Ir . Mr. and Mrs. 14. S|)<'l|'n and Mus. ariun am` back at tho cullnge nmu` uln. `Lending l\ir(-ruflmnn Jack Mal- Qhews of 'I'r(-mun is hnmo nn rur- `nah Caesar me nnmgs war. are Cae- sars. and unto God the things that are God's." the talk which Miss McAf(-e addressed to the meeting. was particularly lnbencsmmz and ap- propr1a.t.e for the present `time. In it she stressed the fact, mm tho British Empire is governed and bound mgvther by mutual love and trust. rather than by the form (If arms, on which the heads of Eh!` tntalimrmn states rely. Howard Hancock led in prayer and Miss Oldham gave a. delight`- ful reading. Aft:-rwazrds several anu xvuss ulcmam reading. Afterwards several ames were played and a spelling bee was held. Jones-Marlin: Wedding A wedding or interest. took plm-v in the United Church pa.rs0nag*. Oookstown. at two-thirty in the afternoon of Sat.urda_v. Juno 1. 1940. when Annie Edna Ellzabnth Marling. daughter of Mr. and Mr. Albert. Marling. Cookstnwn. be<-a.m4- the bride of Oswald George Jon:-.s. son of the lat Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam James Jones. of Llondon, Ens!- land. Rev. C G H-izzinson con- BREAKFAST BACON .................. .. lb. 25 BONELESS PRIME RIB BEEF .... .. lb. 25c BONELESS POT ROASTS .......... .. lb. 15c MACARONI AND CHEESE LOAF lb. 25c VISKING BOLOGNA (piece) 2 lbs. 25c FRESH VEGETABLES. FRESH FISH CANNED GOODS PHONES 32 and 33 lll JEHICS JOHPS. OI LKIIIGOIL 1'J`KZ'l Rev. C. G. Higszinson con- ducted the cc-mmm1y. The bride wore a. lovely gown of Mice bim- shei-r chiffon with white accessor- ies. After tho ct-r~m Mr. and Mrs. Jones lett. on 51 trip to To- , ran-to. Cooksvillo. Hzmmilmn an! ` Grirnxby. (`-lara Gilrny Weds Thnmas Br \`\'ray The parsonage. Cooksmwn. was ithe scene of :1. Spring wcddiniz m` thre<~-tmx-Ly in the aftrrnoon of Wednesday. May 29. 1940. when lclam Gilrov. dnuszhtvr of Mrs We deliver to Minet's Point and Tollendal I-`.ssA no/m .Al.I./\NI)AI.lvI | VVl`(1H( S(l8_V. May 134. l{4`IUo WHPM Clam Gllroy. dnughtrr Mrs worm. "_`;,'i. ` J `HOUSEHOLD US! No. 9 Titans *.... wmrmsi (`.lm.rl-rs Fl_vm\ left. on , Juno .5 In Sl\I'l\d 1; 1 nu. (`mrsu ('-I \\"l (`HIPSU V vvv (L '1'. (`m`um'_\' 1.-A vl.<.|l.in1.: In the W`st.. L Spmll. Sohmnlwrg. vnsm-:1 in town durum and |m.\l. vvvvvwvvvvvvv TE! DALI}! lXAM!Nl!.. IAIIQ. 0N`l`.. ART. J. sssnngy linr. JTERENNANL -:- ME_ATS -:- W1`(|~ Wm-k Mm'm|n-!u (lllmy, mu! lylw ltm- John (`Mlm.\-, Ccmkrslowu. lN`l`IIll` H10 |)l'|(|v of 'l`lmmn.~a ll. Wru_v_ mu :1 Wlllmm I \.U1~u\r 'l\\HunI\n|n Ihw (`.lm.~. or 'l`nmnn.~a u. wruy. mu m wumuu J. W1`IL_v. 'lhl.l.~nmun. Haw. (`.Im.~ (I. l|Lgum.~mn vondm-t<~| vl.ha- 1-vru-- nmny. Inxnnwlluln` n*lnl.Iva-.~. of Lhv lhrlrlu mul gnxmx n.l.l-ml:-I Hu- Iuwldlng. The brim-. was very luv:-~ 1_\' .111 It umwn at whllv hllluw (`IV-|w uml ll. \'\l\llt* llul, wll.h .