. WPZLCII. ANDERSON & I`-UMPAN I I a Chartered Accountants. 'I`rustecs. etc- I`--Crown Life Building. 59 Yongc SL..l .. Toronto . .. I 6 dvn. 4 H ) Gm ` ()rr. GRADIE`. 6 TO GRADE 7--Lenm':1 IVh1.~`.on lpmmnted on trial). Muriel Purl` .'11'r. GRADE iI\ L'lSI)l1. f`_DA1`|W 1 l\ 1<'lSl)Il. GRADE 1 `Orr. Yuvf uni I I11 . lI.`\1'1 . ":` IA). (.;D..1.-GD. 1 "'14 Ag. -., Iromlaxd .l; GD. .14-qua`. 1 ~ '~.\.rA.h'm. ' ()rl`. | I`:-rh-('1 AH,0n(1:mr`v for th(- pusi _\'(`:1l`. Elsie I\ l(:F`;xddon. Pcrfoct :1`.1m1d;n1c.n fur the pus! tlworr _\'o;n's. Louis I\1cFuddon. HI*`.I.EN I\/I` P/\'I"I`ON. iouclwl` nx. . ' GD. V.-VI . - Vv1m.:\` I)avid. tlix-. `.\/I11d1'o(l Max:111 Bxb. Mam- miv M.n.' tBx >. Elaine M(~Brid(~. GD. 1IT.-1V`-'-C.1t/h-s`rino McBride IRX >_ Jun-n Mzlsnn [Bx I . an 11 .(an In ..Mnrim~v Davie}- ( 3.3. iV\I. 0, nvnnununl. l_ I`:xss(~d Ij3x1'H":n1('v on _v(>:u.~'. \\'m'k I ~-D.)mth_v Bates. Wxlfrod Giffen. `('.`:rn(Io `VII. ~- B:'t.t:y St.rr`ahm'n. Harald Pifhor, Donald Younxz. Grade VI.-F`rzmc<:s McNiv(-n. Bub ' B:12~r-'. Jnlm C-u`pvntm'. Keith Ynunsz, Dvlbortr Scholl. Numum Gif- `NP ] I`.S.S. N0. II}. Nl!NNll);\I.l .. N0. 14. \'ESI R.-\ Nzumxq in order of _ mc1'iL--A." sl` rluss honmzx ; Bx," 2nd 012153 1.mm's: <- recom- nnu -1 url n rudv 1~~I(~1`m-y Colo. R0.\`~:. C010. 1.. S. ROBB. 1`ea,('hm`. __. Edmund Hardy. Mus. Bum. I-`.T.C.M.[ Tcachvr of Pizmn. ()rg:m, Vocal and Musical Th: wrv. Organist. and (`.hniv:- 5 mustn` M St. Androw's Prosbytrwian 1 Church. Gold Mvdulisi 'I'u|'nntn C`.uu- u sm`vntm'_v of Musiv and University of ']`m'0nlo. 113 Wm's|vy S1,. B'dl'l`l(`. Colv (11,), .\`.S. N0. 8. SU.\'N|l).\I.l nu... '.r:ul~ II. Mm MR5. J. E. ed. >. IX.-X.-~Bn~1:.L1'i('o 1VI<`C1`n(`k('.1 Jrzo M-Bridv. M:u11`i('<` MC- : (F12) >. V1I.~\ IIT.---!Vlax`2';I.1'ol. Mr- .u. | .~`...\`. N(>).>;3. visrn . u, u.,_4; 1.--acne, 'MA-BEL. v. , . V I.-V1.-I` ~Ei1u:-n Mu<`D.'m:\.ki 1 TO GRADE 2 ` TO GRADE (i--~Enmr_vl old 'T'r:a(-v_\' `Ci. Porcyl II. M1ll`;.(1l`(`l` NIu.snr.| M-mm an I If ynn nrn nncldr-nly ixttm-.kad with dinrrllmu, d_Vm'nt.(rry, -ulic, cramps nr pnins in the stnnnu-.h or howels, or any loosen:-sm of tho hmvcls do not waste vulunhln tinw, but ut once pro- vure 1|. 1mH.l- of Dr. l"owIur n Ex- tract, of Wild Strnwlwrry and see how quic.kI_v it will give you relivf. Tl-n-\ hr 1l`nuv1n1- n 7 Inn: nun 'l:lsn'.1 IBXI. II-T. --Mrurjnry 1 1. AVI'.ll",11H'\`L XVI . Musan JQ`). I ,M('Khm:m (A). r~ 'u'n\III`Dc(\N' , AVJ\L\llu1\I|| --,u- `I . u'AvERs'.0N'. 'T`nqr uv nA\ A\A\\||. C()I11)()N. T021 Jimmie Coughlin :- St.r0'.\hm'n. . Duff. :m i(` Pi1`1191'. Douglas mm. ~ Tea (`hr .'. ! ~T3ilIio Mrs. Lrvlng Uarson vlsmecn m Elmvale last week. Miss Helen Moran has ebumed home after some months 11 New York .1 n'(`.4mnoII has zone to his lluw Inn-Iu 1| nu: -nu, vu .\,..... I 3 b J When you new Dr. Fnwlt-.r s you urn nut v.