poured , ` I Mr. and Mrs. McAlary wem ` . north for men honeymoon. um I < bride wearing a dress in cones of`- blue. with long white coat. white: hat and matching accessories I-hair rat-urn the-_v'\\1D 'ro.`_: Wll JIIKI lVll'S. J. I . l\`lClVllllln ICU. 5*. on I~`rirln_v for I-Izllifax to visit. at the hump cut` their son George. and] {._llsn stoppvrl war 11! Mnntrezll to 500 their snn Parker. who is at La Tumu- b"l\n I (31 uvill Te Sr. Institute met at the 1I\YI'In nf Mr: Jan Rrnlth Jnnn mm fl! nun znnmtn. sum. own. omurm Mr. and Mrs. Harvey. Benm-`._ formerly of Cookstown, vlslted wlbh friends in town for the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. G1-bson. Osh- awa. and Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Gib- son, Toronto, were holtdny g|m,~:Ls or Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Grnlmm. ] Rn|~n-At. (`nokstnwn nn 'T`hIll'_t;- '0f M1 . and MTS. MG. Ul`l\JlfLl]l. Bo1'n-At Cooksbown, on Thm'.~a- day. June 27. 1940. to Mr. und Mrs. Wilfred Flldcy (nee Caroline Stur- gess) a. son (lrmmlcl Wilfred). Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kidd, Murnyn and Beverly, and Mr. nnd M1-2.. Ewart. Kidd and Mnry Alice were holiday guests of Miss G. Ki Mrs. N. Ba.t13mn:n L; vls1t.lnLr her noututy KUESBS OI Nll8`$ U. l\l(I(l. Mrs. N. Batxrmni-n is visiting her brother, John Parka. Aickrmtlcr, Man. Mrs. Bnicmnn had it very int.enest.lng rtrip. fiylnp; from Mui- Lon to Winnipeg. The citizens of this inwn INN. on 'I`ll0SdAii.y evening of i.hi.~. W(`l`k to replace bhc Ln(1ic:~;' Wm` Fumi Committee under i,h<- `l0(l.(i(`i`.$'lii]) oi` the Cook.-iwwn Womt-n'.s in.-a'Lii,uiAt.| Major Watson .d(li`(`SS(`(i Lhv nu-ot- ing. pointing out Lhc iL(iVlliiLM.'_l'!i 01' um n.ffi1ini.ion with tho RNI Cross. Ofifmrrs. for the new (-onnnim-42 then elm-.t,0(i urn: IimL prv.~'.i(i-nth. RAW. B. Atkinson. Rev. Mr. Bzuiivii anti Rev. C. G. I-Iigginsmn: Hun. men!-bt.-rs, Mrs. Henry Cousn miri |Mr.s. Alt-x. Arnniri: Pi`l'.<.'. Mrs (1 it!) form rt Rod Cm.-;s. C0mmii.u-4- I nnennunws, Mrs. Henry (Joust-. mm Mrs. Alex. Arnold; Prv:.'.. Mrs. C. W. Cn.rr; lst. Vice-Pros... Mrs. Blev- In Atkinson; 2nd Vim:-P:'n:a._ Mrs. ~Dmu;ln.-1 Hill; (mi Vl('( -Pl`(H., Mrs. `J. M. Pumilcy; Se(:_y., Mra. J. R. Como; Trc(Ls., Mrs. '1'. J. Dzrwsnn. G. '1'. Grt.-gory `will zwt. us 4:nn1|ml1.-,n clmlrxnun Cur uml (mule In (:uIII.~;lon At. I0 pm. Sunday, while Lr:Lvz-l- ling MISC. on the (-minty rmul Ln I-`elmclls. Charlie Gold:-n. Couk.;- town, sud(l~nn1y came upon u In-rrl of (zmlle M H0wc's Hlll. Ono unl- mm was killed mltrlghl, in 1.110 ml- llsion and the ]'x)1I<:c were -,:Lllml upon to d(`.LI'0_V Lwo 0l.hvr.x`. Thu cm` was hardly (l:m1u.;:vrl by thr- l'0l'(:(9 of the lnmm-1.. Snmcussful Slmwlx-.rry `I :-.:L A most. sucmssful Sl,rn.wlx:1'1-y `I'M wus held at the homo 01' Ml; G. Hill 'on Wlzcllnostlzty 12151.. Thu. fos- tlvnl is an m1.l||ll event sprm.xor- (!f_l by blue `Chum-1:1` Guild 0] S1,. John's A11g1l(uu1 Church, and Lhu trcxwurcr rcpnrus l.I1l.; _vv.'u".s' [Pit In be H. record rbruukcr. I`h.- L{l`(IIIl)(lh' were t,ust.ct`lIlly (l(e('.ox'.-nu.-(1 with bunL- lm; and red, whllr and bluv streunlcrs. Mamy [.;|l4!SL`{ [ram (ml. of town were [.0 be soon (luring the a.{Lorm)<)n. Lm: wccxcxm nnnuuy m nzulnmm, Mrs. Cecil C`-m'vIn. 'I'm' 1:; vlslthm with Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Guxvln. M.l(lhur.~st. I..O.l... 3112 will hold mnnml church nzuudc. Sunday. July 7, to the Anglican Church at 2.00 p.m. 1.S.'1`.) Mcxnbu-rs tn mvel, nt; Township Hall an. 1.30 .u.m. I .m. A large numhc-1' of Lhv stuff n! the Forest Station :LLl, the funcml of John Plowriyzht. MUN`- slng. -who died very .<,1.u1 at the office of the nu1`scx'y lust Wed- nesday morning. -M1s..t:1=x Mahol M!-,(iinni:~'. nnri Dur- auuuv ~"'l`hv 1.0.1.. will attend divine C!I`ViCt` on Sund:\_\' mnrninpz in Es- u Road Prcsbytorizm Church. All of (hp :I.<. orders will be wvlcnnw and :m- roqun-sled tn gath- CT at 10.30 am. at tho l..O.L. hall. Burltm /\\'c, llluu l\l l`I....I. n..-u.-._ Inesnay mornmg. I ~Misse.s Mabel McGinni.-; and Dor- othy Finlay ham: -taken posltmxxr; in the store at. so Homo.