~.lmrl. \":`H. She <'u.rrI<~l u. lmuum-I. of 'l`ulI.-mum l`O.*I`.`l. llvr hl'l(l(`.*ill\lHlL ll-u.l.r|--- (Mlmy, worv n. rm:-.k uf wlno DUI)- 'hIo (-.w|):\ und :1 vvhm~ lml. uml -n.r~ rind lml.ln-rt'l_v mm-5. 'l`lu- `|)rIul- lummn w.n.s M1,:-ml:-r1 by Mummy Imv (`\un 'mo (-.1-4-1):` mm wmw I umum Wruy, C A rm~un!.mn wn.-; In-l(l wmy, umxmmvn. A |'N'0pl.ku1 wu.-3 In-kl ul. Immu- uf (J1;-, _hrl(l(-'5 nmtlwr. wlnm4~ Llw l|$L\'4`lIll)1(`(l glw.~'.l.~a wc-Ijv ta-|;v_-d.u Lim- llcluua .~:umwr` ` Thux hridn 1.1'uvt-llwl in u. wim- mxxuua .~7up|)1'l'. 'l`h0 bride l.l`IIVt`H0(l in n. wim- dl\"%. wll.h rust 1-um. mm mm. sw- Ul'..'{.\`(\l`H`.`4. On `l.h(`ll' rc-l.IIrn mun Lholr hnnuvmoon trip In Nhugxunu Pulls l.h- mm. mm hl'l(I-gl'-mill will live on Lhv 1llMA"l".'~i fnrm Ill. Swimm- luwnc Dqmestic Shortening 2 lbs. 25 l I . -l \. .1 |curlous compound of ' lxxm. Swamp Suttlrllwlll G rowlm: Tho swump lnnd Llml. sl.rvl.-ln-.4 for lbmll. u, mlla- ulnng l.h- mull lxsbwt-cn Omkslown nnrl Fwnlu-lls ls slowly lw<-mnlng (`ulnnl7m1. wlwrn l'm'merly l,l1ow- was only am` .~;c-l,- Llor. Alex. Shl`l'l(H`k. :1, l`(,Il.~e.~'.lun. thorn urn now lmlr lzmmlllos, Mr Sh(`.l'l0(`k. who was the flr.-sl. rv.~;l- dont. of thuat, |)lll'H('llIlll' .X`l'H0l1 of the swnnlp. has move-(l uwu_v. :m'l .hls home has been |)lll`(:hllSA`d by a man from Pohmd. 'l`luw- mm- lllos of Cm<-lm-Slovuklams lmwx nlm moved lnln tho swxmmp and are do tmz wondcul wm-k'ln cl:-nrlmz l,h~- wuslo land and pl`:-pnrlmzr ll, rm w4zvm.blo xmrdcnlng. Thv lam! ll,- solf ls rivh, l)lm'k -mud l'-rule. nml ,ls pxu'l.lcu1.-u'l_v good for rnlslmz on- ions. leLl.m`o ml-d slmllnm v4-gr-l.nblos. The new snl,l.lers, cu1Llval.ln;: the land. prcsiem. n pk-.t1m~ t.lm.1. -1s :1 the mndt-rn and the old methods of !:u`mln;:\ Lt. smms stmnm` lndmd to son nor- (-hlcfod womon worklm: in snmu flold wlwrv :1 S}1ll]`l1l .: 1.rm-lur ls lum-ylng up mu! down the furrows 'Y`|u-u-A pl unuulu 1| 9-u-I111: fa r|\i1uu-u \\II|~ 1 ( I l 1 -uu-`yuq, up -mun u\Ivv|| Iuu lull-lvv-1 These newly-:1rrlv(-d farmvrs pur- chased the land they now rx-nup_v last. full. but only rmwntly mnvml onto 19.. At. rnrosmml. sx:vcra.l fam- ilies nrn living in one smznll lrnmv nwclllng. but. may .-m- busy moi,- ins: a new housv and burn; Nom- ol the women sixxtk the Ens;lL~.`h lnngmuzv. and only onv of the men. There are two or three young chil- dren among them. The soil and climate of the swamp are appar- ently much llko the soil and cli-l mate where these new s<: WOF4` acquainted In their nntlvo land And. boo. they arc famlllnr with the small fa.rm.< and small build- ings. because t.lws<- are pr:-vnlr-11t,;l throughout. Europe, where tlw mp-, ulzttlon is much more d<~n. Per- haps the swamp. which formerly. from a. pr0dm`t,lv(* sL2mdp:)lnL. lms been almost, 11sr.`lo_ss. save for lum- ber. will soon assume tho asp!