\'pt-rirnmltimz with smnn nvw uml untriu-d rmm-dy. but one thul, hug stmul Hm tug! of Limo; nno tllut lnm hm-.n rm t.h- murkvt. for the push 94 vvnrs. Bnwum of suhst.i- cutesy. ']`iu-y may he l:ungr-mus tn vnur hnnlth. Lilo school term. . Quite a number gathercd._at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. `Rich- ardson last. Friday night. and pre- sented Beatrice with a, miscellan- eous shower. She received many lovely and useful gii'i.s and replied very nicely. An enjoyable `feature lot we evening was a mock wed- ding staged by the young people. Dancing was also part, of the en- te1't,a,inmm1t. Rm-nnt and hnlidn.v xrisitnt-2 in- York J. O'Connell has gone home in Lindsay at. the closing of mo school . rzmnn n nnmhor gathered at the Lert,a,1nmo1u:. Recent: and ho1idn,_v visitors in- cludedz Mr. and Mrs. Chzis. Vmt. and children and Mrs. Martin. Mid- land, Mr. and Mrs. F. Btltbcrfleld, K'n'klrmd Lake. Miss Ruby` Ca.1's0u and R. Bridges, Toronto. with Mrs. L. Cmxsrm; Mr. and Mrs. W. Mur- doch and Gail, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Byram and children, Miss E. Sha-los, '1Voront,o, Mr. and `Mrs. A. Scybhcs. Weston. at W. D. Scythost Mr. and Mrs. R.n1ph O'Connell and fa.mil_\'. 'I`o1'onto. Bill Mm'a.n. at A L. Moran's; Chcsbrr Ricl1ardso1`\ -.11. l1i!< hemuv H Wilxnn Wnrl. FYI-in 51.8. 1!), 0R() (~ondiLi ])l`0ll`I1)l.i011Z will ropoztt. Names in :1l1)11:LboLi<`:1.1 nrdot. U11` In VYT1 ,`.T-\l\l'ic Y\L\`hIn 'T`hnl_ xxcu um. | V. to V1: John McLean, .Mi1c.s Hicklimr. Ross Ken. IV. to V.~Bil1io A_vm`st.. Curl Sutton (C). Lloyd Sutlnn (R). III. to IV. Billie M<'Lcan. Dor- othy Dunsmm`e, Norinc Rob1n.s'on. Oscar Hickling. I II. to III.---1)nnnId R.nhinsm1_ Dur- L1. nvxorans; uncswr mc11aru.s'on '.u. his home: H. Wilson, Fort. Erie. Valorio G:u`nc1', I3n.rrio. at. 1. Car- son's: Mixv. May L:`.\s01` and f1`i(~.nd at E. 1m.%:s01s. Brur-v Bmllvy, Billiv Browning`. Bmzi1mm* Dmmld Mr-Loml. Ul'(1(`I. VII`. to VIII.-~Dm'is Novhlv, Thel- ma Hic-kl'm5.r (C). . V1 . in VII,-AI)n.l1,m1 K01], Jun luscar 111cKung. | II. L4) III.---Dnn:11d Rnbinspn, is Hickhng, Marjcrie McLean, ml Dun.<'mm'c. Ross Sutmn. r In 1r__n.-mm xxr..a..m ~v:u uulmnmc. moss .5uu,rm. I. to II.--B<)bbic Wright Buddy Noble. Donald ML-Lmm. rcon W1'ig'h1.. Ivan Kwell, I. Noblo. Shir1o_\` Hirklingr. EILEEN DUCI{W()R.'1'H GEO. R. & ll.SIl'I A. BURNS. l)'s.(." 1.icvn. DrIu;l<~s.< I`hvrnpisl.~' 3 u`.1m-cm-. Radio, Hydro and _ F l\`lm`h:mn '1`hor:u\_v -1 BRA Dunlap St. l`huu:- -ll)."\; n ma. Nu. :. I-mm Gmclc VI. to Grade VII.~-D0n:LId Thr.n1p. Stm\'m't, Jnmit-son. Grad-v V. to Grade VI.-K J olmston. l \ r`:vnrI\ Tv on (:.-.-.An V, A...:....l uJUl111Sl()lX. Gmd IV. in Grade V.-~Audrc_\`l J.1.micson, Billy McC11mg'. Lois Jam-| icson, D:1.lt,on Swan, I-101011 John- stnn. . 1;:~m-in 111 cu rt.-ml.` nr 7u|...-....-- `U2.':1do III. Ln (T-1'n IV.r~~M1u'x'a_'.' 'I`1n'ncx'. Lloyd Jolmston. VV:l.HI.'(` Carson. ` nI'2fll\ TY h\ (`:1-ad. YTT I .u~u~... t.;a.1'scn. Grade II. to Grade III.--Lorm- Sxxum. Billy 'I`hompsm1. Alan Rich- ardsnn, Brnm.` Turxml`. Maurice Tumor. Doreen Jamiosnn. Gl'QF]D T In (`:1--.uIn TT'_._T/\I-nflu 'ncr_ uoroon .mm1(`Sm l. Grade I. to Grade II:---Inr-Mo Bvlanuor. Dmmld M<'Gm.tl1. ~I4om1rn'd Richarrbon. P.r\n`iyn1m'e h\ (`.v--u-In T __Y\.