-y Lodge. Balm Beach, and Miss Evelyn Fin- lay has gone no Deluwzuma Inn, Honey Harbour, for the summer months. T'hn Nn.Y.inn-nl Thwl Rh it-III Wu 1' [ Mr. nnd Mrs. Gum. S1x:n(-4: spt-nL Lhu weekend holiday in HZLIIIHLUII. Mrs. Cecil (`:m'Vh1_ 'I'm'(mm. 1:; Service Campaign for the Sulvatjmn Army is in progre:a's in this com- munity. According: to the (tormmty-, toe in charge of this work. liberal donatioxxs are being" rlxtcivcd. I`h1:~; is a worthy (ruuso and your r'-- sponsc will be grcu.1,ly a.m)mr:intA)d, Sliver Gifts to Three Teachers F`-riends of Misses E. 1"'l('km'inL'.. M. McNivcn and M. Galbruim, teachers of 55. N0. 6 and S.S. No. 17. gathered at. the home of Mr and Mrs. Wm. McGi1u1is on Wetl- ncsday evening and presented <-M1: with a present of silver from the people of the Unit:-d Church. Games and tzontcsts and s'1nL:ing| filled in the (-vc-ninp,. A hnunmul `lunch served by smnv of the lzuhcs I L . i The Nxmimm) Rm! Shield Wm` brought. the pleasant. cvcnim: tn 2: close. I I-`urnumll II.-nunnonlnn 4.. v\l:..A COOKSTOWN '. nd Harvey. B 1-`., n of (mokstown. visited th | (JUSII. I"u.rcwcll l'rexs'cntatioI1 to l\li.s.~; ` Mt-Niven and Miss Plczkurimz Owing lo Llm 1'a.'1n on I-`riduy Itho picnir arrzmged to ho ht-kl an Park for thv pupils and mothers of SS. No. 6 was hold at the Community Hall. Ju(lr.:inL-, from all the prizc.s and vzuuly thv chil- dren received for games and (-011- tests. the pl<'.n'u- \I.`a.< n rl(-<-klmli success Just. as sznmv-r u':\\ nvurl I u.n:u rcccxvcu wr games anu a.-011-: ck-v'1(iml ' D success. Just. as supper was nvmu Betty Cameron read an a`ddx'-,a< ` and Miss Maric M('Niv('n. .wmIn` room teacher, was presented with a`. boudoir lump from her pupils. 'I"non little Mae Poole prcscnwd F1, Pickering. jtuuor mom w.whm'.: with 9. boudoir lamp from her 1m,1r-| pupils. The school children regret`, very much losinn their tmu-hor-; A pupils. 1110 SC 1100] very losing I who have taught llast five years and I Df E the General Hos-l lpital. Ocean Falls. B.C.. on June; `27. to Dr.J. Douglas and Mrs. Gal-' bmlth moo Florence Vlrglm Bellal Coola, B.C.. a. son. ' Farewell Gift to Teacher On Wednesday evening the people-i of the community gathered at the. Copson home to bid farmveu to} ; M.L`\< Edna Oakos. who for the past.` `two years has taught svhool No. 2' (Crows Cornc-rsl. She was pro- scnbed with 3 beautiful Lablo lamp} !.\Ilss Oakts returns to her homv a; % Port Credit. l . nvnv V.-.~uu. ; Two Infants Baptilcd , On S\u1d.-a._v last. at Bethusna United Church. Manon Joaa Cu1~ tam. daughter of Mr. and I s I |Preet.m'. son of .VIr. and Mrs. Jar.- !FreeLhv_ recolvnd tho nrdinnnrn of: George Culham. and Norman Jan1vsT l\JUl'E UUURIHI. (`HG AVOTXUXU1 J.X1l(`3I" Freet.hy. received the ordinance of a infant baptism at. the lmnds of tho lmimstcr. Rev. Robert G:-amun. II___..___ n, J-,, -\_-,,,_,u I ` Miss kn null ............... ...... .w...... xunuruu. . I Haring Badly Delayed E with one of the heaviast croml {of hay in many years. the tmfamr-I able has`-making weather prevail- "mg Ls a very great d'1s:1pp0inLn1cnt,.l Some fields any so heavy and 10613- Ied as to necessxt.-ate cm.t`m2 on two! I -i?- ' `route. The groom's gm. to the? bride was Kclinsky furs. The br'1d0.| .who is deservedly popular in this] commlminy. has the best wishes of} 8. large circle of friends. 1 --~---- 1 .\qg..._..j__. ..__j____.\qg._ Has your subscription label that '.nice "paid-in-advanc lnmlai Born 1it.n1 (Irv-an I-`nllq R(`. nu rth wsunniddle T/1"iDHURsT cxumxen regret t,ca(:hr>r=;. 1 them for the, have rcsignvd. I I The pupils of the Conummuon School enjoyed H. wolner ran.-at. nl. Spx'lng2wMm' Pwrk last. Tuesday evening. Mr. mm Mm, Wllmal. Cook 1112-. evnmm;. l Mr. and Mm. Wllmol. Cook su:-. compxmlod Mr. wnd Mrs. Wnllm-r Cook and fmnlly tn Konllworth for me we4-kond. Rnlnh lhfnrnlllu Killum AH.n I01` mno W(.`4!K0n(L. Ralph Mnrquls. Klllmn, AluL.. Mrs. R115.-wll Pr(ml,I<-(- nnrl mu Ralph -and Mrs. R. Du.~;l.u, Sund- -r1m1d_ vlsiu-,d at Geo. DusL<>'.~; last week. l"hn Inn;-htu-u hulu. nnnn On thnlrl I939 I'l_vnmnI.h Sedan I939 (`Iu~vroIot Sednn I938 l'I_vmouI.h (`ouch I937 I-`nnl (`oulw I937 I.aS:\llr Sedan I935 Olclsmnhllv Sedan I935 (`In-vrolot Sedan I93-I (`In-vrolc-I Sedan 1934 |'I_vnuInth Sedan I934 Buivk Sedan I93-I Fm-(I Sedan 1932 I{n(`kno Sc-dun I932 I-`ord Sudan I931 Oldslnohllc` Cub. The team-I11.-:'.~'. have gmm tn tlwlr rt.-spentlve `homes For L`) 10 I101 kluy.