*3 hf an puny, (:pvl`:llm`,\' of the largest as- lwosltxs mine in HM? world at Asbes- lns, I .Q. lhv nr-w h()()k1(`1,, which 5.. "Mg". i.u.l.. .34..-3.:-1.! v\h\rl ill... IIK/'hlVl.\ lIIllI(f III I.lll,' VVIJI Ill III. IX-`Ul`.`,' .Q., is n1ll':1(!liv4-ly d(.`Si[,'H(`(I and illus- `trzxlvd, is being widely dislributozl In lhv Cmmdinn public. /` HAND M-/ANGILEI) COLLING-`WOOD~-His left hand iorribly mangled when it became vnl::n;.:lL-d in the mnchinery'o{ n ` _,,.,.__-_ */1ST FALL an lndrpontlrnl I1-M`urt`lI organi- zminn naked over I400 molorials frmn Flnritla to Canada to lost Nu-Blur. Slnmro agnim-at 1-xlrn-priced gm-nlinc-H. These motorists vol:-cl 9 In I that Nu-lllue Sunm-n equalled or excelled the extra-pricml gasoline: in rmul pcrformnnm-.. `V `!(.].S"I. 5, I IIPJV 8lll'\'(`y W89 ldt` llllltlllg farmer premium gasoline msrrs Ivy nnullwr imIvpc-u- dent and unbint-M-(I rc.-at-nrrh nutlmritv. .-Ht:-r noting the pt-rtnrmnm'c of NI?-HLUE SUNUGIU in tlu-ir ('lll'H--- tlwse motoristsvwho formerly use-tl t-xtru-prim-cl gunn- lim-s voted by a big majority that NIT-BI.l7l'I Sl'.\(I(I() gives them what they want most in a gasolim-. For bu! rnuln nu Nu-lluo Sunoco full snongfh. Don ! Juan M with other gasollnps. stool lathe in thv Cullnuzwnud ship- yards. Allan I`urm-r. Ht. m:achinist's apprentice, wzns x'u::h-d ln Genurzul & Murine Iluspitm. 'l`h:- hm-nvy much- ` inc tort.` the skin [mm the wrist to the kmlcklcs and m`11.sl1o(i the bones in his hand and fingers. It is feared that the young wnrkmmx may lose the thumb and three fingr-rs, Whtm hnils start. in In-r-uk out on Liift-.r-,nl. parts of the body it in an ovitlnnisn that. the blood is loaded up with i`mpuri!.i('s4. -L0,; ...\..... ...... 41.31.]: vnn urn x] .1 Is your subscription paid? Thursday. May 2, 194:0 -g lllwlvu nun lnu.u..h J"... ...... ._,. All the lznu-inL: um`! poultit-inp; you may do will nnl. stay more (-mning. 1171... ....o Him. Hm! l\`|l rt-1.1111110. may (lu \VllI mu. hurl: .m..., ..... ..,__. Why nut. givn Hunt, 01:1, rt-Ii:).luIn, blond p|1rif_ving rm-1i<'inv ]ur:lm'k Blood I iH.ur:u :L t-luuu-u to lmnish the boils ! 'I`Imu.*'.:mIs h.'L\'v llswd it for this purpusn during the past. 00 _w-.:Lrs. m..1,.. 1211 n m.1 m-9 rH nf Hm land `lilll Iillrimru: uuuu._-_ mu I-urn: \rIv _v...-..-. Tnkv ].I ..B. and pjvl. rizl of the land `h100d nntl tho lmils mo. % Painful Boils ?Bad Blood the cause G:-E Aulomatic Iron $8.95 Others fiom $3.50 34 1)u.\'1.m- my H: m39 l`3INSON HARDWARE `L. A. EMMS m. I'H(\?\'l4' \.u-I. \.u:uucn (5 models from $34.50 WUNG FLIER fIS KILLED IN PLANE CRASH G--E Rehigermors > 10 mndclx ham S189 '-(+:A`.'V`l'i"K.l?`vV|AN }3u"tnA"1 eL{iT :...~. I"im.- Hu(.'k(`_V Caroor L Ol'l'i(:t-r Day was bu ..r r*-...4-.i.\ -G-E Clean 1 R-\ At Low Altitude _ ._.u_....:a:A.. ....4 mmn: L-. n. , F. Bnullon. Ivlclvnr, 1.. ` Bulduc and` ll:-r:-`.~ an real lwallh .<:1\'(`r for 1-\'vr.\' w:1.