-rt. of another Holland Landing Marsh Garden. w1+ou5:usb:; . -.1-um .1 uuu nuns vv.-. I The regular monthly nwr~tinr.: or; the Fisher's Com:-rs Wommfs In- st,it.ut:- was held at the homo of i Mrs. E. Miller on 'I`lmrsday. Max` 30. with 1x good atumdancc. The} rvpnrt, of the District. Axmual \A".\~.: given by Mrs. F`. Black. A It-212L115 ! riiscussion followed. It, was rl~:'iri.| ed to moot. every Thllt'Sd(t\' $IfIt'l'-` noon to sow for the RH`! Crn.\'~;.! Thvy a.1_-40 dmm.t~"d mmwv In ml! Salvation Army tn bn used for war. work. The next, mes-Lmg will be at` Miss Marion .MLkin`s on Jun "'1' R. H. Hanna visited with friends wt Ivy on Sunday The members. of the Cookstnwnj Masonic Lodge will worshxp at! Christ Church on Sunday. Jump 9. I - 3.L 1 DUI I Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Davis an'i'l ' SIODS. ` Several members of the W1. at- tended um annual mrwvmimx at Bradford on Wodno.d.n_v last. .\lr.<.' H. Banting and Mrs. J. McI)<'rmot.ti were the dek-gates. NH Gk... vnnnnu-v-c uf ah- \Un- ~ Robertson has to at.t.end. an 1 pm. I There will not he any srrviro In! the Pn:sb:.'tm-tan Church nus Sun-l day. owing to a meeting which ML; I 1 rs,__ r1_.__.I,.. n 4.-.,` . nlnns | novvcnuwvu uno uu nubruu. I The Esa Sunday Svhonl tun-I vention 1s being held at Nin:>Lst-.m| United Church on 'I'uvsda,v. June 11. with uftcrnnxm rmd evening ses- tJuvuAun_v. study: -a. y The school children are busy ptacucmc for the Essa 'I`0wnshm, music den1onsu'.mon which is bemug held In the rink. 'I`horn.ton. 0nFr1--`V day, June 7, at 8 pm. (standard time.) It is hoped there will be a; good attendance. as 11. is worth while to hear these yoxmg "otces bk-nd us song Flshn"s Corners W.l. _.__.u_u_. XXXX Quaker Flour 98-lbs. $2.79 \'Hll'l'} S.-\Tl\ I':1slr_\' Flour 2! lbs. 63 'l.`.. CANADA Arl,l\ur llnllwrt wnn in l~l\IwIn-um lnnt. ww-k u!.l4'IuI||l\|{ Hm Hrnntl l..()l.. Mm ,I.\hn Hlnulnll mm rs-Inrm-ul Mm. Juhn Hlmwul. mm rs-lnrm-u| |m||w u1'|m- .x|~-mllmx llm wlnlvr In 'IVvmnlu, Mr nlul Mr.-4 Nuwllln Juimu-rum 'umngm-n, Ina-u.l Inn-mIn~rn 4-I Mun lmlam, Al" and /\.M. `r0U|(h| urv wllllnnlml HI lhv MzwmI: vlu-0 ul. (thrlnl (3|IlII'4'lI. Ivy, Ill tlqI_v_ Jnnv H. M. '7 pm 'l`rln1l.v WMH will nu-M. nl, nunwnnl . uni Iu'|~I;lu\r uIh-rnnnn ll`l|_\ . -Hlllt` U, III. 'I lllll Hu- |uu'mnnu;n on l"I`l4ln\' IIHA'I`IIIm||.Jlllm M, \\~lI4-1|: Mr Im.-, Alluml-ulu-. wan! Iw l.h4- h||l`IIkl`|'. M4'IIlhI'I n urv nnk M! In nnlv llw vlluumv ul tiny. | Mr. nml Mm Hun M1'I)l)Il w0r:- in H:o.nrh- on 'l`hur.-ulnv vvl-II E hm In n`l.|`-mi Hun It V Ila.-mllnl. urmlIuIl.| I`>.'1'.|'I`|.`u .', Hun Iunm-u'.w; } nl.-alvr. Mm.-u |'2nI\|y M'l):mul Irving: gold nIvlu|Hnl, . lir I! It llml-m nuul Mr,-. Ila: A.E.SMITII IA` Mitt Mrn, Nuvllln :-h1n:Iuv n.I. Hr\|\u\\'u THORNTON A 1...) ..J:.1\: vv 5; nyuuwwnpwu .'