-3: ML=`..s' M. Bourn to Grnmt Valley, M 155 M. Wilson Mt N:-wmn Robin- son. Lloyd Morrison to Allxmdnlo. T`hn F1~Jlnn:|nn- nun. I1\plx IIv`\r\ nun, Luuyu. lVA\lIlH'l|ll| uu I\InunnI.u'.l The rollmvlng m-4- Llmse who pnusmml `their Entrnm-u on Lhe-lr| _voxu".-4 work: Murlon Maw, Murhm I \ Muys_ (Em-elm Klrton, Emu-i Clum- pvl, Allun .!ul1n.~sl,un, KnI,lmrInr- Johnsmn. Jm-k l)nwn:~,y um! Jmm Miller. xvnnor. Vhs'it,0r.-'. with Mr. und Mr. Ymlng and Mr. and Mr.-.. (`H-n. (L Jullnslnn la.-;l, vvut-k w<~r<-: Mr. Young`.-4 -lhr4~<- hml,hc-rs, Dr, I.. J. O'Br1m1, M.P.P., (ir:mrl4- Pmirh-. ANAL: B. J. ()`fric~n. Isllnulmx. und J. M. ()`B1'Im1, AIu'nrn,, nlso Hm.-,h[ O'Hrh~n. M4-Gill Umvt-r.-alL_v. Mon-|; l.l'l'l; Mrs, '1`. Sh1v|:m', M:u'0uu.I f-insk.; Mix.-s J1-zm Mlmguy, I)mn'-1 born, M11-h.: Mrs. (J. I-` Wand, Mr. nnd Mr.-s. lillllnbl. Wnml and Mlusl Bvrthn Wuml, AIu'urn. , Holldzpy visllxm; hl-I't- hu-lIulvri'! Viz-lnr Slnlnslulrv l(i|.1-I14-nlw 1; null rmmmy vnslmrs nr-n~ lllI`lIlfl4`H'.`_ Vi('.t,m' Slmmslyury, KiI,<-hc-nrr, mulx I)mml:a.s S .()|l.*.`s`|)|ll'_V, Ri(')1:u'(|`.<. hmul-1 mL-,', with Lhc-ix` hmthnr Paul; Miss; B4-,r_vl Purkrr. 'I.'orunl,o, at H. C! B4.-llby s; l.nwrmn-4> Parry, Nlatmtm` l"ull:~., zu, l'~`rc(l P:n.l'l`_V'."; R,f`V. nndi Mrs. I-Inmld Bridge and t nmlly.j I-hunilton, 11!. J Mr'Ki11l4:),"s; Mlsm-5' Murml Murphy. Bl.'l`X)i(',(`, Ymmu. ErHl.l1 'L`1'xu:y, 'I'ortmLr, and Miss` I?)l.h.'-I .ml1n.s|/)r1, Wynlwmgtc, urv all nl. their m.-;p43(:.L1v(: homr-.9 for the" :;I1n1n14-a-. ` Fun:-.rul of John l'lowrl1:m `Flu: ltlmHIlllllH.V vms .`ih()4',k(-(I In lu:u'u 01' the Sll(M('ll :14-u.t,h of .Iuhn{ I`|mm'lg l)L on Juno 26 at Lhv Mi(i-; hur.~;l. Ftxmsl. SLn.v,im1. Thp Yum-mlv was held from his Izmir I'l`S'_l(llfll!'l` on Friday xulu-rn(x)n. Rev. Wm. New-I nmn w':x.~; :I..`iSl.SL(`(l by Rev. 17`. W. Mnrldon. Pn1l~l)(~:mer-`x Wl'l`l- Ar-nun) M(:Nmbb. (i(er>1'y,,- Knupp, (.`}1u1'le:s; Pzwkur, '1`. M.'u;u11'c, A. Rormld and` George Cru.wt o1'd. R,l'l1I,I,iVl.'a' I'1':)um it (lI.~;l.:m<'1: who ;n,l.lA-xutlvrl the fun-P I-ml were Mrs J. KL-st:-1`, New 'I`n~i mnln, sisal` of Lh- dc-L'<*:x:x.-(I. I"(u`l,r1'i Smbt and son H<)w:n'd. 'I`or Mr. and Mrs, S. O. l"l-';v.'rlu,hL n.nrI| (i:lllt."}l'L(tl' JOV('l.'. ().\']lLU. 11' Hnu.':n'1l` Mr. mm Mr.'~:. ti. U. I'Iuv.'r1u,hI. :n.urH rlmu.-,`l1Al,<.-r Joy!-c, O.~;lmv.'u; H<>v.':u'du` Bray and two (:hilrh'on. BI-l.l,),' mud; Ertwzml. Allmxrlult-. Int:-rrncnt was nmdo in MlI1u:~;lm.: C4-mnl,-ry. i . ... ..,...,n..u.......n-. ` Holiday and weekend vlstlmzs hon-I WON`: G. Tompkins, Miss uewLs.! Mr. and Mm. R. Blmkxtr and fum-'1 Hy, Toronto. at Mrs. Shcffio]d's:' Mrs. '1`. Bidwc-ll. Barrio. :11. J. Sax`-`l ;:cnt.'s; Mrs. '1`. Hodqson and chll-' (In.-n, Lam: I_.:u-_ at G. Bidv.'e1l`s: Mr. and Mrs. L. Gilhooly. Bzxrriq .11, Mrs. Sherri:-1d's. I Women's Institute 1 The women's Institute met. at; M153 MoKny'.s on Junr 26. with 14: pres(:nL. Many lxseful hints were: given in :'(-sp Lo Llw roll mil; cm "H0mr- Er-nnmnir:s." Each mvm-` bar is giving 1'. (lollur t,nv.'m'd Hm msmkot. fund for Lhn Rm! Cy..:;s:: Mr.-,'. .1. Adrlisnn visitnr in AIn'm':L. Mrs. J. Cuv.'Lmw,h of Mrs. J. Mai:-an Mrs. H. P.:u't,iny W.A. CUHII.,`l`1'lH`(` M. J W. /\l'(l, school 119:- tn his homo in Hm holidays. Mr :1 nd Mrx `H IlUll(Iil) 3. Mr. and Mrs. H. B:1rI,]:-y and Mix Sh(.'fH(.'Id v.'m'o rt:m:nl, vi:~.im1's}\ with frir-nds at 'I`-,mpr~r:mr-m'iIIe. Lflirlnn ....,l un.-...l......I ..I.u,..... 1.. ..` n_or IS ;.uv1n'.: (mun mv.'m'u um; mnnkot, fund for the Red Cm:s.<'I MI'h. V. Dicker gave :1. very '1n1x`r-! csting Duper on flow(:rs~-how they` affect: our lives and thoughts. She a L demonstrated the arranging of` bnuquets for living room and d!n-; ing mom. Mus. A. McKay mm Mrs.- Emxns read :u`ticlo:~. on Home Ecvr`.-| I,-mics. Tho assisting hostr-..w-s'.w~rP` |Mrs. Ruzmzm and Mrs. P`. Mudrlv-n. A [)i('ni." is in bv urranuxd for mu July n1(~ot.'1nL:. I938 (.`lwvml~t Stake 1937 I)odg'o Panel 1937 Clnanssis and Cab. 1931 Clwv. l)ump Truck 1928 Chevrolet l`ick-up I-as your subscriptinn label 111 It _- paid-in-advance" look ? I _ _.j~_.