Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Jun 1940, p. 5

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-aw v gnu.-u-3 nu, ... ya Pioneering countries do not de- velop many artists or writers. Can- ada is past the pioneering stage and our younger generation is turning more and more to the Arts. A friend tells me that their sixteen-yezir-old son is writing Vconsidern-ble poetry. They think it has merit and he plans to make writing his life-work. He does not hope to make zi living by writing "poetry but. he does hope to do newspaper work. The fact. that he is writing poetry was surprising. I have not seen him for zi few yezirs but as :i small boy he was :1 l`L`l1UlHl` little rough-neek. A llkL`:rl)lt!. regu- lar boy. but the last one in the world you would imugiiie would have any poetic tendencies. A neighbor's seventeeii-yeeir-old boy read us some of his poetry just last week. It had it maturity and finish quite sui'pi`isini:.. Not the sort of thing one expects from ;i youth his age. He hzis ii very definite imiiiuiil and ll lCChHlllC:Il zrbility. 'I`hin;:s not[ usually tissneiziterl with it poet. So one never knows where poetry is going to break out. Our present educzitional system is d(`Vt`lIipllll.! am appreciation and ;i kiiowle(li.:e of t.lie Arts. which our eiirlier t`,(lll(`lll0n lacked. mid we may expect. the growing geiierntioii to have it wider t diversity of interests. 1 Too Mm-Ii Uherisliliiz t Both old mid yriiiiig sut't'er froiii too much ])l'Ul(`.(Tll4lll_ Mothers some- times tzike Sllt`ll Core of their child- ren they are not zillowett to fetid for themselves mid their iiidepeiidenee is s:'ipp'e'(l. 'l`lie t:ililt-s are turtietl in other e_:isi-s and eliildreii t:il care of their pnreiits as they grow older they might as well he wrap- ped in eottoti wool. n(`(`:|llS(` they adore them they rlierisli zind pro- tect. theiii too lllll(`ll. One woniziii 4 who is Sllt`l'lll:," t'i'oiii too miieh I care froni her ehildreii says. it. is 4 bad (`tl(i|lL'll to know you zire get- ting old without heiiii: iiizude feel old :ill the time." Her rhildreii sim-I ply adore her. and l`lL{l`Ill_V 240. All women who has worked for her for yezirs snys she is Jill uiiizel from he;iveii."T'liey are so ':i_t'i`.'iid slie will do too iiiurli mid get tired that they fairly stifle l`ier..'Uiiclonliledl'y she has more :im-liitioii t.l1:in, streiigtli. But sitter ;ill. if you (`ll)'l do ivhzit you wniit. wlit-ii you are o,ld.Uwlit'ti (`tlll you do it`? l\llotliers si`il`tei` flit" ' ciully from this too ('liei'isli_ili,a kite. (live tlie.poor flt`ill'.\' ll lireuk :it`l' .- ,-l - _`-._-.__ _.._-_ . .... ,.. ,._. .-..._.... I nbvl that _|.-I I . M1! lg. SOLDIER GIVEN 1-YEAR TERM THEFT OF CAR, Magistrate Jeffs Saturday sen- tencod Private Thomas Butler. 25. member of the 48th Highlanders. Camp Bordon. in :1 term of one year in gun] after finding him guilty of theft, of an nuiomnbilc. The son- lonce dates back to the time of his arrest (in April 15. Ar-I-ncnd ninnnd uI|iHV in {I nnop HOLD-UP CASEI arrest nn nprn in. Accused pleaded guilty to a charge nf being intoxicated in charge of an automobile and given ten days to run concurrently with the longer term. A charge of r0b bery with threats nf violence was withdrawn by the Crown. "It might be possible to take the view that there wns smne dnubt us tn the robbery with threats of vi- olence. His Worship comnn-ntrd. "but I cannot allow the impression to get :1'l)rnncl that 1: m:m can de- liberately steal and leave the nwn- er helpless on the highway. nnd can get. away with .1 plan of being (trunk or suggest that it. was merely joy riding." (`I-nuvn Attnrnnv llnmrnnhrl clut- Drunken Barty Involving Two Men and Girl, Hos Sequel Jay rncung. Crown Attorney Ilnmmond stal- vd (lint the offence vv'as a serious um`. and that because accused was :1 soldier. he . go free. Nlninr .1 M F'nrr1i:-, ;|rin1ini. El S(lI(llL'l'. IN.