I -r Large Deer Swims to Death at Alanna liench While Mr. Ft,-nnn nl' F}m'ric-Allau- (lulu (luiry wur making :1 delivery at. the Ccclur l`Izn'bour store, Sun- (luy murning, he uml lhc clerk then: ' wl'l'5 .~.ur|n'i.-c-(I In 521- n |:u'].:c dm.-I" ::wimmin[:' nm'thw:u`d in th(- lukx-. Au-uurnpunivrl by Mr. Drmn~lly.. ('lIl'4'[:'Il .(`l' 1:!` [hr lnni:l`iI p.'Il'k. llu-y: ru.~:hurl nut. ull 1.hu- ('2:,v(-rmm-ui (luck. 'I`|n,- unirnznl was [hon nlmul` nm)n.`.ito lhvm. ::|u.nl. I50 yzu'(l.~: nu!.: 'l'm_v wt-l`v quite surprim-(I, |mw- CV01`, tn >7l'I" it l'ull.vr in ilsfiI.~:L:;win1- ming. ll.-. In-ml ::mk gmrtly lurlnw lhv wxnwr. H,-: .ll'll1',(.',ll!.\: ;-,r:uJu:4ll_v (-4-zmlcl uud it nluwly milk bum-ulh l|n,- s:urI'm.--. .Iu.~:l. Whl'l'\' i1 L'iInI(' frnnn is n m_y>Im'_v. A rmzlll (In;-; wzu: h('iIl'(| be-hind it. cm .<|mI`t-, . l':xumIm~r Clmmlfimls fur rnmts ' ' V V " T n;,.,; BARBIE J I une 7-8-9 to CHICAGO $13.10 plus exchange` _._.._...__ - . ---uno-\;u-u A INNISFIL NOTES I`I2uD I`. Q`: `;u:uH_\' L-\\' fan` ..... nu-I as |n (`.-umdu and the l`.S. Regular nml H0. lulr f.u-nuruy she. 10: . . ROUND TRIP TRAVEL BARGAINS Buhbh- .lnhn.~rl.'m hm! m- u .A'Vt`l`l`ly Injur4- u I the .~.-3.-(l drill. to rvwn-I, Iluu. Itlnluml rm-uvz,-1'lIn: u.l'l4-I` 1|. .*`4"V 9 7-8-9 CHICAGO $13.10 plus excha JUNE 7-8 1 WINDSOR 32 Dmsvtr 55-4 Vlhll Ila I`? I (By R. G. S.) CANADIAN NATIONAL 17:} \ \ FERGUSONVALE /I .;|)(-nl. Mr. all udgucmxl C.N.R. Slutmns. Fur trun nng. sec h:llldbiHS or consult Agvnls, thr- mu] WEE/Is `F0R_ -; c-u-an In {To MAILATAX Noncrzsi By R.G.S.) Al in special meeting. the cuum-il of lnnisfil 'l`nwn.s'hip dvt-irh-(1 that the lf)lISlll('S.\` uf yn-dcllinpz milk b(- Lzrunlt-(l In (luirh-5 which hzuvo pa-irl, and (-rmtinuv In pay. Milk Hu:Il`(l prices fur whole milk ]"lll'(`h(IS(,'(] Ill Innisfil; that tho licvn.~`.o- l.\(- L-_r:mu-(l lu lhnsv (lznirius zxmm-i|'ng In pur- 1:lm.~u- an equal umuunl of whum milk in Inm',~:fil In what l.hL-y distru- bulv or pa-ddlv in lhv luwnship; lhlli Ul('S(: dalric.~'. (in nu! employ uul.~: rlc- lzllmul`. ul.lu-I` [him their uwn .~`.l.Al`. in pvcldlu. di:~:lril.)uh- ur rmlirril bus- inv.~`..s` in Inni.s`fil. 'I`hi.~; l'|`5.{|llIl(`S lhv vznrluus duiriu->; in lnnisfil who 50 milk In the ro- lnil l.r:n(h,-. l`h1- Hrvzn In l)(- (-uvvrml hy ouch (lniry is lull In lln- (lmriu-s tn fIHl'I'l` (In [Must BuyW\X/Ilagle Milk 3 Twp, Equal to What i They Sell 'l'u Mini] '|':IX NuliL'('S 'l'h(~ Ch-rk has in-e-n insII'uclc.