~|ula_\' of the year. -\ (Q-I". \Vu.~lu`1' plus an 1-nd to lhr drag and drudgery of \\u.~'lI(l1l_\' that a;_'v.-` any wmnan. l'ul. zm (`ml too In the cxpcllsc of ulnlsiclc help. ()0 ".1 month in currrnt cost will wash llle l'anni|_v clutlws. Conn` in. \V(- ill lw _:.l'.ul In Show you lluw the lllI`(`(' 1-lozming znlws wash llIUl`0llglll_\'. quiclsly and )1`! an tI_{(`llll_\'. Lvl us d(`nl0ll.~`ll'ff` the nmny olhrr (I-E uppIiluI('o.~` that makv l|0ll.*i(`h(Ild (mks sn much lighter. Ea.~`_\' Budgcl Trrms. (Co7I.Li'n.I(,t'rI, frmn Pug`/1' One) gfficers of R.C.A.F. Station: G. McKcnn2l. R. I". Brown, Bnullt J. Vinr'(-nt. 15".. H. James. .T. ML'G1'(`),`_n1'. R. 22 E. D. Armour. f As the czuslml vvus lifted tn I train. the guurcl nf hnnuur [)l`('.\'(`l bd arms and two t.1'un1p(-lcrr. pln mu I,',uuQ nnco" ` I \'lI\Iu| vv uuu |I;I4gIn\.IA1r.v James H; R. Cromwell. "United [States minister to Canada. resigned his. post April 22`nt tvhb request of `Cm-doll Hull. U.S. secretary of state. j'I`h<- resignation._.cffcctivc iu`.Mny. iwns necessary; because nf .Cmm- wt-11's (:m1did:I'cy for n sennfmship in Nr-w .J.orscy..}Ic is shnwn-here as ho :mpo.':rc~r1_dn :: recnt visit to |.In<:k. Minvs bird sanctuary at I Kin;.',sv_i11u. 1 ` . in few short years ho amassed a fine ,rvcm'cl as an nmntriur 'hnckc_v play- `imz He was with St. Patrick's Cui- nlvgv in-um in 1934-35. and while lsliil Lunch-r thx` junior age limit. i[)l2l_V(`d with Ottawa S(\nntnx`s sen- iors in 1935-36 and 1936-37. Then vho won! in England and played hnclcoy with Strezithnm of the Brit- lish Ice Hockey League. I T?r-Inrninw in (`:innr1u Inc! sum- IISH ICC l'lUCliL`y l4L`il).',UL'. | Returning to Canada last sum- mer. Pilot, Officer Day enlisted with {hp `Royal Czmndizm Air Force. while n1. Trontnn. played for Tron- lrm Fliers senior Loam in H few 1r.:nn1(-S prim` tn the npcning of the longuc schodule. I-In (`::n`1r- an `R(`A`F` Riniinn. I I1(` (`Z|H1L` H) l1..L,.!\.[`. DIKILIUII. Camp Burden. the firs! part of Jan- uary. and immodintc-ly leaped inm prnminoncr- as :1 star centre play- ,or with 1110 Camp Borden Fliers {Imm-mvdi:m~ 0.1-LA. team. At. tho [('nn('hl.\'I0n of iho hockey season he [\\`:1>` vmvd cvniro p1u_v(,-r mi the H11- .'~zlur C5:-nrgzizm Bay group team. He \\'::.< nno ml" the lending point-gettcrs Inf tho rrrunn ..1 ....~ \\l\l Alex St(~wm'1 \'v. all Mart-h 14 hm 12.45 n.m.. 1 through :1 pl Rm-vo's stun` bvvn taken. 1` ru('0\`v1'(-d. 01 [won thrnwn at cxzlclly 1 12.45 .'|.m. an um-d 211 $5.95 I Thu Bnwlir (med abuut ` ontreun-v Ihrn had ht-on It-I" (`tics stnlon Thv smnv nip cn in tho l.i by nsmg Ii . of tho hutvl (`hll(`(`l tho :1 Chief SIC cu.~'vd dc-finit (`ROMWELL RESIGNS, vv n __,,,,n ~11 .~I.lpp Hxs Hunumz In p:as.\`in;: smm-xw--. pnintvd out that hv could nut sus- lpvnd semonco unless the (`I`twvn_l \vz`.< willimz. and the Crown did PHONE `mulnnvt givv its a.