__ , Three Goad Reasons Why THE BARRIE EXAMINER Printing Requirements IJIIIIICCIII Business Card: Circular: Coin Envelopes Church Envelopu rnnnlnr RA; THE BARRIE EXAMIN ER Check up on your requirements and fill Here Are 3' Few your man now. SUGGESTIONS Do You Need `These .7 \olII.Il Cl] ILIIVCIOPCI Counter Check Boob l\_.l_._.._ \al)\IIIlCI \vn Dodgers Envelopes Invitations `mxunsmc { T. Edge returned on Fri- om a visit in Flint. Mich. A. Wilkinson returned on utter two weeks in Leam- Modemly equipped, The Examiner is prepared to fill your printing needs, no matter wlnt the job may 1.. ctowzs Phone 222 Hgn \A/ma LHC mum-1.. mn Inst w.-nk. { ny a1.mnd<-d Lhr ; Shzmty Buy. !t.r:u:hI.rr. hm LWIIIPI Hnmmnn for thew TAKE STOCK OF YOUR PRINTING NOW! the 211051.} us.-pk 4 Should Fill Your _ M.L~;.'s' unw- " [ w<:(-:kcnd with I I`o!.Lcnha.m. `I Mr and M1 "| norm. 65 'I`wrnt,_\'-five boys arrived on the! Y`; Lram h('1'(` on 'I`u-sriay. Ihr` firm] - lot. In :~;p>nd their Iwlldays Mi 0| Ev;mL;(:1 Hal] camp. | 1.` Bnxuzr hm`. team had .1 friendly -1 game with Brrm!.wood boys at Brom- .'v ' wood on Monday evening, the wore C being 10-8 in favor of Brentwood. W` The strawberry festival was a f great suI:cr.,-5.9. There wa.'~; a good ' crowd and 1-vcryonc enjoyed mu progmm put. on by the Shiv.-ls fam- ; 115' 0! Mount. For4:.sL. `V Mr. and Mrs. Alden Hauzzh aux.-n1. ` Mi:<.'s A visltlmz : Turner. GUTHRIE I'I`o!.!,cnha.m. Mr. and Mrs. Peers. R. Smith and friend from Toronto war!- ihulicluy visitmws at R. G:u'nur's. 1 A numbvr from hr-ru aw,-nd:d `the Orange svrvime in 'I`l10rnt4m' .A....n,..... f`h1|v-I-h (In :nnrIe.v alxr H()lK1'd.)' VISXUJYS EL 11.. L1H.I'Hl.'X.\. the Orange Axurllx-,m1 Churr-h -norm 'I'h0rnl4m on Sundaiv awar- ply ox MOUTH. 1`'0r(f.`:L. ; and Haugh spent Saturday with the 1attPr's parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. McFarland, Wood- hridgo. who T(.'t,UY'I)f:d with them` All nmtnrcd to Cnulson and spent, the holiday with Angrus I1.-a/:11. I..inishzm Print, I):'<-ssns that are easily $2,193! v::.luc-. Hlnurl. :sl.ylus! Si7.(~.x' M 1.0 20; 38 L0 44. A ;I,r:md HUY". footoovooooooooooooooooooooaooooovoooooococoapooonoc 0000001-1; I ' \').n `!\l I"rm-k.-; l.h:1l, will ho l,h- p43L:s" of your wurtlmhc-! :a'm:n'l,ly l`a.s'hinm- nl` Amm'iI,-x" Cropn in :;purkIinp, prints and everl`ashimmblr+ polka dot, pn.l,1,vI'n:s. Hi)Lhli|',h1.im4 the popular new mode: the lmorlvd (Jl`I`.H.`-;. hi`/.v:a 14 Lu 20; :58 to AA Q -.-.1 n-n.-no 'I`:Lilrn'(-(I and 1:u::=-1,ri1n1m,~rl typos, of plum and l:uu-.y- wr-,:Lv- myon:;. T!m'0s(*, white. Snmll, nmdilun 25c and lztmre xi /.<-5. '/.<-llm'-pri(: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. `I1 I FIVTTTITIV LVTTTVFC nu... `nu .......... .... any rtolms. Fit, 5'1 /.05 32 1,0 38 . aasngnnnsveu p.;\.aa-9.; l)l(|*2SSMAl(l`2It l`\ l l`I: 01' print:-d ( with <:uI,l,m1 jer- srry lining. Blnv, coral or gr`:-(311 Lmumi:;. Si /.08 14 L0 20. .. , ... . .. . I IKAYON SATIN: I`lIH'l('(i with "I.:l.Hl.l`X". $2 sizt-s .......... .. I Post Office Square Zlt`Ll.I')l{'S LIMl'l`El)--ltetailssrs tn l'hrit`ly Czmzuliuns at Clark. -.6 |\:\u~ l)n,inl,y nlips ()1 v::,.s'y-Lu-luumlvr .~m-Iv I.:nI1<-In, wH.h pn:1,1,y (-ml)m1d-ry and binding. Full :sh:ul-- 79 ow-pmnf mmol in 1'mn1,, Sim-3 152 In 42. ...... .. Audrey Murray. 'I`ornn;,o, ml ' with 'h<-r aunt. Mrs. R..l BAxTEi2 T W.;ld(H(7k spent, 'Lhv Miss Mm'jo:'y Scnmplr. fGr.`39PP 37 . Sll/\l)()W-l'l{()()I" _77l?`AiI7Xl:ITIES SLIPS Mrs. L m last, wv.-k Mrs. Rny Mn; Pu ABOUT ALLANDALE Phone 222 and our reprnenhtivo All 4-. Sorvice in I fcatufeizf The Examiner Job Pnnung Do- I-EITIIIEI J00 I lung-1' ww- partment. Unusual serving in given and job: ed promptly. J-l"'"e"I' Shipping Bills Q]-.2...-ulna "T. an Dlllpplng pin: Shipping T-at Socinl Stationary Tickats Visiting Cards Wedlg Sbdooo PINKERTON I (}:1H:uv.':y. .`i;mn.w, vwu -.-k with Mm. W. Clark an my Duvs.;l_\'. (I}mH1;uh. 1.s -vhsl|.- ` n -uu|)'u- -pl v.~vk:. v.'H.)| he} `\l!g|. M1211-lu.H v lrunu : - MI-Lc;o.1f-, . 11 fur Thursday, July 4, 19, .._V __ 7 _..__ {j_ BARRIE .. Clark Suffers Broken Arm (`I-ml: ch.-......L .. run ty l"m`l0lll`. Dr. N. E. Avery. liar. Sask.. was a holiday visitor with Mr. and Mrs. A. Kendrick. 'Earlston Doc. Lakefiold, was a visitor with his parents at. the par- sonage this wec-k_ Mrs. E. Shear moved on Saturday to the newly furnished apartment in tho Wobb block. `Miss Joan Nooham, of Toronto, is the pzuvst of Mr. and Mrs. B. Travis during: hor vacation, Mr. and Mrs. Burt Buyltss re- turned on Monday from a two weeks visit in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. N. Paddison and son. Windsor. woro holiday visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. H. Sanders. um.