-d tn nr~p::rx- u by-law In 1-nublv the tux bills In bv muilml (lil`l*('l tn lnxpz-y~ (-r.` in fnlurn-, ' hr :lll(lilul'>`. Hunggt-st in their ro- ... al\..u 'l\||L'A; .-line Inn nnniln-{I Mil`- 'lm- illl(lllU1>. : purl lhul lhl'.H'(* : 1-0! In nwm-rs. ( l'(`l. Ill llWl\l`l resident in thu- I 'l'lu- sum.-:u:2rr\:.. uuu}_;. II:. III`. H . is m_y.~I I (`(`I 'l`lu- Ill(lil1)I`S ulsn again l'(r(-um- xm-n(l`lhnl tho purk czm-lake-r be |;n'nvidv(l with |)l`n])t'l` (l1lp|i('.'|l(' [HlIllll)L`l`(`ll l'l`(`t'i])l lmnks and that :m lm-vu|';11v l't'Uul`(I ml` lht,-so n-(2:-ipls bu lu-p`. wlwn 1r:n:sl'(-|'ru-d in (h(- |uWl1~ N~:lnp'.\':|('(~>11n1. ... . ... ..,,\`, 'l`ruvk ()k:n_y(-(l by D1-pl. 'l`h<- ])lIl'(.`ll(Jh'(' uf truck nncl equip- lYI('lll fur Sillnt.` has been uppruvud 'hy lhv l`)(-pl. of Highways. A suvbsicly nf 5(l'7l In bu ulluwod cm the equip- munl only; an [hr ()p(.`I`:ILll)H of truck \h:- .~4uh.~:i(l_v will b- on 2: basis uf 7|) m-his pvr hour up:-ruling vuslx Iml ll|(`lll(lill[,.{ labour which is ulsu .-mbsiclizt-(I. 'l`ho truck is now in SI'I'- viw ::l'l-r lmving ll be rm-lurm- Ln have hlndv l'l'~:ILljLlSl(`(l. . lly-l.uw Passed Rv Tux Cull1.*('luI' (Tlnx'k-'[`rez1suI't~r G. C. Allan was .'Ip|mlnt|'(l tux mllvctnw. lng0ll)t.~l' with l`m'n1er duties. with :1 lutul sul- ..r mnun mm.-h invludus: .~::nl:n'y (lulu-5. Will ! iuuu sni- :n'_v of $1020 which includes .~::ul:iry uf misislziiii. Wilfred Stewart was up- pniiih-cl lI.S('S.\`l)i`, Ln l'(`(`t'iV(` $580 in ciudinp, pmzlugc-. l`hi.~: is Sl)l11DWhiI1- (liNt'i't'lll frmti lhc I'n'im-1' ;ii'i'2inL:v- nicm. as this official Inst _vc:iI' got $000 -fur dual .\`t'l`ViCl'S as :ISSt`.\`.\`nX und in): cullccIni', Owing In v:u'iuu.~: alluwiuicc-sl niudc tn ihc ilS.\'(`SSlll'. he had rc- cc-ivcd 1| snlury up in $900 lust _V('lll` 'l`hL` iiiidilurs cullcd nilt-iiiiuii In 1h(-.~u- IiUW:li\C(`S in u |.H'l?I1ll I(`HUl' in council and siiggi-six-cl n by-I:iw in cover i>::iIm- (`ll(`(' (hr ;ibn\u- ur- Inn. I-lulklay visitors hero inclnaud. Min}: Edith l`1'u(',\'. 'I`urmn;. at. hm` hunnr . . Ml.~`>`vs Anne und Muriw` C1mpp:~1, 'I`u1'()x1u), with Mrs. H. Chuppcl. . . Miss Bc~rm(-4- Young`. * l`urcntn. 111. J. Young's. . . Mix" '|Ethc1 Julmsvon, Wyebridgt-. at 1. ']Johnsmn's. . Winston Knupp. Gull. ,:'.n Gun. Knnpp's. . Mrs. Gum. Bout.- `lv. Mi.~.~; J<-umn- Bo:n.L\' und A. `York. '1`uronm. an, R W. Mug'uirc"s. 