%-hurn(-rs loss heat control lrnl, surface P\`nsmn, .\-\l1'll) PEANl"l`.\ '\(*[]~`\v|\ as shown $129.50 Z-burm-rs I038 In-at control f%%gxg%';1;;;VwL;1gis%s.oo FURNITURE - STOVES -- PAINT 129 Dunlop St. : BARBIE : Pk 3129 .60 "79.00 E. invites you in SEE tI1oNEW I9/10 . . . A. E. SMITH Mnnltnlm. tnulmlmvn, 1 u-`.u.I.` -an I I Junmvmm with MI G U R N E Y III I}l"'I`I? l`oanu`;\|rd nun`:-noun - I D IIDDOOCCO IIOIOOUICIOIGII DCDOOIOIOOIICOOOOIOIOCOOIOOOI COIII AUCTION SALE 1 147 Dunlap St. SATURDI{_,_ JUNE 8 l.n<:ludu in Hm largo c1:`s:;m |.lm:IIl ul quuds to he :i()l(`i (no new (.:(mg()lr:mn mqzs and mnnncxnhs, bmwn stool b0d::,Jin1nr; mom, lmrlroon'1 und l lurnilum of nvory kind. Tlnnk oi :;umm<:r (:ull<.u;<: m:(:d:s NOW. A. l'2. .`s`Ml'l'll |"urnIluu- In-ulc-r OF GOOD USED FURNITURE AND FLOOR COVERINOS TRADE - IN STORE Appearance, performance, reputation and the price of the new Gurney elec- tric ranges rank them as tops in the field. Gleaming acid resisting porce- lain. and modern design will make you proud to own one. Long lasting ele- ment, fast and controlled heat and general efficiency will make you glad to own one. The reputation of 100 yrs. of applied experience plus the price which will pay dividends alter many years will add to your satisfaction in owning one. MANUFACTURER S I `SPECIAL OFFIJR With 11w 1:In'r'|1u.\r- 0! nn;.'(9wn1j.' I. flrmx`. jam: xx:-L without I-xtm r-h,ua.'.I pi:-cw wt of hvuvy duty ll`:IHIh'iH. 111113 .11` E LE(7'l`R I (3 R A N G E S /11' 'l`HliZ Eiiiica i ROLLS-lb. r 1.30 'P.M. (In \ t krltlr. (II -\II with Hal I Iunn tllwigllrd rim-Irir cnukhuz. Tlulmlny. Jum G. 1010 I --_..._.-....__....--: u) A slmighl - sidrd `uI|H`O'p.Hl (about 3 Imprrial pints). u) :\ Irrp ((H(`l(`(| hnka-n Inn with "l`)n-\" lid llml may |u- Kurt inc- 'f>hone 535 us:-I RED ROSE COFFEE 1/2 lb. 25c no.-mu Lu:-. ulnrly $11.1 twu-ulmlt tta nkinu Wart` sh:-:~;tns pad mnv pl;m.~d uv value of nr!.nn.-nt. is ..u 1.4- but - for I'M V L ROAST-lb. .\.~'.\nRTI'l) ('A.\`|)\' BEEF IIIQEWS u| Ilruulu In lI\'IIll' nu nun mugh. o.~Mrs. C. McNivL-n and Mrs. F. Bubh Qere vishors in Toronto at the weekend. -` Mrs. 1. C1(`ll`lln('l)S visitor! WILH her Qnrenls in Ningm`a-on-the-I.zukc lust wee-kt-nd. . Mr. and Mrs. Wnlkor W('bb are huving an zcddiljnnal. mudvrn apart- ghent. filtucl up above the store. LMr. and Mrs. Borl Honey and !ami1y_ 'I`m'nnln. vvortr wm-kt-nd vis- Ivm-a \uiH\ Mr and Mrs Ii`. Dnhsnn. HU.\`l.l I'..\.\ lN|I.I.lfl) i;bLoc~A :t:;::r*2 '::.:- 25:.- l.`ll(|I'|'l'.lD \'IK(I.\'I:\ ll.=\.\l. sliced .` . MUFK (`IIIFKEV l.(l;\I. slirvd JE|.l.ll-'.I) Vll.-\l. l.():\F. sliced . JI-iI.l.||ll| ('U()KEl) lI()('K .\| \('.-\I{U\I VIIIIESF. l.()A|-'. sliced i M \I'l.II l.|-' \I FUUKIZI) ll.-\.\l. sliced 3 b`J!lChl`.\ 1C ` ASPARAGUS 3 % 5 bunch SEE THE GIAQNT BAG 0}` iXXXX QUAKER FLOUR IN OUR WINDOW GUESS THE WEIGHT AND WIN IT DOM|N|Q__l_N_[_ STORES LETTUCE I-'n-sh l.!.