-...i.-.... r....,i...- nr.ii.,...h..m Aft ` Mr and Mm. Mr. Hwy Davis M.- v..s rwnnmn :11. Ed. II-mi. last Saturday. , who has taught ` !.'x4`}\ Ir years. clos- rn1:s_v and :5 taking mth unwr Ix.-aclwrs, 1.5/\. nmrtlnu on n mumine On he-r I/\l Mrhvr and mvh rvunlon Put-I1 Iuniy `- hnme \I.\m)r.\' w('n*' MISS .@&X0 B11110 (iilchrist. Toronto, ` uvcs. ht-re: Miss Marion <- Hvk-n Duke and Ml$ uj.'lm`. all 0. Tnmnw. at. -- M ms Mzanzxu-.\'. Cnm- I `um.-'.\'v.r.vd. with Mr. and C-nnu-Hm. .\Ir. and Mrs ' Borlx`z\m and children. i at J. W Walk:-r'.s. d 2\tr.~ S. Steele. Jack .3 Olmwu. are spcxldmg nt-r with Mr. and Mrs` g l`l{U(`KS l'lll through in full in ` humo nn Hulgatv bone in her left \]'\.\1|- I`... H... .'... Ont ,. _ . . Death of It; -IIEiIend;om n_ R. H. Henderson.'who has` been in poor 7he`alth- for sdtncwtjine. died l . rather suddhLv on '1'hu'fsday.`morni ing at his "home on Sbttthvlew ; Drive. At his own request..hc had . been brought up `tromufthe famll residence. 54 Hazelwood Ave. In Toronto. with the`hope `that the; i change might mean an `improve-L plane on Saturday in Toronto. Presentation to Miss Doe ment in health. The `funeral took} ` On Thursday night the `members of Burton Ave. United Church choir hold a social -get-together at ` ` the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mcf`-ad; - occasion to make a presentation 0! `ldcn and also took advuptage of the `la beautiful set of cream. sugar and tray in silver to Miss Betty Doc. whose marriage took place o niSat-' urday. She has been a faithful`, member of the choir and until ab- tlsent at college had been a`very ef-' ` ` {teient pianist for the `jnnlox choir . also. I l\/I'.~;- W A Qnn-urn mnn Hun nrn. MINE/["8 POINT ` ` Mrs. A. Ingram. 'l'oron1.0. who is recovering nicely from `a 'seriou motor accident. is now at the. fam- ily cottage with her daughter Mar- garet. . Mm, .l Ruvnrer. Br'an'tford. has garet. Mrs. J. Rayner, Br'an'tford, ; been the guest of Mr. and-Mrs. E. McFadden. Other guests thi `week were Mrs. F. McFadden and daugh- ter .Muriel. Allist.or'1, and `Sit,-Maj. A. E. Lewis (now stationed-at'Camp Borden) with Mrs. Lewis.` London} (`\nI DUFUI Ont " W. `A. Spcarn made the. pre- . scntation and 11150 expressed the ' zmprccizrtion and -best. `wlshcaiof the ' choir. 1.. ...a.m:,... .. .1..-$3..`m-' n! ' `I All :1:-civilian will lm rnnrinntrnb cnoxr. * l , In addition aalargcnurnber of,` miscellaneous gifts were also be-' '. stowed upon `he guest of honor. Collagen no-.eI_ect -Officers The annual `meeting o1"thl`: "Min-I` ` et's Point. Cdttagrai ---Asso~iation' was held on Sund_ay aftcrnpon at the summer home ,0!` lhp. -pvesi.dent_,.` . but the disagreeable ~weamer, brought out n smnll attendance.- It was decided that officers. con- tinue in chzirg` fi)r-'a'nbhr-"year. They are: Pres... McFadden: lvico-Pres" Edgar Smith: ecy,~, I`reas.. C. Mars'lmll:`~Sports Corny. E Ryan. Gen. Wright. P. Sinclair," J. Brennan. C.` G1`bb'an'd_-Mrs. -C. Nlurshull: Snciul Com.. Mrs.` E. Mc- Fadden. Mrs. C. Marshall. Mrs. E. Ryan. Mrs. W. Pyke. Mrs. A. Duel and Mrs. E. Boylun. lnfl lVll'S. L. b0ylill'1. _ All activities will be concentrat- ed on raising funds for the Red Cross and other war needs. and the chief objective will be the pur-' chase of an `ambulance. Vm`inus_ methods will beuscd, masqueradesQ card parties. etc. The first, lo`! these will be a -bridge .this' after; nnon. Thursday. at the home ofthe president. Chummy `Villa-." 2 Miss vompxw` 51%`!!!-PIC . .'1UI'0nw; Us holidaying: svith4`.- errmother. ! Mrs. I-Iowzu-Lh 15 spending-awcouple [of weeks with `friends .11: Tomnbo. I Rnv nnd Mr; `T. F`. West. have `My. 01 me law benjamm uanuon. 1A Weekend visitors lncludedz. Miss"- ` cs Vere. ;1\(argan't. . Morri- . svenymmu. 1so_he_1,:Bxih`x>`ki:__._q1f (or 'mronb0.` `mun.