'l`hrn- \'.l'.U.'s Old Julnt 3 : More-ting I 'I`ln- clusim: nm-ting of Lim- `iYunng Pmplws Unions. Ed0n\'u,l(- M1m`sing' und Midhnrsl. wu.s held `um um mwnslxin hull at Midhurst ` "Ki1iIi:S'SET | BY INNISFIL TP.| . G::r(lun Caunplwll was in 'I\)mnln und Oslmwu for tho west-keml. 3 mu: n.nd Mrs. F`. W. Muddn-n for mo west-Keml. Rvv. and Mrs. nnd numly uud Mm Rum Sukk- \vuud. '1'oronm. spvnl. the hnl1du._\' :11 Murklmm. l Rzullo Ham-nur.*: Wl`l`l` nluusvd ta: Qm-u.x' Ewart. M-.u.ld-n's b1u'uum- vuiw Wm l.lm-4- munbvr.-'. on the CFRB luudlt/nuns prngmxn 'I`ln|1'.~ul:|.,\' vven-- 11111:. I-mlmnv visitors mcluaud M1ll(`Slllg' ||ll(l lVll(lHU`I`.\'l. W|L% HUIU `H1 thv mxnulxip -.\1undu_\' <-vc-nun: A play puny wus put on by Iv-.m Ba-zmn St.u_vnm'. vn-ummx cunvum.-1' of tho Px`csby-, -.<\~u hv Fwd Sh*\\`I\:`n)n.I I'lU [XIV Ill 3| l||.lill'| hul{~pnm of oil" And shall I breathe sumv mr J lX\.; HI .I|| }.xu\u 4 ......~ an-`)" Mr. und Mrs. l`%:u'nlmrdl. spa-nl SunLlu._v with their sun In Om. Miss 15-my Brut-k zmd` 1*`. Arcner .~:p4-nt. thn hulltlny with Mrs. C. 'l`hurluu. I.ltLl(: Uw n1lsI'u1'Lum- up H11- 110-! in (iluxl lili- riuk is rm-nvz.-rim; .~'r~v4-vv kirk frmn n. l1m':u-. Mire 'l'nnu Vlnv-.'h<.ull :IH~lII. HI!- I!\I\I'. II Hnw much pc-lru "Let me svv 1 an -1 `.1 nun In -| Il| H` ilHS(`SSm(*ll1 I(.'l Isr~(:1mn mu ; fur tho :~:li|)5 tu Lw rrmilc-(I In - rm-sid:-nls anyway. so in ful1n'1- ux zu.-(~-mrnts will hv mnilr-d (1ir~ on mnvum.-r 01 Lllt` rn.-suy-~ 1l.\s'L\`[v(l by Frud S.tv\\-nson. Pl`, Pr<\sbyu*ry p\1bIlc:u.mx\s nu-r A wry vnjuyublc oven- :1 saunas and "oxlu-st.\ was A lunch was .wrve nt tho MINESING _ : ~ .~:li]ns bu mail:-(I dir~ , c-spun-iznlly lhnsv nut - luwmahip. uni m-I 1v 107! u px |I\vI. on: . m` am Hut gum; In! x quart of pelrnl and nil .` 1`. AS Y ! nu. 1sr~(:1im1 I... nnuil:-1| In THEE BARBIE EXAM_uNER. ?.A.Ys`i'n'-I, 0N?.. \".}T.`AT.-r`. Kl(`K Il'()lll unrs. Mrs, I'mn Mul`.Hh`.|H W(`('kl Il(l with hn-r p:m-nts;, Mm. (Ea-u. Mulr. RlHs:\`|-r Au'nn_< null .1 .I,. u Fifi:-.1 ....-.... Mrn. (H-u. Mulr. ` NH.`i.*?l'.*: /\p;m'.' um! .lunn|<- HA:-11- urd.;m1. Humllmn. rap:-nl. Llw nnmmy v.ilh Ml . nml Mr.-.. W4-rl H.ll'h.U`h- uni mun. I~:d(lh- ()'N-lll Inns N-Lurm-(I ulnar ll Lrlp In Llw (,' l-[ls unvlu-. Hurry (`)'N-Ill, ruI.urm~ lmmo with him. Thundsy. May 30. I940 (LIN l ll.l..` help in Hush away toxic \.|:et-:4. lumgiug n-lix-f hum l>.u-kucllc auul min-ulualir l\\in;;-:6. In the United ` 5(.uc5 ask for l linn Pills". LiIjLifi(i`nuvs*i1