` FIIUIIIUHI L5,`) ll'L'(`. M:njm' J. M. F'I_)1`Lli('. udminislra- tivv officer. C.A.F.V.T.C.. Camp Bordon. who nclz-d for n('cu.=ed. pointed out. that the man was due for the next draft. and that his father and brother were bnth with the I3.E.F \lT-.llA.- 1 I 1\I~r-` '1`...-... IHL` l,).l`;.I? Wultpr 1... Lord. 'I`m'0ntn traveller. tvstificd that he had picked up a girl coming nlll. of 'I`nrm1tn on June 15. giving her name ns June Rob- nrts. and that lhvy had stopped at Nowrmnrlcvt. on :1 business cull and lhvn at Brudt' for snnm bow. _ Thvy had stopped in Barrie about 7 pm. and had smnv bow` at lhv Simeon Hntol whvro they mot Thomas Butler. who asked Lord to drivv him to I~]lmv:Il(~ to not :1 girl there. Lord refused because he said he was guinp, In rlrivo hm` tr) Orillin. 'l`h(- throc of thvm then wvnt up In tho Clnrksnn Hotel and had some bum` thvrv. `K/Hnncc mm or... A.-,...,\ In n..:n:-. SAV INC} 2 H-`Kl S()H1(' U(.'(`l' lH('l`(`. Wilnoss said lhvy drnvo to Orillin and thou In Allwrlvy. whvrv lhvy hnd (wn nr Lhrcv rounds of beer. Going: through Orilli:n_ Butler suxg;:vsl(-ti thv uirl drive. I.nrd tnld thn court. Guinu by thv asylum. hn (Hid 'r-nmn nn I:-O Jnmn driLm"' |[l(' l'lHll'|- \.1`HH].', U_V Ill! il.\_YIlIlH. hv said 'cnmv on. lvt Junv driv("." witnr~s.< dm'l:n'(-d. The` three were nll in lhv front sun! at. thv limo. " `Go on. get out of lhc car, lot Juno drivv'." witness rv('u1lc`rl as Butler's \vm'd.\'. "Ho \v.'Is rnlhvr mzly in tho hotel and I thnuzzhl. rnlhvr than lhuvv any trnuhlv. I should Lu-t nut" u|IvI_ M .,,, 1, -1, r n. , -- "Whom wv xvvrv hack nf the CM." wilnoss tvstifiod. Built-r said: `This is n slickup. Lzivu mo _\ Ulll` mmu-y. I put my hands up. Ho tank one $5 bill and about $l.."1() in chzmgc. Ho said `I ought to hop you. Then ho run and gut in the (`HF and drow- nff in tho cnr. Ho didn't wait for I\1:\ I 1-r);r` `\IIhn..\`II I AC vnu :.4n<'1' "ll HI` IHI` CHI". TH` (IIUIII \`ViIlI UH mu-. I said `Whvrv`H I gm my car?` Hr said `Ynu'll find it in from hf lhn WvlIim.:1nn 110191 in Hnrrit-'." 'I`hz- ('.'n' \-ms fnunrl lalor In the ditrh dz|n1n;,u-(I In lhn oxlvm nl'$/138. (?rn.<.<-\x:nninim: Lord. rivfmwo t.'vvun.<(-l Fnrgir-'5 remark that wit- nu-ss \wvul(l sum: bv in uniform drew thv ndmrmitirm from the Crnwn: l.(-:avu- lhnso I`mnm'ks mil: \vL-`re llxvd to conductinp: this court a lit- H:- diffvronlly than that" T rnuinri:zl (`nnc1:|hIn Hurrv Hui. Ill` (lHl(`l'L'I|Il_V Lrlilrl [Hill Provincial Crmstuble Harry But- Ir! h':~'lifiv-(I lhnt hv 1':-cvivml a (`all nhuut an nllt-god holdup and Lurd rnnmo into thv nffivo in n V(`l'y short H111 Lnrrl um-: \/I'l`\ I-vrih-(I 'Y`urn u.-nu limv. p1`l'S nfh-1- Tho C two-:1 iliin I `nun I- \nHvI` I [was 1); vmly I 1-nul-Iv:\ l'lll\'l' l`h(- nfficor said Hutlvr had given :1 . in which lw ndniiltvd `Hakim: the car. Butler hand told `\\`i1nr-ss Hm! he had said: `Tn with 1.:-rd" and had just d['IV(`ll nu--n- .I\\'n)'. D!`f'l1('n= c:-un. Innmtninod thui rlwro was no intention in steal the vzvr. Thl`I`(` was plvmy nf t-vidvnC' uf :1 drunken brawl but nchmlly nu` ,'u:If._v mind. Thnlrr was a soldier and It was the middlv of th(- mnnlh |whr`n . nrv pznid, | Thv (`rnwn m;uintnint~d that :4 mzml . 4 I. . u. . A... .I- I. .n.-. I\r| Buy 3 rvguh H1 H1 furl Jnmafes NuI"nbcr I03 In Simcoe County Home - I.__I__J!___ 55 \Al_..__._ H` IIIIH |lIl' Ull|('(` HI El Vl`I'y SHUIVL v. Lord was vvry ('.