\lhm-9 lV1('llHI'('|SOI1. Bcg`innc1's to Grade I.--Do1bm'l. S\\':m. Mor1o_v .)mnic. B'er_vl Jum- imon, - "uu cnmmmmul 11mmr::.J I Gmclo '7 to (us .Y.h'.vi~n 7UI'aOr-I` nm101'.`:.J ' 1 I Grade 8 .I<)_v_(Il11`i.s'H:ux (I{.),.Jcy_i`_c Matcliott. victbr Stobbs.` lMy1'1m Todd 1H.) P Lldn H in '7-.'lnar\ 'F`lr\\\'nr t\I'lz:n 1Vl)'l'lll. 1 (700 111.! Gmdc 6 to '7-Jcan Flower. Allan Nellly ICJ. Nlly Smbbs. _- Grade 4 to 5-F:u'is Sinclair. Gl':1(l(` 3 Lo 4~-KciLl1 Kell. Grade 2 to 3--Doug1as Hllf.`.ll(:.'~`.. Shirlcy K--.-ll 4H,). Maxine McRob- 1-rtis. Grade 1 in 2-Mnlmln1 Ca.mpbc1l (H). Keith Sinclair 1H.) MARION M. BELL, 'I`0:\c11(-.1`. Mrs. Irving Carson Ftlmvala W. H. AND l`.lIIl'.|. wuuunnn. 4 l).(`.. . .. l).l).'l`. g `_`.hlrnprm-hm: & 'rnglv:~'.< 'l`-|wrapL 70 l".ss:n Rnud. .-\ll;md:Ih\ ` (Vflov and lh-5. l`lmm~ MN I I I Uffivv hI`S.. 1-5 }\.m. and 7-9 p.m. CHI llltzllinn fI`l`l`, Fun! udlushnwuls L. j _': - . (`Ih\l(':llUR.\"l` l Ulll.l(` SCIIOOI. l Gl`1l(i.(~ '7-8-B(-Lt.,\' Casmn. Ken-J 1\(`H`J Cook. Dmrald Shvffiuld. C`-1':1(iv IE-T~ Nm'm'.\. C0\\`:u'd, Ru.s 5011 Mmvf:n't.h. /\rn0l(l McCra('k0n.l Virsvinin .C`.hm'fi:-Ir! I L1I'1l(l(` U-A" N(H'll1`rl- Arm: Vir,:ini:L Shv1'fiv1d. Grade 5-6-Ru1,I1 Bukr ('.rz:rl'~ `LA. 7A(-`,'l'.l Sl'll('(` l5l'()1ll`,_\', lSllll(` l5I'0\VIllll1'. Bo.x:innm* Donald M(-Lozm. AUDREY E. MIIJLIIGAN. .,, ... 'T`nn4~l 1kIi\.X'I1t`L 311811. (`0I!GlI.!`\)l`H1..'. 1 Grade 3 to 4--3 ;\{rBr1d-. ! Grade` 2 to 3-J;\~ksou Allen `honours; Bill Orscr. Vvullace Stain lwn. Edith l~{y1*.e. pass. Sr. Grade 1 m 2--Bcnmrd n.. (`llER,RY (`REEK SCHOOL (Na.1n:.<. in :u,l;)hnhL`t.ic:L1 `ord.':l'; C." ('nndit.im1:11 m*on10t.i0n: "H." mnm'.=;_ ' TEE namm; Ex;inu`Nt:t`e, n'Aimm. on-r., cmwum .-------~----------------------_______________________._________ .:,x111~m_v nu-Kumr. EILEEN DUCl{WOR'1'H. TL`8.Cll(`1'. .. n:1.nL)ux'>`. \ Grade 1 to S! Grade 1 ` 119 Orser. Lyle Breedon. hon. Ruth Home-r. Jce Middle-` :. pa..s2:. J. 0. FERGUSON. Teacher. mg (U). VII.--Da.1L0n K011, Joe JEAN M<-EWEN. T4:-;vc11v(~1'. ___,._-. 1 ` lfige i`n' 1)'l`.t.`. pass. L0 `.'--Bcmsu'd Du- ms. I-`LOS In UTT ._ B1')(*k. Glenn L1/\ IV , ' Tcm*l1ox'. ` .L 1. (R). Dur- Lorna, Do1`~ Nor- is home 101' me nouua.y.'~'.. Andrew Russell. Vasey. is spend- ing a. week with friends 11-ro. I Mr. and Mrs. Robb. Tumbull zmd family were with the fo1'mcr's bru-| ther here on Sunday. A. Gordon Ball left for his hnnw` near 0tt,a.w-n. m1 S:Lt\1rday. h-.1vin;'| resiglut-d as teacher 01` SS. 9 1;:-hnuI.l nn.-n u-mnqfhv in nvtnndr-rl In Miss Ethel Mr:MasLer. Senforbh. home for the holidays. Andrew Russell. Vasev. shena- l``S1glu:LI; an u::u.nvx In u.u. .1 nlnnnll. Dc-:1) syxnpathy is extended [0 Mrs. E1'\\'ln Miller in the loss 0! her Patllel`. Mr. Willuughby, Alm- H1`! "l(`1`()RlAN 0l{l)|.R 0|-` Nl _ . |R:n'rIv Hrmwhv. \\ a\lI H.\l\_\' (`lInu'f ' ton. Mrs. McMast,o1' and Mrs. -Irwin and dzulghtcr, 'I`nr0nt.o, visiu-(1 their sisters in Angus on the hnli-1 dn.;.'. I C0l`llZ l'Mll:lLi()l1.