\F I- Page Sixteen ABOUT ALLANDALE 'l`l{l"(`l(S . \ (`huive : 23 \ BLADE 18 3, , RuAs'rs_. . lb '3 lbs. 2 lbs. uku- pkg. we , 6 mmlly. 'I'orrmln. W(`(.`Kl`ll vin- _I3nl's with Mr. and Mrs. 14`. Dnbsnn. a. Hugh ("-m'si(lL- and mm .Tm:kio of lrlulrmxd. Miuh.. spout n fvw days with tho fnrmr-r's nnrt-nts. on Sump- inn St. v GM, your N.=ul.uro1lc permzmvnl now. $2.95 up: t-nds curled $150 up: Elsa n1m'him~lI-ss W2I\ (`. Bossit` penrn, 286W. `- l-`.rit- Hardy nf 'l`ornnln Univc-rsit_v [9 l'(`(`Vin}.Z ml the lncnl hrnnt-h nf `l(` Bank nf '1`m-nntn for Alex. Gr.'ny who is on vm.-nlinn. : Rev. W. A. E. Don is in Owvn Sound this week attending the con- foronro of the United Church hold" m Knnx church there. Alvin "Buck" Jones and sister. Miss Vinlot Jones. at` Owen Sound. and :1 friend from Detroit. wero vis- ilnrs on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frunk Rayner. ` nnn wilmn, littlo son of Mr. and Frunk Rayner. ' Don Wilson. little Mrs. C. Wilson. ls doing nlcoly now nl` em (.~mm'goncy appendicitis op- orntinn over two weeks ago 11! the RV. Hnspilu1_ Mr nnd Mrs. E. Mel-`addon woro H.V. rlnspluu. Mr. nnd Mrs. hosts to a few friends all their cul- mgo "Chummy Villa". Minovs Point. on Saturday vvening nn the occu- sion of their ninolomnh wodding un- nivorsnry. Mu-u Mmvlmmhlin wns rnllod In nuversnry. Mrs. Mzuzlmmhlin was called Cult-don Ens! owing to the death of hot` mother. Mrs. John Hisoy. 'l`h(~ funeral will be held nn '1hursdu,\" with interment in Barrie Union Comotcwy. 'l"hn nnnnnl uxytnnrlilinn uf tho Rm`- Comotvry. The annual expedition of the rm-Allandnlc fishing club prtwvd highly .~;u('t-oxsful on June 2. with u finn mm-h nf ni(!k(`l'(`I and niko.` at IIHIll_\ fine ( Pm`! t Nu .~u-ram-|u~.~'. no worn or torn npholslvr_\' . . , when you buy u uswd var here it looks right and is Rl(ill'l`! '0 arr offpr- Ing vxm-pliomnl vnlm-s right Milli`. IVORY SOAP ...... .. bar 7c LANG! -I IVORY SOAP .. 2 for 19c mmI.\`n S0.-\[` FIAKES 5 lbs. 37(` l>`(`().\'().\IlI-I S0.-ll` FLAKES pkg. 350 1938 (`flu-v. (fozwh 1938 Plymouth (`ouch 1937 Clu-vrnlt-.t Cabriolet 1937 l.uSa|lc Sedan 1935 (lhovrnlot Sodzm [935 Oldsnmhilv Svdan I934 lluick Sedan 1934 Oldsmohilc-, St-dun [934 Ford Smlnn I932 ltm-kno St-(lull 1932 Ford S4-dan 1931 Oldslnohilv (Tub. - an (`OOKING III!` C l lI\1l\I.V\I FIGS .......... .. 21 MEATY l`Rl'Nl-1S .......... .. 2 .-\\'l..\'H~ZR TOMATO JUICE '1 I u \vnn.- Ix.- 20-oz. RASQFHfH (`DRN 1l_\' s1I('(`0xslul June 4. Wm: I catch of pickorel pike 1 Severn. They urn not supersti- V W =- __.\`/NEN WORM5 ARE SCAQCE ST- WISE CHICKENS SCRATCH HARDE ST/._. EPineapp|es '2 for 35 16 FKESII (`hoice I930 (`In-vrolot. (`-oupo I930 llootu ('-mun` 1929 l`m'd ltmulstrr \lJ . 3 (ins 25c 3 tins 25 . 2 lbs. 23` . lbs. 15 . 351' . 