`((`ill'd. Twn mus wc-ro ndmillod tn hnspiml '1` an zaccidt-nt on the l1ix1,h\v.':_v, cur was found. rrmghly. two or -:mri-.'u~h.'alf milos snulh of Dr- : vwzur tho Onlnriu Hnspitnl. H : badly . and had appur- l_v hm-n nmnpting tn lukn :5 loft \'(` 'n}2iJ.ia..'g"2'ii 'w;:.;;;;..V (`rnwn withdrmv :a char!!!` H I-f rzar against the R-)bN`!.< '5 EH1` viii". xnxuintnincd man 5' vory drunk befnrn ho 9 himsvlf fur Lokimz H as nut drunk nnd would sun tn say that ho had man as m rwcum- nu wn tho road llk(" !hi=. well ;odvIs(*d in an nu and stay nut nf tho c.-use`. -.0 3;` 0.. In ull. a. good i urn- I (litional expense so fur this your. Painting and rt-rim-nrntiny,v nf Ihvl rooms and hulls (l(.'('ll})i(`d by HI!` inmates have been ('Innp|:~l(-rl am! all dnno by Hw help in tho Home-. Tho f:=rm ilnplt-Inmll-4 um! -(|uip- mvnl are in gnnrl rupuir. l`hv m:m~ uzzcmom, of thv Hnnw zuul I*`m'm is ('nnduclL~(l in 3 mus! . n1 un nnr 'l`ll.E ROYAL BANK W ' V I Examiner Classifieds cost little but do :1 big jub. WELCII, ANl)lERS()N & COMP/\NY| Chartered A(tcnuI1t.'ml.<. 'l`rus1,m-s. Mc- Crown Life Building. 5!) Ymmc SL. Tnrrmtn ._j_j_ ` JESSE. R. HIKYSON Organist and chnir dirv(-lnr. Cc-nlrul I United Chur('h. 'l`<~n(:lwr nf pimm. singing and musical llxcnry. Miss 5 Bryson has had oxlt-nsiv: training with each of the fnllnwing \.V('- known musicians: Or;.',:m 'l`hr~m'_v and Com msitinn. Dr. lionley Wil- lan. F.R. .().; Singing. Dr. Albert. Ham, F.R.C.O.. {ounder and dimctnr nf the Nntionnl Chorus. Tm'nnln; F'.R.C.O.. Iounder and dl"!.`.CInr of the National ']'m'nnln;| Piano, Viggo Kihl, Dznnish pinnistz. Ernest Smlz, Cnn:Idi:m pianist. Also I ccinl cnursvs in 'l'm'nnlu_ Nmv nrk, Virginia, etc. Pupils prr.-p:m-dl for Toronto C0nS(`I'\'ulnl`_V uf Musivf examinations. All nrzxclcs. I-`nu terms " Ippiy at studio, 27 Hr.'ul{m'd St. ,._____._.___._________.___ ,_ -_ ...-.--- ..__'.__._.___._________.___ Edmund llnrtly. Mux. Ham... l".'l`.(Y.M. Teachnr of Fimm, Uruuu. Vvwnl mu! Musicu1'I'h-nrv. (.mznnmt.mu| ('|mi:`-; mastrr of St. l\ndI`I`w's l'I`<>sb_vtm`im1| Church. Gold Mvrlnlist l`m'm\tn ('nu-` servutnry of Music and University 01 Toronto. 113 Wnrsloy $1.. B:n`riv.l .______.___._________.___.____ ..___._____._._.__.._.___. . GEO. R. 8:, l'Il.HIl". /\. lH1lKN.`s'. I)'s.C, Li(`m1s l)r1I;.'Ir-s.-z 'l'h6'I`:||ni!:9s i Eh`('lri('. Rmliu. llyrlrn and 1 M-(`hunu 'l`|wr:m_v ~ -l')A Tunlnn S1. I`hum- 4U."Iw_ l).( . S (`.. I).Il.I. L '3hirnpr:u-1nrs:& I`llL!II'\' 'l`lu-r;opie 70 l'Z: Rntul. /\Il;ml;u|c- ; Officv and HM. I hnnI~ H9] Offirtv hrs., I-5 gun. and 7-1! 1 m. Cnnsullminn frnv. F-ml Vl("l'0RI/\.\' URIDI-1|! ` (Barrio l r:mrhI Wvll frnm 7.3!) 1n4.'Hlu'('lv\(' Hhrrin Hrnnrnr (rum 23!) 1: 43:1 . nu-nrlnv /\|un]|(~;.n4 SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETT ES 2:1!) 1: 4 .u nu`-sdny. /\|uplH':u vlcvs may hv (H Kin ( VICPS may in- lhrough dnrlur, I.l-EARN VVIIEIKI-I T0 G0 Pcu|)l` naturally hunk In The Ex- amma-r's "Coming I-In-u\s". for dates of dances. suppers. etc. In 1939 The Examiner carried 2408 Hm-e of this 1...`. .0 \.s`.4..~a.-;.m Made by the nmkers of Il.:e_/mm://s WHITE ROSE gm/;]i;;e_c _________________ lN)IIl".R'l' H. 5 TH P`.YP`.Sl(}H'l` Sl'i".('l/\l.l.'~i'l' 53 Duu1nyS(. I`hum- 80 `y. S.'m|rr!;cy; till ._______.__.______ J. EDWIN WILSON. B.`%./\.. l).(). 0S'l'F.HI'/\'l'Hl(` l`HY.\`l(`I/\H Rina nlnrk N.'II'|'If` '!'I'I"|:||nIu' .". ,, MAYDEF. IWCAULEY. A.'l`.C.M. 'I'P:It`h(`t` nf Pinnn zmrl Thong`? McAUl.EY. A.'l'.U.IVI. 'l`oncht'r Th:-on Or anisl St. George's Church 1 5 Bnyfinld S1,. Barrie "Where do you gel all your ideas? I put on my thinking cap and light a Sweet Cup!" ROSE In \lo l.Jl.I\Inn' FU N I".l{Al. IDI l{I".( "l'()l{ AN" I".Ml\I.Il".I{ l\\I"I'I,-\\'('l. .