\` to (`u~m'p,u .I:nu>\-,_ d)`. C'o11gz .I:)Iu}\', Lydia. Coulson and Julw \.Vnl,: ml" thc ninth grzuln, who p:w.c.:-d \\'il.in honors. C0ngr:1t.11lnl,i011:< to R.nyn1nn:l .\1x|1-` and Jean '1`urn|)nll. who p;\.~ their Ex1tr:1.m'c (`x:nnin:1l.im1 on lhv _vozu"s work` Cozmratulntions In Miss I4-(In, M. _vozu"s WOYK` Congratu1nti Cmm. who was .\ll('('f`$`.<.flll in 11 mg first. yr-ar Hnnmn` Iumlin Frcnvh at. Vivtoriam Cnlluuv. Uni sity of 'I`01`<`.nl,r). A b(\.DUSl111l1 .-wr\'i~<' lrvxk y in S1,. (`;om'u'r~'.x ChlH't`]1 Sm slby 01 `1`n1'<`.11Lr). l):1.pLism:1.l p_l:u-1 * in S1,. `:(\01'p;t"s .'-3lImi:I_\' morning for .I:nnns I)mIuln-:, inl':mI son of Mr. and Mrs. I.owis I\'<*ll--. mam. of Alums. R..R. 1.. i 'T`hn mnnv frivnrls ml" (`.h:\I`liI' I . \Ll('llIl(`l| On TIn\srL1_v vvonin-.-,. Jun :15. n1 very s\1(w0s strawl)m'r_v 1'1--liv.n'. was lwld on 1,110 1:1\\'n of SI Gc0rgc`s Ch1u'vh. I)'.`s|)il<: H1: mir. which fell vzurlior in the day. H1:-' evening was fair. and thL~1=:- '11: HI good u1,tox1r1n1u-1`. I`h~ lublvs. \'(-ry pretty with Lh-air rod. whit and blue st.1'oa111m's and 1nnlt,i-<'olnrvrI bouquets. \\'<`x'o won laden. 'I`h_ progmmnw. :1, \'<-xiv l11lmI)x'::lI'~'. ])l:l_\'_ The Antics of /\ndrn\\', prnvir1~(i by Sclmnmlmrg Ynuntz l`v:r)1)1.'-. un- d1?I' the dirm-tim1 of Rm`. 1. V. Abbntly. \\':ls g1'<-utly .-xxjnyoxl. lmnn. or Amzlls. 1<.I<,. 3. The nmny friontls Mills. .II'.. who has; In Hm'pil.n.l. will In ulnrl to he is 1z'vt.l.iI1;: nlnn: nim- poets tx) ho homo this \ Mr. and Mrs. J. H. M lnrla rnul M12` nnrl `.\ c.-wuir-n Locla. n.nu Mr. mm . W. Miller -a't.L(`nd~x~d the I`)i. Orzn .<'orvir`o lwld :11, St. .ln (thur Thornton. on Suminy zlommrnu. l*`(`..st.iv:L| and l`l.1_v Wvll Ath-Iniml nu 'l`mwrlnr mvmuinun Jnnu .15 Miss I~`.\'cL\'n (`:i"nl):ms. 'I':n'rmtn, `home \x'it.h hvr 1n.:Lhm' for :l \\'cok`.< 11o1iday.s'. I Mr nml Mrs. (`mrrlnn llomlv I nom1a_v.s. Mr. and Mrs. I`o2'm1L0. visilxxd `the hnlitlay. | Mr, nnd Mrs, \'l("l`0RlAN 0RDl.R OF NUKM-;.\I 1R:\I`l'iv !h'nIu`l\\. W01! Huh)` Clinivi (rum 13.30 In 4.30 u'(`h\\`k \`\'m`_V \\'t`d I lwsdny. Apphcuuuu for uursv's sor-l vices muy be nmdv dwn-M or '.I\rnugh duclur. T1-lophuuu R6.` ._..__.._ *- ~-~-- I .`\Ii luw~`u.\`r (.'mul_\'rm' tuhvs In ynur new tires - !lw)"ll hvlp you :10: longer service: at luwcr cost. "ii*rb1>iA GILFORD :lH(l N11` -IHHH 1\ IZll';,. ,L' 1~`l'I|IIIg:-|.\ nI;.'.u vism-` pm. ,hm.,L "ml ,.,m,:ing ` hm ct-111:: pm` (lnzvn. B11110} :ul,u.ul lhv :::mu- at 26 pnnul. Spring: vhick 'vz1n-1'. \\'l`|`[- ufll-rm-rl H1 :- plunul. \\'|1i|I` ulrlvr fl .< R:v.\'IImml\1H1'~' I--wn 1.. 2m .-.~m.~: ]H`l` nu I`n|)ull_ p:\: ;.;,,,,,,m.,. ,-,.,_-_.,,.t |,,..,|,1,. l.11v`v\'i:lrn1 than at ;'-m' inn S md (~.. zmrl lhv m:n'|u'l Hhnlllrl pl;n':- [rum lmw Inn in \ |:u`;:v ."lHIlIIH`l` pI>]m|;Iti an :1. /\vvr;u',- ]u_|'iv<':s V\'(`l'L`I Vl`1.',(`l(I|J`(`.`3 xx M4- . pass- zmd ;)r':L Univvr- () nlzxrv (thm-rh 1-`.1n1 I Cmrrlmx 1lm1(l<~1'mx1.` :11. '1`. NL`sl)it,L`s 1'01`, BARBIE .\'()l{.\|. ll{()\\'.\'. .\I:mugor FOWLER S TIRE SERVICE New vo;.