`\\`(`n1. E-RIO - Station. s ..r 1...._ (Continued lrom Page 1) something exceptionally sm`in11- and he would have stood less chanco for re-establishment. Hotels Duo For Clean-up "In view of the evidence dis- closed hero. 1 would like in slaio publicly that certain Barrio hotels are due for a clean-up", His Hon- our continued. "10 in nu nuuO'v*nrfn:\IIc Hainrr H-uni JUDGE RAPS BEER SUPPLY T0 MINORS 1!}. U. Armnul`. I the px`('.~:<`nt- d play- ed Last, Post. The southbound C.N.R. t1'uin'cnn- nectcd with an (_-;1sll.101Ind train in Toronto to Ottawa: Tuesday ovcn-| ing. ; At. Low I l)l,lI' CUIILHIUUG. It is an outrageous thing that a 17-year-old boy, starting when he was just only past 16, in n town whero he is well known, can go inln Imtcls and purchase liquor an-I not only purchase liqunr but pur- chase onnugh to make him drunk. I cnv Hun! r-r-rinin nf Ilmnun hnlnk l7llrl.\l' l'llULl).{ll Ill lllill\l' llllll llIll|ll\. I say that certain of l,l1os(- hotels are due for a clNm-up long over- due. and that {ho liquor 1aw< should be (-nfnrcod. especially wiin regard to a minor. --A...`.......uI.. ...|... .. |_.... ,....,... ... -5 uu nu u u........ "Apparently. when a buy gaps in- to :1 hntol in those days, there is no inquiry made as tn how nli he is or to anything like that. All some of these people scorn con- cerned with is to see how much liquor they can soil. and again I say musL emphatically that plum-.< such as lh(`.\'(}, who have been guilty of supplying liquor to min- ors, should pay a little muro at- tention to the law and try In live Inn in H 'll[l LU llv. Not. Altogzcthor Frbc "Nuw these people who hzivn been supplying this boy with ii- qunr are not. altngvthnr {roe rm :1 blame for the position in whirn this young man finds hims('li' tn- day. In fact. I am rather inclim-d tn think that Wh()C\ ('I` gavv him the liquor on the various n('('asi(in.< when he got drunk and omniniiic-d those uffcn(`(-s, is vqually guilty with ihv buy, but iinfnrliiiiuiuiy they are not be-fnrc mt-. I do not know who Ihvy are and I am mil in :1 position to inflict, any ponnlly." ~n:._ vy._._...... .-In..I......,.l n..\i I... 1|: u ,,u....u.. ... ......-. ., .. His Honour declared that hr- thnlI:.{l1t. Hw interests nf justix-(- would be . in a light. _4onl(-110:2 Hr in-uv'u\I:nI" L) cnnfnnnn 1.! R0 rl:u\'< V\'UlllU UL` >17! \ l'll III (I Ilglll. hl'll|\'llL L`. Ho imposed a somvncc nf 60 dny.< on vnch 0ff(`nL'('_ to date from thw time of accusc-d`s arrest on April 17. all sentences to run C()l1CLll'I`L'l1|- `qr Chief Stewart In his ovidr,-n(`('. Chit-f of l-`nlir.-v Stewart said that he had in- tho orfcni-ox, That on 14 had been (-ffect.vd ahuul by throwing :1 slum- plaic glass window in store. Three xvzitclws had been taken. two of which had lwvn l'(!(`0\ (`l`(`d. On April 7. a slunv hm! Ilimugh the window at. the saino spul nbuu 12.45 n.m. and :1 wrist. watch val- taken. Bowling Alley hurl bvm u-n~ about. 