\`|"N\'"'F. C7 F.|i1;cl'vMh SI 2 I'lmm- Ql \iYo\Ao Lll'AAaoan V. V - - liilallllxllrll INF Fl NI".I{:\|. III|(|i("l'(H(.\' AND F..\Il!`\I.'.\I|.RS Mnlnr `.|lhlIl2|Il(`l` in rnmu-c-Ham 4.-u,-xv Av A\'I| \.'ll:Il'I` G.G.`SMI'I'H 6. CO. '.I .l.Ih-luul I RR`! mor `.IlIuIuI.un I nu u UI'V..\' DAY AND N ` IIAKIKIFI, UNT. |'"UNII K`! c-j-:- W. D. MINNIKIN lVl('(`hHl\ Dunlap SQ. FUNERAL I)ll{I`I(?'l`Oll AMBUI./\.V('l-`. SERVICE 28 Mary St. : Phone 431 g Rlnrk. Hnrrm {Harm .ffi('o Hnurs 943. I3! and by :Ip[INII\lIn:~I MUSIC LESSONS ` , _\uur n! u-nifu at--< lo-ln_\ ~ lh--n mid lu _\nur inn-slment ||mI_\ I-y puI`rhu~'iIn; ul I--nil nm- cu-rlilivtllr ex er) lnoulh. _..____....*._ .V.. ._ Cllllt0PllA()'F(N)_l~{%A- P. C. LLOYD 1|.-In A I lull) I}! "I'll _, , __ AND I.'I`lll".l. MrKlNNl".Y I).(7.. Si.(`.. I).l).'|`. -:..4nrs:Rz )rnul--<-; 'l`h-I':npi. }s5'ii:}in;v:~ii x? OP )Ml". l`RY MOTOR OIL [y.\H lI\I1 "`l"pll I 30 In 3 WY 1 l`hun<- 4051 .?._.:.__. 1 More 'l`||:u| llc lmmuillct Mr. Mifflv \vn.s' (!I)([('iIVUl l'V(`I1ilU.{ In Cut up am nr;m1:( :1 f::shi>n as In ru-prrsc-nl Aflvr slrvwimz lhv l;rI)l- wi .: (In7.('ll pm~l.<. ho ;.;;:vt- up I 1-xpvrnnvnl. S. I_V|lll.{. "Phm lhv mg! I mm`! Inulur him u N hum-y!" sand pminlinu In tho lnhlnn "Y (Imus splvnrlidly! lmelx-ml r you huvv ll1.'I(|l' :1 litl:~x'!" 4 .l. l\. Uulcnl-.1 `.Nul:n'y I`ub!i(-. (`vmvr-ymu-c-r, In-" -a },r.'m::iIu: nf lmmzs, vi:-. lnsqI'znIIL'(- of ,, iull kirlds. lCvx:ul /\dtnuIislrn|,v)I' mm! 'I`ru:.tv-r~. 'l`hr-rnlun. Onl..v tvludinz: drnwlnll Hf wills`, rim-ds. nr- _' SEIIVE I BOYS & BOYS l.'|I'rislm's. Snli(`.i1uI`S. Nulurios Pub-~ :I'i(.- 12% Owon St`. nr1:'|.\ui(Z 'l`.~mple- \ liv. Cnnvuy:nm!er:;_ 1-!.c._ Mom-,v low: luau ul lnwvsl. rntt-5 uf "`t-rt-sl. O!-Iv Huildinu. Hnrrir`. Brnnvh "tfice`<" l*`.lmvnlu. .1. R. nrxys-v---.1. F. Wnods.`;" CAMI-IRON 84 (:AMmmN H/\lUHS'l'WHS. S()l.l(fI'l'()|(S. ETC ,`_,.., 5 Owen SI- H:u'ri(- : 'l`~lcghune 40 .,.. MONICY 'l'U l.()/U4 .. (JOWAN & (JOWAN - H.'u'riMm'.<, .`>'uIici1nr.s'. C:-nvnynncerl Nntzn-ins I`uh|i(:, ctr. ` | MONEY T0 LOAN I omco. Masunic 'I`(.-Inplv Building, . 17 Owen Slrvc-I. Barrie |/\1!`xm1(lI'rCnw:In.G, A. Ross Cowan } FR/\NK IIAMMUNII. II./\.. I(.(`-. }Ii:n'ris1.1-r. Sn|i(`|ln|', MC. Mnsnnia I`:-mplo BId;:.. Han-rir-. Munoy tn lnnn. ' a DUNCAN I . NICCUAIG. K.C. , H/\RRlS'I'E`R. S()}.,I('[T()R, ETC. `M'>|l1'_V In Imlll 1 I{r)s., }3lucl:..BurtlaA. ! DONAL!) I". I n/\nms'r1~m. NI uunn it` Tlnllll` H/\ N l(_IS'l'l`iH. Masomc Tr-mp I MONK` .._...........?.__.:_. Im. in (` ru:.\u.~m : VI'7I'l'3NIN"\HI/\\1 mull SIYN(F.()N l W H.nv{u~`4l SI ` Hurrlv ' l'hnm- EH a-.....-- ...` ..-.;..-.. I 1 I |.'~'.uI';,'<- `Chis-f xuul ` l`h-mu it 510-9 3 "The purest [arm in uhirh Inbacco can be smoked." flnlw ` (H WALTER C. BLACK. n.A.. ARmH'|'FZR, sn1.1m'r(m, ETC. Mnnrtr luck. Bniu mt"! \--Iv-m'v', \num_v III DIHIPUU and DIR. ll. N M;Il'l'Ill'2RH()N I'h_v-.u`mn nml .H'IIrL:r*mI hnvw HI : Uff|('t- DH (fvvllir St. .':I)~!)ZilI .'n m.. 1 300 ;mr1 GZHLH pm. DR. II. l'|1_\iri.'I Hw--n HI. fI'u~4- HnnI`L' l'lI\'r-It'x;Im; .'m(l Hum, 47 M:u:|I- /\vv'. Uffn-u hnurw` I In (I nun In` In. Inn wanna :Anrz_I._a"rnI,_n1_.1 }:, ETC rrmlvv l`r>I'um'r,( HI mud Hit. A. I). l'h\`\.u~1:uw; and rm -1 ! \I:nn|I- Av!` I. N. I. I./\l R`:. l..3.(7.C. ` ZN)" nu |)I'.a':|-11' II, ('hiIl|l'l`-ll I ALI) M;I('LI\I{.I"IN.. 3.15. . S l'l`)H. SOLIUITOR. E'l.'C.....- c '1`:-mule Huildin . Barx`It.v-ma MONEY TU LUA -- m ..._..._...._._.._...._.._..._..-a.,.... 25ml, inn. l)i:;v;n5:: 4 nu-<|I('im- mud 30 Ow:-n S1 2 RARRIE IRANCH IHK W. Ir lnI':uu- l".N'l`l'ZRTAlNI'IKb Vl'I'l"F.RlN:\I{l/\N J Cl )l{BI'2'l"l` u- l`nn\vv-vzm IHL VV. /\. l.l'.V'VI.