-~ ~f1'1dS:`, Mrs-. Brown and cum ninth. mid Mrs. H. Johnsboii spent. a few days wlth friends in Ottawa. ' Mrs. Green. Heathcotg Ls vismng hnr nsnfhnr \`lr<`" T. F. wast. | mill" Mi: ymn. 2 . " . . I The sympu.thy of .the ooinmynity ;1s extended on the wife. and Iam-_ `1ly.of the late Benjamin 'G~anton. ' Weekend visitors lncludedz. ]\.s- {Rumble A.'I`.O.M._ iho was suc- cessful in the intermediate _sIng`lng; examination of Tbrvnto Co;iserva- tor) of Music. receiving .lst class honours. All her pups who tried tho recent, examinations also were successml. Thu Prnchvfnrinn I A hold a or weeks 'wxm `menus .m uomnw. Rev. and Mrs. `L. E. West have ' left. for their new -"home `in `Dals- lfnn Brown a Mrs, _ N. ! successml. I The Presbyuzrixm W.A. held a ,very successful strawberry fesuvai lon Wednesday evening. June 26. with a large crowd attending. A .vor_v enjoyable play. presented by. wyebridge Y.P.S. in Jamiesou 1. entitled A Ready-made .1'-`o,m1y."- was enjoyed by all. I . ington. _Mrs. C. Hndgsm) and Mrs. G. Kelly were in Kitchener over the weekend. Mr: Kinrlimr (Yrwhrnmu is back *1Hl1g L\"ll'5. N. UIETKC. I 1 Hrs. Edwards has rel.urn_o`d home garter several weeks in 'Fordnto`. Rnrru In ronnrr Ohnf Illa! 'Anni'n ialber several weeks In 'Fordnto`. _ 1 Sorry to report that Miss `Annie Barnhardc is under the doctor's (`A re` I . N Miss Shaw. Lake Rpsseau, is vis- -iung Mrs. N. Clarke. ' ` Hrs. Edwards has rel.urna`d hnmol 1 Mr. mm `Mrs. um-vey cmwxoru spent. the weekend with `friends at. lsoumwood and Bala. I RFC. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Crawford nont. Mus \\-bekend with friends at. If it's your notion that you ought to get dependable ser- vice at an economical cost (mm as used car - YOU'RE IIIGIITE That`: exactly win: you get here. Come In and lonk over our unlocnn nl .rs. Green. neatncote. 1.5 vxs mother. Mrs`. L. E; West. in: hm-nthu Rtunhln "Ihrn ?iff.Ls13 3 1.E E. Vincent of British Israel Head- quarters` Staff, Toronto. addressed the Barrie Branch on June 24 on the subject. "A World at Arms-- But Britain Will Survive." He said that in spite of the fact that we have tried to obey Christ's behest Biessednre the peace-makers" and have repeatedly turned the other cheek. we are in war. Why? Be- cause we have disregarded God's definite command and mnde pacts with European nations. Our pact with Belgium brnught us into the Great War and still we huve con- tinued to make pacts. Britain should never have modified the terms of the Treaty of Versailles. ;thus enabling Germany to prepare for this -conflict. flnrrnnnu mm-1-hnri into the "ritein Will Survive" 1. I `British-Israel Speaker Telle Barrie Audience weekend. Mrs. Sterling Coclxrane is back again on the sluff of Magec's Beau- ty Parlour. Dr N. E. Averv. Ilnr. Sask.. . Afrimi and will -for tms -comucz. , Germany marched into the Rhlneland,lnto Auslria,lnto Czech- oslovakia and we were powerless. _Af1!r Munich We started to pre- :pdre to fill in the gaps. Then came ;the rape of Poland, and Russia's seizure in Finland. 'I`hen Germany invaded Norway. We moved but `had to evacuate. The Beast swung south and took Holland. Belgium France is bleeding. is Britain going to fall? No! Absm lutely no! God promised our an- cestors in II Sam. 7: 10-16. Britain has and will be bombed. We must . be punished because so many dwell carelessly in the Isles. From each of the invaded countries a section `of the people are fighting with _'Britain. -These are" Israelites. `What about the rest of Europe? `Rumania is trying to tie up with `Germany; Bulgaria and Hungary are Nazi. Spain is under Italian . `influence. Turkey is with Russia. "Italy will have much success in take Elzvnt and `lwly Wlll nuvu mucn auuc-.-as u. Arricn and will Egypt move into Palestine. Russia will `probably interfere. not [0 help us: ' but for` her own gain. God will he ` the deciding factor in Pnlnstine. `The `United States will be with us `as sbon as they clean up the "sulivcrslvc olcznems with which the country is literally crawling. fin.-l.umnk enmnthinn nf us. We the country 15 llternuy crnwung. God'want.c. something (If us. We do~.not know enough or our God. ` We are `going to suffer `until we turn to God." The King will call us to prayer until the whole na- tlon prays. We will go back tn the laws of God. Inn. Ulru-on! I-xnnlpnrl Hun nhnvnl O ccuiada! Beloved Native Land me laws 01 uuu. . Mr. `Vincent backed the above] statements by the holy scriptures.` `.