12.30 a.m._ Apr. 17. by nI~iII<'\r\ .n H1`-nun!-. .. mu:n- Annr \n|\iI'i\ L'llLf.\ .\II1ll.'ll lllllll |tllK' .\ll\lVV L'l"l.VT'. night the glass was brnk- cn Liquor sturv main do )! by using stone. The bartvndoi lward t nv crash and accused. Stewart said that the ac- definitely had admitted thr` offences. Ono watch had been re- ma\'m'(-d in pn:<.=ossirm of his bruit}- er. and anuthcr watch had been sold to M1". Bradlvy for $5. Under c:`1ss-cxqi11inatinn, _t.ht: Chivf admitted that tho accusvd had done evor_vthim.z he rnuld Ln lvad the p01iC(` in the missing \vat(:ht~.s: Tho oigamttcs wcrv roCm'(`red in a lanoway and some in his pus- let-<:inn .`L'>bl\)ll John F`. Woods. defence counsvl. stated that on two occasion: when the nt't'on('o.= were committed, thu accused was intoxicated. ' '1`-L... ;-lnl`r.uA.. .`..n.~l..n..-l dl`L'LI.\('ll V\'(I.`I IlllHI\|L'(l|\'Ll. The defonce produced ('\'id(*m'v by Harold Wardman that ho saw 'tlw accuscd undvr tho influvncv nf [liquor at tho i-nrm-r nf Dunlnp and Owen SlI`('(`l.< at 11.30 p.m.. April l. whvn hl` lnld him in 2' home. as well as good (,`h?ll Zl(`l(,`l` 0\'idonco. 'l`or(-m'c- Rivhinsnn alsn tvstifivd that he saw the a('(`\i. undo!` the inl'lu(`n(-o nf liquor a lit- llo nflvr ll p.m. Szilurclay. tho nigln of tho st-cund f)ff(`l)(`L`. Cuunsc-l';< Ad(l!`('S5`. In bvhnlf of tho 'I(.`(`llF'.`d. Mr, Wri()(lS told tho (`(llll'l that ML`~ Clll('hI`UIl was 17 y(:ai's uld_ an iii- lolligvm buy. whn \,\'.'i.< living Ill ]Bari'i<- wilh his fmnily. Ht` said illu-re` was 21 job -upon for him in :1 slnlinn tlw midrllv of May Ho was \'(~r_v liiglily X'(`f.{? by in l:irm- nunnlmr in N11 nnIv\n1nn_ f [XL LIUW l \I{I|LlI.I\: `-` Although .'nu1.lmrilics slnlt-(I that the causc of tho c'r:x.~:h vvus nb.<('uI'('. it is lll1dL`l`$l()(Id lhv machine crush- ed'inl0 small l,l (`('.\' from 21 lnw ul- itude shnrlly ufit-r taking off frcnn 5. runway nl` Cmnp Burd(.-n. /\ n'\I lII_\ lltlll "||l'l (`Kl Ill`! Bl ! \'|L`l'.\ II svntonco worv . Ho puimvd nut that tho acvu.<-d boy was deeply under lhv influvncv nl liquor on vach If those nights; hr had bovn prmw Lu drink since last S(~pt(`n1hcX'. "Did he got this bovr in Barrie hutol.<'.' inlvrruptod His Hmmur. "I h(`Ii(`\'t` h` did". rrxunspl said` Thai i5 :1 )1'l`t`at (`(umm:nt:1rv mm` |...o..I " v....I..,_ rm. AV||. VV\ll'llP \.l'\ Id|('U lllil| [l(' KN" lir`vt`d the s of the hu_v's trun- hlo was drinking tun much. and lw land hr could not stress this mu .~trungL\'. Ho asked that . be suspended and restitution madv. Crown Attorney In Tt`p1,\'. Crown AHm'ne`y Ham- vnnnrl rim-Inn-nu-I kn nnnlrl v|:\I -\ .n-. ..y At mnnd dvvlared he cut that smmtvlxco shuuld l` Rc`stItut.im had hem: fv)Yhnr um! I... Clan kn. nu n(.u). \l\VV\u r\I\I.IIIlt')' [INHI- could not agn-4` be susprnde-d mado by up- fathor. not by the boy, Ho puintc-d nut (hm. the rocks nsod hnrl hmm I Juul. J.:.nu - through e 11 left unl nl nu l`(\v\\ suds declarvd that hv bo- - lrinking nun].