`0' mu! In-::-:n::t-w uf Wnnwn) I|!lN'l'. (`I-Imlv r-f Simme R. .'\l;u'l'lIl".l(H()N -'.. ... ....l Ll...-n..;.n MICIDIC/\I 7:. w. mm:-:n.~a nun : unvl `lnrxn-nu rl`SllN'lI(`l' K} }'hnm- I01 .VV. /\. Ll-IVVIS nl I): nf ` .. ll. l!l(il 7I.()W `inn uml Surtzvun I'htmn 31.00 will send 300 Swool CI or 1 lb. Old Virginia nipo tuba: . cnnmfam swing iiv United Ki: 3 andfmgco only. K ; .'Addrosa---"Swoo! Caps" g Box 60(1), Mgnlrgnl, 93 A humlny. June 2o, _.1a4o. _ -- __- ----_.---- .-'-~ -- nu uml luruc-nn I'hrmr' 10]. ) l2..'0-200; (i.3l)- 9 p.m. u lialnznillcd For us unclt-uvm'ing one 1 nr;nu:<- in such y :1 pig. h<- with .'|l)u1IL 1' lhv fulil Hnu. | hm~_v with nrnltn Iuinn -M :uIH" (`. l.l'l"l'l.lC :~r,(`n1In1y r-f.'~1ivrI(.'na A n t:uA\' . N. HNIIIII zmri Hururnn '11 H9 M (`nlh-.r '1 '1 'ln '].H '1" I N. .`-XMITII url K'|n'UI-nn lull-I'.I(.~u HI 3ur;:v-nn (`.mn1_v nf Simcne `WP 50 Mary St. - |l)l I-'33.. Flvq uf ('hilrlrt-n, in- ] Inlnur eurgrrry. (lffu-u and RPS. .`iIIr;;c-rm! .T`lt'|lh"U(` 213 4 pm, 7 in pvvIllHH(`lll numy v-r Hm . GRAY .`ur;;4-Ivlls 'I'v|a-nhvmn \\ \R S\\ I\(i.\' S'|`\\I|'S mwy \\.!`lH| 1 :u1_ull!" Id his wife.. "You have I of n })ig'T':: * Elim- Im '40 0 n m OF (`._\:V.~\Ds\ BY McCol|-Frontenhc Employees are Giving Red Cross Ambulance In answer to the appeal of Lhe Canadianed Cross for ambulances. the employees of McCo1l-Frontenac Oil Company Limited across Can- ada are voluntarily contributing funds for the purchase of one ambu- lance for overseas service, it was announced today by J. M. Pritchard, vice-president in charge of sales. -:._ them do as they like, After all. if they do shorten their lives a little by too much activity. isn't it better to live fully. than to live a longer time and only exist? A Waxed Finish Waxing furniture is one of th best methods of preserving and car- ing for it. The secret of good waxing is to use very little wax. Go short. on the wax and long on the elbow grease. Put a piece of wax inside two thicknesses of cheesecloth be- fore applying. This will give the de- sired thin film instead of too much. Then rub and rub and rub. For a high polish use a succession of thin applications and polish .;between each one. Nothing keeps the dining room table looking as nice as wax- int! lug. Cool Drinks for Warm Days Hot. days which come in June seem very exhausting and nothing helps like a cool drink. There are so many canned fruit juices available now that. it is easy to have a sup- ply on hand for mixing, Syrup is much better to use than sugar as a [sxveetening us it is already dissolved and blends much easier. It is easy to make so keep a supply ready. Lemon syrup is a convenience and can be used with water alone. or it may be mixed with any other juices. Simple Syrup Boil two cups nf sugar and two cups rut water for about five min- utes, Bottle and keep in the refrig- erator to use for sweetening drinks. Lemon Syrup 2 cups sugar. 2 cups water. 2 cups It-mun juice. Boil the sugar and wa- ter for five minutes. add the strain- ` ed |("mnn juice and bottle and keep in thn rnfrimlrntnr Twn tnhlnsnnnns L). I`. JOHNSTON, Munagnt (`(1 |("H1Ul`l JUICC HUG [)()l.ll(3 unu KUL'}l in lhv refrigerator. Two tablespoons of lemon syrup added to` ?1"gl;usl:'oT wulm` is about the ght proportion. Pcnth Cream Cakj 2 tnlwlr-spraons `grzmlrlalod gelaline. `/11 cup milk, 3' tablespoons sugar. I (`up hot milk. I tczmpoon vanilla. `/2 cup peaches 4fresh or canned) `/2 mm marshmallows. Qnnl: lkn nnl-Minn in Han nnltl nnillt mursnmzmnws. Souk tho gelutine in the cold milk fol` five minutes. Add the sugar and `hot milk and stir until well dissolv- _.,x ..n,\... .a\ ....,u ...y..... nnrnnu HINTS III pt!) IIII lllI'l|l. 3.00 M`\4`I|l\lI\'(IIl|`-` inm mim and stir unm wen mssmv- l--cl. allow in cool and when partially thick:-nod. add the vanilla and the `peaches and murshm;1llt5ws Cut. in pieces and stir well. 