350 . 350 . 191' . 25(- . 554: Lo Eoduoto From Toronto Wostorn Ono Got: Your : Study Fort_v-twn nurses _ grnduatod. "1`m~.~'dn_v anrnnnn nl Cm\\'m`aHnn - Hnll, Univorsll.y uf Tnmntn. in N10 nnnunl vxq-rcl.~:r-s nf 'I\wm\to Wm- vrn Husplml School for Nurses_ :1! which Dr. R. C. Wnllnco. principal and vict--chnnoollnr of Queen's Un- iverslty_ Kingston. was ihe ohh-t speaker. Tho m-ndunlon Included: Miss E. The m'ndunlo.=I Knthloen Hnw. daughter M William (7. Hnw_ Barrio; Mix: Vern May Hvdl`m'd. Gilfnrd; Miss Mildrod F1-rgusnn. Shroud. Miss Redford l`(`(?t`i\'(`d ihv prizes by Mrs. Alex. Fnskmi for lwdsiciv mn'.~:ing. nnd Miss l-`omux.-mu llm prize by and s:ynnomlu- ` gicnl stuff, st-mnd general prnfi-` ('i(`n('_v. Miss M. E. l`N\I'l Sliver, Sil'I_\ lh`l`. an ;.:\`nduMc~ of 1932. was awarded the llnntrivo l.. Ellis S('lmlzu~.s-hip. ' given by the` Alumnae Assm-inlinn. fur n yNn"s pus! grndunlo . ---_ Bibby us skipper. Sgt, Arnold nnd Mrs. Wnlsh nf Windsor xvoro work:-nd ViSilul'S with Mr. and Mrs. R. Boar und Wf`l`(` n(-vnnxpmxicd My 21 vnumlwr nf num- mms with their wives making up n nurly nf fiftoon. The men are all nwmbors of the I~`.ssr~x Scottish. n.. ur...4..m.4m: Mnv '2'). at tho - lions as thirtomm mtmxdvd wilh Bull nlmw nu ckinnm-. 1938 (In-\'ro|t't Stake [934 (`lw\'. Pickup 'l`ru('k 1931 (`h(-\'. Dump Truck 1929 Rugby Truck 1928 (`hovrolot Pick-up Imus as lIlll`l.('un 4 skipper. Km Arnold nr nwmbors of the rzssrx .`i(`OHlSn. ` On Wvdnc-sduy, May 22. at tho ropzulnr mvoling of me` (`dud (`hub of SI. (`mnr5:"s Anglican Church. III the` hull. monwlwrs (\.X|\l'(`S.\`(`d l`(`|.!l't`l M! the dc-p:u`mro of nno of llwir num- her to Make up rc\.~:idem:v in Granv- vnhursl and Mrs. Glen Roll. on their h(`h:l1f. prosonlnd Mrs. Hnzon Edgy` with am umbrella. Mr. Edge` has lmon transferred in the northern dislrim with the Cnpncn and lmy moved "to Grnvonhurst lwn wooks :u:n_ All nnntlnmpn "I-`.\'m'y soldier. so fnr, In visilim: llw Allnndnlo Y.M.C.A.. has pmvcn himself :1 _L:mxt1om:uI1". is the lll\.\`0I- icilc-d toslimnnlal nf nno of the . nwm`bm's of the hmlsx` cnmmlllot-. llnnd (frushetl In Wrlpger Mrs. E, Klghuey. unfnrtunnloly. had ha-r left hand caught in ma` ol- vctrw xvrimzor on Mundny morning but by quickly hitting the rblousv Ihv I'(`sl of the arm wus.uninjnr-d thmuzh (hv hzmd was badly vruslwd ` mud out A 'l`-Iniul-pl `7Iul.n' 1: Miss Wilmn Sulnlmsnigh of Trini- dad. scholarship student. at Victoria v -n-vu- C`oI1z`;.'1`. is 21 guest at Burton Aw`. . |m1'. and last Sunday mm'nin;.', vxtondod grvotings from 'I`rinidnd tn hn Rundnv crhnnl erhnl:-are with t`.`(l(`tt(1(`(`l L't`t`(`l|t1[:S rrnm iriniann to tho Sunday schnnl schnl:-irs with tlw wish for u better understanding ~- .-ind friendship bi.-tween the colonies. Local Pluy Well Received Tin` young people of Burton Aw`. `United Church have completed an itinorziry of lhl`l"(` pt`l`f0t'_n`Ii1nC(`.