-I nut 90...... n.... on. uugn a nun In H unlocked. :1 from the st ght \ .iqum' n ] tiw C ~ R . r AA to find : 1 The Ba One Cl 9'10` \'l'll|IllK'lllIll _V \H| Judge` Cnchraxw IKILI UUKII 1'. 1' door v\ .1. and (` ` show muae Snuruy auwr unmny, nu LL.nn court. nf.in([uiry was ('ur1vL-rwcl im- mediately .-um-1` thv ;:c(:id(-nt. "J-In `urnq nnn Hf H'n- mus! l)l`. .l1l'- nu i1lllL'll - Barrie 1 e cent a I. \r_\ ` whivh I (`i5:2:|`- .17 PFIQF` licles ` \ liv- 'lES Hlsl * Exam- 1.!-lord ` Inst u-nu- County Road Awards For Culverts, Gravel ` To Lowest Bidders Simcoe County, Road Committee met at the Court House here yes- erday to consider teners for'con- tract work on the County Rodd System during the current`_yea_r. In each case,` the lowest tenderer received the con'tract.. N. H. Gnrbutt. Brampton. was awarded the contracts for construc- tion of two concrete culverts two miles west of Thornton, and for :1 concrete box culvert four-and-half ' miles east of Thornton. Other bid- ders were Reg. Blythe. Toronto: Keystone Contractors Limited. ' Windsor; Pratt and Bennett, To- ronto. r`t\r\`> 1'4.-.ne-0-unnn (`n {A1I.n|~a (2 Cook Construction Co. (Allan C. Cook_ 18 Wellington St.. E., Barrim was awarded twelve contracis fm` crushing and hauling gravel for the County Road System for 1940. a total approximate cubic ym`dn*,!" of 26,500. Other `Lcnderers wore Bert Dc-acnn. Honcywnnd: -nd Sandy Contracting and Machinery Co., Gndcrich. ._._./.\_._.T. `Vii, , ARGENTINE WHEAT AND FLAX 1 .` . ___, _ A, . Inln llnlwuunwnnnu vvnnuxnn 41;:-n -.4...- Dcereases in Argeniine i940 wheat and flax crops from the firsl estimate are shown in the secuml nfficial estimate. wheat. being pin- eecl at ll8.0l9.000 bushels, 21 de- crease of 28,954,000 bushels, and the flax ernp at 44,368,000 lmslwls. '74 decrease of 4.842.000 bushels. The reduelinn in the volume of whvnl is attributed principally to the ab- andonment nf much stnckeri when! in the nnrtlmrn cereal 7.nn<~s bl" cause of (:0nl.inuerl low prices. ll is anticipated lhal more will be (mim- doned because its low qualiiy may make it. unpmfital)le to thrush. ._.____./;,..__. medlnlcly EIl1('l` mo }IC(!l(ll`}ll. i `(He `was (mo of thv mns`_1 p|.'.n1`~ isiilg pupils in his clu.-:5." an nfl'i(-vrl sLa1,0cl.. ` _ 1 5' He was mw M the finvst f(`Hn`.".%{ at Camp Bm'(lvn", the Chaplain nnirl ._.____.Q _. Readers of The Barrie Examiner get ALL the news for Barrie and District. $2.00 and worth more. EXPLODED AG .-f_"fH . .. gwhen former extra-priced gas buyefs -+--1 L voted byabig majority that 5% `T VULCU. U] (I Ulg ll.I.(lJU1.I.l] ulal. U-BLUE SUNOCO GIVES U WHAT WE WANT MOS'l` SEl.I.S_ n1' ngcun csj pm: M ;: _. .~ nu: Imnnm i:xAMINmt, hluutm, ON'l`.. CANADA 3 IN A GASOLINE Ell. L, said. ..._---T- .;..__ AGRICULTURE R FEDERATION ` . TO HOLD RALLY; (Continued frommaae one) It is hoped that. as :1 rt-.