'Whn very thick pour intn an cake shell. To make the shell remnve the inside of H cake leaving a two inch rim. Allow the filling to set. and then ice the cake with chocolate icing. This "is El, rlellcious dessert and makes :1 ;:iio(l'(`.iim;5;Iny mm as it may be Jmhdd. in the nim'ning. ~L`........+4...._'.._.___._.___ \ S~\\'lV(;.\` t`ll\'l`IFl(`._\TES I vhihl in (`aux-Mn. l`f`pll'!"`~l! of 5 01' making a personal vnntrihu- will Sweet caps Virginip pipe tobacco to Kingdom .'A:ldunn-.-"Swan! Cam" r1, ('\l'l') {U "V --hnlfwnrshruce. Princess Juliana of Hollzmcl. and hm` twu (.'llilL h`L`ll. will stay at the Scigniory club near Oltuwu. until thv arrival M GIN/('l'l1lll(.'Ill llnusc .ul` the Earl of Athlonv. it has been indie;-tvd at Ottawa. 1rim`u.<.< Julian-u and her two Children as Hwy IL-fl l-lulifux for the club. Some Highlzights rfzcijnf | Trophy Winning Report] Th!` vhivf avtivily whivh In-lpuzl the Strnutl Wnmvniu ln.~:titutu In L-:apturv thr= : :|('hiI'\-':'nu'nt tn '|'$li_\3'f(n' lh bcst.`r(`pnrt |)!`("~'|'lll('[l by a brzmvh nt tlw :mnunl mt-olinzr of the South Simcnv Wmm-n`.~' In- sliluto. was st-cnrinu :2 llll)t'l'(`ll1n;i- test for all S('h(ml (`hi|rl1'l`n in Clu- township of lnnisfil. Due to llw efforts of tho Strmld |;uli<-.2, Hu- Tuwn.<"hip (`mum-i1. lust Sc-ptmnm-x'.' instru('l(-rl the Mwlivnl ()l'fim-r nf Health to give the test. I The n1(`,n1bt*l`: fur thv _\'mr. was 50. For the tvn l`('}:lllZll' n1v.w:- ings. tho El[.'}.:l`(`;:2l1(? uth-ml: nvv wn 255 for n1vn1lwrs and 118 for visit- nrs. Tho _vom.'< il`.'(`I'. |1:(` lntul ;t tendmn-0 was 37.3. l`.'Ikim.: lhv [)l:`('v of H10 twn rvgulzn` Invvtim:.~. mi:<~- nd. tho Mt-at Cnukvry CmI|'.<- and tho Quilts and Quilting ('mn'; wen hold at Strnml in July nml ;: main] 1-voning was h(`l(l in .l:mu;n'_\'. vvu , ll-JII ll [ll H10 Sim: ialinn an lama $15 nunllwr library \ bought ( nIII`il\l' Illllilly \`VII.\ 40. i'lll| -)1! U` bmuzl during tho _\'t`ill`. During [hv year $75.'.l(I ed for Rnd Cross by :1 lwn (`llL`hl`L`-(kHlC(`.`$ amrl 1)&u'ly. All u` nwn1lwr.< ting nnrl sv\\'im.'. $11.00 luv Rh-null In~;!ihxh-K 1-nlr FOR Home- bodies llllfl IUHI .\('\\'Illp.'. .]'V|I,\Ill by .\'lrond lnstihxtvix 1-nlr vie Fair. Gifts \\-vrv glv mu-d.\' Lnnilu-.~' in lhv u :IIul~rl(~n.'mm1s were ;:i\' |IY I l)....l I')....... in I! tlllll ` |l|'|luIl Illlll` \Vl'7I \ W.l. Re-.~:l Rvmm in H; lnnisfil Hm'li<`uliurul n . . '1hv fur:1:uin;: nrv n fmv highlights (II. . In ('x('<'Hrnt whit-h {`nn('|udv.' with H11` "our mvmbc-rs fvvl that \\` . :1 most px'ut'it.'Iblt= _vv; I \\.'UlHl`\ said. ` b;md.~' (\r my zmd drivv zminmls. I sigxwt rin jt`\.\'vlvr)' II\|III\'( 1. lI1\IlH1L\ tvriully A.\nl n u-nnl ll{'\'|lH('kl ll I|I{' \\l|llll'|I I gxvv such an man as :\lu.~: for such :1 beastly cause : surs. s1u'oly the wnmvn can make an ~-~z_u.ul ya :1e:m~\x';u-_v.' Th('l`(` i|Kl'll. Dllll.` `d further Al tho M `inn l'1`pn|`|I h(' Simcnv -.03.. Iullrl . `ll ullll `$l."a` JESSIE ALLEN BROWN (iI\`I-is` \\'lilll||\'(i ..- n u Lnlll.` .`lIK'IIl\I'I lnP(`L`.[`K) and h .s!('p.< \Vl`I l` 1; :1 vnllvviitm fun 1. Suhxu-quom n`Hu\r uvn)'L* nl I: z.\ .1 pun `od with {hr of Englzmd Phnv urn u 7lIl.'|'lll7ll l"| I\\ II \,II . \\1 iulysvqlloln. m(-oIin;,: 5}-mv lL`l` wnrk along this lino. ` N[{ll`(`l1 xm-vlinxz, Hw lilyt : mrlvcl that lhvy hm! 1--in cm` (Tuunt_\' I.iln'.'n';.' . 1.4` II. I\|A\I\\|\:h H ll'll l|l(`l llIl'_\' Hull! _|` 3m` A Id mu of the Inmnhe-Ix: In thv pnhlir |ilJI'&lI`_\' nf sul)H*rihpl`: In .lIil< 25 ::ml 30 hunks Lrum tht` \ and .l P L'lI L.