\` tit their fine play "Keeping Up Ap- ;wnraii(~(~.~"' and met with .1 fiiw ro- coptinn in each case. On Wodnosday. l\`lny '23. at. Angus United Church: on \\'('dm`sda_\'. May 30. at Edenvalv United Church. and cm Friday night. at Utopia United Church. Eleven Yours in South America Phillip Newman. on vacation from Bzirraiiu Bormejzi. Colombia. Smith America. is. this week. attending .1 convc-ntinn of the Tropical Oil Co. in Oklahoma. and is accompniiiod hy his wife. formerly a resident of Port Huron. RT nknnt II` Klnunwso.-< L-\.~ nv\A-1` 1 l I lH"X nurun. Mr. Newman has spent. about It _\-mrs with the company in that part at the snuthorn continent and was back in Canada over two 5'ears_.ug0, on his last holiday, He is` ab shn inf Mrs. M. Nwmah. Marcus St.. at- ` tended school here. also the 8.01. i and tater. Queen`: University. Miners Point This year a number or tenants hail from Camp Borden and are on- jnying the June sunshine at tho ro- .\`l\l`l_ On Friday afternoon a party of young American cousins enjoyed a wit-nor roast on the beach, The group. seventeen in all. was made up of the graduating class of Fair- View Agricultural High School in ` I-`uirview. Mich.. and they have tra- velled by chartered coach from there. via Windsor. with Callander as one particular point. of interest and will return home by Sault. Ste. Marie and Mackinaw City. They have defrayed their own expenses at` cabins. etc. by raising funds through their dramatic club presen- tations and other efforts. Francis Pettit and Miss Pauline Beaver were urn ml tho tour-kn:-c `nu-nnlv rncnnn. l`('IXH EHIU KVHSS FHUIIHE Dt"d\'{'Y VVCXU twn of the teachers largely respon- sihlc for arrangements for the trip. The entire party made a very fav- urahln imnr9: unnn fhn (`H1139- IHL` ( l'HH'( party H1809 El \'Cl'_\' lEI\'- urablc impression upon the cottag- Pr:~' by their courtesy, TA I Mrs P. A. Coughlin is visiting . `st Louis. Me. Mr and Mr: F` A (`.riIW'icrnn av r,{,s.c.soAp 553;; . . 25 H` 1| Mrs` Geo. Elrick and family left to take up residence in St. 'I`hom- as. whens Mr. Elrick is emp10yed with the I>{.E.P.C. Mr: John Hlhnlnn Va nnnnvor ix . an Lnuxs. Mn. 5 Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Oorrxgan and! F`ra.n<`vs spent Saturday In Toron- to me guest ox ner nronner-m-Lmv arm: sxstrr. Mr. and Mrs. John Mu1ru_\'. Rev. Gerald Loftus, Woman. is spendmiz a few days with his par- onts. Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Uiflua.