{elab1cs are nppozlring on the \vook1_v`Sz1turclay morning mar- ket. in gm-utm' quantity than ever hnfnrv_ I (2.-mm ...\-w nu-nln Illnil` fire! :In. ' l)l`H0l (`_ (furtrvn puns made their first up- Hwz1r:nm- (`ll S'.n1urduy, a six-quart buskul :4-Ilium. M 50 cents. Beets I\v0r0 lhrt-c buIu'ht`s for ion conts`. and (-nhlmp,v.s wvru five cents each zmrl two for IS cents. lggs nro hvt- scnrcor, and {his Yum \\':1:< l`l'('(`|(`(l in tho price. A" l:n';;u- 5-vlling :~1s'hi;zh as 27 cents rln7.-n. dnwn 1,0 1!` luzvn. P.ull(-r rL-Inaincrl at uvr1t. |)x uml. .'\'|n'iI1: t'hi(.-kl`n.s. vu-ry 30 L-,m11,s |)(`l' \\'|1il:~ fuwl -;|n;_;:-(J pmgnd. : worn llH)l'(" <`\'ith'1I1 r-ny innv this yum`. ho :1 busy In Vi(`\V m` lhe pr>pu|:Iliun in this J. |'}l)\\'lN \Vll,SON. B.S.t\.. I).0. OS'l`F`.0l`.*\'1'HlC [`H\'Sl(`l.`\N ` `Kin luck. f\uI`riv' '1`n`h\pl\nI\v 3451 ( ffiuu Hours 9-12. 1.30 to 5 1 nnd by upnuimnwm ; _______.C I _______..__.____.____ i M.\l!I{E'I` P-un:<. duxvn (` I .~m_- I\-\I~`\ IIIII. ]`:|'ix:vs v V1-;;(`l:ul 1 u I-`.ut1vr. l~`.wI r.`.....- .I IU/.|'I| (`lIi(`l`\';'l`I'.'.%`, Baking hr/nn num.x In qlI:Il'l.$ 1. infant, du11u,ht.er of M12, Chzupmnn. F`nne1ls. M:-I.c;m_ Mr. and Mrs 1.:-zm and Ilu-iv da11ght,<`:r N.\\' 'I`m`unln. visited their n;. VS :-9. 1Iu_~h<-s. over Sun- lbs _. 1% lmm-}.(:s Produce '4 |)unchvs .0 ._<.,.-.___._ Is your subscription paid? _. * S.S. N0. 8. INNISFIL (NANTYR) '3 (Names, tn a1pha~bet.1c;a.l order- "`C." conditionally promoted: R.," .w11I repent.) -. Grade V"III.-Ent,ra.nce class pass- ed on their yea.r's work-Ja.ck Fras- 'er, Bruce Spragge. Eileen Thomp- Vhnn I. |);I>'kI'l, m~ht-:7 l:u|Jlv:; ll Clctpperton Street mu! 2 for ....l-)'A Mb. tin I ..l: n-_ 2 for 1 , 15-20c! 25-40c . .. 20c ..... .. I0ci cucx ' 2s-3oc ; 25-30` ..... SH." ...$|,H() We :4. 15x: 501' 10:: 151' . ltlc 'Hh I".\ ESl(`-HT Sl'I".('lt'\l.l3`"l' 53 Dlllllu \ St-I l\u|w 80 Hours 9-4`: dni _\'. Snlurdnys till I0 3-25c l 45C ' 26 ...2G(' ! . 20c ) -1'7 . ` 61.` 10C| ..l|k' ORILLIA D/44.; Cm1:.;1'aLl11a1.i<)x1s tn Elsie Goml- ` _h:md. who got her 'Ent,rzm(-u on Lhoj [year's work. \ I Mr. and Mrs. C. Mm'd:wh and ;y0ars V\'()I'K. ` I Mr. and ldozm. Kibchem-.r. spent Sunday with? I the t'ormcr's parcms. . M1` and Mrs (`mrrlrm Swnr-7.io, Imc xormcrs pilrcncs. I Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Swcczie. Barrie, spcnt. Inst Sundzw vvlth Lhcg fmn1or's sL Mrs. A. F`. Hall. `, n-.. .....z nl.-.. uy... \:..,.vw... 1.: .Ulllll'l .5 DID-|.'(.'l . AYIID. l\. I`. Ililll. Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Mm-1).-u*..11d. Thornton, visited 2; day Inst wmek with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Goodlumd. r-nx... v;n.......x.. r1I..L Pvr n::.n.....: Diarrhoea nu/AA nu. auu nu.x.3. u. n. xzvuunuunn. 1 The Kiwanis Club of Midland` sponsored a. banquet in thv Un`xt-: ed Church here Mond:Ly ov(~nh1z.