|u.~.- \\ kl`l' ;a:l lhv F! H` tukvn tn . fwl` Hvd (fr ..u .\....\0 :v|n4 Ufl'l |LlI I" and 30 bunks kn `nun. I||\\'ll H` I ~ wedding 1 { lnckets .\ Cunndmn \ H... \\- ' ymu. \\':I:: hu '1 nnllnn Developing the Arts A4: . . ~ n n . ..~AZ.... 4.. .. (`Xl'(`l`|H Royaf IH_~~ ('n||('clinn. .. ul;-ullnrn lln \l.\Il' l H". :1- W 1 [)l:*(`(' in inus pm mIl'.<- an 1;: Sn. uly uul 1` as 3.42:: TA-`R I |idi.1Bi&'`i'ii$}i|TIiTy%i| Historical Exhibits, 5. Simcoc W.|. Meeting; A ft-uturn ul' lhu pmy_`:`zunu: 4:1 Ilw |'(".'1'n| (-nl1Vn'lIlinlI ml` Suuth Sin|cm: Wumvn`.-< Il1FHfLl1L`{l1(? (1 in u.....1p..\-.1 4` ' ` ' ` ..'e\. -'1 `.1n...*.y..u-4..-n mxncuu wpxnvn.-4 1n. m "!\!"?i`W ` I!s>`I?;r.i*<!` .?- |-"?!_ZlJ]::l;;"`_|:'li'r"l_` I Iglljv` 1:111 $12:-`{;'a1|I gi1*_}`.~;1_ `;"`I\fi-%,'~.'-.Il.x` R. alunm-rl ::' nnmln-I"- :7 1\'l'I-`Vb -'11. . L`. {K71 $'|l1I_!"|; . 'C`[l1y`Ql\l'A' '3|lu\\'('(l uf Illxmbvf _nf ;u'1icIL_' - g2:h.1 }l_>l`r9Ii;:}\l .Ft'4vfh :1.` {M- .'z| 1_t7l by ,'IVlLn<,~_ i!."A_. $11If1l;1'1'_=J3:(|`:~` nolhq-L . `MN ~.'II1ti.~b'h: z"1~_ ::i_Il:-ii,_m.),.t'. .~.`lmwing [lit-_.~`l\:'|(lnv_v nullinv Hf hm` r,r(~.'Il g_1"z_1I;i(_i1J'1`<)1}\l_-1".` pr(yf1|<'. ']'hr was n1:1uTo `'n'1_t (|LllHl:)ll$'.I|`lII1Cfl In tho Huh (--nluryi '.'|'sp|(* nrln bul- .I_`I)l)lTl (':'ll1(HC.\`Ul.'k or ..~`ilw`-1'. which cum-.P1ml n <-.\'Iim.:ui. list-(1 in pin11z'~<`l' dn_v.;'_u W<'rl;:<-\\`r1I(l [i)I.'|!.z:. l\r`h'Imnn uf I\Iix,. M.-n-_\` Ljn\vmI,, Slrnml. zmrl u Hiblv frmn Ih-::::>-luin-. I l\lIub`- I) \AIl.H..' irlnv I!..n.I Xln-ul I r1'(1*,'.-- _;.H-. I `U Now You Can Do Your Bit ; FOR BEST VALUEi Hus hi;:hor nutritive value Hum Into out lmy. says On- tario l)op:u't|m`nL of Agri- culture. THE BARBIE EXAMINER. BARBIE, ON'l`.,-CANADA - . xlllll :1 l)lI1Il' IIUHI H. Wlxilv-.'~i I1 Wl`_\' finv (lispl.'1_\'. )i||'hI`l _:|ll Hu- ,.... ..\ klm-npinn. mlznl p1`i'/.o- l_\ L,II\\ cHI,/ 1 hnltl llvml. u ;,:mup vi` no pullurn. vnilh nntl I'I\'l'Ll Imzlzu `. .-I-. Want 1,300 Invitaiiiaiuis For City Children In - Summer Holidays The .Neighborhood workers As- sociation of Toronto has again op- ened ils Country Home Depart- ment. and plans to send as many children as possible out of town during the hot summer months. I_.n.~l ymr more than 1250 children got unexpected holidays in the country t|n'oup,h this medium. This year the need for vacations in many homes is more urgent than 'l\\Vl|l' SL-vvniy-fuul` Country l10Stl"SSCF who muk children lasl your have :.Ilrv:id_v written asking if Hl(.`_v might have the snnio children back this yc-ar. But at leavt. 1.000 invita- iinns will bn l'L'(]llil'(`(i. Hun-inu.Ihn mnnnnm` nunnlhs hm`(` Through the purvhnsa uf \\ \R e\'\r_v palriulic umn. mvumu and u ulnliun. is n'nnlm| an nppurhuuil 1 (ion In l`nnmln'a War I-`.`ur!. is one way wnmvn whn live with- in a radius of 150 miles from Tu- rl I110 can"-lnelp. S(`I)'.l :1 lvllvr In thr- Cnnntryy Hmnr-s Dvpm`lm(`nl. Nri;:l1l)0_!`ho0rl Wnrkm`s Assncinlinn, 22 Wcllslvy SL. 'l`umnln. Slau- cloan-ly"ix}lu-n it. would be cnnvt'n- i(,'Ill. togtako one nr two Chi.l(lron into tho ]mnw_ l`vll what 111:0 and wx pl`:-ft-l'I`L-(I unrl t`ll(`llW" n hri:_-f lvllar from local clergymml. 'l`ln~ u1';L`;mi/uliun (l'.`."~lllI1(`:~` rv~;pnnsibil- ily fur trm1. but no rc- llllllll`l`i1ll()ll is nffvrcd. NH. \Vl|l DI`. FL` llll" . Duringlhv summer months hm`(' l Ililloy i:= nnw culling down on wt-(l|iI11.: rin;::-', A x'.'npi(l|_v (|imini. int! mold supply is one of GuI'many`s 1rnuhlor~. Official dvorm.-s. publish- ed in the Fmnkfurim` 7.1-Hung. l`(`- vrul lhv Reich rluminu .sn s'nm't. Hf gulnl that the Gennzm fountain pvn Ilh'I_\ no lmu,-(-r ho fillvd wilh unlrl nil; that gold is not to be used as :1 Innnl fnr mw-1-inn: Qfrnwsz :|n(l (`V- ll||_\'*; lllill. gllll IS Illll [U UL` :1.