~:ull :1` meetings and s1.uriy';:r hold in many Simeon cmmmmim-.<. clnrin;1 the past 1.hl`(`v mnmhs, H10 bu:-k concession fzn`nwr will lake :1 Imm- intelligent. iniowst, in lh(- I~`vrlm'n-- lion pm;.,r11:11n. rm... r~|...:....~`... ..r`H.n 'I`I\...-.~.l..u uuu Fuuh..- u. The Chairman nl"lIm 'l`hm'.<:l'w meeting was Stcwm`l.P.'ay.;g Burriv. He stated ihnl, June 8 was musin- c-rod a sali.~ f.'1vtnry rlulo lu-czm.-' farmers would have I'ini.~'h(-rl ,~'m'(|~ iml. Ho . i tho impnr(:m(-v ml each of the ninoly (liw-xlssi rn gzrnups talking up 111:` .lu_n:~ rally in Hmir cmnmunilivs. Svvurnl Cnmmillmxc \\'('l'l', up- pninlnd in vnn1plv!.(- nrr:m;,-n-um-n1:' for Dllhli(`il_V, lunch. and 4-nlvrluiw mvnt fonlurv.<. /\lun;,; wilh Hu- honvivr part uf 1.h\ prn;:r:nn. :~'ll('II as spo(~('I1u.s' and rt-ports, tin-1'u will ho prnvidorl skits and fun, Tho prcvgrznm |)I`Iv\'i(ll`.\' I`:-1' `h.- l'nlluwin;,r ft-nlurvs: R1']mI`15: un lin- prn;_{|'(-xs of mu I-`-zit-r:n1im1 nmw mom. within and without Sinu-xw County; Dl`()jL`('1S fun` 1940; Jlppnill 1110111 01' st;1ndin;: tmnxnillt-c--2: l'lt'('~ lion of nffic-1~r.\': nflt-rmmn ])|ug|"Im nf speakers and onla-rluinmvnt 'l'h- Chairmnn is In lw Ix . N. M. Mm'ri - um. ;.x.\..a ..r 1:... SUI}. I'lU\ l.\I(lll|lI l'l|`hlIl\'ll| Sim('u(- Ft-rlv1`;:1i:m. 'l'wa-Ir nf 1`ur.'1I :11`:- lo pnr1i(-iputo in lhv .'1('l.i\ i It was d(*(?idl`d in lznko . in acquaint, mmnlx-rs of 1h(- (`minty Council with thv .~;('n]u' and plll'~ poses of mo Ftsdr-r::1in11. I mink that our County Cmmvil uu;,'h1 In be butler infurmt-(I ulnlu; llamas` J ANTI-KNOCK / POWER / MILEAGE / PICKUP J ALI. AROUND PERFORMANCE XVKIHII` If H}:- ly)nv.~ In-I-lull " IIHUI \}lH(.'('l' Illly HIS UHIII ll| Ottawa. .1 SUI] nf C:npl;1in R. R. buy, 70 RUS('m('l`(.' Av<~.. ()1t,uw:n.` (nd was r-(Iuc;:i,(-rl in thul cny. In #: |hl.\ Illl I|l|Ill hnuklu-1 .'ll| 11> by Cmn.'Irii:m |\':l.\| wlulrn umnu u rich n:mu'u| l`l`>'U|ll`('(` has an uHr:wliw- :11 i1s:.wn_ l... I` .l1-nu In-|\I\x'_ TIM`) M/\Gl(1 MINICILAI. knmvn {rum nnmvm mm-.~: :1 . ~- mu lnr~.~`." cit`-clzm-d I` in Simpsnn. Dc- mly R("v(- nf 'l`in_V. Fresh as the Morning! ` V `I1R(V'I'T1l`l1'I"l'| (VTNTTIT 'l`I`ll\II\\T ./.\l Sizes 14 to 20; 38 to 44 They're very flattering these Spun Rayon Frocks, every one a copy of a much higher priced New York Model. They're colourful in their new attractive Prints. Look at the Smart Youthful Styles "Some have Cash-and-Carry Pockets" Examine the careful workmanship Then buy several for now and early summer wear FROCKS ` 1 _99 WASHABLE SPUN RAYON -.-.u...w... '11: mm-5 as thu- -Munvillv Cum- 1 11 p>s. lh-` ul` all (`.un:u!:n'.s'[' xv. :.-3~'|)(:S1n:a' huw l ml infurmniivv " .h|. puhlism-rl VVIIJI |lII"Il|ll-I|'-V. _- just whvn you Hnink you um rid fnf om,-., mml-,hr-r amps up to take iL:4 plrwo and pruhmg your 1nis(\r_v. All n...1......:.... -.n.`l mmH'u-imr vnn