` VTYI-A vr..u...I nu. .1. urn ...,.. ..4' Made by the nmkers aft/Jefmmms WHITE ROSE gum/Ines The Pick of them all" WYE\l1&MIV.EV 22 West Street N. "KEEPS NEW CARS vounc. T00 Q\Y/hite Rose removes Carbon in old motors, keeps new engines clezm. Rcsu|t-qu1ckcncd motor response. new resiliency. Try White Rose in your c:1r--you zm uctuznllyju-I the difference"! W AHI{1'"E . R O S E MOTOR OIL MI\Yl)F.l". M('.AUl.F.Y, A.'I`.C.M. '1'`m'hor uf Puma and Theory Organist St Georges Church H5 Bnyfivld SL. Barric` ._.__ `Sloth, 'I`nrm1L0, at F. Stnt.t.'s . . . ,Miss Myrtlv R.-ynn1 and friend , ]'I\')x`r;nLo. at Mrs. J. Rx.~yn0lds' . . . Cecil M:n`<-1.-11115. of the road con- .sLrucLi Co`, at his home hone. ' , W... _._,,-..o .. ._._._ B'ABY'S TEETHING FEVER Adver11.< in The Examiner. Phone 525 Phone 482 - -Thprsday. July 4,1940 so \/0 Ada.-so--- FUN!-2R:\l. I)lI{I~'.("I`()R AND |".MI!.~\l.Ml".l{ .`\1\Il\l'I,.'\N('l. SI-`.R\'l(`I". 17 I-`.|i1u|lwtl\ SI. : I hmu- `SIR RURAL PROMOTIONS G.c.. sum 5. co. n`\"nl|In\JI I R0 \Jo\au |JA'Aoooo as u':- Estalvlishcd 1869 I-`l'Nl-`.RAl. IIIRI-`.("l`()ItS AND I*31\IB.~\l.l\Il-`.RS Mo.-tor umlvulamrr In vmuu-Minn .\u;-xv I\A \' .c \'|| vuu`.|l'I` HIFVIUI IIIIIIVIIIAIIII I III uvnuu \ w-1-u 0I`l~`,.\' DAY AND NIGIIT BARR]!-I. (INT. |`IlUNl'I X1`. L W. D. MINNIKIN I.`lI\!I.`I) A I l\II!In`l"I`f\II E E ` (3. AN!) l".'l`l|I'Zl. M\`.KlNNl .\' l).(`.. Su.('.. " Grade II. `to 1'II.--Gordon Mc- jaune Schofleld. . Grade`- V. to YI.-Bern1oe Boyd :40), Jack Locke. Frances Mere- Vweather. Elmer Spring. Clarence `Webb (C). Grade IV. to V.~-l-`boy Ha.11._ , Grade III. to IV.--W\a1t.er Boyd. ~Fred Locke. Marion Spring`. Mildred -!.I"hompson, Ruth Thompson. Elaine " Grade VII. 90 v1u.-.m:x mgaml Webb. ! _Cu110ugh. . Grade I. to II.--I-[elen Locke. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AMBULANCE SERVICE 36 May St. : Phonc 43] RUIHHCT . S'Ml'l` I".\'l".SlCH'I' Sl'F.(`L'\I.lf\"1' 52! Hunlun S2. -Phulli` Yw MILDRED E. EVER/I`ON. Teacher. N R:\I . IIIRI-'.("l`(\l{S MUSIC LESSONS (`.lllR0l'~RACTORS INNISFIL I-.LY..`? xlsnn. 1 3 6 TO 7--Eilcen Du1'wm'd. l 34 TO 5-~Jean Cowan. Ed- Isnn up. ; Blanche Andrew. teacher , ?./. .___:_.._ . fcullough. ' ~ ~Grades` 3Iorma, Locke (R). Ralph Locke. 'vE1leen Spring. `H Grade I.~Ja.m/as Locke. Bruce hlnlnv 0S'[`l".0l'ATllY l3"l`_()`1VIE'1`RY llysentery '}I. lVI(`I\I ulna: 'l`h Helen Irwin. Howard 11-wm. ~ Grade 1 to 2--Doris Webb, Wal- ter Warnioa. drama 1 (beszinners at Easter)-~ ma. U. 11. nnnnu: nu (Names 1:1`; alphabetical ' order) Passed Entrance on yaa.r's work --.Ma.1-garet. Wilson. , Grade 7 to 8-JackLe Irwin. Vera. Webb. ' ' Grade 5 to 6-Mav1s Webb. Grade 3 to 4--I-Elton Webb. Mar- garet Irwin. Grade 2 (promoted at Ea.stcr)--- NO. 13. INNISFIL (PAINSVVICK 4u.....-.. ..1...\...k..H..nIIu at-\~uI1nun{]` Irwin. (promoted Irwin. Howard Irwin. Grade 1 1n 2---Doris Webb. (Names alphabetically a.'.'ra,ngc-cl; "H" represents honors.)- W -Gx'a.de.'1 co 8--Dougl:1s Brcwstr. Kathleen Butcher (11), David Dong- la.s, Mary _MacLacl1lan (H) I Grade 5 to ~6-Gm'd'on Lmzmx -(H.). Murray Wnmim. Grade 4 to 5 ~Bi]lio Wnrmm. (I-1.). Lillian Wa.1`ni('n. Grade 3 Lo, 4-- Billie .la1'nmn.Bm'- bara. Kohll. Robert, Lac]-tic tl-I.) Grade 2 m 3--D01`(!m1 l.vm'h. |NU. lo, lnnnornu \nunnuun.