` n mnnm for pm-(:in1u;< stnnosr and cv- (-n rmnunlic ImiscI1(~n`.1 WL`(|Jil1L! Irimzs mu [)0 n[ no mnrv than 5 (rural gold, L.<-st. the bride slmultl be 1:.-nmt('d to :<('L'ul'v :1 h(`ZlVi(`l' wrdrlinp, ring. :ll]n|h(`l' (lvr'rvu .~.1r-p.< in with !n\4|Hu\o- \rm'hnh-n " Fm` Ihv ,\ |.':lI of :` ll}:- nlun l\'V|`(lfllllL', l'lIl].`.. ilIlllllll'l' (I('l'll`l! .`I|'l).` in with .'muHwr "\'(`l`hnl('I1." For Hu- lntnl wt-ight of mvlul in th(- ring is: :=l.'= limi1vr.l. --111' 1 Hful l |\.VH Plzuyitng z:;n'cl.s. u. in Ihv tinn- ul` Hw Nurlh W1-st R(`b(`Hil)ll and 21 hrs: Clulh mzldv [rum :1 hand-wuvvn HHH1 .~'h('(-I. math` :11 Shc-rrun in 1727, w(-rv (`.`(hihil(`(l by Mrs`. .1. Wnnrl. I .r:Irlfm'rl. Thc` ton clnlh was mm uf lwn mnrlc [mm the Silllll` :hu-I fur lwu ;.:r<-nl urvnl L:'nnrl- rlzlnglm-rs 'I`hv (lute xvns wuvt-n in llw fabric in mu.` corn:-r. Mrs. T. (E. Mnvzunlzly . a nun.` ...--....Ir-.n..`.. Im hicl 5!! 1`-ihlv uivvn hvr ;:I':m(lf:1ll1(`r by his f:Ilhm' whrn h(` lvfl I".n1,:I.'mrl. 'l'hv l .ilvh- hml thv (lntv H398 on lhv (`UV- or. Mrs. Mwcamluy alsu ('xhi|)i1`,d an |ri.~h \\'m>ll4`l\ shawl \\'hi(`}l h:1(l wrnppvtl all u` M&I(`illl|Z\y child- I'D`) rrn in/Irs:.. R_nyv_.< hurl :1, (`ailing card (ISP made n[ Birnnm \vnnd and lw.'n'in;{ thv ill.\`(`l`ipliUn' "M:u'l)(-lh :'h:1ll nvv(~r v:1I1q11i. he until (ire-:11 Hirnnm \V(m(l In high Dun.-.-j`. nzmv rhnll cum!` :u.'2`in. him.~ vMnc- Irv-lh. /\nrlvrs-nu. `muk:<(`1l(`l'. Dun- kvltl." A pi('|m`v Hf Mu1'(hlv_v (izlsllo. I`:-rll1~|1irl`. ailmn (It-mwalvd this old`- riliih-lUl.H`(l` (:.'u'(l ':I':v. Mrs. Hu_v('}. :1hu\\'<-(I two very wt-H pI'v. (lugLlm'1`nl_\'pe.: {rum Hw nl lauu |.; _._.;....__._.. ..' | . _1\ wmmun (`Ill(`1`t'(l a bunk tn makv n dnpnsil, She had sumo bills and vlv.-L'l<:: tn tlvpwsil. so she prncurotl :1 slip \\'l1ich rvq11iI'0(l thv list- mg, of hills. s1wL'it- and clu-cl<.<. Slw li~lv ln-1' hills and ('lu-(`ks in lhl`ll` l'v`\]H_'(`li\'(' pl:u'v.~'. but was in (lnubt ...|. .o 1.` I.-l unplnu .-.....si.. Inn II hr-II ym bu)" \\ \l\ S \\` I V1 i.\`('.lCl\'I`|F|(`. \ |`|`}S _\`uusm1-nmne-_v I..- H... l`..|...-.. ...`.l .~....uI\ ".l.xl|n.- ..-nu 1" In Iunni un Olin ntlv of Sir Ch:Il'l(`.'~; Nl})i(`1'. u Lw;uu- Iifnl vh'in:: nim-n in 1-nlnrx` vvllh BECA['SE it cuts right through { clogging dirt. Gill:-tt's Lye 1' is a boon to the housewife! Keep ; it handy always- for clearing out I I . . , drams . . . for scourmg pots and 1 I ' pans . . . for many other every-| 1 day household \`as{ THIN Wl'Jl)l)lNG RINGS IN GERMANY CLOGGED DRAINS U] ll L_,lli||ll'1`: |VlI!JI\'l. 1| |JL'rIu` cliimn pic(.'<- in (:n|urs_ wllh 1'. This szmml smut: t'i1,:l1to(-n in- A l`H."t'vvIm(l writing dvsk .. Lwznss (-nI`lu`l`.<.. luck. L'l('., I70 nlrl zmrl thn pry.<.\`!'S.`=i ';;rv. It grunt nunl. and now in fifth 1.`t`ll(`l :IlilIlI W('l't` also All} Clears .- _\'4I1ll' :~'ub. ";midin-;Iri\`:nu-v" _._T_...._1 l)l'Il"lNF.l) Ll .\||l'l_'ll' F1 | h('l' (l0pusit,_ \\ (IN! I'll) H \l\ n.\ \ I V\l-`\ -Inn I Ir l\4 \ I no _\IIII ulvr IIIuIIr_v fur the` fulurn mul supply "nlullur rummluiliun" to back up the IIINI \\ hu uh` lighlimz uur luutllm u\v`r~`a`lI~, W \l\ S \\'| VI LN` (`I-`.ll l'|l"|(`. \'l'lCS urv -old lhrnugh all lvrnnvhul of this Hunk. Iiurlu-cl Iv) lho` Huminiun of (7umIdn. lhry are the mfe-st HIM of in\r~hm~I|I _\uII nun lamb`. "Mal In ImIlIIril_\, lh!-y nr-~ unrth `.`7\'3 In-u-v llmu _\-~u pa) fur Hwm. Fur e\or_V S-NW :.......a H... .....\:I.- cum ..-\.........I.. .._ImIfu-nr.-l..u..~n

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