`Uu11ted and loyal to the Throne and Empire" ' "(By William Sword Frost! TUNE: 0 CANADA! lloipeland and Empire .0 Cam; :1! Beloved native land. God be thy strength and gracious mnldlmz hand. God I)e't.ny screngm nnu grnumus `guiding hand, I'n `noble thought and vniinni. heart. Of sons and dnughwrs true; The `British Empire guard and bicss. ms gioribus will 10 do. Homeland we love! so great and . free! Steadfast we stmid in boncis of unity. ` ` O Canada! `For God; the King; .41 n ri Hit-'-rs and mec. Loyalty and Service 0 Canaqp,`! From "loyal hearts arise ' Our songs of praise: to Lord of earth and skins. ' tree . steadlast `we stand in bonds of _ .. unity. '0 Canada! For God; the King: and thee. Inn:-national Goodwill O Canada! And Kindred. sea to EPA Ullf SOXIKS OI ])1'l,llS01 earth and skies. Within each patriot throned, Tn cnrvn frnm Nov mrs wnn IVII`. mm lVll`S. n. aanucrau S(|u:Idrun I.v.'Idur Fnllxcnberg. of Montreal. has luken Iho residence v.'Icul,Nl by Mi.<.~: M. Clark. Hulgate Sm-cl. (`H-nvlin nu... in in (`.--uynnknn-mic T;I'0H(.`(1, _ To serve from day_to -day. In "honpl;r`s path. and {re`don1's bans: CB1IS(.*-'- For which we humbly vpray. [Homeland we love! so great. and ft-ea! S98. Inarmed in truth. accord and li- hm-tv - No arxourcd border line: "A Nation North! A Nat.tonSout.h!-- In fellowship so fine. "Homeland we love; So gmat. -and free! Steadfast we stand in bonds of unity. O Canada! For God; the King; and thee. ("Lochbmc," Orulia. Ont.) _.________./.`._____.. marmeu m Lrum. accoru mm 11- . berty: No frowning forts. no threat/211mg mums. I Miss Marion Campbell. 'Ibront.o. is home for her vacation. Mr. and Mrs. P. Pullen. Toronto. spent the weekend at. the rectory. Mr. Boynwn, Toronto. spent the weekend with his daughter, Mrs. Cyril S. Hughes. Mr. and Mrs J, Stinsnn and Mr. and Mrs. .1. sunson mm Lloyd spam .the weekend with Pcterboro friends. I Mr and `M rq 'T`{Ihn- "Fur-nnfn l | PCICFDUN) ITIOHOS. ' Mr. and Mrs. Tillcy. Toronto. visited the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Partridge. The United Church Wmnan`s As- Mrs. my ruuxugc. The Church Woman's As- sociation will meet at the home of Mrs. V. Hart. July 11. . Mrs. A. Wales and hnhv Ann "l"n-: Mrs. v. nan. Juxy 11. ; Mrs. A. Wales and baby Ann. - mnto. spent the weeknd with at parents. Mr. and Mrs. Day. Mr. and Mrs. Richardson and D on :1 l`nr!ni;zht.`.~; holiday with his aunt and unclv, Mr. and Mrs. L. Corbotl. `Mr and MN, A Hunfnr. with Chulrlio Birrh is in Grnvenhursl` parents. Ml`. sum Mrs. Day. and Mrs. Richardson and . Ruth. Toronto. spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. H. Martin. I >M`rs Davis and Knr.hnriv1n nnd wxm M1 . and Mrs. 11. Manxn. Mrs. Davis and Katharine and Mrs. Hart. Madison. Wis._ visited the past week with Mm. Packard. Among the weekend gusts at "'Pahquan:\" were Miss Edna Sel- man. Toronto; also J. W. Pmnton. Toronto. _Mrs. McDonald. Toronto. spent. the weekend at her home here. Her sister, Miss Jean Kendall. re- turned to the city with her for the holidxwa. ' nouuays. Visitors at Rose Cottage pmt week were Miss Mae Sr and Patsy Brexm. Mr. And I Youxuz and fanulv and Mr. mus. pay. Mlm Muner. Toronto. accompan- ied by Rev. Capt. A. W. Downer. M.P.P.. and Mrs. Downer. Dun- troon. vkited Mr. and (Rn-11 new. I Mr. and Whittaker. who have been residents 0! the village. for the past. few years. mqved this week to Nova:-. where Mr. Whit- taker has been Lramsn-rrm 1:: sm- tiuu xmvuuu. SI_'IANTY Nl.l'SSl$8..I" the holiday. M. Kneesh noma nere. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Loblaw nnd children were in town for the holiday. Jack Mccullouszh. of the Air an 1115 nome. Mrs. B. Smart. Stmud. and Mrs. C. Brown, Bond Hdmd. were rec-(mt visltms here. Miss Isabel Webb. Toronto. wn.-a n. holiday -guest. of the Rev. and Mrs. B. A-tklnson. Mr and MN nnlnh RI-nlnu uni- the -holiday. M. Kneeshaw is seriously ill at his home in town. _ mu and Gordon Mm-limr "were at. 10!` (I I(H'llllL ,Hl S VISIL In L,lll[{EIl'y. Mrs. A. M. Cole and Mrs. L. LElllL"f()l'd. Owen Sound. and Mrs. A. Hunlor. I`m'nntu, \vcre weekend yisllors with Mr. and Mrs. G Pclvrs. '- C.N. Engzinnvr Rnhl. Thumlpson returned hnmv on Monday from Slldl)1Ix'y lmspitul and is improving frmn his l'("(`(?lll. nccidonl. but -still has (`Dl`I.\`l(`l(`l`:ll)ll` cyv trouble. Mrs. Maude Hill visited relatives ` In-ro on Vvodnt-sdziy afternoon. stopping over whilv on :1 trip from hvr homo in Culg.