--- Warnloa. Grade 1 (`beginners Bertha. Irwin. Daun Webb. mr A nrnxr T xxrmnn 'T`nol~hIIV` "'L.eSI.eI' wus- - GRADE! u GRADE4 {die Kay. r~.nAn'r-1 5 Kohn, Robert, Lzlcl-L10 H1.) Grade 2 to 3-Dm`een I._vm'h. Keith Marling, Betty M(`Gill. Don~ laid Warnica, Inn Wm'ni(~a.. ` nrarln 1 to 'I'~-T-`rn11~i.t; Jnrk. 1 I {aid Warmca, um wm'm(~a.. Grade 1 to 2'.'v-I-`rancis Jack. Hilda Lynch. \lAD!`.AD3"T` MII`.n.I.v 'I'.:u-hm: I :s.s. N0. 9. vnsrn.-\ .-nyn :...::......_.. `Ou3a n\:. .v, vI4|VlIIu| `.v...~........... (I-1" indicaws hnnn1'.u | Grade 6 to '(--Ray Admn1s, M.u'- garct Hlluz. Grade 5 Lo fi-~I-Iamlri Ar|nm\', H1lLr.. -~I-Iamlri Ruth Adams, Mary Chappoll IL. Jean Fralk-.k. Nolsmu Gmvns, Nm`-| ma Hiltz. William Jolmslrm. Ew.m' Maycs. Carl Miller. Mll\`l'Il_V' McLr`:m. Joan Parry. | (`vrnrin 4 to 5-Jnv(-0 .Inhnsnn.. I JO8n k I'I'y. Grade 4 t, {Betty Maw. jthur Paine, `Ronald (H.) I t".r-nrin 3 to Grade 3 to 4--H-91011 Arl:1xns.Ma1 )' |Bigga.r, Lcola Hiltz. Rum Mzu-.'.C1n.i1' i Priest. v=- . nmdcn 9. tn 3-I.nnnt.I.n.1.1mk. Cm`- i Ronald ( H.) I I Prxcsn. - I Grade 2 to 3-L0noLL:1-1.uck. Cm"- .1nne McNa=bb, Freddie P1'i(`.$t._ Gar- net White. - . ' ` ` nmrln 1 Ln 2--W.'*nrIs~1 D.m'ncv. net. w`mt.c.- 1` Grade. 1 to 2-W-:`mls~1 D;x\\'ncy. Winston D0wney_ Bobby Mnglxirv. (H), Irene Sinc1n'u~_ . Grade 1 --- R0naI:l- A1'msLr0m.r. George Clmppel. Dorothy -Downr-xv. Larry Durnford. Joan Lurk. Vi."t.:1'.` J a ckson-. ;LoL%\ Maw`. 7 Ma d :~1'mc '31 9`h`n - soon. .D0nna. Priest. .3<;1?b3S Wils :11. MISS` M. WU.SON."1`.e-.1(-iw1'. a.n. nu. n -, v um: um: (Names armngcd in ;LIplmbv.Li<-:\,l order. H" indimtrs lr:nmur..> Grade 7 to 8--Gi1ho1'L I-Iuiaht. Grade 6 to 7 Dm~nt,h.\' Flvminr.-. Joe Jonas (I-I.) . (`vrnrln 5 tn G TQHH." Rrnr-I-i.'xh>. Kary. ,_ GRADE 3 TO 4--Edna Allen. Hel- gzn Cochranc. Marguorcila Paddison. `Eddie Webb (C). * GRADE 2 TO 3-Rosie Knry. .7 GRADE 1 TO 2--MorIey Allen. ..Dona1d Cnchrzmc. Noreen Paddis-_m. -Billie Wilson (C). "` Rlnnrhn Andrew. I I 3 i | JG-8 JUHCS ( 11.! i Grade 5 to (3 R051` Bra ('('.izx10 I (H. I, Marion Cox. John N<\\\'t,nn. Jack Scott 1H.) (`vrnrin A1 in F\.-.Al\'in (`nu-n-/\n IHI umzx bcuu. In.) Grade -1 to 5~Al\`in C.'n*s' Edith Cox (H). Billiv Huizght. mm`: Hsankin (H I hruurrlnu n.'cuLn uox rm. umzo mu:-,m. man Hankin I H. ) , I):m_e;1as (HJ. Rom. Nowtnn H I. Ha.m 111.), um1_r.;1ns (H.). I-1.1, Priest. nmm. 9 m 5: Annn n.- 1 nuns (V mun - `Barristers. Snlicilm's. N-olnrivs I?ub~ lic. Convcyanecrs. etc. Mmmy in `loan at lnwosl rntv.-: of ""tn-rt,-51.. Qf- `-cc: 13 Owen St., I\1u.vr\i(` '1 p;'nple , 'B`uiTdin;:. Barrie. ' I5:-:m'o_h ` `dflxrre, tElmva-le. J. R. Buys---.-I. F. Woods] CAMERON & (.`AI\l'lERON. '7 I !BARRlSTERS. SO1.ICI'I`ORS. F.'I`C. 3 '5 Owen SL. Barrio : 'l`o1r~pl1one 4% , MONEY TO I.o.rm" l r'lu\NI\ IIAMMUNII. II.1\.. K1` ,BarriS1.ur. Solicitor. Mr`. !\`L:.~'.n l'I`ompl(- Rld1z..B:u'x`ir~, 1\1-m~_v In In "" l l ' `COW AN`& (.7()VVAN [ Barristors; Solicitn-rs. Cnnx-z-ynnor-rsl Nnt:n'io`.< Puhlir-. Mr. I Mnwrnv 'T` 1..'\P\! I I rNlUNl`j`{ '11.) 