` it hung the annivexsaa-y of his or- (i'um.uon one w-.n.r am). (allLi.UOll OH? _V'C&|' 320. Dr. Oorcoran. M.O.H.. made his `avond `trip to the school children (0 give toxVo1<'L Resuhs are qulbe ; suttslactory and children are not cunxplamlxug 0! sure arms. All gardeners are very busy Lhcxw fa-w {me days getting Ln seeds and plancs for flowers. vegetables. ctr. The season is lame. due to cold `xxeauxer and henvy nuns. but if 1- (hr lanrns tu-w zuw indlontjnn nf Mrs. John Whalen. Vancouver. is UL (H6 l he mwsf. nf ha-r hi-nr.ho=Q--in-lmr nnl L A Trinidad Visitor . . A @3351-?5TN All Gentleman womc. I New 1'ool`lmx' has In-4-n` put on um shell gmwuxo opnruloxl by D. 11. M-- Fuddc-n. I F`r.n.nm\~: Slvrnlj. mud (`.nv1'.\iun Mur- l 1"unm'n. 1 Y`rn.n0(\~a Sprom. mid Mur Mn, 'I\mmln, vlsluul friends in lnwu nu Sunday. ML nm,l,v nukma Nc--.nnm'k<-L. In LARGE OX YDOL Mrs. 4 friends .4 Cla m frlm1d.s monk sunrmy. Miss netl,_v nk:-r. Nc--.nmu'k<-L. \'xslt.)ng' at. tho Jmmo of her pm-- vuls in lnwn. | Mrs (`.hm-I-\-: Flvnn lnfl. cm Wnrl-| (`INN Ill Mrs. m-sdu_v, In SL. 1`l\.\ Mummy o\'\`n1n.\:`. Junv 3. A A lnvllng of t.|u- Wnxt. (}w1l1i`m- bury Council was hold on Su.l.m'- dny nft.m'u-mn In tho 'l`u\\'n mm. \l'I- nnrl KAI-s: Ilnu-nwl Ii`|t:I\.\I- 'T\|. any nn.~ru-mn In Lnv 'uvwn mun. Mr. and M.r.~:. llm'fur(l M.-;l\o1`. TM- mmn, \'|.~`.llx`d with tho,o1".~' par `ut.s, Mr. und Mrs. R. J. M('}\fI`(` F`1'h`uds or Mrs. M. Goodwin. wnu has `lxwn `oI\flxw(i to hot` home by. 11111055 for sonw HIIK`. will be ulnd to know that she: was able in [M- hmluzhl. out. to tho vonmd-ah 01' her house` on Sunday. Mrs A H ,Kldd who hns hnvnn Mrs. Ulm.l'h`S l`l_\ l\I\ l(`ll. on WN|- Junv 5, In .~zp-nd 1|. Cm.hzu'|m~s. Th!` Orldfolluws holrl l,h:\lr rmz1|~ lnr lm*<-lam: in mm lnxigv !Iul1,uu Monday t`\'\`n1n.\:`.` Juno 3. A ln-Mlmr of mm W~.~`.l. (}\('1l1hn- nous.` .~mnau_\'. I Mrs. A. H Kidd. who hns lxvn mnnncd to tyho lmuso by ill h for s`v<\m.l nnonrtyhs. was able to leave her home for t.h- first tlnw sh\('- Luklmr H]. on Sunday. Slu- \'isl1nd h'io:nds in Mllstml. ' In- -I_. n .. _.: 1:-nn....._ umuuu uuzuun Ill I\uIn|-UH. I llcr's :1 Good Mllker A Holstcln cow lxslomzlug to John Farts recently ])l`0d1l(`.('d ninety-six pounds of milk in one day. I Essa Council at Camp Bordmn On Mnmlny. Jun(- 3. mmnlx-rs. of tho Emu Council vvoro m\tn`rl.n.lm.~ by tho t-N>0}\'~`. M. Crunp Bordon. . .l. l"u,rl.\I Succnt-L-4 Mrs. B. l"islu-rl . I n u 'I"u-using: J. l'lll'IN BIIK`-(`1I`IlS lVl.l`.|. I). I` lSIlI'I' | as Trustcq-. I At. a Inoeung of the School mm-d held last. Samrday morning. John Fnrls was chosen as trustc in place or Mrs. B. Fisher. who had wesign-g (`|`., (G. Young l'eoplo`s Meeting ` I The rt-gulxmr 1m'<.'t.lmr of thvl Young People's Socloty was hold in, First mm l"- rcsbytm`lan Clmrcl1 my Thursday ovenlug. May 30. On complotdon of the business. Ml11'lcl McAfec. Convener. prcscnmd a very enjoyable pvogruxnmvo. This began vrlt.h a duel. the Romsslomtl. which was sung exceedingly well by Joan Allison and Ruby Taszgmm. Helen McMlllan and Mrs. W. 'I`ro1.t;or mm! the Scrlpture. Basal on the text. Ramder unlo r.u\'1' OXYDUL