-u'y in the home gff hm` (lilll'.!lll(`l` in S1. Cnlhzlrincs. Mr. and lVlr.s'. .l. P. Mcl\/Iillin lcfl. nn Frirlznr fnr H.-iIil`n\- hi uicil nl i ms home In wwn. Bill and Gordon Marlins` "were at. Lhelx; home on the holiday. Mr: Art Kidd and Pnlsv Brnl Mrs. Art, luau anu ransy are spending a fortlnlglws holiday In Tomnw. Toronw. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Spmdloc were neent. guests at the ronnex-'s home here. Mr and Mrs Cnmernvn Ynhlnm me nonuay. Jack McCullough, the Air Force. Cmlt. was a. holiday visitor Int. hh; home. I | 1"()I'C, U843. at his home. Mru R Sm Mrs. 5. A-nxmson. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Broley, Mm. visited at the home of J. Brolcy on Sunday. lr and Ilru f`khn Dnlnmu I `Mr. mm Mrs. Unas. muxer. T0- ronw, vlsitcd the formers home here Jor the weekend. 11.... nu! (1.... I... ... ...|... 1...... ....\..__ . 'vIIIu uuun. uuno nun:-3. Mr. and Mrs. Maltln.-nd. 'I`omnl,0. were holidays guests of the Rev. and Mrs.C. G. Hlgglnson. | my. .....a `Ira: nm I3` nu;-.~ ..o,1 uluuuvluc uu -nun.-_y uuuu. Mr. and Mrs. F`. Promou and Fred Promoll, Toronto. spent, Lhc holiday at. their home here. -'11.... yum M-A In hnnlr c.-mm nolumy RI: EH01! IIUITIIB Ht'l'C. `Ken. Kidd, M.A.. is back froml Clllcsugo and will resume his posi- tion M. the Museum, .'I`oront.o. I I 1:- ,....a 11.... Ll...-IA.-:I llluhnu nu.) L,0f'Dl?l.l. `Mr. and Mrs. A. Hunter. wlthl thuir d:uuzhl-r Box-onicu and sons Joseph and Rnborl. left on Friday for :1 fm`lni;1ht's visit in Czllgary. Ml'< A N] {Tnln nnrl Mr: 1. mun nth mu: nu.unuunu_ vnunuuuu. l 1 Mr. and Mrs. Hm-ford Fisher and Miss Joyce Miller. 'I'or9nt.o. vL~'.1L- ed the formers home 'for the week- end. lihrnm-fttri mm.ut..< M. the hnmr of I -u.u.; .u.u uuu VV\.\:l\u.JII-A. Mrs. Ed. Graham, who hm; spent. the Lust. few weeks In Toronto, re-I turned home this week. I 11.. .....1 11.... un,.nn.....: nu__,_, ., I nuu nvun.\/. u. lnnggulavuu. | Mr. and Geo. E. Ross. ut.-i tended :1. family reunion picnic at Unlonvllle on -Monday Inst. 11.. .....: 11.... an n...\....Ln .....| mm. | Expected guests M. the homo of 1 Mrs. Burllng this week are Dxwm rmd two sons, R.cmn`u, S-tank` SESR. `Miss G. Kidd, of the Orlllln tenchlmz stuff, has opened up hm` home In town for the summer months. ` . . _ , ` _ Mr and Mfr-.~:' Alx'N61m\ nu}! monms. Mr. and Mrs.' Alx.' Noltm and children, Roulenu, Susk., are vis- mng with Mr. nnd `Mrs. Willis Miss: Joan Kidd and N555; l"`rzm- Corrlgml. Miss Joan Kidd and ces Mcculsh ` taken posmmxs on the stuff at, I-`cm Cowagc. Orn- lm, for the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jurdlnc vls-' in-rd M .135 Jzu'd1ne's, Schomhcrg. last. Wednesday. Mrs, Clark. 'I`omnu). has .~'.msnt. last. Wednesday. Mrs. Clark. 'I`omnw. has .-.pcnt, the ' month with her dmxghwr. Mrs. Cecil Thombson. EHO 'D93Ta THDHIJI WIDH HUI" 0H.ll[,{Xl(A!l'. Mrs. Thompson. The Knecshmv and Houghton Eaml.l_v rcunlom were `held last Monday. July 1,` on Lake Slmcov benches; also the Haddock picnlc. Mr, and Mrs. J. C: Broderick Street. broke :1 nrm Elbl1V't' tho olhnw, but the in- jury is cmniiig along nicely. . St. Gvorgc's S.S. Picnic .. Thu uiininil pivnic of St. George's Sund:i_v Schnnl was held on Friday ;'lflci`nunn in liinisfil l`-':i1`k and. thnuizh :1 few shn\vvi'.< uppczired tiiwxpovtvrlly. thv nrdnur 01' the kiddies \\.':I_< not dampened and :1 fine timv w-i< onjn_vvd. Slipper played flit` u. inipm`t.'mt part. in lhv :iftvi`iinm1'_~' |)l`t\_`._!l':llll Thrown Through Windshield Miss .-\udrvy Drukv w.'is rather sL`rimi.~'l_\' injurorl on Sunday night| when in thu li(ni\')' ll'ill(` mi Esszil R-mid thv cm: in which she was l`ld-| in: with her father collided heavily; with lhz` roar uf another car zmdt she w.i.=` thrnwn (mugh Ye .w.ind- 3 shield '1`huu;-.11 mt. cut, 'with;_.'glassi Shv w;i.: sex-'orcl:.' bruisodzandl`c- 1' cexivcd 'h'.`.ld injuries and isunow in thr R V lluspilal. ' Glad Club Lawn Social I The members of `the Glad Club at St. George`s Church arc_t.q.bc mn-:, up-m tho excellent. lawn s~-cml mid . which they nr:`;mt:--ri fv-i` Th1ii'sd:i_\' night. The, \\`<.'llh1`T was not :in{\' too warm.` but i.Il)i('~ \`.t`lI' buth Ul1l.(l4 H)l'S .ii'(` I! 1h.~ "1]` inn` -. hm, rn.m.. nfl `_ l\tll.\.\' lV|_ L.i.'iri<. mrmigh fall in 1 H11` cellar at her . I