1.1 u\N- Office, Masonir T(~mplr- Building, I 17 Owen Sm-m, Rnrric` 1 Aloxnndvr Cnwan. G. A` Ross (`nwnn 1 I n)`.~`2m.nn .u ioffltx` and R<`.\`.({m hbeth and '}'urun(n : Hours: 940 um; - Du). nu. -nu-.." --- .. C-~Conditiom11 Promotion. ! .-= GRADE 7 TO 8~A11en Durward.| Douglas Peacock. Russel] Paddison. "Lester Wilson. | GRADE ] I h.`\l1|(lhll'.l(. Mum'_V to man I ! noNAl.n 1-`. ]BARRIS'1`F`.R. Mnuumir` 'I`mnI~ BAl(l(l5'l'l'}l(. 5 Masonic 'I`t~nm1:- M ON FY ; Mn. 1.. 2 T`h_\ si'|:I :39 Ow;-n 8!. i Officv Hmxrs: K. \\'. 1 t\ssn(`iuh- C'm~m\<-x um] hit. I Pl1_\'su`::m.< Offirv.-4'1` lNL`A ! Offiu` hours: 9 p.m., or l1_ I l . Assncnu i Offlut` 1 r'n_\' l`hnlw Ill 11 :m.n tm :. UK. N. I. L. Phuno `.200. il l1_\'.\'ivI:m. I\iw:1: !h`x'nul nwdu`u\:~ :0ffu`0: 30 0\\'vn I DR. .I. II. ' I l`h_\`.\`i(`I.`m :1` (Wfficv: 0\\'u-n Office II:\3|r.~" 11:! Phone 700 . Rl`Sldv`\ DUNCAN F. Mt`(`lYAl(}. K ('. BARRlS'I`ER. S()l.l(_'l'I`()R. l". I : l'\`ns.x' Rim-k. Ha `ho . : grmde to VIII.-Ja.ck Logan. Jnnn Sr-jmfleld. * ~ `DR. l".. (E. I`Gr:\du.-m~ `AM ` 0ff|t`t` and rosuin ` znnd Duvnlr I = urruto mm rcsmn: and Poyutz : Hours: 9~l0 n m. FRANK IIAMMOND. B.A.. K.(`. 7Xnrv-ichur Rnlir-iinr nr~ V\'l.wnni MARGARET NEILLY. 'I'4~:u-hm`. ouanouln no n.-`I-nan `urn! The Vt-r. Huzh (`l..s. Hun` oroux 'T'|m\r!.um:_1 fur \:-nr .v L(Id_1_`.`9 or C`hu"( h ur (`um-r 1 l0|`lainInmn Hlush alvd Cvrr. ,< leI`V.ainInm1l. Hlu.~'tmIvd urn` L(`Cl_lIE` L`lHl"( H (\1l\L`X' l,` lnr FREE. Address 628 Craxufv \St Tnrnnln I {mr l"l(!!Zl'J Ac 3 St.. Toronto. s;`s5. 1`vo." 14. 'mN1's'ni. u....... 4.. ..1...1-..-I-.z.oi...1'.\..-1.: DR. tuznuuu-2' l`h\-s'u~i.m x 18: LYWIJI. IJHIUI VVITAIIJ MARION I. WEBB, `i-[`ca.chc:`.! we `zshlpley. IV RAu3Ir"=f>i3I?<.>.I#[ FM.` 17.. DR. T`l\,\`;~'u' `iillv (`III L` and N0lEll'l(`.< l'lll)ll('. vu-. MONEY TO LOAN rs Nhxcnnirv 'T r~n1nlr\ Rni` zc. (il`AUI_{lil. l`l1)'s1<*\.I|\ . N nnrl Rum" 1|. n EL. Barrio 'l`vI(`pm MONEY I.Qi\n`.'_ 'ALI) Marl-\ll|"..\'.. ISTER. SOl,l('l'l`(')H, `c Hnildnuz, MONEY T0 LOAN to 5-Joyce .Inhnsm1. B1'u<`:,- Mm'Milhn. Ar- Bcrbcl Poclmsm. Ros:- .`i|~Z( `K `H F :9 occurs .u~t~m - mm : 1 r.~w.-wr \\-UIw:~v~v- ._ ...............`..... FOOLS NAZIS - After a 12-day ndvenunmus jour- ney. in which he fooled the Nazis in Belgium. Ihis Royal Air Force figh- ter enn1m::ncI pilot arrived safely in I'1n;{1:md. Shut down near the Bel- gian frnnlier. he evaded capture by rlisgzuisim; himself as :1 Belgian poa- .~:;m1 rel"Lxgee. _ . JESSIE R. BRYSON Organist and choir director. Central I United Church. Teacher of piano. singing and musical thecry. Miss Brysnn has had extensive training with each of the following well- i known musicians: Organ Theory and Com osition. Dr. l-l(-alcy Wil- Inn, F.R. 0.: Singing. Dr. Albert Hum. F.R.C.O.. launder and rlirectnr l of the National Chorus. Toronto: - Piano. Viggn Kihl. Danish pianist: Ernest Smtz, Canadian pimlist. Also lpecinl courses in 'I`ornnln, New \nrk, Virginia. etc. Pupils pre&n1`cd fur Tnrnntn Consorvntury of usic cxumimilinns. All xzrudns. Fm` terms apply in siudm. 27 Hl`H(lf(\t`d St. ._:_